100 Years of Myanmar Fashion
- Опубліковано 11 лют 2025
- အခုု ၃၀ေျမာက္ အထူးစပယ္ရွယ္ ဗီဒီယိုုေလးလာပါျပီ။ ျမန္မာအမ်ိဳးသမီးေတြရဲ႕ ဖက္ရွင္ ဆင္ယင္မႈေတြကိုု ႏွစ္အလိုုက္ေျပာင္းလဲလာတာကိုု ကြဲကြဲျပားျပားျမင္ရမွာပါ။ ၾကည့္ရံုနဲ႔ ဘယ္ေခတ္ ဘယ္ဖက္ရွင္ ေခတ္စားလဲ မွန္းလိုု႔ရမွာပါ။ ပညာရွင္ေတြရဲ႕ စုုေပါင္းလုုပ္ေဆာင္မႈနဲ႔ သူငယ္ခ်င္း မိတ္ေဆြေတြရဲ႕ အားေပးကူညီမႈေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္ေျမာက္ေအာင္ လုုပ္ႏိုုင္ခဲ႔ပါျပီ။
လုုပ္ရတဲ႔ ရည္ရႊယ္ခ်က္က UA-cam နဲ႔ အင္တာနက္မွာ 100 years fashion လို႔ရွာလိုုက္ရင္ ႏိုုင္ငံတိုုင္းရဲ႕ ဖက္ရွင္ေတြ ေဝေဝဆာဆာေတြ႔ရမွာပါ။ ဒါေပမဲ႔ ျမန္မာႏိုုင္ငံအတြက္ ဗီဒီယိုုမရွိေသးသလိုု ဘယ္သူကမွ မလုုပ္ၾကေသးေတာ့ မခံႏိုုင္ျဖစ္ျပီး Yangon Thu Michelle - ရန္ကုန္သူမီ႐ွဲ ကတတ္ႏိုင္တဲ႔ေဘာင္အတြင္းက လုုပ္ထားပါတယ္။
အားလံုုးပဲ ၾကည့္ရင္း ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ပါေစေနာ္ .... ❤
ပံုုေတြ စာေတြ စစုုတုုန္းက သိလုုိသမွ်ေျပာျပေပးတဲ႔ အျပင္ ရွိသမွ်ကို မတြန္႔မဆုုတ္ေဝမွ်ေပးတဲ႔ ကိုု Kyaw Maung Maung Htut ။ Lin San Tyna သူတင္သမွ်ပံုုေတြထဲက ေလ႔လာရတယ္။ ရန္ကုုန္တကၠသိုုလ္မ်ားဗဟိုစာၾကည့္တိုုက္က စာအုုပ္ေတြကိုု လိုုအပ္သလိုု ေပးၾကည့္တဲ႔ တာဝန္ရွိသူမ်ား။ ပံုုေတြ ေခတ္အလိုုက္ခြဲေပးတဲ႔ MoMo Win Tinနဲ႔ မိုုမိုု႔အဘြား။ သိသမွ်ေျပာျပေပးတဲ႔ မန္းေလးက မိတ္ကပ္ DaungDaung DaungDaung။ အဝတ္အစားနဲ႔ လက္ကိုုင္အိတ္ေတြကိုု ပုုသိမ္ကေန တကူးတကယူေပးတဲ႔ မ Olive Oyl Make-up Artistry ။ အေမ့အက်ႌနဲ႔ ထမီေတြ ယူလာေပးတဲ႔ မSaw Thinzar Htaik ။ illustration ေတြကိုု စိတ္တိုုင္းမက်မခ်င္းဆြဲေပး လိုုတာေတြကူရွာေပး အက်ႌေတြကိုု စိတ္ႏွစ္ျပီးေသေသခ်ာခ်ာခ်ဳပ္ေပးတဲ႔ Li Ying styling လဲသူပဲ။ ေမစံပယ္ေရ ... ဒါေတြ ဒါေတြလိုုတယ္ လုုပ္ေပး ဒီလိုုလိုုခ်င္တယ္ဆိုုတာနဲ႔ သတိေပးစရာမလိုုေအာင္ အစအဆံုုး ျပင္ဆင္ေပးတဲ့ မိတ္ကပ္ Mayzabae Nyo။ ဒီလိုုရိုုက္မယ္ဆိုုတာနဲ႔ ရိုုက္မယ့္အိုုင္ဒီယာ ဘယ္လိုုရိုုက္မယ္ဆိုုတာအစအဆံုုးစဥ္းစားျပီးသား ျဖစ္ေနတဲ႔ ကိုုျဖိဳးမင္းျမတ္ Phyo Min Myat Like Art Creation ။ အသံအတြက္ လိုုက္ဖက္မယ့္ တီးလံုး ျပန္တီးေပးတဲ႔ ကိုုသားငယ္။ ရုုပ္ရွင္ေခတ္က ပိုုစတာေတြ စာအုုပ္ေတြလိုုတာေပးတဲ႔ ဦးမ်ိဳးေဆြသန္း။ ဒီ ဗီဒီယိုုအစအဆံုုးျဖစ္လာေအာင္ ဦးစီးဦးေဆာင္လုုပ္ေပးတဲ႔ IDEA LIVE ။ ဘာလုုပ္လုုပ္အျမဲ အားေပးကူညီေပးတဲ႔ ခ်စ္သူ Nyi Min San နဲ႔ အားေပးကူညီေပးၾကတဲ႔ မိတ္ေဆြသူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားကိုု ေက်းဇူးအထူးတင္ပါတယ္။
#yangonthumichelle #ရန္ကုုန္သူမီရွဲ #ႏွစ္တရာျမန္မာ့ဖက္ရွင္ #100yearsmyanmarfashion
- Love from the Philippines ❤️
Sending Love from Cambodia😍
Love from Thailand
Rare to see burmese people on social media,burmese women are beautiful btw
It's not rare lol All most all of the people from Myanmar use Facebook.They don't often use UA-cam.
