Wow. This just gave me the chills. How incredible is it that all those people are giving out free food and drinks to everyone? The people there are incredibly kind and generous. ❤️
Thanks you very much to showing one of the biggest islamic events in Iraq 🇮🇶 . Welcome always from any country in the world . We love any country in world and wish to visit us anytime ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@ابومكائيل لا انتم لا تتبعون وصية النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم هل تعرف بمنى اوصى لقد اوصى بالقران واهل البيت ولم يقول اتبعوا ابو بكر وعمر وعثمان بل قال اتبعوا محمد وآل محمد
@@sajjad__alking6884 شوف صديقي لا اوريد ان ادخل معك في جدال ديني والحمدالله نحن نتعايش سواء مع سني او اباضي سواء عربي او امازيغ كلنا مسلمين نتبع القران الكريم وسنة الرسول صل الله عليه وسلم
@@ابومكائيل لا الذي لا يتبع كلام النبي ليس مسلم النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم في حجة الوداع اوصى وقال اني تارك فيكم الثقلين كتاب الله حبل ممدود من السماء الى الارض وعترتي اهل بيتي ما ان تمسكتم بهما لن تضلوا بعدي ابدا وانهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا عليه الحوض وانتم تركتوا الخلفاء الي اوصوا بهم النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم واتبعتوا ابو بكر الزنديق وعمر وعثمان ومعاوية. لعنة الله عليهم
Thank you brother for showing one of the largest islamic events in the world, which unfortunately gets ignored by the mainstream media each year. Thank you for not listening to sectarian voices, but rather uniting all muslims with your approach. May Allah grant you the best for your religion and worldly life
If someone still wondering why Jay said :Iraqi food is the best in the world! And why there is still a life going in Iraq 🇮🇶 after wars! It’s all because Imam Hussein blessings 🤲🏻
Love to our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, your comment is very much appreciated. btw, a Pakistani brother is sending trees to Iraq, to be planted along the road between Najaf and Karbala, thank you!
I am Muslim by birth and this is the first time that I hear about this painful event which is the tragic death of the grandson of the prophet محمد صل الله عليه و آله و سلم thank you for sharing and I thank Allah that he has done and that you are part of our large community peace from Algeria
تم قتل الحسين بن علي حفيد النبي محمد بطريقة بشعة وحقيرة من قبل جيش يزيد بن معاوية قد تم قطع رأسه الشريف 😭وسحق جسده الطاهر بالخيول ودار رأسه بالاوطان كان شيء مؤلم نكرار الألم حبا لحسين 😭
@@MrAli-yo4hh و لك الشكر نحن من سلالة الحسن عليه السلام احفادو الذين هربوا و لجؤا إلى اقصى المغرب العربي اين لقوا الامازيغ (السكان الأصليين )الذين حافظوا علينا و سيدونا لنا شجرتنا التي تعود إلى جدي علي كرم الله وجهه في الجزائر يوجد كثير من احفاد سيدنا الحسين و الحسن وشهداء الثورة الجزائرية اغلبهم اذا ما قلت 90% من السلالة الشريفة لا يحبون الظلم و زاهدين الدنيا لذا يسمون الجزائر قبلة الثوار ياريت اجي إلى العراق ❤
People of Iraq left me speechless for the generousity and kindness...they really love Imam Hussain(pbuh) Greetings and many thanks from Iran to my Iraqi sisters and brothers
Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him, said: “I did not go out to be evil, arrogant, unjust or corrupt, but I went out to seek reform in the nation of my grandfather to enjoin good and forbid evil.”
إدعوا لإهل العراق وسوريا ولبنان واليمن المسلمين السنة إن يخلصهم الله من أحزاب وميليشيات إيران 👇 تعريف دين الشيعة 👈 كانت السفارة البريطانية بطهران هي من تدفع تكاليف يوم عاشوراء حتى مطلع الثمانينات.. والآن : تدفعها إسر____ائيل وعائدات الخمس من تجارات أتباعهم الشيعة ومن النهب من أموال ونفط المناطق العربية المحتلة...👇 فهذا هو الإسلام المطلوب غربياً 🚱دين يكذِّب جميع أحاديث السنة المطهرة ...!! 🚱دين يتهم زوجة النبي في عرضها..!! 🚱دين يلعن جميع صحابة النبي..!! 🚱دين يشكك في صحة القرآن..!! 🚱دين يسلم عقله لرجل دخل في السرداب قبل 1200 سنة..!! 🚱دين المساجد فيه شبه مهجورة...!! 🚱دين له هدف واحد تفكيك بلاد المسلمين وتدميرها ليسهل للفرس إحتلالها..!! 🚱دين يعتقد أن المهدي سيقتل تسعة أعشار (90%) من العرب..!! 🚱دين تشتغل فيه فرق الموت أكثر من فرق الإغاثة...!! 🚱دين يطلب منك إراقة دم ولدك الرضيع بكاءاً على رجل مات قبل 1400 ( حسين ) وهم الذين قتلوه ...!! 🚱دين يقتل المسلمين بالجملة بحثاً عن قتلة الحسين....!! 🚱دين يجبرك أن تدفع 20% من دخلك (الخمس) لمن لا يستحق لأسيادهم أصحاب العمائم...!! 🚱دين يتعامل مع المسلمين باعتبارهم خدم وعبيد عند من يسموا أنفسهم آل البيت ....!! 🚱دين يبيح لك ممارسة الج______نس مع من شئت ومتى شئت باسم الم___تعة... ( الز____نى ) 🚱دين يطلب منك تسليم عقلك وإرادتك وقرارات دولتك لرجل يقول هو نائب عن شخص مات قبل 1200 سنة....!! (المهدي) 🚱دين يهن العقل وهو يطلب منك جلد نفسك على رجل لا تعرفه....!! 🚱دين يتعامل مع المرأة باعتبارها شريكة الفراش وليست شريكة القرار....!! 🚱دين يجيز الكذب والخيانة ليل نهار باسم التقية...!! 🚱دين يشكك حتى في نبوة نبيك.. ويقول علي أحق بها...!!! 🚱دين ينخر جوهر الإسلام من الداخل ينكر السنة المطهَّرة ويحرف القرآن الكريم ويكفِّر الصحابة الكرام وثلاثة من زوجات النبي السيدة عائشة والسيدة حافصة والسيدة رملة ام حبيبه أخت سيدنا معاوية رضي اللَّه عنهم أجمعين . [ ينهبون الأموال بإسم الخمس.. ويحللون الز__نى بإسم المتعة.. ويقتلون المسلمين بإسم الإنتقام للحسين.. ويدمرون الدول العربية والإسلامية ويحتلونها وينهبون ثرواتها بإسم الولاية ... وهذا مايريدونه ملالي إيران لإستعادة الإمبراطورية الفارسية عبر عبيدهم وحميرهم شيعة العرب ... ]
What most foreigners are missing out is the reason behind this generosity and kindness, you have to realize it's out of pure love and longing for Imam Hussain alayhi salam. How can we not love someone who sacrificed everything for truth and righteousness. How can we not die for someone who died for us to see and learn what it means to be human. May Allah grant us a visit to my beloved Imam Hussain (as) Just another lover and supporter of Ahlulbait from Algeria.
😢😢😢ya Ali a.s. Ya Husain al ghareeb 😢😢😢😢 absoluteiy right.. these heavenly people (alhlulbaith) came down to earth to show us how to live life they showed us the meaning and the reason of existance of every creation of God. And this shall not be left behind because all this humanity morality and generocity is only Due to them. Ya shaheed e karbala Ya aseerane karbala you all faced and bore so much of pain for the entire human race and humanity. As salamo alaika Ya shohadaye karbala as salam.😢😢
I am Christian from Belgium, and I must really say... that These part of the People looking very kindly and lovefull, they are one hand,one Team, one group,no differences they are really near to us . Greetings from Genk/Belgium
Iraq is a great country and it has the first civilization, but the media present it in an inappropriate way. Thank you for showing the beautiful and real side in Iraq. Greetings to you from the people of Diwaniyah
Thank you for taking us with you through this incredible journey, Jay. I have not yet been blessed with such an experience but this video made me feel as if I was there, walking with the pilgrims. Thank you again!
