Thank you so very much for sharing. I have every one of your struggles and then some because I am new to paganism. I think my biggest is choosing one thing to stick with because I want to do everything. Also balancing mundane life (kids, dishes, work) with my spiritual practice. I keep thinking of that song by Duran Duran, Ordinary World; I'm still trying to find that place.
It is so comforting to hear you keep things real on all levels. So many people struggle with vulnerability and it is a breath of fresh air to know that you can be such an inspiration to me and so many others. You are awesome girl! Blessed Be.
I am so glad I found your channel. I have no qualms about sharing my vulnerabilities, as doing so, leads to much mind, body, and soul healing and recovery. I am a Priestess as well as a Pagan witchery practitioner. You go, girl!
I know the video is fairly old but a wee suggestion for anyone struggling with feeling grounded, definitely try working out. Any kind of physical exercise, especially like martial arts and body building and crossfit… anything that builds strength and endurance in the body will have an impact on the mental state and ultimately I feel on the spiritual one. I know it sounds far fetched but trust me on this one. I am a big believer in the warrior path.
I definitely have the same struggle with the books. I always buy so many books and can't get them read in time. Especially during the first lockdown in 2020 I ordered SO many books and some of them are still not finished 3 years later. I totally feel you
@@TheNorseWitch Ugh, tell me about it. I developed a habit of not leaving the house on black friday unless I need to. It's already hard for the rest of the year to withstand my resolution of "Don't buy any more books before you read up what you had". Same goes for Tarot cards.
Thank you for this video. I think it's always good to show on social media that there are struggles and that not everything is perfect. I can relate to some of your points. I have a very bad memory of details and too many books on my to-be-read pile. 😅 I also live in the second largest city of Germany and I know the struggle with not having a garden and few spaces of nature around, as well as so many people everywhere. For instance, I am a devotee of Hekate and it is an ancient custom to leave offerings for her at crossroads. I live very near a crossroad - but it's always full of people or cars, so there is absolutely no chance for leaving offerings there. So instead, I just think of her whenever I am at that crossroad. In a park nearby, there is a round place surrounded by hedges and when I saw it the first time, I thought, "This would be a perfect place for rituals". But of course, that's not possible, there are too many people visiting the park, and there are often park gardeners working.
You’re definitely not alone! I have so many different books on the shelf waiting to be read, but I have to be in the right headspace to start something new. I’m focusing my energy towards the runes and the Edas and Sagas rn
12:12 I’m exactly the same! I have an awful memory and always have a million things I’m interested in and looking into at the time, do you also have adhd? I think adhd is my biggest issue with concentration ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for sharing. I definitely relate with you on the struggle of having way too many interests. I started my study of sigil magick then put it down in favour of more focus on divination and now art magick is calling to me. 😅😢 I am also exploring different pagan faiths like Hellenism and Heathenry and trying to research both to see what resonates with me. I also try not to be an 'armchair witch', it's a very delicate balance between practice and research. I try to keep my practice simple and not overcomplicate it, but there are also other factors like our adult responsibilities and full time work that takes us away from our magickal/spiritual headspace.
This is all so relatable, thank you for sharing! A lot of my struggles stem from my ADHD but I have been slowly getting better with them. I also have a horrible memory 😂 I’m currently making a correspondence cheat sheet for my kitchen herbs so I can hopefully get better!
I have an idea for you. I live in a desert, and a large city, so I understand the lack of grass and getting to a park on a daily basis isn't always the easiest thing, especially, when it's a new habit you're trying to form or an old other habit you're trying to break. Buy a piece of sod (this is already grown grass with roots and dirt); put it in a low height, wide, large enough to hold the sod (or most of it) container; place that in your bathroom, kitchen, on your balcony, wherever....stand on that, sit on that. You can surround the grass with potted plants. Even though you're not totally emerged within nature, you are still surround by nature. Later, when you move, you can take this with you and give it back to the earth. I hope you try this and that it helps you. for my struggles... memory is an issue..working on that (this could be entirely stress related)..I also need to write everything down.. procrastination..working on that..this is with my whole life.. finding peace within myself and releasing anger..this has been an interesting roller like falling apart in a spiritual store as the negativity is pulled right out of you..I'm still wary about going back there..they do have spiritual healers..since I want that I'll be going back..can't wait to go through that turmoil again..but maybe this next time will be 'easier'..I'll find out.. reinstating my ability to listen to my is there, but I have grown out of the ability to listen before second guessing..working on that.. meditating..I am super relaxed and calm for days when I meditate..I'm working on trying to make this a regular habit.. ..... No one is perfect. Thank you for opening up. Sharing your experiences helps others deal with their own and that is awesome.
