Honestly, as a witch with anxiety/OCD, I feel like my own mind is the true trickster. It was scary as a teen, but I can sense better if what's going on is actual communication or just my inner voice being nasty while I'm trying to listen. Also a gentle reminder to take care of your mental health and know yourself before getting into these kind of things, just to be safe 💙
I am naturally very skeptical and it definitely impacts my practice, but one thing I will ALWAYS remember is when my cat went missing and, using my pendulum, something (I'm not sure if it was Veles or my guardian spirit) told me that he was safe, he wasn't hurt, he was inside someone's garage, and he wasn't able to get home by himself. Turns out he had jumped in an open car window and was chilling in some dude's garage about 10 minutes drive from where I lived at the time, which I found out later that day when he called me.
Precise, very articulate, pragmatic and intelligent approach to guiding people. So much more effective and better than people who talk in riddles with vague concepts. Aka , you really know what you are doing , what you are saying, and I can tell from the other side of the screen you are absolutely authentic. A breathe of fresh air. You also are very grounded, and do not have a flamboyant ego, I also appreciate this. Much respect. Blessings of the gods and the not gods upon thee - Druid blessing
I started communicating with my great grandmother she haunts my then grandparents now mother's home. She is not stuck and earthbound she visits and I never thought about it, I brought her drawings from school as a little girl and when something went bump or creaked I would greet her, it just felt natural no one in my family was scared it was just ah great grandmother is visiting to look in on us.
Algorithm Boost. Also thanks for the more beginner friendly content, i am just starting my journey and these videos have helped me get an idea of what I should do or where to begin.
Yeah, this was great! I'd say because you were saying spirit sometimes needs energy to manifest. It's a great idea to not just give an offering in good faith, but also offer a form of energy for them to use. Like burning a candle, giving them food (it's always a good idea to have water for them) or going someplace that has our holds energy for them to use. Like being close to a source of running water like a stream or river. Even as simple as a crystal you charge specially for them to use the energy from. It doesn't need to be complicated. Also if you're doing this in a specific place you can over time raise your energy and the energy of that place (like the focal point mentioned ie, altar or spirit house). And making ritual (again doesn't need to be complicated) like ringing a bell to call in your spirit allies, both puts you in the right space to receive the messages and let's spirit know you're ready if they are. I hope this helps someone
Ich kann sie sehen in Energie Form. Bis zweimal habe ich eine vollkörper Erscheinung gesehen , dafür brauchen sie aber wirklich viel Energie .Bis vor kurzer Zeit habe ich immer noch die zwei Hand Technik benutzt. Eben ja oder nein. Aber das habe ich jetzt immer mehr gelassen , weil ich möchte dass meine Sinne noch feiner werden. Aber das ist eine gute Technik um damit anzufangen. Ich denke dass wirklich jeder, wenn er will mit Spirits reden kann. Wie NW schon sagte. Schönes Wochenende🎉
I love your entire energy and even your music choices are ones that I listen to all the time - relaxing. I just came from your psychic ability video. Thank you for helping me slowly get out of my belief that I am not as powerful as I am. ❤
I have been here a while mainly listening I crashed a few years ago and started my path anew, this video has touched me and sounds like something I may try, my family is Irish and Nordic, be blessed.
Most times I listen to "how to" videos that show the content creator, I go about and get some chores done. But I loooove your home decor! Looks so cozy :)
When I’m doing mediumship work it depends on the spirit for me, I tend to hear certain things some times I get visuals taste or smells. I love how it’s personal to each spirit. I like the idea of using a crystal as an anchor!!! I have one just in mind thanks for the wonderful video looks forward to ones in the future Ase
Thank you so much for this video! I have spirits communicate with me through dreams, this includes a couple deities and spirits of loved ones who passed away. But I've been struggling to reach back to them. I'm not quite there yet with lucid dreaming, and I've experienced astral projection by accident a couple times but still can't do it on command. I really want to commune with spirits, my practice feels incomplete without them. Your insights gave me different ideas to try. Love your channel 💜
Hello! I am relatively new to your channel, but already love how you approach your craft and share your experience/knowledge. I have been wanting to start exploring spirit communication and possibly deity work, but have been doubtful of myself. I appreciate the way you discuss the topic honestly and openly, and I found your video very helpful and encouraging! 🌻 You have given me confidence to explore and practice this subject more in depth. Thank you!
