I don't really understand why so many non-native speakers want to speak like native speakers. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to communicate, and as long as that objective is met, there's no problem. Rather, it is more diverse to be able to use expressions that are unique to that person or that person's country. I have a good impression of foreigners who speak my native language in their own unique way.
That’s totally difference what Japanese miss English in the world except Japan and foreigner who came to japan seem to speak it.I don’t care about what you have a good impression to foreigner,but if we Japanese use the word subordinate in business or casual situation in UK or US,they must be laugh you.Non native speaker don’t need to speak it like a native but they may want to avoid incorrect expression for them.例えば大学や職場で、 俺の従業員がさあなんて黒人や白人が言ったら嘲笑うだろ?お前はいくら理解できなくても世界や日本はお前の間違いを簡単に嘲笑うんだよ。だからお前が理解する方が早い。何故ならば君は世界をすぐに変えられないから。日本で母国語を一生懸命に頑張って話そうと頑張る外国人と、複数の人種の前で日本人がsubordinates なんて使うのは意味が全く違うんだよ。そしてその事は差別に繋がるから誰も言えないのさyou know cherry?
@@ひーさん-u7k 😊 こんにちは🌿ひーさんも何度もリピートするんですね。今日、本当に何度も戻して聞き返しました💦ずーっと紅茶に聴こえてしまって😅日本語だとカルチャーだから、コウチャーって?うん⁉️ってなってしまって💦ヤバい、ヤバい‼️って焦りました😭💦 私も少し前の曲が好きです🥰セレーナゴメスが好きなのでLove You Like A Love Songをまさに‼️re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat状態です⤴️⤴️🎵😅 Stronger💪カッコイイ曲ですよね😆Kelly ClarksonのMVもカッコイイし、glee版も好きです🥰サンタナとメルセデスのツインボーカルだけど、ほぼメルセデスがメインな雰囲気が、本当に強さを感じます‼️ そして、Junさんのシンプルな英文、ほぉ~と😲うなずいちゃいました。しばらく、無言の私でした😅さすがネイティブ‼️ だんだんと🍁秋になってきましたね🌾気温の変化に注意して、体調を崩さないように気をつけてください🥰🌿💕💕
This movie is really helpful and good learning reference to study English. Less Japanese gives me lots of time to be familiar with natural expressions by the native speakers.
I use "team / teammates" for my staff so I would say, "I went out with my team last night". Even my boss including CEO called us "teammate" so might be a corporate culture.
I played with my family after dinner last night. I usually play with some of my friends at park because we don’t have enough money to blah blah blah. どっかの誰かが書きそうだ。
I think with "play", you can safely use it in the context of certain things like playing sports or videogames or as long as you're not being vague with it. The problem arises when it's used out of the blue with no context surrounding it. So, if you just say "I played with my friends yesterday" with no context, it's common for adult speakers to (mis)interpret that as something mildly sexual, as the teachers have pointed out.
T I -san Thank you! Yeah, I'm so lucky. Because of him, I could understand that "play" has a subtle(x-rated?笑) meaning😅 The example of your teacher was very interesting. To me, that's not a bad idea😁However he should've probably chosen it in different examples for junior high students, especially girls! hahaha
This topic is very interesting to me since I have used “subordinate” as “部下”. However, in Japan, there must be a workplace where they should use the word because of the power structure in the company. If you want to imply the culture, you can use it in a sarcastic way.
Subordinates; If the work environment is formal and command chain hierarchy is emphasized, then subordinate might indicate it clearly. If the work environment is casual, then the coworker or colleague fit well. So when Japanese people use the word subordinate while he/she thinks the work environment of them in Japan posses rather stronger formality, then the word might fit well.
I've never called my boss a colleague b/c we are not in the same "league." I.e., he's out of my league. I'd call my boss a coworker. And I'd call my "subordinates" coworkers, as well.
similar to 間違う and 間違える if I had to take a guess. "I made a mistake when putting together our schedule" vs "I mistook him for a child at first" 要するにmistookは2つの物事を混同してたときに使う
@@bearrelaxed 様 「レッスンで間違えた」は "I made a mistake in the lesson." でOKですが、現実的には間違いは何度か犯すものなので "I made a few mistakes during the lesson." の方がより自然でしょう。勿論、本当に一度しか間違わなかった場合は初めの英文でOKです。 「レッスンで小テストを間違えた」ですが、これは "quiz" の内容にもよりけりなのでちょっと考えてしまいます。例えば、学校の試験の様にいくつかの質問がある場合、"I got a few quiz questions wrong during the lesson." や "I missed a few questions on the quiz during the lesson." というのが自然かと思います。また一つの質問に口頭や短文で答えるような場合、"I made a (few) mistake(s) on the quiz during the lesson." でOKです。まあ、どちらの場合にも "I made a (few) mistake(s)" は使えますが、状況によってどちらがより自然かという事ですよね。 「レッスンの時間を他と間違えた」は "I mistook the time of the lesson for another one." で十分通じますが、より自然にと言うのであれば、"I got my schedule mixed up." とか "I confused the lesson time with something else." とかと言えると思います。
My boss (American) never ever calls me coworker/colleague.lol It’s usually ‘my team.’ I come from a military background and I always, always say subordinate especially when I refer to myself as one - ‘as a subordinate I learnt a lot working for Commander XX.’
