  • Опубліковано 1 гру 2011
  • recently sat down with Joe Buras and Lee McKinney from BORN OF OSIRIS on their most recent headlong tour with Carnifex, Veil of Maya and Betraying The Martyrs. Joe and Lee spoke with Evil G. about the current tour, the success and achievement of their latest record "THE DISCOVERY" (Sumerian), the chaos of starting a new tour, moving in to a new band house and rehearing and their work on the new Asking Alexandria remix record, "Stepped Up and Scratched." Lee talks about giving guitar lessons on the road and the guys also discuss some new details on their next record set to start recording as soon as they get off the road and a tour to follow in the summer of 2012 and much more. PLUS Live performance footage!
    / bornofosiris
    / barebonesmusic
    / barebonesmusic


  • @BornOfTheCypher
    @BornOfTheCypher 12 років тому

    They've come so far musically it's amazing, the discovery is one of my favourite albums.

  • @connoregan1469
    @connoregan1469 12 років тому

    Love the fact that Lee actualy acknowleged Canada and how much their Canadian fans want them to come here.

  • @4gNWProductions
    @4gNWProductions 12 років тому

    Wow Born of Osiris and Periphery are both coming out with new albums soon. This is too awesome.

  • @Kozmojoe
    @Kozmojoe 12 років тому

    I was at the show in this video but I was cut out on the crowd shot like right to the right! Dx I got to chill with these guys though so it's cool. Absolutely awesome guys. Lee, Ronnie, and David (along with some guys from VOM and BTM and Carnifex) were just so cool about letting me hang out with them and all.

  • @pureADD
    @pureADD 12 років тому

    Hey JOE! hey LEE!

  • @karentheledford
    @karentheledford 12 років тому

    I saw myself jumping in the crowd. My day just got a little better :)

  • @ryanjacoshenk
    @ryanjacoshenk 12 років тому

    i thought a higher place was sick! it took a little bit to get used to, but once you notice all the sweet leads and lyrics it becomes a blossoming flower of metal.

  • @defacedmanga5262
    @defacedmanga5262 11 років тому

    I honestly have to say I don't have a fave BOO album because I think this band just gets better and better, but every album has always laid out a path & I just love every single song it's good to know that there Re some actually talented bands out there where I don't have to go look down to my iPod and go SKIP SONG. This music takes me to a higher place.

  • @iStarwinkle
    @iStarwinkle 12 років тому

    New BOO? New vid in a few weeks? West Coast Tour early next year? LETS DO THIS!

  • @Riiivinn
    @Riiivinn 12 років тому

    wow, new album coming soon (as in less than a year)? that's great, most bands take 2 years in between albums

  • @mcdurpful
    @mcdurpful 12 років тому

    Come to Canada...

  • @VikingBreakfast
    @VikingBreakfast 12 років тому

    their cribs video is awesome. haha

  • @SzymonSzanczuk
    @SzymonSzanczuk 12 років тому


  • @darwinmedinamusic
    @darwinmedinamusic 12 років тому

    It's amazing how each album has its own "behaviour". It's true, A higher place was not as "straight to the point" as the new reign, but it has some really beautiful melodies and still brutal riffs. The discovery... what else could you ask for? -To see them play "Behold" on stage, true. :P -They don't have bad albums, the just do better ones. : )
    Born of Osiris for the win.

  • @AJConrady
    @AJConrady 12 років тому

    A Higher Place is my favorite album by them and it pisses me off how so many people hated it.

  • @MadMusicJunkie420
    @MadMusicJunkie420 12 років тому

    @AJConrady same here dude, underrated without a doubt.

  • @PeanutButterGtr
    @PeanutButterGtr 12 років тому

    @gsdbeats Jason actually ISN'T a drug addict. Sure he smokes but he doesn't do coke. I think it's good that he's where he's appreciated now.

  • @SaturdayNite
    @SaturdayNite 11 років тому +1

    My name is osiris

  • @Mattass076
    @Mattass076 12 років тому

    Come to canada! lol

  • @ahereticanthem
    @ahereticanthem 12 років тому

    Ronnie hella looks like the singer of DRI. That look badass on him

    @NYDEATHMETAL666 12 років тому

    My favorite song is behold...why you no play?

  • @Nowheremovies
    @Nowheremovies 12 років тому

    The Discovery is their best rated album.

  • @xxLedSandwichxx
    @xxLedSandwichxx 11 років тому

    i think Jason and Lee had a great balance in "The Discovery" Lee has a bit more of an out-of-the-box writing style that flows amazingly, but there's no question as to whether Jason shreds. Behold and Recreate are two of my favorite songs from by BOO fr separate reasons. If you ask me, they're like two different types of fruits, each with their own strengths and weakness. rather than arguing about who's better, i'd say recognize them both as great contrasting metal guitarist/musicians and move on

  • @buster12012
    @buster12012 12 років тому

    @spartan346 good point!

  • @XanderPlague
    @XanderPlague 12 років тому


  • @Blunterx420
    @Blunterx420 12 років тому

    Can anyone tell me why Jason is one of the best guitarist? iv never heard of him, until The Discovery, but at the same time I don't know why people say hes the best, can someone please explain to me why?

  • @numberonejrio
    @numberonejrio 12 років тому

    New BOO next year? Do want.

