I once successfully Rambo revived for the entire game of conquest and did not die once. I felt like Zeus shot a lightning bolt up my ass. I was running around the entire game reviving. About 30 revives and 0 deaths. Felt like a boss.
A big mistake people make is in your first example - wasting "5 minutes" playtime hunting down a noob who sniped you way out in the hills instead of playing the objective like you were when you got shot.
Well, at least he doesn't hate on snipers, as they are doing their job ;) He's only advising said snipers to change position every so often, as to make them even more effective :)
"Okay, we have 3 tickets left and I'm finally at the last objective. Just got to arm the bomb and we're good to go-" *Ping* "... or, I can get killed by the guy playing Sniper Elite... fuck" (A normal day in Rush)
I think Rambo reviving is the best thing in this game. Medics sacrificing themselves to save another player is just plain honorable. Don’t dis the medics bud
I like Rambo reviving, bc my medic rules are 1. Good men will die 2.doc can't save everyone 3.DOC WILL GO THROUGH HELL AND BACK TO BREAK RULES 1 and 2...
DarkAngel Gaming that’s how I play as a medic, I got told I was shit the other day as I had 3 times more deaths than kills, I had a score of over 9,000 though.
Fitzy 2 I played not to long ago, and this medic had his syringe out, SITTING 0 METERS AWAY, not reviving me. I was really annoyed and switched teams xD
This is old, but I have to say that playing as a medic sometimes you are focused into shooting incoming enemyes or getting covered and it can happen that you just dont see your mate because all the chaos or that they are behind you
Hi. A little piece of advice for new players : choose your nades wisely. If you play as a medic and don't have anti-vehicle capabilities, well the light AT can be useful. Do you have a machinegun deployed on a bipod ? It's interesting using incendiary nades to forbid a path to the enemy, and forcing it to come just in front of you. Do you play assault with a shotgun, the mp18 or the automatico ? Gas will force your enemies to wear their gasmasks, so they can't aim down sights and you can rely on your excellent hipfire. It provides some visual cover too. A bunch of snipers and vehicles cut your team to pieces before they can reach the objective ? Try using smoke. Very effective against tanks so you can use AT mines, dynamite or AT nades.
Another mistake is people don't wait for medic to revive them. Seriously, I'm a medic and when I run to down teammate to reviving them they always chose to skip it. Be patient ! This is not COD YOUR DEATH MATTER !!
RedGear I hate that when people skip and your about to revive them. I even wait when I die when medics are close by but if I know they can't make it to me or they go out of range because of too much bullets and nades flying around then yea I'll go ahead and spawn
Creed Diskenth not all of them. I play scout mostly and run around and play the objective while engaging in a medium range and sometimes even close range
I'm Batman I guess you could say I am cod player, I only care about my kd, I got kicked out of a clan for that, don't make that mistake. help your team
I'm Batman I jumped off the cod train right into the bf1 tank. I sucked ass when I first started playing battlefield. but it's not that hard to learn. play smart and be a team player is how you win in battlefield. in cod you play for yourself.
No one revives anymore. Most of the times it is useless to wait, they'll just run past you. People skip revives cuz no one revives, and people don't revive cuz people skip it.
Thank goodness I've learned how to be a good medic and support player. You guys are brutal. But having said that I completely understand how frustrating it is when people don't PTFO!!!!!!!!
all he means is check your surroundings a little bit before running into a room of 5 people to try to revive someone. As doing this will only get youself killed and maybe your teamate if you revived him fast enough
If I suspect that an enemy might be watching to see if someone gets revived, I throw a smoke and revive. Otherwise I only revive if it is safe enough for the both of us to do so. What I hate is when you are giving a player every indication you can that you are coming to revive them and they still ignore that to skip the revive.
I too feel its hard to spot . I see an enemies some distance away and hit the spot button over and over sometimes it works right away other times I have to keep hitting the button...
Supports are the worst for not playing their roles, I request ammo about 15 times when I have like half a clip left and there's a support near me and I always end up getting killed because they don't give me any ammo. Many medics are also scared to revive though...
When sniping always try to make sure you can still see your old spot " just so you can be trollin dem revenge killers" sometimes I can almost feel the rage from all the way across the map " I can also feel it when they are screeming into the mic. it hurts but its worth it"
Christopher Davies As a medic i revive people like crazy but one thing i hate is when people see me running to them but they skip their revive as a support im always dropping ammo and repairing vehicles.
On 2, I remember when I was a sentry, I got like 10 kills, and I ran to get cover. There WAS A MEDIC infront of me, looking at me, I was clearly in need of a health pack and the fucker leaves into straight fire and dies.
I agree with everything listed, but the spotting enemies one is a big problem in BF1. Spotting only works for me about 1 out of 10 or 15 times. Other times no matter how much I mash the spot button, the enemy never gets spotted. I never had this issue in previous BF games, so I'm guessing DICE changed something about spotting in BF1.
slandshark it's because your reticle has to be on an enemy to spot them, this way you can't just spam the button to spot enemies that you haven't actually seen
what about all the times im looking right at them and it doesn't work still? coz dat shit happens. i'm with slandshark on this... they definitely changed the spotting and i'm all for making it more precise but sometimes it's just too much... also i'm not 100% sure but i think in previous games if you had your scope looking right at an enemy it would spot him even if you didnt hit the spot button.... they should definitely bring that back! because especially on console it's impossible to spot and shoot at the same time
I started flying the attack plane shooting flares cause noone else bothers. Get lots of spot assists, and ofc I drop boms on their heads at the same time.
he must be fake, he changed his username and placed the avatar, no way DICE or EA would comment on a youtube video about Battlefield, only the official videos made by them for the fans and other people.
1. Stop saying little jimmy, kids are allowed to play games 2. Stop saying noob, you were one once too 3. Stop acting cool and like a bf1 veteran cause you are not one
I suggest an 11th rule: "Let the medics do their job." I usually play as medic and am sick of running through bullets and bombs to save a guy only for him to just "give up" right before I reach him. If you have medics around, wait for a moment instead of just coming back to the spawn map right away.
Don't forget all the Assault guys running around desperately searching for more ammo for their SMGs. I call for ammo the first time I reload because so many Support guys not tossing ammo packs.
Some support guys don't carry pouches, some of us drop crates. Don't expect support to come deliver you ammo just cause you can't see the icon on the ground 10 meters behind you. I can't tell you how many times I have chased guys across the map just to try and toss a pouch at them at they keep running away from me still screaming for ammo. All they had to do was turn around. Sometimes support is busy spotting or suppressing, you may have to jump in our field of view for us to notice just the off chance there isn't ammo laying near us to begin with.
Luis Daniel Rivas Baguer Yeah like seriously what's up with that! I'm like ok so you're playing the medic class but you can't use your damn needle!!? So I don't see why some people bother to play medic if they don't even do their role
+Bat man Man at least try to save people.When I play medic like at least I try to reach them on time and im always throwing health packs.Same when i play support I throw ammo to everbody...But what really hurts is when it's your own squad...I know sometimes you are paired with people you don't know but if you are in a squad it's because you want to play a more team oriented game.Don't join squads if you're not gonna be a team player
Luis Daniel Rivas Baguer yeah man I feel ya. What do u play on? Maybe we can play a game togetherness some time, but I still gotta get bf1 I have bf4 rn
Spawned in the Dreadnought in the rear gun my first and only time and the Driver sat there with the ship pointing toward the map so I was basically ineffective since I could not shoot behind me. Spammed "GO, GO, GO" and even sent him a message and still did not move.