I find when im communicating with spirits. I use a candle flame on the pillar candle. Its good for instant yes or no questions. And then ill do tarot along side the candle flame.
Every time Ive tried to communicate with spirits did I never have experiences like hearing, seeing or feeling things on my body but I often just had the vague impression of a response, like I just knew the answer without knowing how or where it came from. At first that gave me really bad imposter syndrome but by now did I learn to trust my intuition (for the most part) and just go with it
part of the reason i'm so afraid of talking to spirits is really more being anti social or feeling like you should only call on something if you need it. while i would say i'm still more beginning in my magic practice, i like figuring things out myself and don't want to have to call on a spirit to 'solve' all my problems. also if i'm calling a spirit it's like inviting a person to my house. what do i talk about? do i put out snacks? what do we do? just all anxiety of a normal person lolz
I love this video. I think I've been being pushed to do more spirit communication. I used to do it some, but I've neglected it lately. But recently, my dreams have been filled with themes of being responsible, spirits and protection spells.... Last night I dreamt that I needed to redo my protection, but I literally thought "my jars and other things are fine", while holding a protection jar that I keep by my bed, in my dream. I think my dreams are pushing me to prepare for something. Or I'm wondering if it may be my living grandma praying the "evil" out of me 🙄
This raises so many questions about the nature of spirits. You say they aren't excited to speak to humans unless we show them that we're friendly. You also say that they don't know that touching us in certain places is culturally unacceptable. This leads me to wonder, do they have any sense of curiosity? It seems they simultaneously have very little knowledge about us while also having no self motivation to speak to us. Do they not understand the value of knowledge or understanding? If so, then how do they know to offer it as compensation for our gifts? As someone whose main interest in occult practices is to understand that realm on an ontological level, I'm always perplexed as to why they wouldn't be thrilled to share as I assume it's an incredibly rare thing for a person to ask of them. Who doesn't love being asked about their own inner mechanisms? Who doesn't want someone to try to truly understand them? What value does a person like myself gain from talking to spirits if none of them desire to be asked probing questions about their metaphysical nature? It seems as though their own conceptual separation from the importance that sort of thing has to us humans would hinder them from even knowing how to explain such things. It seems like something their nature doesn't compelled them to think about. All of this just leaves me feeling like spirits are kinda boring so why talk to them.
I can only tell you what my late husband told me few months ago. He described himself as being only a shadow, energy of what he used to be. Also whenever "spirits" communicate with us they need a bit of energy to do that. I have never contacted a spirit or an entity, they do it on their own. In a way communicating with my husband has been really eye opening and what I've heard has been really interesting, because it happened through his mother who was sleeping at the time and he spoke through her. None of us have been religious, I'm the only one who's been interested in the Universe and when we married, we made a promise to give some sign what it is like in the other realm if one of us dies before the other. He kept his part of the bargain and I will forever love him for that.
@chinek That's really cool! Thank you for sharing such a personal story. Perhaps I just need to be more creative with my expectations. I never really had much of a family myself (didn't get along with mine), so talking to deceased loved ones isn't really a good option, but I'm sure there's some interesting alternative. I just gotta keep looking.
I am so grateful for this video. Thank you so much. You look fabulous. I have a small obsidian disc (palm size) will that work. Not sure if you have a video on scrying with obsidian, crystal ball, 🔮 water. Thank you for all tips.
Hey! I‘m knew on my journey and I know this might sound stupid or something but I‘m really not sure what to do with the offerings for the spirits, after I‘m finished, like for how long should I leave it there or is it kind of disrespectful to eat or drink the offerings afterwards myself, wich were meant for the spirit? 🙊😅 And thank you very much for your beginner friendly videos you explained it all so good and you look amazing 🥰❤️
I have not had a chance to stop by and check out your vids for a while. But your neck tattoos are beautiful. I just had to say that really quick now back to the vid 🙂🙂🙂
I have been trying to tap back into my psychic abilities. They were strong as a kid, and then life happened. I used to dream of a giant spider who would help me with my problems, give answers to questions, and when I felt better, I would fall through the floor and wake up. Would this be a spirit animal I was talking to? I am Native American, by the way. But I have had a hard time getting back to a place where I can do that.
