Can't tell you how many times I prayed for forgiveness, over and over again even when I haven't done anything. I think forgiving myself is just as hard as acknowledging what you did was wrong or a sin.
We are never told to forgive ourselves, forgiveness comes from others, however, when we continue feeling guilty over past sins that we confessed to be cleansed it is a sign that we didn't believe God. And, it is a sign that we are still hung up on what others may think of us. When we confess our sin and God forgives us it is not necessary to care what others think. If they accuse you of past sins you can say with confidence this "I confessed that to God and He cleansed me of it, it is finished at the cross." We can do it with joy and peace in our hearts. How someone else acts toward us about it is God's business, no need to take it seriously.
I believe when we ask God, to forgive us even when we think we haven't done anything is just being precautions...when you lived in sin for so long and you came to the knowledge and gave your life to God, over time you would stop asking God, to forgive you even though you haven't committed a sin.
@@RandomMind We know when we have done a bad thing, God tells us in 1 John 1:9 to confess our sin to be cleansed of it. When we become born again we change our mind about our sin and desire God to change us. All past sin at the point is dealt with, however after that when we sin we need to confess it to grow in holiness. Growth can only happen when we admit what we did or our bad attitudes, then God will cleanse us so we don't continue to walk disobediently. Hebrews 12:5-7 "…5 And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. 6 For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises every son He receives.” 7 Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?…"
Guilt is a good thing to know that we are doing something wrong, and we wanna make it right that can lead to repentance. Asking for forgiveness every time we messed up is part of it. The #2 is referring to Eternal Forgiveness from Damnation, not for every time we fall.
Proverbs 3:5-6 🕊 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths"
Wow! What hit me in this message is when you said, 'change your prayer from, Lord give me more of your Spirit to' : "Lord help me to ALLOW the Spirit to have MORE of me!" Amen!💯 Well done sir! Well done! Thank you for posting 🌿 Sharing 🌿 ✨🕊️#MsWarriorSaint
Yeah! We should pray without ceasing but not always about the specific things we want to pray about. If we're not being changed while we pray to be better aligned with God then we've missed the part of prayer where we're hearing from him and have gotten into the position of us directing him instead of being one with him. We can come to God with anything but our heart and attitude in the relationship is sooo important.
Over five or so years ago my daughter broke up with her long time boyfriend and he moved out. She began a relationship right after with the neighbor. I didn't agree with her direction. It went on for over two months and I prayed about them breaking up because they did NOT belong together. I was in shock when the same night my daughter came home with all her belongings and crying hysterically. I just thanked God for delivering and answering my prayer. ❤🙏🏼❤ Shortly, after that she got back with her longtime boyfriend. She got pregnant, got married and gave her life to Jesus. 😊❤🤗❤️🔥🙏🏼🙌
I use to be guilty of asking forgiveness for same thing again & again, bcz that particular sin was so grievous... But i knew i was ALREADY forgiven, so now, instead, i repeatedly THANK God for His forgiveness!
Pray God lifts the scales from the lukewarm and lost eyes, opens their ears and soften their hearts. Pray God strengthens His children and gives them more discernment. Pray God brings revival to the earth. Pray the Lord of Harvest send forth laborers into the harvest 🙏🏻
By “More of His Spirit” I typically would understand that as More of His likeness. So it would be similar to “More patience, more joy, more Love, more righteous judgement, more righteousness” etc. So I would say asking more of His spirit is just putting all of those into one, praying that you would me more like Him and His spirit.
1. Things God has already given you. 2. Things God has already forgiven you for. 3. Things God has already instructed you to do. 4. Things God has already closed/answered. 5. Revenge against our enemies.
1. God hasn't given me 1 billion dollars. I have to work for it. 2. If we are forgiven why are people going to hell still. 3. I didn't get instructions. 4. Did he close himself from us seeing him cause there's no evidence except for an old book that someone wrote. 5. Do not wish revenge on the Devil
@@CryptoScammers.DoNotSendMoney 1.Things God has ALREADY given you. Not what you wish you had. 2.Things God has forgiven you for. Have you asked Him for forgiveness? 3.Things God has already instructed you to do. It's called th Bible. Repent and trust Jesus. 4.Things God has already closed. No He is open to hear you. You just have to kill the pride ,humble yourself and talk to Him as a person. 5. Revenge against our enemies. So you don't believe in justice, that may be the reaso you reject God.
@@CryptoScammers.DoNotSendMoney theres no evidence of course just like theres no evidence you love your family or the emotions you have for those youd die for. So then do you say its just a bunch of chemicals so you should be able to finesse your blood despite those chemicals telling u no? money is worth a numerical value based on market economies, but a hand reached out to someone in need is priceless.
Thank you for this confirming video! I am guilty of singing songs during my worship set, asking God to do things He has already done, like in the song Fill Me Up and others. I started to feel the nudging of Holy Spirit about this and I began to either no longer sing those songs or change the words to more appropriately align with the word. Thanks again and blessings to you and your family Pastor Allen!
The 5th point is very very very common Some churches do it a lot prayer against enemies to die , break their bones and all that.. especially in Africa it’s too common in most churches. Thank you so much Sir
I came across your video since I want to learn how to be a better prayer warrior and to pray more effectively. I am 60 yrs old, and I can say I learned a few things (and was reminded of a few things) from your video! (Messages like this one show UA-cam can be a good thing!) I still catch myself praying for more "fullness" of the Spirit...when it really is more of a "Father, help me to be more sensitive to your Will and the Spirit's leading"! Also, to obey what He says!! Thanks! I will be back to listen :)
I think “giving more of His Spirit” means allowing Jesus to become greater in us, and for us to become less - so to speak. I think that’s a fine prayer
Agreed, people can have different levels of annointing and power in the Holy spirit. God's spirit is unlimited in volume and capacity, so we can have more of it as we can have less. Otherwise there would not be disciples who were notable for being 'full of the Holy Spirit'. All Christians have the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus, but not all of them are full of the Holy Spirit.