All love for you, Jay. You have shown the true picture of Iraq. We are Hussein's servants, we are the people of Iraq. What you have seen is very little about our love for people and about our generosity, manhood and courage We are proud of you and we receive you with love whenever you come. We call on the whole world to read about who Hussein is and what his mission is, and to come Ziya to him. We love you.
@@mohuss1804 no one is asking you to worship imam husayn idiot. edit: to anyone confused by this dumb Mo Huss guy trying to cause fitna NO SHIA WORSHIPS IMAM HUSSAIN. IF YOU NOTICE WE CALL HIM IMAM NOT GOD. PLEASE LOOK IN EVERY SHIA BOOK AND ASK ANY SHIA SCHOLAR RATHER THAN CONSULTING YOUR WAHHABI SOURCES. btw the ironic thing is the quran states you are supposed to always think the best of others and not immediately jump to shirk or kufr everytime you misunderstand something. The comment below is saying we are all worshippers of God and so is Hussain (which means we and Hussain are both worshippers of God) the person writing was not fluent in english so calm your wahhabiness. For gods sake the comment also said he is disobedient but if course you took no issue with this contradiction, you are just iching to call us all kafir. which is sad because what you are doing only benefits america and israel who want sunnis and shias to fight eachother while they destroy us both.
Just reached Pakistan after completing Arbaeen Pilgrimage and through this comment i would like to thank my Iraqi brothers for their unconditional generosity and the Khidma which they do in the name of Imam Hussain(as). Thank you very much. Labbaik Ya Hussain(as)
I am from Pakistan, I have been there 3 times, consecutively in 2016-17 and 2018... But this year couldn't attend this spiritual walk due to COVID restrictions. But you are so lucky that you joint this walk full of love and affection. May God bless you brother... Lots of love from Parachinar, Pakistan ❤️
Do you know how amazed I was by your words, you accomplished the description. You really have a wonderful person. Thank you. I'm from Iraq 🙇 You can talk to me if you feel lonely 😢😔
Words can’t even explain it but I don’t know how to not be teary-eyed watching us. It is beautiful in a world that is crumbling was corruption, the sparkle in your eyes at all. Congratulations for experiencing this amazing journey that I feel it is a journey and a walk for justice. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this with us it’s beautiful
I was there in 2012 and feel so ashamed that I haven't been able to go back ever since. InshaAllah, my husband and I will visit soon. I remember the hospitality and always mention this to my family and friends. I should also mention that the hospitality I have received whilst visiting Iran was also out of this world. Thank you.
@@Earth-is-beautiful You will truly feel it with Muwahideen who stay away from exaggeration and Shirk. You need to question the concept of your 12th imam. Your Mahdi isn’t proven by any historical evidence, Hadith or reports. Don’t you think about this? Don’t you think that’s embarrassing since it’s a core belief? Please for the sake of Allah be sincere and watch this: This video is a back breaker for the Shi’a. It’s not possible to prove their mahdi through isnaad (isnaad is the same way the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah was conveyed to us). This channel makes things clear in an entertaining way.
You did it man !!! Iasked you 2 days ago to go ...and you did itttttttt ,I love you man,I am from Najaf,lives in USA ,last time I was in Najaf in 2015 I miss home,you make me cry 😢
Last year my fathers funeral was on first of Muhrarram,we took him back to Pakistan for his burial from England.We couldn't find peace anywhere after such a great loss .So we decided to take a journey to Iraq for zyarat.we arrived 12 days before Arbaeen.The atmosphere,the reminder of what happened to imam Hussain,the hospitality of Iraqi ppl all helped us forget our pain and suffering.InshaAllah we plan to visit this Arbaeen too.
I loved it! This journey is more meaningful to me now than ever. Thanks for sharing your experience with the world. Let people see the true side of Muslims all around the world. ❤
@@sajjad__alking6884 على خليفه وكذلك عثمان وأبي بكر ولولا عمر إبن الخطاب لكنت تعبد نار من أمر المجوس وكسرى فحمد ربك على نعمه صحابه النبي وأل بيته جميعا ولا تجعل الفضل منحصر في بيت واحد بل لكل المؤمنين مهاجرين وأنصار .
The most wonderful moment you can live after a tiring walk and days It is when you see the dome of Imam Hussein from afar You feel immersed in every detail of your body Where you feel all the feelings And the chills begin to increase the closer you get to the shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him
@@مرادعلمدار-ص9ن اي فعلا عندك كلاوات بانك ما تشعر بعظمة هذا الامام ولن تشعر لانك فاقد الايمان لو عرفت وتيقنت ان هذا الامام قدم رقبتة ورقاب عيالة بمقابل ان لا يضيع دين الحق دين الله وقبل ان يرى بعينة مصرع الرضيع عطشانا ومصرع ابنة الاكبر قطعوة اربا اربا ومصرع ابن اخية ومصرع اخية وعضدة الامام العباس و ترك اختة والاطفال تحت رحمة قوم انت من نسلهم لو استشعرت ذلك لم تجرؤ على النطق بكلمة كلاوات الله غالب
Wow seeing this generosity of the Iraqis abd the fact that they do it yearly despite all their limitations it's just mind blowing , it really softens my heart seeing all this love . Sth that we really should see it all over the world.
human nature is such that pain of loss dies, however with hussain it’s revolutionary. such that millions will sacrifice their lives for the people that love hussain. I don’t know what people would do if Hussain was here. maybe the famous lines would manifest “even if we were killed and cut into a 1000 pieces and brought back to life we will still sacrifice our lives for our master Hussain (a.s). absolutely phenomenal
Thank you, Jay for conveying the largest religious human gathering in the world the Arbaeen visit. Thank you for conveying the beautiful picture of Iraq♥️
This is amazing, legit tears of my eyes this is beautiful, thank you so much for being there, you’re amazing! My whole family is praying for you Jay! You deserve the world. ❤️
I sincerely congratulate you for delivering people from the people of Iraq, although I am not Iraqi, but I feel that you are part of me. May God protect Iraq and its people 🤲❤️
@@ahmeda2688 😂😂😂😂😂 ابن جهاد النكاح يتكلم شوف دينك شوف ربك في كتبكم نبيكم غير معصوم ويبول واقف ويهجر بالقول وينسى آيات القرآن ويريد الانتحار وفي كتبكم ربكم لديه ساق وقدم وكلتا يديه يمين ولديه وجه ويضحك ولديه أصابع اي دين هذا دين القتل والإرهاب لا تتدخل في بقية الاديان لان دينكم هو افشل دين تفجرون في الناس تذبحون وبعدها تقولون الدين رحمة وتسامح
@@ahmeda2688 انت لازم تفيق مالازم تتدخل بعقيدتنا ولا تنبح وتتكلهم هيج الله يحاسبنه اذا كنه على الطرق الخطأ مو انت قال الأمام جعفر الصادق عليه السلام (( الحمد لله الذي جعل اعدائنا من الحمقى)) وانت واحد من هلحمقى
@@ahmeda2688😂😂😂😂 شبيك بابا على كيفك وليدي شهالعصبيّة مو زين على أعصابك إهدأ إهدأ ميصير هيچ أخذ حبّاية تحت اللسان و ليمون أخذ يمعوّد شبيك هيچي ضايج من الشيعة مهما كانوا بالتالي همة مكون إسلامي غصباً ما على خشتك تحترمه ليش لأنه هذا مذهب محمد وآل محمد مذهب أعظم خلق الله و بغض النظر عن كل شي همة جزء من بلدك و جزء من العرب و مكوّن إسلامي فواجبك تحترمهم و إذا متحترمهم هذا يعني أنك لستَ شخصاً محترماً و القتلة و الفُجّار و المجرمين و السيئين أكيد ميمثلون مذهب كامل أو مجتمعات بأكملها أو بلدان أو أي مجموعة مُعينة أو مُحددة حتى.. ماكو هيچي خريط و كل المذاهب و المجتمعات بيها أشخاص سيئين و أشخاص جيدين و أكيد السيء ما يمثل المذهب اللي ينتمي إله وما يمثل البلد اللي إنولد بيه ولا يمثل أي مجموعة ولا يمثل أي شخص…… يمثل نفسه فقط. إفتهمت لو لا باباتي؟ فهاية السوالف بعد لتعيدها هاية سوالف غيث التميمي و بعض السياسيين و اللي يرشحون بالإنتخابات و يردون يصعدون براس الإزواج و أخير شي أريد أگُلّك إيّاه بعد لا تتدخل بعقائد الوادم كُل مَن و عقيدته و دينه ما إلك دخل بخلق الله إذا تريد تعامل الشخص فعامله بحسب أخلاقه معليك بعقيدته و شيحب و شيكره و شنو هي طريقة صلاته و شيعبد و يصلي لو لا معليك بهاية الأمور هاية الأمور هي أمور خاصّة بين الرب و عبده. عامل الشخص بحسب أخلاقه فقط👍🏻🙃🙂
wow that was incredible, you were so blessed to undertake this journey. I really felt how your heart was feeling and really appreciate you kindness and openness. you are so amazing.
