I used to attack enemies under their turrets and then i'd get frustrated when the turret would target me. It got to the point where i almost uninstalled because i thought riot hated me
I just noticed that recently tho, because I got off the turret really quickly so I rarely got hit and since I got under the turret with almost no minions XD
Wow, i thought i was the only one who did that! Now i don't feel so stupid anymore! Also when my friend told me to buy items, and explained why, i started buying AD and attack speed on every Champ, because i thought my Auto attacks were too weak(I only played mages).
My friend told me to win you must destroy the towers so I tried and I got killed but then I said I will flank the tower from behind and it won't be able to shoot me.
When I first started this game I never buy anything during the game and my friend asked me why. I told em I was saving up so I can buy champions after the game.😂😂😂😂
When I was playing Ashe my friends trolled me and asked me: "Why are you buying swords if Ashe uses bow?" and then laughed and I was really confused and scared if I'm doing something wrong :D
I didn't understand that skins were just cosmetics, I remember seeing "Lord Darius" and thinking that depending what skin he's using he would have different stats.
When I first started playing league I played with my friend, and she constantly kept saying “back” and I’m like “uh yes back” and kept going back into the fight
When I first started playing I played with my brother bot lane as a support. He always told me that a support is to get the adc fed. I got their adc fed tho so I did my job
I'm lvl 11 and I play with my brother as a shitty jungler. My bro is silver or some shit but he's pretty noob still. But my cousin has 470 mastery points or something I don't know
I used to just keep buying boots cause I literally don't know what I'm doing. Didn't even realize I was buying them until the person teaching me laughed at me pointing it out XD
+Ellie Larson I did the same thing, and I would die intentionally in the early game sometimes because I didn't understand that dying made the enemy stronger and I thought it was faster than recalling.
I wouldn't even buy starting items. I figured I'd be able to get my core items faster if I saved my gold. (it's true, but I never took into account how strong cs'ing was)
well,when I started league the 1st champ I played was Garen and I used to build 5 blood thirsters with him and I kept playing him for a while but improved a lot then nw this is my 2nd season I'm plat5 with a 60% winrate in like 184 games on garen
When My friend started playing league, I noticed that he have two boots, Ninja Tabi and Sorcerers. I asked him: Why two boots ? And he was like: Because Ryze have two legs. Thanks god he wasn't playing Elise.
when I had started playing Elise was the newest champ that had just been released, my boyfriend at the time finally got me to cave and pretty much did the same "just pick whoever you want" and I reeeeally liked playing Miss Fortune, I would instantly pick her everytime. he eventually suggested that I should branch out and try other champs too to see if I liked anyone else just as much, but he didn't tell me that I should be buying different items for different champions. this ass let me run ADC Lux like 3 games in a row before he said anything. like 7 years later and I'm still trash, but like, those sparkly trash memes lmao
I'm a new player and there ended up being two supports (me as Morgana and a Lux) so effectively there was a Lux ADC 😂. We lost but it was very close and we both performed better than most of the people there, making our way all the way through the bot lane. So maybe he was right; Lux can play ADC 😂
I used to play ADC Lux on purpose 🤣 all that CC and her passive make it annoying as Fakk to play against if utilized correctly. I also played hybrid Sona with Lich Bane, Rabadons, Nashors Tooth, IE and Bork. Stack up the power chord and Q someone for the sheen proc and you could just delete anyone who wasn't pure tank build with Ult and a single basic attack, it was funny as hell.
One of my first matches, someone told me to go bot. I didnt know what bot was so i started looking for a boat on the map thinking he might've mistyped. Yeah i just ran around the map for a good 10-15 minutes trying to find a boat, because i didnt know about the minimap.
Babidi Bibidi i was playing support and someone said the same thing to me so the next game i got like 150cs and my adc was like “wtf are you doing” and that might’ve been the most confusing hour of my life
I didn't even think of cs that much so I played top lane and had like 20 cs by 30 minutes and the support was like "wtf is that cs" and my dumbass said "dude u have 12 stfu"
When I first played LoL, it was shortly before MF was released. I played Akali, and I built Phantom Dancer. Because she duel-wields. I thought I needed a dual swords weapon. Yeah.
+AkuTenshiiZero when i started playing league which must have been when syndra came out ~ i think (at the time i would play like a game a week so i dont really know) i my second champion was fizz and i would go full ap with bloodthirster because i thought being able to regen health by attacking minions was awesome
+AkuTenshiiZero I mained Akali in Season 1 or 2 and just went boots into 3 Hextech Gunblades and GA. Easy going Gold with that build, League was hilarious back then :D
Same but for me it was for guardian angel I was like is you hacking. One time a zilean was on the enemy team and I tough when his ADC was doing that animation of guardian angel I was like wait do you have guardian angel at min 10 WOT. I was so stupid😂
I thought zhonyas was an awful item And tbf, the first time I saw it used didn't help my mindest much. The guy was running away from our team and then he used zhonyas when he was about to get away which let our team catch him and kill him. "an item that stops you in place is completely worthless" was what I thought. Then I saw someone who was good at the game use it and my mind was blown
My friend introduced me to league and when we got into the game with bots he told me to write „bot“ instantly into the chat (of course so we can go botlane together) i thought it stood for bot as in terms of one of the enemy bots. He never told me what it meant. And i was bad. Like the level of bad where you dont hit an enemy as caitlyn with your cursor when he is in your trap. I really wanted to be a jungler. I thought it would be relaxing to roam around and chill while fighting npc monsters. Well, jungling is not chill. The first jungler i bought was evelynn, of course... i literally didnt know how jungling worked. My friend sent me a youtube video tutorial on how to jungle, but no one really explained the absolute basics, like where to start and what to actually do as jungler. Everyone just expects you to know it. I always started raptors as evelynn, alone. I almost died to them, and in the end, i had to run away from them. I was like level 3 while everyone else was level 8. it was horrible. Then i learned that you start at one of the buffs with teammates. And i got better. Jungling is still horrible tbh EDIT: I see that people are still commenting on this post, so I will give a little update on my situation with all the jungle shit. I know everything about jungle and about league in general now, but 2 of my friends recently downloaded it and woah, is it a pain to watch them play. I know they can't play better, but it just hurts watching a Miss Fortune standing still and hitting one minion after another without trying to lasthit and stuff. And the fights are horrible too. I tried to let them play adc with me being the support, I can not consider letting them on a sololane, since if I do not tell them on which lane to go they just go to a random lane (which results in spampings from teammates, of course.) They want to try jungle, but no. I just said no. If they are not even capable of knowing where to go as an adc, i will not allow them to go jungle. I don't even have the right to tell them not to go jungle, but I will be trying my best to convince them that jungle is bad. Very bad.