Russell Soileau, yes true, but a the difference between a mag and a clip is a spring, mag has one clip doesn't, the 5 rounds are called stripper clips, but they are fired from a internal box MAGAZINE, not an internal clip
Logan D... The M1 Garand has an open bodied, 7 round clip, with no internal spring. It's loaded one round at a time, and then it's loaded into the rifle, from the top. It is ejected automatically, by mechanical spring action, after the 7th round fires.
Very true but as a medic player since Battlefield 1942 i hate when i run across a field dodging and weaving bullets only to have him respawn as i'm 2 feet away from him
My biggest sin is running around like a headless chicken. I totally lack the BF sense for now and have no idea about where would be the best place to go and when. So it's a mixed bag of spawning repeatedly to a tough flag to hold, following my squad or getting distracted by one enemy I go out of my way to flank.. And ofcourse flopping around like a wet noodle.
Sarcasm Incendiary grenades and supply drop game mode is a good start. Supply drop has way less snipers so running around doesnt mean insta death. Air mortars are an easy way to get some kills, just deploy it max 80 meters (or something like that) from the supply droo. Since you can see when enemy is on the objective and supply drops require you to be right next to it, air mortars always hit, just dont spam it because the accuracy gets worse if you dont wait a few seconds after each shot (the cooldown of it starts when you deploy it so if you wait a few sec after each shot you can deploy it right after you run out of ammo on the mortar)
*Runs through hell to revive player* *player Insta-revives as soon as he dies and leaves me poking a dead body with a syringe* *Dies to gas because I decided to revive before I put on my gas mask*
The Jasonater they can be right in front of u and it won't spot them unless ur gun is pointed at them. I've spotted snipers from 500m away if I aim correctly
Brandon Rankhorn Yes, no other game has tea baggers, lol! CoD players never go nuclear because a precious killstreak was broken and never tea bag. lolol ok
I can't ay if it's camping but if I take support I intend to go to a safe spot closest to my objective and provide mortar rain and LMG cover (M60E4 with bipod and thermal and suppress as specialization also M93 as side arm) once it's taken I do move. I also move if the spot gets too crowded by enemies or friendlies.
the thing with snipers is that I don't hate the snipers but when you're playing Conquest or operations and they sit way in the back and don't even contribute to helping their team they're just in it for themselves trying to make super long range kills...
useless spawn point is what I call them guys speaking of spawn dude forgot to mention people not spawning on squad in BF4 it takes 4 squad spawns on you to earn you a ribbon in 150+ hours of play, usually in full squads, I have earned 3 ribbons I feel I get even less squad spawns in BF1 and don't forget newbs don't understand if you create a new squad set it to public or nobody can join you, TDM limits the number of squads so being a 1 man squad severely hinders your team
Advice here is sound! One more I'd like to add is poor squad leaders though!! Not lighting up objectives and loosing teams valuable points!! Should be able to vote them out
Super Scout122 I almost never get revived in battlefield. But when I play as a medic, which by the way is my favorite class, I always revive dead mates nearby... sad
It's actually easier getting to the top of the leaderboard by just healing and reviveing than it is, getting kills. I don't understand why more people don't do it. A majority of players just use it so they can heal themselves while camping in a building.
the hammer is the best tool for this because it actually damage tanks it is so fucking funny when i hit an enemy tank they are scared shitless and they cant even aim so close it is a massive destraction for them and you can dish out a lot of damage with it
Yeah, the gas grenades were poorly considered for this reason. They're a ridiculously over-effective area-denial tool. I know that the creators wanted to bring that feeling of WW1 to the WW2 shooter they made, but the implementation of gas grenades was done very poorly. Needs to have a more severe gameplay effect on teammates, otherwise they are easily abused.
The gas grenades kill so many players because people try to out last or get around the green, because they don't want to go to hip-fire and abandon sight firing. Hip-fire is very effective though after you get the hang of it...
I don't think shooting at a tank with a normal gun is noobish. I mean, If you have no grenades or explosives left, you might as well try to shoot the tank and hope that you hit a weakspot or something - normal guns can damage some of the BF1 tanks. yes I have killed a BF1 Mark V with a normal gun.
Actually a Rambo Medic is pretty heroic I do it all the time and avoid getting shot by killing every single dude there. But if nobody gives you covering fire you are dead for sure. =)
Agreed, this isnt like bf4, death after revive doesn't get its spawn timer reset. You can immediately respawn if killed after a revive so there's no ill effects.
Calvinfan1220 Yeah, but you have to do it with a strategy like running from cover to cover if you are alone I think somthing like this would help you to not die so many times but the point is that it's the duty of every medic in real lif and in games to go out there in the danger zon and save someones live. :D
The one button Last name I play both. But this is the first bf that I can actually play. Bf4 I sucked at. Not gonna lie. And we all know how bad hardline was
Cole Kimes I 100% agree with you in hardline the guns were balanced except for the K10 (that was patched) but the rest where good. Same with the maps but rip tide was bad in my opinion. Syndicate where challenging butt wasn't to extreme *cough* *cough* phantom.
Nothing is more annoying than when you're an assault who needs ammo and nobody will throw ammo down so you can destroy the tank and your team can push- or when no enemies are around and you've got three medics with in 10m and none of them revive you. Seriously if you're not going to play your combat role switch classes because your team is literally counting on you to help them if you're a medic or support- and if you're a medic and you've got rifle grenades and a medkit- that's fuckin fine bro but put your god damn med kit on the ground. even if you're not sitting in that spot someone will run to it- same goes for support with the ammo kits. If you're support and you're not carrying a pouch or a crate... you need to re-evaluate your support priorities unless you're babysitting a tank.
I usually have dumbass teammates that use tanks but stay at base instead of going at the objective and provide support, same with the bomber plane, usually the dumbass using it is just flying around the map smh
yup same. although the frontline is changing all the time, its sometimes a bit difficult to get perspective of whether one guy dead is way out in enemy territory or he is on the edge of a fray.
Before you guys start downgrading snipers they play a huge role. Its been Objectives people refused to capture because they knew us Snipers were watching over it. Here is what I'll say if you come across a game with snipers who know what they are doing. They will pick you off ALL day until you leave that objective alone. How do I know?? Level 10 Sniper right here. And nothing makes me as a sniper happier than seeing a bunch of you maggots trying to storm an objective lol. I DO NOT lay there most times. I have 3 sides to look out for and normally 2 different objectives So I don't move on my 40 ft stretch of land trying to get you off the objective. no Instead I as a sniper my job is to not even let you get close to it in the first place. And If you do manage to get close then all 4 of us who is sniping in my squad have failed. But then again I play In a organized platoon theres 32 of us with 2 sniper squads and 8 snipers. Aswell as up to 7 objectives to guard over. Is it not like this In pub?? Oh and If you ever come across a situation like I described above with like 10 Snipers. It may sound weird but its very effective if you would just spot snipers , Don't try to shoot unless your goal is to suppress till you get to cover. But you would be surprised by how much bombers actually pay attention to the ground troops. keep clear the AA's tho And with that being said Good Luck guys I'll see you on the field.
TheStevenrobinson I just love seeing little jimmies try to snipe in the open like on Fao Fortress where they're just laying on the mountain and picking them off is so fun.
