Elizabeth Loftus - How Does Memory Work?

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024


  • @rjgood1
    @rjgood1 3 роки тому +8

    Sometimes I remember events in detail from decades ago and I bring them up with friends who were also present at the same events and they won't remember it at all. It might be something that I thought was very important or memorable. To me my memories seem real and rock solid but now I am told they can evolve or fade from the passage of time or can even be manipulated. It makes me question everything even though I believe my memories are accurate.

    • @JohnnyBravo-gj7ve
      @JohnnyBravo-gj7ve 6 місяців тому +1

      She is talking more about false memories and memories that are easy to be manipulated if you werent lucid enough to remember. Your memories are real just not all of them are as reliable as you think. You are over generalising

  • @JonSebastianF
    @JonSebastianF 3 роки тому +13

    0:42 Laptop in the background sneezes and passes out !!!

  • @hymnsake
    @hymnsake 3 роки тому +13

    One of these days I want to hear someone say “we got no effin clue” and end the video. That would be closer to truth

    • @hajorm.a3474
      @hajorm.a3474 3 роки тому +1

      Lol I was hoping she would say something knew...nope

    • @colinmatthews7442
      @colinmatthews7442 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, that would be refreshing for sure!

  • @caricue
    @caricue 3 роки тому +1

    I feel that my bad memory is a blessing in almost every case. I almost exclusively remember good things concerning myself, and I could care less if they actually happened or not. In fact, if you wish to tell interesting stories, revising the past is practically mandatory.

    • @chillyconmor
      @chillyconmor Рік тому

      hey remember this?

    • @caricue
      @caricue Рік тому

      @@chillyconmor haha, I have literally no memory of making that silly comment. Thanks for trying though.

  • @mintakan003
    @mintakan003 3 роки тому +1

    IMO, the Bayesian approach to the mind is still a good way of explaining what's going on. We are not recording devices. We are constantly trying to build models of the world. This includes constantly trying to interpret it, with certain end goals in mind. This includes narratives about self. "Memory" is an integration of all these considerations (along with a certain amount of "psychological stickiness", beyond the raw cognitive aspects).
    The video does includes some good compensations for the fallibility of human memory. First, is simply understanding the nature of human memory. Along with this, a certain attitude of forgiveness, tolerance, and not taking things too literally.
    My more nerdy side also drifted into thoughts of some future human-machine integration. These are thought experiments on possible "fixes" (?). Today, almost everyone has a cell phone to document incidents. Police have body-cams. Will AR glasses be the future norm? What about privacy concerns? So, even with literal recording, there will be problematic considerations.

  • @colinmatthews7442
    @colinmatthews7442 3 роки тому +4

    This is a very interesting talk.
    As someone who has suffered from diagnosed depression, I was confuse but the first segment of this, as I do not think this way.
    To hear someone suggest that people without depression remember in delusional ways, supports the theory that depression is the natural reaction to our un-natural world.
    Perhaps the growing number of depressed people around the world will eventually help support the idea that it’s this fabricated world that needs changing, not us.
    Perhaps it is understanding itself that is evolving, and the name we’re giving to this phenomenon is depression
    Stay strong and healthy

    • @readynowforever3676
      @readynowforever3676 3 роки тому

      My cousin told his son “Life doesn’t give a fuck about you”.
      I told my sons “Life is a no mercy proposition”.
      Accepting these precepts should then be a natural default of “depression”, rather than the adaptation of the old adage of “survival of the fittest” ?
      What is more likely and probable, that there will be mass “changing” of “the world” or an individual manipulation of epigenetics to alter soft wired defaults (that have a proclivity for despair) ?
      If vision and memory are “malleable”, then certainly emotional/psychological fortitude is. All material is “malleable” and nothing exist (known to man) without material.
      The Homo sapiens is just a wild evolutionary animal with an evolutionary neocortex. Being cognizant of that neocortex is vital in manipulating that neocortex to create a more sanguine salubrious state of being.
      If you espouse brain plasticity, for intellectual enhancement, then surely you prescribe to brain plasticity for emotional/psychological fortification and adaptation?
      Surely you don’t think it is wise to respond to world/cultural adversity and carnage with an emotional/psychological default of surrender and delusional expectations of a “world” that changes?
      Irony of machinations, one of the most efficacious mechanisms for that “adaptation” and “fortification” is empathy & altruism; as it has a way of eradicating self pity fear & hate. Acquiescing & feeding dystopia often leads to heightened dysphoria.
      We went from the wetlands/grasslands to our high tower condos; but it’s peculiarly and perhaps ominous, that it resembles being back high up in the trees, when we left the flatlands to escape danger and then when we came back down from the trees...and became the danger.
      I have no doubt-that this world will always be savage, regardless of where we live, so you too...
      ...”Stay healthy and strong” (and never believe that health and strength has a biologically preset plateau).

