For those of us who tend to like coming back to listen to Firas or new viewers.. here's a time stamp of the session: 00:48 how to build a strong lower back…(philosophy/info on weights) 11:54 can you give us your view on ketogenic diet 20:30 I’m a lightweight at 155lbs, I want to move up to170Lbs…How many… 23:47 alleviating soreness from working out, running.... 28:21 can you effectively gain muscle on the kengenic diet… 29:11 which will improve my cardio more, grappling, striking or sparring… 30:32 what food do you give to your children and why… 32:05 any suggestions on mixing weight training and boxing… 33:25 do you have any of your fighters lift weights, and if not, what do you get someone to do when they’re trying to build functional strength for MMA.… 35:00 what type of food do you think is best in the early day or mid-evening… 37:35 Do you think that two days of conditioning sessions are plenty, and if so do you think it’s better if one of them is strength or cardio?... 39:17 I’m gonna kick your ass…(concept) 42:13 in this strategically evolving sport, did you hold any misconceptions on training, fighting that you change recently in the last 5-10 years?... 44:54 do you do yoga and any mobility drills?... 48:37 thoughts on fasting for losing weight and training while fasting… 50:24 is it possible for your body to sustain itself by going on a no carb diet, or do you need carbs to survives?... 52:30 how much weightlifting can MMA training get along with, or would you recommend body weight exercises instead?... 54:22 training and over training…. 57:15 how much are you involved in your athletes nutrition and fitness routine? Do you design strength and conditioning programs or do you have a team you delegate that to? And should MMA coach monitor those programs or should they have separate individual teams to handle nutrition and strength conditioning… 1:02:39 how do you feel about vegan diets in general for athletic performance
So my notes and Summary: Exercise: Bodyweight/Gymnastics; Diet: The end of diets; What's your opinion on Intermittent Fasting? Both the 5/2 and 18hours fasting / 6-hour eating window or even the classic 16/8. Bulking Bulk Nutrition: Increase your calories gradually. Bulk Exercise: starts at 21:20 Compound lifts. 60% of max weight (like the push up challenge), lots of sets (from 3 to 5 to 10 sets) of 5 reps, as long as it is comfortable. Never go to failure. Test (not train to) your max from time to time. Eccentric exercises are the best to increase strength and general hypertrophy. Squat for example Bulk book: Power to the people - Pavel Tatsouline Interesting note: Squats trigger a bunch of processes and hormones that promote grow (ref: The New Power Program book) Soreness post lifting weights what to do: 1) NEVER BE SORE/ don't train to the max (report to the Bulk notes) - do 60% of what you can for various sets. 2) "search: How to stay fit for life" for more on this. Irrelevant question after (keto and muscle max, keto is bad for you, so I don't care starts at around 28:30) Cardio talk: S.A.I.D. Principle. Need more cardio for boxing, boxe more, need more cardio for wrestling, wrestle more. MMA + weight lifting: Keep it to a minimum, probably follow the Bulk tips, use more Gymnastics/Calisthenics/Bodyweight and on lifting focus more on Eccentric exercises. Bodyweight exercises doesn't attack your Central Nervous System. Book Recommendation: Building the Gymnastic Body: The Science of Gymnastics Strength Training Christopher Sommers Stability Ball. Exercises: Do mobility work/exercises - be more mobile than you are (hyper)flexible (example in the beginning Firas quoted a study that both yoga practitioners (very flexible lower back) and Bodybuilders (very strong lower back) reported a lot of back pain, mostly because of the state of their lower backs. Book recommendation on Mobility work: "Becoming a Supple Leopard" by Kelly Starrett
Firas, I bought "The End of Dieting" by Joel Fuhrman per your recommendation in this video. Amazing book. I love how Joel Fuhrman really analyzed the importance for human beings to be emotionally healthy, and have healthy relationships with other people as well, so that emotional stress won't trigger bad eating habits. Some really deep concepts.
i also want to say: coach firas has about the most respectful and appreciative community in the comments section of his videos that i have seen anywhere - not just on youtube - anywhere. and i really admire that.
I train after Taraweeh prayers every Ramadan, that's when I reach my peak strength - I become physically a lot stronger in that month than in any other month in the whole year . Some workouts like one handed pushups, I became 4 X stronger in just two weeks, I can lift a LOT heavier weights , etc. I've being doing this last 4 years and every year I experience the same, I become a lot lot stronger Alhamdullilah. I normally train about 20-30 mins and train different muscle groups per night and I don't over do it. Almost all the major battles Muslims fought and triumphed were in the month of Ramadan. There is a lot we can learn from this point.
Eating a huge salad with quinoa cooked in turmeric, beetroot, spinach, kidney beans, chia seeds, almonds, with balsamic vinegar, some olive oil and lemon juice. Recently started eating some fish (was a vegan for three years) because I was deficient in vitamin D and B12. Feel really good now, great video, I refer my friends to it all the time.
Excellent & well informed video buddy, you're explaining to us more than one school of thought and telling us what works best in your opinion. Great job!
This honestly makes so much sense. The gymnastics idea blows my mind. I think my MMA/jiu jitsu is going to dramatically benefit from this info. Even GSP said he only lifts weights for aesthetics (because he said champions should look good!) Firas is a true genius, I think. He knows how to sift through lots of information and understand what's important and discard the rest.
