It doesn’t matter how many time I’ve watched this video, I always return to watch it again. Is truly amazing and nothing compare to this. The work of these guys is astonishing. Sincerely thank you so much for this video.
Hey, you forgot to put in the black hole. Being in the center of the galaxy, the stars will probably have some weird orbits. 0:45 you'll see the red blur in the center, fade out instead of resolving into a star. Signs a different video was edited in. 0:51 appears to be video of something in a petri dish sliced in then looped. 1:20 some really bad computer animation edited in. Dude that's not a black hole. It's not even good CGI.
Recently heard this: “Trying to say there’s no life in the Universe because we haven’t found any is like going to the ocean with a spoon and scooping up some sea water, then saying you’ve proven that sharks don’t exist”
A spoonful of sea water has tons of microbes tho Edit: since people keep having to tell me: yes I know this comment doesn’t make sense anymore. Originally his comment used “life” instead of “sharks” but he has since edited it. Either way I never meant for this comment to be taken seriously.
My dad tragically passed away after a long battle with Covid. There are no words to describe the pain, but videos like this show me how we are nothing but a small circle that shines and is full of life. Just as we are born and live in the blink of an eye, we will pass in a blink of an eye. Hopefully I will meet my dad in the next realm of consciousness and for now, I will enjoy the rest of my family, friends and cherish life to the fullest.
"So I commend enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry; for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun" Ecclesiastes 8:15
Actually, I think, people will be immortal soon, and those, who will die before this to happen, will be unlucky. (Saying soon I mean for something like 40 years at very least)
for those who don't know, this was only possible because several telescopes were used all over the world, forming a super telescope with a circumference the size of the earth, all pointed towards the center of the galaxy at the same time for months or years, to be able to catch the full orbit of the star, thus being able to locate the black hole.
@@mg9854 assuming that super close star is S2, around 16 years but other stars have been found to orbit even closer, with one taking less than 10 years (S62)
The fact that the star you see moving around the black hole is actually going about 2.55% the speed of light at some point is incredible. (7,650 km/s (17.1 million mph)
@@mathewantony8114 yeah, probably. The description says it's actually just a clump of gas not a star and that it's moving up to 30% the speed of light which is incredible
That's because black holes are black, but most people forget about the weirdest part of the black hole, the ergosphere, which is literally the brightest thing about it and it is so weird that you kind of feel like jelly inside it and you can go in and out the ergosphere, and another thing is that it is probably absorbing a lot of light and matter.
I know that this black hole is a monster in dimensions, but it is nothing compared to all the space you have to travel to get to it, that is something terrifying, because it gives you only a small idea of how ridiculously huge it is the universe.
@@newagain9964what makes you think there isn't. The question of if a 'universe' or a 'multiverse' exists id very complicated and Theoretical. Theres no knowing if we will ever know the answer, and so there's no point in naming redundant comments on it, and it's better to put the effort it took you to do something else.
I've spent many nights photographing this part of the milkyway from NZ. Only widefield but even then it's amazing what the camera can capture when you zoom in. I've always wondered what was beyond the gas and dust, thanks for posting.
Yes and that galaxy is just a tiny part of a galaxy cluster, which is a smaller part of a super huge cluster with other galaxy cluster, which is a smaller part of the observable universes, which is apparently not even a fraction of the full universe Did I miss anything yet -._-.
@@SuperBearNeo Isn't it wild? To stare off into infinity? Knowing that the view right outside your window gives your eyes access to something your physical self, no matter how many life times you could achieve, would ever reach. Amazing.
@10 Miles Outside And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. And God made the two great lights-the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night-and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. Genesis 1:14-19 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalms 19:1 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romanos 1:19-20 I plead you to read the whole book of Romans in the Bible. Greetings.
@@MiEspacioTiempo 3) current position of universe (expansion) وَ السَّمَآءَ بَنَيۡنٰهَا بِاَيۡٮدٍ وَّاِنَّا لَمُوۡسِعُوۡنَ Qur'an 51:47 Transliteration; Waalssamaa banaynaha bi-aydin wa-inna lamoosiAAoona . . Literal(Word by Word); And the heaven We constructed it with strength, and indeed, We (are) surely (its) Expanders. . . Muhammad Asad; AND IT IS We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it. . . . explanation; . . meaning of MOUSI'OONA (موسعون ) in Noble Verse 51:47 ,could be understood in two ways .. either " expanding" which is the usual meaning of the word ,and it could mean " we are able " as well... ........................... Has a single muslim before 1920 translated it as expanding ? Yes of course ... the meaning according to some old Quranic tafsir (the following is the arabic quotes are translated into English): 1- Tafsir muqatel ibn solaiman (year AD 767) means: we are able to expand it as we want. 2- Tafsir Bahr alolum , (year 985) means: we are able to expand it as we will. 3- Tafsir alfayruz abadi (year 1414) means : we we are expanding it as we will. 4- Tafsir Alnukat waloyon (year 1058) means : we are able to make the heaven expanding more that it is already expanded. 5 - Tafsir Alqasemy : (year 1913 ) means: we are able to expand it, more than it is already expanded. 6- Tafsir Altabarani (year 970) means :we expand the heaven in every direction. Etc ,etc,etc
The work these guys do to provide humanity with answers is absolutely incredible, a hundred years ago we wouldn’t have even dared to fly too high, now we reach the stars and stare into the abyss itself.
@@aphrolith7676 I dont thnk so. I sub Anton Petrov channel. He said last week that this would be Sagitarius A and not some far away random galaxy. Thats the reason for my first comment.
