Because Of Your Unbelief | Debra Simons | Holy Ghost Meetings 2022 | Wednesday AM

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @KlinstiverKinnection
    @KlinstiverKinnection 2 роки тому

    Amen Pastor Debbi!!! What a reward!

  • @truth4life350
    @truth4life350 2 роки тому

    Does God really desires that Christians live their BEST LIFE now? Well, the ONLY way you can determine weather it is TRUE or FALSE, you must appeal to the scriptures. The
    scriptures are completely free from any confusion and or deception.
    ✝️ John 12:25 ✝️
    25) “He (Anyone) that loveth his life shall LOSE it; and he that HATETH his life in THIS LIFE shall keep it unto life eternal.”
    Jesus was very clear in explaining the DANGERS of you becoming consumed with this fallen world. If your purpose and or motive for existing is to live a lavish lifestyle, then you should be very concerned about the biblical consequences that will follow. According John 12:25, Jesus said you will NOT enter into heaven if that’s your goal in life. You may be thinking that does not sound right?...because God desires to bless His people with riches in order to prove to the world that we serve a great God......really?😕 Well, if that is true, why then would He instruct His disciples to NOT (to be consumed by them) love this world neither the corruptible things that are in it? Why did BOTH Peter and John did NOT have ANY money to give to the crippled beggar at the temple? Acts 3:6. Why didn’t Jesus have ANY money with Him to give to His disciples to pay their taxes? Matthew 17:24-27 Why did Paul on many occasions had to rely on his labor skills to physical survive? 2 Corinthians 10:10
    ✝️ 1 John 2:15 ✝️
    “Do NOT love the world or ANYTHING in the world. If ANYONE loves the world, LOVE for the Father is NOT in them.”
    People you MUST understand that for YOU to pursue a level of greatness in this fallen world is not only foolish but also VERY dangerous!
    ✝️James 4:4 ✝️
    “You ADULTEROUS people, don’t you know that FRIENDSHIP with the WORLD means enmity against God? Therefore, ANYONE who chooses to be a friend of the world BECOMES an ENEMY of God.”
    Please understand that we were ALL born with a God hating sin nature. NO ONE had any knowledge of what sin was until God had given us His (Bible) commandments and or laws so that we may be able to identify sin. Prior to us receiving God’s commandments, we had no laws to govern our wicked behavior. Therefore, you must understand that when we commit a sin, it is
    a direct violation of HIS LAWS, not ours. One of His laws requires that we Christians love our enemies. Matthew 5:44. However, that does not apply to God, the giver of the law, because He will destroy ALL of His enemies.
    ✝️ Psalm 9:17 ✝️
    17) “The WICKED shall be turned into HELL, and ALL the nations that forget God”(laws).
    People we must forsake this world and ALL of it’s temporal luxuries and throw ourselves onto the mercies of Christ!!!