@@monotzukokuureshii so basically rare
@@SobaYatai Well there are alot of social media platforms, UA-cam is not the only one lol
Something that I didn't see here that is also a part of the Burmese fashion, besides thanaka, is the type of shoes they wear. There are two types: gadiba, the velvet flipflop, and a Hnyat-phanat, a traditional sandal.
They don't actually wear gladiator-like sandals
they were diff. types of footwear in the video>
it makes me so sad to see that my culture is never anywhere :(( so i love the video!!❤️
1970s ကိုလက်ပြတ်ဝမ်းဆက်နဲ့နေကာမျက်မှန် ဝတ်သင့်တယ် အဲ့ခေတ်ကအဲ့လိုပုံစံပိုခေတ်စားတယ်အိမ်ကအဖွားတွေလဲအဲ့လိုပဲဝတ်ခဲ့ကြတာ
So beautiful 😍we chakma people in Bangladesh love Myanmar, we are Buddhist too 🙏
uching shwe chakma Even your name seems like Myanmar name “Shwe” means gold in Burmese 😅
We also have Chakma people in Rakhine state and they're mostly called Dine Naak people. Greeting from Rakhine as well.
like Myanmar #fromThailand
no thailand is not same. myanmar
He means he likes Myanmar. @@ZweThihako
ျမန္မာမွာ မရွိေလာက္ဘူး ထင္ခဲ့တာ
အျခားႏိုင္ငံထက္ေတာင္ မိုက္တယ္❤️
ပုဂံ ခေတ်ကနေ ပြရင် ပိုကောင်းမယ်ထင်
ဒီလို Video မ်ိဳးကိုေစာင့္ေနခဲ့တာၾကာၿပီ
Thanks for this!! so lovey 💓
thanks for your support
ကၽြန္ေတာ့္အျမင္ေျပာရရင္ 2000s မွာထမီအစား T-shirt နဲ႔ ဂ်င္းေဘာင္းဘီ ေတြကပိုၿပီး trend ျဖစ္ခဲ့သလားလို႔အရင္ကေဘာင္းဘီမဝတ္ၾကေပမယ့္2000sမွာေဘာင္းဘီေတြဝတ္လာၾကတာသိသိသာသာမ်ားလာတယ္လို႔ထင္တယ္ No တို႔ Blueberry တို႔လို Girl group ေတြရဲ႔စတိုင္ေတြကေတာ္ေတာ္ေလးလႊမ္းမိုးမႈရွိခဲ့တယ္လို႔ခံစားရတယ္
Yan Naingzaw ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္ကိုရန္ႏုိင္ေဇာ္က်ြန္မလဲရွင့္လိုပါပဲရွင္။
@@3minutemyanmar backsound name pleaseer
Good work From Thailand 🇹🇭
ha ha😂😂
Well well done Michelle..👍🏻👍🏻
Burmese 100 years! ❤️
Very good, love from indonesia
We are very being late creating this fashion of years.Anyway well done dear. 👍🏽
OLD IS GOLD. LOVE 1910 TO 1950😍😍😍. Not only dress up also Music too😍😍
အမရေ ပုဂံခေတ်ကနေ စပြီး ဝတ်စားဆင်ယင်မှု ကိုပဲပပါ ပုဂံ အင်းဝကုန်းဘောင် ရတနာ အဲ့ ခေတ်ကနေ စပြီး လုပ်ပါအမ please ထိုင်းက ချိတ်ခိုးနေလို့
ဟုတ်တယ် ထိုင်းတွေကလိုက်ခိုးနေတာ😭😭😭😭😭
so cute and love it.
