Milky Way: yeah i need insurance.... insurance Company: okay, what for MWG: my galaxy IC: [tskes a look at the galaxy circa 2 billion yrs] eesh, looks a little banged up MWG: yeah, my friend Andromeda stopped by to party, it was a real get together..... budum tss
Zeus: I heard about the accident. Who caused it.. Poseidon: It was Cassiopeia's daughter Andromeda. Zeus: Not again !!! ( insert joke about women drivers here ) Poseidon: Calm down boss.. I'll send the Kraken.
At least one already has... **Us,** entering Sol's domain. This was the direct cause of the myth-making epoch: planetary catastrophism, and we barely survived it. [Nascent humanity witnessed it in pre-history, and passed the stories down into oral tradition, myth, and religion. Only now are we coming to grips with it through Comparative Mythology, Comparative Religion, studying rock art, and a number of other disciplines including modern plasma physics.]
I just checked the 3-billion-year weather forecast for my city. Says it will be cloudy with an 80 percent chance of rain on the day of the merger. So we won't see a thing. Figures.
@RayaOMC7 well...not here...maybe farther out in the solar system. If the merger happens at all. Recent observations are casting doubt on whether the merger will happen
Anyone on earth at that time won’t even feel it. Will see the andromeda smudge getting bigger then starts disappearing as it gets closer because there is much more empty space than stars
The biggest disturbance we could ever have in such an event, is that a large star, or a neutron star or black hole travels through our solar system and wreck the orbits of the planets and ejects a few. Or worse, the black hole locks onto the sun and devours it. That event would vaporize everything out to Jupiter or Saturn.
@@paulmichaelfreedman8334 Our Sun will be going into its Red Giant phase in the middle of all this merging, so I think we'll have some bigger problems to solve before the merge is finished ;)
In 3 or 4 billion year’s after they merge that there will be be a new life forms looking up to the stars wondering if they are alone in the universe. Crazy to think
@@d.aardent9382 can get away from the ignorant masses. Also, real estate wouldn't be expensively blown out of proportion due to funds, investments and pension.
The distance between stars is so great that there will be vanishingly close to zero physical collisions. Like two clouds of whispy smoke passing through each other. But just in case, I'll have my bags packed.
If none of the hundreds of billions of stars involved are likely to collide, then Earth is not going be hit by any debris. You'd have better odds of winning the lottery every week for your entire life.
@@jaylicious4694 They don't even need to collide for that really, just need stars to pass close enough to disrupt the cloud of debris distant debris around the very outer regions of each solar system gravitationally and knock some of those Oort cloud objects onto elliptical trajectories that pass through the inner system. This may have already happened to our solar system from a previous event as there is evidence that the inner planets managed to largely clear their orbits of debris and thus cool and their crusts solidify and then suddenly a large amount of debris was reintroduced causing a sharp uptick in impact events, mostly icy objects from the outer solar system indicating a possibility that something large and extrasolar passed close enough to cause significant changes to the orbits of distant debris hanging around the fringes of the solar system.
Be a Hindu or Buddhist, you will reborn one day to witness the event. Christians, Muslims and Jews are going to their respective Heavens and they won't be able to witness this event.
Wow!! Phenomena like these actually help boost our imagination as well, I mean, how else can we picture two colliding galaxies! Can't thank SOU enough for such episodes!! 🙏💫💯👏🌌❤️
To people hundreds of millions of light years away, we look like we are actually colliding - right now ! Do you know what that means ? We're famous out there ! They are wondering what is going through our minds while this is happening. Let that boost your imagination. We live in the "colliding galaxies" to people way out there.
man, when i was in school they said it was 100 billion stars, then it was 200, 300, now it's 400 billion. can't wait to hear one trillion in the near future.
nah bruv u aint smthn special, the merge prolly began before human civilization considering the time light takes to reach us, you ain't supernatural, get off your drugs
Yeah, right off the bat if you consider the stars of Milky Way and Andromeda to have already begun swapping, then we've drawn such large boundaries that there are not 80 galaxies in the local group, they would all "belong" to either the Milky Way's or Andromeda's fringes.
Maybe perhaps we’ll get lucky and thrown to the outer band and future species can watch it all and we can document it for future generations to come and not necessarily get sucked into the black hole
No joke, I think something should be done to put the galaxies in orbit instead of merging. So much useful materials would be lost in an uncontrolled merger. Or have I watched to much SFIA with Isac Arthur?
I’m from the future! Saw it happen live. It’s pretty cool! Best fireworks show in the universe! I suggest getting tickets for the show. Worth the wait, y’all!
Andromeda: "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?" Milky Way: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." Andromeda: "Oh ho! Then come as close as you like."
F that, I wish i was immortal so i could watch this happen lol finally after centuries something new to see lolz truly 2 galaxies colliding and merging don't happen everyday
Colliding galaxies was part of the back-story for Doc Smith's "Lensman" series of space-opera novels. The involved galaxies finished with billions more planets than they'd have had otherwise. Of course, this is space-opera!
So if we are able to observe the andromeda stars entering our galaxy now, wouldn't that mean they have already entered our galaxy considering the time it takes for that light to reach us? Aren't we already 2.357 million years into the event?
I wonder how It will affect us. Will other planets and stars from Andromeda crash with ours? What if something hits Earth? What will humans feel then if they are still around? So many questions
It's a Computer Simulation, not factual. The so called Big Bang Theory is not based on fact either, just ideas and a coined Phase that caught on. A lot of different ideas about it, made famous in Movies and TV otherwise no one would have heard of it.
