Correction. Today the speeds exceed 10 times faster vs HSS . Normal HSS bottom out at around Vc 25 m/min , With the right HS-Co probably Vc40m/min would be a maximum (in steel) . Nowadays every insert , regardless of shape , manuafcturer , form , size , coating and radius , chipbreaker , relief angles , holder angle , application can hit at least Vc 180 m/min (this is just under 5 times faster). Hovewer any reputable brand can hit at least a Vc of 300 m/min . The top brands recommend up to almost Vc 700 m/min in STEEL !(about 18 times faster than HSS-Co) . Vc 350 to 500 Is a regular range for machining steel , with the right tool , and a machine that is capable and rigid .
Hi , Good day. Would you be interested in outsourcing some of the punches / dies manufacturing to tool shops in India? We have the capability at a much more competitive price.
Fantastically concise and comprehensive, no fluff. I really liked it.
agreed Great videos ... cover the basics that can lead to a life time study and put food on a lot of tables.. thanks so much for sharing.
Well said Jim.
Correction. Today the speeds exceed 10 times faster vs HSS . Normal HSS bottom out at around Vc 25 m/min , With the right HS-Co probably Vc40m/min would be a maximum (in steel) . Nowadays every insert , regardless of shape , manuafcturer , form , size , coating and radius , chipbreaker , relief angles , holder angle , application can hit at least Vc 180 m/min (this is just under 5 times faster). Hovewer any reputable brand can hit at least a Vc of 300 m/min . The top brands recommend up to almost Vc 700 m/min in STEEL !(about 18 times faster than HSS-Co) . Vc 350 to 500 Is a regular range for machining steel , with the right tool , and a machine that is capable and rigid .
This docomentary worths it's time. Really happy I give it a like.
Those may be carbide tools..but the video is made of gold 👌
Very Good Information
very btfl name
A great informative video.. thank you
Very useful,well presented
Mr. Pirson is the best of the best, Doe mijn lijnen weg alstublieft
Got to hand it to you - great video
Thank you for video
Very nice video!!!
awesome video ,helped me a lot
shut up, u dont know your father
very informative video! thank you!
well explained!!!
I Like it.
They got one thing wrong. It was GE that made the first carbide not somewhere in Germany.
Why is Principal Skinner making machining videos?
Mmmmmmm Steamed Hams...
Tools available?
Fundamental Manufacturing Processes Video Series? SIGN ME UP!
Neutral elliptic/round cast iron SME?
Needed information.
400th like!
Hi , Good day.
Would you be interested in outsourcing some of the punches / dies manufacturing to tool shops in India? We have the capability at a much more competitive price.
I'm a new Computer-Aided Machining student, do I need any special permission to share your videos with my classmates?
@ 8:23 the amount of bits needed for that one tool :o
Dude in the thumbnail is ron swanson's doppelganger
Holy sh*t I haven't seen this VHS in ages!!!!!!!!!!! lmao what shop class did you steal this from?! haha
Lol I remember these videos from school
Good content but the production style and voice over is so like a 1970s training film that I was fully expecting to see someone wearing flares.