I can communicate freely with my grandfather, who is with me because he wanted to, and my guide. When I visited the graveyard a couple of weeks ago, I didn't have to do anything to get in touch with my grandmother, she came to me. And also, on Samhain night, I light a candle for my deceased loved ones and one of them got in touch with me because she needed to get things done before "crossing". As you can see, I have no problems when communicating. My problem comes when I try to reach my grandmother near my altar, as her grave is far away from my house. I do light a candle to illuminate the way here and for her to have enough energy and I have objects of her for me to focus... Without success. And she wanted to continue talking to me when I left the graveyard, so the lack of interest is not the problem. Do you have any advice? Also, I do have experience with tricksters that take control of my pendulum, they like to confuse you!! And sometimes they are hard to catch and they DO trick you 😅
I really want to know if your meditation is the same as my sway .i literally feel myself jump out ..been doing this for years now but its the way i feel i connect .shamens ❤❤
So how can one know which spirits would have the power to actually move something in the room or to just bring some sort of sensation? Is there a tier or its just a matter of ability for them? Maybe make a video with those specifics ♥
Not sure if you have the answers to this, but do you have any idea of mental illnesses show up in the spirit forms of people? I had 2 very close loved ones die within a week of one another pretty recently. My dad had dementia before he died and my girlfriend had a mental illness that included delusional psychosis. I'm almost afraid to try to reach out to them as a result.
Hello Bente, what do you think about mediums who communicate with spirits even they haven't a relationship with that spirit? I ask it because you said spirits are not interested in communicate with us if they were not someone with a relation with them. Thank You 💜
I am a Norse Pagon and I have had some recent experiences with talking out loud to the Gods as a prayer. I have 3 cats. One of them I named Freya after my Goddess of Love. I prayed to Freya for her love after being really sad from watching a episode of Doc Who. I asked the Goddess to let my mom know where ever she is to ask for forgiveness for me of our last couple of months before her passing. Alittle while later I was on my laptop and felt one of my cats lay next to my bare foot and fell asleep. I thought this is a sign of an answer but I did not check to see which cat it was. I turns out later that it was my Cat Freya. I feel that it was a direct answer from the Goddess because it could have been any of them but the fact it was the one I named after the Goddess was significant. What are your thoughts? or anyone elses?
hii, I have a question that might be off topic of the video, but I would like to know if shaman soul retrieving is a good thing to do if you feel like you have curses on you and you feel mysteriously blocked in life, or i must check if I effectively i have a curse and have blockages before doing it ?
Instructions unclear, the dead men of dunharrow are now in my room 🤪 Jokes aside, great video! Thank you to speak about fear mongering, this pisses me off so much... Is there even any historical evidence for for the idea of trickster spirits?
I think that depends on the culture… I know they definitely exist in the traditions of some Native American tribes. From the Nordic’s I only know of Loki who would count as a trickster. But I have never heard of a Nordic spirit pretending to be another spirit let alone a deity
Ein sehr gutes Video, danke ❤👍 Bezüglich dass du es schade findest, dass du meinst in Luziden Träumen nicht talentiert zu sein, möchte ich dir was sagen: Es ist wie beim Zeichnen, ja manche haben Talent und brauchen nicht so viel Übung, doch man braucht kein Talent, um etwas zu erlernen und zu können. Und ja, manche können luzid-träumen ohne es zu "üben", doch es ist möglich, luzide Träume auszulösen mit bestimmten Methoden. Ich kann das Buch "Illumination des Träumens" von Frederick Dodson wirklich SEHR empfehlen, es hat mir geholfen, luzide Träume auszulösen. Man muss zwar als "Nicht-Talentierter" dabei mehr Geduld und Disziplin aufbringen, aber es ist machbar, wenn man nicht aufgibt ❤ ein Beispiel aus meiner Erfahrung mit dem Buch: ich habe ca 2-3 Wochen lang täglich eine bestimmte Methode angewandt, bis ich meinen ersten, selbst ausgelösten luziden Traum hatte 😊
I have heard that you shouldn't approach the recently dead. Both my parents and my sister are dead. The most recent was my sister, 6 years ago. How soon can you start talking to your ancestors? Is there a recommend time limit, year wise, since their death, that you have done yourself?