It's highly unlikely the collision of both galaxies will have any impact on any celestial body as everything is too far sparsely apart. And plus, if I remember correctly, the surface of earth will be far too hot for any kind of terrestrial life to exist because of the sun entering the red giant phase of its life. So if earth is impacted in any sort of way from the galactic collision, we won't be around to feel its effects anyway.
I fall asleep every night listening to the sounds of Andromeda, projecting my consciousness within the astral plain of the neverending storm, wandering in search of The Machine. It doesn't matter if I die, the hidden machine must be turned off at all cost, the vortex must be sealed. It can hear us through the void, the everlasting chaos, the antipode of creation, and it is coming for us.
Our sun doesn't have enough mass to become a supergiant, but it awill expand into a planetary Nebula and burn this planet before likely becoming a white dwarf.
@@loftstudiostips I don’t think we have to worry about the sun becoming a “red giant” in 5-8 billion years from now: “Even now, Earth is losing its water. Interactions with the UV radiation field and particles in the solar wind reaching Earth are dissociating the water in our upper atmosphere. The light hydrogen, especially, can escape the gravitational pull of Earth. Observations with previous space missions and the Hubble Space Telescope show an extensive expanding hydrogen cloud (exosphere) around the Earth. Estimates have suggested that Earth will lose most of its water in a billion years and be much like Mars. Even if the sun doesn’t engulf Earth, the increased luminosity and strong stellar wind in the later phases of its evolution would strip or boil away any remaining atmosphere or ocean. If Earth were to survive, it would be a rocky cinder orbiting a white dwarf.” We won’t even make it to the galaxy merger, so use your vacation now while you have it!
I’m not surprised.. I remember someone else talking about this very topic around a few months ago at the most though I’m not worried about this since if anything bad were to happen it’d be way long after most of our life times, I bet it’ll still be a sight to see tho But this brings up another question. Since the Andromeda galaxy also has a black hole in its centre will it impact earth in any sort of way? Or if not it could still create an ultra massive black hole if the Andromeda and the milky way black holes collides of course.
Because of the great distance between the galaxies the light that we see today has been traveling through space for a very long time. And because of the relative motion between them the galaxies are actually closer to each other than they appear. 😊
2 billion years is a very long time. If humans have survived upto that time then they should have developed great space technologies. By that time humans should have explored most habitable planets of our galaxy and should have developed technology for inter galactic travel.
The magnetic fields must be massive. External magnetic fields accretion disk surrounding the monopoles of pure repulsion to heat propulsion momentum are farther reaching magnetic fields than I anticipated. Magnetism explains everything about physics without gravity. Space is a weak external magnetic field filled with dark heat energy outside of the entanglement of mass from stars decaying their atmospheres near and far away throughout space, decaying atmospheres of gasses internal magnetic fields. Fire is a magnetic field that is external heat energy released outside of entanglement of mass from disolving internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus as mass disolves. This cycling circulation patterns of mass decaying as renewable heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass is absorbed or refracted as light. Light is unabsorbed heat energy singularities bouncing off mass lighting up the mass it strikes unabsorbed. Lightning proves hypothesis. Lightning is rapid heat loss from internal magnetic fields of atmospheric gasses disolving instantaneously and bouncing off surrounding atmospheres slamming into gasses unabsorbed as flash lighting up surrounding atmospheres unabsorbed. It instantaneously equalization of pressure in atmospheres and dark sky is back. Unabsorbed heat singularities lighting up atmospheres like filaments is daylight from the sun unabsorbed heat singularities lighting up atmospheres as external heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass. Entanglement is when absorption of heat energy singularities are incoming renewable heat energy into internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus or core where outgoing heat energy singularities exchanging through all masses in its path or as heat energy singularities unabsorbed bouncing around in atmospheres lighting up. Not all heat is absorbed. Heat unabsorbed magnifying temperature equalization throughout space and atmospheres outside of entanglement of mass. It's hot out today. When unabsorbed heat refraction lighting up mass. Sun glasses are required with overabundance of heat energy singularities as external heat energy unabsorbed bouncing around as magnifying temperature and light. Heat traveling through space is dark energy outside of entanglement of mass. Light is only present in unabsorbed heat energy striking mass, lighting up the mass it strikes. Mirror effects. Magnetism explains everything about physics. Earth's magnetic field is a weaker force than hydrogen. Hydrogen has the strongest internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core where force is strongest and distance traveling cycling circulation is minimal. As you move away from earth's internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core distance traveling cycling circulation patterns, grounding currents weakens force of grounding currents towards the earth's internal magnetic field. Mass occupies space as neutralized repulsion within as outward force of pressure always. Within a greater internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core redirects grounding currents of mass incoming renewable heat energy exchanging singularities point to point chain reactions through all masses in its path to outgoing heat energy singularities equalization to pressure known as force of grounding currents pressure of weight. Outside of a greater internal magnetic field, mass is the outward force of pressure known as weightless. Occupational space passes through mass as momentum through areas of space itself filled with dark heat energy outside of entanglement of mass until it encountered entanglement with mass as refraction as light or absorbed. We see what heat strikes unabsorbed. Two slit experiments prove hypothesis. Heat bouncing around atmospheres lighting up the mass, it strikes unabsorbed. External magnetic fields don't ground currents through the nucleus or core where external