@@7manuvit “All Christians have the Holy Spirit but not all of them are full of the Holy Spirit”. Please think about what you said. As Allen referenced in the video, God does not give you the Holy Spirit partially, in pieces. Maybe you are thinking about spiritual gifts 🤔.. Hopefully you do not believe that those who claim to be prophets & speak in tongues have “more of the Holy Spirit”.
@@Corneisha15 what I mean is, when I was a young Christian, it was mostly me doing dumb things, and the Spirit could only impact certain things to try and turn me around. As a mature Christian, it's Him, doing the Father's will in me, and I'm along for the ride. Its not literally more of the Spirit, but even David prayed that God may continue to increase in him.
Jesus doesn't give less of Himself to others, and more to some. Our Lord is just. It's more about how much we are willing to let Him work in us, and if we are truly striving to be righteous and do His good will.Those who strive for righteousness and to be holy may appear to have more of The Holy Spirit than others, but in truth its how they've let Him work in their life and their willingness to be transformed; as well as, doing their best to be more like Him and picking up their cross and denying themselves. (Luke 9:23 & Matthew 16:24 - 26)
Preying Hi Allan. What you say is true. I am 67 years old. When I was in my 20s I was very impatient when I was driving my car on the road. I got very stressed when others drove slowly or did stupid things and then did stupid stuff myself and I would prey that Father would take this away from me. It took about 40 years to understand that I already had it, patience, and I felt Father kindly laughing at me. He was very forgiving. Also, when praying for others, it is tempting to pray for what they want, but PREY for what our Father wants.
I like how you were talking about having the spirit and having eveything we need to live godly lives. I imagined a dimmer on a light switch. God powers us with light and he allows us to control the intensity by how we use what he has already given us. Just like when Jesus said don't hide your light under a basket but it is made to chase away darkness (paraphrasing). That really spoke to me. God bless you for that. I OFTEN pray for strength to follow his Spirit more and not his flesh when eveything I have is in me and it's up to me to simply do the work.
Lord put it on my heart if anyone reads this stop what your doing and just pray don’t stop till you feel the Holy Spirit tell you to If you end up praying the whole day thats fine because the Lord needs us all to come together around the world to pray today in Jesus name I pray Amen
I think, when people pray for 'more of the Spirit' what they're actually trying to pray for is 'greater sanctification'. They want to be holier and less sinful. At least, that's what I was ultimately looking for. ...Also, for myself, praying for 'more of the spirit' ultimately led me away from Catholicism and into a Baptist church.
nope, there are plenty of people that believe the holy spirit comes to you AFTER sanctification, that is where that saying comes from. they also believe that receiving MORE of the holy spirit makes you a better christian and you will receive a greater reward in heaven.
@@awaitingonchrist 🤔 that’s weird but I use the phrase for all the scriptures he used for the opposite. So I’m not asking for more of what I already have. “Help my walk”. “Help me to be aware.” I get it. At the end of the day though that particular phrase is opinionated because everyone has a pov of it lol… but I agree with the list though. 👍🏽
i beg you to allow your eyes when looking at the scripture to be the judge of what god wants and not your ears when listening to men in nice suits with a nice haircut. Jesus preached in rags with not even a 401K, mortgage, or a donation basket to his name. In the Word it says Mark 7:7 "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men" this man brought up Rhema and Logos words or some stuff that doesnt exist in the Word. If you google it for yourself youll find out it was an invention by a group of churches who split off from another group of churches. the Word is One. The Word is Ultimate. holy water isnt in the bible this logos word stuff isnt in the bible rosaries arent in the bible ministers, deacons, priests, cardinals, and people you call Father in humility like they are god themselves arent in the bible Mark 7:7 "they worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men" if you read the word without the church telling u what it means in its entirety, no man call tell u how or what to worship because youve seen what God says with your very eyes.
Excellent message. God has truly gifted you in explaining His Word. Godly wisdom is truly a gift from our Lord. So many today just don’t have it. That IS one thing He tells us to ask for, he gives it liberally..and you sir have it. Thank you and may God bless you.
Dear Lord, Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. Let your peace reign in our family, at our place of work, businesses and everything we lay our hands on. Let your angels of peace go ahead of us when we go out and stay by our side when we return. In Jesus name. Amen
God bless you my brother " I am learning here " 🙏🏾 your are doing an amazing job, please don't stop teaching, you're helping a lot of us growing as Christian. Thank you so much.
example 2 around 11:01.....if ex spouse marries some1 else and u and them divorced for non adultery...they r in adultery & need to get out of that marriage and either be single or get back with the ex spouse
Lovingly and respectfully, I'd like to correct the first point about not asking for more of the Holy Spirit. I too used to misunderstand this in my earlier days of being a Christian (up until around 2018) when a dear sister Connie K Yom who also has a UA-cam channel and IG which I suggest that people follow) corrected me by sending me a Paul Washer video where he told of his personal experience and cited numerous Scripture passages to explain the difference between being indwelt by the Holy Spirit when we first get saved which lasts forever and then being filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered for ministry and greater obedience which needs to happen over and over again. We are never told to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but we are told to be filled with the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 5:18 which implies that there may be times when we are not filled with/empowered by him. Also Jesus promised in Luke 11:1-10 that the Father would give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him which means that there is a need to ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit because we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by repentance and faith in Jesus after new birth not by asking. This is why the apostles prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit in places like Acts 4, Ephesians 3, ect. When it was said that we have everything we need to live a godly life, what that means is that through faith in Christ we have ACCESS to go to the Father and pray knowing that he will give us what we need. Obviously, it does not mean that we have everything that we need at all times instantaneously. Admittedly, I struggle to be consistent in asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and in my earlier days I did not understand why I would need to ask for the Holy Spirit to fill me when he's already in me and will never leave since I am God's child. Why doesn't he just fill me on his own since he's sovereign and he wants to? But I've come to realize my pride and lack of understanding in this and I know that I am not sufficient on my own to do ANYTHING that God commands me to when and how he wants me to just because I am a Christian. I still must actively abide in Christ if I'm going to be fruitful because our dependency doesn't go away and get replaced with instantaneous holiness and power when we become Christian, rather we just become more aware of our need and our hearts are changed to embrace it and behave/pray accordingly. We MUST pray continuously to be filled with the Holy Spirit lest we grieve him and live in arrogance, and for him to fill us is the same as us yielding so that he can have more of us. This is similar to how just because God is omnipresent doesn't mean that his manifest / close presence is everywhere and felt by everybody, so we should desire that and pray to draw closer to him and be more aware of his manifest presence experientially while obey what he has told us to do so as not to distance ourselvesfrom him (NOT SEPERATE AND RISK LOSING SALVATION) Lastly, this is also an instance where just because a teacher may get a point wrong every now and again doesn't mean we should dismiss them as a false teacher because we are all still growing. Mr Parr is definitely doctrinally solid and reliable because he is sincere and faithful in his exegesis of texts and is guided by good hermeneutics in interpreting Scripture, hence this platform blesses many.