The mainstream media doesnt show the level of generosity shown by iraqi ppl ,serving free everything (food,drinks,medicine u name it) in the name of aba abdillahil hussain a.s place in the world is like arbaen where millions n millions of ppl walk peacefully helping and serving each other!!❤️💕
@@alisadq9185 Yes, and more than that, I visit Imam Hussain every year and every time I marvel at the great generosity, generosity, love, physical and psychological comfort, all for the sake of Hussain, peace be upon him. وسلام
I love your videos, Iraq is an incredible country, Greetings from Mexico, the Aztec country, and I hope our Iraqi brothers are very well, we love you very much!
Yes, gentlemen, this is the great Iraq and the land of good deeds. Yes, we celebrate the rituals of the Arbaeen, and we remember Mrs. Zainab. How many words of thanks for you, and the word of creativity in this video.
Lady Zainab said “On God, they will never erase our memory” and look after all these long years we’re still remembering them! Thank you so much for sharing your experience there, it was overwhelming and heart warming that I actually cried ❤️❤️❤️
You are a more than wonderful person. You deserve a billion views. We, as Iraqis, are proud of you because you showed the world the cause of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, which broadcasts love and respect.
IMAM HUSSAIN WAS VICTORIOUS THROUGH HIS TIMELESS LEGACY. After his death, Hussain’s family were taken captive. His sister, Zainab, took up the role of leadership and gave an inspiring speech in Yazid’s palace, condemning his actions and his style of leadership. Zainab was one of the first to be inspired by Hussain’s stand and his principles. Despite the sexism that existed in society at the time, she refused to be silent and held Yazid and his ministers to account for their role in the moral decay of society. Hussain’s example is that one man can stand against an army, and in giving his life inspire those after him to overthrow the abusive Umayyad dynasty. Just as those who lived in the 7th century were inspired by Hussain’s stand, so are the millions today who pay homage to Hussain for his stand and mourn his death. People from all around the world visit the grave of Hussain in Karbala to pay their respects
This brought me tears. Thank you so very deeply from the bottom of my heart Jay. ❤️ you have portrayed our Iraqi people and imam alHussain and the love so beautifully welldone i salute you and may allah give you and your parents the best castle in haven. Please continue doing what you do we all love you and your efforts Jay
Absolute love!! Would love to see a second part of this! It would be awesome if you can also cover exactly why people walk to Karbala in Arba’een through a historical context. Arba’een is the day when the family of Imam Husain (women, because all men including his companions were martyred in Ashura except his son Imam Zainulabideen (as) who was ill that day) were back to Karbala after a long journey from Koufa and Sham (Damascus today). It is the day where the first visit to the grave of Imam Husain was made. Which is why people around the world walk to Karbala in Arba’een just like how his family did. It is a way of showing love to Imam Husain (as) and a way for showing sadness for his tragedy. Again, absolutely love this video! Makes me even look to Arba’een from a different angle. Thank you so much for sharing this and spreading the voice of Imam Husain and the kindness of Iraqi people!
I don't know what to say, this was an incredible video. Thank you for posting this and sharing it with us, I was crying from the first minute until the last second, it was very warm, lovely and kind it meant a lot especially as an Iraqi who have migrated from their country... Thank you, and wish you all the best!
Honestly, I visited Iraq once in my life, but when I watched your videos & stories with Doug on UA-cam and Insta... I loved Iraq so much and really wish to visit Baghdad and other provinces ❤️✨ يا اخي عقلك وييين وين عقلك لا يترسون افكاركم بالحقد على الشيعه احنه الشيعه الله ربنه محمد نبينا القران كتابنه السلام دينه الكعبه قبلتنه لكن الحسين هوه حفيد الرسول اراد ان ينشر رساله جده رسول الله وقتله يزيد الكافر ومعويه الكافر مات مضلوم وشهيد هوه سيد شباب اهل الجنه
@@mohammehusseinyahya8093 ما الفرق بين السنه والشيعه؟ وفكوك من الفتنه التي قتل فيها عثمان والحسين لان هذا في الماضي كما تعلم بعد الموت هل تهمك الدنيا هل سوف يهمك ابن عمك الذي سرقك اكيد مفيش حد بيفكر في الدنيا كلها بعد الموت
I will just explain to you one thing, and that is our goal in this march, quite simply. We are here to commemorate the tragedy of Karbala and to show the whole world Hussain a message of love, safety and affection. Simply put, it is the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor.
Incredible. The beauty of Najaf/Karbala is people leave behind all the materialistic things of the world and come to mourn at the shrines of Ahlebayt. The selfless locals and visitors join to service other people on their journey. Thanks for sharing your experience in Karbala. Its amazing. ❤
Such an amazing video Jay. You captured the essence of sheer rewarding journey of al mawakib. It's thrilling, compelling and the hospitality is absolutely beyond belief. Too bad when I was living in Iraq, Sadam Hussein's regime prohibited us from such religious activities.
Sadam’s regime prohibited something the prophet and his family never did. You need to question the concept of your 12th imam. Your Mahdi isn’t proven by any historical evidence, Hadith or reports. Don’t you think about this? Don’t you think that’s embarrassing since it’s a core belief? Please for the sake of Allah be sincere and watch this: This video is a back breaker for the Shi’a. It’s not possible to prove their mahdi through isnaad (isnaad is the same way the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah was conveyed to us). This channel makes things clear in an entertaining way.
Al-Hussein’s revolution is a revolution against oppression and obedience, a revolution that carries all the human meanings, the first of which is love, peace, freedom and
Mashallah Brother Mashallah , You are Lucky because Imam (a.s.) invited you and make you to come and visit his holiness shrine. People like me want this from their entire life but it didn't happen until yet, we are waiting for his call desperately but hopefully. Please say aur SALAM to him and Pray for us also . Labbaik Ya Husain a.s.
Alhamdulillah, this year I succeeded in walking from Najaf to Karbala, and I gifted my steps to everyone who could not come to Karbala. Inshallah, you will come to Karbala in the coming years🤲
part two coming soon, arriving in KARBALA! :)
This is Islam of Prophet Muhammad and his Successor Hazrat Ali. 😎
Everyone should visit Iraq during Arabeen once in their Lifetime.
Gillar du Irak 🤷
من سورية تحية للشعب العراقي
السلام عليك يا ابا عبد الله
السلام عليك يا ابا الفضل العباس
اخوكم محمد من سورية
❤❤ تحياتي ❤❤
من عراق 😊😊
سوريا مايقولون سورية😂😂
um abraço irmão Sírio do Brasil.
