Very cool track. Nicely put together. I know what you mean about forgetting stuff about the circuit. It's so flexible with its sounds and macro keys it's easy to forget where everything is. Well done!
@@BayMud I was playing with mine last night and there is a joyful playfulness in not knowing what each knob is supposed to do and just trying them out to see what happens...
I don't know what's better: the music or the text :-) Both in combination I think!
Thanks! This was a fun one, if unusual one. Ha
Very cool track. Nicely put together. I know what you mean about forgetting stuff about the circuit. It's so flexible with its sounds and macro keys it's easy to forget where everything is. Well done!
Thanks! Yeah, it can be tough, but still so much fun.
@@BayMud I was playing with mine last night and there is a joyful playfulness in not knowing what each knob is supposed to do and just trying them out to see what happens...
@@expensivenotes exactly! So many happy accidents
Love your videos. Your production style is entertaining and you’ve got some great music creation chops. I hope you keep making them!
Hey, thanks! That means a lot. More to come, for sure.
Here's another subscriber for your channel. :-) This is cool, I really like the slidy fanfare thing.
Ha. Thanks! It doesn't look like we have a lot of the same gear, but I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on some items I've been considering.
Mmm... I love me some space cats!
Ha. Good taste.