I feel this on a whole nother level, my friend was always like Ashe is good for bot lane and I was just sitting there like I thought this was an AI game isn't every lane bot.
Artquarii oh boy. So you start at red or blue buff. Those are the red or the blue monsters at the entrace of a jungle side. You let your laner help you. Who helps you depends on who is closest to the camp you start at. If they dont help you, youre fucked, you wil have to do it alone and get the damage. You will probably think „the jungle is so big and confusing, how should i even go around there?“ not at all. There are 6 camps in total on the map, just multiple times, and mirrored. Its easier than you think. And thats the basics. You just go around kill monsters and eventually go on lanes and try to help your ally kill the enemy on the lane. Its that easy.
@@desganovital9304 They told this guy to buy mana pots(Which is removed now). And Garen Doesnt use mana whatsoever. So basically he just wasted gold on some random shit that he cant really use.
"do you remember when you first started playing league" yeah man, just four days ago and i still don't know how to properly function without my level 20 friends but its fine
first time league: - wutehfuk is a cs - wutehfuk is a dragon - whats this purple snake - holy fuck this statue is shooting me - where am I - Im lost - wait i think i found the enemy base - wait is this a map - I have a fucking map - how did i get lost
My first game was a bot game, and I went straight to intermediate because I thought I was a god. I always thought Ashe’s ult was useless, and thought Ashe’s E did damage, and I was like “2 arrows are better than one, so i’m gonna keep on upgrading E”. I also didn’t know smaller items are purchased to buy larger items, so I would just save up all the gold for the 3733 Tri Force or 2600 Runaans
lol I remember it was my 2nd game or something, I was already familiar with mobas before I went to league but this one guy couldn’t move until I told him and I asked him if he at least went through the tutorial and he said he thought he could wing it
when i started playing league my friend kept telling me to "jump on enemies" so i keep pressing space and my champ obviously didnt "jump" that use to dive me crazy XD
My favourite champion was nocturne, I instantly bought him and the eternal nocturne skin. For so long I never know you could reactivate his ult to fly at an enemy, I thought it just made the place dark... never did seem like a good ultimate.
Ooooh man, I lived that. ! Used to love nocturne, he was so stylish. And when I would use my ultimate everything was so dark, and it was sooo coool... My first 6300 IP champ was him. And i believe later I used my refund and bought Volibear.... but i regreted, and my second 6300 IP champ was him again xD
Vinson Li once I unlocked smite i was so hyped and told my friends: "This is what all the pro's use!! They just smite the enemy champions and deal way more damage then us because we had no smite yet!" So I basically thought it would do the same damage on champions as on mobs
My friend told me if there was a yasuo on the enemy team my computer would get a virus because of all the cancer.. I believed him for a bit ended up dodging every game with a yasuo in it.
When I first started playing I remember always going mid because I thought it was the coolest lane, picking a champ that also looked cool and buying things that had long descriptions and were pretty
I remember when i was a lv 11 jungle main i would start long sword so that i can kill monsters and people(thought i was so smart). So i did that and had to back after 2 camps every time xD
+Youmuus I remember when I used to take ghost so that I can run to lane faster. Taking smite so that I can cs better ....... good shit.... Oh and buying 6 fking youmus on talon so that I can get 100% crit......
I started playing League like two or three weeks ago I still have no fucking clue how to ping that enemies are missing or that I'm going somewhere But at least I know that the big angry worm is Baron
When I started I didn't know that you can press qwer so I just used the icons until I was around level 18... And I somehow managed to make it work lmao miss the good old times
I started because my brother got me into it and when he passed I used his account and sometimes I use his main, and that was amumu and sometimes it feels like I can hear him cheering me on. I'm not that good tho sadly. But I thought I'd share
We're kinda the same story except my brother didn't pass away sorry about that I use his main too but it's Zed and he cheer me on even tho it's vs ai and didn't really got mad at me when we play he said "I started like aswell so that's fine"
Seamus I remember when I was first unlocking sums, I thought flash and tp was the same thing. And I would use both. I didn't get why anyone would want flash since its basially tp but shorter distance
When I bought items I didn't see any difference, but when I bought health, I saw a lot of difference because I had a lot of health, so I bought six ruby sightstones
Ultra Boys same except I build tons of gains belt and eventually built them into the item that gives you 300% health regent if your not in combat (idk the name) my idea was "they can't kill me if I can't die"
I didn't know how to enter the shop so when people were like "why didn't you buy items" I thought I was cool so I said "I don't need them :^) ". I was about level 11 when I finally figured out...
Not joking still level like 17 I have played for 2 and half season😂 i am good like gold four good I just do not play as much as my friends who are like twice my skill
+doyouwannabshowtime yea, I also figured it out about that level... but in my case that was the first time I encountered somebody who actually bought items and I was like "holy shit this guy bought potions, he must be a fcking pro with a real strategy... I guess back in s3 lcs-copying meta was already a thing (for smurfs at least)
The first time I played the game I accidentally skipped the tutorial. That was the biggest mistake of my life. You can only imagine how my first game went.
Neel Joshi a friend of mine always skips the tutorials. I told him to do it this time. After half an hour of waiting i texted him. "Are you done with the first tutorial yet?" "No im dying constantly and i dont know why. Im always standing in the red circle and die" omg xD
Uhh... some cringy things I have done? Well.... -My team summoned rift herald, and I ran from him thinking that he would attack me. -Didn't use a keyboard to cast abilities. Instead I used the mouse to click on the skill and the enemy (I die before casting anything) -Used flash to get faster in lane -Built ad on full ap chmps -Tested all of my abilities on tower -Played anything in any lane -Didn't know how to sell items -Spent 70% of the matches hiding in bushes -Went 1-14 using fize in an intro bot game (bot lane) -Thought that the plants that knock you up deal damage to you as well (idk their name) -Died to all jungle camps -Tested pyke, his back animation has a giant black fish coming to you, I thought it was an enemy champion -something wrong I still do: play a champ for 2 days and then buy another one because I find it boring to "main" a champion.
Warthak The Mountainsplitter A Part of your list are the things i did 9 years ago when i startet, geez i play this game for 9 years now, feeling old as shit xD
I didn't know there was a CDR cap, so I went CDR Garen. Because I am awful it was quite a few games before I accumulated enough gold to buy enough CDR to finally go, "ok, that last item didn't change anything".