I am never ceased to be amazed by Firas' knowledge and wisdom. Dr. Stuart Mcgill is the premier back specialist. A lot of people like to allege this or that doctor is an authority, but in Mcgill's case, this is the truth. As an ex-wrestler who took up powerlifting, and suddenly became afflicted with debilitating back pain until I stopped lifting so heavy, I have to agree with Firas based on my own personal experience and what I've seen of others. An extremely well read individual and an excellent channel!
Haven't even watched the video yet, I just wanted to say thank you for your world class content, Firas. We are A LOT of people that appreciate you sharing your impressive amount of knowledge!
This man is really helping me change my life and approach towards fitness and martial arts, I’m so appreciative of Firas sharing his knowledge and philosophies
i believe bruce lee touched base on this in his book. he talks about not working out to exaustion and he breaks down how you should be lifting for reps and cardo, if you want to survive for self defence.
Hey Firas, would you ever do a pad holding/ striking training tutorial for us. You make a lot of videos featuring pads and striking. I would be curious to see your philosophy around that. Merci pour tout ce que tu nous apprends!
Hi Firas, thank you for the video, a lot of great info. Just wanted to say something about the keto diet. If done correctly, flesh foods are a very small part of the diet, primarilly as a protein source not fats. The majority of the fats come from foods like coconut oil, avocados, nuts, olive oil, different nut oils and nut butters, etc. Been on it for the last 3 months and feel better than on any other type of diet I have tried, but everyone is different obviousely. And not forgetting the vegies and fruits for good carbs and fibre of course is essential. Just wanted to throw that out there.
I come from a weight lifting/conditioning background and a friend of mine in mma who's trying to get stronger sent me this video and asked my opinion. I'm almost an hour in and I have yet to hear anything I disagree with. Whoever this guy is, he's well read and educated. The MMA community is lucky to have him.
Thanks Firas for sharing your views on training and diet.I just received my copy of the New Power Program.Years ago I read Supertraining and Periodization and I need a fresh look at these ideas.Upon listening to your training philosophy I would like to recommend the book Easy Strength.This book is geared more towards athletes and Pavel is one of the coauthors.Within the book is described an even easier strength program that involves uses resistance of 50 percent of 1 rep max for athletic training.Emphasis is on acceleration which does not drain CNS like you talk about in this video.
Dr.Joel Furhman is a phenomenal educator. One has to find a diet that work you them, however eating highly nutritious foods will work for all. His food pyramid is awesome.
In the past, when I've watched some of your videos I think you did a very good job at presenting. In those particular videos, you were rarely speaking in absolutes as you did often in this video. However, in the world of science whenever anyone says things like "best" and "never" those are the easiest arguments to dismiss since you only need one exception and all they said is thrown out the window. Certainly, if you simply add "'s my's likely" is all it takes to eliminate the above comments. You've mentioned Mel Siff multiple times and he was OUTSTANDING as is his book Supertraining. I was very fortunate to have dealt with him personally and he taught me more than anyone, including professors as far as how to argue your point. Trust me, had you said many things you said in this video on his Supertraining site he would have proved your wrong on literally most points you made with ease. Lastly, I did purchase and read, "Managing Oneself," by Peter F. Drucker and it was a good read.
Love everything in this video! speaking the truth!... shout out to "how not to diet" & "how not to die" by Dr. Michael Greger. Very similar ideas to the high carb, plant based diet.
Spoke with an exercise physiologist PHD in functional fitness for older clients and took his course. He says all the recent science shows moving fast through every movement pattern and 3 planes of movement is most effective. "If you fall over it's not slow and controlled" So for injury prevention lift powerfully which means fast. Warm up with CV + muscle viscosity get into training zone. Then do mobility foam roller approriate stretch. Then resistance training + CV. Then stretch at end of session once muscles have residule tension from resistance training. That's how you train every one stiff ofr floppy
Though I disagree with alot of what you said, I appreciate you making this video Firas! Its cool to see the insight you bring to the topic and your thoughts behind different training modalities and nutrition plans! And even that which I disagreed with, you provided your reasoning behind it and gave recommendations for further reading. So thank you. Seriously the best Martial Arts channel on UA-cam!
+NDNguitarguy thank you NDN and of course I welcome a difference of opinion this is normal among is even the most learned men. No person knows it all so I welcome different point of views or understandings. Glad you enjoyed the episode and thank you for taking the time to comment!
i cant wait to read coach firas's books when he gets a little bit older and has a more free time to write down all his wisdom. thanks for sharing your knowledge.
+Tristar Gym no thank you for providing the fans with your knowledge and opinions on fighters, training and nutrition! always a pleasure to hear you talk about that stuff
Thanks for answering my question about the vegan diet. I was curious of the opinion of an athlete / trainer who works with high level people. I eat a mainly high carb vegan diet, with some processed stuff (like vegan chili, grain meat, noodles, hemp milk, etc), but I make sure to get a solid amount of protein and fat or I don't feel properly sated. I have a smoothie consisting of two banans, two stems of kale, a handful of spinach, and 2 tbs of ground flax every morning, to give you an idea of the sort of vegan diet I have. To keep it short, other than that I eat a lot of rice, pasta, avocados, and beans (I eat A LOT of burritos). I need to have quinoa lentils more often. I try to finish the night with celery, carrots, & more greens before bed. I also have a kombucha every so often.
Firas, I was turned on to your channel after I watched your videos with Sean Fazen from Fight Tips. Then caught you on I.Q. I was impressed with your view on the Stoics, and the great philosophers of ancient Greece. You're a great dude with much knowledge of the human mind, and martial arts. Thank you for being you!
