Okay Muk I'm gonna help you out here by adding some info that you probably left out because it's not important to new players and also correcting some things :D Also just so you all know, spvp refers to Structured PvP to separate it from WvW since they are both forms of pvp. Corrections: PvP training grounds: The beasts from the Forest of Niflhel map can also be found there. They are on the second island. Forest of Niflhel: Each beast gives your team 25 points and a 90sec buff that boosts all stats by 50. This means that if your opponent gets both, they will briefly have a +100 to all stats buff on the WHOLE TEAM. You should always try to get one of them, and if you can afford to get both, it will be very advantageous. Custom Arenas: This is not a correction but more of a note: you do not get any rank points (the xp of spvp) when playing in custom arenas. Additions: Tournaments: All tournaments are Conquest, and require you to bring a whole party. Unlike ranked play, tournaments pay no attention to ranked, so it is highly likely that you will be matched with people of higher skill (in my first tournament, I went against a pro team and the second tournament I went against Vaanss's team). However, you still play even if you lose, so try to play through the whole tournament! There are two kinds of tournaments: There are the four daily tournaments (Lyssa's Legions, Balthazar's Brawl, Grenth's Game, and Melandru's Matchup) and one Monthly Tournament (Kormir's Clash). Daily Automated Tournaments: The daily tournaments only require a full party, and you play three-four rounds depending on the number of players participating. As a reward, you will gain Potions of pvp, and a varying number of unidentified dyes, mystic coins, gold and qualifying points. You need 100 qualifying points to enter the Monthly Automated Tournament. Monthly Automated Tournaments: The monthly automated tournament requires a full party and each player of the party having the 100 qualifying points necessary to compete (keep in mind winning 1st place in one of the daily automated tournaments gets you 50, and placing in 5th-8th gives you 10 so it's not very difficult to get 100). All players will get some amount of gold, mystic coins, and Large Potion of PvP rewards (which you can only get from this tournament). The top four teams will get tournament vouchers, a llama with color corresponding to the medal they would earn, and a pass to the Champion's Rest lobby. In addition, the first place winners get a special gizmo that give your characters a special effect when using it (Sindrener often runs around with a crown which is one of the gizmos) If you don't want it, the gizmo's can be transferred into 10 tournament vouchers. Currencies: there are four currencies you get from spvp-- Shards of glory, Ascended shards of glory, PvP league tickets, and Tournament vouchers. Shards of Glory: You get these mainly from completing the league chests, from daily reward chests, and pvp reward tracks. You use these across all game modes, and it is used in legendary and precursor crafting. You also use these to buy ascended gear from merchants. These can also be bought from the trading post. There is also a converter that costs 50 PvP league tickets to buy which allows you to convert up to 250 shards of glory (5 groups of 50) into Timeless bags, which reward mostly junk (not worth it imo. I got one and i regretted spending 50 tickets on it) Ascended Shards of Glory: You only get these from completing the ranked league chests. You only get some from the final chest of each tier, with the final tier being repeatable for more ascended shards. You need Ascended Shards of Glory in order to buy ascended weapons and armor, in addition to upgrading those to legendary. On the GW2 wiki, there is an equation for how many game you have to play to achieve a certain number of Ascended Shards. To craft a full set of legendary armor, you will need A LOT of ascended shards: about 3600 assuming you already have the armor pieces. PvP League Tickets: You also only get these by completing ranked league reward chests, but unlike ascended shards, you are limited to 110 per season. You use PvP League Tickets primarily to make legendary armor, the legendary backpack, The Ascension, and the legendary amulet, Transcendence. You can also use them to get the Shards of Glory converter, llama minis, ascended salvage kits, and crafting recipes. You can also turn 1 PvP league ticket into 10 Shards of Glory (really really not worth it) Note: because of how many you get per season, you need to complete all reward chests in at least three season to get a full set of legendary armor. Tournament Vouchers: These are only available through the monthly automated tournament (loving referred to as the mota). You only get them by being in fourth place or above, and can be exchanged for ascended armor and weapons. Legendaries! Legendary Armor: Legendary PvP armor is time-gated but relatively easy. It requires a lot of materials and time but if you already consistently do pvp then it will come pretty easily. Requires only gold, ascended shards of glory, shards of glory, and PvP league tickets (along with other non-pvp crafting materials). Legendary Backpeice: The Ascension is the legendary sPvP backpiece. Its precursor can be made by buying all tiers of wings of glory with PvP league tickets and combining them in the mystic forge. In addition, you need to do the four Year of The Ascension meta achievements to get the components for one of the gifts, which is timegated to a minimum of 60 days. If you want to see the achievements, they are under the competitive tab of your achievements window. Note: while the precursor will only require 1 ranked season worth of PvP league tickets (100 tickets), the total cost will require 125 tickets, making it impossible to complete in one ranked season. Legendary Amulet. Transcendence, the legendary amulet, components are largely bought from the League Vendor, but it also requires pieces from two achievements, which can both be found in the PvP Conqueror achievements under the Competitive tab in your achievement window. The first achievement, called Emblem of Victory, requires you to win 120 ranked matches (it says during a season but it does carry between seasons), and awards you with the Emblem of Victory which is required to make the amulet. The second achievement is the Emblem of Tournament victory achievement which requires you to win 20 PvP tournament matches for the Emblem of Tournament Victory. This emblem is not required to make the amulet, but will upgrade the amulet to it's shiny version. Note: you do not need to win 20 tournaments-- you only need to win 20 matches in tournaments. Titles: there are a lot of title you can get in pvp. I'll try to show you how to get some here. Achievement Titles: You get these by just playing with certain classes in ranked pvp or getting a certain amount of rank points. You can find these in the PvP Conqueror Achievements under the Competitive tab in your Achievements panel. Map Titles: You will get titles by playing certain maps a lot. These meta achievements ask you to do certain things on maps (such as decap, kill enemies, etc) a large number of times. You can find these under the Competitive tab in your achievements panel. Rank Titles: These are much harder to come by. You only get these by being in the top 250 of NA, EU, or China. The breakdown can be found on the wiki or in the rewards tab in the PvP ranked season leaderboards. Hope this adds some more useful info for you all!
