Choosing a Wife/Beauty is Vain - Tim Conway

  • Опубліковано 17 кві 2010
  • Are you engaged to be married? Are you in a relationship? Is your relationship biblical? Are you merely attracted by appearance and personality? Or is the man or woman hungering and thirsting after righteousness and in deeper love with the Lord then they are with you? So many young men and women are lured away and distracted in relationships with sinful motives and sinful pursuits. Listen to this study and examine your own self. You do not want to marry the wrong women or man, there is no turning back.
    Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
    I'll Be Honest


  • @idahojoe8232
    @idahojoe8232 2 місяці тому

    I really enjoy all these old teachings… these are great. Sit down studies. To God be the glory thank you, Pastor Tim.

  • @mvelomkhize716
    @mvelomkhize716 Рік тому +2

    Great teaching, brother. God's word is always right 🙏

  • @Gearfried813
    @Gearfried813 5 місяців тому +2

    I am a living example of this: I valued beauty all-too much, and God gave me a wife that I prayed for. She was absolutely beautiful, had a charming and humorous personality, and was a professing believer. My desire for her beauty blinded me to a lot of problems, though, and when we had gotten engaged it became a terror to be with her. Things only worsened over the course of our marriage: she was contentious, unsubmissive, angry, unfaithful, and eventually abandoned our marriage altogether. I say this not to badmouth her or obscure my own sins or failings as a husband, but to illustrate that God is not lying and that this is a serious matter: outward beauty is deceitful, and if your head is turned by her beauty and it hides an unsanctified or even unsaved nature, you will forge a marriage and life for yourself that is agonizingly bad to come home to. If she is beautiful inside too, you might be additionally blessed by her charm in a way, but not much more if at all. Perhaps less because her beauty will attract competitors and covetous men.

    • @vonn2221
      @vonn2221 Місяць тому

      You learn your mistake and i pray to God that you will met the right woman next time
      Idk if this can be useful or not but this i realized by observation that usually people that God not allowing for us is usually will make the relationship have rockiness and more bitter fight than enjoyable and smooth way
      If the one from God, your heart will be at ease and in peace

  • @krisv001
    @krisv001 14 років тому +1

    Awesome video !! Great advice too !!

  • @cliffli798
    @cliffli798 Рік тому

    Choosing a Wife/Beauty is Vain - Says the man with a beautiful wife

  • @Angelalex242
    @Angelalex242 Рік тому +1

    Better to not pick a wife at all, per 1 Corinthians 7.

    • @Matt77125
      @Matt77125 10 місяців тому +1

      Its better for the people that are able to live that way, its not better for the vast majority of people. Paul called his abstinence a gift from God. If you are convicted that its better for you, then don't get married.

    • @vonn2221
      @vonn2221 Місяць тому

      But not all can do it, loneliness for not having spouse could be tremendous
      If you have strong tight knit community it could work out, but if you not have it, it will easier to fall to porn etc. Coz the emotional burden of the person must he carry alone

  • @LegendaryWoke
    @LegendaryWoke 13 років тому +1

    Very Good!

  • @horseman528
    @horseman528 13 років тому +1

    The voice said, Cry out! And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, because the breath of the Lord blows upon it. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever. Isa. 40:6-8

  • @paulo1149
    @paulo1149 14 років тому +10

    He's not putting down beauty, per se, but rather the valuing of it above spiritual and character qualities. To say you'll chop off your breasts in order to be desirable exposes bitterness. Men can easily judge women by the wrong criteria, but women can do the same to men. Forget gender war.
    The Bible says 'do not seek a wife' (1Cor 7), but also, 'he who FINDS a wife finds a good thing'. Let God put you together with your spouse; don't seek marriage desperately, or you'll end up desperate still.

    • @clayton4917
      @clayton4917 Рік тому +1

      Nicely put

    • @vonn2221
      @vonn2221 Місяць тому

      Some people just seek partner for the sake of having partner. Even when they not for them
      And it will result more bitterness
      Having partner with same level of faith and maturity is necessary to build the right household that have faith in God

  • @Cesdrummer
    @Cesdrummer 14 років тому

    @Aaron637 Wow! there's so much to correct here I won't even start. God bless you.

  • @TreyDubzz
    @TreyDubzz 14 років тому +1

    @PropheticVindicator those are the ones to avoid! That's the message the pastor is trying to teach us. I was blessed with a wife of my prayers: Lord, give me a woman with beauty INSIDE and out. I wanted to see the beauty she had inside of her and emminated outward. He knows the desires of our hearts, we simply must seek His Kingdom first and all the rest will follow. Trust in Him alone to bless you with the wife He knows that will be a blessing to you! Amen

  • @FollowingChrist44
    @FollowingChrist44 13 років тому +4

    @balletnow Hello. The whole thing about being quiet that Tim Conway and other ministers talk about does not have to do with your social and communication skills, and how you get along with others. What they are ultimately referring to is in a marital situation. Are you going to over take your husband as the "head" of the family, or are you going to stay "quiet" before him, and let him lead?

  • @BipolarBowler
    @BipolarBowler 14 років тому

    I liked how the people laughed during this talk. I laughed too. It's also sad for some who have to walk on egg shells for one another, but maybe it'll help.