I was stuck on the old old old ashe tutorial where they teached you to move and such i was trying to aim with the mouse and wasd like you, took me half hour to realise wat i needed to do
+MagikarpUsedFly Within 30 minutes in game,i managed to feed 30 kills in bots. Now im gold :/ How Literally 0 kills 30 deaths and 0 assists. I worshipped scuttle crab because it was the only thing that didnt attack back.I eventually said,," Omg guys, i getting beat up help," ~Go to the jungle. Me: o-o' Whats that? ~5 minutes later~ I DIED AS WARWICK TO GROMP LOLOLOL @magikarpusedfly
When me and my friends first played, all three of us would go down into the bot bush, wait for some poor victim to walk past the river, and murder them. No wards, not cares, just murder
Whenever someone would flash their mastery, I thought that was league giving them a new mastery and so I would always say "gj!" Hhhh *face palms at myself*
HeyItsRin yeah something similar happened to me! I was playing with and against friends and I dced at the start but then I reconnected after around 20mins in (god tier internet btw), so they told me to go 'bot' and farm. So after that I went around the whole map searching for enemy AI that werent minions to kill, and tried to solo dragon as a Level 3 Ziggs...
When i was a kid who didnt knew shit about english when they said "report fiddle (aka me)" i was like "Why the fuck do you want me to go back to base im full hp and mana
When I first started playing league, I didn't even know what a "Bot" or "Top" or "Jg" was. So when someone said "Ahri go mid" I'd go somewhere. Bot lane, Top lane, just wherever
I know this is an olderish video but I wanna add some of the dumb shit I did...when I first played I played Ashe, and my Gold friend was trying to "coach" me and he told me to buy a BF Sword first buy...and I thought "Why, she is using a bow and arrow" so instead of listening to my friend I bought a recurve bow...made sense at the time...I remember one game I didn't buy any items at all because I thought my gold would transfer to the next game and at level one I would be OP...I also remember thinking it was my duty to protect my minions so I would tank the tower so that my minions would live longer, LOL
Well, I would get ohmwrecker on jax, then woudn't get boots. oh yeah and i also would save up gold to buy triforce instead of buying phage/sheen/stinger... it was a good time.
when i first started i also played ashe, except i was getting frustrated that i was so squishy and kept dying so i would build health items like warmogs on ashe
I played Irelia before the rework, and I literally shit didn't know what I was doing and I was just randomly smashing buttons and getting kills. That's how broken she was at low levels before her rework.
Ye same but whenever I would pick like lux or ahri I would smash my keyboard hoping that I am going to get a kill. Let s say with lux I had 3 rabadons so it didn't matter if I was smashing my keyboard or playing normally
My bronze 5 friend scared me from playing normals because he made it sound like regular people were gods. So I played beginner bots until I was level 20, and mind you this was when it took longer to level up...
First time I was playing Ash bot and a guy said their jungler is about to flank u and I was like wtf does that mean is he shitting me? So I wrote thats nice and suddenly my support goes uner our tower and Im just pushing forward when regnar jumps on me and mows me down 1 hit than my sup writes not so nice was it?
Back in the day I don't cs. I always look for kills. Towerdive lvl 1 Roaming in the whole map Feed. Always waits for the items to be available when I visit the shop (the whole item) Ghost to lane Tp to tower at the beginning of the game. Tried 6 boots. Tried to destroy a turret all by myself. That's all.
I used to try every champion in jungle and who can 1v1 red at first level and then i found ww and i loved him then i find out that my team mates should help me or i dont start red or blue i start another monsters,dude that was good days after all i was like everytime i die executed with champion against blue or red i just say this champ dont work in jungle (even though they have jungle recommends xD)
Ok, so. About 2 years ago i started playing league, and i was placed in like s3. Not so bad, not so good either. One day, i was playing with a friend, and i died. He was really upset and shouted at me "OMG HOW COULD U DIE? JUST BUY A NEW MOUSE IF THAT ONE MOVES SO HARD". I was sooo confused, because i was playing ONLY on my laptop's trackpad. I told him "wtf, u use a mouse?". He laughed so much xD and really couldn't understand why xD. I recently tried to play again without a mouse, and dear lord, i have no idea how i could play so decent without a mouse lol. Long story short: *it took me literally 6 freaking months to discover that i should use a mouse*
When i started playing normal games and someone said I’m bot (i didnt know that something like lanes existed, so i though they meant they were robots🙈😂) so I was like ,,yeah I’m bot too” and the person was like ,,no I am bot” and I was like yeah me too” and then I would go mid 🤦🏻♀️🙈
OMG SAME i'm so scared of warwick. i can only attack him as a mage since i cannot get too close to him without having a mothertrucking heart attack... r.i.p my love for garen
Gaming I just remembered the time when I started to play adc still no idea what was going on and since i only played jinx i was like "wow hurricane's is super op" and for some fucking reason i either way wanted to build hydra or hurricane's on every single champ and I remember that one friend of mine almost crying in despair
Throwing abilities at the enemy tower thinking they'll damage it.
Jeth789 *laughs ziggsish*
AtomicZero *snickers in tristana*
Jeth789 THEY DON'T?
Garen's Q damages it.
I once thought Veigar was a minion until he one-shot me.
f e d m i n i o n
I'm a Veigar main.
Star Boy XDDD
When people called bot, I thought they were accusing me of being a bot.
OMG same people just type bot bot bot and I am like human...
I thought people saying bot were telling me to somehow switch to an AI controlled mode.
My bro thought the same as well lol.
this is funny af 😂😂
I used to attack enemies under their turrets and then i'd get frustrated when the turret would target me. It got to the point where i almost uninstalled because i thought riot hated me
omg that me when i first play the game hahahaha at that time i still didny know tower agro but now im plat 3 i just cringe about it
I just noticed that recently tho, because I got off the turret really quickly so I rarely got hit and since I got under the turret with almost no minions XD
4:32 dats flushing I think
Dota 2 might be for u then 😂
I used to buy nothing but health pots the whole game because in my mind I saw infinite health
Wow, i thought i was the only one who did that! Now i don't feel so stupid anymore! Also when my friend told me to buy items, and explained why, i started buying AD and attack speed on every Champ, because i thought my Auto attacks were too weak(I only played mages).
actually im opposite legit the opposite only items never potions
@@letmediealready-m1q I guess sooo
I would buy max health potions every time I backed
My friend told me to win you must destroy the towers so I tried and I got killed but then I said I will flank the tower from behind and it won't be able to shoot me.
😂this made my day. It totally makes sense tho
Lol God damn. This one is funny.
DAY MADE!!!!!!!!!!! XD
This needs a comic type meme
When I first started I stayed in nexus wanting to "protect the base" I was so dumb smh
What a noble cause
I’m new to the game but I saw someone doing it during my match so I did it to..welp now Ik
When people called me mf (for miss fortune) I thought they were calling me a motherfridger
sameeee 😂
Me too
Same !