Oh my goodness, I really struggle with my memory as well 😭 it's a big issue for me and I feel the same way: i LOVE to learn and to read but i barely retain any of it and it breaks my heart. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one 😅 AND I have the same issue with too many interests. My poor boyfriend is probably getting whiplash from me constantly switching from one hobby to the other lol
My biggest struggle as a new Norse pagan, is finding nature areas. I too live in a city with limited forms of nature, having no car or ability to drive worsens this.
Im glad you liked it! Yeah that’s exactly what I try to do. I tend to stress myself out when I feel like I’m not productive enough in anything (UA-cam, witchcraft, my astrology studies) but I have to remind myself that I HAVE to sometimes take it slow or I’ll burn out. Or my body reminds me of it with a migraine 🤣
It is so hard to remember everything! Maybe it is Pisces, I'm Pisces Sun. You've got me thinking now 🤔 Perhaps a memory spell before reading a book or an offering of blueberries (eating blueberries helps with memory) to Muninn before reading a book to retain the information.
Ahhh Ich fühle das meiste von dem, was Du beschreibst. Das lesen 🤣 ich muss mir immer alles aufschreiben. Das wichtigste auf jeden Fall. Offerings: ich habe einen großen Topf mit Erde auf dem Balkon und vergrabe es dort :)
I struggle with having too many hobbies and too many interests to keep up, too. Because I am an artist I also put off doing grimoire stuff because I want to make it beautiful and if it isn't I'm not happy haha. Art has been made very much part of my craft. I have a bad habit of instantly buying books I find interesting also, so most of my bedroom is just books at this point. My list of books still unread is actually embarrassing at this point haha. Just think of it as building up a small library that you will get to when you feel like it is relevant~
Haha I had exactly the same problem with my old Grimoires. Not mine is a basic book with white pages that I only write in. Nothing beautiful, nothing fancy. It takes away the pressure and the resistance to write into it. But I would still love to have a pretty Grimoire 😅
@@TheNorseWitch Aye, I have a lot of notebooks full of things to copy into it, but the thought of having a beautiful grimoire that survives past my death for future generations to find and dub me "that batshit crazy ancestor" is just really funny haha.
A big struggle I have as a practitioner is comparison. I'm an artist, musician, and writer, I'm also a raging perfectionist so anything I do that isnt perfect is awful to me. Even people who can be confident in not being perfect I spite myself for not being perfect about my imperfections 😂. My step sister is a 27 yr old heathen who has been practicing since she was 11. And in meeting her for the second time I've been very intimidated by how knowledgeable she is. When she knew I was a practicing norse pagan she very passionately went on a whole conversation about being the lead to a coven, how she was initiated, the practices she had to do to do so. I didnt understand a thing, I am not as deep into my practice as I thought I was. learning solitary I hadn't realized I had tunnel vision, it was true that I had known a lot but I had tricked myself into thinking I knew more since I had not met a witch in person. She meant well, she wasn't posturing or arrogant, she was just passionate. But i took it as "She knows more, so I know nothing" and in talking about my practice and studies I didnt meet her same enthusiasm. I didnt believe I deserved to be proud of the work I had done. With clarity I knew sulking isnt productive. if I wanted to be as good as I had thought I was, the only way to do so was with studying. Reading my books, listening more, especially to my step sister. Who, like me, is learning from others who know better than her. Shes a blessing in disguise, I need to start seeing more people as that.
I feel this so much! I constantly think other people are better and know more than I do. The thing is: no matter how knowledgeable you are, there will always be people who know more than you, and also people who know less. This thought has helped me tremendously. Because the thought that I’m not knowledgeable enough also always stopped me from making UA-cam videos on the topic. Because I thought that there are people who would be so much more predestined to teach about it! But that’s wrong. There are always people who know less… but yeah comparison is a really tricky thing, I also always fall into its traps
Loving the honesty. I struggle as well managing multiple interest and time management. It sucks especially trying to figure out where to start on my own journey. I've been focusing more on my spiritual energy but I think it exhausts me some days. Any tips?