Besides beasts, nice info to add. Dont ever touch the beasts, dont spawncamp them or ping them on map as if they're so important. They're not worth versus point gain on captured nodes. Only time one should go for a beast if you dont have enough time to turn the tide (need that 25 points asap) and there is no risk leaving your team 4v5, 3v4 etc in teamfight. Also you wont get decapped while killing beast. Even then make sure you see all your enemy team members on map to guarantee it wont get stolen. These conditions will not met most of the time so do not go near them at all they're just trap.
As a PvE player, I never liked PvP. Then I played it during the 2v2 ranked season and loved it. More people should check it out, I think it helped my dmg output in PvE as well!
I have been binge-watching your videos recently (inventory management, wvw, fractals, etc.) and wanted to get into pvp but was always failing massively to be of any use. After watching this video, i went into the lobby, got an actual build from godsofpvp and practiced vs npc classes and a few players in the arena. Now, I queued for a match...and we got rekted. Like 500 to 200 rekted. But I got top 1 of my team! Hell, never ever would that have happened before! I mean, they must really have been bad, but it's still better than nothing right? Also, I had the feeling of having a chance to damage other players and actually managed to dodge some attacks for the first time So sorry for this long ass comment but this video really helped me so much.
I've been watching Mulkuk since my game has been downloading. Got into the game already knowing a lot of the basics and more. Knew what I should do and where the fun stuff are. First time PvP 2 days ago, I got completely wrecked...but I was consistently top of my team in all of them! So Mukluk is DEFINITELY helping because I'm usually shit at games first time...since I usually have a more knowledge based approach to games than skill based approach, this game is perfect for me! (But its also kind of a nightmare since I try to learn everything in one go and that's been overfrying my brain.)
"95% of GW2 players are awesome, the other 5% were in PVP"... Dude absolutely the most true thing I have heard in my life. Even above my father saying he isn't proud of me.
Just the other day I started PvP for the first time and have been looking for the most up to date guide and it feels like you've read my mind. 😁 Very thorough and you are the first person to actually go over and explain the different maps and what the objectives are.I still am struggling and trying to learn the maps.I feel like it's one of the most essential things you can do when starting out as well as learning every proffesion's ablities.Thanks Muk ,keep it up with the guides.As a person coming back from a 4 year hiatus and leveling my first ever character to 80 a Rev, I can say that your guides have been tremendously helpful.GJ.
Well explained for basics! :) I like that you talk some strategy, so that new players can start thinking that way off the bat rather than "It's just a 5v5 Death Match". That costs games way too often. Word of advice for newbies: 1) Similar to what Muk said about losing a 1v1 and not confident you'd win the next time, if your team is getting wiped at a node, do NOT run to it. You will only feed the other team points, which costs you the game. Either wait for your team to re-spawn and regroup with them, or go to another node that is currently contested and start hacking at that one. 2) Also, FIGHT ON NODE! the only exception to this is if you have a massive lead, guaranteed victory and you are distracting your opponent from the node. If you are engaged off a node, try to make it to a node if possible, whether defending or decapping. Otherwise you really aren't doing your team any good, particularly if you are losing. Personal experiences: 1) Playing a bunker is a lot of fun. Many times I have ran far at the start of the match and have kept the opposing team from capping their home node, thus scoring my team a pretty big lead (so long as they don't get instant wiped in mid). Personal favorite was Dragonhunter bunker. 2) I tend to play the role of the thief on my ranger. Mobility is lower than thief, but i still achieve my goal most times. However, I do like to take complete control of the node rather than just decap it. But that's just me.
Thanks heaps for this! Never tried any of this and this has nudged a little further in the right direction. I don’t deal with salt well and rumour has it that there’s plenty in there ... we’ll see. I’ve got a couple of guild pals that PvP a lot time for sone training. Cheers
Thank youuuu muk! Been interested in pvp since i really enjoyed it in wow but was always too scared to make a fool of myself haha! Will actually give it a go now! Thank you!
Honestly a fantastic introduction to pvp. I'd add that the best resource to learn how to play your class is usually a twitch streamer. There are videos on youtube and written guides on metabattle, but nothing compares to seeing live gameplay from a skilled player. They're generally very helpful and will answer whatever questions you have about how to succeed in pvp.
I send this video to all of my friends that are new to PvP. It's honestly so comprehensive and perfectly outlines the foundation skills required to pickup PvP successfully from day 1. Really nice video. P.S. I love all of your videos so I am biased.