Thanks for the video Firas, great stuff 😃 For those of you fasting, I'd suggest studying the martial arts from a historical or philosophical aspect. The martial arts are much more than a collection of fighting techniques, and fasting is the best way to explore these facets 😉
Thanks for sharing all the knowledge Firas, but as strength training is something I know a lot about I felt I had to comment that deadlifts are perhaps the most suitable and useful of all barbell lifts to do as Dynamic Efforts. Slow grinding deadlifts can overwhelm the bodies recovery capacity like nothing else. It can zap your CNS for weeks and accumulate soreness that turns to tendonitis and tears of muscles like hamstrings which become incredibly tight when pushing them that hard. But Dynamic Effort deadlifts allow you to challenge your body, and demand perfect technique. The lifts just dont snap off the floor unless you set up locked into perfect position. When done right you can train deads maybe 4-5x more often without overtraining or injury. This makes it especially suitable for non powerlifters using it supplement their main sport. The DE deadlift is way superior to a clean or snatch as both of those require such high levels of technique and have extremely high risk of injury in wrists and shoulders. You could destroy a fighters entire career with one snatch or clean attempt. You can also do DE deadlifts in the weightlifter style, which they call a "clean pull" or "snatch pull" they include the knee rebend and triple extension that snatches an cleans do.
28:00 Firas, what to do if your coach keeps pushing you to hit harder, how can you manage to stay under 70-80%? We have heaby bag workouts due corona but my shoulder gets soar from giving hooks for 30min straight on a heavy, still he insists to add more power, what would you recommend? (my coach has gotten international succes with boxers in Europe, just to let you know it isn't his first session)
Make a podcast! As much as I love this UA-cam format I'd love to be able to hear all this insight on the go. Thanks for taking the time and consideration
thank you so much for the book recommendations and being so generous with your knowledge. I've bought them all and its reshaping my foundational understanding of training. your doing a great service my friend
I have cut back on my red meats and started eating more vegetables and fruit and I feel so much better! I still eat meat but not as much anymore...Thanks for sharing so much your wisdom - I would love train at your gym!
You made some great points on Keto vs Joel Furman's diet. I have been following a very similar diet for years, never having heard of Joel Furman until a couple of years ago. I agree with his and your diet and the reasons behind eating such a diet. Great advice, coach!
Really enjoy your video! I'm soon to be 60 and teaching martial arts 30 plus years . I've used stability ball for years ,it's great for the kids and drills.I've done Yoga on and off for yours and it helps my lower back.I have a break dance class and the kids do bjj,so you can imagine the synergy.Movement for Life.
4.5yrs 100% Plant-Based. All my inflammation disappeared and my recovery and cardio went thru roof. I eat as much as I want and naturally dropped from Feather to Light Feather and feel strong as hell for the division. Fruits, Starches, Legumes, and greens all day w a bit of Chia or Flax and Avocado👍🏻. I teach people how to eat this way on my channel.
+PlantbasedAthlete thanks you for th comment Im a subscriber to you channel I love your videos. Please feel free to share your content here with my viewers! I recommend you channel to everyone. BJJ and plant food are the way to go ; ) I highly recommend everyone check out this video and be sure to subscribe to Plantbasedathlete
Thanks Tristar gym, I really enjoyed this video and getting a different approach to training. This has been a eye opener. So again thank you and keep up the great work.
5:30 Coach you almost said Stuart "Little" instead of "Mcgill" but caught yourself quick 😂😂 thank you very much for this informative video, you're the man!!
Thanks for the videos, it's an amazing thing you're doing sharing this world class content. I started compound lifting recently and felt totally burnt out. I completely agree gymnastics is far better.
Firas, love your channel and the knowledge you put out there for free. If you have the time, it will be great if you can do a video on why knee injuries are so common in BJJ? A lot of people in my gym are afflicted with ACL, MCL and just general knee problems. Regards, David
If you address the two top problems of training, then you can work on the specifics like diet and fitness. Number one is consistency and frequency. Most people are inherently lazy and they are wildly inconsistent in the training, though less now than back in the day when we didn't really know what we were doing (pre-1994). Be consistent. Get as many 'sessions' per month/year as you possibly can. The second big issue is to avoid injury. Injury means time off of training to recover. Given that MMA is so complex and involves so many areas, it's very, very hard not to get injured. In fact, by it's very nature your partner and opponents are trying to cause you harm. For the committed but casual trainer always roll easy, but roll long. Remember without your training partner you have very little you can train besides conditioning. Make your base training be the most important and keep that up for a lifetime. You don't want to take up a sport that involves 'self-defense' and end up more injured than if you were in a train wreck at age 45-50, but that is now happening to almost every MMA fighter. They have TBI and joint injuries and many can barely walk, even those doing it for sport and fun.
Okay I know this video is older, but 110% what he is parroting about the lower back is very true. From personal experience if you have a hyper mobile and very strong lower back you begin to use the posterior of your core (your lower back) to initiate and perform your movements which causes all kinds of wear and tear on your SI Joints, your lumbar facet joints and discs which can cause severe pain and damage if you're not careful. So if you want a strong back you have to have a strong BALANCED core (anterior and posterior). Now this means have strong abdominal muscles AND back muscles and don't let one side get out of control.