heat energy cycling circulation around these monopoles of pure fabric of cold space devoid of heat energy within its core or nucleus as pure repulsion to heat propulsion. Potentially at the event horizon perimeter spinning heat energy singularities faster than normal space repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion. Meteorites hit earth's internal magnetic field faster than normal space and start disolving internal magnetic fields grounding currents as external heat energy outside of entanglement of mass. The impaction force is magnification of magnetism grounding currents as force of pressure known as weight impaction. Normal mass falls in equalization to magnetism. If you go against magnetic fields grounding currents into itself and surrounding mass then disolving internal magnetic fields beginning equalization to magnetism. Magnetic fields put on the brakes to faster than normal space repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion as magnetic fields. External magnetic fields don't ground energy currents but spinning all external heat energy within its field like a record on a record player centrifugal force held by external magnetism bonding force of magnetism. Mass near the core perimeter of external magnetic fields disolve from within as outward force of pressure known as weightless outside of a greater internal magnetic field. External magnetic fields stripping away repulsion to internal magnetic fields grounding currents into itself and surrounding mass disolves its internal magnetic field towards the greater external magnetic field. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity is magnetism magnifying propulsion from external magnetic fields, potentially creating hydrogen. That's my theory of everything is magnetism magnifying. Heat magnification lenses bending heat. Soldering follows the heat. Mass neutralizes cold repulsion within it as temperature control. Shivering is rapid heat loss. Fire is warming. But if you keep your distance traveling towards the fires magnetism, you get hotter at the core. When you move away, you get cooler. That is magnetism. Distance and force equalization of pressure, known as magnetism, magnifying heat. Light is only present in unabsorbed refraction striking mass. Light doesn't travel heat does. And heat traveling faster at the event horizon perimeter of pure cold fabric of space within its monopole sphere of absolute zero energy within repulsion is clear heat propulsion as a force field where nothing gets in. Potentially creating hydrogen from the hurricane centrifugal force outside and tornadoes of hydrogen expelled into space at the poles. Clockwise and counterclockwise pressure equalization throughout space as magnetism magnifying. A weak external magnetic field of normal space and a massive external magnetic field spinning all heat energy in its field in and out of entanglement of mass. Hydrogen under extreme pressure is heat singularities thrown into outer space repulsion faster than normal space repulsion to heat propulsion bending back heat singularities backward onto itself as internal magnetic fields of hydrogen under extreme pressure. Hydrogen under extreme heat pressure expands into helium. Helium occupies more cold space. With my theory space is constant and heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass is the variable. Space is a stationary cold field of repulsion to heat. Dark matter unmoving. Only heat can accumulate. Space is constant. And mass expands in equalization to repulsion within and without entanglement of mass. Making sense? Does to me. Magnetism explains everything about physics without gravity. No bending of space.
You silly conspiracy goofballs would love for all to believe that too . Learn to live free of fear conspiracy=fear vibration gets are only 2 love and fear please choose love that is the light
I just watched a video claiming were in a large void with other galaxies equal distance from us, google said it was correct, and now there is a 2nd galaxy next to us.
The Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy, often simply called the "Sagittarius galaxy," is located much closer to the Milky Way than the Andromeda Galaxy; in fact, it is considered a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, meaning it orbits around our galaxy, while Andromeda is a separate, larger galaxy much further away, positioned near the Milky Way's galactic plane but not directly within it. Key points: Distance: The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy is around 70,000 light-years from Earth, while the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light-years away. Relationship to Milky Way: The Sagittarius galaxy is considered a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, meaning it orbits around it, while Andromeda is a separate, larger galaxy.
@@almiraw.4905 That wouldn't be due to the merger, but rather the fact that by the time the Milky Way and Andromeda finally merge the sun would be reaching its red giant stage, and the intense solar wind and expansion of the sun would more than likely be what strips Earth of its atmosphere by then. It's actually kinda funny how the expected time until the final merger roughly coincides with the remaining lifespan of our sun.
@VestedUTuber I meant if we are flung out of our Solar system before the Sun goes red giant, we'll probably lose the atmosphere anyway, and there will be no one to appreciate the new view. Unfortunately 😔
@@almiraw.4905 It'd be unlikely for Earth to get flung away from the sun to begin with, though. It would require an incredibly close encounter with another stellar-mass object, and the fact of the matter is, space is really big and there's a lot of it between stars. Even in the initial "grazing hit/near miss" expected to happen 2.6 billion years from now it'd be highly unlikely for another star to pass that close to our sun. As a side note, should another star pass that close to our sun, we'd have other problems.
What name suits the best for the new galaxy that results from the merger of the Milky Way and Andromeda?
Milky Anaconda.
Crunchie Way? It could be a chocolate bar.
Fluffy 🎉🐰🫠
Wyvern Galaxy
Milky Wandromeday
Crap in two billion years. I’ve got a colonoscopy scheduled for that day.
You win ! 👍🏻👍🏻😂😂😂
Better move your furnitures. It's gonna be quite a mess... 😂😂😂
Not if you are cremated.
Insurance: You hit a what!?
Milky Way: yeah i need insurance....
insurance Company: okay, what for
MWG: my galaxy
IC: [tskes a look at the galaxy circa 2 billion yrs] eesh, looks a little banged up
MWG: yeah, my friend Andromeda stopped by to party, it was a real get together.....
budum tss
@@judgedrekk2981 It hit me and I saw stars
Zeus: I heard about the accident. Who caused it..
Poseidon: It was Cassiopeia's daughter Andromeda.
Zeus: Not again !!!
( insert joke about women drivers here )
Poseidon: Calm down boss.. I'll send the Kraken.