Wow. This just gave me the chills. How incredible is it that all those people are giving out free food and drinks to everyone? The people there are incredibly kind and generous. ❤️
Welcome forever in Iraq ❤️❤️
Thanks you very much to showing one of the biggest islamic events in Iraq 🇮🇶 . Welcome always from any country in the world . We love any country in world and wish to visit us anytime ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
{إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ الْمُحْصَنَاتِ الْغَافِلَاتِ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ لُعِنُوا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ}
أي خاله احنا طيبين جدا طالعين على مولانا علي بن ابي طالب
@@لبيكياعلي-ب7ن اللهم امين
منو من العراق هنا 👌🇮🇶❤😍
هههههه كل الموجودين من العراق 🤣🤣🤣🤣 بس يطلعون ابداعاتهم بالانكليزي
@@امي-ق5خ 😂😂غلسي فضحتينه😂
@@hanoonaalshamarya2174 صدوك
كلنا موجودين بس رطل كله انكليزي
اقسم بالله قشعريرة لاتنوصف مع دموع لا اراديا الحسين اعضم رجل بتاريخ الاسلام
اهل البيت كلهم عظماء سلام الله عليهم وعل نبي محمد
رغم اني تركت الاسلام ولكني لازلت احب الحسين
@@Hkdxcv 🥲الحسين قتل من اجل الاسلام الحقيقي ,انت اذا كرهت الاسلام المزيف لكن تستطيع ان ترجع للاسلام الحقيقي من محمد واهل بيته الاطهار
@@Hkdxcvترا تندمين، ارجعي إلى طريق الصح لا تخلين شريف جابر يأثر على عقلج.
@@Hkdxcvارجعي للاسلام
اياً كانت ديانتك وايا كانت جنسيتك العراق يرحب بك مادمت داخل العراق فأنت في أمان 🇮🇶
تحياتي لي الشعب العراقي من امازيغ ⵣ ليبيا
اسال الله لكم الهداية والالتحاق بركب محمد وآل محمد عليهم الصلاة والسلام
@@sajjad__alking6884 تنميرث او شكرا بيا العربيه ونحمد الله نحن مسلمين 🤔
@@ابومكائيل لا انتم لا تتبعون وصية النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم
هل تعرف بمنى اوصى لقد اوصى بالقران واهل البيت ولم يقول اتبعوا ابو بكر وعمر وعثمان بل قال اتبعوا محمد وآل محمد
@@sajjad__alking6884 شوف صديقي لا اوريد ان ادخل معك في جدال ديني والحمدالله نحن نتعايش سواء مع سني او اباضي سواء عربي او امازيغ كلنا مسلمين نتبع القران الكريم وسنة الرسول صل الله عليه وسلم
@@ابومكائيل لا الذي لا يتبع كلام النبي ليس مسلم
النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم في حجة الوداع اوصى وقال اني تارك فيكم الثقلين كتاب الله حبل ممدود من السماء الى الارض وعترتي اهل بيتي ما ان تمسكتم بهما لن تضلوا بعدي ابدا وانهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا عليه الحوض
وانتم تركتوا الخلفاء الي اوصوا بهم النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم واتبعتوا ابو بكر الزنديق وعمر وعثمان ومعاوية. لعنة الله عليهم
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد بس سؤال هذا الشاب الاجنبي مسلم
@@nooralhussein2649 ي
@@nooralhussein2649 ولله احنا نفسك
@@zaynbhussain9094 مفهمت شنو قصدك يعني متعرف هذا الشاب مسلم مو
@@nooralhussein2649 لا مو مسلم
私は日本から来ました、イラクはとても美しい場所です、食べ物も飲み物もすべてが大好きです、そしてイラクは怖いと言う人たちを受け入れます。とても親切で愛情深い人々。 ❤❤🇯🇵🇮🇶
شكرا على رد اللطيف
العراقيون يعشقون اليابان وأنا منهم أتمنى ان ازور اليابان في يوم ما
افتخر بكوني عرقيه 🇮🇶🇮🇶
Thank you for making this beautiful video my brother❤from iran🇮🇷❤
@@mohamadho3ainramezanian338 ❤❤❤🇮🇶
أجواء ولا أجمل طيبة العراقيين معروفة شكرا شعب الإمام الحسين 🇱🇧❤️🇮🇶
كل الهلا بيكم هذا واجبنا 🤍✨
@@curse9035 🌹
الله احلى شيء اسمعه بحياتي شعب الامام الحسين عليه السلام 🥹♥️
ما يرد عليج صارله سنه من كاتب التعليق 😂 شيعي مر من هنا @@j_uma17
I am from Iraq and we are honored by your presence and the presence of all from outside Iraq. Welcome
Thank you brother for showing one of the largest islamic events in the world, which unfortunately gets ignored by the mainstream media each year. Thank you for not listening to sectarian voices, but rather uniting all muslims with your approach. May Allah grant you the best for your religion and worldly life
@Dr مريم 🩺 صارت اجنيه
If someone still wondering why Jay said :Iraqi food is the best in the world! And why there is still a life going in Iraq 🇮🇶 after wars! It’s all because Imam Hussein blessings 🤲🏻
Thank you for these words and your words are also true. I go there every week... I am Iraqi and you??? I speak through the translation program
@@cn8409 خويه تعال نحجي عراقي جلفي وعوف الانكليزي
راقي العراقي 𓆩 🇮🇶 𓆪
@@cn8409 I am Iraqi too
Exactly bro I m Indian I’m here in karbala bro here people are soo nice and great people
شكرا لك ياجاي❤ ، أظهرت للناس قلب العراق وكرم و محبة أرض الرافدين ، وإلى الأبد قصة الحسين (ع) سيخلدها التاريخ 🍃
لاتسمع بل اكتشف 🌹
من اي دوله هو ?
@@pharm_acist من بريطانيا
@@pharm_acist بريطانيا لندن
Thany you brother, I'm Indonesian, I hope someday I can come to Karbala & Najaf with my family, insyaallah. May Allah always protect you brother.
The hospitality of Iraqi people is literally Unbelievable!!
Iraq is indeed The Land of great People.
Lots of love from Pakistan 🇵🇰 ♥
Love to our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, your comment is very much appreciated. btw, a Pakistani brother is sending trees to Iraq, to be planted along the road between Najaf and Karbala, thank you!
Hussein brings us together Welcome when you do 🥺❤️
Thank you, my friend. We are waiting for you to visit Iraq. Our hearts will be open to you
Thank you for your kindness ♥♥😍😍🥀
I am Muslim by birth and this is the first time that I hear about this painful event which is the tragic death of the grandson of the prophet محمد صل الله عليه و آله و سلم thank you for sharing and I thank Allah that he has done and that you are part of our large community
peace from Algeria
يقول الإمام الباقر عليه السلام وهوه حفيدالامام الحسين عليه السلام. اصبحنا بدين جدنا خائفين. وأصبح الناس كلهم به آمنين
تم قتل الحسين بن علي حفيد النبي محمد بطريقة بشعة وحقيرة من قبل جيش يزيد بن معاوية قد تم قطع رأسه الشريف 😭وسحق جسده الطاهر بالخيول ودار رأسه بالاوطان كان شيء مؤلم نكرار الألم حبا لحسين 😭
Most probably because you're a Sunni who hide the Battle of Karbala and Battle of Camel and Battle of Siffin.
نعم توجد مشكلة كبيرة عند رجال الدين والاعلام الذين اصرو ان لا ينقلو الرسالة الحسينية شكرا لك من العراق الى الجزائر الحبيبة 😍
@@MrAli-yo4hh و لك الشكر نحن من سلالة الحسن عليه السلام احفادو الذين هربوا و لجؤا إلى اقصى المغرب العربي اين لقوا الامازيغ (السكان الأصليين )الذين حافظوا علينا و سيدونا لنا شجرتنا التي تعود إلى جدي علي كرم الله وجهه
في الجزائر يوجد كثير من احفاد سيدنا الحسين و الحسن وشهداء الثورة الجزائرية اغلبهم اذا ما قلت 90% من السلالة الشريفة لا يحبون الظلم و زاهدين الدنيا لذا يسمون الجزائر قبلة الثوار ياريت اجي إلى العراق ❤
مع إني اعيش في العراق وعرف كل هذا لكني تأثرت حقاً عند رؤية هذا الفيديو 😍💕 استمر احسنت 👏❤
انت اوتاكو😱😂
@@AnimekilluaAMV 🤣🤣🤡
Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳
Labayaka ya hussain ❤❤
Welcome if you come to Karbala ❤
Inshallah ❤❤@@عباس-ن3غ2ل
The journey of love, what a definition of this story, which has been going on for 1,400 years, to tell us how great this man was Imam Hussein
People of Iraq left me speechless for the generousity and kindness...they really love Imam Hussain(pbuh)
Greetings and many thanks from Iran to my Iraqi sisters and brothers
Thank you very much, brother, we welcome all
we are brothers 🇮🇶🇮🇷
The Shia killed Hussain
@@KkKk-px2le explain yourself brother and lets have a discussion and i hope we can come forward to if what you claimed is true or not.