If I didn't know any better, I would think you are reading my own journal..... I too buy books faster than I can read, I spent a lot of time reading and not practicing, - I also live in a large city.... Thoughts are very much a part of the air element... and so as an executive admin I, too feel very logical and prcatical and in my head all day long. It's like my head is not connected to my body any longer when the workday is over. :)
Yeeees that’s exactly how I feel like after work! I honestly hate that feeling so much. I’m currently trying to have a quick little grounding meditation right after work whenever I have the time to do it and so far it seems to help!
I am a gemini rising girl.. I got you! 😂😂 Btw I love your content and I am a norse pagan too, would you talk a bit more about how can we change our internal belief about manifestation not working? I really struggle with that too and I would love to see your perspective on this since we are both from norse pantheon😍 Thank you so much🙏🏻❤️
Du kennst es also auch, dieses "ich-habe-soviele-ungelesene-Bücher-würde-sie-gerne-alle-lesen-aber-ich-kann-mich-nicht-entscheiden" Problem 😲 Sie sind alle so interessant, und ich weiß oft nicht mit welchen ich anfangen soll. Früher hatte ich dieses Problem nicht, damals hatte ich keinerlei Probleme ein neugekauftes Buch gleich zu verschlingen. Es sind Bücher über Magie, Spiritualität und Fantasyromane, rein Fantasy oder antike Götter die darin eine Rolle spielen. Wenn ich lesen will, sind es meist mehr als zwei Bücher die ich sofort lesen will, ich muss da noch lernen wie ich mich am besten entscheiden kann 😅 Zuviele Dinge auf einmal tun wollen, ja das kenne ich auch zu gut. Ich wohne auch in einer Großstadt, am Rande, und habe zum Glück den großen Wienerwald ganz in meiner Nähe, dort habe ich nach langer Zeit ein Plätzchen gefunden wo ich in Ruhe meditieren kann, der Weg dorthin ist sehr lang, aber immerhin. Ich habe auch einen Lieblingsweg auf den ich gerne spazieren gehe, der führt aufs Land hinaus, da habe ich auch meistens meine ersehnte Ruhe. Trotz dieser wunderbaren Gegend, habe ich folgendes Problem zuhause: zu dünne Wände und lärmende Nachbarn 😩 ich wünsche mir so sehr ein Zuhause in der ich untertags meditieren kann wann ich will! Nun kann ich das leider nur entweder nach Mitternacht (was aber zeitlich nur am Wochenende geht) oder mit dicken Kopfhörern musikhörend zu meditieren 😞 ich bin auch kein Fan von Städten mehr... Womit ich oft gehadert habe, waren meine Zweifel bei Kontakten zu Wesenheiten und Reisen. Heutzutage habe ich eher das Problem, wenn ich mal eine wundervolle Begegnung mit einer Wesenheit habe, bin ich davon so überwältigt, beinahe geschockt und überrascht, dass ich die Reise oder Meditation abbreche anstatt dranzubleiben, sehr unhöflich von mir und respektlos 😓
although i've written down spells that just come to me i've never performed any spells other then protection and cleansing of the house. idk why but i'm just really afraid of doing something wrong (not like a malicious or bad spell but just doing something incorrectly) and things just backfiring really badly or something.
You’d have to do something really horribly wrong for something to backfire so harshly.. very single witch that exists had to just jump into it and try casting a spell at some point ☺️ but it you’re really afraid, maybe just start out with a spell you didn’t write yourself? ☺️ maybe that will alleviate some of that fear?
Lol Are you a Gemini by chance? I totally struggle with so many interesting things to learn, so many good books - not enough time. I have learned to make priorities lists and that helps a little…* she says while having three such lists and two partial videos recorded and three books at various stages of being read* lmao. When I lived in a city I made a box lined with black silk to collect all spell remains until I could get to natural setting. Thank you for sharing this, great topic, great video.