It may be possible to see Betelgeuse explode before we die, but galaxy collision is far past my permanent bedtime.
Don't worry when you will rest here on earth inside your ⚰️ then see it okay
Beetlejuice just may have gone Nova years ago but the light takes 600 light years to get here
Its past the sun and earths bedtime
@@davehoward22 how long does it take to do a loop around the milky way. Maybe we will be on the other side when it gets here.
@@robertsmith2956 Approximately 225 million years.
I didn't believe the Andromeda Galaxy was merging with ours... and then it hit me...
Did it fr *hit* you 💀
@@aarnavlovesnatureman immdead
Better wear a helmet...
The further away they are the further in time they are so the collision could of started before humanity.
@@davidoliver7510 True for sure.
I read a article few years ago, when they collide, not 1 star will hit another, that's how vast space is. *Edit* Spelled Collide wrong
Yea stellar collisions will be rare if at all. That's why I prefer the term merge instead of collision.
At least one already has...
**Us,** entering Sol's domain.
This was the direct cause of the myth-making epoch: planetary catastrophism, and we barely survived it. [Nascent humanity witnessed it in pre-history, and passed the stories down into oral tradition, myth, and religion. Only now are we coming to grips with it through Comparative Mythology, Comparative Religion, studying rock art, and a number of other disciplines including modern plasma physics.]
only speculation, no way to prove stars NOT running into each other!
They don't have to hit. They will sling ours into another star and we will do the hitting. Ever see a pool table on break?
That would be a guess, an assumption. I'll let a thousand generations in the future to worry about it.
I will still be in line at the DMV.
Truer words have never been spoken.
I will still be paying income taxes.
OMGHAHAAAHAA! I haven't laughed that hard in AGeS😅🤣🤣🤣 THANK YOU STRANGER! Lhahahaa haa needed that.
I am waiting for Betelgeuse to explode ..
Just stay alive for few more thousand years 🥲
Yes I'm waiting for the Betelgeuse Explosion too! When it happen?
It may have already happened, but we can't see it yet!
@@Opus313 but can we see or feel it never?
@@Leopez02if it explode today it will take about 700 years before we see it
I just checked the 3-billion-year weather forecast for my city. Says it will be cloudy with an 80 percent chance of rain on the day of the merger. So we won't see a thing. Figures.
Sounds like typical Pittsburgh weather. We miss all the special events.
At least it won't be a chance of meatballs. The spaghetti sauce would be messy
Water won’t even exist in 1 billion years
@RayaOMC7 well...not here...maybe farther out in the solar system. If the merger happens at all. Recent observations are casting doubt on whether the merger will happen
Ahh crap, I'm scheduled to be in the middle of the Atlantic on a cruise. Too late to cancel my boarding pass.
Anyone on earth at that time won’t even feel it. Will see the andromeda smudge getting bigger then starts disappearing as it gets closer because there is much more empty space than stars
The biggest disturbance we could ever have in such an event, is that a large star, or a neutron star or black hole travels through our solar system and wreck the orbits of the planets and ejects a few. Or worse, the black hole locks onto the sun and devours it. That event would vaporize everything out to Jupiter or Saturn.
@@paulmichaelfreedman8334 Our Sun will be going into its Red Giant phase in the middle of all this merging, so I think we'll have some bigger problems to solve before the merge is finished ;)
@@JedForge Yup, there's that, too :)
Space is full of rocks of all sizes. You will be shotgunned continuously for 200m years. Chance of survival is nill.
Humans will be long gone before all of this
In 3 or 4 billion year’s after they merge that there will be be a new life forms looking up to the stars wondering if they are alone in the universe. Crazy to think
judging by the size of the universe, there are already plenty of those happening each million years
@@hitsurei It most be.
I always wanted to visit the Andromeda galaxy. Maybe they got some good restaurants there.
Hopefully, we won't be the main course!
Imagine how much more convenient it will be to get over there.
@@d.aardent9382 can get away from the ignorant masses. Also, real estate wouldn't be expensively blown out of proportion due to funds, investments and pension.
Unfortunately, the entire galaxy would be lifeless because of the civil war conflict that happen millions of years ago...
@@JedForge wouldn't recommend it. Humans are awful in just about anything except for being awful
Hey Google, schedule this event to my calendar 😂
"alright I'll set your alarm for 40 septillion hours from now"
@@Jadefox32 Thanks Google!
3 billion yrs from now
@@Jadefox32 😅😅😅
@@Thanos-u5f I'm sure I'll be alive by then lol
A collision between two galaxies! I can’t imagine what the deductible would be.
I gave you a thumb's up - and I wanted to say Bravo! So nice to see a used car salesman on the site!
It would not be as astronomical as our current auto insurance.
Only 500
@@jerrypolverino6025 Very good! 😆
They would call it an "act of god" and deny coverage.
Andromeda: he's not looking!
Andromeda: *moves 5 steps closer*
Scp 173
The distance between stars is so great that there will be vanishingly close to zero physical collisions. Like two clouds of whispy smoke passing through each other. But just in case, I'll have my bags packed.
Even if distant moons collide then its fragments can hit other planets & cause deadly damages
Yeah I'd be concerned for collision debris like huge asteroids heading for earth
If none of the hundreds of billions of stars involved are likely to collide, then Earth is not going be hit by any debris. You'd have better odds of winning the lottery every week for your entire life.