Pretty much! Once you hit level 2 (which takes a couple of minutes) you can enter the pvp lobby, once there you are considered a maxed out character for fairness. Your gear does not matter for 2v2, 5v5, both unranked and ranked play. If you ever wish to do World Vs World (massive scale pvp) your real level/gear is used, but thats another video (in the guides playlist if you are interested) Edit: Also the core game is free, no purchase necessary until you get the expansions, theres a link to download it in the description if you like!
I know this comment is kinda late but did they remove the third meditation on Temple of the Silent Storm? That was the truly op combo, if you capped all three. Back then did both the things it still does but it also made it so enemies couldn't de-cap your point (that used to be Stillness' effect if I recall correctly, the effect it has now was on the third meditation) so if you got all three it was essentially a win. That or that was a fever dream. Either way, I haven't played Silent Storm in a while. Anyways, great video! Really good overview.
Structured PvP in Guild Wars 2 is enjoyable, given its combat system unique in relation to other MMOs. But just like other people say, it's not the game that makes it awful per se, rather the people in it. I still suggest people to go sPvP. More people to play with/against makes our small community more fun. Just don't be toxic. :P
The only on time that I encounter toxic players in gw2 was in pvp, but it's not compared to league of legends players. For me was a walk in the park with those people. But I appreciate your guide muk, helped me a lot (again) as I'm starting my armors legendaries.
Mesmer has very high mobility, often they are seen roaming around and +1 fightings, ambushing people almost like a thief from their invisibility and decapping.
When I (na) play with the EU servers I get up to 150 and I do fine in pvp, but you could try it out in unranked to test it with a free to play account at level 2.
thanks for the guide this is really helpful! i started pvp a week ago to get the legendary trinket and my main problem is my movement on the map :( i mostly play necromancer because that is fun to play but i still dont know when i should go to far/close or just stay at mid actually. in addition to that, i have another serious problem that i was very lucky with my teammates in the ranked mode and i am now plat 1 BUT i am not good at this and i always get blamed in matches. idk what i should do now :(
Hi, great vid! I just jumped back into GW2 after many many years. I tried out the engineer in conquest and seemed really nice spamming grenades and elixers. Any thoughts on engineers current place in meta and how good/bad it is in lower and higher ranks? Also how do expansion players compare to non-expansion players who don't have it?
In PvP there are lots of "core" (non expansion) players with VERY competitive builds. Necro, ranger, and guardian to name a few are still very deadly without expansions. But there are some (like elementalist) that I feel are weaker without them at high levels of play. I'm far more scared of a tempest or weaver than a core elem. Holosmith and Scrapper engineers both are very very good at all levels of play if you are decent at it.
How you actually get stronger tho? I play unrank does the ascended gear like weapon or amulet does gives you advantage? There some classes just destroys me i just got learn play game better or its the gear? Im elementalist waiver
@@ahmadkadah7932 you're right/wrong say, the enemy team caps the node you go in to 1v1, you then get +, this makes it so you're holding 2 enemies on their node. This is beneficial for your team as it makes the rest of the map 4v3 this then allows your team to double cap. Fighting on point isn't always beneficial.
All good players fight both on and off point. Like Chris said, you will almost always want to get off point and start kiting if you're outnumbered. If you keep 2 people busy, then your team should win the map eventually.
Hey boss muk thank you very much for your this guide, because of this video i start to start my career as pvp player lol. I usually play thief though, but u know thief is a little bit fragile. But when I play other mmorpg I usually play as tank, cause I like tank that hard to kill, yeeah so I pretty much dying a lot because a thief. And I wanna try a tankier class and you said that the role is bunker right? But idk what class can be a bunker, can you please tell me what class can be a bunker. Thank you. And I very like ur video, keep it up man.
Nearly every class can be played bunker (very tanky, and hold a node) but I would say that war,guard,rev,engie,elementalist, and necro bunkers are better than ranger,thief, mesmer bunkers. (just from personal experience). Additionally if you are looking for thief information I know Noody and Vallun (other youtubers) have lots of thief info.
Can anyone estimate how long it takes to reach lvl 20 to get to ranked matches? Im currently lvl 0 (no pvp at all so far), but i want to start my journey to the legendary amulet (aka win 120 ranked matches)....
Look for his answer to Harry Edginton in comments. Basically from lvl 2 and up you enter the pvp lobby. At 1:00 and onward explains the rest pretty much.
Hello Mukluk I'm a former pvp player and I just don't have the time to play. But I want to watch some nice pvp tournament games. I feel dumb, but I didn't find any important/big tournaments (world championsship??). Can you help me? Where can I watch some tournament matches? Where can I find a rank list? Greetz
Yes, people who pvp without using an elite spec are called "core" builds, and there are actually more core builds that work in pvp than there are core builds that work in pve
@@MuklukUA-cam Wow that's awesome. I am really new to Guild Wars 2, but I am so deeply in love with it. I am a Necromancer btw. I can't wait to enter PvP. Does this also apply to WvW?
played a little and everyone just kepts screaming how bad i am etc. I wonder, why are they playing with randoms if they cant stand the idea of someone being new/bad. why are am i matched with them if they are so much better? Well it is annoying and demotiviting. Always thought the community of this game was very friendly untill i checked out PvP
No matter how friendly the community is, the moment you step into PVP it becomes competitive. Don't take what others say personally. Honestly, if they spend the entire game complaining about you, chances are they aren't so good themselves. Only time you should take them seriously is when they offer criticism (legit criticism on how to get better and not just "hur dur, my team is so bad, im afk") or direct you to go somewhere. But, yea pvp community isn't the largest in this game so the skills of your opponents and teammate may vary somewhat.