@@KkKk-px2le wow really? since when did yazid and umayyads become shia?
شكرا شكرا عن لسان جميع مواطن عراقي لأنك نقلت الصورة الحقيقية لشعوب الأخرى نرحب بجميع البلدان للمجىء إلى العراق
Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him, said: “I did not go out to be evil, arrogant, unjust or corrupt, but I went out to seek reform in the nation of my grandfather to enjoin good and forbid evil.”
انت امريكي مسلم لو لا
سلام الله عليه 💔💔
May Allah guide the whippers it reminds me of the templars who used to inflict self harm
@@عليالربيعي-ز3ف في اله فديو مكلم امه انه دخل الاسلام
Thank you for portraying the true Islam! Not the one shown in the news! May Allah swt accept your prayers brother! Much love from Iraq 🇮🇶
I'm from karbala and it is so mind blowing that people like you came here and saw the true side of Arabs
Please pay our salam to MOLA HUSSAIN A.S and MOLA ABBAS A.S
I will be very thankful
Love from Pakistan
@@mrakmal5 I'm happy to do that
Arbaeen is Coming. Please pay our Salam to the Shrine of Imam Hussain a.s and Hazrat Abass a.s..😓
إدعوا لإهل العراق وسوريا ولبنان واليمن المسلمين السنة إن يخلصهم الله من أحزاب وميليشيات إيران 👇
تعريف دين الشيعة 👈 كانت السفارة البريطانية بطهران هي من تدفع تكاليف يوم عاشوراء حتى مطلع الثمانينات.. والآن : تدفعها إسر____ائيل وعائدات الخمس من تجارات أتباعهم الشيعة ومن النهب من أموال ونفط المناطق العربية المحتلة...👇
فهذا هو الإسلام المطلوب غربياً
🚱دين يكذِّب جميع أحاديث السنة المطهرة ...!!
🚱دين يتهم زوجة النبي في عرضها..!!
🚱دين يلعن جميع صحابة النبي..!!
🚱دين يشكك في صحة القرآن..!!
🚱دين يسلم عقله لرجل دخل في السرداب قبل 1200 سنة..!!
🚱دين المساجد فيه شبه مهجورة...!!
🚱دين له هدف واحد تفكيك بلاد المسلمين وتدميرها ليسهل للفرس إحتلالها..!!
🚱دين يعتقد أن المهدي سيقتل تسعة أعشار (90%) من العرب..!!
🚱دين تشتغل فيه فرق الموت أكثر من فرق الإغاثة...!!
🚱دين يطلب منك إراقة دم ولدك الرضيع بكاءاً على رجل مات قبل 1400 ( حسين ) وهم الذين قتلوه ...!!
🚱دين يقتل المسلمين بالجملة بحثاً عن قتلة الحسين....!!
🚱دين يجبرك أن تدفع 20% من دخلك (الخمس) لمن لا يستحق لأسيادهم أصحاب العمائم...!!
🚱دين يتعامل مع المسلمين باعتبارهم خدم وعبيد عند من يسموا أنفسهم آل البيت ....!!
🚱دين يبيح لك ممارسة الج______نس مع من شئت ومتى شئت باسم الم___تعة... ( الز____نى )
🚱دين يطلب منك تسليم عقلك وإرادتك وقرارات دولتك لرجل يقول هو نائب عن شخص مات قبل 1200 سنة....!! (المهدي)
🚱دين يهن العقل وهو يطلب منك جلد نفسك على رجل لا تعرفه....!!
🚱دين يتعامل مع المرأة باعتبارها شريكة الفراش وليست شريكة القرار....!!
🚱دين يجيز الكذب والخيانة ليل نهار باسم التقية...!!
🚱دين يشكك حتى في نبوة نبيك.. ويقول علي أحق بها...!!!
🚱دين ينخر جوهر الإسلام من الداخل ينكر السنة المطهَّرة ويحرف القرآن الكريم ويكفِّر الصحابة الكرام وثلاثة من زوجات النبي السيدة عائشة والسيدة حافصة والسيدة رملة ام حبيبه أخت سيدنا معاوية رضي اللَّه عنهم أجمعين .
[ ينهبون الأموال بإسم الخمس.. ويحللون الز__نى بإسم المتعة.. ويقتلون المسلمين بإسم الإنتقام للحسين.. ويدمرون الدول العربية والإسلامية ويحتلونها وينهبون ثرواتها بإسم الولاية ...
وهذا مايريدونه ملالي إيران لإستعادة الإمبراطورية الفارسية عبر عبيدهم وحميرهم شيعة العرب ... ]
Love from Afghanistan 🇦🇫 I'm proud of that I'm Shia ❤ I love Iraq 🇮🇶 people ❤
شكراً لك من القلب تحياتي لك من العراق ❤
أنا من العراق نحب كل شيعه العالم لان حب الحسين يجمعنا
Ohhh my brother, me too. Pray for Afghan Shia 🙏
اهلن وسهلا بك
Me too
What most foreigners are missing out is the reason behind this generosity and kindness, you have to realize it's out of pure love and longing for Imam Hussain alayhi salam. How can we not love someone who sacrificed everything for truth and righteousness. How can we not die for someone who died for us to see and learn what it means to be human. May Allah grant us a visit to my beloved Imam Hussain (as)
Just another lover and supporter of Ahlulbait from Algeria.
😢😢😢ya Ali a.s. Ya Husain al ghareeb 😢😢😢😢 absoluteiy right.. these heavenly people (alhlulbaith) came down to earth to show us how to live life they showed us the meaning and the reason of existance of every creation of God. And this shall not be left behind because all this humanity morality and generocity is only Due to them. Ya shaheed e karbala Ya aseerane karbala you all faced and bore so much of pain for the entire human race and humanity. As salamo alaika Ya shohadaye karbala as salam.😢😢
My country, Iraq, welcomes all religions, even if the religions are different, we are all the same people. Greetings from southern iraq 🇮🇶
إذا كان مسلم ترحبون به؟
@@bizo_5 نعم خدمة الحسين عليه السلام وخدامها ترحب بكافة الضيوف مهما يكونو
@@bizo_5 جا احنه شنو ملحدين هم مسلمين
I saw him on the way he's muslim too
Thanks 🇮🇷❤️🇮🇶
I am Christian from Belgium, and I must really say... that These part of the People looking very kindly and lovefull, they are one hand,one Team, one group,no differences they are really near to us .
Greetings from Genk/Belgium
I really appreciate your comment 🙏
نحن نحب الحيات ونحب جميع البشر ونتمنى العيش مع العالم بسلام
You wellcom pro any time lam frome baghdad
Me also belgium brussels
You cannot Experience the Arabian Hospitality until you go there...... Hope to visit Karbala Inchallah❤
Iraq is a great country and it has the first civilization, but the media present it in an inappropriate way. Thank you for showing the beautiful and real side in Iraq. Greetings to you from the people of Diwaniyah
@@مصطفىعلاء-ج2د أنته ما استحيت ما اسمك تره نعرف نقره انكليزي
اختي من الديوانية تحيه من الكوت
شكرآ الك Tahe ku
فعلا الاعلام ضالم ومجبر ان يتبع سياسات دولية اسرائيلية
Thank you for taking us with you through this incredible journey, Jay. I have not yet been blessed with such an experience but this video made me feel as if I was there, walking with the pilgrims. Thank you again!
صورة ابراهيم هادي اليس كذالك
صحيح خويه، هذه صورة الشهيد ابراهم هادي
@@ahlulbayt_voice رضوان الله عليه
هنيئاً له الشهادة
You are welcome, we will be pleased. If you come to Iraq, you can contact me so that we can do a duty towards you
All love for you, Jay. You have shown the true picture of Iraq. We are Hussein's servants, we are the people of Iraq. What you have seen is very little about our love for people and about our generosity, manhood and courage We are proud of you and we receive you with love whenever you come. We call on the whole world to read about who Hussein is and what his mission is, and to come Ziya to him. We love you.