Pouahaha same, I'd fight everyone because of that
when i first started i uninstalled twice because i thought the game was bugged because i couldnt see my champion holding the items i was buying.
hahaha xD
holy shit
When I first started this game I never buy anything during the game and my friend asked me why. I told em I was saving up so I can buy champions after the game.😂😂😂😂
same here lul :))))
dead lmaoooo
david feng LMAO
And i thought i was bad when i started playing
I did that too
Crynge is killing me
When I was playing Ashe my friends trolled me and asked me: "Why are you buying swords if Ashe uses bow?" and then laughed and I was really confused and scared if I'm doing something wrong :D
Feels bad man
I used to ignore the item recommendations and build whatever looked cool.
@Master Cek brate ja se ne secam da smo mogli da kupimo 2 bucke valdja kad kupis jednu ne daje ti vise
I just bought Bloodthirster on every champ
I bought item recommandations with Lulu.
With Lulu top lane.
Same haha
When we were calling positions, when someone called "sup" i was like "good and you?" You know...what's up....sup.....yeah
sameee and it actually stands for support haha
@@devouredd he knows
They should be saying Supp, everyone knows that, lol that person flopped the phrases. Its all good friend.
When people called Positions i was like wtf are u doing?
Also i played with top and they were flaming me and i was like why?
I didn't understand that skins were just cosmetics, I remember seeing "Lord Darius" and thinking that depending what skin he's using he would have different stats.
I thought you had to unlock them and waited the longest time to unlock Mafia Jinx isntead of just buying it.
Same thing happened to me, my friend had reverse annie on so I thought he got bear moves
Well i know a shitty game named mobile legends that put bonus stats on skins
I use flash to get into lane faster...
We all did
I asked my friend that during the first week of playing league and I’m glad he told me that early so that I didn’t do it
I use to heal after taking like 50 damage
I physically cringed on the memory
As my wise friend Caleb once said,
"Everyone sucks at League, some people just suck less than others."
Only faker that doesn't suck
@SonaRaze he just sucks less than us
@@Sona-jf9to and countless other pro players besides only faker?
@@user-pw6zl7gc2g yeah but faker is like the goat
Looking at this video as a new player, and it feels like you're personally attacking me.
same here something I was like huh???
Don't worry we were all terrible
@@aronbocconi48 are*
Started last season and started so bad. I was hard stuck Iron and now hard stuck Platinum 4 😢😢
The first time I watched this I didn't know what the jungle was
I keep using master yi and when I use he's heal skill I keep moving. And saying to myself wow this skill is useless it only heals one HP
U don't have to? Oh shit
Never noticed that lol
It explains a lot
Relatable LOL
That was me today. Now I know
oml master yi is so bad
When someone started attacking me,i press all the buttons in my keyboard like i am playing tekken.smh.
omg I do that too. I gotta correct myself now lol
hello fellow tekken player
Accidentally alts backwards, man I feel it. I still play like it’s wasd, not click to move, I hate it
When I first started playing league I played with my friend, and she constantly kept saying “back” and I’m like “uh yes back” and kept going back into the fight
Someone one shotted me at the scuttle, i thought the scuttle was the one who did that, i never went there again for months
LOOOOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂
lol same
When I first started playing I played with my brother bot lane as a support. He always told me that a support is to get the adc fed. I got their adc fed tho so I did my job
Aaron Rike I didn't even know what adc, jg, or sup was....
Madison Vava I only knew supp. I had some idea about top but i never did it. I today still suck at jng.
I'm lvl 11 and I play with my brother as a shitty jungler. My bro is silver or some shit but he's pretty noob still. But my cousin has 470 mastery points or something I don't know
When you think talon is a valid support because he counters adcs.....
sounds like me.
I also thought going tank akali was a good idea.
I didn't buy boots for nami because she didn't have feet :(
landon carter LOL
That... should be a game mechanic. Cassio cant buy boots.
i didn't buy boots for syndra because she floats and doesn't walk
I started to play Sona and bought 6 boots of speed B)
My friend bought 6 boots beacuse
"He wanted to be fast"
speed i am speed
I used to just keep buying boots cause I literally don't know what I'm doing. Didn't even realize I was buying them until the person teaching me laughed at me pointing it out XD
You only can buy 1 pair of boots...
I didn't know you could build items, so I'd just wait for like 4000 gold and then finally buy something. And I bought multiple boots, for more speed.
+Ellie Larson Sameeee
+Ellie Larson I did the same thing, and I would die intentionally in the early game sometimes because I didn't understand that dying made the enemy stronger and I thought it was faster than recalling.
I wouldn't even buy starting items. I figured I'd be able to get my core items faster if I saved my gold. (it's true, but I never took into account how strong cs'ing was)
+Ellie Larson I was literally about to post this when I saw your comment.
I only found out you could build at level 20
When I played league on my early days, I legit thought Dragon was level 4080 lmao
When I first started playing I used to build mana on Garen because the bar under his health was always 0
This has to be the dumbest one I've read so far , thank you for a great laugh and I hope your better .
Now I'm Gold 4 so about the same level as then :D
well,when I started league the 1st champ I played was Garen and I used to build 5 blood thirsters with him and I kept playing him for a while but improved a lot then nw this is my 2nd season I'm plat5 with a 60% winrate in like 184 games on garen
someone on the chat asked "please all bot", and i told him "no, we are all real people, not bots" xDDD
he left before the game even started.. ^^"
What did he mean
@@dollydelta6912 he wanted us all go to the bottom lane XP
@@rachelga4195 yeah but why would anyone do that, there is no benefit in going bot as a whole team
@@tvrtkoharapin8809 maybe it was on twisted treeline. People used to go there as full team to gank for first blood.
@@tvrtkoharapin8809 It was probably an intro AI game, where people usually go all bot and end the game in like 10 min
When My friend started playing league, I noticed that he have two boots, Ninja Tabi and Sorcerers. I asked him: Why two boots ?
And he was like: Because Ryze have two legs.
Thanks god he wasn't playing Elise.
Medvěd co ví kde j
how the fuck did that happen, 2 boots? wtf
Medvěd co ví kde je med lmao
super fucking baby back then you can buy boots any time
When I started playing I built tank on ANYTHING.
You can understand my happiness when I unlocked Cho'Gath.
Man same
bruh I used to Top with Lee Sin and just build straight up tank items
Kinda like my love for Ravenous Hydra
when I had started playing Elise was the newest champ that had just been released, my boyfriend at the time finally got me to cave and pretty much did the same "just pick whoever you want" and I reeeeally liked playing Miss Fortune, I would instantly pick her everytime. he eventually suggested that I should branch out and try other champs too to see if I liked anyone else just as much, but he didn't tell me that I should be buying different items for different champions. this ass let me run ADC Lux like 3 games in a row before he said anything.
like 7 years later and I'm still trash, but like, those sparkly trash memes lmao
Your adc lux has no chance against my jhin support I swear
I'm a new player and there ended up being two supports (me as Morgana and a Lux) so effectively there was a Lux ADC 😂. We lost but it was very close and we both performed better than most of the people there, making our way all the way through the bot lane. So maybe he was right; Lux can play ADC 😂
this is literally me rn my boyfriend got me playing lmaooo
I used to play ADC Lux on purpose 🤣 all that CC and her passive make it annoying as Fakk to play against if utilized correctly.