Person with camera back in the days of 1943, id die from the same sniper 5 times. i get in a tank, drive to where theyre hiding look RIGHT at them and drive away. 10 seconds later i turn around and blow them away. then i ask if they remember me.
im a level 50 scout and 70 as my level and im an aggresive sniper, noye i dont use a scope and i can pick off guys on the mountains and add suppresive fire and chain kills, i can relate to peering over objectives 👌
taking a plane only to parachute down and kill a sniper? that sounds like something a noob would do. Waste of resources and not putting focus where the focus is needed. Rest of list is cool, except for the part in the beginning. Sniper is a noob class to begin with. People who play snipers only care about their own K/D and not how the team is doing.
As a sniper, I can say that this is truly incorrect. Snipers stay out of range because they are not able to kill easily when they are close to others. This may be way you think we only care about our own K/D. Also, snipers play as support for the assault players because they pick off players that may be targeting those assault players. Furthermore, sniper is most definitely not a noob class because timing and bullet drop for snipers are far more important than any class. This is because the timing will change when the bullet will come in contact with the enemy [which means that snipers have to predict their enemy's movements] and they have to figure out which area to shoot their enemy [which may also change due to bullet drop]. Snipers need much skill in order to function. Therefore, snipers cannot be a noob class and they do care about how the team is.
Nishanth Shetty Long distance shots with bullet drop is a basic skill you need no matter what you play as. I mostly play operations and the more snipers the worse the team. It's not a useful class unless we're talking conquest 64 players on the desert levels. Medics, Assaults and support when played well is what makes a team win. Sniper is like a black sheep.
You literally only responded to bullet drop. However, all my other arguments were not talked about. Therefore, I extend those arguments. This means that timing must be taken into consideration and snipers can act as support. Thus, snipers need skill to function and are useful in various modes.
Nishanth Shetty Useful if a person knows how to use it* Too bad 99% of the people playing snipers aren't even spotting or doing any useful shit at all. I always want to do as much as I possibly can for my team and have fun at the same time. As a sniper you get neither. Playing sniper is good for people afraid to die in a video game that want to sit 300m away sipping tea. If you're on the winning team and playing sniper, that's fine. But if you're on the losing team and still play sniper instead of helping your team as much as you can... c'mon
haha oh my goodness so true, the beginning about snipers and how annoying they are. Hilarious! I never even knew you could stick an enemy with the syringe and kill them! HAHA thanks man
What I love about Battlefield versus CoD: sniping is more legit. there are few trickshotting "MLG" players. sniper keep their distance, and take their time. none of this trickshot BS. Take a few shots, score a few kills, move along. that's what sniping is all about.
It's actually possible to rush with a sniper. I do it all the time, just shoot with the sniper and finish with pistol or sniper if you have enough time. I never have a negative k/D while doing this
I do the same in every single game that has a medic class. Your job is not to necessarily to kill the enemy; your job is to keep the attack/defense alive, literally (in a virtual sense). I hate those people that you'll chase around the map, trying to get ammo or health, and they never once drop their class-specific items; of course, these same will rearm/heal themselves while completely ignoring everyone else.
Anthony Cortez thank you Sherlock Holmes... but usually in shooting games... people shoot people... I guess your tiny brain can't wrap itself around such a complex idea
Tiago Spartan Beast something that does not happen if you run straight to the enemy(you Said that).ALSO love your Channel but i feel like you are a bit to critic because it appears like you think you are superior to other players and you forget that everyone was a noob including you in videogames
Mario SILVI I agree,he clearly thinks everyone should be experts in the game before even starting. And he obviously thinks he's something, just by the way he talks
Well frankly the franchise is 14 years old so if you don't get it, leave. Play one of the older games and figure out the right way to play first. It's just as mindless and obvious as cod.
alex ryan Camping is "Staying in one spot or location. Securing it, and making it difficult for others to advance in that location" It's mostly done with snoopers.
what about reviving too early when medics are about!! im a medic an in td were kills are everything people revive right before i revive them! like they get killed i kill the guy who did it then go to revive an they respawn after 2 seconds of being down
stay in cod, you probably have never played a previous bf game. Stop making yourself look good and complain about snipers and campers when its a part of the game, and its completely fine. Called strategy boy.
Who else hates when you bust your ass trying to run to a teammate that is 20 metres away and after you revive them they just run away without saying thank you.😑😑😑
Valiii Lol you're right but... I say thank you every time bcuz the medic didn't HAVE to revive me.. They made the decision to be a good teammate so why not thank them.
This video is right about these noob mistakes, but I hate how this guy talks like he is the best player and never makes mistakes. Like he said: I never died with gas grenades (like all people who die on gas are noobs, but when the chaos is real you can forget it sometimes or when your Health is low) . yea maybe 1 time, like he is sooo pro player makes me puke how he acts so dislike for your ego...
SmokeSum NL Also he says that noobs dont survive longer than a few minutes with the juggernaut. he fckng died after playing as a juggernaut for 1 min. guess who the noob is
I agree I've lost countless matches because I kept getting into a game where people are not going for the other objectives but instead failing to take just one and abusing the time given to them.. I don't get it at all.. there are a lot of noob players on battlefield it seems like.
Actually, Sentries do regenerate, however, it takes about 3 minutes to start, any damage will stop the regeneration, and it regenerates at about 25% as fast as a normal soldier, however, staying with a medic is highly reccomended.
Nearby medic:
+Rick Jorna 😂😂 SO fucking true
Rick Jorna same thing happend to me but that medic ran of with my gun
Rick Jorna IKR!! I hate it when that happens
Rick Jorna i had this with a medic was 0 m away from hè was Standing on me and didn't revive me luckely someone else revived me
Rick Jorna never depend on ur teammates to revive you that shit happens to me all the time
boi, sometimes Rambo reviving is for the true war heroes
and idk how i wouldve got into the aus elite team if it were not for rambo reviving
TruLadPlays thay have my respect
It sometimes work fam
Going Into Enemies And Shoot Everywhere and failed or success to revive your headless chicken Teammate.
Rambo reviving is for true heros
CookieCraze that's me
Desmond doss
CookieCraze yup me, ran through no mans land with lots of enemy assault classes and revived 5 guys
CookieCraze right 😂
CookieCraze one time a medic died in front of me i picked up his class and received him with his own class
I once successfully Rambo revived for the entire game of conquest and did not die once. I felt like Zeus shot a lightning bolt up my ass. I was running around the entire game reviving. About 30 revives and 0 deaths. Felt like a boss.
like having ADHD sweet
A big mistake people make is in your first example - wasting "5 minutes" playtime hunting down a noob who sniped you way out in the hills instead of playing the objective like you were when you got shot.
Lmao...too funny. Best post on here.
poisty21 lol when he said that I was like yeah he's a noob himself
poisty21 kind of hard to play the objective when your getting shot at by a sniper
Well, at least he doesn't hate on snipers, as they are doing their job ;)
He's only advising said snipers to change position every so often, as to make them even more effective :)
"Okay, we have 3 tickets left and I'm finally at the last objective. Just got to arm the bomb and we're good to go-" *Ping* "... or, I can get killed by the guy playing Sniper Elite... fuck" (A normal day in Rush)
I think Rambo reviving is the best thing in this game. Medics sacrificing themselves to save another player is just plain honorable. Don’t dis the medics bud
Carson Hitchcock it will be amazing if we can introduce in the game the military chaplain
Tom19142 agreed
I always run through the cross fire holding my syringe but I usually die but the guy on the floor lives
If you're good you can matrix that shit and dodge bullets I can revive a whole trench by running and diving it works so wells
they do 4 points
I like Rambo reviving, bc my medic rules are
1. Good men will die
2.doc can't save everyone
DarkAngel Gaming 1. That's a good code to go by
2.I like your gamer pic because I know it from plague inc.