Wallahi itteqillah!! We are all the ibaad of Allah ﷻ not Hussain, it is Allah ﷻ alone who is our Lord and the owner of all his creation!
Same love 💘
Thousands of thx to you to support 🙌
@@mohuss1804 no one is asking you to worship imam husayn idiot.
btw the ironic thing is the quran states you are supposed to always think the best of others and not immediately jump to shirk or kufr everytime you misunderstand something. The comment below is saying we are all worshippers of God and so is Hussain (which means we and Hussain are both worshippers of God) the person writing was not fluent in english so calm your wahhabiness. For gods sake the comment also said he is disobedient but if course you took no issue with this contradiction, you are just iching to call us all kafir. which is sad because what you are doing only benefits america and israel who want sunnis and shias to fight eachother while they destroy us both.
@@mohuss1804 you fool man🤦🏻♂️
These people are so generous, God bless them. I hope one day I visit!
شكراً لك من القلب تحياتي لك من العراق ❤
Just reached Pakistan after completing Arbaeen Pilgrimage and through this comment i would like to thank my Iraqi brothers for their unconditional generosity and the Khidma which they do in the name of Imam Hussain(as). Thank you very much. Labbaik Ya Hussain(as)
welcome to iraq 💕🦋
welcome to iraq🌹🌹🌹
at your service
Welcome to Iraq Al Hussein
I am from Pakistan, I have been there 3 times, consecutively in 2016-17 and 2018... But this year couldn't attend this spiritual walk due to COVID restrictions.
But you are so lucky that you joint this walk full of love and affection.
May God bless you brother...
Lots of love from Parachinar, Pakistan ❤️
Mashallah ,you are very lucky
Inshallah we will be there as well .
But you're so lucky because you're on the least you've been to three times, and you're going to have to visit more because we welcome you.
@@magicworld2625 inshAllah
@@مععيوشهالمنيوجهالشقرهخليهاتعزل May God shower His precious blessings upon you, stay blessed dear
Love Iraq 🇮🇶 from America 🇺🇸! Sorry my country destroyed yours 😢….🙏🏽
We love you too
Thank you ✨
Oh God, how sweet you are, and we love you too
Do you know how amazed I was by your words, you accomplished the description. You really have a wonderful person. Thank you. I'm from Iraq 🙇 You can talk to me if you feel lonely 😢😔
لبيك يا أبا عبدالله 🇱🇧🇮🇷🇮🇶🏴🖤
Words can’t even explain it but I don’t know how to not be teary-eyed watching us. It is beautiful in a world that is crumbling was corruption, the sparkle in your eyes at all. Congratulations for experiencing this amazing journey that I feel it is a journey and a walk for justice. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing this with us it’s beautiful
I was there in 2012 and feel so ashamed that I haven't been able to go back ever since. InshaAllah, my husband and I will visit soon. I remember the hospitality and always mention this to my family and friends. I should also mention that the hospitality I have received whilst visiting Iran was also out of this world. Thank you.
You will feel it with Shia Muslims , no matter where they are , IRAQ IRAN , OR any corner of the world
ایران والعراق لا یمکن الفراغ🇮🇷🇮🇶
In Iraq not Iran
Everything is free here on the fortieth visit
Water, food, medicine, everything is available for free in iraq
You will truly feel it with Muwahideen who stay away from exaggeration and Shirk.
You need to question the concept of your 12th imam. Your Mahdi isn’t proven by any historical evidence, Hadith or reports. Don’t you think about this? Don’t you think that’s embarrassing since it’s a core belief?
Please for the sake of Allah be sincere and watch this:
This video is a back breaker for the Shi’a. It’s not possible to prove their mahdi through isnaad (isnaad is the same way the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah was conveyed to us). This channel makes things clear in an entertaining way.
ممكن اكون خدامكم حباََ بالحسين
تاتون ضيوف عندي
You did it man !!! Iasked you 2 days ago to go ...and you did itttttttt ,I love you man,I am from Najaf,lives in USA ,last time I was in Najaf in 2015 I miss home,you make me cry 😢
Last year my fathers funeral was on first of Muhrarram,we took him back to Pakistan for his burial from England.We couldn't find peace anywhere after such a great loss .So we decided to take a journey to Iraq for zyarat.we arrived 12 days before Arbaeen.The atmosphere,the reminder of what happened to imam Hussain,the hospitality of Iraqi ppl all helped us forget our pain and suffering.InshaAllah we plan to visit this Arbaeen too.
Your father's in hell
I hope 🙏 you are better now
@@ahmedalmarzooq2344 Thankyou for asking, Alhamdolliah but we miss him on many occasions like Eid
Welcome, we are always waiting for you
Same here...lost my father on 2nd of ramzan😢😢😢
I loved it!
This journey is more meaningful to me now than ever. Thanks for sharing your experience with the world. Let people see the true side of Muslims all around the world. ❤
الله يهدي الجميع
@@جهنميه-خ2ج انشالله
@@malikayyash8930 ان شاء الله امين
@@جهنميه-خ2ج سلام الله على الله
I appreciate you Jay because you are a man of peace.
May Allah bring us together with you in Heavens of Bliss 💚
رغم انف السقيفة علي اول خليفة 👑
@@sajjad__alking6884 على خليفه وكذلك عثمان وأبي بكر ولولا عمر إبن الخطاب لكنت تعبد نار من أمر المجوس وكسرى فحمد ربك على نعمه صحابه النبي وأل بيته جميعا ولا تجعل الفضل منحصر في بيت واحد بل لكل المؤمنين مهاجرين وأنصار .
@@mustafa7941 هم مصخرة الحمد الله أنا تشيعة
@@Ansar_Mahdi ما قصدك ؟
The most wonderful moment you can live after a tiring walk and days It is when you see the dome of Imam Hussein from afar You feel immersed in every detail of your body Where you feel all the feelings And the chills begin to increase the closer you get to the shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him
@@مرادعلمدار-ص9ن اي فعلا عندك كلاوات بانك ما تشعر بعظمة هذا الامام ولن تشعر لانك فاقد الايمان
لو عرفت وتيقنت ان هذا الامام قدم رقبتة ورقاب عيالة بمقابل ان لا يضيع دين الحق دين الله
وقبل ان يرى بعينة مصرع الرضيع عطشانا ومصرع ابنة الاكبر قطعوة اربا اربا ومصرع ابن اخية ومصرع اخية وعضدة الامام العباس و ترك اختة والاطفال تحت رحمة قوم انت من نسلهم
لو استشعرت ذلك لم تجرؤ على النطق بكلمة
الله غالب
@@مرادعلمدار-ص9ن كلاوات عائشة
@@rm.a3900 انته ما تفهمني عدل كلاوات غسدي على كتابه انكليزيه اني شيعي حب حسين مو حب عادي بنسبه لي 😍 فكر اله جوب🤔
@@rm.a3900 واعرو انه عربي الكاتب
Wow seeing this generosity of the Iraqis abd the fact that they do it yearly despite all their limitations it's just mind blowing , it really softens my heart seeing all this love . Sth that we really should see it all over the world.
شكراً لك من القلب تحياتي لك من العراق ❤
Al-Hussain is history and history never dies•
الحسين تاريخ والتاريخ لا يموت •♥️
Yes, history never dies. Great description, brother ❤
human nature is such that pain of loss dies, however with hussain it’s revolutionary. such that millions will sacrifice their lives for the people that love hussain. I don’t know what people would do if Hussain was here. maybe the famous lines would manifest “even if we were killed and cut into a 1000 pieces and brought back to life we will still sacrifice our lives for our master Hussain (a.s). absolutely phenomenal
Al-Hussein is one of the greatest men immortalized by history.