@TheNorseWitch i didn't think you yourself would actually respond. Thank you for your curiosity. To answer your question, it has to with, i suppose respect. When i practice, i want my results to come from my own intentions and my own will alongside the help of the elements and the universal energy around me. I'm not fond of the idea of working with spirits as i do not wish to inadvertently hurt them or force them to do my work. I also have had negative and even traumatic experiences with spirit work as i come from a religious background that despises my craft with a passion and the spirits i tried to work with have tried to hurt me and members of my close family and friends for bringing my craft in front of their religion. I hope none of this sounds stupid. i do wish to work with spirits again however but i will leave that to a wiser me in the future.
Ok, serious question because I completely don't understand why people want to communicate with any ancestors??? FOR WHAT? I'm sorry but what a piece of advice do you want from your dead grandmother? Just because you loved her when she lived on this Earth it doesn't mean that she is a fountain of knowledge just because she's now dead! You want to talk about WHAT? It's stupid! I understand trying to talk to one of the Gods but dead human? They are not your therapist with the solution to your problems. You are a grown-up get your shit together. When I'll be dead and somebody would want to communicate with me they will receive very clear message.... sorry, the spirit you are calling is unavailable for eternity.
1. In some cultures ancestors are elevated through veneration. 2. Ancestors have been humans at some point so they understand things about your life that a deity might not. 3. Being dead and having lived in the past doesn't make one a fountain of wisdom, true. Does this mean that learning about history is pointless? We read about the knowledge of dead people at school all the time. Anyway, you're far too grown-up and have your shit together too much to call other people's spirituality stupid 😘
If it's the ancestors that love you, they give you strength. I will definitely be available to help my kids just as my Grandmother and Mum are still there for me. 👻♥️
@@TheNorseWitch Oh, I learn from humans every single day but that's the point - from people who are living here and now or they lived here and left some meaningful legacy. Maybe because I'm a man I think differently but if I want any advice or any guidance in my life I go straight to the Gods... dead humans - no, thank you. They are dead, they moved on. But it's working for me so I'm good.
@MarcinViscardi And why do you think you can learn from still-living humans but not from deceased one? I don’t see the logic. It also doesn’t have anything to do with your gender. I know lots of men who work with spirits and see much to learn from them. No matter what it may be - there’s no reason to ridicule other peoples practices in my comment section. Should I see that sort of disrespect again, I’ll hide you from my channel.
I just want to say thank you for this video because it gave me the courage to finally purchase an ouija board because I feel it will be the easiest way for me to communicate. I know a lot of people look down on it and all the fear mongering around it, but I think it’s a great way to start deconstructing the fear around spiritual communication tools!!🤍🤍🤍
Can we all just take a minute to admire how stunning the norse witch always looks?
You’re so sweet 🥹❤️
They are gorgeous!!! ♡♡♡
100% ❤
They are beautiful! Always gorgeous, kind, humble and wise.
Absolutely ❤
Honestly, as a witch with anxiety/OCD, I feel like my own mind is the true trickster. It was scary as a teen, but I can sense better if what's going on is actual communication or just my inner voice being nasty while I'm trying to listen. Also a gentle reminder to take care of your mental health and know yourself before getting into these kind of things, just to be safe 💙
Loki: when Bente calls on Odin I will totally swoosh in in disguise hehehhee
Bente: I call on Loki
Loki: *taking off eyepatch and hat* wait, what?
I am naturally very skeptical and it definitely impacts my practice, but one thing I will ALWAYS remember is when my cat went missing and, using my pendulum, something (I'm not sure if it was Veles or my guardian spirit) told me that he was safe, he wasn't hurt, he was inside someone's garage, and he wasn't able to get home by himself. Turns out he had jumped in an open car window and was chilling in some dude's garage about 10 minutes drive from where I lived at the time, which I found out later that day when he called me.