DarkAngel Gaming Sabaton?
DarkAngel Gaming i need you on my team
DarkAngel Gaming that’s how I play as a medic, I got told I was shit the other day as I had 3 times more deaths than kills, I had a score of over 9,000 though.
Seriously i love medic risking their live to save teammate. Cheers!
After watching hacksaw ridge, rambo reviving is my main activity...
Dezman the medic xD
I loved that movie
Hacksaw ridge is ww2 in Okinawa
I suck at bf1 but screw the stats I play to have fun
Jared Wills good on you mate.
Jared Wills I do to
Jared Wills That is the point of video games, right? To have fun? People take video games too seriously.
Anonymouslydone ya I know
I hate when medics don't help when their right next to you
Fitzy 2 I played not to long ago, and this medic had his syringe out, SITTING 0 METERS AWAY, not reviving me. I was really annoyed and switched teams xD
Fitzy 2 Me too xd
TheTrollDinosaurs - Random Content Probably the syrigne was out :p
Fitzy 2 the reason why they don't revive you is 1 their dumb and 2 they don't care because all they care about is kills.
This is old, but I have to say that playing as a medic sometimes you are focused into shooting incoming enemyes or getting covered and it can happen that you just dont see your mate because all the chaos or that they are behind you
2:32 says that noobs dont last with the elite kits.
First 10 kills with sentry kit notification pops up.
Thebutcherman 😂😂😂
haha good spotting :D
expose him
It could've been his first time playing sentry.
Good spot 😂
A little piece of advice for new players : choose your nades wisely.
If you play as a medic and don't have anti-vehicle capabilities, well the light AT can be useful.
Do you have a machinegun deployed on a bipod ? It's interesting using incendiary nades to forbid a path to the enemy, and forcing it to come just in front of you.
Do you play assault with a shotgun, the mp18 or the automatico ? Gas will force your enemies to wear their gasmasks, so they can't aim down sights and you can rely on your excellent hipfire. It provides some visual cover too.
A bunch of snipers and vehicles cut your team to pieces before they can reach the objective ? Try using smoke. Very effective against tanks so you can use AT mines, dynamite or AT nades.
Max Fov autoloading and a shit ton of sliding.
Nicolas lf wow thanks for rewriting the constitution lol
General Patton
These tips are actually hold up pretty great! Thanks for sharing
The last one doesnt work that much as they do the classic spray n pray
Another mistake is people don't wait for medic to revive them. Seriously, I'm a medic and when I run to down teammate to reviving them they always chose to skip it. Be patient ! This is not COD YOUR DEATH MATTER !!
I know the feeling... and they don't even get to spawn back in faster.
RedGear I hate that when people skip and your about to revive them. I even wait when I die when medics are close by but if I know they can't make it to me or they go out of range because of too much bullets and nades flying around then yea I'll go ahead and spawn
I've ran into that problem also. Some people just don't wanna be a team player.
fuck medics they always stand on top of me and never revive
this guy complains about "call of duty style" but he calls snipers "campers"
Dalton Rokes Because they are campers.
Creed Diskenth not all of them. I play scout mostly and run around and play the objective while engaging in a medium range and sometimes even close range
GhostCrafter123 In Battlefield that is not a smart move, unless you don't care about your deaths like me.
Idiot Sandwich Your name is idiot sandwich, how am I a elitist? when I don't care about deaths only kills? do you even know what that word means.
Idiot Sandwich well, look it up.
I hate when they think that its BO3 and try to quickscope and run around with snipers
Beau Presley those guays are noobs
Beau Presley I guess
My brother does that with every different game and it makes me cringe so fucking hard.
Beau Presley i know
Beau Presley except if you have the iron sights when you have a scope that's what you shouldn't do
This guy acts like he’s such a badass and that he’s sooo good at hunting noobs
Carson Hitchcock maybe because he is
shot a noobhunter once... found him first
most cod players who jumped on the bandwagon are lil Jimmy's in battlefield 1
I'm Batman My dad ain't michael.
I'm Batman that's the truth, I'm hate when they fuck my shit up when I try to play the game
I'm Batman I guess you could say I am cod player, I only care about my kd, I got kicked out of a clan for that, don't make that mistake. help your team
This could be me - but I am learning and BF1 is a lot of fun with a big learning curve.
I'm Batman I jumped off the cod train right into the bf1 tank. I sucked ass when I first started playing battlefield. but it's not that hard to learn. play smart and be a team player is how you win in battlefield. in cod you play for yourself.
number 11. Noobs skipping revives even though you're medic and are close to the noob to revive him.
Sotilas1000 im sure its since no one really revives anymore in battlefield so they they skip i do the same
i always skip unless im playing with my squad
No one revives anymore. Most of the times it is useless to wait, they'll just run past you. People skip revives cuz no one revives, and people don't revive cuz people skip it.
Thomas Clark well i have only played the beta , on from my experience on there no one was reviving .
Thank goodness I've learned how to be a good medic and support player. You guys are brutal. But having said that I completely understand how frustrating it is when people don't PTFO!!!!!!!!
What's wrong with rambo reviving? It gives you a shit ton of xp, helps your team and is literally the job of a medic.
Your subscription is mine It doesnt helps putting someone in a dangerous spot Just for xp
all he means is check your surroundings a little bit before running into a room of 5 people to try to revive someone. As doing this will only get youself killed and maybe your teamate if you revived him fast enough
its like some people wait for the medic to show up and kill us both...haha
If I suspect that an enemy might be watching to see if someone gets revived, I throw a smoke and revive. Otherwise I only revive if it is safe enough for the both of us to do so. What I hate is when you are giving a player every indication you can that you are coming to revive them and they still ignore that to skip the revive.
noxdraconis same
I don’t like how he is bragging that he will find us and kill us if we kill him in battlefield 1
Claims to not be a noob....then cries like noob at virtual death...lol.
He is a tryhard
I swear to god I'm the only person who spots enemies
You are not alone my brother
I feel hard to spot enemies in BF 1. It's not as easy as BF 4 or 3. Do you think so?
I don't think so, i usually spot before I shoot or if i miss spot them so if i die, one of my teammates can kill the S.O.B
I too feel its hard to spot . I see an enemies some distance away and hit the spot button over and over sometimes it works right away other times I have to keep hitting the button...
I always spot. its free points if someone else gets the kill.
teabagging is a noob thing to do, wastes time and makes you more likely to get killed
+SniperKiller947 your to young to know...
you must be fun at parties
SniperKiller947 everytime u reply u say "slap slap slap clap clap clap" xD doesnt matter if ur trying to roast him, ur roasting urself 😂
Slap Slap Slap Clap Clap Clap your name reminds me of teabagging sounds lmao
Slap Slap Slap Clap Clap Clap ,
Supports are the worst for not playing their roles, I request ammo about 15 times when I have like half a clip left and there's a support near me and I always end up getting killed because they don't give me any ammo. Many medics are also scared to revive though...