  • @TreyDubzz
    @TreyDubzz 14 років тому +1

    @PropheticVindicator Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel- rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
    Certainly they can have outward beauty also and for you to be attracted to them(as Im sure we ALL want to be attracted to your spouse), but do not allow it to be your ONLY way to pick a wife as most of us do.

  • @pastorATLove
    @pastorATLove 14 років тому

    @ThickShades thats why pastor Tim says to check em out... don't jump into it. Prayer and seeking ...... God--- in the matter. He is trying to teach these guys don't go for ONLY looks.... so, I agree with pastor Tim.... He is doing a great job. As a matter of fact I've never heard pastors take the time to teach this even... or for the matter go on the internet with it... Man ..he is great.

  • @rusheena
    @rusheena 14 років тому +2

    @hadassah37 I find myself feeling like that too. Sometimes when we see other women and we lose confidence in ourselves; then, we start to "woman wish" and wish we had what the other woman has. I'm still dealing with it, but the best way to conquer it is not to pay attention to negative comments and do be too critical about your looks. No matter what ANYONE says, we are all beautiful in God's eyes and He will find someone who will appreciate every detail good or bad.

    • @vonn2221
      @vonn2221 Місяць тому

      For inferiority, if i may share how i overcome it to you
      I dont know how i overcome my inferiority with fashion coz i not good at it (and financially cant get it), God by his way let me to realize that i am HIS child, and i am inferior to other
      My fashion is not inferior to them that have nice modern clothings, good make up , use good high heels etc, i have my walk of faith with God, my prayer, my ups and downs with God, i learn kindness and being gracious by God
      I do have my "clothing" that beautify me
      I dont count those that do make up, etc as less, however i no longer felt superior to them
      I am beautiful as God create me, i have eyes, i have my skin that healthy, good legs that carry me to walk, and so on
      Paul say be bold and stand up straight, right? We have Jesus as our garment, and it is no less than other

  • @TreyDubzz
    @TreyDubzz 14 років тому +1

    I sure hope the pastor and the church are confronting the man who is beating his wife.
    Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her (Ephesians 5:25).
    I don't ever recall Yeshua (Jesus) telling us to beat our wives.

  • @koltrane70
    @koltrane70 14 років тому

    @ThickShades Love her. Yet don't feel as tho her quarreling is from God. The Holy Spirit brings peace, not quarreling. Remind her to pray for tranquility and peace throughout her day and pray that for her as well. God bless you my friend.

  • @Cesdrummer
    @Cesdrummer 14 років тому

    @HeatherOfOz You are totally right! Traditional Christianity tends to be so patriarchal. This is one aspect I wish fundamentalists would reconsider and reform.
    ...Now it may be that this message was addressed to a group of young men. But still it doesn't excuse the patriarchal language.

  • @elavaney
    @elavaney 14 років тому

    @TreyDubzz There's a point when this woman needs to remove herself from an unsafe situation. Look how many women are killed by their abusive spouses--that certainly doesn't bring glory to God!!

  • @SeekJesus1
    @SeekJesus1 14 років тому +1

    I will look for Assyrian wife
    like I am assyrian here in Sydney Australia
    there are many Assyrians
    but the problme is in this days assyrians are becoming wicked too

  • @elavaney
    @elavaney 14 років тому +4

    Another thing a woman needs to consider when marrying is how he treats his mother as he'll ultimately treat her the same way.

    • @MsRacheal5451
      @MsRacheal5451 Рік тому

      Right. 👍

    • @Christ_Is_Faithful
      @Christ_Is_Faithful 4 місяці тому +1

      No this is wrong. Some people come from abusive families where it’s better to not have any contact as painful as that is. What you wrote is not biblical.

    • @J316-18
      @J316-18 2 місяці тому

      ​@@Christ_Is_FaithfulThe Bible says to honor your mother and father ...

    • @Christ_Is_Faithful
      @Christ_Is_Faithful 2 місяці тому

      @@J316-18 It does, and for everyone that looks slightly different when compared with each other. I know you mean well but it seems like you may be speaking out of ignorance. If you know the pain you’d show more understanding.
      All I said was the original comment was not biblical and it isn’t because it depends on the context of the relationship one has with their mother

    • @vonn2221
      @vonn2221 Місяць тому

      I agree with you at certain level but this cant be fully use coz some man being made to be "emotional spouses" by their mothers
      Coz the mother cant let go their son fully, the mother cant let go their identity as mother and to transition to grandmother, they cant let go the control
      If you want right partner, first is the fear of God, if God say no then just follow it, second, is be truthful about what yourself and your need is and choose partner based on it coz other perfect partner will not be suitable for you, and then see how that partner live, is he/she lived by the fruits of Holy Spirits or not, and it must to everyone (family, children, stranger, etc)

  • @krisv001
    @krisv001 14 років тому +1

    Wow .. I need to leave another comment .. that woman who has a deadbeat husband who beats her .. why is she still with him ?? She should get out ... the bible doesn't tell you to stay with someone who beats you.

    • @MsRacheal5451
      @MsRacheal5451 Рік тому

      But she must remain unmarried and celibate.

    • @vonn2221
      @vonn2221 Місяць тому

      Sometimes people have too much commitment to wrong person, keep cling to wrong expectation that the abuser will change, other cant leave coz of fear of the abuser
      Wisdom truly necessary for this issue, both for the victim and people that want help the victim

  • @Battleschnodder
    @Battleschnodder 14 років тому

    It would be far better, if there WOULD be a turning back. What a downer-god