  • @gsdbeats
    @gsdbeats 12 років тому

    @PeanutButterGtr The "story" that jason said was that boo was lazy and doing alot of drugs and im not saying they don't do drugs..there rockstars and there young kids but when jason was in the band he was right there with them doing the same shit it wasn't until he got kicked out that he cried and talked shit because his ego was hurt, actually the fact that he's best friends with danny from veil is crazy because unlike jason danny is humble,kind and realizes that he's lucky to be where he is.

  • @Blunterx420
    @Blunterx420 12 років тому

    Oh okay. I always thought The Discovery was there best.

    @IloveOLDLADIES 12 років тому

    Follow the signs music video??!?!?!

  • @m4ssee
    @m4ssee 12 років тому

    Moving? But they had the most awesome house ever..

  • @poisonedcheeseproductions
    @poisonedcheeseproductions 12 років тому

    every song on fucking The Discovery (except that straw one... and theres another one... i forget... idk i just dont really like the straw one) is awesome. a higher place only had good songs but took alot of time to get to the juicy parts in most of them and sounded too trebly, and discovery took care of that. rosecrance and the new reign, were fuckin masterpieces

  • @kankuro1701
    @kankuro1701 12 років тому

    "Come to Canada" Hahahaha

  • @lullemajnn
    @lullemajnn 12 років тому

    3:54 VOICECRACK!

  • @xxcannibalxchristian
    @xxcannibalxchristian 12 років тому

    @ZShenron89 well said dude. they wont ever be able to get that shit back up to par with jason

  • @ringsofsaturn666
    @ringsofsaturn666 12 років тому

    BOO+CHELSEAGRIN+jason richardson+warped tour=awkard :P

  • @BloodRelic101
    @BloodRelic101 12 років тому

    no no wait slow down... 6:30 ..... yes please?

  • @xxLedSandwichxx
    @xxLedSandwichxx 11 років тому

    i love "The Discovery" best out of all their albums.. they really showed their potential as musicians. i just hope they can continue to step it up without jason.

  • @RicoRomanProductions
    @RicoRomanProductions 12 років тому

    A Higher Place was such a let down with them. After A New Reign, there were huge hopes, and AHP just kind of, fell flat. Like it was ok, but they had hype that I felt didnt come through. Then The Discovery came out and it was outstanding. Album of the year for sure

  • @theguitarhero3
    @theguitarhero3 12 років тому

    1st week warped tour announced first few bands "Chelsea grin"...hmm whatever. Next few weeks band announcements "BOO" YEEEAAAAHHH-wait a sec...jason...OH GOD.

  • @COOLBEANS8029
    @COOLBEANS8029 11 років тому

    Well yeah, it depends on what kind of skill you are talking about. Jason has a lot more skill technically, but lee is a better and more experienced song writer. If they had a guitar battle, Jason would win no doubt because he is a faster and has better training. Even lee said that Jason helped him with playing faster and more accurately. The combination of lee's song writing and Jason's speed, they both pwn.

  • @spartan346
    @spartan346 12 років тому

    you dont make a lot of money? did you see your little "cribs" thing >_> you look loaded!

  • @darwinmedinamusic
    @darwinmedinamusic 12 років тому

    Another "you know" infected amazing musician. : |

  • @PeanutButterGtr
    @PeanutButterGtr 12 років тому

    @gsdbeats Jason wasn't cocky. These guys were just lazy. All Jason suggested was that they stop doing so much coke and weed and start playing with a metronome. But I guess manning up and being dedicated to your fucking music is a bit too much to ask when you live in a big ass house and all the pot you could ask for. Jason has more skill in his pinky than the rest of BOO has in their entire bodies.

  • @gsdbeats
    @gsdbeats 12 років тому

    @PeanutButterGtr BOO lazy? Jason has more skill then boo?? lol. First of all Jason is cocky and full of himself and who cares if he's in chelsea grin cause there a whatever band that is at the peak,he should have stayed in ASP.Jason's old band that HE actually wrote the music for called gallows hill would have NEVER been picked up by sumerian because they were sub par meanwhile BOO were changing the music scene? Cam wrote new reign when he was 16? that album changed metal? everyone copied them.

  • @Draceius
    @Draceius 12 років тому

    He wrote some, the only songs he wrote were XIV and behold, the rest that he contributed was solos, not bashing him though, great guitarist, better leads than lee, but i feel lee's riffs are better than his.

  • @Xpressj00rs3lf
    @Xpressj00rs3lf 12 років тому

    @bextrola One person doesn't make a band. Born of Osiris found their sound on The Discovery and there's no reason why they wouldn't continue to produce records similar to The Discovery. All I can say is that Jason just went from an extremely talented band, to an angry chugging band. I love both bands, but he definitely downgraded. I'm looking forward to their new album. Plenty of musicians can shred. Jason was a good guitar player, but he's not irreplaceable.

  • @YoLpIsBest
    @YoLpIsBest 11 років тому

    Playing fast isn't everything...

  • @COOLBEANS8029
    @COOLBEANS8029 12 років тому

    Because he wrote a lot of the discovery and hes has way more skill than lee.

  • @spacenugget69
    @spacenugget69 11 років тому

    theyre starting to suck live, it makes me mad

  • @YoLpIsBest
    @YoLpIsBest 11 років тому

    Way more skill than Lee? Maybe in technical aspects but listen to Behold. It's really badly composed and arranged. Then, listen to Recreate. Lee pwns.

  • @MrZachman420
    @MrZachman420 12 років тому

    The words Album of the year, and Chelsea grin should NEVER EVER EVER be put together, thats the funniest thing i've ever heard, go listen to the chelsea grin single Lilith and then rethink how stupid your "album of the year" statement was...