If you wish to try pvp, just take what you can from this and dive right in. Be patient with yourself, if you die just try to learn something new each time you go down. All that knowledge will add up.
@@MuklukUA-cam Yeah after I finished personal story I will definitely give it a try! (and also thanks so much for the video on PvP as well as WvW, it's been helpful to have a small grasp on how they works)
To use in other game modes. So I got a full set of legendary armor from pvp and it has helped me tremendously in WvW and PvE. Or to show off the graphic.
The toxicity of the unranked PvP community is insane. I've met some good people there but 90% of them were just assholes. It's very difficult to learn the game at this point. I've only started playing 2 weeks ago and I'm very discouraged from the PvP.
For god's sake dont use trebuchet in battle of kyhlo map, this way you will force your team to play without you, aka 4 versus 5, causing your team to lose fights. Getting kills with trebuchet is pretty much imposible if your enemy team use at least 3 brain cells. Aswell dont use Djinn lamp in djinn's dominion map for the same reason, it causes your team to be outnumbered, losing the map. P.S.-Yeah he mentioned the same in the video.
Ignoring toxity doesnt remove toxity. If you can help to reduse the toxity by being a good example. be nice to others maybe help out and lisen to them, remind them that yes games are frustrating but never a reason to let this out on others. If you dont want to be part of the community spreading the toxity, try your best and dont spread it or watch it spreading. I wouldnt try to block everyone that has a bad day or overcome his emotions esp cause we are a community that still grows (even if we allready lost a huge part). I agree thats something difficult to archive, but if you want that pvp grows again and that your not only facing people you blocked cause that one you didnt block leaved your favourite game mode, its one of the best ways. Esp if your an old rabbit veteran :)
Okay Muk I'm gonna help you out here by adding some info that you probably left out because it's not important to new players and also correcting some things :D
Also just so you all know, spvp refers to Structured PvP to separate it from WvW since they are both forms of pvp.
PvP training grounds: The beasts from the Forest of Niflhel map can also be found there. They are on the second island.
Forest of Niflhel: Each beast gives your team 25 points and a 90sec buff that boosts all stats by 50. This means that if your opponent gets both, they will briefly have a +100 to all stats buff on the WHOLE TEAM. You should always try to get one of them, and if you can afford to get both, it will be very advantageous.
Custom Arenas: This is not a correction but more of a note: you do not get any rank points (the xp of spvp) when playing in custom arenas.
Tournaments: All tournaments are Conquest, and require you to bring a whole party. Unlike ranked play, tournaments pay no attention to ranked, so it is highly likely that you will be matched with people of higher skill (in my first tournament, I went against a pro team and the second tournament I went against Vaanss's team). However, you still play even if you lose, so try to play through the whole tournament! There are two kinds of tournaments: There are the four daily tournaments (Lyssa's Legions, Balthazar's Brawl, Grenth's Game, and Melandru's Matchup) and one Monthly Tournament (Kormir's Clash).
Daily Automated Tournaments: The daily tournaments only require a full party, and you play three-four rounds depending on the number of players participating. As a reward, you will gain Potions of pvp, and a varying number of unidentified dyes, mystic coins, gold and qualifying points. You need 100 qualifying points to enter the Monthly Automated Tournament.
Monthly Automated Tournaments: The monthly automated tournament requires a full party and each player of the party having the 100 qualifying points necessary to compete (keep in mind winning 1st place in one of the daily automated tournaments gets you 50, and placing in 5th-8th gives you 10 so it's not very difficult to get 100). All players will get some amount of gold, mystic coins, and Large Potion of PvP rewards (which you can only get from this tournament). The top four teams will get tournament vouchers, a llama with color corresponding to the medal they would earn, and a pass to the Champion's Rest lobby. In addition, the first place winners get a special gizmo that give your characters a special effect when using it (Sindrener often runs around with a crown which is one of the gizmos) If you don't want it, the gizmo's can be transferred into 10 tournament vouchers.
Currencies: there are four currencies you get from spvp-- Shards of glory, Ascended shards of glory, PvP league tickets, and Tournament vouchers.
Shards of Glory: You get these mainly from completing the league chests, from daily reward chests, and pvp reward tracks. You use these across all game modes, and it is used in legendary and precursor crafting. You also use these to buy ascended gear from merchants. These can also be bought from the trading post. There is also a converter that costs 50 PvP league tickets to buy which allows you to convert up to 250 shards of glory (5 groups of 50) into Timeless bags, which reward mostly junk (not worth it imo. I got one and i regretted spending 50 tickets on it)
Ascended Shards of Glory: You only get these from completing the ranked league chests. You only get some from the final chest of each tier, with the final tier being repeatable for more ascended shards. You need Ascended Shards of Glory in order to buy ascended weapons and armor, in addition to upgrading those to legendary. On the GW2 wiki, there is an equation for how many game you have to play to achieve a certain number of Ascended Shards. To craft a full set of legendary armor, you will need A LOT of ascended shards: about 3600 assuming you already have the armor pieces.