play は明らかに間違って使われてますが、subordinate はその国の文化や自分が今置かれた状況による違いもあるでしょうね。もしかしたらアメリカ以外の英語圏で日本のように使われてるかもしれないし、アメリカでも話し相手や状況次第で coworker としたり (my) people や team と言うこともあるでしょうね。個人的に日本的な「部下」は people に近いかなっと思います。またアメリカでも古風で上下関係の激しい職場では subordinate はもしかしたら使われてるかもしれません。。
I thought it’s very interesting episodes. It reminds me of online lesson. I learned that “遊ぶ” means “hang out” when I took a lesson. I know “ misunderstand” is word include meaning “don’t want to do that” at first time. Please continue this series.
I am Japanese ,the Japanese word (feeling uncomfortable) is a duplicate expression, so you should not use it often . If you want to use it, it's better to use it (feel uncomfortable). But these days, many Japanese people use the wrong Japanese word (feel uncomfortable)
Really...!, yeah, when i look up a word for "部下" in the online dictionary, the "subordinate" almost always appears at the top of the list. So i have obediently learned it and tried to use it practically so far...wait... but it might be a possibility that British naturally use it on a daily basis...?
Tons of American people I know usually use “yummy”. Don’t believe them. They just don’t know the difference between yummy and delicious and can’t explain about it. That’s only teachers and adults tell students.
I played with my friends last night. は、確かに、昔の中学の英語の教科書に、似た表現が載っていました。 「うんちく本」には、危ない表現として取り上げられているのですが、学校では教えない。 mix up は、勉強になりました。「英和辞典」で調べたのですが、適切な説明は載っていません。残念至極です。 yummy は、幼児語であることを知らずに使う「愚かしい」人が増えつつあると感じていましたが、 そんな表現が載っている「教科書」があるんですね? 中学・高校では絶対に教えません。
That hit the spot
"mixed up "はまさにネイティブですね。「時間を勘違い」でAI翻訳すると"wrong about the appointment "とか、まさに"have mistaken "と出てきます。ためになりました❤
I don't really understand why so many non-native speakers want to speak like native speakers. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to communicate, and as long as that objective is met, there's no problem.
Rather, it is more diverse to be able to use expressions that are unique to that person or that person's country. I have a good impression of foreigners who speak my native language in their own unique way.
That’s totally difference what Japanese miss English in the world except Japan and foreigner who came to japan seem to speak it.I don’t care about what you have a good impression to foreigner,but if we Japanese use the word subordinate in business or casual situation in UK or US,they must be laugh you.Non native speaker don’t need to speak it like a native but they may want to avoid incorrect expression for them.例えば大学や職場で、 俺の従業員がさあなんて黒人や白人が言ったら嘲笑うだろ?お前はいくら理解できなくても世界や日本はお前の間違いを簡単に嘲笑うんだよ。だからお前が理解する方が早い。何故ならば君は世界をすぐに変えられないから。日本で母国語を一生懸命に頑張って話そうと頑張る外国人と、複数の人種の前で日本人がsubordinates なんて使うのは意味が全く違うんだよ。そしてその事は差別に繋がるから誰も言えないのさyou know cherry?
これはとても楽しかったです。もっとお話したかったでしたね!皆さんこのビデオを見る頂きありがとうございます! さすがJun 先生。Jun先生は日本人とアメリカ人両方の考え方はすごくはっきりで分てるそうですね。羨ましいな。。。またねー
Erin Greene先生 おはようございます🌞
Ms.Erin Greene Good morning!!
You write smoothly Japanese.Where did you learn?
@@ひーさん-u7k いや、ありがとうございます。私は無理です。アメリカで八歳から日本語を勉強しているのにまだ時々分からない言葉が出てきますよ。
Erin Greene 😊こんにちは🌿
昔留学してたとき友達と遊ぶをplay with を使って、現地の先生に絶対にダメと言われたのを思い出しました
My family likes to use words like "lovely" or even "gorgeous" if they're talking about very good food.