Faras could you maybe do a top 10 list of books to benefit the life of most general people? Topics like diet, fitness, mental well being, organisation, stuff like that. In all the videos I've seen you always make great references to books. I love learning from your videos but feel I could really deepen my knowledge more if it came straight from the source
The problem with yoga is that it mostly works muscle 1 fibers. They contract slower and are not as fast. The hyper flexibility hurts stability imo. That being said whenever I'm depressed or feeling unmotivated yoga is amazing for my mental state. Specifically the spinal twisting stuff. Also yoga is great for physical therapy. Love this content.
Firas, can you please make a video about setting and achieving goals and time management. You are very successful on many fronts, your personal fitness/training, running a gym, training fighters, making informative UA-cam videos along with juggling a personal life. How do you manage your time and work towards goals and how do you decide which goals to work for and which to discard? I have a real problem with time management and I'm sure there are many out in the world like myself.
Thanks for this. One of the mind sets I'm trying to get off on is being too goal oriented when it comes to exercising and just enjoy learning which is actually tough to do.
Firas: thanks for the brilliant (and free) advice. Maintaining that lean physique must keep you extremely busy, and I'm grateful for the valuable time you invest in your channel. As for eating schedule, I understand the rationale behind eating every 3 hours, especially for athletes. However, the intermittent fasting school of thought seems to have gained some ground in recent years, as supporters describe benefits that range from weight loss to preventing neurological disorders. Some even back a sort of constant state of Ramadan wherein you only eat once a day. These people sometimes claim that humans evolved to eat once a day or less, and to divert from that course betrays the natural function of our digestive systems. You discuss the merits of the ketogenic diet despite praising a vastly different philosophy (nutritarianism). Likewise, do you see these increasingly popular strategic fasting techniques as practical for the everyman and/or martial artist? If so, what moves you to eat several meals per day rather than adopt strategic fasting? Please respond only at your convenience.
Thx for another great video! I dont 100% agree with your oppinion on Yoga especially if its "modified" for Jiu Jitsu. The things you said about Gymnastics vs. conventional weight training were extremely interesting though. Could you make a video where you show all the exercises you do, Gymnastics, Bodyweight, Stability Ball... Would be awesome! I started working with the stability ball after watching this episode and it blew my mind how it transfers to the mat. (I used Jeff Glovers Vids to start)
For those of us who tend to like coming back to listen to Firas or new viewers.. here's a time stamp of the session:
00:48 how to build a strong lower back…(philosophy/info on weights)
11:54 can you give us your view on ketogenic diet
20:30 I’m a lightweight at 155lbs, I want to move up to170Lbs…How many…
23:47 alleviating soreness from working out, running....
28:21 can you effectively gain muscle on the kengenic diet…
29:11 which will improve my cardio more, grappling, striking or sparring…
30:32 what food do you give to your children and why…
32:05 any suggestions on mixing weight training and boxing…
33:25 do you have any of your fighters lift weights, and if not, what do you get someone to do when they’re trying to build functional strength for MMA.…
35:00 what type of food do you think is best in the early day or mid-evening…
37:35 Do you think that two days of conditioning sessions are plenty, and if so do you think it’s better if one of them is strength or cardio?...
39:17 I’m gonna kick your ass…(concept)
42:13 in this strategically evolving sport, did you hold any misconceptions on training, fighting that you change recently in the last 5-10 years?...
44:54 do you do yoga and any mobility drills?...
48:37 thoughts on fasting for losing weight and training
while fasting…
50:24 is it possible for your body to sustain itself by
going on a no carb diet, or do you need carbs to survives?...
52:30 how much weightlifting can MMA training get along
with, or would you recommend body weight exercises instead?...
54:22 training and over training….
57:15 how much are you involved in your athletes
nutrition and fitness routine? Do you design strength and conditioning programs
or do you have a team you delegate that to? And should MMA coach monitor those
programs or should they have separate individual teams to handle nutrition and
strength conditioning…
1:02:39 how do you feel about vegan diets in general for
athletic performance
+kenpachi zaraki I didn't know a beast like you would be concerned with these things.
thanks for this bro
thanks you're the man!
You're a legend my man, doing God's work
It's such a gift that you're willing to share all of this knowledge for free. Thank you, Firas.
So my notes and Summary:
Exercise: Bodyweight/Gymnastics;
Diet: The end of diets; What's your opinion on Intermittent Fasting? Both the 5/2 and 18hours fasting / 6-hour eating window or even the classic 16/8.
Bulk Nutrition: Increase your calories gradually.
Bulk Exercise: starts at 21:20 Compound lifts. 60% of max weight (like the push up challenge), lots of sets (from 3 to 5 to 10 sets) of 5 reps, as long as it is comfortable. Never go to failure. Test (not train to) your max from time to time.
Eccentric exercises are the best to increase strength and general hypertrophy. Squat for example
Bulk book: Power to the people - Pavel Tatsouline
Interesting note: Squats trigger a bunch of processes and hormones that promote grow (ref: The New Power Program book)
Soreness post lifting weights what to do:
1) NEVER BE SORE/ don't train to the max (report to the Bulk notes) - do 60% of what you can for various sets.
2) "search: How to stay fit for life" for more on this.
Irrelevant question after (keto and muscle max, keto is bad for you, so I don't care starts at around 28:30)
Cardio talk:
S.A.I.D. Principle.
Need more cardio for boxing, boxe more, need more cardio for wrestling, wrestle more.
MMA + weight lifting:
Keep it to a minimum, probably follow the Bulk tips, use more Gymnastics/Calisthenics/Bodyweight and on lifting focus more on Eccentric exercises.