الحمدلله الذي خلقني شيعيا عراقيا ❤❤
Praise be to God who created me as an Iraqi Shiite
Welcome to Iraq. Thank you for spreading the truth to people and putting a positive image of my country 🇮🇶
So beautiful but too short , didn’t want this vedio to finish this fast ❤️
Me too 💔
Thank you, Jay for conveying the largest religious human gathering in the world the Arbaeen visit. Thank you for conveying the beautiful picture of Iraq♥️
just crying and crying while watching this video , may allah give us the ne'mah of mashaya again 🤲
This is amazing, legit tears of my eyes this is beautiful, thank you so much for being there, you’re amazing! My whole family is praying for you Jay! You deserve the world. ❤️
@@1m.11 ……
Thanks so much for this video Jay. This is the firs time I am seeing this (pilgrimage of Karbala). Truly amazing!
I sincerely congratulate you for delivering people from the people of Iraq, although I am not Iraqi, but I feel that you are part of me. May God protect Iraq and its people 🤲❤️
Thanks 😊
من الامارات العربيه افتخر بأهل العراق 🇮🇶🇮🇶 سلام عليك يا ابا عبد الله
سلام عليك يا ابا الفضل العباس ❤❤❤❤
شكرا لك من القلب لنشر هذه المحطات المضيئة في حياة المجتمع العراقي
السلام عليك يا ابا عبد الله
الشيطان سلط عليكم ( كهنة معبد الشيطان الشيعى الوثنى ) المراجع و الملالى و المغممين الفرخجيه / ليضلوكم السبيل و ينهبون اموالكم وعرضكم و يدخلونكم جهنم / افيقوا
@@ahmeda2688 😂😂😂😂😂 ابن جهاد النكاح يتكلم شوف دينك شوف ربك في كتبكم نبيكم غير معصوم ويبول واقف ويهجر بالقول وينسى آيات القرآن ويريد الانتحار وفي كتبكم ربكم لديه ساق وقدم وكلتا يديه يمين ولديه وجه ويضحك ولديه أصابع اي دين هذا دين القتل والإرهاب لا تتدخل في بقية الاديان لان دينكم هو افشل دين تفجرون في الناس تذبحون وبعدها تقولون الدين رحمة وتسامح
@@ahmeda2688 انت لازم تفيق
مالازم تتدخل بعقيدتنا ولا تنبح وتتكلهم هيج
الله يحاسبنه اذا كنه على الطرق الخطأ مو انت
قال الأمام جعفر الصادق عليه السلام
(( الحمد لله الذي جعل اعدائنا من الحمقى))
وانت واحد من هلحمقى
@@ahmeda2688 انصحك تشرب حليب ماعز
@@ahmeda2688😂😂😂😂 شبيك بابا على كيفك وليدي شهالعصبيّة مو زين على أعصابك
إهدأ إهدأ ميصير هيچ أخذ حبّاية تحت اللسان و ليمون أخذ يمعوّد
شبيك هيچي ضايج من الشيعة مهما كانوا بالتالي همة مكون إسلامي غصباً ما على خشتك تحترمه ليش لأنه هذا مذهب محمد وآل محمد مذهب أعظم خلق الله
و بغض النظر عن كل شي
همة جزء من بلدك و جزء من العرب و مكوّن إسلامي فواجبك تحترمهم و إذا متحترمهم هذا يعني أنك لستَ شخصاً محترماً و القتلة و الفُجّار و المجرمين و السيئين أكيد ميمثلون مذهب كامل أو مجتمعات بأكملها أو بلدان أو أي مجموعة مُعينة أو مُحددة حتى.. ماكو هيچي خريط و كل المذاهب و المجتمعات بيها أشخاص سيئين و أشخاص جيدين و أكيد السيء ما يمثل المذهب اللي ينتمي إله وما يمثل البلد اللي إنولد بيه ولا يمثل أي مجموعة ولا يمثل أي شخص…… يمثل نفسه فقط.
إفتهمت لو لا باباتي؟ فهاية السوالف بعد لتعيدها هاية سوالف غيث التميمي و بعض السياسيين و اللي يرشحون بالإنتخابات و يردون يصعدون براس الإزواج
و أخير شي أريد أگُلّك إيّاه بعد لا تتدخل بعقائد الوادم كُل مَن و عقيدته و دينه ما إلك دخل بخلق الله
إذا تريد تعامل الشخص فعامله بحسب أخلاقه معليك بعقيدته و شيحب و شيكره و شنو هي طريقة صلاته و شيعبد و يصلي لو لا معليك بهاية الأمور هاية الأمور هي أمور خاصّة بين الرب و عبده. عامل الشخص بحسب أخلاقه فقط👍🏻🙃🙂
Do not hear about Iraq, discover Iraq Everyone is welcome in the country of Iraq
شكرا لايصالك النبذه الحقيقيه على بلدنا💜💜
Iraq is the most beautiful place on Earth, Ahlamdulillah. I long to make the journey to Karbala and Najaf one day, Inshallah.
Can't wait to see part 2!! This road is full of love..many thanks for these amazing videos ❤ Sending my regards from lebanon🇱🇧🖤
شكرا لانج جاي تباوعين فيديو بخصوص العراق 🥺 ارسل حبي من العراق 🌹😉
I wish I could visit Lebanon someday. All the love 💗
@@zainab3681 it's our honor🌸
wow that was incredible, you were so blessed to undertake this journey. I really felt how your heart was feeling and really appreciate you kindness and openness. you are so amazing.
hello from which country are you my friend
The story of Hussein (as) is a story that people consider for generations, And many take inspiration from his story.
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل ابراهيم
Ladies & gentlemen can we just appreciate the fact that his editing is out of this WORLD!!!! U go man
Absolutely !!!!!! Totally agree with you
The mainstream media doesnt show the level of generosity shown by iraqi ppl ,serving free everything (food,drinks,medicine u name it) in the name of aba abdillahil hussain a.s place in the world is like arbaen where millions n millions of ppl walk peacefully helping and serving each other!!❤️💕
@@alisadq9185 Yes, and more than that, I visit Imam Hussain every year and every time I marvel at the great generosity, generosity, love, physical and psychological comfort, all for the sake of Hussain, peace be upon him. وسلام
@@alisadq9185 Yes this is right
I was in Karbala this year bless you bro love and respect for you from pakistan 🇵🇰
thank you
respect for you bro and for Pakistan
Love from India bro 🇮🇳 ❤
I love your videos, Iraq is an incredible country, Greetings from Mexico, the Aztec country, and I hope our Iraqi brothers are very well, we love you very much!
I love you
نحن بخير اذا كنتم أنتم بخير نحن نحبكم 🤍🤍
Thanks very much Isabel, love to you and yours from Iraq.
Jay look, it's the biggest parade in the world👇🏻
Never have I seen a documentary of Iraqi life like this, I'm watching for the first time. Thanks for sharing...
I hope you visit Iraq and I personally host you 😍😍
Are u Turkish?? 😒🤔
@@2_2_9K Insha'Allah I will have a chance to visit
@@zhraaalmosawey3791 Yes I'm Turkish
God willing, ok, can I meet you on Instagram?
You are the most kind and accepting of religions person i ever seen I am really proud of you 🖤.
تقبل الله 🖤
الرجل مسلم
جي اسلم
He is a Muslim. He accepted Islam a year ago
شكراا انته شخص لطيف و ننتظرك كل سنة تجي تزور العراق .. اماكن كثيرة للسياحة ايظا تستحق المشاهدة .❤
رائع شكرا لكم لعرض الواقع الحقيقي لاهل العراق ولعشاق الحسين الحسين عليه السلام لكل العالم السلام عليك ياسيدي ومولاي وحدك من جمع العالم كله تحت قبته
Yes, gentlemen, this is the great Iraq and the land of good deeds. Yes, we celebrate the rituals of the Arbaeen, and we remember Mrs. Zainab. How many words of thanks for you, and the word of creativity in this video.
❌❌لا نحتفل بل نعزي السيده زينب عليها السلام في مصابها
@المهتدي مشعل الناصري🛑🛑 عمر👞ابو بكر الزنديق 👞=نار 🔥جهنم
رضى الله عن ابا لؤلؤة وارضاه قاتل الشرك وباقر بطن المجوس المتكتفين كالاصنام
@@سارهعلي-ه9ت أي مو يكتبون بل مترجم ومرات الترجمة غير صحيحة الكلمات
Labbaik ya Hussain(as) 🇮🇳 🇮🇶... Hussain (as) is a voice against terrorism
Lady Zainab said “On God, they will never erase our memory” and look after all these long years we’re still remembering them! Thank you so much for sharing your experience there, it was overwhelming and heart warming that I actually cried ❤️❤️❤️
الزيارة بالانابة لضريح الامام الرضا (عليه السلام)🤲🤲🕊
You are a more than wonderful person. You deserve a billion views. We, as Iraqis, are proud of you because you showed the world the cause of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, which broadcasts love and respect.
