The Heavy Mobile Suit Dom was meant to glide fast and hit you hard with its bazooka



  • @danielsgames8810
    @danielsgames8810 16 днів тому +1

    R.I.P Black Try Star 🫡

  • @ZeonicFenrir
    @ZeonicFenrir 2 дні тому

    I like to think of the Dom as the ground equivalent of the Gelgoog: an excellent mass production machine that outperformed its EF counterparts, but was sadly deployed too late and not in enough numbers to make a difference.
    It is also frequently shown that early EF MS on the ground used ballistic weapons instead of beam weapons, making the Dom’s heavier armor a better asset, unlike the Rick Dom which frequently faced GMs with beam spray guns.
    And much like the MS-06G, a Zaku with Gouf like leg jet thrusters and better mobility, the MS-06GD being a Zaku with Dom like hovering capabilities should make it the best ground variant of Zaku… only short of a Zaku Cannon with an actual beam cannon and similar hovering capabilities, provided by its YMS-09 like leg thrusters.

  • @flatheadgg2443
    @flatheadgg2443 9 днів тому

    The dom being just another grunt aready started in the original series, between jaburo and the battle of solomom like 90% of the enemies the white base fought were doms.

    • @ZeonicFenrir
      @ZeonicFenrir 2 дні тому

      Yes… and no.
      Despite what their appearance suggest, the Rick Dom was actually a worse, and yet more widely available, MS in contrast to the Dom.
      Case in point, the Rick Dom had the worst maneuverability of all space MS in the OG TV series, having the slowest 180 degree turn speed, while the Dom was the most maneuverable MS on the ground.
      Like I said in another comment, the ground use Dom was the equivalent of the Gelgoog in space: a mass production Zeon MS that outperformed its EF competition, but was sadly deployed very late and not in enough numbers to make a difference.
      And while the Rick Dom managed to shore up Zeon’s forces numbers by making good use of the existing production lines, and in theory also retrofit existing Doms for space combat for the upcoming battles, it lacked the performance of its ground use sibling, in some aspects being even worse than a Zaku, specially in a battlefield where beam weapons made its heavier armor a liability rather than an asset.

  • @stephenemery8831
    @stephenemery8831 16 днів тому

    First comment!

  • @MusicFan752
    @MusicFan752 14 днів тому

    Still go for a gouf, doms suck.

    • @ZeonicFenrir
      @ZeonicFenrir 2 дні тому

      Fact: Dom > Gouf
      Best example: in the Gihren’s Greed games if you do provide Doms to Ramba Ral, he will succeed at destroying White Base, alongside the Guntank & Guncannon.
      The Dom solved the mobility problem that plagued Zeon MS when they were brought to Earth, having lost the “mobile” part of mobile suit, which had given Zeon the advantage in the early space battles despite being heavily outnumbered.
      When the Earth invasion began, Zeon spent a long time trying to get flying MS to work, and when this failed, they develop the Dodai SFS as a replacement, which wouldn’t become widely adopted until after the OYW… by the EF. Ultimately it was the Dom that finally overcame this problem during the OYW, but just like the Gelgoog, it unfortunately arrived too late to make a difference.
      The Gouf still has its place as an urban combat MS (like its successor, the Gallus J) for engaging enemies in CQC at enclosed locations, though as shown in the recent Cucuruz Doan movie, Zakus with Dom like hovering capabilities are as effective (if not outright better) at this role.

    • @MusicFan752
      @MusicFan752 2 дні тому

      @@ZeonicFenrir i get that and all....I still wouldn't go for the dom though. It's a mobile suit I've had constant headaches with when it comes to both piloting and fighting against its mobile suit line in games, encounters in space, dynasty warriors Gundam franchise, sd Gundam g generation genesis and Gundam battle operations 1+2. In all these games I've had nothing but negative experiences dealing with the dom line apart from the satisfaction of destroying them.