PvP League Tickets: You also only get these by completing ranked league reward chests, but unlike ascended shards, you are limited to 110 per season. You use PvP League Tickets primarily to make legendary armor, the legendary backpack, The Ascension, and the legendary amulet, Transcendence. You can also use them to get the Shards of Glory converter, llama minis, ascended salvage kits, and crafting recipes. You can also turn 1 PvP league ticket into 10 Shards of Glory (really really not worth it) Note: because of how many you get per season, you need to complete all reward chests in at least three season to get a full set of legendary armor.
Tournament Vouchers: These are only available through the monthly automated tournament (loving referred to as the mota). You only get them by being in fourth place or above, and can be exchanged for ascended armor and weapons.
Legendary Armor: Legendary PvP armor is time-gated but relatively easy. It requires a lot of materials and time but if you already consistently do pvp then it will come pretty easily. Requires only gold, ascended shards of glory, shards of glory, and PvP league tickets (along with other non-pvp crafting materials).
Legendary Backpeice: The Ascension is the legendary sPvP backpiece. Its precursor can be made by buying all tiers of wings of glory with PvP league tickets and combining them in the mystic forge. In addition, you need to do the four Year of The Ascension meta achievements to get the components for one of the gifts, which is timegated to a minimum of 60 days. If you want to see the achievements, they are under the competitive tab of your achievements window. Note: while the precursor will only require 1 ranked season worth of PvP league tickets (100 tickets), the total cost will require 125 tickets, making it impossible to complete in one ranked season.
Legendary Amulet. Transcendence, the legendary amulet, components are largely bought from the League Vendor, but it also requires pieces from two achievements, which can both be found in the PvP Conqueror achievements under the Competitive tab in your achievement window. The first achievement, called Emblem of Victory, requires you to win 120 ranked matches (it says during a season but it does carry between seasons), and awards you with the Emblem of Victory which is required to make the amulet. The second achievement is the Emblem of Tournament victory achievement which requires you to win 20 PvP tournament matches for the Emblem of Tournament Victory. This emblem is not required to make the amulet, but will upgrade the amulet to it's shiny version. Note: you do not need to win 20 tournaments-- you only need to win 20 matches in tournaments.
Titles: there are a lot of title you can get in pvp. I'll try to show you how to get some here.
Achievement Titles: You get these by just playing with certain classes in ranked pvp or getting a certain amount of rank points. You can find these in the PvP Conqueror Achievements under the Competitive tab in your Achievements panel.
Map Titles: You will get titles by playing certain maps a lot. These meta achievements ask you to do certain things on maps (such as decap, kill enemies, etc) a large number of times. You can find these under the Competitive tab in your achievements panel.
Rank Titles: These are much harder to come by. You only get these by being in the top 250 of NA, EU, or China. The breakdown can be found on the wiki or in the rewards tab in the PvP ranked season leaderboards.
Hope this adds some more useful info for you all!
Besides beasts, nice info to add. Dont ever touch the beasts, dont spawncamp them or ping them on map as if they're so important. They're not worth versus point gain on captured nodes. Only time one should go for a beast if you dont have enough time to turn the tide (need that 25 points asap) and there is no risk leaving your team 4v5, 3v4 etc in teamfight. Also you wont get decapped while killing beast. Even then make sure you see all your enemy team members on map to guarantee it wont get stolen. These conditions will not met most of the time so do not go near them at all they're just trap.
"dont be afraid to fail" thanks mister muk, I needed that
Me as a veteran player, I appreciate you spreading all the useful things and tips to new players
As someone who's watching GW2 videos to figure out if I should start it: "Holy shit - THERE ARE SO MANY PVP MAPS! This sounds awesome"
PvP is okay. I've not done a lot of it, as I prefer WvW. To each their own.
As a PvE player, I never liked PvP. Then I played it during the 2v2 ranked season and loved it. More people should check it out, I think it helped my dmg output in PvE as well!
RIP tibalt
I had problems. my team 1-2 guy always afk.
I have been binge-watching your videos recently (inventory management, wvw, fractals, etc.) and wanted to get into pvp but was always failing massively to be of any use. After watching this video, i went into the lobby, got an actual build from godsofpvp and practiced vs npc classes and a few players in the arena.
Now, I queued for a match...and we got rekted. Like 500 to 200 rekted. But I got top 1 of my team! Hell, never ever would that have happened before! I mean, they must really have been bad, but it's still better than nothing right? Also, I had the feeling of having a chance to damage other players and actually managed to dodge some attacks for the first time
So sorry for this long ass comment but this video really helped me so much.
I'm glad it helped, thanks for sharing your story!
i did the same as you great video @MuklukUA-cam
I've been watching Mulkuk since my game has been downloading. Got into the game already knowing a lot of the basics and more. Knew what I should do and where the fun stuff are. First time PvP 2 days ago, I got completely wrecked...but I was consistently top of my team in all of them! So Mukluk is DEFINITELY helping because I'm usually shit at games first time...since I usually have a more knowledge based approach to games than skill based approach, this game is perfect for me! (But its also kind of a nightmare since I try to learn everything in one go and that's been overfrying my brain.)