I have this downloaded to my phone as "zooming in on the heart of the milky way" and watch it whenever my problems start to feel overwhelming. It instantly puts things into perspective. Magnificent, thank you ESO. 👏💕
Brandy Rose I get similar experience with northern lights. Every winter when season of northern lights starting.. im looking to them over hours and all the bad minds and things leave me.
@@alvaromoe the future as in much later than the video was made and yes, they actually did photograph Sagittarius A* on the 12th of May 2022, the event horizon telescope captured the first ever picture of the black hole in the cente of our galaxy
@@AYUSHGamingTV You can check on google translate, but underrated means that something isn't appriciated enough or doesen't get enough credit or it isn't enough popular
That's the beauty of our cosmos. Terrifying and beautiful at the same time. The same thing can leave you awestruck with its absolute beauty and send a chill down your spine at the same time.
@@kbanghart The current largest known black hole, Phoenix A, stretches to about 90 billion kilometers. To scale, the orbit of Pluto is around 6 billion kilometers from the sun.
Full respect to people who discover these things. I was watchig some documentary movies about space and landing on comets. And how they are calculating these things🤯 its unbeliavable 👍🏻
And all that you saw is just a fraction of a star system within a fraction of a galaxy within a fraction of visible sky within a fraction of the observable universe which is itself a fraction of the entire universe.
There is ALLOT that we can't see and never will see even in millions of years as there is so much of something out there and no human will ever experience. There will always be more and more and more and more with no end.
@@festethephule7553 but we're also the absolute most complex and novel creations the universe has produced! we are giving the universe a chance to experience itself!
Videos like this make me feel so small in comparison with everything else, and it’s honestly an amazing feeling. Sometimes I can’t believe just our galaxy is this big, and that amazing, powerful things like that black hole exist, and are so strong we orbit them from this far off.
I don't complain though, these videos are like unimaginably interesting and very effective in causing existential crisis(which is sometimes a good thing)
The amount of stars are fantastically astounding and so is the amount of planets, basically there's no way of not existing creatures like us. We can't be alone...
@@JEIWILBER or we can! you cannot take something for granted just because universe is so big... that is called fallacy of ignorance... you may be right, I may be right, nobody knows yet, aside from that, all are assumptions.
@@PolgnarThe law of probability proves that we cannot be alone. It is infinitely improbable for us to be the only source of life. It is also infinitely improbable for us to be the only intelligent life. Hell, we are not even the only intelligent life on this planet. Just the only humans. Life happens all the time on this planet. It didn't just get lucky once. This planet is constantly putting together small forms of life.
@@Polgnar it is extremely unlikely there is no life somewhere else given the numbers of stars, galaxies and that there are basically trillions of trillions of planets around those stars.
i was really depressed today, i was scared that my old depression was coming back, which ive suffered with for many years. I live in the country, (no light pollution) and i rode my motorbike to the nearest petrol station at midnight to buy some ciggarettes, as i rode back i pulled over, and had a smoke, and looked up to the stars.. I could see a whole sky beaming with stars, so bright, could see clusters, allsorts..... and it dawned on me once again like it has before, we are so small, we are tiny, we are like a grain of sand in a space so big that we cant even comprehend, im tiny, im nothing!!! So why let a few stupid thoughts control my life??? its not even anything!! The meaning of depressing thoughts in my head is like a literal tear drop, compared to all the water on earth. this made me suddenly feel much better, instantly. Its made me want to just concentrate on the beauty of life instead of feeling sad sometimes. I love you all guys. xx
@@LShaver947 No its not perfect orbit as it near and speed up and then far away from it.It most probably disappeared from universe and eaten by blackhole as of now
I watched this video so many times in the last 2 years. This is why I started to love astronomy and astrophysics when I was just 4. Now I'm 30 and I'm still amazed by the universe, now like 26 years ago. Proud to be an amateur astronomer (in italian we say "astrofilo", which has a nicer meaning in my opinion, it comes from ancient greek "astèr", star, and "philos", friend)
Since I can remember I have always been fascinated by astronomy, I had a Saturn V model on my nightstand as a kid and my birthday wishes were often books about space (even before I learned to read, I loved the images). At 21 (I’m now 22) while recovering from depression, videos like these not only helped me relax and find some inner peace but also re-ignited that passion. Now, I made the decision to ditch my economics major and enrolled in astrophysics starting next semester to follow my passion. I don‘t know if anyone reads this but your comment moved me and I felt like sharing my story too, Greetings from Germany :)
I don't regret it but when I was 19yo I chose Psychology over Astrophysics, even if the latter will always remain one of my biggest passions. I'm an HR now but in the heart I'll always be an amateur astronomer. Good luck for your studies, for your depression and thanks for sharing your story!
Intergalactic civilization. I want to witness it but it's easier to die than to survive so probably not gonna reach my lifetime. (Crying in the corner)
It depresses me that we won't be able to travel to any if them. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to go from earth and visit other life forms in other galaxies?
True story, if you find that fascinating, start reading about Black hols, Neutronstars and The great attractor and you fall in love with Astronomy like falling in a Black hole 🖤🪐
Sagittarius A* , abbreviated SGR A* is the supermassive blackhole at the galactic center of the milky way. It is the located near the border of constellation of sagittarius and scorpius, about 5.6 south of the ecliptic, visually close to the butterfly cluster and the lambda scorpii.
I love how it seems that stuffs just keep appearing out of nowhere like an optical illusion, but it's actually real and that's how ginormous cosmos is.
Not the stars directly orbiting her event horizon, lightyears of space around it is flooded with radiation. Stars can handle that but radiation and life, is very likely impossible to coexist.