Yeah same here, had to follow someone for 2 minutes before the little bitch realised I was asking for ammo.
When sniping always try to make sure you can still see your old spot " just so you can be trollin dem revenge killers" sometimes I can almost feel the rage from all the way across the map " I can also feel it when they are screeming into the mic. it hurts but its worth it"
Sometimes I don't even need them to ask if they look low on ammo I throw a pack in front of them
Christopher Davies i agree bro they should lern to play the game
Christopher Davies As a medic i revive people like crazy but one thing i hate is when people see me running to them but they skip their revive as a support im always dropping ammo and repairing vehicles.
Noob move 11-- T-bagging. this isn't COD people.
It's pretty much virtual necrophelia
Raul P. God , its BF4 again ..... the flashbag
Soufiane Tinoudi
Bad Company 2 for me
teabagging is a halo thing bud.
Unless if someone kill you and he teabags and you get revenge
On 2, I remember when I was a sentry, I got like 10 kills, and I ran to get cover.
There WAS A MEDIC infront of me, looking at me, I was clearly in need of a health pack and the fucker leaves into straight fire and dies.
amen brother...amen...
Svenska Soldaten Same with support you need ammo stand right next to them ask for ammo they run off you follow asking for ammo then boom dead.
Legit History cod players
Svenska Soldaten lhfh
you are the most honest cod youtuber and also my favorite!/Keep up the good work Tiago! THIS IS SPARTAA!!!!
About your sniping part in this video.It's called playing the game suck it up.
X Ronixx X You must be That Little Jimmy he is talking about.And i bet it is a Little Jimmy.
I agree with everything listed, but the spotting enemies one is a big problem in BF1. Spotting only works for me about 1 out of 10 or 15 times. Other times no matter how much I mash the spot button, the enemy never gets spotted. I never had this issue in previous BF games, so I'm guessing DICE changed something about spotting in BF1.
slandshark it's because your reticle has to be on an enemy to spot them, this way you can't just spam the button to spot enemies that you haven't actually seen
what about all the times im looking right at them and it doesn't work still? coz dat shit happens. i'm with slandshark on this... they definitely changed the spotting and i'm all for making it more precise but sometimes it's just too much...
also i'm not 100% sure but i think in previous games if you had your scope looking right at an enemy it would spot him even if you didnt hit the spot button.... they should definitely bring that back! because especially on console it's impossible to spot and shoot at the same time
slandshark they made it to where your cursor has to be on the enemy and there is a limited range to spotting
I started flying the attack plane shooting flares cause noone else bothers. Get lots of spot assists, and ofc I drop boms on their heads at the same time.
see... i didnt even know you could do that... someone needs to explain the planes better...
I guess I'm a "little jimmy". Was learning as I go. Still will. Watched this to learn but felt like I was being bitched at.
stop watching him he is garbage in the game. rather watch me than him lol xD (btw i never upload)
P-O-R_M_A i'm pretty sure that you are trash at this game
Row row row your boat silently up the stream. Lock and load tactical mode. UNITED STATES MARINES
Battlefield 1 nice
DeadlyBrianX Why should he?
skao kazonyurt me and my friends made it up
Idiot Sandwich thank you,lad
he must be fake, he changed his username and placed the avatar, no way DICE or EA would comment on a youtube video about Battlefield, only the official videos made by them for the fans and other people.
1. Stop saying little jimmy, kids are allowed to play games
2. Stop saying noob, you were one once too
3. Stop acting cool and like a bf1 veteran cause you are not one
TomasTheDankEngine The kids, use to be noobs.
Little Jimmy noob. I'm a BF vet just so you know.
And I bet he's Portuguese! muaha
Fut Fut;)
Someone is offended smh
The only time you should shoot a tank with a regular gun is if your in a saving private Ryan situation so you look badass
The piranha Wins so epic dun nununun *gets shot by tank*
The piranha Wins or if you have k-bullets... But your thing works too
The piranha Wins I didn't see the captains death coming in that seen
The piranha Wins I mean scene
The piranha Wins but you have to use a m1911
I suggest an 11th rule: "Let the medics do their job." I usually play as medic and am sick of running through bullets and bombs to save a guy only for him to just "give up" right before I reach him. If you have medics around, wait for a moment instead of just coming back to the spawn map right away.
I think being your role is the most important especially your medic !
Don't forget all the Assault guys running around desperately searching for more ammo for their SMGs. I call for ammo the first time I reload because so many Support guys not tossing ammo packs.
Some support guys don't carry pouches, some of us drop crates. Don't expect support to come deliver you ammo just cause you can't see the icon on the ground 10 meters behind you. I can't tell you how many times I have chased guys across the map just to try and toss a pouch at them at they keep running away from me still screaming for ammo. All they had to do was turn around.
Sometimes support is busy spotting or suppressing, you may have to jump in our field of view for us to notice just the off chance there isn't ammo laying near us to begin with.
players constantly unaware of their surroundings because they don't seam to understand how to use the minimap
+Aaron Lamb bro, I say this all the time
Yep, but I mean many new players choose to use the medic because of the gun, that could explain why there are many medic never save people...
Nothing worse than dying in a room with 2 medics
Luis Daniel Rivas Baguer Yeah like seriously what's up with that! I'm like ok so you're playing the medic class but you can't use your damn needle!!? So I don't see why some people bother to play medic if they don't even do their role
+Bat man Man at least try to save people.When I play medic like at least I try to reach them on time and im always throwing health packs.Same when i play support I throw ammo to everbody...But what really hurts is when it's your own squad...I know sometimes you are paired with people you don't know but if you are in a squad it's because you want to play a more team oriented game.Don't join squads if you're not gonna be a team player
Luis Daniel Rivas Baguer yeah man I feel ya. What do u play on? Maybe we can play a game togetherness some time, but I still gotta get bf1 I have bf4 rn
+Bat man I Play PS4...I have BF4 for PS3 .My GT is DOOMLORD45
Same, i only have a ps4. So i guess i'll add you once i get bf1! :/
You forgot about the annoying ass noobs that skip when they die, even though, I'm a medic and 10 meters away from them...
Blowing a vehicle up with k bullets feels so good, It's basically jizzing in a video game.
biggest mistake a noob can ever made ; spawn on a behemoth, and don't know how to drive it and start shooting everwhere 😂
Tiago Spartan Beast Flying*
Spawned in the Dreadnought in the rear gun my first and only time and the Driver sat there with the ship pointing toward the map so I was basically ineffective since I could not shoot behind me. Spammed "GO, GO, GO" and even sent him a message and still did not move.
Donald Anderson was it on ps4 cause someone was doing that to me when I was driving the drednought lmao
I'm sry but u a lil Jimmy, it's a magazine not a clip
Logan D guns that load the 5 shots at once use clips. magazines are used more by modern automatic weapons.
Russell Soileau, yes true, but a the difference between a mag and a clip is a spring, mag has one clip doesn't, the 5 rounds are called stripper clips, but they are fired from a internal box MAGAZINE, not an internal clip
Logan D... The M1 Garand has an open bodied, 7 round clip, with no internal spring.
It's loaded one round at a time, and then it's loaded into the rifle, from the top.
It is ejected automatically, by mechanical spring action, after the 7th round fires.