I also played hybrid Sona with Lich Bane, Rabadons, Nashors Tooth, IE and Bork.
Stack up the power chord and Q someone for the sheen proc and you could just delete anyone who wasn't pure tank build with Ult and a single basic attack, it was funny as hell.
Dont worry, I qas going tryndamere bot for the first month before anyone told be about him being a top champ.
Come on, we all used to use ghost to go back to lane😂
Ghost To Lane
Ghost is the worst ss
I use teleport to the second tower from top lane then flash to lane
@@bluehammermidget6728 bRUH
Ванја Чижбаноски It’s pretty good rn.
One of my first matches, someone told me to go bot. I didnt know what bot was so i started looking for a boat on the map thinking he might've mistyped. Yeah i just ran around the map for a good 10-15 minutes trying to find a boat, because i didnt know about the minimap.
Omg that's hilarious
When I started league I used to teleport top at the very start of the game
Lol underrated
Poooo re mlk kai egw
Legit same
Hahahaha ah Saaameee
First time i play, i pick ashe, and i ult a tower
Whats Your Username?
why tho?
cuz i play in LAS so you probably see another guy ulting a tower
Im Lonely Damnit!
i fucking did the exact same shit XD
I called a support trash bc he had like 3 cs at 30 minutes
Nathan Choi daaamn that’s a wild one
Omg that is sooooo stupid
Babidi Bibidi i was playing support and someone said the same thing to me so the next game i got like 150cs and my adc was like “wtf are you doing” and that might’ve been the most confusing hour of my life
I didn't even think of cs that much so I played top lane and had like 20 cs by 30 minutes and the support was like "wtf is that cs" and my dumbass said "dude u have 12 stfu"
hixxing - lmfao
When I first played LoL, it was shortly before MF was released. I played Akali, and I built Phantom Dancer.
Because she duel-wields.
I thought I needed a dual swords weapon.
Lmao lol
+AkuTenshiiZero thats nice ^^
+AkuTenshiiZero when i started playing league which must have been when syndra came out ~ i think (at the time i would play like a game a week so i dont really know) i my second champion was fizz and i would go full ap with bloodthirster because i thought being able to regen health by attacking minions was awesome
+AkuTenshiiZero XD
+AkuTenshiiZero I mained Akali in Season 1 or 2 and just went boots into 3 Hextech Gunblades and GA. Easy going Gold with that build, League was hilarious back then :D
Whenever someone zhonyas i was like how the fk he did that is he hacking
Same but for me it was for guardian angel I was like is you hacking. One time a zilean was on the enemy team and I tough when his ADC was doing that animation of guardian angel I was like wait do you have guardian angel at min 10 WOT. I was so stupid😂
I thought zhonyas was an awful item
And tbf, the first time I saw it used didn't help my mindest much. The guy was running away from our team and then he used zhonyas when he was about to get away which let our team catch him and kill him.
"an item that stops you in place is completely worthless" was what I thought. Then I saw someone who was good at the game use it and my mind was blown
I kept trying to 1v1 a Tryndamere who ulted and fed him, and then thought he was hacking...god i used to suck
I once took a DarkMane tutorial seriously
CyberSlayer909 PFFTTT
Yeah the ap warwick...
CyberSlayer909 you poor soul
My friend introduced me to league and when we got into the game with bots he told me to write „bot“ instantly into the chat (of course so we can go botlane together) i thought it stood for bot as in terms of one of the enemy bots. He never told me what it meant.
And i was bad. Like the level of bad where you dont hit an enemy as caitlyn with your cursor when he is in your trap.
I really wanted to be a jungler. I thought it would be relaxing to roam around and chill while fighting npc monsters. Well, jungling is not chill. The first jungler i bought was evelynn, of course...
i literally didnt know how jungling worked. My friend sent me a youtube video tutorial on how to jungle, but no one really explained the absolute basics, like where to start and what to actually do as jungler. Everyone just expects you to know it. I always started raptors as evelynn, alone. I almost died to them, and in the end, i had to run away from them. I was like level 3 while everyone else was level 8. it was horrible. Then i learned that you start at one of the buffs with teammates. And i got better.
Jungling is still horrible tbh
EDIT: I see that people are still commenting on this post, so I will give a little update on my situation with all the jungle shit. I know everything about jungle and about league in general now, but 2 of my friends recently downloaded it and woah, is it a pain to watch them play. I know they can't play better, but it just hurts watching a Miss Fortune standing still and hitting one minion after another without trying to lasthit and stuff. And the fights are horrible too. I tried to let them play adc with me being the support, I can not consider letting them on a sololane, since if I do not tell them on which lane to go they just go to a random lane (which results in spampings from teammates, of course.) They want to try jungle, but no. I just said no. If they are not even capable of knowing where to go as an adc, i will not allow them to go jungle. I don't even have the right to tell them not to go jungle, but I will be trying my best to convince them that jungle is bad. Very bad.
I feel this on a whole nother level, my friend was always like Ashe is good for bot lane and I was just sitting there like I thought this was an AI game isn't every lane bot.
how do you jungle? im only lvl 17 and dont onow
Artquarii oh boy. So you start at red or blue buff. Those are the red or the blue monsters at the entrace of a jungle side. You let your laner help you. Who helps you depends on who is closest to the camp you start at. If they dont help you, youre fucked, you wil have to do it alone and get the damage. You will probably think „the jungle is so big and confusing, how should i even go around there?“ not at all. There are 6 camps in total on the map, just multiple times, and mirrored. Its easier than you think. And thats the basics. You just go around kill monsters and eventually go on lanes and try to help your ally kill the enemy on the lane. Its that easy.
Grxh I always start raptors for kayn’s E
@@grxh6633 thanks for actually telling where to go, btw. But isn't there a correct order in what to kill?
Ok, what is baron?
It's in the jungle
24 lvls to discover that there are two roles on bot...
Pfff 36 level for me to discover that supports had to save adcs xdd
Oh! there is?
I didnt know there was either im a gold rank @@rootenshi
@@professionalbiologist7108 lmao xDDD
what in league made me stop trusting my friends:
they told me to play garen and buy mana pot
I’m such a noob I don’t get it
@@desganovital9304 They told this guy to buy mana pots(Which is removed now).
And Garen Doesnt use mana whatsoever.