    • @colinmatthews7442
      @colinmatthews7442 3 роки тому

      Hopefully your kids weren’t too young when you shot that at them.
      The world does have mercy though, it has at least as much as I’ve been able to show.
      I tend to think you are capable of showing mercy as well.
      The world always changes my friend, it always has and always will.
      Medical professionals in my society would have us believe that depression is a chemical imbalance.
      I don’t buy it.
      Man knows many things that aren’t material in nature, try putting your hands on a piece of software.
      Some know many more things but there appears to be only one thing that’s important.
      Try not to get sick from any illness going around and don’t let your mental state be the thing that destroys you. (Healthy and strong)

    • @readynowforever3676
      @readynowforever3676 3 роки тому

      @@colinmatthews7442 Your analogy is reckless at best, buffoonery/quackery/lunacy at worst. “Software” cannot does not exist independently of material and that my friend is an ineluctable reality.
      When the software is upgraded, it is done by altering the hardware that it is implanted upon. There can be no strength without the presence of a muscle, just as there can be no sight without the presence of a biological visionary system.
      To literally “putting your hands on a piece of” vision or strength or software to prove its nonmaterial existence is as idiot as “putting your hands on a piece of” subatomic particles to prove a nonmaterial existence. Surely you don’t think that was intelligent rationale my friend.
      “Chemical imbalance” indeed, thats why psych drugs have been effective since 1948; those drugs alters the biological physiology, like a Sigmund Freud therapy session.
      Actor Tom Cruise (rightfully) offered a critique of these meds, because scientists have not discovered exactly how these drugs changes the biological chemical (epi)genetic hormonal neurological, structures & processes. But they unequivocally categorically do.
      And all the data shows that anyone who’s been on said drugs, that discontinues them cold turkey rather than weening off, will experience an adverse chemical effect.
      And thank you for your concern about the age of my kids, vis a vis these life lessons; but that was suffice to say, don’t expect “mercy”...rather than affecting and effecting agency.
      This is not mere philosophy, this is vital developmental operatives. ...then with the solidification of human self reliance, one can be the humble recipient of kind human “mercy”. But entitlement, is never a virtue.
      My friend, you seem a little contentious & pugnacious; be that as it may, you still can’t just create your own scientific facts (“buy it” or not), using only yourself as a test study. I’m proud of for all your introspection, but I would still highly recommend expansion & inclusion.
      I read a book in the 90s that truly epitomizes this discourse subject. Its called “Mind Body Deceptions. The Psychosomatics of Everyday Life” by Dr. Steven L. Dubovsky.