Precise, very articulate, pragmatic and intelligent approach to guiding people. So much more effective and better than people who talk in riddles with vague concepts. Aka , you really know what you are doing , what you are saying, and I can tell from the other side of the screen you are absolutely authentic. A breathe of fresh air. You also are very grounded, and do not have a flamboyant ego, I also appreciate this. Much respect.
Blessings of the gods and the not gods upon thee - Druid blessing
I started communicating with my great grandmother she haunts my then grandparents now mother's home. She is not stuck and earthbound she visits and I never thought about it, I brought her drawings from school as a little girl and when something went bump or creaked I would greet her, it just felt natural no one in my family was scared it was just ah great grandmother is visiting to look in on us.
Algorithm Boost.
Also thanks for the more beginner friendly content, i am just starting my journey and these videos have helped me get an idea of what I should do or where to begin.
Yeah, this was great!
I'd say because you were saying spirit sometimes needs energy to manifest. It's a great idea to not just give an offering in good faith, but also offer a form of energy for them to use. Like burning a candle, giving them food (it's always a good idea to have water for them) or going someplace that has our holds energy for them to use. Like being close to a source of running water like a stream or river. Even as simple as a crystal you charge specially for them to use the energy from. It doesn't need to be complicated.
Also if you're doing this in a specific place you can over time raise your energy and the energy of that place (like the focal point mentioned ie, altar or spirit house). And making ritual (again doesn't need to be complicated) like ringing a bell to call in your spirit allies, both puts you in the right space to receive the messages and let's spirit know you're ready if they are.
I hope this helps someone
I know using the same space , focal point over and over definitely makes a connection stronger over time.
Ich kann sie sehen in Energie Form. Bis zweimal habe ich eine vollkörper Erscheinung gesehen , dafür brauchen sie aber wirklich viel Energie .Bis vor kurzer Zeit habe ich immer noch die zwei Hand Technik benutzt. Eben ja oder nein. Aber das habe ich jetzt immer mehr gelassen , weil ich möchte dass meine Sinne noch feiner werden. Aber das ist eine gute Technik um damit anzufangen. Ich denke dass wirklich jeder, wenn er will mit Spirits reden kann. Wie NW schon sagte. Schönes Wochenende🎉
Great info! Thank you. Also I love your rowan and acorn tattoos
When it comes to spirit communication to believe is key keep in mind that there are good and bad spirits all around us
I love your entire energy and even your music choices are ones that I listen to all the time - relaxing. I just came from your psychic ability video. Thank you for helping me slowly get out of my belief that I am not as powerful as I am. ❤
Love all your videos! This is definitely a video I’m rewatching multiple times
I have been here a while mainly listening I crashed a few years ago and started my path anew, this video has touched me and sounds like something I may try, my family is Irish and Nordic, be blessed.
it's maybe as dangerous as shaving: sure, you can do it wrong, but relatively easy to not do it wrong
Most times I listen to "how to" videos that show the content creator, I go about and get some chores done. But I loooove your home decor! Looks so cozy :)
Thank you so much! I just got an obsidian orb. Its been calling to me for awhile now and I finally got one.
This was so informative.
When I’m doing mediumship work it depends on the spirit for me, I tend to hear certain things some times I get visuals taste or smells. I love how it’s personal to each spirit. I like the idea of using a crystal as an anchor!!! I have one just in mind thanks for the wonderful video looks forward to ones in the future Ase
Thank you so much for this video!
I have spirits communicate with me through dreams, this includes a couple deities and spirits of loved ones who passed away. But I've been struggling to reach back to them. I'm not quite there yet with lucid dreaming, and I've experienced astral projection by accident a couple times but still can't do it on command. I really want to commune with spirits, my practice feels incomplete without them. Your insights gave me different ideas to try.
Love your channel 💜
Hello! I am relatively new to your channel, but already love how you approach your craft and share your experience/knowledge. I have been wanting to start exploring spirit communication and possibly deity work, but have been doubtful of myself. I appreciate the way you discuss the topic honestly and openly, and I found your video very helpful and encouraging! 🌻 You have given me confidence to explore and practice this subject more in depth. Thank you!