Haha no I’m a Leo xD but my moon sign is Pisces, a mutable sign, so maybe that’s why? XD also my Mars is in Gemini, and since Mars is about what we’re passionate about, it also kind of makes sense
@@TheNorseWitch ha ha - i asked the same question - i have Mars in Gemini too, and have the same ‚problems‘ 💚✌️ i enjoy gardening and working/crafting with all kind of nature stuff - very grounding
I struggle with deity work. No matter how much I want it, i was told here on UA-cam not to do it cause it is closed. And i should only follow my anchestrial things. But my anchestry never really had any gods, hardcore secularity as much as I remember of them, and I wanna change this due to this call. I feel like I cannot say no for the divines that long, as they keep pushing me towards deity work/worship. My slavic roots are highly an interest for me. I am just so sad cause I do not want to hurt the gods and goddesses but also do not want to offend the people of them. I am Hungarian and basicaly I was told I do not belong to these Indo-European cultures. How the hack could that be? o.0 We're considered as European natures. Why does it matter who were raising me up when a deity calls me deep in the heart? I have also met the Olympian Aphrodite in Greece when I was on my vacation. Something led me there, the feeling that I should go there. It was her in the end. I am sso damn scared cause I do not wan to appropriate anyone else's culture. 😢Confusion level 15000 and above, what I do feel right now. Any advice on what can I do to break this ice wall inside me?
@@TheNorseWitch you sure do, i feel happy when i sit and listen to you and i light my josh sticks and backflow cones and make a cup of tea and settle down to listen to you, its like having a friend come around for a cup of tea and a chat
So I've been watching your older videos and I just found out what you do for a living and that you have 5 cats. I think I've seen 3 of your cats. Nice to know I'm not the only crazy cat lady on discord. I only have 1 but she's old and all I can afford. I'd have more if I could.
Thank you so very much for sharing. I have every one of your struggles and then some because I am new to paganism. I think my biggest is choosing one thing to stick with because I want to do everything. Also balancing mundane life (kids, dishes, work) with my spiritual practice. I keep thinking of that song by Duran Duran, Ordinary World; I'm still trying to find that place.
It is so comforting to hear you keep things real on all levels. So many people struggle with vulnerability and it is a breath of fresh air to know that you can be such an inspiration to me and so many others. You are awesome girl! Blessed Be.
I am so glad I found your channel. I have no qualms about sharing my vulnerabilities, as doing so, leads to much mind, body, and soul healing and recovery. I am a Priestess as well as a Pagan witchery practitioner.
You go, girl!
I know the video is fairly old but a wee suggestion for anyone struggling with feeling grounded, definitely try working out. Any kind of physical exercise, especially like martial arts and body building and crossfit… anything that builds strength and endurance in the body will have an impact on the mental state and ultimately I feel on the spiritual one. I know it sounds far fetched but trust me on this one. I am a big believer in the warrior path.
I definitely have the same struggle with the books. I always buy so many books and can't get them read in time. Especially during the first lockdown in 2020 I ordered SO many books and some of them are still not finished 3 years later. I totally feel you
Hahaha yeah… Black Friday is BAD for me. Our bookstores usually have at least 20% off English books during Black Friday so I splurge every time 🤣
@@TheNorseWitch Ugh, tell me about it. I developed a habit of not leaving the house on black friday unless I need to. It's already hard for the rest of the year to withstand my resolution of "Don't buy any more books before you read up what you had". Same goes for Tarot cards.
Thank you for this video. I think it's always good to show on social media that there are struggles and that not everything is perfect. I can relate to some of your points. I have a very bad memory of details and too many books on my to-be-read pile. 😅 I also live in the second largest city of Germany and I know the struggle with not having a garden and few spaces of nature around, as well as so many people everywhere.
For instance, I am a devotee of Hekate and it is an ancient custom to leave offerings for her at crossroads. I live very near a crossroad - but it's always full of people or cars, so there is absolutely no chance for leaving offerings there. So instead, I just think of her whenever I am at that crossroad.
In a park nearby, there is a round place surrounded by hedges and when I saw it the first time, I thought, "This would be a perfect place for rituals". But of course, that's not possible, there are too many people visiting the park, and there are often park gardeners working.
You’re definitely not alone! I have so many different books on the shelf waiting to be read, but I have to be in the right headspace to start something new. I’m focusing my energy towards the runes and the Edas and Sagas rn
You are not alone my wife is sitting here listening to you talk about this and she keeps giving me the glares cuz I’m guilty of these as well 😂
Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 your wife sounds fun ❤️
12:12 I’m exactly the same! I have an awful memory and always have a million things I’m interested in and looking into at the time, do you also have adhd? I think adhd is my biggest issue with concentration ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for sharing. I definitely relate with you on the struggle of having way too many interests. I started my study of sigil magick then put it down in favour of more focus on divination and now art magick is calling to me. 😅😢 I am also exploring different pagan faiths like Hellenism and Heathenry and trying to research both to see what resonates with me. I also try not to be an 'armchair witch', it's a very delicate balance between practice and research. I try to keep my practice simple and not overcomplicate it, but there are also other factors like our adult responsibilities and full time work that takes us away from our magickal/spiritual headspace.