    • @colinmatthews7442
      @colinmatthews7442 3 роки тому

      @@readynowforever3676 there is no need to resort to calling names and attacking my ideas.
      You are free to disagree with me.
      They way I think is contrary to the way you do and many others.
      I expect backlash when I post controversial topics, I see it as a way to get people to think outside of their comfort zone which is a place I think science may be stuck in right now.
      I don’t fully believe anything I can’t verify myself and neither should you.
      I know the software exists, conveniently you say it cannot without hardware.
      You may be correct but there are a number of people exploring the idea that the information exists independently of the physical structures.
      I’d love to continue this, it’s nice to be reminded of the old ways of thinking that I too once shared.
      It would be nice, if you could phrase your responses in a way that the average person could read without a dictionary.
      I find you lose most people’s interest very quickly using complex words and sentences.
      I’m not sure if you think we have all the answers, but it seem like you think we have most of them.
      I think we barley have a good enough understanding of our world to make a few things work.
      If we assume we’re right about everything we think we know, that’s all we’ll ever have.
      Depression isn’t well understood. The meds work for some and not others.
      There are ways to cope with depression without chemicals.
      They made me manic or didn’t work at all
      Don’t think I speak lightly when I talk about it. I’ve lost people very close to me to it.
      Consider this:
      We all have a balance of chemicals in our system.
      If my “balance” allows me to remember things the way they actually occurred, and your “balance” changes your memories to let you feel better about yourself, who has the true memories?
      I pretty sure a judge would pick the accurate memory if we both had to stand in court.
      So why is it that I’m “unbalanced”?
      Is it because I haven’t deluded myself into thinking that I’m something that I’m not?
      I’d say that negative rumination is more of a problem than chemicals and that can be addressed by controlling the neo cortex through the process of meditation.
      No chemical dependence needed.
      We may someday find that the chemical processes within us are the by-products of energetic processes, and not the cause for our thoughts and emotions.
      I’m gonna go touch some electricity now, see if I can figure out how heavy it is...
      Just kidding, no one should try this please.
      I’m an electrician, I’ve already touched it too many times. I know what it feels like and that I won’t be able to weigh it.

    • @readynowforever3676
      @readynowforever3676 3 роки тому

      @@colinmatthews7442 😊 I’m not sure what phraseology and terminology selection that you found to be esoteric, nonetheless, my apologies for those complexities.
      As for the “software” analogy, well, I would have thought that was most obvious, because software is 100 percent man made.
      It’s like the music you hear that emanates from a vinyl LP. The music is 100 percent predicated upon the hardware. Precisely like software.
      And I don’t mean to offend anyone, but to not acknowledge that simple fact is to be disingenuous or ignorant.
      And I’m all for exploratory postulations, but if we’re going to be a contrarian just for the sake of being radical or provocative and disavowing well established facts, I honestly don’t think we are on a truth seeking quest.
      It’s like here in America we have an ousted American president that never was concerned with truth, but rather how many people he could convince of his perverted ideas irrespective of veracity.
      Hopefully that wasn’t too abstruse. I try to always double space for interlude processing therefore facilitating the navigation and comprehension.
      May you continue to thrive my friend 😀

  • @thirtyeight3440
    @thirtyeight3440 3 роки тому

    thank you for all of your shows

  • @rotorblade9508
    @rotorblade9508 3 роки тому

    But I think it is a bit like recording a picture for example. On a hard disk the information of a single picture is stored as series of bits on different location but it’s retrieved completely and flawlessly whereas a brain stores different information on various areas and creates some abstract information as well. But when it’s retrieved the neurons can fire in a way similarly to when you saw the image the first time. And it can also create an accurate picture on the region of the brain responsible for creating awareness of visual images. For example when we dream the images appear quite clear. Even when you wake up the last image in the dream can remain visible but in the same way you see when staring at some still images then look away and you concentrate and see a very faded image slowly disappearing.

  • @owencampbell4947
    @owencampbell4947 3 роки тому

    This is more complicated than we can understand. A part of a brains information is coming from within, a blood transported information from our ancestors that is mainly responsible for emotions.
    External informations, self experienced, and other ways of informations are being processed and combined sometimes emotionally and are building stones for our memories.
    We can imagine our brain as an open source software for the external informations. Informations from within are bedded in the hardware.
    That's why people tend to be with their kind, evolution made it possible to be compatible with others.
    The video is good and explains how memory is affected and can be manipulated. All in all it's a magnitude of processes.

    • @readynowforever3676
      @readynowforever3676 3 роки тому

      I was less than pleased with this episode as it focused and concluded what we’ve all known, memory manipulation is real; which should come as no surprise because all material is “malleable” and nothing/no being/or existence (known to man) can exist without material.
      I thought this episode would be about where and how memory is stored. I was excited to see some proof or disproof of my hypothesis that memory is stored in our brain components via subatomic implantation (like imprint-ation).
      She said at the onset, “memory doesn’t work like a cassette tape” (I think was her wording) but she didn’t offer any biological schematic theories for brain machinations & mechanism plausibilities.
      😀 My ability to remember my name, just has to be physically imprinted somewhere in my 🧠. No?