You brought up interesting points in a very respectful manner. This is something I have switched back and forth on through my journey as well, and still feel I don't have a solid position on this. Thanks for giving this different interpretation.
@@jeramysteele My delight and thanks for reading! 14) When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15) the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16) I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17) Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18) And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19) May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. - Ephesians 3:14-19
I had the same objections as well! Just like you mentioned, I also remembered Acts 4, where the believers were "filled with the Holy Spirit", although they have already received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. So greater measures of the Spirit can be given to man. It also sounds a bit prideful that the fullness of the infinite God can be contained in a mere mortal man; I think only Christ ever had the whole fullness of deity dwell in him. Of course, God lives in us through the Holy Spirit, but God will give us greater grace and the fullness of the Spirit in times that he deems necessary.
@@looktojesus YES! Also, if we can grieve the Holy Spirit then that obviously means that there are times when because of our sins we are less fruitful and not filled like we should be, and it's a bit naive and misguided to ignore that and think that just because the Holy Spirit lives in us we don't need him to move and empower us more from the inside so that we can grow and obey more. Jesus didn't say if you are Christian then don't be concerned about anything else because you being saved means you don't need anything else. He said that without abiding in Him we can do NOTHING, and the disciples were already Christians with the Holy Spirit when he told them that, so obviously abiding in him and tarrying / praying for the Holy Spirit like he told them to do in Jerusalem is something that we have to actively and continually do. (Luke 11:1-10 and John 14) God promised to give us everything we need and part of that comes through our obedience and diligence in prayer.
Hey brother Parr. I used a clip from this video that really blessed me dealing with number 3. Praying for something when God has given us an answer already for it. Thank you for this wisdom brother. Many need to hear it.
I like most but number 4 I have to disagree with. In 2020 my husband and I were looking to purchase our first house. The one we fell in love with rejected our offer and went into escrow with another buyer. Well, we kept praying and the Lord heard us! The first buyer pulled out of the deal simple because she changed her mind! We moved in in April 2020, in the mist of covid and all, praise the LORD!! He is good! What seems impossible to man, is possible with God! 🙏🏾
I would say when praying for others and even ourselves, praying Lord let your Will be done, we shouldn't back track and pray something different next time. Praying let your will be done should handle it. I've been guilty of this. Good word from God Mr. Parr.
First and foremost, congratulations on 900K subscribers! You are on the road to a milli! 😃 Secondly, I have struggled with #2. I know that God has forgiven me for past sins, but they would creep up in my head. I have to remind myself that it’s the enemy acting up. Thanks for the confirmation.
Thank you Pastor Allen. This was a great reminder! I especially loved your practical examples that you gave with each point. Sometimes pastor's tell us not to do something, but fail to give the "everyday" Christian examples of what it looks like and how to walk it out in the natural. Your videos have been such a blessing to myself and my husband.
EXCELLENT....many who think the born-again exp. is only complete if they speak in tongues...The Gospels are clear...John the Baptist...says..."I baptize you with water...but He who is coming will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!"
I think a key point on your 2nd prayer is forgivenes of SELF. If you can't forgive yourself for doing the wrong especially after you have already brought this into the light, asked for forgivenes and repented, it means that you're indirectly saying that what Jesus did on the cross carries no weight. It is important to forgive yourself as well.
Thank you Pastor Allen for this enlightening message. Imagine the world when we all use God's Word as the guide for how we should live our lives! TGBTG (To God BeThe Glory) Be blessed y'all!
Thank you so much Brother Allen! You really hit the nail on the head with the point of not rejoicing when something bad happens to our enemies. I feel like even as Christians we sometimes fall into the sin of doing that, I know I for one sometimes do, so this was a huge rebuke for me. Thank you so much. May God continue to bless you and your ministry!
Nice jacket! I just started following you and I always learn a little something here and there in every of your videos and I’m so grateful for you and that I found this channel 🙏💗 Sometimes I save a video in a playlist to rewatch a little later and catch up on something I maybe missed the first time I watched or to have a Bible ready or pen and paper ready. I just wanted to give feedback and show appreciation 🙂👍🌸🫶 Thank you so much and God bless you! 🙏💗🌸
my friend i love you as a brother but let me show you these verses. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Matthew 5:44 "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." i am not making any judgements but i just want to say i dont see any verses about prayer for receiving money, a job, a husband, or a dog. in fact i find this: James 1:8-10 "Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation-since they will pass away like a wild flower." James 1:12 " Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." Who are we to even ask anything of God when it is WE who are who disobey him and spit in his face constantly with our sins. What pride is it to pray for a new car or cash money when we dont even deserve forgiveness. BUT DON'T TRUST ME OR ANYONE ELSE TELLING U ABOUT GOD!!! YOUR EYES CAN'T LIE TO U WHEN U READ SCRIPTURE BUT PEOPLE CAN!!!!!! The Word tells us about god as it is HIS WORD and you can read it in any language u want. read it for yourself so nobody can lace u up on scripture when youve read it all already and know it by heart.