Bodyweight exercises doesn't attack your Central Nervous System.
Book Recommendation: Building the Gymnastic Body: The Science of Gymnastics Strength Training Christopher Sommers
Stability Ball.
Do mobility work/exercises - be more mobile than you are (hyper)flexible (example in the beginning Firas quoted a study that both yoga practitioners (very flexible lower back) and Bodybuilders (very strong lower back) reported a lot of back pain, mostly because of the state of their lower backs.
Book recommendation on Mobility work: "Becoming a Supple Leopard" by Kelly Starrett
You're a good person
Red candy is the best for post workout.
Thank you
@@LoopDoc fck that, thank you, I had forgot I knew this LOL and in need of some of thr pointers for myself
Add stability ball to that
Firas, I bought "The End of Dieting" by Joel Fuhrman per your recommendation in this video. Amazing book. I love how Joel Fuhrman really analyzed the importance for human beings to be emotionally healthy, and have healthy relationships with other people as well, so that emotional stress won't trigger bad eating habits. Some really deep concepts.
A Must read article By Dr. Joel Fuhrman in regards to various Ketogenic diets
+Tristar Gym why is the volume always so low?
I rarely like any video on UA-cam but this was gold. will check out the books you recommend thanks.
+Tristar Gym Opinion on Lyle MacDonald?
hey Firas, thank you for this great video! Do you know the "Training for warrior" books by Martin Rooney? If yes, what's your oppinion of them?
+Bhawesh Jha thank you!
You're the man firas, you're helping people in more ways than I think they know with the nutritional advice in this video alone, thank you.
Thank u sir
Firas is a Jedi.
i also want to say: coach firas has about the most respectful and appreciative community in the comments section of his videos that i have seen anywhere - not just on youtube - anywhere.
and i really admire that.
I train after Taraweeh prayers every Ramadan, that's when I reach my peak strength - I become physically a lot stronger in that month than in any other month in the whole year . Some workouts like one handed pushups, I became 4 X stronger in just two weeks, I can lift a LOT heavier weights , etc. I've being doing this last 4 years and every year I experience the same, I become a lot lot stronger Alhamdullilah. I normally train about 20-30 mins and train different muscle groups per night and I don't over do it.
Almost all the major battles Muslims fought and triumphed were in the month of Ramadan. There is a lot we can learn from this point.
Eating a huge salad with quinoa cooked in turmeric, beetroot, spinach, kidney beans, chia seeds, almonds, with balsamic vinegar, some olive oil and lemon juice. Recently started eating some fish (was a vegan for three years) because I was deficient in vitamin D and B12. Feel really good now, great video, I refer my friends to it all the time.
Wish he was my coach. Period. People who have Zahabi are so blessed.
You have him right here on UA-cam :)
Firas, please make a booklist of your favorite books.
That's a good idea. Will definitely do that sooner or later.
+Tristar Gym Thank you. :)
+Tristar Gym Firas you ever think of going on Rogan's podcast?if you ever had the time,it would be awesome to hear you talk for a few hours .
he did it xD i loved those 3 Hours though
Where do i find this booklist?
In my opinion "Fit in one year" by Yuriy Oliynyk presents the best strength and conditioning program
Link? Boii
@@PULAG you can find it on Amazon. I really liked it
@Perfect username not sure if you actually read the book. Level 4 is the most sophisticated strength and conditioning program I have ever seen
Would you be able to send me a sample workout? My Instagram is @SuazoLuisOfficial
Firas you are my favourite youtuber. Excellent content. Keep up the regular videos man!
+SRNF thank you my friend!
Vegan for a year, training everyday.
Love the channel Firas, thank you for the knowledge you share.
How do you feel brotha?
How u feeling ?
@@sonsofaxe5367 he dead 😂
@@Elias-jf6cw 😂
Dead as hell
You are a legend, may god protect you ! Thank you, your wisdom and knowledge is unbelievable!!
Excellent & well informed video buddy, you're explaining to us more than one school of thought and telling us what works best in your opinion. Great job!
This honestly makes so much sense. The gymnastics idea blows my mind. I think my MMA/jiu jitsu is going to dramatically benefit from this info. Even GSP said he only lifts weights for aesthetics (because he said champions should look good!) Firas is a true genius, I think. He knows how to sift through lots of information and understand what's important and discard the rest.
I am never ceased to be amazed by Firas' knowledge and wisdom. Dr. Stuart Mcgill is the premier back specialist. A lot of people like to allege this or that doctor is an authority, but in Mcgill's case, this is the truth. As an ex-wrestler who took up powerlifting, and suddenly became afflicted with debilitating back pain until I stopped lifting so heavy, I have to agree with Firas based on my own personal experience and what I've seen of others.
An extremely well read individual and an excellent channel!
Haven't even watched the video yet, I just wanted to say thank you for your world class content, Firas. We are A LOT of people that appreciate you sharing your impressive amount of knowledge!
This man is really helping me change my life and approach towards fitness and martial arts, I’m so appreciative of Firas sharing his knowledge and philosophies
i believe bruce lee touched base on this in his book. he talks about not working out to exaustion and he breaks down how you should be lifting for reps and cardo, if you want to survive for self defence.
Firas I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
Hey Firas, would you ever do a pad holding/ striking training tutorial for us. You make a lot of videos featuring pads and striking. I would be curious to see your philosophy around that. Merci pour tout ce que tu nous apprends!