  • @rahinc
    @rahinc 3 роки тому +1

    True or false memory? You were in a TV commercial decades ago, Elizabeth. And following a statement or question you made in the commercial, the narrator replied “That’s right Mrs. Loftus!”

  • @ianclarke5404
    @ianclarke5404 3 роки тому

    I've also felt much better after confronting a person from my past in a dream. I also convinced myself i could ride a bike at last after dreaming it.

  • @jkim3323
    @jkim3323 3 роки тому +1

    Do you have a video about how memory is stored?

    • @holgerjrgensen2166
      @holgerjrgensen2166 3 роки тому

      Well, our memories is stored in the memory-archive and destiny-register in our Memory-body in our Consciousness.
      Memory-body is one of the five 'Night-bodies', also known as Deep-sleep-periods.
      When We fall at sleep, We do move our Day-Consciousness to our Feeling-body, - Intelligens-body,- Intuition-body, -Memory-body, and Instinct-body.
      It is our 'Connection-body,' that, is link to the transfer, it is 'Here' we do take memories from 'the night' to the awake condition (Gravity-body/physical-body) just before the wake up.
      (NDE, OOB-experience, message- and warnings-dreams, and greetings from newly dead, happends through the connection-body)
      So, when We experience a new smell, then a synaps/antenna in the brain is created, so We can recognize it again.
      Our language consits of word-pictures, picture-words, symbols, lest say you can 20 languages, but then the connection in the brain, is dis-connected, about the word-picture 'cup', then You would not be able to say cup, in any languages.
      In our Eternal Life-structure Memory is the highest in the hierachy , it bring us from word to word, from day to day, from Life to Life.
      Well in this Circuit that I in-directly showed, Memory is decreasing,, but the increasing of the Intelligence will compensate for that.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 3 роки тому

    Memory can be dealt with like in the present, with information since the memory mixed in. So a memory can be about what it means in the present.

  • @iecl-sq3lt
    @iecl-sq3lt Рік тому

    There is a very important case of Lynn Crook, she has a book called False Memories: The Deception That Silenced Millions by Lynn Crook. She criticizes the issue of "false memories", please investigate the case I mentioned above, it is very important since it demolishes several arguments that many people are believing and that cause harm

  • @photobobo
    @photobobo 3 роки тому

    The title of this video is misleading. Don't you just love it when You tubers pose a question to get you to click on their video, and then never answer the question.

  • @joesmith9139
    @joesmith9139 3 роки тому +1

    What about ppl who have so many false memories, they practically constructed a new reality for themselves? Do you let them live in that new reality? Is it not an illness to deal with? How do you relate to ppl like that?

    • @bryanstephens6007
      @bryanstephens6007 3 роки тому +5

      Do you mean like Donald Trump?

    • @tanshihus1
      @tanshihus1 3 роки тому

      Joe Smith: the reality you live in is already different from everyone else's based on your perspective. No one else lives in the same world that your brain is hallucinating about. Why worry about what other people are experiencing?

    • @joesmith9139
      @joesmith9139 3 роки тому

      @@bryanstephens6007 Or my sister. 😔

    • @joesmith9139
      @joesmith9139 3 роки тому

      @@tanshihus1 Because you need to interact with them. They can have a huge influence on your life, and if you can not agree on anything, that is hard. Communication becomes impossible.

    • @tanshihus1
      @tanshihus1 3 роки тому

      @@joesmith9139 You're assuming there's going to be a benefit without considering any disadvantages. Feels like you're talking about a specific person? Without knowing any more, whom am I to council you? All I can say for certain is everyone desires to be respected by others. Good luck.