Nice pvp guide. Thank for doing this Mukluk. More power!!
"95% of GW2 players are awesome, the other 5% were in PVP"... Dude absolutely the most true thing I have heard in my life. Even above my father saying he isn't proud of me.
Just the other day I started PvP for the first time and have been looking for the most up to date guide and it feels like you've read my mind. 😁 Very thorough and you are the first person to actually go over and explain the different maps and what the objectives are.I still am struggling and trying to learn the maps.I feel like it's one of the most essential things you can do when starting out as well as learning every proffesion's ablities.Thanks Muk ,keep it up with the guides.As a person coming back from a 4 year hiatus and leveling my first ever character to 80 a Rev, I can say that your guides have been tremendously helpful.GJ.
PvP is much less scary to me now. Think I'll queue up for a game later. Thank you!
Happy for this a lot, now i can show to my friend :) thank you :)
Mercy! I've needed this video since 2014, thank you so much for laying this all out. Great video!
Outstanding fun, and learned alot, thank you much you Global Icon and Brand Ambassador. Now if you excuse me I have a craving for apples.
Very nicely done, Muk.
I have been playing GW2 on and off since release and I never knew there was an arena. TY bro!
Well explained for basics! :) I like that you talk some strategy, so that new players can start thinking that way off the bat rather than "It's just a 5v5 Death Match". That costs games way too often.
Word of advice for newbies:
1) Similar to what Muk said about losing a 1v1 and not confident you'd win the next time, if your team is getting wiped at a node, do NOT run to it. You will only feed the other team points, which costs you the game. Either wait for your team to re-spawn and regroup with them, or go to another node that is currently contested and start hacking at that one.
2) Also, FIGHT ON NODE! the only exception to this is if you have a massive lead, guaranteed victory and you are distracting your opponent from the node. If you are engaged off a node, try to make it to a node if possible, whether defending or decapping. Otherwise you really aren't doing your team any good, particularly if you are losing.
Personal experiences:
1) Playing a bunker is a lot of fun. Many times I have ran far at the start of the match and have kept the opposing team from capping their home node, thus scoring my team a pretty big lead (so long as they don't get instant wiped in mid). Personal favorite was Dragonhunter bunker.
2) I tend to play the role of the thief on my ranger. Mobility is lower than thief, but i still achieve my goal most times. However, I do like to take complete control of the node rather than just decap it. But that's just me.
That was really helpful, thanks!
Thanks heaps for this! Never tried any of this and this has nudged a little further in the right direction. I don’t deal with salt well and rumour has it that there’s plenty in there ... we’ll see. I’ve got a couple of guild pals that PvP a lot time for sone training.
I returned to GW2 and i love your videos. Helps me a lot.
Hey man, I really appreciate your videos. They help me out a lot, thanks!
This video made me feel confident to try PvP again, thank you
Love discovering your channel, thank you for helping me catch up and bringing me back into this game
Probably one of the best pvp setups in any mmo I have seen (generally, I mean).
Great !!
I was expecting this very video.
Thanks a lot!
Thank youuuu muk! Been interested in pvp since i really enjoyed it in wow but was always too scared to make a fool of myself haha! Will actually give it a go now! Thank you!
This is a lovely video I learned many things through this thank you very much Mukluk...
Honestly a fantastic introduction to pvp. I'd add that the best resource to learn how to play your class is usually a twitch streamer. There are videos on youtube and written guides on metabattle, but nothing compares to seeing live gameplay from a skilled player. They're generally very helpful and will answer whatever questions you have about how to succeed in pvp.
I wish Anet would update the catapult, and other less used map objectives like lamp. Make them a boon worth fighting over. Awesome intro video man!
thanks just started GW2 2 weeks ago, tried pvp last night didnt know what was going on
18:00 So I'm not the only one that plays thief like that! Wooop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop-woop!
Excellent video, I'll likely be returning to it for reference. Thanks for creating it.
This helped me out a lot, thanks man!
Super helpful. Thanks man!
Best video I've seen on PvP and I've watched a lot of videos. Need to see if you've done an update for 2023
25:01 Accurate :D
I send this video to all of my friends that are new to PvP. It's honestly so comprehensive and perfectly outlines the foundation skills required to pickup PvP successfully from day 1. Really nice video.
P.S. I love all of your videos so I am biased.
Nice video really informative
holy fuck. I've been playing pvp in the past but I never knew this is so complex :o very nice video.
Can I just buy this and start pvping then no leveling? Think if I can imm love this game
Pretty much! Once you hit level 2 (which takes a couple of minutes) you can enter the pvp lobby, once there you are considered a maxed out character for fairness. Your gear does not matter for 2v2, 5v5, both unranked and ranked play.
If you ever wish to do World Vs World (massive scale pvp) your real level/gear is used, but thats another video (in the guides playlist if you are interested)
Edit: Also the core game is free, no purchase necessary until you get the expansions, theres a link to download it in the description if you like!
You can aswell get lvl up tomes from playing pvp and doing the reward tracks, so you can get to lvl 80 without ewen playing annything else than pvp.
Well the core game is free, so technically you don’t even need to buy it!
@@icecoldstare1558 well not really, elite specs are way too stronk.