The heart of our galaxy, something so relatively small in size is the weave that keeps us from flinging into the place between galaxies. That right there is purest form of gravitational power in a beautiful display at the center of our home.
Yes, this video is made from infra red images. I'm curious about the flashes coming from the black hole. Looks to me like maybe one of the polar beams is pointed at us. A higher resolution image would probably clear that one up, but I hope that's not the case. If it is, we'd better hope it doesn't swallow one of those starts any time soon. We'd be fried.
Just found out that does seem to be the case. It's not just the flashing but the accretion disk appears perfectly spherical. Hopefully the Solar System will have moved away by the time it swallows another star. If not, our whole system will be sterilized. Oops!
@@antonystringfellow5152 I suspect the SMBH is spinning on 2 axis. The polar beams probably sweep across the plane of the galaxy and one of the two is pointing at us in alternance.
Yes it's behind a huge cloud of gas plasma not sure about the state of matter in that unstable region of our galaxy , I believe SO2 will be sucked in by SAG A in a few centuries.
@@jayvillane well i mean most of sag a is way outside the event horizon, hence the orbit of the stars. it's quite possible some or most of those stars have habitable planets. I'd be curious as to how powerful the radiation from the plasma near the black hole's event horizon is, as compared to the radiation from the stars in those solar systems, because that's the only way I could think that the black hole could mess with life there - from what I've seen the stars aren't so dense that they would disrupt the orbits of each other's satellites.
Such a chaotic system close to the black hole. Collisions must be happening all the time! On a cosmic scale it's dust swirling in a puff of wind, but to us it's gargantuan stars being tossed around like ping pong balls! And the video at the end... you can positively see the jets and photons swirling around the event horizon clear as day. Truly a Heart of Darkness.
I wish i could be in space zooming through it like this. Today i had a shit day and i wish i could just escape everything and everyone here and just sail through space. Its probably never gonna happen, and sometimes i wonder why space? There's literally nothing there. But i always hope that one day i will get there, no matter how, just that i get there to be able to look back down and see Earth one last time and then journey away through time and infinity and never look back...
This is how much distance our grandparents had to travel to go to school.
This comment made my day😂😂😂😂😂
"Nothing can travel faster than light..."
~This UA-cam Video
Set the video speed to x2 to be much more superior
This video plus UA-cams 2x speed
Acutally this is not traveling, it is just zooming, if you travel, you would see lots of corps passing by
@@tommasozucol4160 It was just a joke. We all know that its just a zoom in lol
ta kini i didn’t notice that. r/woooosh
My feed is now full with Space video recommendations 🤣
Same here
Here also dude
@@kinglion9800 why does it matter you bro?
@@kinglion9800 😂😂😂 Yes man, we love time wasting
Same. Ain't a bad thing to have. Space vids are extremely interesting.
It doesn’t matter how many time I’ve watched this video, I always return to watch it again. Is truly amazing and nothing compare to this. The work of these guys is astonishing. Sincerely thank you so much for this video.
thats is totally becoz of the music. I came here several times to listen to the music. And this time also, and saw your comment 👍👍👍
This is my third time watching it
Hey, you forgot to put in the black hole. Being in the center of the galaxy, the stars will probably have some weird orbits.
0:45 you'll see the red blur in the center, fade out instead of resolving into a star. Signs a different video was edited in.
0:51 appears to be video of something in a petri dish sliced in then looped.
1:20 some really bad computer animation edited in.
Dude that's not a black hole. It's not even good CGI.
Recently heard this: “Trying to say there’s no life in the Universe because we haven’t found any is like going to the ocean with a spoon and scooping up some sea water, then saying you’ve proven that sharks don’t exist”
A spoonful of sea water has tons of microbes tho
Edit: since people keep having to tell me: yes I know this comment doesn’t make sense anymore. Originally his comment used “life” instead of “sharks” but he has since edited it. Either way I never meant for this comment to be taken seriously.
TW3F4TES5 touché Sir
@@mikey2363 But the Ocean has organisms inside unlike the Space...🤦🏻♂️
Semih Sargın I think people are missing the point
Semih Sargın there - I’ve changed it for all you racist bigots
We can’t forget to thank the camera man who risked his life to get all of this
No worries. Cameramen never die. It's an unwritten rule.
Speedy Gonzales Is This Guys Nickname❤️Wow
ha ha stoopid itsa fake
Zan Fong ,Whats Fake.Nothing Here Fake
@@PafMedic I think he is saying that this is animated....meaning all of it was not actually recorded.....and for that,he deserves a woooosh😂😂
My dad tragically passed away after a long battle with Covid. There are no words to describe the pain, but videos like this show me how we are nothing but a small circle that shines and is full of life. Just as we are born and live in the blink of an eye, we will pass in a blink of an eye. Hopefully I will meet my dad in the next realm of consciousness and for now, I will enjoy the rest of my family, friends and cherish life to the fullest.
Fuck man.. All the best to you. My dad had an heart attack 6 months ago and is now in a coma...
@@bodyharvest Prayers sent for your dad to make a full recovery!
@@candyman6905 gives me chills to think about this. There are so many questions like this that are yet to be answered.
"So I commend enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry; for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun" Ecclesiastes 8:15
Actually, I think, people will be immortal soon, and those, who will die before this to happen, will be unlucky. (Saying soon I mean for something like 40 years at very least)
for those who don't know, this was only possible because several telescopes were used all over the world, forming a super telescope with a circumference the size of the earth, all pointed towards the center of the galaxy at the same time for months or years, to be able to catch the full orbit of the star, thus being able to locate the black hole.