@@jaylicious4694 They don't even need to collide for that really, just need stars to pass close enough to disrupt the cloud of debris distant debris around the very outer regions of each solar system gravitationally and knock some of those Oort cloud objects onto elliptical trajectories that pass through the inner system. This may have already happened to our solar system from a previous event as there is evidence that the inner planets managed to largely clear their orbits of debris and thus cool and their crusts solidify and then suddenly a large amount of debris was reintroduced causing a sharp uptick in impact events, mostly icy objects from the outer solar system indicating a possibility that something large and extrasolar passed close enough to cause significant changes to the orbits of distant debris hanging around the fringes of the solar system.
Don't lose any sleep: the size of stars relative to their vast separations means that actual collisions will be extremely rare. So, sleep soundly!
1billion years.
added on my calender.
Be a Hindu or Buddhist, you will reborn one day to witness the event. Christians, Muslims and Jews are going to their respective Heavens and they won't be able to witness this event.
Well, in that case, “should I lie down or put a paper bag over my head or something.”
A folded towel under your ankles....
"yes if you like"
Don't forget your towel.
I mask and a booster shot
Arnomeda galaxy and Milky way galaxy will have a cosmic dance before the full merger..
Good celebration before merger
Wow!! Phenomena like these actually help boost our imagination as well, I mean, how else can we picture two colliding galaxies! Can't thank SOU enough for such episodes!! 🙏💫💯👏🌌❤️
To people hundreds of millions of light years away, we look like we are actually colliding - right now ! Do you know what that means ? We're famous out there ! They are wondering what is going through our minds while this is happening. Let that boost your imagination. We live in the "colliding galaxies" to people way out there.
Just imagine how many stars will getlaid off after this merger. That's the worst part about mergers.
Stars are underrated fusing atoms for billions of years 24/7, they truly are the hardest workers.
I guess I won’t have to worry about that extended warranty!😂😂😂
man, when i was in school they said it was 100 billion stars, then it was 200, 300, now it's 400 billion. can't wait to hear one trillion in the near future.
@@joeamerican2611 I was talking about the stars in the Milky Way, not galaxies, but that number is getting revised and getting bigger too.
@@kieragardr u 70
@@kieragardr u really old
@@thetacokawaii5708 yeah I'm a pretty old gamer. Started since I was four years old 🤣 time has really passed by.
Yea they taught some weird stuff in med school 20 years ago!
Luckily I wear a Meteor Proof Codpiece, for just such Emergencies…
Thanks for sharing 😂🎉 😊😊
On that note, I heard that hockey players started wearing those, before they started wearing helmets.
@@Nyet-Zdyes Priorities 🫣🤭😵💫😂
What this codpiece have to do with this? Didn't really know what say huh?
Must admit the change of subject sounded a little fishy to me (no offence to _little_ fishies of course!)
That's gonna be a hell of a party.......
I'll bring the beers.
I hope you bring enough for everybody! Billions and billions of beers!
Will we bring straws - it'll save upon the washing up (of glasses!)?
I’ve been feeling off all week. Now I know why.
nah bruv u aint smthn special, the merge prolly began before human civilization considering the time light takes to reach us, you ain't supernatural, get off your drugs
Its Because your isreali
Plot Plot Twist: No it isn’t. The galaxies are still 2.5 million light years away from each other
Yeah, right off the bat if you consider the stars of Milky Way and Andromeda to have already begun swapping, then we've drawn such large boundaries that there are not 80 galaxies in the local group, they would all "belong" to either the Milky Way's or Andromeda's fringes.
Maybe perhaps we’ll get lucky and thrown to the outer band and future species can watch it all and we can document it for future generations to come and not necessarily get sucked into the black hole
Million years from now,, aliens from far away galaxies watching us start colliding..
We better do something about it before it is too late!
No joke, I think something should be done to put the galaxies in orbit instead of merging. So much useful materials would be lost in an uncontrolled merger. Or have I watched to much SFIA with Isac Arthur?
There will be no earth left before this collision happens, special thanks to the Sun lol.
@@sevbu that’s why they will be traveling to a new planet as our new home
If the universe is expanding and everything is going speeding away from each other, then why are these two galaxies colliding?
You are correct. That is also my question. The supposed "collision" does not add up.
Yay cannot wait grabbing shades and a beer
I think I will need a bigger gun. Should I post the No Trespass sign on Pluto, or does it have to be on a "real" planet to be legal?
Let start merging within a few years and get it over with, I just can’t stand the wait!
I *thought* I felt a little _thud_ the other day. This explains it.
If I'm still around, I'll mark the date on my calendar so I don't miss it.
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more."
OKAYYY shakespeare
@@hyunryu5302 Not Shakespeare. The Bible.
Superstition fails.
Science prevails.
It's time to declare a naming contest to name these two galaxies.
Galandromil... Oh well...
the chum bucket
a few billion years? I might as well quit my job!
Of course we are assuming that this is the first time that the two universes have crashed into each other…. Maybe the collision is a rebound!
I would worry about our star first, which is going to fry everything out to Mars, elementary school in the 50/60's😮
yes everyone is going to feel so sorry for elon musk.
@@kieragard all your green energy didn't lower the temp 1 degree from the 5 billion outside.
@@robertsmith2956 I take it math and science isn't your strong suit.
@@kieragard you can run your AC, and drive your car as much as you want. Won't make any difference inside the sun.
@@robertsmith2956 I take it geography and astronomy is also not one of your strong suit.
I’m from the future! Saw it happen live. It’s pretty cool! Best fireworks show in the universe! I suggest getting tickets for the show. Worth the wait, y’all!