Brother Allen I have never thought about it this way but it makes me want to change some of my Prayers. Thanks for sharing Jesus loves you and your Ministry and so do I kind sir. Please Pray for my Mother and I. I am a man 71years old named Marion with bladder pain and other pain and anxiety. My Mother has dementia pretty bad. I have and will continue to Pray for brother Allen Family Friends and Neighbors all around us.We should love as Jesus does and Pray for one another everyday. Hallelujah Amen.
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Thank you so much servant Allen. Your videos are a blessing to me and many others. May God give and provide you with everything you need to continue doing this if thats His will ❤ hugs from PARAGUAY :D
I always ask God to go with me when I go by stuff and stuff means that I buy stuff for me and I buy stuff to resell for the church so I can donate money I guess I need to stop telling God to go with me right I always have take the wheel I love him so much he's the love of my life my father Thank you so much for this I need to hear this but I don't know what my calling is I love to pray but I don't know how to read very good but I still pray and really loud
I love the way you make excellent points that any Christian would like to know as well as hear. I know it helps me as you concisely spell out these important points.
Thank you so much for this video. I loved how you used Scriptures to explain what Christians should stop praying for which helped me to know what I should stop praying for. I also liked the examples you gave. May God bless you.
There was a youth group that started in Sept 2020. It grew from 5 to 30. This year, the number of attendees was declining until we only have 3 young people attending the Bible study this month. I have also moved due to my work but every Sunday goes to my town for the Bible study, to teach and lead. I've been praying that God would revive us, and thoughts of quitting already entered my mind. This youth group was supposed to be a pioneering church. I'm in this season when it isn't clear to me what I'd specifically do. I'm really willing to stay in my town, but if my job there is done, wherever He sent me to, I will also go. The thing is I don't wanna give up yet but it's truly difficult to accept that the youth group might only be for that season. If you have some insight, I'm ready to read. Thank you.
Thanks for number five Alan. I was just telling someone about this and they justified it by saying David did it in the Psalms. I had to remind them that David it’s not our example, Christ is, and he never prayed for his enemies downfall.
Needed this. Struggling with enemy topic as it relates to child custody/DV. I pray for thefather to accept Jesus into his heart, his life. I pray for my family to be the Jesus he needs to see, to avoid any potential of Christian hypocrisy. To be loving, patient, kind. For justice.
This is a great teaching Alan this is what you were called to do. It is beneath you to criticize Gods others servants just because you don’t agree. Please stay focused to your calling and out of critiquing sound bytes from other preachers Or you will reap what you sow. Love you bro!
I told people all the time, don't pray bad for others, prayer as the Lord said we should in the bible. Bless them, love.... Glory to God! I am so happy for the in sight here, love that you give the undiluted word of God. I see that you are close to 1mil, I am so happy for you, I will subscribe to your channel. Why? I have been watching you for a while now, the Bible said we should test the spirit, more and more I am seeing the Lord using you. Keep being obedient and remember you we are pon the winning side for the Lord. All the glory belongs to God!
Can't tell you how many times I prayed for forgiveness, over and over again even when I haven't done anything. I think forgiving myself is just as hard as acknowledging what you did was wrong or a sin.
We are never told to forgive ourselves, forgiveness comes from others, however, when we continue feeling guilty over past sins that we confessed to be cleansed it is a sign that we didn't believe God. And, it is a sign that we are still hung up on what others may think of us. When we confess our sin and God forgives us it is not necessary to care what others think. If they accuse you of past sins you can say with confidence this "I confessed that to God and He cleansed me of it, it is finished at the cross." We can do it with joy and peace in our hearts. How someone else acts toward us about it is God's business, no need to take it seriously.
I say I'm sorry and have mercy on me
I believe when we ask God, to forgive us even when we think we haven't done anything is just being precautions...when you lived in sin for so long and you came to the knowledge and gave your life to God, over time you would stop asking God, to forgive you even though you haven't committed a sin.
@@RandomMind We know when we have done a bad thing, God tells us in 1 John 1:9 to confess our sin to be cleansed of it. When we become born again we change our mind about our sin and desire God to change us. All past sin at the point is dealt with, however after that when we sin we need to confess it to grow in holiness. Growth can only happen when we admit what we did or our bad attitudes, then God will cleanse us so we don't continue to walk disobediently.
Hebrews 12:5-7 "…5 And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. 6 For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises every son He receives.” 7 Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?…"
I do that too. And i keep asking over and over for God to forgive me on past things...i am sure he is saying..judy, what are you talking about.
I like number 2, guilt and doubt sometimes make Christians to ask for forgiveness over and over. Thanks for sharing brother.
Guilt is a good thing to know that we are doing something wrong, and we wanna make it right that can lead to repentance. Asking for forgiveness every time we messed up is part of it.
The #2 is referring to Eternal Forgiveness from Damnation, not for every time we fall.
Me too.
@@karlpoquiz451 been there my friend!!
@@HasanUnknown then who is the Messiah bro the savior of the man kind
@@HasanUnknown i found islam came about 600 years AFTER Jesus came
Proverbs 3:5-6 🕊
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths"
Blessed be your choice of wisdom !!
... an Australian friend.
So open minded that your brain fell out
Why do you care to even comment? Projecting.
@@rogerpotger9261 SAME
Wow! What hit me in this message is when you said, 'change your prayer from, Lord give me more of your Spirit to' : "Lord help me to ALLOW the Spirit to have MORE of me!" Amen!💯 Well done sir! Well done! Thank you for posting 🌿 Sharing 🌿
Yeah! We should pray without ceasing but not always about the specific things we want to pray about. If we're not being changed while we pray to be better aligned with God then we've missed the part of prayer where we're hearing from him and have gotten into the position of us directing him instead of being one with him. We can come to God with anything but our heart and attitude in the relationship is sooo important.