Dam, it sounds like some S rank mission of catching a war criminal or smth
How much time that star takes to orbit the Sagittarius A?
All this hardwork and patience and some random flat earther pop up saying space is fake
@@mg9854 assuming that super close star is S2, around 16 years
but other stars have been found to orbit even closer, with one taking less than 10 years (S62)
@@wildlifeisthewealthofnatur5457 Hardwork? You mean the time it took to render this graphics nonsense?
I have just travelled 76000 light years in 95 seconds.
@Sagitarius A* totally correct. Is not 76000 ly at all.
It is around 25000 indeed.
u drove into the past, u saw the images of 80k years ago.
@@namewasstolenstresslevel2111 yeah... But it is very likely the places we see in the images would be the same if we were there at this very second.
@@alexandreluizalves Elite Dangerous player here. Yep, 26,500LY from SOL
@Sagitarius A* are u dumb ? he need to back from there
The fact that the star you see moving around the black hole is actually going about 2.55% the speed of light at some point is incredible. (7,650 km/s (17.1 million mph)
wont a star at that speed be ripped apart???
@@mathewantony8114 yeah, probably. The description says it's actually just a clump of gas not a star and that it's moving up to 30% the speed of light which is incredible
@@EpicCorn0there is no reason for it to be ripped apart. So nothing will happen. Maybe just some goofy time dilation.
@@mathewantony8114 It's going to crumble as soon as it reaches a critical distance (16 Lightminutes) to the Black hole. More Info @ Wikipedia
@@superrooster18 no reason? Of course there is, tidal forces
It's incredible how a patch of space that looked so dark zoomed out ended up being so bright.
That sounds deep
That's because black holes are black, but most people forget about the weirdest part of the black hole, the ergosphere, which is literally the brightest thing about it and it is so weird that you kind of feel like jelly inside it and you can go in and out the ergosphere, and another thing is that it is probably absorbing a lot of light and matter.
Literally atoms and molecules. Looks like a bunch of stuff flying around in the void but ends up making everything when zoomed out
you do realize this is clearly computer generated imagery right
@@ruhzn What if each galaxy is just an atom that makes up another universe?
I know that this black hole is a monster in dimensions, but it is nothing compared to all the space you have to travel to get to it, that is something terrifying, because it gives you only a small idea of how ridiculously huge it is the universe.
it's not huge, it's infinite. There's a big difference between these two words.
What makes you think there is one single unified verse? Because some PhD whose guessing said so? 😑
@@newagain9964what makes you think there isn't. The question of if a 'universe' or a 'multiverse' exists id very complicated and Theoretical. Theres no knowing if we will ever know the answer, and so there's no point in naming redundant comments on it, and it's better to put the effort it took you to do something else.
Get space engine lmao
This is nothing
@@Flesh_Wizard Difference being, Space engine is just a render and this video is real.
So excited to see the picture and mad that no one else around me cares as much as I do
I think they care now because of memes XD
Its not a big deal, you cant start going to space without fixing shit on earth like politics
@@zoinksscoob6523 the only way to fix it is to leave it
@@jacklonghearse9821 welp clearly by leaving it local people would suffer, while those corrupts sitting in their own throne
Farhan Alternative liberals are very corrupt and need to be dealt with
Just imagine what the ELT and the James web can do.
Can’t wait
Edit: feb 2022 a couple of months to go!
Hashida Tackey Webb*
web? oh the cosmic web
Well, you will have to wait for another 2 years unfortunately....
Friggin delays...
Let's hope the rocket doesn't malfunction when that happens...
James Web is dead unfortunetely, maybe telescope named his name can do that
Had a mini panic attack watching this. How we kill each other over pointless things when there is so much to explore.
Money is the root of all evil.
@@JaySee8866 Not really.
Yeah, Good luck with going out to "Explore" the nearest stars, let alone the ones on the other side of the galaxy! -_-
@@daemoniumvenator7099 Aww... That was so sweet. Thank you, sugar. :)
I've spent many nights photographing this part of the milkyway from NZ. Only widefield but even then it's amazing what the camera can capture when you zoom in. I've always wondered what was beyond the gas and dust, thanks for posting.
Thanks, we are glad that you liked the video!
Beautiful country NZ do you watch cricket
Trying to zoom into my house in Google maps
Pabuhat Lods
I see, you are a fellow mobile legends player :)
Pabuhat lods
And guys the zooming is faster than the speed of light
Haha..technically its only an optical enlargement of light that has already reached us.
Define me speed of light
@@sanilchavan4268 speed of light........
1234 ok im done np
299 792 458m/s
It's zooming in at 25000 lightyears in less than 1 minute so yh, no comparison
Millions upon millions of stars, and they're all within just a tiny fraction of this single galaxy.
Yes and that galaxy is just a tiny part of a galaxy cluster, which is a smaller part of a super huge cluster with other galaxy cluster, which is a smaller part of the observable universes, which is apparently not even a fraction of the full universe
Did I miss anything yet -._-.
Billions is spelled with a "B" ;)
@@Tacomaholic I think you mean a googolplexian
@@Stickman_Productions google
@@SuperBearNeo Isn't it wild? To stare off into infinity? Knowing that the view right outside your window gives your eyes access to something your physical self, no matter how many life times you could achieve, would ever reach. Amazing.
Mind blowing. The stars moving around it are super massive and they are moving at incomparable speeds.
I have my middle finger up just in case an alien zooms in through my bedroom window
Why the middle finger though?