So basically he just wasted gold on some random shit that he cant really use.
"do you remember when you first started playing league"
yeah man, just four days ago and i still don't know how to properly function without my level 20 friends but its fine
._. I feel ya
I feel it, and my boyfriend is diamond 4, he seems like a God to me
Wanna join me,
I started playing around the same time XD.
its 9 months now, how are you going?
I thought this game was a dlc for warcraft 3 and i was running around the jungle and dying constantly to grump
This has to be the best one yet lmao
first time league:
- wutehfuk is a cs
- wutehfuk is a dragon
- whats this purple snake
- holy fuck this statue is shooting me
- where am I
- Im lost
- wait i think i found the enemy base
- wait is this a map
- I have a fucking map
- how did i get lost
the statue one killed it
"wutehfuk is a cs"
I used to congratulate my enemy laner when he solo killed me.
I still do that sometimes
Is that a bad thing
@Potion Mana I still do that I mean gj to them
My first game was a bot game, and I went straight to intermediate because I thought I was a god. I always thought Ashe’s ult was useless, and thought Ashe’s E did damage, and I was like “2 arrows are better than one, so i’m gonna keep on upgrading E”. I also didn’t know smaller items are purchased to buy larger items, so I would just save up all the gold for the 3733 Tri Force or 2600 Runaans
Same here
the item thing was so me omg same lol
The same happened to me with the items.
LoL last thing same i tried buy a 20% Lifesteal item directly onto every champ
I thought i could dodge Karthus' ulti....
So i flashed
me too
No worries. during TPA vs AZF FlashFire used Karthus Ulti and the enemy Lulu flashed
Pufficon p
Pufficon role an ad for this one bois
I got kicked for afk in a bot match coz I was trying to use wasd instead of right click to move
coonrabbit LOL i was so fucking confused Bout that also
Sir,Harvard wants to know your location.
lol I remember it was my 2nd game or something, I was already familiar with mobas before I went to league but this one guy couldn’t move until I told him and I asked him if he at least went through the tutorial and he said he thought he could wing it
when i started playing league my friend kept telling me to "jump on enemies" so i keep pressing space and my champ obviously didnt "jump"
that use to dive me crazy XD
איזה רנק אתה עכשיו?
My favourite champion was nocturne, I instantly bought him and the eternal nocturne skin. For so long I never know you could reactivate his ult to fly at an enemy, I thought it just made the place dark... never did seem like a good ultimate.
I also remember my friend boasting about how he can "one shot towers with luxes ultimate"
Kelvin Grouden j
Maby heimerdinger towers(turrets) ?
Ooooh man, I lived that. !
Used to love nocturne, he was so stylish.
And when I would use my ultimate everything was so dark, and it was sooo coool... My first 6300 IP champ was him. And i believe later I used my refund and bought Volibear.... but i regreted, and my second 6300 IP champ was him again xD
Don't lie.
We've all jungled without smite before
Daniel Nah, my friend told me about smite.
I thought I couldn't go in the jungle though...
Vinson Li once I unlocked smite i was so hyped and told my friends: "This is what all the pro's use!! They just smite the enemy champions and deal way more damage then us because we had no smite yet!" So I basically thought it would do the same damage on champions as on mobs
I actually kinda knew because the jungle items says: Requires Smite.
Syreena Callie thats because you joined in end of season 4 and up. Back in season 1-4, anyone could buy jungling items
Daniel I brought smite into mid lane thinking it did damage to enemies
My friend told me if there was a yasuo on the enemy team my computer would get a virus because of all the cancer.. I believed him for a bit ended up dodging every game with a yasuo in it.
He wasn't lying..
It's true anyways
Good for u
So you didnt play lol?
When I first started playing I remember always going mid because I thought it was the coolest lane, picking a champ that also looked cool and buying things that had long descriptions and were pretty
I remember when i was a lv 11 jungle main i would start long sword so that i can kill monsters and people(thought i was so smart). So i did that and had to back after 2 camps every time xD
Ugh, free advertisement again. I always see you.
+Youmuus I remember when I used to take ghost so that I can run to lane faster. Taking smite so that I can cs better ....... good shit.... Oh and buying 6 fking youmus on talon so that I can get 100% crit......
u knew to jungle? I knew just in lvl 20 how to jungle
well in season 3 the jungle wasent so impotant I played just yi and darius
I started playing League like two or three weeks ago
I still have no fucking clue how to ping that enemies are missing or that I'm going somewhere
But at least I know that the big angry worm is Baron
@Zaya .45 thanks mate! :D
I've got this love-hate (and sometimes hate-hate) relationship with Overwatch, I know how you feel
Hold G + move mouse and point on ? And release mouse hold
@Zaya .45 or G
How’s it going now bro?
@@Student-mo3zh same😂 one day ov is my fav game, the other I hate it
When I started I didn't know that you can press qwer so I just used the icons until I was around level 18... And I somehow managed to make it work lmao miss the good old times
Same lmao
Not me xd
Same and I had a fcking touch pad😂😂
There is a guy with 10m points on heimerdinger and only uses mouse (abilities, recall, summoners etc.)
I started because my brother got me into it and when he passed I used his account and sometimes I use his main, and that was amumu and sometimes it feels like I can hear him cheering me on. I'm not that good tho sadly. But I thought I'd share
Your brother is happy up there knowing that you're trying and playing his main😃👌
Thats sweet that you try playing his main😊. I hope you are doing ok
account share banned haha
We're kinda the same story except my brother didn't pass away sorry about that I use his main too but it's Zed and he cheer me on even tho it's vs ai and didn't really got mad at me when we play he said "I started like aswell so that's fine"
"Why take ignite when smite does 1000 true damage?!?"
Nirvanity I did that and tried to smite people for a week
If u take ignite they cant.heal their ass ;)
Mans not hot You didnt get the point
Omg so true
I would forget champion names and when I forgot garens name I just said human beyblade is at top in chat lol
xD This made me laugh so much
xD human bablade
My first game I went 0/24/0 as garen and bought no items
+Sean Squishy i got 29 deaths on inteo
+Balkan Gamers intro
i used flash to go faster to my lane xd
Seamus I remember when I was first unlocking sums, I thought flash and tp was the same thing. And I would use both. I didn't get why anyone would want flash since its basially tp but shorter distance
Oh no oh no no no
Ok so when i first started i was like:
"Wtf is the point of items"
So i didnt buy items....
I bought fucking AD Warwick items on Elise.
@@samalass466 gg surrender
"Cool, Accessories!"
When I bought items I didn't see any difference, but when I bought health, I saw a lot of difference because I had a lot of health, so I bought six ruby sightstones
Ultra Boys same except I build tons of gains belt and eventually built them into the item that gives you 300% health regent if your not in combat (idk the name) my idea was "they can't kill me if I can't die"
I didn't know how to enter the shop so when people were like "why didn't you buy items" I thought I was cool so I said "I don't need them :^) ". I was about level 11 when I finally figured out...