  • @mikejones-vd3fg
    @mikejones-vd3fg 3 роки тому


  • @1p6t1gms
    @1p6t1gms 3 роки тому

    This sounds a lot like how mass assemblage of faith works as well, but I wonder about the forgetting of memory too when there is no presence of injury, and there is a created memory from a forgotten positive/negative true memory; positive/negative false memory . And also if any false or distorted recall of the memory happens (at different orders of degree) when there are a continual build up of specious information from a central source, but other sources linked to this in support as well. As well as, coupled with an intellect not sufficient to overcome necessary human needs for reasonable thought for a healthy inner emotional life and not one led by false concepts that seem to damage this on multiple level.. idk if I was clear enough here yet, apologies.

  • @GrantCastillou
    @GrantCastillou 2 роки тому

    According to the TNGS, memory is a process of dynamic recategorization. It is a system process, not identifiable with any particular group of neurons or area in the brain.
    It's becoming clear that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding. By this I mean, can any particular theory be used to create a human adult level conscious machine. My bet is on the late Gerald Edelman's Extended Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. The lead group in robotics based on this theory is the Neurorobotics Lab at UC at Irvine. Dr. Edelman distinguished between primary consciousness, which came first in evolution, and that humans share with other conscious animals, and higher order consciousness, which came to only humans with the acquisition of language. A machine with primary consciousness will probably have to come first.
    The thing I find special about the TNGS is the Darwin series of automata created at the Neurosciences Institute by Dr. Edelman and his colleagues in the 1990's and 2000's. These machines perform in the real world, not in a restricted simulated world, and display convincing physical behavior indicative of higher psychological functions necessary for consciousness, such as perceptual categorization, memory, and learning. They are based on realistic models of the parts of the biological brain that the theory claims subserve these functions. The extended TNGS allows for the emergence of consciousness based only on further evolutionary development of the brain areas responsible for these functions, in a parsimonious way. No other research I've encountered is anywhere near as convincing.
    I post because on almost every video and article about the brain and consciousness that I encounter, the attitude seems to be that we still know next to nothing about how the brain and consciousness work; that there's lots of data but no unifying theory. I believe the extended TNGS is that theory. My motivation is to keep that theory in front of the public. And obviously, I consider it the route to a truly conscious machine, primary and higher-order.
    My advice to people who want to create a conscious machine is to seriously ground themselves in the extended TNGS and the Darwin automata first, and proceed from there, by applying to Jeff Krichmar's lab at UC Irvine, possibly. Dr. Edelman's roadmap to a conscious machine is at arxiv.org/abs/2105.10461

  • @Bill..N
    @Bill..N 3 роки тому +5

    Could my memory be correct and REALITY got it wrong..?

    • @GlossRabban
      @GlossRabban 3 роки тому +2

      Gonna use that as an excuse from Now on.
      IT ain't me Who got it wrong, it is everyone and everything Else.

    • @coryharasha
      @coryharasha 3 роки тому +1

      Introducing the quantum reality with parallel timelines and alternative universes. The reality you experience is but a choice. There is no reason from the quantum perspective that two observes must observe the same observation from the probability distribution. :)
      For example, did Trump or Biden win the election? It depends on which reality you live in and which information you believe. Of course, both realities will hopefully converge in January when one of them will be in the physical white house.

    • @Bill..N
      @Bill..N 3 роки тому +2

      @@coryharasha I "Liked" your comment friend, but would modiify it to say: Mathematical reasoning would be the SAME irregardless of the observer..An important distinction..Peace.

    • @coryharasha
      @coryharasha 3 роки тому +1

      @@Bill..N That's a good perspective to integrate as well, my friend. Thanks for sharing.

    • @Bill..N
      @Bill..N 3 роки тому

      @@coryharasha Arising from QM, QFT makes incredibly accurate predictions.. We have VERIFIED their accuracy to be SO precise that if it were a measurement of the entire perimeter of the United States it would be accurate to within an inch..My point is, these are mathematical deductions that ANY advanced species would discover (And need to know) before entering an electronics age and are not a variable based on relative frame references, or observers..Comments on that?

  • @mehdibaghbadran3182
    @mehdibaghbadran3182 3 роки тому

    I asking questions myself first if I can find an answer to make sure I know the answers, then I’m asking it from the others.