    • @ZeonicFenrir
      @ZeonicFenrir 2 дні тому

      @@MusicFan752 First of all, you proved my point by bringing up Encounters in Space, a game where you can't use Doms at all, but rather their slower cousins, the Rick Doms.
      Can't comment much on the SD games (not a fan), but on the other ones you mention there's lots to consider:
      For starters, in the Dynasty Warriors games Doms were generally mid-tier units, if not outright grunt units, which were overall less capable than actual main units, so not much point discussing those, since any main unit Zaku or Gelgoog, which did have a full move set, would obviously outshined them.
      While I didn't play GBO2 a lot, I did play the OG GBO (PS3) quite religiously and the Dom was definitely a great MS, specially for quickly gaining on the enemy positions, quick retreats as needed. Like any large Ms, it did have a larger hit box, though as long as you keep moving you generally could compensate for that.
      I will also point out games you didn't mention, such Zeonic Front (PS2) , where Doms were some of the best MS in the game, not only having high defense & mobility, but even having the unique ability to fire heavy weapons while moving, something which other MS needed to come to a full stop in order to use.
      In Target in Sight (PS3) , the Dom is again one of the best MS in the game and TiS over realistic mechanics (in the majority of cases to a fault and the prejudice of the game) also gave it a the unusual ability to hover over water as long as you kept moving, which made a lot of sense and gave the Dom an extra advantage in stages with water bodies.
      Doms in EF vs Zeon (PS2) also excelled at stun locking enemies and dodging attacks, making them very effective, even in the sequel, Gundam VS Z Gundam, where in the Axis campaign you were mainly given OYW Zeon units against AEUG & Titan units.
      Last, but not least, according to the official specs, which you can check in sites such as, the MS-06J Zaku can run at a maximum speed of 85 km/hr, the MS-07B Gouf more than doubles it at 185km/hr and the MS-09 Dom again more than doubles the Gouf with a hovering speed of 380km/hr.
      In other words, a Dom can move over 4 times the speed of a Zaku on the ground, take that Char!

    • @MusicFan752
      @MusicFan752 2 дні тому

      @@ZeonicFenrir I said the dom line, including the Rick dom units and the space versions. With encounters in space they always seem to be the ones to shoot me down or finish me off, I know cause when the game over screen happens it shows the mobile suit that lands the last hit on you, and for me a lot of times it’s the Rick dom. Made even more frustrating when I would clear out a bunch of enemies and then all the sudden Rick dom gets a clean shot and kills me, every other death from a different mobile suit I could probably count on one hand.
      Dynasty warriors they were definitely grunt units that had the worst movement in the game right next to the marasai, it was very stiff and choppy compared to other grunt units and the damage was just meh. Me and a friend even tried them out and organized them in tiers, both of us agree the dom and marasai are F tier. As for the movesets of ones like the zaku and gelgoog….not quite, with the grunt versions of them they have the vanilla move sets like other grunt suits, but there’s ace versions of zakus and gelgoogs that do have more advanced movesets.
      For GBO 2 the gameplay is more or less similar albeit with the mobile suits having better movement than in 1. That said still hate using doms, the hover mode to them just causes more headaches for me when piloting them as they just tend to slide further when I don’t want them to. I get better results from most other mobile suits that don’t have a hover mode to them, except for the acguy that one sucks.
      As for the games I didn’t mention well that’s cause I didn’t play them yet, can’t really give two cents on experience from those games if there isn’t any to begin with.

    • @ZeonicFenrir
      @ZeonicFenrir 2 дні тому

      @@MusicFan752 Like I keep saying, comparing the Dom to the Rick Dom is a terrible idea, and would definitely give you a wrong impression: much how the MS-06F Zakus lost their mobility advantage when they were deployed to Earth, the Rick Doms lost the maneuverability of the Dom, managing to actually be less maneuverable than older Zakus in space. Later versions like the Rick Dom II would correct some of these issues, but the original MS-09R was a victim of trying to cut costs and reuse the same frame of a machine designed for ground combat and which wasn't properly redesigned for space.
      The fact that Dynasty Warriors have ace versions of the Zaku and Gelgoog allows them to use those as a base and then just downgrade them for the grunt version, still managing to be better than machines purely designed as grunts.
      I do remember having issues when first learning how to sue a Dom on GBO, but like any game, you eventually figure out its gimmicks and learn to make the best out of its pros and how to avoid making mistakes with its movements.
      I similarly said that I couldn't comment on the SD Gundam games since I'm not a fan of them and have hardly played any, so no worries there: simply pointing out how the Dom is much better depicted in some other games.
      Likewise, many games ultimately have to adjust things to not make the Dom as OP as it should be (remember? 4 times as fast as a Zaku!), not to mention that most games love adding boosting mechanics for higher mobility, which MS hardly did during the OYW, some like the basic Zaku II instead having to charge up for a moment to do a large jump instead (like in 08th MS Team and MS Igloo), hence the Dom's further advantage in the ground mobility department in an era when most MS just relied on regular walking and running on the ground.