Logan D clipazine
I agree this guy is know nda dumb
Whenever medics walk over me and just act like I'm not there I message them to do there job
EXACTLY!! Stupid medics!! That is the whole point of your class and you don't equip the medical syringe or the med pack or crate?!!? ༼ノಠل͟ಠ༽ノ ︵ ┻━┻
Justin C yes every time I die and a medic is over me and not doing anything I shout at the tv saying "HEY GET ME UP YOU IDIOT"
Very true but as a medic player since Battlefield 1942 i hate when i run across a field dodging and weaving bullets only to have him respawn as i'm 2 feet away from him
Justin C yooo i do the same its so fucking annoying when no one revives me
My biggest sin is running around like a headless chicken. I totally lack the BF sense for now and have no idea about where would be the best place to go and when. So it's a mixed bag of spawning repeatedly to a tough flag to hold, following my squad or getting distracted by one enemy I go out of my way to flank.. And ofcourse flopping around like a wet noodle.
Sarcasm Incendiary grenades and supply drop game mode is a good start. Supply drop has way less snipers so running around doesnt mean insta death. Air mortars are an easy way to get some kills, just deploy it max 80 meters (or something like that) from the supply droo. Since you can see when enemy is on the objective and supply drops require you to be right next to it, air mortars always hit, just dont spam it because the accuracy gets worse if you dont wait a few seconds after each shot (the cooldown of it starts when you deploy it so if you wait a few sec after each shot you can deploy it right after you run out of ammo on the mortar)
*Runs through hell to revive player*
*player Insta-revives as soon as he dies and leaves me poking a dead body with a syringe*
*Dies to gas because I decided to revive before I put on my gas mask*
It sucks when you get revived and the shooter is still shooting at you...and....you're gone.
This shit is me every day
it would be awesome if the gas grenades were flamable. then you could burn that entire chemical in the air
JARVIS 283159 so like a Moloto?
it wouldn't make sense as neither mustard or chlorine gases where flammable
If smoke nades could put out incendiary nades though
But it isn’t csgo
Well half the time spotting doesn't work I've had guys like 10 ft away and it doesn't let me spot them.
It's made like that for a reason.
The Jasonater they can be right in front of u and it won't spot them unless ur gun is pointed at them. I've spotted snipers from 500m away if I aim correctly
The Jasonater that happens to me too. I'll aim right at them and still won't spot
you can't be aiming down sights, if it's still not working than it's clutching on your end. ive had no problems
Spicier Gamez even if that's true that's ridiculous, aiming down sights should be the more effective way of spotting. Obviously it's more precise
I Rambo revive
Gaming with Dylan true hero
True moron
I wish we can carry players to safety and revive them there
Damn I commented that 3 years ago wtf🤣. I still play the game too and no I don’t do that shit at all.
I've only died to gas when I was damaged Lmao
SWFTLY seems like your pic agrees with that...
omg you are funny AF dude!! xD
I know right. Learned a new term today, "Little Jimmies"
grafx777 you prob the jimmy
I think anger management classes may benefit you. Tea bagging? Seriously dude...
P.S. Is this FPS Russia?
yea it's kinda pathetic honestly.
+Melon lazers why you hating? get ur bad vibes out
Brandon Rankhorn Yes, no other game has tea baggers, lol! CoD players never go nuclear because a precious killstreak was broken and never tea bag. lolol ok
You savage!!! :'v
NOTE: Do NOT revive me if there's a whole team around me!!!!
I can't ay if it's camping but if I take support I intend to go to a safe spot closest to my objective and provide mortar rain and LMG cover (M60E4 with bipod and thermal and suppress as specialization also M93 as side arm) once it's taken I do move. I also move if the spot gets too crowded by enemies or friendlies.
jonathan smith
You are doing your job...
Do not worry, this is not COD...
jonathan smith That's good.
the thing with snipers is that I don't hate the snipers but when you're playing Conquest or operations and they sit way in the back and don't even contribute to helping their team they're just in it for themselves trying to make super long range kills...
useless spawn point is what I call them guys
speaking of spawn dude forgot to mention people not spawning on squad
in BF4 it takes 4 squad spawns on you to earn you a ribbon
in 150+ hours of play, usually in full squads, I have earned 3 ribbons
I feel I get even less squad spawns in BF1
and don't forget newbs don't understand if you create a new squad set it to public or nobody can join you, TDM limits the number of squads so being a 1 man squad severely hinders your team
Sentry does regen but it takes awhile
I can tell you that unless a medic is healing you the sentry doesnt regen at all
. i spawn as on horse just to use the horse for regen
Advice here is sound! One more I'd like to add is poor squad leaders though!! Not lighting up objectives and loosing teams valuable points!! Should be able to vote them out
MightyHaze if you request order and none is given, you'll be given squad leader.
Yup and as the Squad leader I normally remove the guy who requested the order. lol jk
U hate iT when a medic standing 1m from me while im dead .... ignores me
Super Scout122 I almost never get revived in battlefield. But when I play as a medic, which by the way is my favorite class, I always revive dead mates nearby... sad
It's actually easier getting to the top of the leaderboard by just healing and reviveing than it is, getting kills. I don't understand why more people don't do it. A majority of players just use it so they can heal themselves while camping in a building.
Super Scout122 lol same
they come in my direction pass next to me and keep it going,so fucked up
Super Scout122 oh look a dead teammate and there's no one around so I can heal him and save a life....NAWWWWWWW
Sniping in the same spot is fine on hardcore, no kill cam so.
Only scrubs play core lol
u have to play core noob
Lol hardcore isn't even in the game yet.
J Cole 1 hardcore isnt realeased yet 2 no kill cams in bf1 lol
J Cole this is some quality bait
RIP to all the people named Jimmy watching this video.
@JAMES SANDERS isn’t ur name James sanders
sometimes I run into a tank woth my knife hoping someday it will work
Dylan Fernhout I do it to scare the tank, which it always works. Then someone else gets the chance to do real damage
the hammer is the best tool for this because it actually damage tanks it is so fucking funny when i hit an enemy tank they are scared shitless and they cant even aim so close it is a massive destraction for them and you can dish out a lot of damage with it
Ahmad abdal Indeed it is because your not fixing the tank your malfunctioning the tank.
You can do it in Heroes & Generals. Tank drivers often stick their head out for third person view.
Adam Sayers well everyone thinks I mean bf1 but I mean bf4, sometimes they jumo out amd you can steal their tank
it deeply kills a part of me when a new person to the battlefield franchise make this kind of video
Dude I'm dying 😂 you got anew sub
RIP =)
Dude are Frickin hilarious I’m dying😂😂😂👌🔥🔥🔥
i tend to throw gas at the enemy so the can't aim in that gives me the advantage to get my mate up then run to safety
Kanen Barrow hip fire is pretty effective
Yeah, the gas grenades were poorly considered for this reason. They're a ridiculously over-effective area-denial tool. I know that the creators wanted to bring that feeling of WW1 to the WW2 shooter they made, but the implementation of gas grenades was done very poorly. Needs to have a more severe gameplay effect on teammates, otherwise they are easily abused.
Brian Villagomez you're right, but the pros are good at that the noobs fucking spray not landing their shots
i hate it when you have to put your gas mask on but there is an enemy right in front of you
jtar7242 oh it will do that in hardcore mode
Sentry kits do regen health dude....look who's the noob now
Zerosoldier No... it doesn't.