God bless you Allen, dont let anyone discourage you from doing what you are doing, You are helping so many people.
Over five or so years ago my daughter broke up with her long time boyfriend and he moved out. She began a relationship right after with the neighbor. I didn't agree with her direction. It went on for over two months and I prayed about them breaking up because they did NOT belong together. I was in shock when the same night my daughter came home with all her belongings and crying hysterically.
I just thanked God for delivering and answering my prayer. ❤🙏🏼❤
Shortly, after that she got back with her longtime boyfriend. She got pregnant, got married and gave her life to Jesus.
I use to be guilty of asking forgiveness for same thing again & again, bcz that particular sin was so grievous... But i knew i was ALREADY forgiven, so now, instead, i repeatedly THANK God for His forgiveness!
Make sure you stop sinning
Spoke to my soul. Brother, you are the 2nd person to remind me to stop asking for what God has already given this week. Thank you for this message.
Pray God lifts the scales from the lukewarm and lost eyes, opens their ears and soften their hearts. Pray God strengthens His children and gives them more discernment. Pray God brings revival to the earth. Pray the Lord of Harvest send forth laborers into the harvest 🙏🏻
Don't pray for that
@@CryptoScammers.DoNotSendMoney why
By “More of His Spirit” I typically would understand that as More of His likeness. So it would be similar to “More patience, more joy, more Love, more righteous judgement, more righteousness” etc. So I would say asking more of His spirit is just putting all of those into one, praying that you would me more like Him and His spirit.
Thank You for this word, which has helped me so much...GBU
1. Things God has already given you.
2. Things God has already forgiven you for.
3. Things God has already instructed you to do.
4. Things God has already closed/answered.
5. Revenge against our enemies.
1. God hasn't given me 1 billion dollars. I have to work for it.
2. If we are forgiven why are people going to hell still.
3. I didn't get instructions.
4. Did he close himself from us seeing him cause there's no evidence except for an old book that someone wrote.
5. Do not wish revenge on the Devil
1.Things God has ALREADY given you. Not what you wish you had.
2.Things God has forgiven you for. Have you asked Him for forgiveness?
3.Things God has already instructed you to do. It's called th Bible. Repent and trust Jesus.
4.Things God has already closed. No He is open to hear you. You just have to kill the pride ,humble yourself and talk to Him as a person.
5. Revenge against our enemies. So you don't believe in justice, that may be the reaso you reject God.
@@CryptoScammers.DoNotSendMoney theres no evidence of course just like theres no evidence you love your family or the emotions you have for those youd die for.
So then do you say its just a bunch of chemicals so you should be able to finesse your blood despite those chemicals telling u no?
money is worth a numerical value based on market economies, but a hand reached out to someone in need is priceless.
….who would ever pray to God for revenge on a person..
Thank you for this confirming video! I am guilty of singing songs during my worship set, asking God to do things He has already done, like in the song Fill Me Up and others. I started to feel the nudging of Holy Spirit about this and I began to either no longer sing those songs or change the words to more appropriately align with the word. Thanks again and blessings to you and your family Pastor Allen!
The words “Stop Praying” are very perplexing. Gods thoughts are higher than our understanding. Pray about Everything…. God Bless
There are actually evil prayers, witchcraft prayers, and you should certainly stop praying those types of prayers.
The 5th point is very very very common Some churches do it a lot prayer against enemies to die , break their bones and all that.. especially in Africa it’s too common in most churches. Thank you so much Sir
I came across your video since I want to learn how to be a better prayer warrior and to pray more effectively. I am 60 yrs old, and I can say I learned a few things (and was reminded of a few things) from your video! (Messages like this one show UA-cam can be a good thing!) I still catch myself praying for more "fullness" of the Spirit...when it really is more of a "Father, help me to be more sensitive to your Will and the Spirit's leading"! Also, to obey what He says!! Thanks! I will be back to listen :)
I think “giving more of His Spirit” means allowing Jesus to become greater in us, and for us to become less - so to speak. I think that’s a fine prayer
Agreed, people can have different levels of annointing and power in the Holy spirit. God's spirit is unlimited in volume and capacity, so we can have more of it as we can have less. Otherwise there would not be disciples who were notable for being 'full of the Holy Spirit'. All Christians have the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus, but not all of them are full of the Holy Spirit.
@@7manuvit “All Christians have the Holy Spirit but not all of them are full of the Holy Spirit”. Please think about what you said.
As Allen referenced in the video, God does not give you the Holy Spirit partially, in pieces. Maybe you are thinking about spiritual gifts 🤔..
Hopefully you do not believe that those who claim to be prophets & speak in tongues have “more of the Holy Spirit”.
@@Corneisha15 what I mean is, when I was a young Christian, it was mostly me doing dumb things, and the Spirit could only impact certain things to try and turn me around. As a mature Christian, it's Him, doing the Father's will in me, and I'm along for the ride. Its not literally more of the Spirit, but even David prayed that God may continue to increase in him.
Jesus doesn't give less of Himself to others, and more to some. Our Lord is just. It's more about how much we are willing to let Him work in us, and if we are truly striving to be righteous and do His good will.Those who strive for righteousness and to be holy may appear to have more of The Holy Spirit than others, but in truth its how they've let Him work in their life and their willingness to be transformed; as well as, doing their best to be more like Him and picking up their cross and denying themselves. (Luke 9:23 & Matthew 16:24 - 26)
@@Corneisha15 yes not all Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit. Christians are told to be filled with the Holy Spirit in the Bible.
Hi Allan.
What you say is true.
I am 67 years old. When I was in my 20s I was very impatient when I was driving my car on the road. I got very stressed when others drove slowly or did stupid things and then did stupid stuff myself and I would prey that Father would take this away from me.
It took about 40 years to understand that I already had it, patience, and I felt Father kindly laughing at me. He was very forgiving.
Also, when praying for others, it is tempting to pray for what they want, but PREY for what our Father wants.