What if they don't have any bad motives (Hopefully)?
@@vozamaraktv-art5595 I don't discriminate. All peeping toms get the finger unless they are some hot chick
@@karimamin2 haha. That is still descimination if only hot chicks are allowed.
@@vozamaraktv-art5595 Damn you got me 🙂.
@@Ireal_ak not if
he is actualy watching us sobhana lah
This is giving me some weird existential crisis.
@10 Miles Outside And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. And God made the two great lights-the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night-and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. Genesis 1:14-19
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalms 19:1
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romanos 1:19-20
I plead you to read the whole book of Romans in the Bible. Greetings.
@@MiEspacioTiempo shut the FUCK up
@@MiEspacioTiempo 3) current position of universe (expansion)
وَ السَّمَآءَ بَنَيۡنٰهَا بِاَيۡٮدٍ وَّاِنَّا لَمُوۡسِعُوۡنَ
Qur'an 51:47
Transliteration; Waalssamaa banaynaha bi-aydin wa-inna lamoosiAAoona
Literal(Word by Word); And the heaven We constructed it with strength, and indeed, We (are) surely (its) Expanders.
Muhammad Asad; AND IT IS We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.
meaning of MOUSI'OONA (موسعون ) in Noble Verse 51:47 ,could be understood in two ways ..
either " expanding" which is the usual meaning of the word ,and it could mean " we are able " as well...
Has a single muslim before 1920 translated it as expanding ?
Yes of course ...
the meaning according to some old Quranic tafsir (the following is the arabic quotes are translated into English):
1- Tafsir muqatel ibn solaiman (year AD 767)
means: we are able to expand it as we want.
2- Tafsir Bahr alolum , (year 985)
means: we are able to expand it as we will.
3- Tafsir alfayruz abadi (year 1414)
means : we we are expanding it as we will.
4- Tafsir Alnukat waloyon (year 1058)
means : we are able to make the heaven expanding more that it is already expanded.
5 - Tafsir Alqasemy : (year 1913 )
means: we are able to expand it, more than it is already expanded.
6- Tafsir Altabarani (year 970)
means :we expand the heaven in every direction.
Etc ,etc,etc
So much religious BS here
@@darkghoul4049 yeah ikr
She: Come to sagittarius A
Me: Is too far
She: Im alone
Rafael Zengo stfu
@@rafaelzengo5534 brings back memories eh?
monkey1234512345 oof 100
Rafael Zengo lmao
* *Travels faster than Dark Energy*
The work these guys do to provide humanity with answers is absolutely incredible, a hundred years ago we wouldn’t have even dared to fly too high, now we reach the stars and stare into the abyss itself.
Waiting for the first actual image of Sagitarius A event horizon this week. Thank you so much.
@Hrithik Ravi Yes, but i'm still waiting for an image of Sagitarius A.
@@domcasmurro2417 Nice is it coming out this week?
@@aphrolith7676 I dont thnk so. I sub Anton Petrov channel. He said last week that this would be Sagitarius A and not some far away random galaxy. Thats the reason for my first comment.
Messiar 87/ M87 actually. But I think they plan on getting this one next!
They had have both but shown us the better quality.
The sheer scale of the universe outside our little bubble of earth is mesmerising, terrifying and also strangely reassuring.
Lies again? Serie A Leader Get Laid
Glorious is its creator.
@@Panthera-Uncia how we came to this conclusion
@@giveaway4002 He was neither created, nor does he die.
@@Panthera-Uncia how we can say "he" is neither "created" nor does "he" "die"?
who is "he" here ?
I have this downloaded to my phone as "zooming in on the heart of the milky way" and watch it whenever my problems start to feel overwhelming. It instantly puts things into perspective. Magnificent, thank you ESO. 👏💕
Same here
Brandy Rose I get similar experience with northern lights. Every winter when season of northern lights starting.. im looking to them over hours and all the bad minds and things leave me.
Vim do futuro anunciar que finalmente conseguiram fotografar o Sagitários A*. Momento histórico!
@@piklujazz hahahHHAhahahhahhh
Not good
O futuro é há duas semanas?
@@alvaromoe the future as in much later than the video was made
and yes, they actually did photograph Sagittarius A*
on the 12th of May 2022, the event horizon telescope captured the first ever picture of the black hole in the cente of our galaxy
You have no idea how grateful I am for this wonderful simulation! and all based on real calculations and observations
That observed by an telescope so it is real images
This is what my grandma's see when I add a phone number in her phone .
underrated af 🤣🤣
@@veky3459 I am learning English, what does underrated mean?
@@AYUSHGamingTV You can check on google translate, but underrated means that something isn't appriciated enough or doesen't get enough credit or it isn't enough popular
@@veky3459 what is *af" means I'm also learning English
The guys got the 2020 physics Nobel Prize for this. Andrea Ghez and Reinhard Genzel.
For proving that the center of a galaxy has a black hole.
@@parthaprateempatra4278 Yes. Thanks
The Nobel Prize has been an obsolete joke, ever since they gave a free one to Obozo, just for being a half-black U.S. president. PFFT!!!
@@CooManTunes Different Nobel Prize.
@@maskonfilteroff3145 I don't care what Nobel it is. Nobel is Nobel. OBSOLETE.
I’ve watched this video 6 years ago this video made me love space, i can’t stop from rewatching it
Oddly terrifying.
but majestic and absolutely stunning
Terrifyingly odd.
Yeah and there’s a black hole pointing in our direction.
@@lapisminer2904 way too far way from earth...