Truly a philosopher of our time in martial arts thank you for sharing man seriously
Just found this channel, think it's great that a pro in the game is taking time out of his day to give free content, keep up the great work!!!
Hi Firas, thank you for the video, a lot of great info. Just wanted to say something about the keto diet. If done correctly, flesh foods are a very small part of the diet, primarilly as a protein source not fats. The majority of the fats come from foods like coconut oil, avocados, nuts, olive oil, different nut oils and nut butters, etc. Been on it for the last 3 months and feel better than on any other type of diet I have tried, but everyone is different obviousely. And not forgetting the vegies and fruits for good carbs and fibre of course is essential. Just wanted to throw that out there.
+Vova Ko thank you for you the comment I do agree it is better for some but I recommend High carb low fat for power athletes.
Firas, you should put all of your teaching in a podcast for us to learn while we are driving. You're such a wizard. Thanks for spending your knowledge
I come from a weight lifting/conditioning background and a friend of mine in mma who's trying to get stronger sent me this video and asked my opinion. I'm almost an hour in and I have yet to hear anything I disagree with. Whoever this guy is, he's well read and educated. The MMA community is lucky to have him.
Yeah, he's only GSP' S trainer. No biggie..
Hi Firas, I took your advice 3 months ago..dropped the weights and increased jiu jitsu. My jiu jitsu has improved at the expense of my biceps.
+ssfc10 lol You can have anything you want just not everything you want lol. decisions decisions. Pick one specialty ; )
I don’t know nearly as much as Firas but I DO know Side planks and the ab wheel helped my grappling strength tremendously
Love the content you are putting out Firas!! Keep it up!
+Wippe Ⓥ thank you!
+Tristar Gym Yeah keep it up! really informative stuff.
+Tristar Gym I love you Firas Zahabi
Firas Zahabi, can't thank you enough for sharing all that you've learned in life with the world. Appreciate a lot.
Thanks Firas for sharing your views on training and diet.I just received my copy of the New Power Program.Years ago I read Supertraining and Periodization and I need a fresh look at these ideas.Upon listening to your training philosophy I would like to recommend the book Easy Strength.This book is geared more towards athletes and Pavel is one of the coauthors.Within the book is described an even easier strength program that involves uses resistance of 50 percent of 1 rep max for athletic training.Emphasis is on acceleration which does not drain CNS like you talk about in this video.
Dr.Joel Furhman is a phenomenal educator. One has to find a diet that work you them, however eating highly nutritious foods will work for all. His food pyramid is awesome.
In the past, when I've watched some of your videos I think you did a very good job at presenting. In those particular videos, you were rarely speaking in absolutes as you did often in this video. However, in the world of science whenever anyone says things like "best" and "never" those are the easiest arguments to dismiss since you only need one exception and all they said is thrown out the window. Certainly, if you simply add "'s my's likely" is all it takes to eliminate the above comments.
You've mentioned Mel Siff multiple times and he was OUTSTANDING as is his book Supertraining. I was very fortunate to have dealt with him personally and he taught me more than anyone, including professors as far as how to argue your point. Trust me, had you said many things you said in this video on his Supertraining site he would have proved your wrong on literally most points you made with ease.
Lastly, I did purchase and read, "Managing Oneself," by Peter F. Drucker and it was a good read.
Love everything in this video! speaking the truth!... shout out to "how not to diet" & "how not to die" by Dr. Michael Greger. Very similar ideas to the high carb, plant based diet.
This video is a Gem! Firas sharing so much knowledge and wisdom. Thank you 🙏
Spoke with an exercise physiologist PHD in functional fitness for older clients and took his course.
He says all the recent science shows moving fast through every movement pattern and 3 planes of movement is most effective.
"If you fall over it's not slow and controlled" So for injury prevention lift powerfully which means fast.
Warm up with CV + muscle viscosity get into training zone.
Then do mobility foam roller approriate stretch.
Then resistance training + CV.
Then stretch at end of session once muscles have residule tension from resistance training.
That's how you train every one stiff ofr floppy
I've been doing so many things wrong 0_0.
Ty so freaking much Firas, you rock !
Don't overtrain, redline, or seek fatigue; you're goal is to exercise 60%-80% of your ability - 26:13.
Will watch this again asap. Taking more notes I missed. Excellent video! This will stay with me for years! Thank you Firas!
Though I disagree with alot of what you said, I appreciate you making this video Firas! Its cool to see the insight you bring to the topic and your thoughts behind different training modalities and nutrition plans! And even that which I disagreed with, you provided your reasoning behind it and gave recommendations for further reading. So thank you. Seriously the best Martial Arts channel on UA-cam!
+NDNguitarguy thank you NDN and of course I welcome a difference of opinion this is normal among is even the most learned men. No person knows it all so I welcome different point of views or understandings. Glad you enjoyed the episode and thank you for taking the time to comment!
i cant wait to read coach firas's books when he gets a little bit older and has a more free time to write down all his wisdom. thanks for sharing your knowledge.
sponsoring tristar and this channel is probably the first good thing reebok did for MMA
Thank u!
+Tristar Gym no thank you for providing the fans with your knowledge and opinions on fighters, training and nutrition! always a pleasure to hear you talk about that stuff
Thanks for answering my question about the vegan diet. I was curious of the opinion of an athlete / trainer who works with high level people.