I like how you were talking about having the spirit and having eveything we need to live godly lives. I imagined a dimmer on a light switch. God powers us with light and he allows us to control the intensity by how we use what he has already given us.
Just like when Jesus said don't hide your light under a basket but it is made to chase away darkness (paraphrasing).
That really spoke to me. God bless you for that. I OFTEN pray for strength to follow his Spirit more and not his flesh when eveything I have is in me and it's up to me to simply do the work.
That’s so true bro 🔥
Lord put it on my heart if anyone reads this stop what your doing and just pray don’t stop till you feel the Holy Spirit tell you to If you end up praying the whole day thats fine because the Lord needs us all to come together around the world to pray today in Jesus name I pray Amen
All glory to for raising His own we need more pastors who are bold in the word of God be blessed man of God😭😭🙏🏼
I think, when people pray for 'more of the Spirit' what they're actually trying to pray for is 'greater sanctification'. They want to be holier and less sinful. At least, that's what I was ultimately looking for. ...Also, for myself, praying for 'more of the spirit' ultimately led me away from Catholicism and into a Baptist church.
nope, there are plenty of people that believe the holy spirit comes to you AFTER sanctification, that is where that saying comes from. they also believe that receiving MORE of the holy spirit makes you a better christian and you will receive a greater reward in heaven.
@@awaitingonchrist 🤔 that’s weird but I use the phrase for all the scriptures he used for the opposite. So I’m not asking for more of what I already have. “Help my walk”. “Help me to be aware.” I get it. At the end of the day though that particular phrase is opinionated because everyone has a pov of it lol… but I agree with the list though. 👍🏽
Congraz to you!
Yeah I don’t think that’s meant to be taken literally lol
i beg you to allow your eyes when looking at the scripture to be the judge of what god wants and not your ears when listening to men in nice suits with a nice haircut.
Jesus preached in rags with not even a 401K, mortgage, or a donation basket to his name.
In the Word it says Mark 7:7 "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men"
this man brought up Rhema and Logos words or some stuff that doesnt exist in the Word. If you google it for yourself youll find out it was an invention by a group of churches who split off from another group of churches.
the Word is One. The Word is Ultimate.
holy water isnt in the bible
this logos word stuff isnt in the bible
rosaries arent in the bible
ministers, deacons, priests, cardinals, and people you call Father in humility like they are god themselves arent in the bible
Mark 7:7 "they worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men"
if you read the word without the church telling u what it means in its entirety, no man call tell u how or what to worship because youve seen what God says with your very eyes.
I'm still not good when its come to prayer this will help me.Thank you pstr Allen.
God Bless you brother! Come Jesus come soon!
Pray with out ceasing and in the Bible it is ok to pray for your daily needs and blessings
Thank you Allen for this teaching
Lord you forgave me the first time That I asked for Your forgiveness!!!! I thank you!
Then why are you still going to hell
@@CryptoScammers.DoNotSendMoney can you please stop that won’t happen until the coming of Jesus christ please stop commenting in every comment !!
We pray for more spirit to grow stronger. Brother I believe there is nothing wrong to pray for more.
Excellent message. God has truly gifted you in explaining His Word. Godly wisdom is truly a gift from our Lord. So many today just don’t have it. That IS one thing He tells us to ask for, he gives it liberally..and you sir have it. Thank you and may God bless you.
Dear Lord, Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. Let your peace reign in our family, at our place of work, businesses and everything we lay our hands on. Let your angels of peace go ahead of us when we go out and stay by our side when we return. In Jesus name. Amen
God bless you my brother " I am learning here " 🙏🏾 your are doing an amazing job, please don't stop teaching, you're helping a lot of us growing as Christian.
Thank you so much.
Thank you my brother, Jesus, bless this brother for his great message. Peace and mind.🙏🏾
I can attest to this. The Lord let me know that I was not to be in this relationship I was in..I'm so glaaaad i obeyed. It's good to obey God 😁😆
Thank you Allen❤
We can pray for an increase of Christ it's all about Jesus conquering the land that we are by him increasing in us
example 2 around 11:01.....if ex spouse marries some1 else and u and them divorced for non adultery...they r in adultery & need to get out of that marriage and either be single or get back with the ex spouse
This video is awesome. I love how you provide biblical evidence and practical examples that are easy to follow. Rightly dividing the Word
Thanks! I love your show. You have been so spot on with everything that you have said, is born out in scripture.
Lovingly and respectfully, I'd like to correct the first point about not asking for more of the Holy Spirit. I too used to misunderstand this in my earlier days of being a Christian (up until around 2018) when a dear sister Connie K Yom who also has a UA-cam channel and IG which I suggest that people follow) corrected me by sending me a Paul Washer video where he told of his personal experience and cited numerous Scripture passages to explain the difference between being indwelt by the Holy Spirit when we first get saved which lasts forever and then being filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered for ministry and greater obedience which needs to happen over and over again.
We are never told to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but we are told to be filled with the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 5:18 which implies that there may be times when we are not filled with/empowered by him. Also Jesus promised in Luke 11:1-10 that the Father would give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him which means that there is a need to ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit because we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by repentance and faith in Jesus after new birth not by asking. This is why the apostles prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit in places like Acts 4, Ephesians 3, ect.
When it was said that we have everything we need to live a godly life, what that means is that through faith in Christ we have ACCESS to go to the Father and pray knowing that he will give us what we need. Obviously, it does not mean that we have everything that we need at all times instantaneously. Admittedly, I struggle to be consistent in asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and in my earlier days I did not understand why I would need to ask for the Holy Spirit to fill me when he's already in me and will never leave since I am God's child. Why doesn't he just fill me on his own since he's sovereign and he wants to? But I've come to realize my pride and lack of understanding in this and I know that I am not sufficient on my own to do ANYTHING that God commands me to when and how he wants me to just because I am a Christian. I still must actively abide in Christ if I'm going to be fruitful because our dependency doesn't go away and get replaced with instantaneous holiness and power when we become Christian, rather we just become more aware of our need and our hearts are changed to embrace it and behave/pray accordingly. We MUST pray continuously to be filled with the Holy Spirit lest we grieve him and live in arrogance, and for him to fill us is the same as us yielding so that he can have more of us.