That's the beauty of our cosmos. Terrifying and beautiful at the same time. The same thing can leave you awestruck with its absolute beauty and send a chill down your spine at the same time.
Space videos make me feel so humble and blessed.
If a galaxy is an oyster, then the supermassive black hole is the pearl inside.
Dennis Viktorovich *_That's Deep_*
@@kimnamjoonscrabs3488 A periphrasis of Interstellar :)
@@Mr.Not_Sure oh, I see.
A black pearl
Absolutely jaw dropping how inconceivably huge these supermassive black holes are.
Some, yeah, but Sag A* is merely 17 times larger than our Sun :P
@@glizda9193 "merely" :) I mean, I can hardly imagine how big the sun is itself.
@@kbanghart The current largest known black hole, Phoenix A, stretches to about 90 billion kilometers.
To scale, the orbit of Pluto is around 6 billion kilometers from the sun.
@@formerfofcastudent7470 whew
@@kbanghart don’t worry, it’s in a completely different galaxy
Billions and Billions
more than 400 billion star systems in our own Milky Way Galaxy. expect this number to increase heavily every year..
Of galaxies
@@bassimkiani5504 not for long, the end of the stelliferous era is near
Full respect to people who discover these things. I was watchig some documentary movies about space and landing on comets. And how they are calculating these things🤯 its unbeliavable 👍🏻
What's the documentary bro
I wanna watch it too
@@SainiSaini-ky5bg They delete it. Rossetta landing on comet
what’s insane is that even though your zoning in past other stars, more just come in to render distance and it just keeps going
How every videographer/ telescope will manage the whole video by without hitting an obstacle in space. Mind blowing
And all that you saw is just a fraction of a star system within a fraction of a galaxy within a fraction of visible sky within a fraction of the observable universe which is itself a fraction of the entire universe.
David Crespo well that’s theory buy totally plausible and is probably true
There is ALLOT that we can't see and never will see even in millions of years as there is so much of something out there and no human will ever experience.
There will always be more and more and more and more with no end.
I feel...small.
@@festethephule7553 but we're also the absolute most complex and novel creations the universe has produced! we are giving the universe a chance to experience itself!
the last part hasn't been proven but it's highly possible
Mind blowing... scary at the same time... Music is fantastic.
@@Xanavi2912 thank you
Oddly terrifying and satisfying at the same time
This video almost makes it look like it was an easy thing to do. In fact the observations were so long and arduous it won the team the Nobel Prize.
For images made from a place before our species existed, a little late prize, but a prize nonetheless.
Videos like this make me feel so small in comparison with everything else, and it’s honestly an amazing feeling.
Sometimes I can’t believe just our galaxy is this big, and that amazing, powerful things like that black hole exist, and are so strong we orbit them from this far off.
Well, we orbit the massive cluster of stars that orbit that black hole, so, ehhhnh
I don’t think their is anything spectacular about any of it. It’s just stuff. Like all other stuff in existence.
How's the cameraman lately?
I heard he streamed the entire way and fell into a black hole.
@@meiyiyalkalvi i am sure he survived , big mike does it to obama and he is still around
@@rodg011 😀😀😀
@@eqx7168 stupid
Me: watches one video about black holes
UA-cam: how about 100 more in these trying times.
have the same with geometry dash video's
got 1 random recommendation
and now it doesn't stop anymore
i didnt even played this game for year's.... wtf
I don't complain though, these videos are like unimaginably interesting and very effective in causing existential crisis(which is sometimes a good thing)
That happened to me, but i was with SpaceX videos lol
Since u mentioned black holes, I HAVE to add: Not even LIGHT escapes from these black holes! :-)
@@charismatic1516 if you didnt know he mentioned black holes because theyre zooming into one at the center of our galaxy! read the description !
When I think I've got problems, I'll just watch this again. It will really put things into perspective.
The amount of stars are fantastically astounding and so is the amount of planets, basically there's no way of not existing creatures like us. We can't be alone...
or we can...
@@Polgnar This video shows only the stars from Milky way galaxy !
There ar trillions of galaxies out there, then we cant be alone...
@@JEIWILBER or we can! you cannot take something for granted just because universe is so big... that is called fallacy of ignorance... you may be right, I may be right, nobody knows yet, aside from that, all are assumptions.
@@PolgnarThe law of probability proves that we cannot be alone. It is infinitely improbable for us to be the only source of life. It is also infinitely improbable for us to be the only intelligent life. Hell, we are not even the only intelligent life on this planet. Just the only humans.
Life happens all the time on this planet. It didn't just get lucky once. This planet is constantly putting together small forms of life.
@@Polgnar it is extremely unlikely there is no life somewhere else given the numbers of stars, galaxies and that there are basically trillions of trillions of planets around those stars.
Respect for that cameraman who flies this fast with his camera billion miles away from the world just to make us happy...
It is 150,735,061,494,796,594.1343424787133396407618 miles to be exact
@@troy8349 the *what*
Eren Ozbek? Are you from Uzbekistan or what?
@@kapitalist_uz nope, it's my surname
Troy B. Esteban n
We are a speck of dust, living on a speck of dust in the Universe.
Not even, our galaxy is a speck of dust in the entire observable universe
@@David-zy1lr other way around.
You belive fake cgi animations. How would u see something from outside if youre inside the galaxy. Also this is als cgi animated
@@Lu1zh1 Just... shut the fuck up with that nonsense.
you can be meaningless if you want, but i am no speck
i was really depressed today, i was scared that my old depression was coming back, which ive suffered with for many years.