Zerosoldier IT doest
Yes it fucking does, you just have to wait longer for it to start regenerating
Zerosoldier Have you played the multiplayer? That only features in the campaign.
Niker Productions oh my god you fucking dumbass you fucking do
I like that suggestion bro, "DO YOU"RE FUCKING JOB!"
OMG he got a lot of good points...
Kamron There's* Don't correct someone while looking like an idiot yourself.
What's worse, misspelling a word or forgetting an apostrophe?
MrCapeCanaveral well depends, what's worse, misspelling a word or basically removing one from the sentence?
What word did he remove though?
The gas grenades kill so many players because people try to out last or get around the green, because they don't want to go to hip-fire and abandon sight firing. Hip-fire is very effective though after you get the hang of it...
I usually do #6 as a joke after the tank sees me and I know I'm gonna die so...that's not nooby
I mean I don't die so
Tmartn3 Ha same "Come at me you tea drinking brit, I dare ya" *Continues to shoot british tank*
Rambo reviving: guilty as charged.
I'm a noob for not having BF1 Do you agree ? ;(
or "Im 2poor2buy"
Josh Messi Yes. You = Noob
Tiago Spartan Beast swigitty swogity I'm coming for that booty
I don't think shooting at a tank with a normal gun is noobish. I mean, If you have no grenades or explosives left, you might as well try to shoot the tank and hope that you hit a weakspot or something - normal guns can damage some of the BF1 tanks.
yes I have killed a BF1 Mark V with a normal gun.
If I'm gonna die anyway because theres nowhere to run, i'd take my chances.
P-O-R_M_A HP bullets* u mean
Actually a Rambo Medic is pretty heroic I do it all the time and avoid getting shot by killing every single dude there. But if nobody gives you covering fire you are dead for sure. =)
Rcs Rcs Yea sir indeed... I could not agree with you more
Agreed, this isnt like bf4, death after revive doesn't get its spawn timer reset.
You can immediately respawn if killed after a revive so there's no ill effects.
Rcs Rcs I'm a Rambo medic all the time I mostly revive people all game that's why I go like 14-36
Calvinfan1220 Yeah, but you have to do it with a strategy like running from cover to cover if you are alone I think somthing like this would help you to not die so many times but the point is that it's the duty of every medic in real lif and in games to go out there in the danger zon and save someones live. :D
Rcs Rcs not always if the guy you revive is ready they could clear the area when you revive them
All the cod players who jumped ship are all little jimmy, and 95% of them said battlefield was a shit game around when ghosts and aw came out.
The one button Last name I play both. But this is the first bf that I can actually play. Bf4 I sucked at. Not gonna lie. And we all know how bad hardline was
Both games suck and y'all swallow :DDD
+Cole Kimes it was tbh
Cole Kimes I 100% agree with you in hardline the guns were balanced except for the K10 (that was patched) but the rest where good. Same with the maps but rip tide was bad in my opinion. Syndicate where challenging butt wasn't to extreme *cough* *cough* phantom.
dont group ghosts with a shit game like advanced warfare.
ghosts was the last cod worth playing.
Nothing is more annoying than when you're an assault who needs ammo and nobody will throw ammo down so you can destroy the tank and your team can push- or when no enemies are around and you've got three medics with in 10m and none of them revive you.
Seriously if you're not going to play your combat role switch classes because your team is literally counting on you to help them if you're a medic or support- and if you're a medic and you've got rifle grenades and a medkit- that's fuckin fine bro but put your god damn med kit on the ground. even if you're not sitting in that spot someone will run to it- same goes for support with the ammo kits.
If you're support and you're not carrying a pouch or a crate... you need to re-evaluate your support priorities unless you're babysitting a tank.
It's just as hard to find a squad that works as a team...
it has never happended to me yet
Just kick them out and wait for a player that knows to work as a team
I usually have dumbass teammates that use tanks but stay at base instead of going at the objective and provide support, same with the bomber plane, usually the dumbass using it is just flying around the map smh
Hey Tiago how about we play some Shadows Of Evil I got a new record last time. 3 kills 78 Downs.
Tiago Spartan Beast Could you also ask my dad Big Jim to stop sweating all over my scuf controller.
honestly i rambo revive lmao
joshuaiscool307 same, I like to be a medic and run in and revive them, no matter if I die or not, or just shoot and revive, it's so much fun
they had like 20 guys in one area and I ran in to revive a squad member lol
yup same. although the frontline is changing all the time, its sometimes a bit difficult to get perspective of whether one guy dead is way out in enemy territory or he is on the edge of a fray.
for real, no man left behind!
I love being a medic in bf1 and I feel like Rambo reviving is my job lol.
The little Jimmies in battlefield are cod players
You are really funny mate!! Haha I'm an innocent delicious noob then I'm afraid 😂
Rambo reviving is the best thing you can do
Before you guys start downgrading snipers they play a huge role. Its been Objectives people refused to capture because they knew us Snipers were watching over it. Here is what I'll say if you come across a game with snipers who know what they are doing. They will pick you off ALL day until you leave that objective alone. How do I know?? Level 10 Sniper right here. And nothing makes me as a sniper happier than seeing a bunch of you maggots trying to storm an objective lol. I DO NOT lay there most times. I have 3 sides to look out for and normally 2 different objectives So I don't move on my 40 ft stretch of land trying to get you off the objective. no Instead I as a sniper my job is to not even let you get close to it in the first place. And If you do manage to get close then all 4 of us who is sniping in my squad have failed. But then again I play In a organized platoon theres 32 of us with 2 sniper squads and 8 snipers. Aswell as up to 7 objectives to guard over. Is it not like this In pub?? Oh and If you ever come across a situation like I described above with like 10 Snipers. It may sound weird but its very effective if you would just spot snipers , Don't try to shoot unless your goal is to suppress till you get to cover. But you would be surprised by how much bombers actually pay attention to the ground troops. keep clear the AA's tho And with that being said Good Luck guys I'll see you on the field.
TheStevenrobinson I just love seeing little jimmies try to snipe in the open like on Fao Fortress where they're just laying on the mountain and picking them off is so fun.
Person with camera back in the days of 1943, id die from the same sniper 5 times. i get in a tank, drive to where theyre hiding look RIGHT at them and drive away. 10 seconds later i turn around and blow them away. then i ask if they remember me.
I am lvl 53 sniper and I agree with u
im a level 50 scout and 70 as my level and im an aggresive sniper, noye i dont use a scope and i can pick off guys on the mountains and add suppresive fire and chain kills, i can relate to peering over objectives 👌
Tbh if ur maxed level in a certain class i think its time to try another class...or game
taking a plane only to parachute down and kill a sniper? that sounds like something a noob would do. Waste of resources and not putting focus where the focus is needed.
Rest of list is cool, except for the part in the beginning. Sniper is a noob class to begin with. People who play snipers only care about their own K/D and not how the team is doing.
he said he spawns in a friendly plane and parachute down - he dont fly it himself
As a sniper, I can say that this is truly incorrect. Snipers stay out of range because they are not able to kill easily when they are close to others. This may be way you think we only care about our own K/D. Also, snipers play as support for the assault players because they pick off players that may be targeting those assault players. Furthermore, sniper is most definitely not a noob class because timing and bullet drop for snipers are far more important than any class. This is because the timing will change when the bullet will come in contact with the enemy [which means that snipers have to predict their enemy's movements] and they have to figure out which area to shoot their enemy [which may also change due to bullet drop]. Snipers need much skill in order to function. Therefore, snipers cannot be a noob class and they do care about how the team is.