This is all so relatable, thank you for sharing! A lot of my struggles stem from my ADHD but I have been slowly getting better with them. I also have a horrible memory 😂 I’m currently making a correspondence cheat sheet for my kitchen herbs so I can hopefully get better!
I have an idea for you.
I live in a desert, and a large city, so I understand the lack of grass and getting to a park on a daily basis isn't always the easiest thing, especially, when it's a new habit you're trying to form or an old other habit you're trying to break.
Buy a piece of sod (this is already grown grass with roots and dirt); put it in a low height, wide, large enough to hold the sod (or most of it) container; place that in your bathroom, kitchen, on your balcony, wherever....stand on that, sit on that. You can surround the grass with potted plants. Even though you're not totally emerged within nature, you are still surround by nature. Later, when you move, you can take this with you and give it back to the earth.
I hope you try this and that it helps you. for my struggles...
memory is an issue..working on that (this could be entirely stress related)..I also need to write everything down..
procrastination..working on that..this is with my whole life..
finding peace within myself and releasing anger..this has been an interesting roller like falling apart in a spiritual store as the negativity is pulled right out of you..I'm still wary about going back there..they do have spiritual healers..since I want that I'll be going back..can't wait to go through that turmoil again..but maybe this next time will be 'easier'..I'll find out..
reinstating my ability to listen to my is there, but I have grown out of the ability to listen before second guessing..working on that..
meditating..I am super relaxed and calm for days when I meditate..I'm working on trying to make this a regular habit..
No one is perfect. Thank you for opening up. Sharing your experiences helps others deal with their own and that is awesome.
Oh my goodness, I really struggle with my memory as well 😭 it's a big issue for me and I feel the same way: i LOVE to learn and to read but i barely retain any of it and it breaks my heart. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one 😅
AND I have the same issue with too many interests. My poor boyfriend is probably getting whiplash from me constantly switching from one hobby to the other lol
My biggest struggle as a new Norse pagan, is finding nature areas. I too live in a city with limited forms of nature, having no car or ability to drive worsens this.
Great content. We all have struggles at one time or another. I just take it day by day. If I fall short, there's always the next day. New subscriber.
Im glad you liked it!
Yeah that’s exactly what I try to do. I tend to stress myself out when I feel like I’m not productive enough in anything (UA-cam, witchcraft, my astrology studies) but I have to remind myself that I HAVE to sometimes take it slow or I’ll burn out. Or my body reminds me of it with a migraine 🤣
It is so hard to remember everything! Maybe it is Pisces, I'm Pisces Sun. You've got me thinking now 🤔 Perhaps a memory spell before reading a book or an offering of blueberries (eating blueberries helps with memory) to Muninn before reading a book to retain the information.
Oh an offering to Muninn is such a good idea!!
Ahhh Ich fühle das meiste von dem, was Du beschreibst. Das lesen 🤣 ich muss mir immer alles aufschreiben. Das wichtigste auf jeden Fall. Offerings: ich habe einen großen Topf mit Erde auf dem Balkon und vergrabe es dort :)
Pisces moon software engineer here xD I feel you so much.
Oh my god another one! ❤️
I struggle with having too many hobbies and too many interests to keep up, too. Because I am an artist I also put off doing grimoire stuff because I want to make it beautiful and if it isn't I'm not happy haha. Art has been made very much part of my craft.
I have a bad habit of instantly buying books I find interesting also, so most of my bedroom is just books at this point. My list of books still unread is actually embarrassing at this point haha. Just think of it as building up a small library that you will get to when you feel like it is relevant~
Haha I had exactly the same problem with my old Grimoires. Not mine is a basic book with white pages that I only write in. Nothing beautiful, nothing fancy. It takes away the pressure and the resistance to write into it. But I would still love to have a pretty Grimoire 😅
@@TheNorseWitch Aye, I have a lot of notebooks full of things to copy into it, but the thought of having a beautiful grimoire that survives past my death for future generations to find and dub me "that batshit crazy ancestor" is just really funny haha.
My memory is the exact same way
A big struggle I have as a practitioner is comparison. I'm an artist, musician, and writer, I'm also a raging perfectionist so anything I do that isnt perfect is awful to me. Even people who can be confident in not being perfect I spite myself for not being perfect about my imperfections 😂.