Not joking still level like 17 I have played for 2 and half season😂 i am good like gold four good I just do not play as much as my friends who are like twice my skill
+paintballer gaming You can't be level 17 and be gold potential LMAO
+paintballer gaming I know the feeling, I just got 30 a week ago since I started my account on s3
+doyouwannabshowtime yea, I also figured it out about that level... but in my case that was the first time I encountered somebody who actually bought items and I was like "holy shit this guy bought potions, he must be a fcking pro with a real strategy... I guess back in s3 lcs-copying meta was already a thing (for smurfs at least)
i bought a hextech revolver and spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to equip it as my champions weapon
OMG that's the funniest shit I've ever heard
Nigga, you what?!
Whaaaat!? LMAO😂😂😂😂
Wow same
_"WHO _*_IS_*_ BARON?"_
Well I didn't know why people we're saying "mid, top, adc and etc".
So I just picked a champ and went to whichever lane..
You sir, should play fiddlesticks!
Lel me to
Same xD
+Nice Guy I think everyone did that at the beginning :'D
+Farfalla 1898 thanks genius ;p
The first time I played the game I accidentally skipped the tutorial. That was the biggest mistake of my life. You can only imagine how my first game went.
Neel Joshi 0/20/0?
I, fortunately, did not skip the tutorial. I still tried to build AP Poppy.
Neel Joshi a friend of mine always skips the tutorials. I told him to do it this time. After half an hour of waiting i texted him. "Are you done with the first tutorial yet?" "No im dying constantly and i dont know why. Im always standing in the red circle and die" omg xD
When yas came out I tryed to ult minions for 3 months
When i started playing i tried dodging the turret hits while diving
1. go in
2. press all abilities (i used ashe e to attack)
3. die
and thats how i thought ashe was a shit chamoion
SAME I'd also feed midlane as her in beginner bot games. Just let that sink in. The feeding stopped when I realized what items were
Lmao I also used her E to attack and thought something was fucking fishy when they didn't take any damage
i bought her 6 berserkers greaves to make her fast
Uhh... some cringy things I have done? Well....
-My team summoned rift herald, and I ran from him thinking that he would attack me.
-Didn't use a keyboard to cast abilities. Instead I used the mouse to click on the skill and the enemy (I die before casting anything)
-Used flash to get faster in lane
-Built ad on full ap chmps
-Tested all of my abilities on tower
-Played anything in any lane
-Didn't know how to sell items
-Spent 70% of the matches hiding in bushes
-Went 1-14 using fize in an intro bot game (bot lane)
-Thought that the plants that knock you up deal damage to you as well (idk their name)
-Died to all jungle camps
-Tested pyke, his back animation has a giant black fish coming to you, I thought it was an enemy champion
-something wrong I still do: play a champ for 2 days and then buy another one because I find it boring to "main" a champion.
Warthak The Mountainsplitter don't worry I'm a floater too
Oh you started when pyke came out
Warthak The Mountainsplitter lol the same thing happened to me when i was trying pyke and i had to back XD
Warthak The Mountainsplitter
A Part of your list are the things i did 9 years ago when i startet, geez i play this game for 9 years now, feeling old as shit xD
Oh you started recently rip
I thought ability power made your abilities stronger... so I went full ap garen
matthew hussain i went PvP Zed full Rabadons cuz i though passives stack
matthew hussain wait they don't?
At the beginning of the game with was true, which is why it was named ability power. It quickly changed though.
I didn't know there was a CDR cap, so I went CDR Garen. Because I am awful it was quite a few games before I accumulated enough gold to buy enough CDR to finally go, "ok, that last item didn't change anything".
it makes magic power stronger
"Press D to dance and F to fly"
When I started..
I used w a s d to move...
It didn't work out..
omg me too
I still try that sometimes
I end up teleporting right infront of me using d
I was stuck on the old old old ashe tutorial where they teached you to move and such i was trying to aim with the mouse and wasd like you, took me half hour to realise wat i needed to do
Back when I thought I was super good because I could beat beginner bots...
Now I could pentakill the shit outta bots
Lmao I still can't kill those that's how bad I am
God dude, I gotta make a video on these comments holy hell they're ridiculous
+MagikarpUsedFly My friends and I only built warmogs. Feels Anivia man
+MagikarpUsedFly Within 30 minutes in game,i managed to feed 30 kills in bots. Now im gold :/ How Literally 0 kills 30 deaths and 0 assists. I worshipped scuttle crab because it was the only thing that didnt attack back.I eventually said,," Omg guys, i getting beat up help," ~Go to the jungle. Me: o-o' Whats that? ~5 minutes later~ I DIED AS WARWICK TO GROMP LOLOLOL @magikarpusedfly
+MagikarpUsedFly shen spoltlightsoon?
You got me on cs:go xD
+MagikarpUsedFly do you want to use bounce at any point?
When me and my friends first played, all three of us would go down into the bot bush, wait for some poor victim to walk past the river, and murder them. No wards, not cares, just murder
Whenever someone would flash their mastery, I thought that was league giving them a new mastery and so I would always say "gj!" Hhhh *face palms at myself*
Legit same. I saw that one game and asked how they leveled it up in game bc it never happened for me and they thought I was so stupid
When I first started someone called “bot” in the chat and I thought they were calling me a robot
HeyItsRin yeah something similar happened to me!
I was playing with and against friends and I dced at the start but then I reconnected after around 20mins in (god tier internet btw), so they told me to go 'bot' and farm.
So after that I went around the whole map searching for enemy AI that werent minions to kill, and tried to solo dragon as a Level 3 Ziggs...
Me 2
It happend to me, on time some said go bot to me and i was like huh??? Imis he asking me to auto pilot this shit? Does it even have auto pilot ?
When i was a kid who didnt knew shit about english when they said "report fiddle (aka me)" i was like "Why the fuck do you want me to go back to base im full hp and mana
omg same
I also turned off shadows the first time I played against a Zed...
wow thats the first time iv ever heard that joke... NOT
ur a legend
When I first started playing league, I didn't even know what a "Bot" or "Top" or "Jg" was. So when someone said "Ahri go mid" I'd go somewhere. Bot lane, Top lane, just wherever
I know this is an olderish video but I wanna add some of the dumb shit I did...when I first played I played Ashe, and my Gold friend was trying to "coach" me and he told me to buy a BF Sword first buy...and I thought "Why, she is using a bow and arrow" so instead of listening to my friend I bought a recurve bow...made sense at the time...I remember one game I didn't buy any items at all because I thought my gold would transfer to the next game and at level one I would be OP...I also remember thinking it was my duty to protect my minions so I would tank the tower so that my minions would live longer, LOL
Well, I would get ohmwrecker on jax, then woudn't get boots. oh yeah and i also would save up gold to buy triforce instead of buying phage/sheen/stinger... it was a good time.
when i first started i also played ashe, except i was getting frustrated that i was so squishy and kept dying so i would build health items like warmogs on ashe
Charles Massey mindset from other games
gotta hit that like button
I remember when I first played against actual people, I thought this Master Yi Player was a god because kept killing me over and over again
I know lol
I played Irelia before the rework, and I literally shit didn't know what I was doing and I was just randomly smashing buttons and getting kills. That's how broken she was at low levels before her rework.