Totally Agree ❤❤❤❤❤
Only pure hearts accepted this love. God bless you Jay Palfrey 🙏
I spent the whole video crying, honestly, this touched my soul. Thank you for your incredible coverage! God bless 🤲🏻
Greetings to the shabab of iraq from iran.
درود بر شما از عراق 🇮🇶
No welcome irani majosee leave iraq alone
أعوذ بالله من شركم إيران
After his death, Hussain’s family were taken captive. His sister, Zainab, took up the role of leadership and gave an inspiring speech in Yazid’s palace, condemning his actions and his style of leadership.
Zainab was one of the first to be inspired by Hussain’s stand and his principles. Despite the sexism that existed in society at the time, she refused to be silent and held Yazid and his ministers to account for their role in the moral decay of society.
Hussain’s example is that one man can stand against an army, and in giving his life inspire those after him to overthrow the abusive Umayyad dynasty. Just as those who lived in the 7th century were inspired by Hussain’s stand, so are the millions today who pay homage to Hussain for his stand and mourn his death. People from all around the world visit the grave of Hussain in Karbala to pay their respects
This brought me tears. Thank you so very deeply from the bottom of my heart Jay. ❤️ you have portrayed our Iraqi people and imam alHussain and the love so beautifully welldone i salute you and may allah give you and your parents the best castle in haven. Please continue doing what you do we all love you and your efforts Jay
الله ع كلامك 🥺❤🇮🇶
الله يسلمچ اختي العزيزة 🌺
This is touching 💔
حبيبي فدوة العمرك تحياتي الك
, My country, Iraq, welcomes all religions, even if the religions are different, we are all the same people. Greetings from southern iraq 🇮🇶
اكيد كلنا دوله وحده
أحسنت 🌷
أهلا وسهلا بكل الأديان والمذاهب الحسين عليه الصلاة والسلام لكل الأديان والإنسانية
@@313_EE ههههه عليه الصلاه والسلام استغفرالله انت تكفر
@@حموالعراقي-غ6ت الحسين من ال بيت النبي محمد الصلاة على محمد و على آل محمد كما تقولون انتم اللهم صلي على محمد كما صليت على ابراهيم وعلى ال ابراهيم ❤️
I really respect everything you said and did to bring out what Iraq really is God bless you!!
*and bless you ..😻😻💕💕*
Thank you, Jay, for sharing your journey with us and the heartfelt story about these wonderful people and their faith.
What a beautiful life changing experience. Respect Jay! Delighted for you
Absolute love!! Would love to see a second part of this!
It would be awesome if you can also cover exactly why people walk to Karbala in Arba’een through a historical context.
Arba’een is the day when the family of Imam Husain (women, because all men including his companions were martyred in Ashura except his son Imam Zainulabideen (as) who was ill that day) were back to Karbala after a long journey from Koufa and Sham (Damascus today).
It is the day where the first visit to the grave of Imam Husain was made. Which is why people around the world walk to Karbala in Arba’een just like how his family did.
It is a way of showing love to Imam Husain (as) and a way for showing sadness for his tragedy.
Again, absolutely love this video! Makes me even look to Arba’een from a different angle. Thank you so much for sharing this and spreading the voice of Imam Husain and the kindness of Iraqi people!
I don't know what to say, this was an incredible video. Thank you for posting this and sharing it with us, I was crying from the first minute until the last second, it was very warm, lovely and kind it meant a lot especially as an Iraqi who have migrated from their country... Thank you, and wish you all the best!
سارب ترجع عزيز مكرم الى اهلك وناسك
@@مقاطعمضحكةقصيرة-ك7ج امين🤲 شكرا! 💙
I feel really happy that people are seeing the beautiful side of Iraqis' generosity. 😊❤
الزيارة بالانابة لضريح الامام الرضا (عليه السلام)
Honestly, I visited Iraq once in my life, but when I watched your videos & stories with Doug on UA-cam and Insta... I loved Iraq so much and really wish to visit Baghdad and other provinces ❤️✨
You are welcome
You are welcome
welcome ❤
Welcome every where
but advice، don't coming in the Winter 😂😂💔
هلا بيك خويه تشرفنه وتنورنه 😂💔
This is how Hussein taught us to be kind, loving and humble
استغفرالله من تعبدون الله ام الحسين؟ يا اخي عقلك وييين وين عقلك لا يترسون افكاركم بالحقد على الشيعه احنه الشيعه الله ربنه محمد نبينا القران كتابنه السلام دينه الكعبه قبلتنه لكن الحسين هوه حفيد الرسول اراد ان ينشر رساله جده رسول الله وقتله يزيد الكافر ومعويه الكافر مات مضلوم وشهيد هوه سيد شباب اهل الجنه نعبد الشاب الامرد كما يقول ابن تيميه
@@husseinx9012 مين ده؟
@@mohammehusseinyahya8093 ما الفرق بين السنه والشيعه؟ وفكوك من الفتنه التي قتل فيها عثمان والحسين لان هذا في الماضي كما تعلم بعد الموت هل تهمك الدنيا هل سوف يهمك ابن عمك الذي سرقك اكيد مفيش حد بيفكر في الدنيا كلها بعد الموت
I will just explain to you one thing, and that is our goal in this march, quite simply. We are here to commemorate the tragedy of Karbala and to show the whole world Hussain a message of love, safety and affection. Simply put, it is the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor.
True !!! ❤
من تعبدون الله ام الحسين؟ الله من تعبد انت الله ام الرسول ؟!
@@Hussain_fadel اخي لا تجاوب عساس هم ما يعرفون بس هم شغلتهم يدورون الزلة علينا
Incredible. The beauty of Najaf/Karbala is people leave behind all the materialistic things of the world and come to mourn at the shrines of Ahlebayt. The selfless locals and visitors join to service other people on their journey. Thanks for sharing your experience in Karbala. Its amazing. ❤
Such an amazing video Jay. You captured the essence of sheer rewarding journey of al mawakib. It's thrilling, compelling and the hospitality is absolutely beyond belief. Too bad when I was living in Iraq, Sadam Hussein's regime prohibited us from such religious activities.
No miserable, you can come back, God willing, you are welcome at any time in our country
Sadam’s regime prohibited something the prophet and his family never did.
You need to question the concept of your 12th imam. Your Mahdi isn’t proven by any historical evidence, Hadith or reports. Don’t you think about this? Don’t you think that’s embarrassing since it’s a core belief?
Please for the sake of Allah be sincere and watch this:
This video is a back breaker for the Shi’a. It’s not possible to prove their mahdi through isnaad (isnaad is the same way the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah was conveyed to us). This channel makes things clear in an entertaining way.
Al-Hussein’s revolution is a revolution against oppression and obedience, a revolution that carries all the human meanings, the first of which is love, peace, freedom and
عمي عراقي تاج وباج
Mashallah Brother Mashallah , You are Lucky because Imam (a.s.) invited you and make you to come and visit his holiness shrine.
People like me want this from their entire life but it didn't happen until yet, we are waiting for his call desperately but hopefully.
Please say aur SALAM to him and Pray for us also .
Labbaik Ya Husain a.s.
Hi insha'Allah in future will visit imam Hussain
سأدعو بل نيابتة عنك في ضريح الإمام الحسين عليه السلام انشاء الله
@@عليالعراقي-م6ث7م Thank you Ali...
Alhamdulillah, this year I succeeded in walking from Najaf to Karbala, and I gifted my steps to everyone who could not come to Karbala. Inshallah, you will come to Karbala in the coming years🤲
فدوة الله ع الحب هذا ! سبحان رب العالمين الي خلق بيك حب الحسيننن ونقلته للعالم هنيئًا الك🩵