  • @Nekoyarou7766
    @Nekoyarou7766 Місяць тому

    I believe we reconstruct memories not record it, we can change memories with imagination basically memories just us imagining the past

  • @rvmishra9881
    @rvmishra9881 3 роки тому +3

    Howsoever it works....
    I can't remember anything in my exams... LoL.. its corrupted..!

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 3 роки тому

    Sometimes remember more the giving of misinformation, even if in a confused way.

  • @dosomething3
    @dosomething3 3 роки тому +8

    Clickbait. This video does not explain how memories work. You’re welcome.

  • @mediocrates3416
    @mediocrates3416 3 роки тому

    Episodic memory works *instantly* how?

  • @bencausey
    @bencausey 3 роки тому +1

    Tell us something we don’t already know.

  • @NeganLucilleForever
    @NeganLucilleForever 2 роки тому +1

    she wants to testify for Sandussky in his new trial, discrediting the victims
    she's beyond disgusting!

  • @sr2291
    @sr2291 9 місяців тому

    Why do I think this is going to lead to my SA not being real? Who gets to pick and choose what is real and what is not real when I was there. Who cares if Elizabeth Lofthus thinks my memories are right or wrong?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 3 роки тому

    Maybe memory only reliable short period of time, partly so we can move on to new things.

    • @GlossRabban
      @GlossRabban 3 роки тому

      Got a pocket full of funky with a peppermint twist
      She’s a cool, shifty mama blastin’ off on the flip
      iridescent pork belly galactic super train
      mama sister playground with a straw daddy cane.

  • @brodiering
    @brodiering 3 роки тому

    So we're easy to program and reprogram...

  • @rotorblade9508
    @rotorblade9508 3 роки тому +1

    That sounds like the cause of Mandela effect

  • @mediocrates3416
    @mediocrates3416 3 роки тому

    "Many times, you would say..."; no, no, "many people would say", yes?
    She's *still* doing it!
    I would ask which intersection. Cuz she said, "that intersection with the yield sign."
    And to be clear; i'm depressed because of misleading B.S. (like excusing the choice of comfort over truth) and the mountain of colonialism and misogyny that relies on it.

  • @jmjsr
    @jmjsr 3 роки тому +2

    Wish you would have asked her about Deja vu.

  • @Salv-lj8kj
    @Salv-lj8kj 3 роки тому

    But how does memory actually work in the brain?

  • @meganjperry9489
    @meganjperry9489 3 роки тому

    This women has no respect from me. Anyone who dismissed out of hand the concept of repressed memories as not possible or true shows how little they understand memory.

    • @markoshun
      @markoshun 3 роки тому

      Are you referring to another video or interview with her? I didn’t hear anything about repressed memory in this one. I’ve been interested in repressed memory for a long time but haven’t seen much about it.

  • @Marianna-js3ji
    @Marianna-js3ji 7 місяців тому

    There is no such thing as a false memory. What she is talking about is manipulating people to believe something.

  • @ianclarke5404
    @ianclarke5404 3 роки тому

    I've had a cob on with someone because I had a bad dream about them .

  • @Whiskey_Tango_Foxtrot_
    @Whiskey_Tango_Foxtrot_ 3 роки тому

    Do us favor and go on Fox News and then every other major news network during primetime!

  • @danielpaulson8838
    @danielpaulson8838 3 роки тому

    I don't remember all the theists and atheists who have told me off. But I remember all of them told me I'm right.
    Just ask me.

  • @alejandrarodriguezsanchez6667
    @alejandrarodriguezsanchez6667 3 роки тому

    fake news.... anyone?

  • @stanleyklein524
    @stanleyklein524 Рік тому

    Most animals do not have memory. They have knowledge that can be retrieved (recalled). But recall is not a sufficient condition for memory. It is simply necessary. Neither of these two "experts" have a clue what memory consists in. They are conflating memory and remembering (all memories are remembered, but not all remembering is concerned with memory). Such is the value of knowledge provided by psychological science (oxymoron alert).

  • @dosomething3
    @dosomething3 3 роки тому +1

    Clickbait. This video does not explain how memories work. You’re welcome.