I live in the country, (no light pollution) and i rode my motorbike to the nearest petrol station at midnight to buy some ciggarettes, as i rode back i pulled over, and had a smoke, and looked up to the stars..
I could see a whole sky beaming with stars, so bright, could see clusters, allsorts..... and it dawned on me once again like it has before, we are so small, we are tiny, we are like a grain of sand in a space so big that we cant even comprehend, im tiny, im nothing!!! So why let a few stupid thoughts control my life??? its not even anything!! The meaning of depressing thoughts in my head is like a literal tear drop, compared to all the water on earth.
this made me suddenly feel much better, instantly. Its made me want to just concentrate on the beauty of life instead of feeling sad sometimes. I love you all guys. xx
Space charms me every time. Just imagine how small you are but yet big enough to embrace and concept the infinite of the universe.
Baba Yaga 20 yes 👍how lucky we are
This is awesome.I think this work is done by Hubble telescope. It's fascinating to see a star orbiting around a supermassive black hole.
Is it orbiting or being swallowed ?
@@brookzera218 orbitting... conservation of Angular Momentum!
@@brookzera218 Both.
Nope, its not by hubble
That poor star is like "lemme the hell outta here!! Heeeeelp!!"
i think the star is actually behind the black hole and the black hole is warping light. they do that apparently.
@@lillith-kagari the star is orbiting the black hole at a really close distance
@@LShaver947 No its not perfect orbit as it near and speed up and then far away from it.It most probably disappeared from universe and eaten by blackhole as of now
Just amazing how this look deep into outer space and the stars motions are similar to microbes under a microscope to some degree.
We are very very very tiny. Only our ego is huge
And that's the reason of our imprisionment in this material universe.
It's there, that monster is somewhere out there, unimaginably far away.
or closer than we think
@Ionut Daniel oh man, I know what it is and it may be happening right now... We'll never know, because we would immediately cease to exist
I watched this video so many times in the last 2 years. This is why I started to love astronomy and astrophysics when I was just 4. Now I'm 30 and I'm still amazed by the universe, now like 26 years ago. Proud to be an amateur astronomer (in italian we say "astrofilo", which has a nicer meaning in my opinion, it comes from ancient greek "astèr", star, and "philos", friend)
Since I can remember I have always been fascinated by astronomy, I had a Saturn V model on my nightstand as a kid and my birthday wishes were often books about space (even before I learned to read, I loved the images). At 21 (I’m now 22) while recovering from depression, videos like these not only helped me relax and find some inner peace but also re-ignited that passion. Now, I made the decision to ditch my economics major and enrolled in astrophysics starting next semester to follow my passion. I don‘t know if anyone reads this but your comment moved me and I felt like sharing my story too, Greetings from Germany :)
I don't regret it but when I was 19yo I chose Psychology over Astrophysics, even if the latter will always remain one of my biggest passions. I'm an HR now but in the heart I'll always be an amateur astronomer.
Good luck for your studies, for your depression and thanks for sharing your story!
Each on of those little dots have their own little worlds. And who knows by how many.
(Crawls into corner) "FUTURE! FUTURE!"
Intergalactic civilization. I want to witness it but it's easier to die than to survive so probably not gonna reach my lifetime. (Crying in the corner)
No one got your SpongeBob reference 😂
And they are all probably asking the same thing we've been asking for decades
Are we alone in the universe?
Each of those dots is a gakxy with hundreds if thousands of solar systems. Number of planets much higher
It depresses me that we won't be able to travel to any if them. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to go from earth and visit other life forms in other galaxies?
Extremey fascinating video along with the music. The more we explore, the more mysterious it gets.
Wow I never realised how gorgeous the universe can be
True story, if you find that fascinating, start reading about Black hols, Neutronstars and The great attractor and you fall in love with Astronomy like falling in a Black hole 🖤🪐
This is just a simulation in reality Universe can't be gorgeous it is dark and absolutely terrifying
@@ashajacob8362 universe is mostly an empty void of nothingness but it's not terrifying it's just nothing
@@ashajacob8362 it's not a simulation. It's various composite images of different focal lengths stitched together to form a seamless zoom in.
It's just our own galaxy;)
Oh...this music soo deep. I wish they gave us link for this music.
Cocktail Allé
@@Xanavi2912 ❤️
Man I love watching space zoom in videos when I'm stoned.
Yeah its so "spacey"
I always get emotional whenever I watch these types of videos stoned.
When I'm stoned these videos are the waste of time for me and waste of time reminds me waste of my life.
Sagittarius A* , abbreviated SGR A* is the supermassive blackhole at the galactic center of the milky way. It is the located near the border of constellation of sagittarius and scorpius, about 5.6 south of the ecliptic, visually close to the butterfly cluster and the lambda scorpii.
Sounds like you are telling us the coordinates of a planet within star wars universe
That's why it's so important for stars to practice social distancing.
Rumors say that this was zoomed in with multiple Nikon Zoom Lenses
P900 Fool!
I love how it seems that stuffs just keep appearing out of nowhere like an optical illusion, but it's actually real and that's how ginormous cosmos is.
Kudos to the cameraman who literally put his life on risk to go there and shoot the video.
Lame ass comment that is literally everywhere and so worn out. Stop. Just stop being a dousche
@@mattorr2256 LOL!
a 26000 light years journey made in just one and a half minutes 😊 epic!
glad you are not like the ignoramuses that said 70k ly above.
Such an amazing footage! Thanks for putting this together!🖤✌️
It’s crazy to think that there’s a good chance one of those stars has life floating around it. Out of all of the ones in the video. At least one
Not the stars directly orbiting her event horizon, lightyears of space around it is flooded with radiation. Stars can handle that but radiation and life, is very likely impossible to coexist.