Nishanth Shetty
Long distance shots with bullet drop is a basic skill you need no matter what you play as. I mostly play operations and the more snipers the worse the team. It's not a useful class unless we're talking conquest 64 players on the desert levels. Medics, Assaults and support when played well is what makes a team win. Sniper is like a black sheep.
You literally only responded to bullet drop. However, all my other arguments were not talked about. Therefore, I extend those arguments. This means that timing must be taken into consideration and snipers can act as support. Thus, snipers need skill to function and are useful in various modes.
Nishanth Shetty
Useful if a person knows how to use it*
Too bad 99% of the people playing snipers aren't even spotting or doing any useful shit at all. I always want to do as much as I possibly can for my team and have fun at the same time. As a sniper you get neither. Playing sniper is good for people afraid to die in a video game that want to sit 300m away sipping tea. If you're on the winning team and playing sniper, that's fine. But if you're on the losing team and still play sniper instead of helping your team as much as you can... c'mon
haha oh my goodness so true, the beginning about snipers and how annoying they are. Hilarious! I never even knew you could stick an enemy with the syringe and kill them! HAHA thanks man
Little Jimmys also teabag, "have some respect ".
What about
Bayonet charging like 'Rambo'
So many noobs just charge to me when they are like 40m away
What I love about Battlefield versus CoD: sniping is more legit. there are few trickshotting "MLG" players. sniper keep their distance, and take their time. none of this trickshot BS. Take a few shots, score a few kills, move along. that's what sniping is all about.
John Edington You can trick shot and quick scope in Battlefield though.
You can, but it's less common. The closest I've seen is a CQC build in BF4 with a RDS sniper.
John Edington thats probably the semi sniper or the one from Dragons teeth
It's actually possible to rush with a sniper. I do it all the time, just shoot with the sniper and finish with pistol or sniper if you have enough time. I never have a negative k/D while doing this
daan ik Yeah, that's a good tactic.
Björn Brandsma I use the M98B, Coyote, straight pull, Suppressor laser. Surprisingly effective in close range.
Lmoa this video is so funny and creative now this is the content i wanna watch
in BF3 i was the most determined medic out there. I only shot the enemy if there was 0% chance of me getting him or there was none to be revived
I do the same in every single game that has a medic class. Your job is not to necessarily to kill the enemy; your job is to keep the attack/defense alive, literally (in a virtual sense).
I hate those people that you'll chase around the map, trying to get ammo or health, and they never once drop their class-specific items; of course, these same will rearm/heal themselves while completely ignoring everyone else.
jon timmermann ik but if i want to live i need to keep the team alive. especially in a map like operation metro or grand bazaar
jon timmermann bro its a game he can do what he wants 😂
Anthony Cortez thank you Sherlock Holmes... but usually in shooting games... people shoot people... I guess your tiny brain can't wrap itself around such a complex idea
jon timmermann oh fuck off
when you have a sentry kit you can generate health but it takes a way longer time then normal
Tiago Spartan Beast something that does not happen if you run straight to the enemy(you Said that).ALSO love your Channel but i feel like you are a bit to critic because it appears like you think you are superior to other players and you forget that everyone was a noob including you in videogames
Mario SILVI bullshit!! It's fun to laugh at dumbass little jimmy noobs
Mario SILVI I agree,he clearly thinks everyone should be experts in the game before even starting. And he obviously thinks he's something, just by the way he talks
Well frankly the franchise is 14 years old so if you don't get it, leave. Play one of the older games and figure out the right way to play first. It's just as mindless and obvious as cod.
Sniping in the same place(camping) is not a mistake. It's a mistake if you don't secure your position.
alex ryan Camping is "Staying in one spot or location. Securing it, and making it difficult for others to advance in that location"
It's mostly done with snoopers.
I say camping is sitting in a spot for an extended period of time
Whenever i get the sentry i go on insane killstreaks with it before dying. Like 50-70 kills
yeah right bro
Susan The Rain Painter i mean. I have proof on my clips as screenshots buuuuuuut it’s whatever though
It becomes worst when u play on Aragon forest with fking campers everywhere .
Ho He i dont like that map too -_-
I hate that map it has no flow at all to me
thats the one with the huge bottleneck in the middle beside bridge?
what about reviving too early when medics are about!! im a medic an in td were kills are everything people revive right before i revive them! like they get killed i kill the guy who did it then go to revive an they respawn after 2 seconds of being down
mattyy101 what the fuck did u just say
Yes, you are right, it piss me off
mattyy101 oh sorry u meant team deathmatch
mattyy101 im not a medic but i tried it out yesterday and same thing happen to me 😂😂
stay in cod, you probably have never played a previous bf game. Stop making yourself look good and complain about snipers and campers when its a part of the game, and its completely fine. Called strategy boy.
MajorasFlask never complained just saying to move when sniping he gave u tips on sniping try listening bud
Sup... You know Majora... You fucking suck you do!
Yeah....because Battlefield is WAY better than COD in terms of strategy -_- oh brother.
Great video, I think not spotting is one of the biggest mistakes
I know one thing
I'm NOT a little jimmy
The Blunt dagger TRUE JEDI right here
Yes you are noob
I’m told my jimmy is quite yuge
Who else hates when you bust your ass trying to run to a teammate that is 20 metres away and after you revive them they just run away without saying thank you.😑😑😑
William Ghazal A boss doesn't thank the janitor for cleaning the bathrooms. Its his job. Same with medic. Its your duty to revive/heal
Valiii Lol you're right but... I say thank you every time bcuz the medic didn't HAVE to revive me.. They made the decision to be a good teammate so why not thank them.
This video is right about these noob mistakes, but I hate how this guy talks like he is the best player and never makes mistakes.
Like he said:
I never died with gas grenades (like all people who die on gas are noobs, but when the chaos is real you can forget it sometimes or when your Health is low) . yea maybe 1 time, like he is sooo pro player makes me puke how he acts so dislike for your ego...
Dude it's a joke. It's meant to be sarcasm.
Yeah i guess its just his way of sarcasm... And honestly its a 10min Video, thats all you would have to watch before you ruin a Game for 63 people.
Or you would have to think about the game for ...2min :-D
I fuckin love how he talks lol. hes just not a fuckin idiot ya know
SmokeSum NL Also he says that noobs dont survive longer than a few minutes with the juggernaut. he fckng died after playing as a juggernaut for 1 min. guess who the noob is
Thanks m8 I learnt a lot as a starter of bf1.
Even if I don’t make any mistakes from this vid, I learnt how to counter stuff like that thx m8
UA-cam challenge
Count how many times he said "ladies and gentleman".
Ok I'll give you a number when I'm done watching
17 I think
Or better "lil' jimmies".
illegal Nah I'm good, Lmao.
The best tip of all time:
when whole team is focused on anducting one objective and failing over and over again and ignoring the other objectives 😣😣😣😣
I agree I've lost countless matches because I kept getting into a game where people are not going for the other objectives but instead failing to take just one and abusing the time given to them.. I don't get it at all.. there are a lot of noob players on battlefield it seems like.
Actually, Sentries do regenerate, however, it takes about 3 minutes to start, any damage will stop the regeneration, and it regenerates at about 25% as fast as a normal soldier, however, staying with a medic is highly reccomended.