What are you, 12?
@@lmdetect yes, actually 11. But, at least I’m not some killjoy B]%(H like you are!
Andromeda: "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"
Milky Way: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."
Andromeda: "Oh ho! Then come as close as you like."
Imagine our galaxy is unique in that it sucks up more and more galaxies and gets bigger and bigger. And we got a front seat show. 😎
This is so existentially terrifying, and yet I know that I have nothing to worry about.
F that, I wish i was immortal so i could watch this happen lol finally after centuries something new to see lolz truly 2 galaxies colliding and merging don't happen everyday
Colliding galaxies was part of the back-story for Doc Smith's "Lensman" series of space-opera novels. The involved galaxies finished with billions more planets than they'd have had otherwise. Of course, this is space-opera!
So if we are able to observe the andromeda stars entering our galaxy now, wouldn't that mean they have already entered our galaxy considering the time it takes for that light to reach us? Aren't we already 2.357 million years into the event?
Yeah! That means there might be a star/exp planet heading into our solar system. But that's way to rare for it to happen now
Can't wait to see that happening. Will watch from my rooftop with the family.
I thought I noticed more stars in the sky the last few nights
Sure buddy
Ahhh... that's what's making my biorhythms out of whack! Bugger!
Maybe, the two galaxies already began touching before humanity even began?
This probably should figure into what searches are for other intelligences.
I wonder how It will affect us.
Will other planets and stars from Andromeda crash with ours? What if something hits Earth? What will humans feel then if they are still around?
So many questions
It's a Computer Simulation, not factual. The so called Big Bang Theory is not based on fact either, just ideas and a coined Phase that caught on. A lot of different ideas about it, made famous in Movies and TV otherwise no one would have heard of it.
So few answers... So little ...oops... So much Time... Wowzer...?!
It's highly unlikely the collision of both galaxies will have any impact on any celestial body as everything is too far sparsely apart. And plus, if I remember correctly, the surface of earth will be far too hot for any kind of terrestrial life to exist because of the sun entering the red giant phase of its life. So if earth is impacted in any sort of way from the galactic collision, we won't be around to feel its effects anyway.
We'll still be waiting on Elder Scrolls VI.
Unfortunately no when the last star and black hole no not my one 😂 has faded to dust then Bethesda will .....come out with an excuse 😢
The collaboration event would be 🔥
I fall asleep every night listening to the sounds of Andromeda, projecting my consciousness within the astral plain of the neverending storm, wandering in search of The Machine. It doesn't matter if I die, the hidden machine must be turned off at all cost, the vortex must be sealed. It can hear us through the void, the everlasting chaos, the antipode of creation, and it is coming for us.
Right you are then...glad to know you have it worked out and under control. Thank-you. 🖖
And the rest of the chapter is? Or was that the foreword, or prelude to your first chapter?
This page is rare in that it provides good real content & there's no hate. The only reason I subbed.
The comments are really funny and not at all hateful.
I guess I won't have to cancel my vacation 🤔
I doubt humanity can live for 4.5 billion years
So Milkyway marrying with Andromeda.
In a way it like the birds and the bees situation but for galaxies
And i have no present yet!
Milky Way corporation and Andromeda corporation are merging there is going to be some restructuring. Everyone will still have their jobs.
"if humanity is around?" The sun will have gone supergiant and burnt earth to a crisp long before it happens.
Our sun doesn't have enough mass to become a supergiant, but it awill expand into a planetary Nebula and burn this planet before likely becoming a white dwarf.
@@loftstudiostipsafter that we don't need to pay taxes
We'll have invented FTL spacecraft and colonized other star systems long before our sun expands.
@@loftstudiostips I don’t think we have to worry about the sun becoming a “red giant” in 5-8 billion years from now: “Even now, Earth is losing its water. Interactions with the UV radiation field and particles in the solar wind reaching Earth are dissociating the water in our upper atmosphere. The light hydrogen, especially, can escape the gravitational pull of Earth. Observations with previous space missions and the Hubble Space Telescope show an extensive expanding hydrogen cloud (exosphere) around the Earth. Estimates have suggested that Earth will lose most of its water in a billion years and be much like Mars. Even if the sun doesn’t engulf Earth, the increased luminosity and strong stellar wind in the later phases of its evolution would strip or boil away any remaining atmosphere or ocean. If Earth were to survive, it would be a rocky cinder orbiting a white dwarf.” We won’t even make it to the galaxy merger, so use your vacation now while you have it!
Bada-Boom 💥 We're never to old and set to change.
Andromeda collision announcement before GTA6
Sagittarius Dwarf is already in the Milky Way galaxy-Earth is a result of the merger
About of Drawf, is there Drarf galaxies in the Universe? 😮
@@vask3863 - some say Saturn 🪐 was the old star
Magellan Clouds are dwarf galaxies orbiting Milky Way
Well that’s one way to put the pointlessness of human drama into perspective…
Me, 6 feet under in a few billion years after the two galaxies merge:
"Do it again I wasn't looking!"
I’m not surprised.. I remember someone else talking about this very topic around a few months ago at the most though I’m not worried about this since if anything bad were to happen it’d be way long after most of our life times, I bet it’ll still be a sight to see tho
But this brings up another question. Since the Andromeda galaxy also has a black hole in its centre will it impact earth in any sort of way? Or if not it could still create an ultra massive black hole if the Andromeda and the milky way black holes collides of course.