So beautiful
Is this really general Myanmar fashion? I'm pretty sure the west didn't influence Myanmar's fashion that much... (Looking at the 1990s and the 1910s. please correct me if I'm wrong) But a brilliant job was done on some of the other looks that does reflect the fashions of Myanmar (The earrings on the girl from the 1970s are almost an exact replica of my great grandmothers jewellery, very good job!)
Lawful Chaotic Yeap West didn't influence Myanmar's fashion at all eventhough we were British’s colony. We’re proud of it. The main reason is since before British arrival, Myanmar already have high culture. Myanmar may be very poor now but it was great in history especially in culture and monuments. Since the day women around them were topless (Thai, Khmer, Philippine etc), women of Myanmar wore clothes both TOP and bottom that’s thousands years ago. You can see the ancient fashion of Myanmar in Bagan mural (7th century).
@@darlitinoo4458 right! i was so perplexed how Myanmar could maintain that fashion. of course, I like traditional wear, but it's also rare for me to wear even sleeveless top(in Myanmar longyi). I've only worn long sleeves and I feel more beautiful that way lol
1980က မလှပါဘူးအေ😢2010အကြိုက်ဆုံးပဲ
So beautiful ❤
Great Work ❤️
Very cool! Great advert for Myanmar.
Love it❤️👏🏻
Pray of Myanmar
Our Myanmar's women dresses are variously beautiful
very nice !
႐ွိပါ့မလားလို႔ အဟိ ေက်းဇူးပါျပလို႔ရၿပီ
The one in 2000 is really cute
I saw that clothes in Thai movie.
I'm pretty sure that there were no contact lenses back in 1910.But it's such a brilliant job💙
What about thanaka? They didn't even apply it.
Jeba Adv Many foreigner don’t understand that there are so many different way of applying Thanaka in Myanmar. For eg in the past Royal people did use Thanaka in the palace. But you will never see the pattern on their faces like the random girl on the street. When they use Thanaka they brush it thoroughly on the whole face. No pattern ever. Royal think pattern are not suitable for their high standards
In modern day, most of the children have pattern on their faces. But rarely see pattern on the adult face. Because adults thinks patterns are not suitable for their face. So they just brush it thoroughly. Only adults who need to expose to heavy sun use thick layer on their face normally.
thanaka is like sunscreen. so ya, they wore it but it's light
Wow amazing
So pretty in the world
Beauty and hairstyle ေလးဘာႀကိဳးစားေပးပါဦးေနာ္ သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြကိုႂကြားခ်င္လို႔
Now a days you see Y2Ks
I like 1910 to 2010
1940s and 1970s
Hoping for culture manintaing of Myanmar without losing their true identity of Burma becus there r many Asian countries claiming those attire as their own. Sadly becus of the coup happening in that country , this situation is getting worse.
Like 1910 & 1950
Anyone know the music they use in this video?
Myanmar music
@@phyoko3141I meant the name not nationality. I already know it’s Myanmese cuz it’s about Myanmar. Anyone could point that out lol.
What's the tittle of the opening song?
Bro the first one is only used for tradintional dances
Are you dumb
Are you du mb
It was in the early Colonial period under British Emperior, we still wearing Long dress ( Htine Ma Thein) at that time.
I like thuisssss
not accurate
yin bone inn ge was small at the top n later big at the top - change in the 1960's
Myanmar is less than 100 years old. You guys are funny xD
what is that even mean? is this a joke?
@@danielleblanchett5383 Yes. it's a joke
This doesn’t actually look like Burmese fashion from age to age. I feel like this is not authentic.
Do thailand
Now, Myanmar culture clothes are Stolen by Thailand 😭😭.
Thailand are always stolen another countries culture.
It's not stolen you idiot! Shan was Tai like Northern Thailand which is originally Dai/Tai and some are mixed with Han blood. Also some ethnic minorities migrated from Myanmar to the Northern Thailand region.
The title should be *100 years of Burmese fashion. Myanmar is the whole nation which is not right because the style only covers only one of thousands of different cultural and tradition each state holds which is in Myanmar so this is false labeling:(
well maynmar was myanmar until british came.
What song
What about the rohingya fashion?
we have to remove your comment. sorry.
林宇晨 Why Rohingya fashion of all things 😂 Even the fashion evolutions of Burma’s less-predominant (e.g. Chin, Kachin, Shan, etc.) were not shown. This video is simply showing us the mainstream Burmese fashion. It is beautiful, don’t you think? 😊
Rohingya is not the ethic of myanmar and other ethic like Chin,Kachin,Shan and others don't really have fashion revolution.Our ethics like to wear the traditional ways of attire like thier ancestors did. So i'm hoping for ethics' fashion from Michell.
I haven't seen any proof that these people resided in this land a long time ago as they claim like, where is their culture? Literature? Monuments? City moats? Temples? Written or oral history?
Chan Tha Zan but there were indeed millions of them staying in Rakhine state back then before the genocide.
it shows Gorgeous Myanmar become poor Myanmar. hahaha