My step sister is a 27 yr old heathen who has been practicing since she was 11. And in meeting her for the second time I've been very intimidated by how knowledgeable she is. When she knew I was a practicing norse pagan she very passionately went on a whole conversation about being the lead to a coven, how she was initiated, the practices she had to do to do so. I didnt understand a thing, I am not as deep into my practice as I thought I was.
learning solitary I hadn't realized I had tunnel vision, it was true that I had known a lot but I had tricked myself into thinking I knew more since I had not met a witch in person.
She meant well, she wasn't posturing or arrogant, she was just passionate. But i took it as "She knows more, so I know nothing" and in talking about my practice and studies I didnt meet her same enthusiasm. I didnt believe I deserved to be proud of the work I had done.
With clarity I knew sulking isnt productive. if I wanted to be as good as I had thought I was, the only way to do so was with studying. Reading my books, listening more, especially to my step sister. Who, like me, is learning from others who know better than her. Shes a blessing in disguise, I need to start seeing more people as that.
I feel this so much! I constantly think other people are better and know more than I do. The thing is: no matter how knowledgeable you are, there will always be people who know more than you, and also people who know less. This thought has helped me tremendously. Because the thought that I’m not knowledgeable enough also always stopped me from making UA-cam videos on the topic. Because I thought that there are people who would be so much more predestined to teach about it! But that’s wrong. There are always people who know less… but yeah comparison is a really tricky thing, I also always fall into its traps
Loving the honesty. I struggle as well managing multiple interest and time management. It sucks especially trying to figure out where to start on my own journey. I've been focusing more on my spiritual energy but I think it exhausts me some days. Any tips?
What I do sometimes when I can’t decide is that I use my pendulum and let it decide what I should start with ☺️
If I didn't know any better, I would think you are reading my own journal.....
I too buy books faster than I can read, I spent a lot of time reading and not practicing, - I also live in a large city....
Thoughts are very much a part of the air element... and so as an executive admin I, too feel very logical and prcatical and in my head all day long. It's like my head is not connected to my body any longer when the workday is over. :)
Yeeees that’s exactly how I feel like after work! I honestly hate that feeling so much. I’m currently trying to have a quick little grounding meditation right after work whenever I have the time to do it and so far it seems to help!
I am a gemini rising girl.. I got you! 😂😂
Btw I love your content and I am a norse pagan too, would you talk a bit more about how can we change our internal belief about manifestation not working?
I really struggle with that too and I would love to see your perspective on this since we are both from norse pantheon😍
Thank you so much🙏🏻❤️
Sounds like a good idea! I wanted to make a video about doubting before so I will try to add tips on how to change the doubts to it ☺️☺️
Du kennst es also auch, dieses "ich-habe-soviele-ungelesene-Bücher-würde-sie-gerne-alle-lesen-aber-ich-kann-mich-nicht-entscheiden" Problem 😲
Sie sind alle so interessant, und ich weiß oft nicht mit welchen ich anfangen soll. Früher hatte ich dieses Problem nicht, damals hatte ich keinerlei Probleme ein neugekauftes Buch gleich zu verschlingen.
Es sind Bücher über Magie, Spiritualität und Fantasyromane, rein Fantasy oder antike Götter die darin eine Rolle spielen. Wenn ich lesen will, sind es meist mehr als zwei Bücher die ich sofort lesen will, ich muss da noch lernen wie ich mich am besten entscheiden kann 😅
Zuviele Dinge auf einmal tun wollen, ja das kenne ich auch zu gut.
Ich wohne auch in einer Großstadt, am Rande, und habe zum Glück den großen Wienerwald ganz in meiner Nähe, dort habe ich nach langer Zeit ein Plätzchen gefunden wo ich in Ruhe meditieren kann, der Weg dorthin ist sehr lang, aber immerhin. Ich habe auch einen Lieblingsweg auf den ich gerne spazieren gehe, der führt aufs Land hinaus, da habe ich auch meistens meine ersehnte Ruhe.
Trotz dieser wunderbaren Gegend, habe ich folgendes Problem zuhause: zu dünne Wände und lärmende Nachbarn 😩 ich wünsche mir so sehr ein Zuhause in der ich untertags meditieren kann wann ich will! Nun kann ich das leider nur entweder nach Mitternacht (was aber zeitlich nur am Wochenende geht) oder mit dicken Kopfhörern musikhörend zu meditieren 😞 ich bin auch kein Fan von Städten mehr...