I eat a mainly high carb vegan diet, with some processed stuff (like vegan chili, grain meat, noodles, hemp milk, etc), but I make sure to get a solid amount of protein and fat or I don't feel properly sated. I have a smoothie consisting of two banans, two stems of kale, a handful of spinach, and 2 tbs of ground flax every morning, to give you an idea of the sort of vegan diet I have. To keep it short, other than that I eat a lot of rice, pasta, avocados, and beans (I eat A LOT of burritos). I need to have quinoa lentils more often. I try to finish the night with celery, carrots, & more greens before bed. I also have a kombucha every so often.
Firas, I was turned on to your channel after I watched your videos with Sean Fazen from Fight Tips. Then caught you on I.Q. I was impressed with your view on the Stoics, and the great philosophers of ancient Greece. You're a great dude with much knowledge of the human mind, and martial arts. Thank you for being you!
Firas you're truly underappreciated. Thanks again!!
This is very nice of you Firas to give us all this knowledge. Merci beaucoup 👍🙂
psyched to see you promoting a whole food plant-based high carb diet! I have energy for days
+Steve Steven : )
Firas ,your segments are such an incredible resource thanks so much !
Thanks for the video Firas, great stuff 😃 For those of you fasting, I'd suggest studying the martial arts from a historical or philosophical aspect. The martial arts are much more than a collection of fighting techniques, and fasting is the best way to explore these facets 😉
Thanks for sharing all the knowledge Firas, but as strength training is something I know a lot about I felt I had to comment that deadlifts are perhaps the most suitable and useful of all barbell lifts to do as Dynamic Efforts. Slow grinding deadlifts can overwhelm the bodies recovery capacity like nothing else. It can zap your CNS for weeks and accumulate soreness that turns to tendonitis and tears of muscles like hamstrings which become incredibly tight when pushing them that hard.
But Dynamic Effort deadlifts allow you to challenge your body, and demand perfect technique. The lifts just dont snap off the floor unless you set up locked into perfect position. When done right you can train deads maybe 4-5x more often without overtraining or injury. This makes it especially suitable for non powerlifters using it supplement their main sport. The DE deadlift is way superior to a clean or snatch as both of those require such high levels of technique and have extremely high risk of injury in wrists and shoulders. You could destroy a fighters entire career with one snatch or clean attempt. You can also do DE deadlifts in the weightlifter style, which they call a "clean pull" or "snatch pull" they include the knee rebend and triple extension that snatches an cleans do.
28:00 Firas, what to do if your coach keeps pushing you to hit harder, how can you manage to stay under 70-80%?
We have heaby bag workouts due corona but my shoulder gets soar from giving hooks for 30min straight on a heavy, still he insists to add more power, what would you recommend? (my coach has gotten international succes with boxers in Europe, just to let you know it isn't his first session)
Amazing thanks Firas, hope you do another 1 of these soon! I love the way you wrapped it up too.
I wish you more sustained good health. :)
+Dean Parnell thank you sure and yes I may do a part 2 soon. stay tuned.
Thank you for doing these videos, really helpful and interesting! Greetings from Serbia!
Make a podcast! As much as I love this UA-cam format I'd love to be able to hear all this insight on the go. Thanks for taking the time and consideration
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge Firas! You are the best. Have a great day and keep up the great work you're doing.
thank you so much for the book recommendations and being so generous with your knowledge. I've bought them all and its reshaping my foundational understanding of training. your doing a great service my friend
I have cut back on my red meats and started eating more vegetables and fruit and I feel so much better! I still eat meat but not as much anymore...Thanks for sharing so much your wisdom - I would love train at your gym!
You made some great points on Keto vs Joel Furman's diet. I have been following a very similar diet for years, never having heard of Joel Furman until a couple of years ago. I agree with his and your diet and the reasons behind eating such a diet. Great advice, coach!
Thanks coach for changing so many lives and enlightening our reality
You are a very wise man Mr Zahabi. Learned alot from this video, thank you so much for doing this.
+RefuseToLose31 thank you and happy you are enjoying the material.
Really enjoy your video! I'm soon to be 60 and teaching martial arts 30 plus years . I've used stability ball for years ,it's great for the kids and drills.I've done Yoga on and off for yours and it helps my lower back.I have a break dance class and the kids do bjj,so you can imagine the synergy.Movement for Life.
phenomenal! fascinating!
thank you very much Mr. Firas!
4.5yrs 100% Plant-Based. All my inflammation disappeared and my recovery and cardio went thru roof. I eat as much as I want and naturally dropped from Feather to Light Feather and feel strong as hell for the division. Fruits, Starches, Legumes, and greens all day w a bit of Chia or Flax and Avocado👍🏻. I teach people how to eat this way on my channel.
+PlantbasedAthlete thanks you for th comment Im a subscriber to you channel I love your videos. Please feel free to share your content here with my viewers! I recommend you channel to everyone. BJJ and plant food are the way to go ; )
I highly recommend everyone check out this video and be sure to subscribe to Plantbasedathlete
+Tristar Gym Thanks so much, firas🙏🏻 Keep inspiring and spreading the knowledge bro.
I'm a meat eater through and through but you have seriously peaked my interest and I look forward into digging more into this :)
Keep up the good work Akhi really enjoy these podcasts
Brilliant video Firas! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise!
I wish i had seen this video years ago, thanks for this channel!!!
Thank You Firas, this was such an informative, concise video. Much appreciated.
Thanks Tristar gym, I really enjoyed this video and getting a different approach to training. This has been a eye opener. So again thank you and keep up the great work.