I find when im communicating with spirits. I use a candle flame on the pillar candle. Its good for instant yes or no questions. And then ill do tarot along side the candle flame.
Every time Ive tried to communicate with spirits did I never have experiences like hearing, seeing or feeling things on my body but I often just had the vague impression of a response, like I just knew the answer without knowing how or where it came from. At first that gave me really bad imposter syndrome but by now did I learn to trust my intuition (for the most part) and just go with it
Thank you Bente! Very informative, as always!
This was really helpful! Thank you 🙏
A wonderful video!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
I will perform my first ritual on friday so this is perfect❤
Thank you for the video! On an unrelated topic: do you happen to have a pattern for your sweater? I really love it!
part of the reason i'm so afraid of talking to spirits is really more being anti social or feeling like you should only call on something if you need it. while i would say i'm still more beginning in my magic practice, i like figuring things out myself and don't want to have to call on a spirit to 'solve' all my problems. also if i'm calling a spirit it's like inviting a person to my house. what do i talk about? do i put out snacks? what do we do? just all anxiety of a normal person lolz
I love this video. I think I've been being pushed to do more spirit communication. I used to do it some, but I've neglected it lately. But recently, my dreams have been filled with themes of being responsible, spirits and protection spells.... Last night I dreamt that I needed to redo my protection, but I literally thought "my jars and other things are fine", while holding a protection jar that I keep by my bed, in my dream.
I think my dreams are pushing me to prepare for something.
Or I'm wondering if it may be my living grandma praying the "evil" out of me 🙄
This raises so many questions about the nature of spirits. You say they aren't excited to speak to humans unless we show them that we're friendly. You also say that they don't know that touching us in certain places is culturally unacceptable. This leads me to wonder, do they have any sense of curiosity? It seems they simultaneously have very little knowledge about us while also having no self motivation to speak to us. Do they not understand the value of knowledge or understanding? If so, then how do they know to offer it as compensation for our gifts?
As someone whose main interest in occult practices is to understand that realm on an ontological level, I'm always perplexed as to why they wouldn't be thrilled to share as I assume it's an incredibly rare thing for a person to ask of them. Who doesn't love being asked about their own inner mechanisms? Who doesn't want someone to try to truly understand them? What value does a person like myself gain from talking to spirits if none of them desire to be asked probing questions about their metaphysical nature? It seems as though their own conceptual separation from the importance that sort of thing has to us humans would hinder them from even knowing how to explain such things. It seems like something their nature doesn't compelled them to think about. All of this just leaves me feeling like spirits are kinda boring so why talk to them.
I can only tell you what my late husband told me few months ago. He described himself as being only a shadow, energy of what he used to be. Also whenever "spirits" communicate with us they need a bit of energy to do that. I have never contacted a spirit or an entity, they do it on their own.
In a way communicating with my husband has been really eye opening and what I've heard has been really interesting, because it happened through his mother who was sleeping at the time and he spoke through her. None of us have been religious, I'm the only one who's been interested in the Universe and when we married, we made a promise to give some sign what it is like in the other realm if one of us dies before the other.
He kept his part of the bargain and I will forever love him for that.
@chinek That's really cool! Thank you for sharing such a personal story. Perhaps I just need to be more creative with my expectations. I never really had much of a family myself (didn't get along with mine), so talking to deceased loved ones isn't really a good option, but I'm sure there's some interesting alternative. I just gotta keep looking.
I am so grateful for this video. Thank you so much. You look fabulous. I have a small obsidian disc (palm size) will that work. Not sure if you have a video on scrying with obsidian, crystal ball, 🔮 water. Thank you for all tips.