Womit ich oft gehadert habe, waren meine Zweifel bei Kontakten zu Wesenheiten und Reisen.
Heutzutage habe ich eher das Problem, wenn ich mal eine wundervolle Begegnung mit einer Wesenheit habe, bin ich davon so überwältigt, beinahe geschockt und überrascht, dass ich die Reise oder Meditation abbreche anstatt dranzubleiben, sehr unhöflich von mir und respektlos 😓
although i've written down spells that just come to me i've never performed any spells other then protection and cleansing of the house. idk why but i'm just really afraid of doing something wrong (not like a malicious or bad spell but just doing something incorrectly) and things just backfiring really badly or something.
You’d have to do something really horribly wrong for something to backfire so harshly.. very single witch that exists had to just jump into it and try casting a spell at some point ☺️ but it you’re really afraid, maybe just start out with a spell you didn’t write yourself? ☺️ maybe that will alleviate some of that fear?
Lol Are you a Gemini by chance? I totally struggle with so many interesting things to learn, so many good books - not enough time. I have learned to make priorities lists and that helps a little…* she says while having three such lists and two partial videos recorded and three books at various stages of being read* lmao. When I lived in a city I made a box lined with black silk to collect all spell remains until I could get to natural setting. Thank you for sharing this, great topic, great video.
Haha no I’m a Leo xD but my moon sign is Pisces, a mutable sign, so maybe that’s why? XD also my Mars is in Gemini, and since Mars is about what we’re passionate about, it also kind of makes sense
@@TheNorseWitch ha ha - i asked the same question - i have Mars in Gemini too, and have the same ‚problems‘ 💚✌️ i enjoy gardening and working/crafting with all kind of nature stuff - very grounding
I struggle with deity work. No matter how much I want it, i was told here on UA-cam not to do it cause it is closed. And i should only follow my anchestrial things. But my anchestry never really had any gods, hardcore secularity as much as I remember of them, and I wanna change this due to this call. I feel like I cannot say no for the divines that long, as they keep pushing me towards deity work/worship. My slavic roots are highly an interest for me. I am just so sad cause I do not want to hurt the gods and goddesses but also do not want to offend the people of them. I am Hungarian and basicaly I was told I do not belong to these Indo-European cultures. How the hack could that be? o.0 We're considered as European natures. Why does it matter who were raising me up when a deity calls me deep in the heart? I have also met the Olympian Aphrodite in Greece when I was on my vacation. Something led me there, the feeling that I should go there. It was her in the end. I am sso damn scared cause I do not wan to appropriate anyone else's culture. 😢Confusion level 15000 and above, what I do feel right now. Any advice on what can I do to break this ice wall inside me?
i love that tea kettle and matt, where did you get it?
I got it as a gift so I don’t know where it’s from, sorry :/
@@TheNorseWitch oh ok well thankyou for replying, im loving all your blogs, i feel like ive got a friend in my living room talking to me
Aww that’s so nice 🥹 It makes me very happy that I give off friend vibes 🥰
@@TheNorseWitch you sure do, i feel happy when i sit and listen to you and i light my josh sticks and backflow cones and make a cup of tea and settle down to listen to you, its like having a friend come around for a cup of tea and a chat
That sounds very cozy I love it 🥰❤️
si eu am problema asta nu ma pot cocetra pe 1 sigura ceste sunt fac foarte mute cesti
There is a rune that can help with the migraines, degas berkako
i feel heard
So I've been watching your older videos and I just found out what you do for a living and that you have 5 cats. I think I've seen 3 of your cats. Nice to know I'm not the only crazy cat lady on discord. I only have 1 but she's old and all I can afford. I'd have more if I could.
Oh i don’t have 5 cats! I have 3 and my boyfriend has 2 so when we move together we’ll have 5 ☺️
@@TheNorseWitch hopefully they will all get along
Yeah 🤣 if not we’ll have a problem
🤣 zu viele ‚Baustellen‘ klingt für mich stark nach SZ Zwilling - zumindest trifft das bei mir zu 💯 zu
Haha ja ich bin Mars Zwillinge. Dh ich hab nicht eine Leidenschaft sondern eine Million 🤣
True confessions of an ADHD witch 😂
Norse pagan males suffer from “alpha male syndrome”. I pray that Norse faith women do not give them any kind of attention and stay safe!
Dealing with this is one of my struggles as a Norse faithed female.