Ye same but whenever I would pick like lux or ahri I would smash my keyboard hoping that I am going to get a kill. Let s say with lux I had 3 rabadons so it didn't matter if I was smashing my keyboard or playing normally
When people called “sup” I’d respond with how my day was going, thinking it was short for wassup
when ever someone called ‘sup’ in chat i thought they were greeting themselves so i said hi back
Joshcat GT 😂😂😂
Joshcat GT lol same
I also didnt know what was adc
Fuck XD. me too
I still do that to piss people off
My bronze 5 friend scared me from playing normals because he made it sound like regular people were gods. So I played beginner bots until I was level 20, and mind you this was when it took longer to level up...
Bryan Borroto dang how long did it take?
same I was really scared to play in normals lmao
Bryan Borroto my friend also scared me from normals. I thought if normals were so hard, than what do I expect from rankeds?
I was scared to play normal as well but I wanted to go against real players so I started playing normal
Same my brother always scare the shit out of me with playing normal
First time I was playing Ash bot and a guy said their jungler is about to flank u and I was like wtf does that mean is he shitting me? So I wrote thats nice and suddenly my support goes uner our tower and Im just pushing forward when regnar jumps on me and mows me down 1 hit than my sup writes not so nice was it?
Bearded Vulture
What the heck is flank
Bearded Vulture haha me
what the fuck is bot and what the fuck is push it or push bot
even tho this is 3 years late when i first started playing, in one my first games, i decided to go top lane and fight solo as Sona. yeah my team lost.
Ironically enough this is basically the new meta :) 58%wr
Paris Paulino sona top is broken wym
Back in the day I don't cs.
I always look for kills.
Towerdive lvl 1
Roaming in the whole map
Always waits for the items to be available when I visit the shop (the whole item)
Ghost to lane
Tp to tower at the beginning of the game.
Tried 6 boots.
Tried to destroy a turret all by myself.
That's all.
Babynips 20 pro 👌🏼👌🏼
Babynips 20 What about not buying starter items to save money?
Shadowstorm5000 i just buy the recomended things.
Cuddle Buns yeah ikr🤔😂🤣
That was definitely me, plus thinking all masteries, runes, and passives were completely useless and buying crit makes you tanky
I would build two swifty boots because I thought I needed on for each foot
Brandon Breedlove I used to take smite and heal because I couldn't solo red buff without dying lol
make sense
Hahaha! You win!
I used to try every champion in jungle and who can 1v1 red at first level and then i found ww and i loved him then i find out that my team mates should help me or i dont start red or blue i start another monsters,dude that was good days after all i was like everytime i die executed with champion against blue or red i just say this champ dont work in jungle (even though they have jungle recommends xD)
Brandon Breedlove loooooooool
Ok, so. About 2 years ago i started playing league, and i was placed in like s3. Not so bad, not so good either. One day, i was playing with a friend, and i died. He was really upset and shouted at me "OMG HOW COULD U DIE? JUST BUY A NEW MOUSE IF THAT ONE MOVES SO HARD". I was sooo confused, because i was playing ONLY on my laptop's trackpad. I told him "wtf, u use a mouse?". He laughed so much xD and really couldn't understand why xD. I recently tried to play again without a mouse, and dear lord, i have no idea how i could play so decent without a mouse lol.
Long story short: *it took me literally 6 freaking months to discover that i should use a mouse*
Ella Teodora holy crap wow... I had to use my laptop's trackpad once since my mouse broke and it was so dang hard. S3 with touchpad just wow.
Ella Teodora try playing without a mouse and a Mac for a year
Holy shizers I thought I was the only one ;;;w;;; Just got a mouse and I realized I've been missing out
Same, took me 4 months to get a mouse
Wow that's me trying to download lol iin an ipad
When i started playing normal games and someone said I’m bot (i didnt know that something like lanes existed, so i though they meant they were robots🙈😂) so I was like ,,yeah I’m bot too” and the person was like ,,no I am bot” and I was like yeah me too” and then I would go mid 🤦🏻♀️🙈
Yeah same until i searched "what does bot mean in lol" and then i was like aaaaaaa
i refused to buy beginning items to save up for expensive ones
+Evan Randolph i know that feel bro
Same xD
+Evan Randolph Dude, I think everyone did.
+Evan Randolph i thought that if u buy whole item instead of part by part u get it cheaper :D
+Evan Randolph I didn't bought part items, I would save gold until 3500+ and then buy the item
*playing katarina* my logic: “they can’t kill me if I kill them first, therefor I will buy 3 stingers and 3 bf swords for maximum damage output.”
!nFiniTy in other words "Just engage them at level 2 while the enemy tower is sucking my hp's and all i got left is doran's blade
I was like „I only have to get more life so I don‘t die“ and literally went tank but like no resistances, only buying life. Like 5warmogs and boots
me to, but i also used teleport
i did it until lvl 15 for teleport, but flash, i never used it to go on lanes faster
i used to play master yi and ult to get to lane faster
i use ghost flash, buy many movement speed item and even used Ryze's Ult to race who is faster with my friend ==
I was scared of Warwick. That damn sound when he is chasing you wad scary af
Mauwu_Arts im still afraid of him
OMG SAME i'm so scared of warwick. i can only attack him as a mage since i cannot get too close to him without having a mothertrucking heart attack...
r.i.p my love for garen
I would play warwick “to scare the other players”
I bought Runan's Hurricane on Garen because he spun around like a Hurricane XD
Gaming I just remembered the time when I started to play adc still no idea what was going on and since i only played jinx i was like "wow hurricane's is super op" and for some fucking reason i either way wanted to build hydra or hurricane's on every single champ and I remember that one friend of mine almost crying in despair
You can't build hurricane on garen since it's only for ranged champs and it's been like that since it came out so this how Ik ur lying
Loly Pop i Played jinx too. and nunu with only boots XD and my friend got in all games reports and I had fun XD now I'm in bronze 5 :/
first u could buy tiamat and hurricane on everyone