The speed of our Sun is 230 km/s, hyper velocity stars are indeed about 1000 km/s
You need at least 550 km/s to leave the Milky Way
"Resistance is futile"
The Kelvans are coming! And there will be no Jedi to stop them...
I remember this stuff in science class 😊this is awesome about the planets and galaxy
We need it. 🙄😆 She's really so different of us. 😂
LETS GOOOOO! Another cool video from SOU :D
Because of the great distance between the galaxies the light that we see today has been traveling through space for a very long time. And because of the relative motion between them the galaxies are actually closer to each other than they appear. 😊
Milky Way and Andromeda have long merged.
Journalist: what is the significance of French Revolution?
Zhou Enlai: Too early to tell
Is this the Andromeda Strain? 😄
Wow--and I thought it had been determined that they would miss each other.
If our sun becomes a hypervelocity star, then will our solar system move with it and everything on earth remain same?
Not enough data!
It could be that the outer planets would be flung out of the system and/or the orbits could change enough to complicate life here on earth
Ik its not likely but I hope we stay a spiral Galaxy
Please make a video on antennae galaxy 🎉
Ooh what's the Antennae Galaxy? Never heard about that!
@@Leopez02 2:57
Ik that they talked bout it but a *detailed* video is what I want 😅@@yeetoburrito
Very enlightening, thank you❤
2 billion years is a very long time. If humans have survived upto that time then they should have developed great space technologies. By that time humans should have explored most habitable planets of our galaxy and should have developed technology for inter galactic travel.
Wait till liberals find out Cow Farts REPEL galaxy's. No sun wants a stinky planet orbiting around it.
So, it’s not the “galaxies” that are merging but just their distant outlying rural areas.
The magnetic fields must be massive. External magnetic fields accretion disk surrounding the monopoles of pure repulsion to heat propulsion momentum are farther reaching magnetic fields than I anticipated. Magnetism explains everything about physics without gravity. Space is a weak external magnetic field filled with dark heat energy outside of the entanglement of mass from stars decaying their atmospheres near and far away throughout space, decaying atmospheres of gasses internal magnetic fields. Fire is a magnetic field that is external heat energy released outside of entanglement of mass from disolving internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus as mass disolves. This cycling circulation patterns of mass decaying as renewable heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass is absorbed or refracted as light. Light is unabsorbed heat energy singularities bouncing off mass lighting up the mass it strikes unabsorbed. Lightning proves hypothesis. Lightning is rapid heat loss from internal magnetic fields of atmospheric gasses disolving instantaneously and bouncing off surrounding atmospheres slamming into gasses unabsorbed as flash lighting up surrounding atmospheres unabsorbed. It instantaneously equalization of pressure in atmospheres and dark sky is back. Unabsorbed heat singularities lighting up atmospheres like filaments is daylight from the sun unabsorbed heat singularities lighting up atmospheres as external heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass. Entanglement is when absorption of heat energy singularities are incoming renewable heat energy into internal magnetic fields grounding currents through its nucleus or core where outgoing heat energy singularities exchanging through all masses in its path or as heat energy singularities unabsorbed bouncing around in atmospheres lighting up. Not all heat is absorbed. Heat unabsorbed magnifying temperature equalization throughout space and atmospheres outside of entanglement of mass. It's hot out today. When unabsorbed heat refraction lighting up mass. Sun glasses are required with overabundance of heat energy singularities as external heat energy unabsorbed bouncing around as magnifying temperature and light. Heat traveling through space is dark energy outside of entanglement of mass. Light is only present in unabsorbed heat energy striking mass, lighting up the mass it strikes. Mirror effects. Magnetism explains everything about physics. Earth's magnetic field is a weaker force than hydrogen. Hydrogen has the strongest internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core where force is strongest and distance traveling cycling circulation is minimal. As you move away from earth's internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core distance traveling cycling circulation patterns, grounding currents weakens force of grounding currents towards the earth's internal magnetic field. Mass occupies space as neutralized repulsion within as outward force of pressure always. Within a greater internal magnetic field grounding currents through its nucleus or core redirects grounding currents of mass incoming renewable heat energy exchanging singularities point to point chain reactions through all masses in its path to outgoing heat energy singularities equalization to pressure known as force of grounding currents pressure of weight. Outside of a greater internal magnetic field, mass is the outward force of pressure known as weightless. Occupational space passes through mass as momentum through areas of space itself filled with dark heat energy outside of entanglement of mass until it encountered entanglement with mass as refraction as light or absorbed. We see what heat strikes unabsorbed. Two slit experiments prove hypothesis. Heat bouncing around atmospheres lighting up the mass, it strikes unabsorbed. External magnetic fields don't ground currents through the nucleus or core where external heat energy cycling circulation around these monopoles of pure fabric of cold space devoid of heat energy within its core or nucleus as pure repulsion to heat propulsion. Potentially at the event horizon perimeter spinning heat energy singularities faster than normal space repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion. Meteorites hit earth's internal magnetic field faster than normal space and start disolving internal magnetic fields grounding currents as external heat energy outside of entanglement of mass. The impaction force is magnification of magnetism grounding currents as force of pressure known as weight impaction. Normal mass falls in equalization to magnetism. If you go against magnetic fields grounding currents into itself and surrounding mass then disolving internal magnetic fields beginning equalization to magnetism. Magnetic fields put on the brakes to faster than normal space repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion as magnetic fields. External magnetic fields don't ground energy currents but spinning all external heat energy within its field like a record on a record player centrifugal force held by external magnetism bonding force of magnetism. Mass near the core perimeter of external magnetic fields disolve from within as outward force of pressure known as weightless outside of a greater internal magnetic field. External magnetic fields stripping away repulsion to internal magnetic fields grounding currents into itself and surrounding mass disolves its internal magnetic field towards the greater external magnetic field. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity is magnetism magnifying propulsion from external magnetic fields, potentially creating hydrogen. That's my theory of everything is magnetism magnifying. Heat magnification lenses bending heat. Soldering follows the heat. Mass neutralizes cold repulsion within it as temperature control. Shivering is rapid heat loss. Fire is warming. But if you keep your distance traveling towards the fires magnetism, you get hotter at the core. When you move away, you get cooler. That is magnetism. Distance and force equalization of pressure, known as magnetism, magnifying heat. Light is only present in unabsorbed refraction striking mass. Light doesn't travel heat does. And heat traveling faster at the event horizon perimeter of pure cold fabric of space within its monopole sphere of absolute zero energy within repulsion is clear heat propulsion as a force field where nothing gets in. Potentially creating hydrogen from the hurricane centrifugal force outside and tornadoes of hydrogen expelled into space at the poles. Clockwise and counterclockwise pressure equalization throughout space as magnetism magnifying. A weak external magnetic field of normal space and a massive external magnetic field spinning all heat energy in its field in and out of entanglement of mass. Hydrogen under extreme pressure is heat singularities thrown into outer space repulsion faster than normal space repulsion to heat propulsion bending back heat singularities backward onto itself as internal magnetic fields of hydrogen under extreme pressure. Hydrogen under extreme heat pressure expands into helium. Helium occupies more cold space. With my theory space is constant and heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass is the variable. Space is a stationary cold field of repulsion to heat. Dark matter unmoving. Only heat can accumulate. Space is constant. And mass expands in equalization to repulsion within and without entanglement of mass. Making sense? Does to me. Magnetism explains everything about physics without gravity. No bending of space.
I have dared my teenage grandchildren to read, reread then reread again your comment. Thank you
bro was typing this since the universe was born
I will book the day off and get a deck chair for it
Who’s here in 4700000085 and survived?
Joe Biden Lol
Real shit???
No one since by that time the Sun will be in its red giant phase ... unless we figure out interstellar travel in that time lol
Once the two galaxies have merged what would be their new name, Milkymeda, Andromilky, Androway. Milkyandro or Waymeda?
I thought we already decided on milkdromeda
We all gonna die!!!
Guaranteed from your first heartbeat!
You silly conspiracy goofballs would love for all to believe that too . Learn to live free of fear conspiracy=fear vibration gets are only 2 love and fear please choose love that is the light
Yes you're right we all gonna die someday
Ofc we are, no one survive after millions of years 🤣
I just watched a video claiming were in a large void with other galaxies equal distance from us, google said it was correct, and now there is a 2nd galaxy next to us.
This may be nature's way to make some habitable exoplanets closer to earth
The Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy, often simply called the "Sagittarius galaxy," is located much closer to the Milky Way than the Andromeda Galaxy; in fact, it is considered a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, meaning it orbits around our galaxy, while Andromeda is a separate, larger galaxy much further away, positioned near the Milky Way's galactic plane but not directly within it.
Key points:
The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy is around 70,000 light-years from Earth, while the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light-years away.
Relationship to Milky Way:
The Sagittarius galaxy is considered a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, meaning it orbits around it, while Andromeda is a separate, larger galaxy.
So basically an incursion
That's going to really mess up "time" maybe it's good timing. I hope the Man from Andromeda gets here soon.
Climate change is to blame
Lmao dont forget racisms
No, it’s Trump’s fault like everything else according to the left.
It's like the ultimate slow-motion collision we’ll never live to see, but knowing it’s happening makes the universe feel so connected."🤣🤣🤣
By that time humanity would have spread throughout the galaxy and beyond.
"Or flung into intergalactic space"
I can't imagine what that would be like, not having any stars in the sky other than the now-distant merged galaxy.
The night sky would be darker. But, we'd also get a much better view of our galaxy.
I doubt anybody will survive to find out. Probably even the atmosphere won't make it.
That wouldn't be due to the merger, but rather the fact that by the time the Milky Way and Andromeda finally merge the sun would be reaching its red giant stage, and the intense solar wind and expansion of the sun would more than likely be what strips Earth of its atmosphere by then.
It's actually kinda funny how the expected time until the final merger roughly coincides with the remaining lifespan of our sun.
@VestedUTuber I meant if we are flung out of our Solar system before the Sun goes red giant, we'll probably lose the atmosphere anyway, and there will be no one to appreciate the new view. Unfortunately 😔
It'd be unlikely for Earth to get flung away from the sun to begin with, though. It would require an incredibly close encounter with another stellar-mass object, and the fact of the matter is, space is really big and there's a lot of it between stars. Even in the initial "grazing hit/near miss" expected to happen 2.6 billion years from now it'd be highly unlikely for another star to pass that close to our sun.
As a side note, should another star pass that close to our sun, we'd have other problems.
All I’m worried about is. Will we die? All life on earth? What will happen? Will the supermassive black holes collide?
Our sun will go crazy and burn everything before the merger happens so 🤷🏻♂️
Im hyped for the Andromeda way galaxy update.
I hear the aliens in the Andromeda galaxy are pretty advanced, so we'd better get on it. The rate time passes, they'll be here before you know it!
Not only have we war on earth but our galaxy is under attack. Slava milkyway!