I‘m knew on my journey and I know this might sound stupid or something but I‘m really not sure what to do with the offerings for the spirits, after I‘m finished, like for how long should I leave it there or is it kind of disrespectful to eat or drink the offerings afterwards myself, wich were meant for the spirit? 🙊😅
And thank you very much for your beginner friendly videos you explained it all so good and you look amazing 🥰❤️
Hi! I have an entire video on the topic of offerings where I answer questions like yours ☺️ ua-cam.com/video/aReMlH35ZMo/v-deo.htmlsi=1VXZ56Qcnfjigyk2
I have not had a chance to stop by and check out your vids for a while. But your neck tattoos are beautiful. I just had to say that really quick now back to the vid 🙂🙂🙂
I have been trying to tap back into my psychic abilities. They were strong as a kid, and then life happened. I used to dream of a giant spider who would help me with my problems, give answers to questions, and when I felt better, I would fall through the floor and wake up. Would this be a spirit animal I was talking to? I am Native American, by the way. But I have had a hard time getting back to a place where I can do that.
I can communicate freely with my grandfather, who is with me because he wanted to, and my guide. When I visited the graveyard a couple of weeks ago, I didn't have to do anything to get in touch with my grandmother, she came to me. And also, on Samhain night, I light a candle for my deceased loved ones and one of them got in touch with me because she needed to get things done before "crossing". As you can see, I have no problems when communicating. My problem comes when I try to reach my grandmother near my altar, as her grave is far away from my house. I do light a candle to illuminate the way here and for her to have enough energy and I have objects of her for me to focus... Without success. And she wanted to continue talking to me when I left the graveyard, so the lack of interest is not the problem. Do you have any advice?
Also, I do have experience with tricksters that take control of my pendulum, they like to confuse you!! And sometimes they are hard to catch and they DO trick you 😅
I really want to know if your meditation is the same as my sway .i literally feel myself jump out ..been doing this for years now but its the way i feel i connect .shamens ❤❤
So how can one know which spirits would have the power to actually move something in the room or to just bring some sort of sensation? Is there a tier or its just a matter of ability for them? Maybe make a video with those specifics ♥
Not sure if you have the answers to this, but do you have any idea of mental illnesses show up in the spirit forms of people? I had 2 very close loved ones die within a week of one another pretty recently. My dad had dementia before he died and my girlfriend had a mental illness that included delusional psychosis. I'm almost afraid to try to reach out to them as a result.
Hello Bente, what do you think about mediums who communicate with spirits even they haven't a relationship with that spirit? I ask it because you said spirits are not interested in communicate with us if they were not someone with a relation with them. Thank You 💜
I am a Norse Pagon and I have had some recent experiences with talking out loud to the Gods as a prayer. I have 3 cats. One of them I named Freya after my Goddess of Love. I prayed to Freya for her love after being really sad from watching a episode of Doc Who. I asked the Goddess to let my mom know where ever she is to ask for forgiveness for me of our last couple of months before her passing. Alittle while later I was on my laptop and felt one of my cats lay next to my bare foot and fell asleep. I thought this is a sign of an answer but I did not check to see which cat it was. I turns out later that it was my Cat Freya. I feel that it was a direct answer from the Goddess because it could have been any of them but the fact it was the one I named after the Goddess was significant. What are your thoughts? or anyone elses?
hii, I have a question that might be off topic of the video, but I would like to know if shaman soul retrieving is a good thing to do if you feel like you have curses on you and you feel mysteriously blocked in life, or i must check if I effectively i have a curse and have blockages before doing it ?
Plz plz plz mam tell use about desire Job .... manifestation or spell plz plz
Instructions unclear, the dead men of dunharrow are now in my room 🤪
Jokes aside, great video! Thank you to speak about fear mongering, this pisses me off so much... Is there even any historical evidence for for the idea of trickster spirits?
I think that depends on the culture… I know they definitely exist in the traditions of some Native American tribes. From the Nordic’s I only know of Loki who would count as a trickster. But I have never heard of a Nordic spirit pretending to be another spirit let alone a deity
Ein sehr gutes Video, danke ❤👍
Bezüglich dass du es schade findest, dass du meinst in Luziden Träumen nicht talentiert zu sein, möchte ich dir was sagen:
Es ist wie beim Zeichnen, ja manche haben Talent und brauchen nicht so viel Übung, doch man braucht kein Talent, um etwas zu erlernen und zu können. Und ja, manche können luzid-träumen ohne es zu "üben", doch es ist möglich, luzide Träume auszulösen mit bestimmten Methoden.