@@miroto9446 there are definitely some core builds that are very strong.
18:50 can someone tell me which class was that? with the red clothes and black two handed sword
Ranger (paw print icon near his name)
I know this comment is kinda late but did they remove the third meditation on Temple of the Silent Storm? That was the truly op combo, if you capped all three. Back then did both the things it still does but it also made it so enemies couldn't de-cap your point (that used to be Stillness' effect if I recall correctly, the effect it has now was on the third meditation) so if you got all three it was essentially a win. That or that was a fever dream. Either way, I haven't played Silent Storm in a while.
Anyways, great video! Really good overview.
Structured PvP in Guild Wars 2 is enjoyable, given its combat system unique in relation to other MMOs. But just like other people say, it's not the game that makes it awful per se, rather the people in it.
I still suggest people to go sPvP. More people to play with/against makes our small community more fun.
Just don't be toxic. :P
What's spvp
i just started gw2 , im on gate of madness building a daredevil
The only on time that I encounter toxic players in gw2 was in pvp, but it's not compared to league of legends players. For me was a walk in the park with those people. But I appreciate your guide muk, helped me a lot (again) as I'm starting my armors legendaries.
Long time watcher, first time commenting. Live your videos muk. Really informative and entertaining mate. You should do a video on getting your mounts
nice guide ;3
good video!
What role would a Mesmer fit in most during a match?
Mesmer has very high mobility, often they are seen roaming around and +1 fightings, ambushing people almost like a thief from their invisibility and decapping.
How much does ping affect the pvp? I dont have a server for my country so I dont know if I should even bother to play the game (200ping)
When I (na) play with the EU servers I get up to 150 and I do fine in pvp, but you could try it out in unranked to test it with a free to play account at level 2.
We need raids guides for every boss muk
lol raiding is the one game mode I do very little of currently, I'm sure I'll force myself into it later on when I need that raid legendary ring.
thanks for the guide this is really helpful! i started pvp a week ago to get the legendary trinket and my main problem is my movement on the map :( i mostly play necromancer because that is fun to play but i still dont know when i should go to far/close or just stay at mid actually. in addition to that, i have another serious problem that i was very lucky with my teammates in the ranked mode and i am now plat 1 BUT i am not good at this and i always get blamed in matches. idk what i should do now :(
Hi, great vid! I just jumped back into GW2 after many many years. I tried out the engineer in conquest and seemed really nice spamming grenades and elixers. Any thoughts on engineers current place in meta and how good/bad it is in lower and higher ranks? Also how do expansion players compare to non-expansion players who don't have it?
In PvP there are lots of "core" (non expansion) players with VERY competitive builds. Necro, ranger, and guardian to name a few are still very deadly without expansions. But there are some (like elementalist) that I feel are weaker without them at high levels of play. I'm far more scared of a tempest or weaver than a core elem.
Holosmith and Scrapper engineers both are very very good at all levels of play if you are decent at it.
Hi. Any tips to know which is the real mesmer when you down them? New player here.
Only one of them has an icon above them. Also, usually when they disappear the clone will reappear first, then the real one.
@@MuklukUA-cam gotta check that icon. Thanks for the tip.
I'm a new player I just want to know in LFG for tournaments they are looking for P+ and G+ what that means?
higher than platinum (P) and gold (G) rank I guess
Dude what a great video do you have a discord? Me and some of my buds are starting to play gw2 and love the pvp!
Yep, there's a link to it on the twitch page (link in description).
How you actually get stronger tho? I play unrank does the ascended gear like weapon or amulet does gives you advantage? There some classes just destroys me i just got learn play game better or its the gear? Im elementalist waiver
Your gear does help in WvW so that can be part of it, and improving your skill at the game will always help as well.
Whoever reads this, Pls always fight on point 🙂🖤
Ok you fight 1v2 on node I want to see you survive without kiting.
@@chrisnicholson9811 if you fight 1v2, decapping is enough
@@ahmadkadah7932 you're right/wrong say, the enemy team caps the node you go in to 1v1, you then get +, this makes it so you're holding 2 enemies on their node. This is beneficial for your team as it makes the rest of the map 4v3 this then allows your team to double cap. Fighting on point isn't always beneficial.
All good players fight both on and off point. Like Chris said, you will almost always want to get off point and start kiting if you're outnumbered. If you keep 2 people busy, then your team should win the map eventually.
There are 2 weapons for me, lvl 15 and 20.
Do i have to level to lvl 20?
Weapons, that the vendor offers me
Hey boss muk thank you very much for your this guide, because of this video i start to start my career as pvp player lol.
I usually play thief though, but u know thief is a little bit fragile. But when I play other mmorpg I usually play as tank, cause I like tank that hard to kill, yeeah so I pretty much dying a lot because a thief. And I wanna try a tankier class and you said that the role is bunker right? But idk what class can be a bunker, can you please tell me what class can be a bunker.
Thank you.
And I very like ur video, keep it up man.
Nearly every class can be played bunker (very tanky, and hold a node) but I would say that war,guard,rev,engie,elementalist, and necro bunkers are better than ranger,thief, mesmer bunkers. (just from personal experience). Additionally if you are looking for thief information I know Noody and Vallun (other youtubers) have lots of thief info.
Can anyone estimate how long it takes to reach lvl 20 to get to ranked matches?