This is similar to how just because God is omnipresent doesn't mean that his manifest / close presence is everywhere and felt by everybody, so we should desire that and pray to draw closer to him and be more aware of his manifest presence experientially while obey what he has told us to do so as not to distance ourselvesfrom him (NOT SEPERATE AND RISK LOSING SALVATION)
Lastly, this is also an instance where just because a teacher may get a point wrong every now and again doesn't mean we should dismiss them as a false teacher because we are all still growing. Mr Parr is definitely doctrinally solid and reliable because he is sincere and faithful in his exegesis of texts and is guided by good hermeneutics in interpreting Scripture, hence this platform blesses many.
You brought up interesting points in a very respectful manner. This is something I have switched back and forth on through my journey as well, and still feel I don't have a solid position on this. Thanks for giving this different interpretation.
My delight and thanks for reading!
14) When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15) the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16) I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17) Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18) And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19) May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. - Ephesians 3:14-19
I had the same objections as well! Just like you mentioned, I also remembered Acts 4, where the believers were "filled with the Holy Spirit", although they have already received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. So greater measures of the Spirit can be given to man. It also sounds a bit prideful that the fullness of the infinite God can be contained in a mere mortal man; I think only Christ ever had the whole fullness of deity dwell in him. Of course, God lives in us through the Holy Spirit, but God will give us greater grace and the fullness of the Spirit in times that he deems necessary.
@@looktojesus YES! Also, if we can grieve the Holy Spirit then that obviously means that there are times when because of our sins we are less fruitful and not filled like we should be, and it's a bit naive and misguided to ignore that and think that just because the Holy Spirit lives in us we don't need him to move and empower us more from the inside so that we can grow and obey more. Jesus didn't say if you are Christian then don't be concerned about anything else because you being saved means you don't need anything else. He said that without abiding in Him we can do NOTHING, and the disciples were already Christians with the Holy Spirit when he told them that, so obviously abiding in him and tarrying / praying for the Holy Spirit like he told them to do in Jerusalem is something that we have to actively and continually do. (Luke 11:1-10 and John 14) God promised to give us everything we need and part of that comes through our obedience and diligence in prayer.
Yes, and Ephesians 5.18 in Greek is in the continuous tense (in other words, you have to carry on being filled with the Holy Spirit)
Thank you so much for sharing.
Hey brother Parr. I used a clip from this video that really blessed me dealing with number 3. Praying for something when God has given us an answer already for it. Thank you for this wisdom brother. Many need to hear it.
Thank you Brother Allen. This was truly an eye opener. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Thank you. For the Reminder not to pray foolishly. And we whenever to be of a sound mind. As well sincere.
I appreciate you, brother Allen! you are always teaching me new things and building me up spiritually.
I like most but number 4 I have to disagree with.
In 2020 my husband and I were looking to purchase our first house. The one we fell in love with rejected our offer and went into escrow with another buyer. Well, we kept praying and the Lord heard us! The first buyer pulled out of the deal simple because she changed her mind! We moved in in April 2020, in the mist of covid and all, praise the LORD!! He is good! What seems impossible to man, is possible with God! 🙏🏾
Good words Brother Allen. Thank you, and may the LORD bless you abundantly.
I would say when praying for others and even ourselves, praying Lord let your Will be done, we shouldn't back track and pray something different next time. Praying let your will be done should handle it. I've been guilty of this. Good word from God Mr. Parr.
Guilty, hell. Should help them out and not leave it to God.
AMEN! Sir, you truly 🙏 are "Born Again " with Godly Wisdom preaching for Jesus 's 🐑
I love the way you forsake traditions and teach what the word of God says.
I love the way God use you, for the truth to be reveal!
thank you so much!
I thank God for the ministry within you.
God bless
Thank you for the Word and Teaching!!! Amen🙏🏿
Wow. Thank you so much
One of the best teachings I've heard you do...Thanks brother..deep knowledge right here...Especially that Balaam story
God bless and increase you more brother Allen divinely supernatural insight in his words.Glory be to God 🙏
First and foremost, congratulations on 900K subscribers! You are on the road to a milli! 😃
Secondly, I have struggled with #2. I know that God has forgiven me for past sins, but they would creep up in my head. I have to remind myself that it’s the enemy acting up. Thanks for the confirmation.
Thats why he does this $$$$$$$$$
@@Cor--xj8hz Interesting response. Do you work for free?
@@saywhat3654 A pastor and or teacher are NOT to be paid to spread Gods word, read your bible it's in there
@@saywhat3654 You need to read about what paul did.
@@Cor--xj8hz Interesting that you'd mention Paul and his tent- making during his ministry, but how do you reconcile 2 Corinthians 11:8?
Bless you pastor Allen. You are setting alot of people free. Including myself. Thank you
Free from slavery
Only Jesus sets people free
Thank you Pastor Allen. This was a great reminder! I especially loved your practical examples that you gave with each point. Sometimes pastor's tell us not to do something, but fail to give the "everyday" Christian examples of what it looks like and how to walk it out in the natural.
Your videos have been such a blessing to myself and my husband.
Very true Naldine Gloster and this why we have malnutrition ministries. 7-25-22
This is spot on and so in line with the in Christ position that anyone who is wise should pay attention to this. No if ands or buts about ti.
thanks for this lesson, timely
EXCELLENT....many who think the born-again exp. is only complete if they speak in tongues...The Gospels are clear...John the Baptist...says..."I baptize you with water...but He who is coming will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!"
#2, I don't want to miss any sins. #3 I need to do better! Thanks for pointing these out
I think a key point on your 2nd prayer is forgivenes of SELF. If you can't forgive yourself for doing the wrong especially after you have already brought this into the light, asked for forgivenes and repented, it means that you're indirectly saying that what Jesus did on the cross carries no weight. It is important to forgive yourself as well.