The heart of our galaxy, something so relatively small in size is the weave that keeps us from flinging into the place between galaxies. That right there is purest form of gravitational power in a beautiful display at the center of our home.
Yeah, it really looks like a city with no roads but just enlightened buildings and street lights
Yeah it is
I also like the background music...
Isn't Sag A mostly hidden by dust and viewable only in infra red?
Yes, this video is made from infra red images. I'm curious about the flashes coming from the black hole. Looks to me like maybe one of the polar beams is pointed at us. A higher resolution image would probably clear that one up, but I hope that's not the case. If it is, we'd better hope it doesn't swallow one of those starts any time soon. We'd be fried.
Just found out that does seem to be the case. It's not just the flashing but the accretion disk appears perfectly spherical. Hopefully the Solar System will have moved away by the time it swallows another star. If not, our whole system will be sterilized. Oops!
Sag ass?😂🤣
@@antonystringfellow5152 I suspect the SMBH is spinning on 2 axis. The polar beams probably sweep across the plane of the galaxy and one of the two is pointing at us in alternance.
Yes it's behind a huge cloud of gas plasma not sure about the state of matter in that unstable region of our galaxy , I believe SO2 will be sucked in by SAG A in a few centuries.
This music invokes some sort of nostalgic feeling that is so difficult to explain and I love it. Anyone else?
Absolutely I've been listening to this on loop just for the sake of the music
Shout out to the cameraman who traveller such distances to give us this footage
One day we may take a visit to Sag A. What a lovely day that would be.
phiberoptick Uhhhh you don’t wanna do that. It’s a supermassive black hole
@@jayvillane well i mean most of sag a is way outside the event horizon, hence the orbit of the stars. it's quite possible some or most of those stars have habitable planets. I'd be curious as to how powerful the radiation from the plasma near the black hole's event horizon is, as compared to the radiation from the stars in those solar systems, because that's the only way I could think that the black hole could mess with life there - from what I've seen the stars aren't so dense that they would disrupt the orbits of each other's satellites.
"what a lovely day"
as well as your last
@@AdmiralAutism212 what we would see.. might be worth it..
it's possible that the humanity won't even go out of the Solar System before we all die
Physicists: You cant travel faster than light!
Camera man: Observe
You guys have probably the most difficult jobs in the world. Thank you.
This is what it feels like when u miss out 1 day of school and u gotta do hw thats how many pages from earth to sagatarius
And 4 days ago... we had the photo of Saggitarius-A
Yes ✨
A rendered projection at least.
What's the music? Who made it? Where to get it?
EDIT: And thank you for this beautiful video! This is amazing!
@@Xanavi2912 THANKS
@@MrNucleosome Can you send me the link?
nooo the comment got deleted, what music is it please!!!
Such a chaotic system close to the black hole. Collisions must be happening all the time! On a cosmic scale it's dust swirling in a puff of wind, but to us it's gargantuan stars being tossed around like ping pong balls! And the video at the end... you can positively see the jets and photons swirling around the event horizon clear as day. Truly a Heart of Darkness.
Beware,we're seeing this on what it looked like 26k years ago
Waiting for James Webb! Pleaseeee don't delay it any further! 🙏😬
That's the other agency, but yeah
@@matieyzaguirre EU, US & Canada all r involved....
Here distorts space time. Breathtaking!
And now that we have a picture of the Sagittarius A*. It's incredible!
Partially anyway.
I felt like the universe was staring into my soul.
Felt weird didn't it...
Deshaun Mcneal indeed
@@deshaunmcneal8963 oh yes, but I dam liked it ❤️
It is.
everything was fine until i saw that pfp
It's scary realizing how small we are and how much we all really dont matter lol
It's comforting honestly.
Kind of an ignorant statement
That's one hella zoom function. Imagine how big the screen has to be to be pinching for that long 😂
Midwesterners: Can find a galaxy by squinting.
West Coasters: Can hardly even find the moon.
We've come a long way from this .. fascinating
The fact that we can see a real image of it now… wow…
We can only see her through the movement of the stars orbiting her. It's more like a lot of photo's over a long period of time put in motion.
I wish i could be in space zooming through it like this. Today i had a shit day and i wish i could just escape everything and everyone here and just sail through space. Its probably never gonna happen, and sometimes i wonder why space? There's literally nothing there. But i always hope that one day i will get there, no matter how, just that i get there to be able to look back down and see Earth one last time and then journey away through time and infinity and never look back...
How's your day today?
Give him some weed.
Hellfire LWD that my opinion too 👍
You can even see how the matter exchange between stars. Wow, just mindblowing
The background music is:-
Spaceage by Ryder
Thanks for sharing :D
fucking thank you my man
Fake shit
Actually this is vastly different from the one you suggested, I want THIS version.
@@starlight_prince cocktail alle by johan B. Monell
This pajeet asshole tricked us. It took me 3 damn weeks to find the actual music.
Woooo is awesome the universe ! Thanks for share, excellent images.
A look into the supermassive black hole in our galaxy.
Is your galaxy Sagittarius A?
@@Kaplykos U dum shiz, Milky Way is our galaxy.
@@Neuwey331 but the video is about Sagittarius A
@@Kaplykos Sagittarius A* is the name of a super massive black hole within the Milky Way Galaxy, our Galaxy. Hope I cleared things up
@@D-Nation fuck you're right. In my head I was thinking about the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. My bad
Not gonna lie. This is seriously intelligent and meaningful depiction of a blackhole