Im currently lvl 0 (no pvp at all so far), but i want to start my journey to the legendary amulet (aka win 120 ranked matches)....
Look for his answer to Harry Edginton in comments. Basically from lvl 2 and up you enter the pvp lobby. At 1:00 and onward explains the rest pretty much.
Warriors are op when downed. We get to cast the ultimate spell: throw rock.
Hello Mukluk
I'm a former pvp player and I just don't have the time to play. But I want to watch some nice pvp tournament games. I feel dumb, but I didn't find any important/big tournaments (world championsship??).
Can you help me? Where can I watch some tournament matches? Where can I find a rank list?
Hey Philmon,
The biggest recent tournament was the MOTA (masters of the arena) and the matches from that can be found on MightyTeapot's UA-cam channel
@@MuklukUA-cam thanks!!
Really enjoyed the video helped alot but hated the music didnt fit the video for me.
Can I avail the PvP without the expansions? For now, I am a free to play player in GW2.
Yes, people who pvp without using an elite spec are called "core" builds, and there are actually more core builds that work in pvp than there are core builds that work in pve
@@MuklukUA-cam Wow that's awesome. I am really new to Guild Wars 2, but I am so deeply in love with it. I am a Necromancer btw. I can't wait to enter PvP. Does this also apply to WvW?
Can you get pve max gear playing pvp only?
Yep. One of the things I love about this game, you can get max gear from pvp, wvw, pve raids, pve fractals, crafting, and some others.
Can you make wvw guide as well please?
He made a starter guide for WvW. Check it out here: ua-cam.com/video/8PyjPRzFwwY/v-deo.html
Mukluk did you say “e-l-o”? XD
HAT!!!! I wanna this hat!!!!!
I wish i had something that would even resemble skill of doing pvp after 9 years i am still as crap on pvp as i was in 2012
why am I playing against veteran players as a new one?
tybalt best boi
good songs
played a little and everyone just kepts screaming how bad i am etc. I wonder, why are they playing with randoms if they cant stand the idea of someone being new/bad. why are am i matched with them if they are so much better? Well it is annoying and demotiviting. Always thought the community of this game was very friendly untill i checked out PvP
No matter how friendly the community is, the moment you step into PVP it becomes competitive. Don't take what others say personally. Honestly, if they spend the entire game complaining about you, chances are they aren't so good themselves. Only time you should take them seriously is when they offer criticism (legit criticism on how to get better and not just "hur dur, my team is so bad, im afk") or direct you to go somewhere. But, yea pvp community isn't the largest in this game so the skills of your opponents and teammate may vary somewhat.
I can't hear what you're saying with that music
I'm a new player and holy that's a lot to consume...
If you wish to try pvp, just take what you can from this and dive right in. Be patient with yourself, if you die just try to learn something new each time you go down. All that knowledge will add up.
@@MuklukUA-cam Yeah after I finished personal story I will definitely give it a try! (and also thanks so much for the video on PvP as well as WvW, it's been helpful to have a small grasp on how they works)
After watching this video, I am even more afraid to try PVP lol.
Commit gw2 pvp is prob the best mmo pvp
fiiinne! i guess i'll pvp
So after seeing this video I will stay out of pvp as a new player cuz it made me even more confused.
I like your voice
TY, my mom and dad made it
Goddamnit, I'm playing a male Norn biggest possible size haha
You forgot a role! A liability! The new player who has no idea what he's doing
Why would you care about legendary armor if everyone has same calibrated gear in pvp? New in game..
To use in other game modes. So I got a full set of legendary armor from pvp and it has helped me tremendously in WvW and PvE. Or to show off the graphic.
The irony of your name with that comment implying you like to beat people because you have better gear than them 😂
The toxicity of the unranked PvP community is insane. I've met some good people there but 90% of them were just assholes. It's very difficult to learn the game at this point. I've only started playing 2 weeks ago and I'm very discouraged from the PvP.
Im just jumping in the game and comments like this make me feel more happy and encouraged of getting into likeminded community
tybalt 😭😭😭
For god's sake dont use trebuchet in battle of kyhlo map, this way you will force your team to play without you, aka 4 versus 5, causing your team to lose fights.
Getting kills with trebuchet is pretty much imposible if your enemy team use at least 3 brain cells.
Aswell dont use Djinn lamp in djinn's dominion map for the same reason, it causes your team to be outnumbered, losing the map.
P.S.-Yeah he mentioned the same in the video.
Great guide annyway, i give it 9/10 because you didnt show anny kiting spots on the maps :/(
Ignoring toxity doesnt remove toxity. If you can help to reduse the toxity by being a good example. be nice to others maybe help out and lisen to them, remind them that yes games are frustrating but never a reason to let this out on others. If you dont want to be part of the community spreading the toxity, try your best and dont spread it or watch it spreading.
I wouldnt try to block everyone that has a bad day or overcome his emotions esp cause we are a community that still grows (even if we allready lost a huge part). I agree thats something difficult to archive, but if you want that pvp grows again and that your not only facing people you blocked cause that one you didnt block leaved your favourite game mode, its one of the best ways. Esp if your an old rabbit veteran :)
Glad I'm not the only one who hates skyhammer, terrible map
Plat 1--- noob :) :) :) Just kidding!
Worst game ever