Allen parr you are such a great teacher. Im so glad i found you awhile back. Your teachings on the bible have been so helpful in my life.
I want to thank you so much Lord for using him as your vessel to speak to my heart & my soul I need this word today !! ❤️
Thank you Pastor Allen for this enlightening message. Imagine the world when we all use God's Word as the guide for how we should live our lives!
TGBTG (To God BeThe Glory) Be blessed y'all!
Very powerful teaching with good examples an scripture Brother Allen…I really appreciate you!!! 🙏🏾
Thank you so much Brother Allen! You really hit the nail on the head with the point of not rejoicing when something bad happens to our enemies. I feel like even as Christians we sometimes fall into the sin of doing that, I know I for one sometimes do, so this was a huge rebuke for me. Thank you so much. May God continue to bless you and your ministry!
Wow. Thank you for this. Blessings.
Wow. Have your Spirit to have more of me!!! Love this!! Thank you!!!🙏🏿
Nice jacket!
I just started following you and I always learn a little something here and there in every of your videos and I’m so grateful for you and that I found this channel 🙏💗
Sometimes I save a video in a playlist to rewatch a little later and catch up on something I maybe missed the first time I watched or to have a Bible ready or pen and paper ready.
I just wanted to give feedback and show appreciation 🙂👍🌸🫶
Thank you so much and God bless you! 🙏💗🌸
Thank you Brother Allen
my friend i love you as a brother but let me show you these verses.
2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Matthew 5:44 "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
i am not making any judgements but i just want to say i dont see any verses about prayer for receiving money, a job, a husband, or a dog.
in fact i find this:
James 1:8-10 "Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation-since they will pass away like a wild flower."
James 1:12 " Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
Who are we to even ask anything of God when it is WE who are who disobey him and spit in his face constantly with our sins.
What pride is it to pray for a new car or cash money when we dont even deserve forgiveness.
The Word tells us about god as it is HIS WORD and you can read it in any language u want.
read it for yourself so nobody can lace u up on scripture when youve read it all already and know it by heart.
We Love You Brother Alan you know the bible very well. Thank you its a pleasure to listen to your video's
God Bless You Brother
Brother Allen I have never thought about it this way but it makes me want to change some of my Prayers. Thanks for sharing Jesus loves you and your Ministry and so do I kind sir. Please Pray for my Mother and I. I am a man 71years old named Marion with bladder pain and other pain and anxiety. My Mother has dementia pretty bad. I have and will continue to Pray for brother Allen Family Friends and Neighbors all around us.We should love as Jesus does and Pray for one another everyday. Hallelujah Amen.
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Amen and thank you 🙏
Thank you so much servant Allen. Your videos are a blessing to me and many others. May God give and provide you with everything you need to continue doing this if thats His will ❤ hugs from PARAGUAY :D
Amen 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I'm new to your messages, and enjoying a lazy morning with You, coffee n my notetaking.
Thank you. Especially for #5
May God bless your ministry
Your voice sounds much deeper and rounder lately! Thanks again for the video brother.
Bingo! Another great teaching!
Respect. This is by far the best way to understand God,s way
I really need this. Thank you brother 😊😇🙏
I always ask God to go with me when I go by stuff and stuff means that I buy stuff for me and I buy stuff to resell for the church so I can donate money I guess I need to stop telling God to go with me right I always have take the wheel I love him so much he's the love of my life my father Thank you so much for this I need to hear this but I don't know what my calling is I love to pray but I don't know how to read very good but I still pray and really loud
I love the way you make excellent points that any Christian would like to know as well as hear. I know it helps me as you concisely spell out these important points.
Thank you so much for this video. I loved how you used Scriptures to explain what Christians should stop praying for which helped me to know what I should stop praying for. I also liked the examples you gave. May God bless you.
I have been watching your channel for awhile and I love how you break things down with sound doctrine.
I Love 💕 you Allen Parr,, Am from Kenya and we Love you,, Thank you for teaching us the true Gospel
Thank you Brother Allan...
Number 4 like this one God has closed some door's in my life but l try to keep open that door again
There was a youth group that started in Sept 2020. It grew from 5 to 30. This year, the number of attendees was declining until we only have 3 young people attending the Bible study this month. I have also moved due to my work but every Sunday goes to my town for the Bible study, to teach and lead. I've been praying that God would revive us, and thoughts of quitting already entered my mind. This youth group was supposed to be a pioneering church. I'm in this season when it isn't clear to me what I'd specifically do. I'm really willing to stay in my town, but if my job there is done, wherever He sent me to, I will also go. The thing is I don't wanna give up yet but it's truly difficult to accept that the youth group might only be for that season. If you have some insight, I'm ready to read. Thank you.
Thanks for number five Alan. I was just telling someone about this and they justified it by saying David did it in the Psalms. I had to remind them that David it’s not our example, Christ is, and he never prayed for his enemies downfall.
Needed this. Struggling with enemy topic as it relates to child custody/DV. I pray for thefather to accept Jesus into his heart, his life. I pray for my family to be the Jesus he needs to see, to avoid any potential of Christian hypocrisy. To be loving, patient, kind. For justice.
Thanks soo much you are an excellent teacher and pastor
Awesome - good clarity 👌
This is a great teaching Alan this is what you were called to do. It is beneath you to criticize Gods others servants just because you don’t agree. Please stay focused to your calling and out of critiquing sound bytes from other preachers Or you will reap what you sow. Love you bro!
I told people all the time, don't pray bad for others, prayer as the Lord said we should in the bible. Bless them, love.... Glory to God! I am so happy for the in sight here, love that you give the undiluted word of God. I see that you are close to 1mil, I am so happy for you, I will subscribe to your channel. Why? I have been watching you for a while now, the Bible said we should test the spirit, more and more I am seeing the Lord using you. Keep being obedient and remember you we are pon the winning side for the Lord. All the glory belongs to God!
This was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!
Glory be to God
Thank you Allen! Excellent...