  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
    • HF Vertical Antenna My...


  • @johnkiljan7441
    @johnkiljan7441 2 роки тому +6

    Well said. I would add that a very good transmitting antenna, can be a poor receiving antenna because of the noise generated by modern electronics in most homes and/or the orientation of the antenna. I'm reminded of that during 160M contests where the strongest stations (likely running verticals) often have the most trouble hearing me because their noise level was so high.
    On any band, if you have an S9+10 dB noise level, you are not going to be able to work nearly as many stations -- no matter how good a transmitting antenna you have put up. Getting the received noise level down is important in any antenna setup.

  • @johnrees44..G4EIJ
    @johnrees44..G4EIJ 2 роки тому +2

    Hi Peter.. Another excellent video.. Back in ‘78, the only antenna I had was a Joystick and, with more than a little help from a ‘spotty sun’😊, I managed, on CW with an old HW100, to work many stations at many thousands of miles..However..I remember well the un-energised fluorescent tubes in my shack flashing in sympathy with the CW!!..and the hissing sound from the minuscule Joystick ATU as the RF arced across the variable capacitor 😩..and then there were the RF burns☹️….
    When the Joystick was advertised, what persuaded me (I was very naive back then )to buy one, was the claim that there was a ‘military version’..and it was accompanied by a photograph, supposedly of a ‘military version Joystick’ mounted on a warship!!..Happy Days😊
    Thanks Peter..John..

  • @americaswayout4489
    @americaswayout4489 2 роки тому

    N4DXC now SK lived on a saltwater bay in Florida. He told me he also believed the water would be a great ground plane, but when he set up a Butternut vertical he found it still needed all the radials it did when mounted on land. He mounted it on his dock and ended up using stainless steel radials just stretched out in the water out from his dock. I worked well but the water was just not salty enough to not require several radials. There is an old bridge that is above another bay near me, I want to try something there. Maybe a doublet with latterline feed just tossed to fall under the bridge but over the water. I know mobiles always worked well when driven over that same bridge. It would just about be broadside of the UK so when the bands get well open it might work at the grayline. thanks for sharing your wisdom, I can't likely buy from you, but do support your channel. A vertical would also be fun but need the radials a possible hazard for fishermen on the bridge.

    • @watersstanton
      @watersstanton  2 роки тому +1

      Great info. It shows that practical applications are the best ways to ptove or disprove. 73 Peter

  • @antonipogorzelski6374
    @antonipogorzelski6374 2 роки тому +2

    Another informative video Peter.
    Thank you. I look forward to your videos. I may not fully understand everything, but always find something useful. Keep up the good work!

  • @gersweeney
    @gersweeney 2 роки тому +1

    Great insight once again. God be with the old days when I worked stateside with 5 watts SSB on 11 metres with a “ Silver Rod” antenna. Roll on Solar cycle 25 ! De Gerry EI7IFB

  • @VK5KU
    @VK5KU 2 роки тому +1

    Wise words from a wise man!
    73 Peter and all the best.
    Kevin, VK4KK

  • @g0fvt
    @g0fvt 2 роки тому

    An interesting and thought provoking video. I took down my ZS6BKW when I went to a vertical but for chatting with friends I need my "Cloudwarmer" back. A 40m dipole at 10m with half wave reflectors underneath it was the best I have ever had for inter G.

  • @tiggydorset9041
    @tiggydorset9041 2 роки тому +1

    Some nice little nuggets in there. I learnt a few things, and refreshed my memory on a few things. Thanks

  • @yourshootingbuddy
    @yourshootingbuddy 2 роки тому +1

    Peter, first I must tell you that I really enjoy and learn a lot from your well done videos. In the spirit of your video you might be pleased to know that I operate a QRP station using a Wolf River Coils Silver Bullet 1000. So, some did invent the Silver Bullet antenna. I came to it because of limited space in my backyard and HOA. I don't know if you have them in the UK but a HOA is a Home Owners Association and the are a plague on Ham Radio.

    • @watersstanton
      @watersstanton  2 роки тому

      Great to hear from you and thanks for the story.