Ich kann das Buch "Illumination des Träumens" von Frederick Dodson wirklich SEHR empfehlen, es hat mir geholfen, luzide Träume auszulösen. Man muss zwar als "Nicht-Talentierter" dabei mehr Geduld und Disziplin aufbringen, aber es ist machbar, wenn man nicht aufgibt ❤ ein Beispiel aus meiner Erfahrung mit dem Buch: ich habe ca 2-3 Wochen lang täglich eine bestimmte Methode angewandt, bis ich meinen ersten, selbst ausgelösten luziden Traum hatte 😊
Can you provide something that will help the spirit draw energy? So that it might be able to knock on a wall etc? If so what would you use?
If i wanted to contact my mother, would it be helpful to use her pendulum?
I have heard that you shouldn't approach the recently dead. Both my parents and my sister are dead. The most recent was my sister, 6 years ago. How soon can you start talking to your ancestors? Is there a recommend time limit, year wise, since their death, that you have done yourself?
So spirits get energy from our offerings ?
I believe so, yes
@TheNorseWitch thank you for the quick reply 😊
i could never. personally, i try to keep spirits out of my practice as possible but this is a good tutorial nonetheless
This is interesting. Why exactly don’t you want spirits in your practice?
@TheNorseWitch i didn't think you yourself would actually respond. Thank you for your curiosity. To answer your question, it has to with, i suppose respect. When i practice, i want my results to come from my own intentions and my own will alongside the help of the elements and the universal energy around me. I'm not fond of the idea of working with spirits as i do not wish to inadvertently hurt them or force them to do my work. I also have had negative and even traumatic experiences with spirit work as i come from a religious background that despises my craft with a passion and the spirits i tried to work with have tried to hurt me and members of my close family and friends for bringing my craft in front of their religion. I hope none of this sounds stupid. i do wish to work with spirits again however but i will leave that to a wiser me in the future.
@datguysshorts Oh no that definitely does not stupid! And it’s totally understandable under that circumstances! ☺️ thank you for elaborating! ☺️
@@TheNorseWitch that's good to know. Once again, thank you for responding.
@datguysshorts no problem ☺️☺️
Ok, serious question because I completely don't understand why people want to communicate with any ancestors??? FOR WHAT? I'm sorry but what a piece of advice do you want from your dead grandmother? Just because you loved her when she lived on this Earth it doesn't mean that she is a fountain of knowledge just because she's now dead! You want to talk about WHAT? It's stupid! I understand trying to talk to one of the Gods but dead human? They are not your therapist with the solution to your problems. You are a grown-up get your shit together. When I'll be dead and somebody would want to communicate with me they will receive very clear message.... sorry, the spirit you are calling is unavailable for eternity.
1. In some cultures ancestors are elevated through veneration. 2. Ancestors have been humans at some point so they understand things about your life that a deity might not. 3. Being dead and having lived in the past doesn't make one a fountain of wisdom, true. Does this mean that learning about history is pointless? We read about the knowledge of dead people at school all the time.
Anyway, you're far too grown-up and have your shit together too much to call other people's spirituality stupid 😘
It makes me very sad that you seem to think there’s nothing to learn from other humans.
If it's the ancestors that love you, they give you strength. I will definitely be available to help my kids just as my Grandmother and Mum are still there for me. 👻♥️
@@TheNorseWitch Oh, I learn from humans every single day but that's the point - from people who are living here and now or they lived here and left some meaningful legacy. Maybe because I'm a man I think differently but if I want any advice or any guidance in my life I go straight to the Gods... dead humans - no, thank you. They are dead, they moved on. But it's working for me so I'm good.
@MarcinViscardi And why do you think you can learn from still-living humans but not from deceased one? I don’t see the logic. It also doesn’t have anything to do with your gender. I know lots of men who work with spirits and see much to learn from them.
No matter what it may be - there’s no reason to ridicule other peoples practices in my comment section. Should I see that sort of disrespect again, I’ll hide you from my channel.
I just want to say thank you for this video because it gave me the courage to finally purchase an ouija board because I feel it will be the easiest way for me to communicate. I know a lot of people look down on it and all the fear mongering around it, but I think it’s a great way to start deconstructing the fear around spiritual communication tools!!🤍🤍🤍