5:30 Coach you almost said Stuart "Little" instead of "Mcgill" but caught yourself quick 😂😂 thank you very much for this informative video, you're the man!!
Thanks for the videos, it's an amazing thing you're doing sharing this world class content.
I started compound lifting recently and felt totally burnt out. I completely agree gymnastics is far better.
Firas, love your channel and the knowledge you put out there for free. If you have the time, it will be great if you can do a video on why knee injuries are so common in BJJ? A lot of people in my gym are afflicted with ACL, MCL and just general knee problems.
this is so informative...I listen to this while working out... thank u for the Knowledge
Vegan for over a year and have best experience with high carb low fat diet definitely appreciate the book recommendations
Thank you Firas. We are so lucky for your videos.
firas this was an amazing episode thank you so much.enlighten me so much
If you address the two top problems of training, then you can work on the specifics like diet and fitness. Number one is consistency and frequency. Most people are inherently lazy and they are wildly inconsistent in the training, though less now than back in the day when we didn't really know what we were doing (pre-1994). Be consistent. Get as many 'sessions' per month/year as you possibly can. The second big issue is to avoid injury. Injury means time off of training to recover. Given that MMA is so complex and involves so many areas, it's very, very hard not to get injured. In fact, by it's very nature your partner and opponents are trying to cause you harm. For the committed but casual trainer always roll easy, but roll long. Remember without your training partner you have very little you can train besides conditioning. Make your base training be the most important and keep that up for a lifetime. You don't want to take up a sport that involves 'self-defense' and end up more injured than if you were in a train wreck at age 45-50, but that is now happening to almost every MMA fighter. They have TBI and joint injuries and many can barely walk, even those doing it for sport and fun.
Okay I know this video is older, but 110% what he is parroting about the lower back is very true. From personal experience if you have a hyper mobile and very strong lower back you begin to use the posterior of your core (your lower back) to initiate and perform your movements which causes all kinds of wear and tear on your SI Joints, your lumbar facet joints and discs which can cause severe pain and damage if you're not careful. So if you want a strong back you have to have a strong BALANCED core (anterior and posterior). Now this means have strong abdominal muscles AND back muscles and don't let one side get out of control.
Faras could you maybe do a top 10 list of books to benefit the life of most general people? Topics like diet, fitness, mental well being, organisation, stuff like that. In all the videos I've seen you always make great references to books. I love learning from your videos but feel I could really deepen my knowledge more if it came straight from the source
Amazing video so much useful and well explained information !
Firas my man, please share more of exactly this type Of generic content. You are a UA-cam gem.
The problem with yoga is that it mostly works muscle 1 fibers. They contract slower and are not as fast. The hyper flexibility hurts stability imo. That being said whenever I'm depressed or feeling unmotivated yoga is amazing for my mental state. Specifically the spinal twisting stuff. Also yoga is great for physical therapy. Love this content.
Thank you so much firas, priceless information!
PURE GOLD. Thank you Firas!
I fast and train muay thai for years! no problem whatsoever, makes me feel awesome
To learn standing on the stability ball, do it at your dip bar with your hands very near the bars.
Great stuff, thank you for sharing your knowledge!
For those interested in gymnastics training and programming, I recommend “ Overcoming gravity by Steven Low”.
that was a super vid, watched it very carefully. thanks.
Firas, can you please make a video about setting and achieving goals and time management. You are very successful on many fronts, your personal fitness/training, running a gym, training fighters, making informative UA-cam videos along with juggling a personal life. How do you manage your time and work towards goals and how do you decide which goals to work for and which to discard? I have a real problem with time management and I'm sure there are many out in the world like myself.
Thank u and yes that is a good idea.
Thanks for this. One of the mind sets I'm trying to get off on is being too goal oriented when it comes to exercising and just enjoy learning which is actually tough to do.
Amazing video and knowledge Firas..Thank you very much.
Firas: thanks for the brilliant (and free) advice. Maintaining that lean physique must keep you extremely busy, and I'm grateful for the valuable time you invest in your channel.
As for eating schedule, I understand the rationale behind eating every 3 hours, especially for athletes. However, the intermittent fasting school of thought seems to have gained some ground in recent years, as supporters describe benefits that range from weight loss to preventing neurological disorders. Some even back a sort of constant state of Ramadan wherein you only eat once a day. These people sometimes claim that humans evolved to eat once a day or less, and to divert from that course betrays the natural function of our digestive systems.
You discuss the merits of the ketogenic diet despite praising a vastly different philosophy (nutritarianism). Likewise, do you see these increasingly popular strategic fasting techniques as practical for the everyman and/or martial artist? If so, what moves you to eat several meals per day rather than adopt strategic fasting? Please respond only at your convenience.
Firas is the GOAT 👑
Thank you so much for the details am effort you put in those vids!!!! Love it!
Thx for another great video! I dont 100% agree with your oppinion on Yoga especially if its "modified" for Jiu Jitsu. The things you said about Gymnastics vs. conventional weight training were extremely interesting though. Could you make a video where you show all the exercises you do, Gymnastics, Bodyweight, Stability Ball... Would be awesome! I started working with the stability ball after watching this episode and it blew my mind how it transfers to the mat. (I used Jeff Glovers Vids to start)
Excellent yes Jeff Glovers videos are awesome follow him.
Thank you so much for putting out these videos! they are really helpful
TOP advices like always!🥳👌💪Thank you coach!!!