  • @paulhastings3109
    @paulhastings3109 2 роки тому +1

    Peter thank you for the content on antennas. Ot was very interesting. New and old hope it was explained. I would love to be able to use Managua program. Just for seeing what it does along with all the information you can see. At 75 this technology is getting to a point, it doesn't run Smoothly into the Grey mater.
    I enjoy your content.
    73 de KQ4CD

  • @danny_mixmandan_james
    @danny_mixmandan_james 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Peter - my mate had a Sigma 4 and then a Penetrator - that was also his CB handle - here in Australia we all use call signs like Charlie Baker 4001 which is mine along with my ham call sign VK4 MIX. I had a Hygain CLR487 Mk2 I think it was - I think they were originally from the 70’s - but NASA use Hygain antennas on their space ships and they can’t be wrong! Got all over the world on that!
    Times have changed and now have a Diamond CP6S which doe not perform that well with my height restrictions and the main antenna is a G5RV which seems to do rather well on 40m but not so on 80m which is a noisy and temperamental band anyway.
    Still loving the channel with your cheesy music - I might have to remix it one day LOL! Cheers Dan

  • @patricklozito7042
    @patricklozito7042 2 роки тому

    Once again, always a joy to listen to you. '73 de Pat KC2EEB

  • @rowhope
    @rowhope 2 роки тому

    Thank you, Mr Waters! Great education here for a new ham. Best regards. W2YBK

  • @DannerPlace
    @DannerPlace 2 роки тому

    This is a very good video. Thank you for posting it. 73 from Texas, USA.

  • @gravestonemyth
    @gravestonemyth 2 роки тому

    Might I suggest another option, namely, the inverted L. You get a vertical and a horizontal. Mine is en end-fed half wave that goes up 32’, loops over my roof, then goes 100’ to a tree. My KX3 tunes it from 80 through 6 and it usually outperforms my ground-mounted 6BTV. I turned the 6BTV into a 160M inverted L by adding 18’ of horizontal wire to the 80M whip. I have never been in a better place with regard to signal quality. I operate almost exclusively QRP CW.

    • @watersstanton
      @watersstanton  2 роки тому

      Yes inverted L is what many of us G3s used as the main antenna. Interesting comments about your vertical. with results similar to my own. 73 Peter.

  • @ehayes5217
    @ehayes5217 2 роки тому +1

    & finally, the info u present in this video is absolutely essential for newer (& existing) hams to know & understand, so thank you! 🤓 de WA4ELW 🇺🇸

  • @AliReza-zx8km
    @AliReza-zx8km 2 роки тому


  • @ehayes5217
    @ehayes5217 2 роки тому

    Yes, please revisit the wonderful, classic G5RV, known the world over; & in doing so, I hope u'll also touch on the modified version of this all-time great antenna, the ZS6BKW...have had mine for many years; it's a bit shorter than the classic, but I love it the most becuz it'll work multi-band HF when using just my rig's internal AT (an IC-7300)! 73 de WA4ELW in TN 🇺🇸 dit dit 😃

  • @ehayes5217
    @ehayes5217 2 роки тому

    always enjoy ur videos...73 de WA4ELW in TN 🇺🇸 dit dit 😃

  • @daveN2MXX
    @daveN2MXX 2 роки тому

    This video is quite profound....many in this hobby (and on youtube and other social media) never learn or ignore much of this information. Thank you for sharing! 73 de N2MXX NJ USA

  • @paulbrunton877
    @paulbrunton877 2 роки тому

    Thank you for your help and knowledge sir, I am now living in a ground floor flat but with a fear of having to part with my radio equipment, regards from G0RBV in Kent.

  • @mikemiles3068
    @mikemiles3068 2 роки тому +1

    Good video and antennas are fascinating 🧐❗️👍

  • @WilliamParmley
    @WilliamParmley 2 роки тому

    Gooch's Paradox: "RF gotta go somewhere." 😁

  • @jaysmall8780
    @jaysmall8780 2 роки тому

    My Garndson, "I'm going to invent a short antenna that will work great on ALL the bands!!"
    Me, "Godspeed, young man!"

    • @jaysmall8780
      @jaysmall8780 2 роки тому

      @goinghomesomeday1 Thanks! Will check it out! Jay K7WLE

  • @markramsay6399
    @markramsay6399 2 роки тому

    Another great video ! Mark, 2E0MSR

  • @yv6eda
    @yv6eda 2 роки тому

    Great video Peter! As usual...

  • @ouijim
    @ouijim 2 роки тому

    Seems there is a Silver Bullet ; ) Wolf River Coils Silver Bullet 1000 Antenna

  • @ouijim
    @ouijim 2 роки тому

    Thank You for another great video. Amateur Radio needs less "Mystique" and more practical accurate information.

  • @brian.7966
    @brian.7966 2 роки тому

    these companies really try it on sometimes just to make a selling. including some ham stores. Waters & Stanton, and Nevada radio are not included as far as I am concerned.

  • @basshorseman998
    @basshorseman998 2 роки тому

    Thank you Peter, always give me food for thought (n2qfk)