Thank you everyone. Thank you for teaching.
playがkids用語だったなんて😅知らなかったです💦これからはhung out使います😆
Mary先生のcome acrossも鎌倉に聴こえてしまって💦聞き返しました💦
emi naturallyさん こんにちは😊
何度聴いても聴き取れない発音ってありますよね。自分も洋楽聴いてるときによくあります。えっ?今何て言ったのと思ってその部分をリピートします。今Kelly Clarksonのstronger聴いてました。最近のお気に入りです。新しい曲より少し前の曲の方が聴く割合が多いですね。emi naturallyさんは最近この曲にハマっているとかってありますか?🤗
@@ひーさん-u7k 😊
私も少し前の曲が好きです🥰セレーナゴメスが好きなのでLove You Like A Love Songをまさに‼️re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat状態です⤴️⤴️🎵😅
Stronger💪カッコイイ曲ですよね😆Kelly ClarksonのMVもカッコイイし、glee版も好きです🥰サンタナとメルセデスのツインボーカルだけど、ほぼメルセデスがメインな雰囲気が、本当に強さを感じます‼️
emi naturally
日本では鍋の時はyummyを使います!闇鍋って・・失礼しました🙇♂️ このシリーズ好きですので楽しみにしています!!
I hope third video of this series.
thank you for sharing for this video.
This movie is really helpful and good learning reference to study English. Less Japanese gives me lots of time to be familiar with natural expressions by the native speakers.
Jack has awesome voice imo
I use "team / teammates" for my staff so I would say, "I went out with my team last night". Even my boss including CEO called us "teammate" so might be a corporate culture.
Interesting topic!
These are very interesting and useful themes, right? Thank you very much!
I played with my family after dinner last night.
I usually play with some of my friends at park because we don’t have enough money to blah blah blah.
I think with "play", you can safely use it in the context of certain things like playing sports or videogames or as long as you're not being vague with it. The problem arises when it's used out of the blue with no context surrounding it. So, if you just say "I played with my friends yesterday" with no context, it's common for adult speakers to (mis)interpret that as something mildly sexual, as the teachers have pointed out.
T I -san Thank you! Yeah, I'm so lucky. Because of him, I could understand that "play" has a subtle(x-rated?笑) meaning😅
The example of your teacher was very interesting. To me, that's not a bad idea😁However he should've probably chosen it in different examples for junior high students, especially girls! hahaha
T I -san Exactly 笑 I think you are right👍Thank you too😊
Obappo Oblada どうしたwww
This topic is very interesting to me since I have used “subordinate” as “部下”. However, in Japan, there must be a workplace where they should use the word because of the power structure in the company. If you want to imply the culture, you can use it in a sarcastic way.
Subordinates; If the work environment is formal and command chain hierarchy is emphasized, then subordinate might indicate it clearly. If the work environment is casual, then the coworker or colleague fit well. So when Japanese people use the word subordinate while he/she thinks the work environment of them in Japan posses rather stronger formality, then the word might fit well.
9:21 辺りの左下の女性が言っている、字幕では「g rated」となっている単語が知りたいところです。。。と
「時間を間違えた」… "I got my schedule mixed up."
I've never called my boss a colleague b/c we are not in the same "league." I.e., he's out of my league. I'd call my boss a coworker. And I'd call my "subordinates" coworkers, as well.
I would also say:
I went out with people from work.
I got the time wrong.
I live in UK by the way.
Thank you for teaching us the correct Japanese. Correct ↓
"I feel uncomfortable"
面白い企画だなぁ!「子供と遊ぶ」って言いたいときはplay with でいいのかな?
いいと思います。オーストラリアに留学した時に、ホストファミリーの子供が”Mom, can I play with my friends?”d と言ってました。アメリカ英語と違いはあれど、ここは変わらないと思います。
Yummy けっこう使ってました‼︎ 日本で赤ちゃんとかに使う”おいちい”?っていう表現になるんですかね?
友達と遊んだ。。hang out か。
Had great time with my friendsでは少し変かな。
had a great time with (someone)や had a great time (doing something)はよく使われますよ。(私はアメリカ在住です)
"hang out"はお若い方のスラング、とも書いてありますが・・。お子さんがおもちゃで遊ぶのは"play"でよろしいのですね?
So Jun, what’s the difference between Made a mistake and mistook ?
similar to 間違う and 間違える if I had to take a guess.
"I made a mistake when putting together our schedule"
"I mistook him for a child at first"
@@bearrelaxed 様
@@bearrelaxed 様
「レッスンで間違えた」は "I made a mistake in the lesson." でOKですが、現実的には間違いは何度か犯すものなので "I made a few mistakes during the lesson." の方がより自然でしょう。勿論、本当に一度しか間違わなかった場合は初めの英文でOKです。
「レッスンで小テストを間違えた」ですが、これは "quiz" の内容にもよりけりなのでちょっと考えてしまいます。例えば、学校の試験の様にいくつかの質問がある場合、"I got a few quiz questions wrong during the lesson." や "I missed a few questions on the quiz during the lesson." というのが自然かと思います。また一つの質問に口頭や短文で答えるような場合、"I made a (few) mistake(s) on the quiz during the lesson." でOKです。まあ、どちらの場合にも "I made a (few) mistake(s)" は使えますが、状況によってどちらがより自然かという事ですよね。
「レッスンの時間を他と間違えた」は "I mistook the time of the lesson for another one." で十分通じますが、より自然にと言うのであれば、"I got my schedule mixed up." とか "I confused the lesson time with something else." とかと言えると思います。
I wish I had known "hangout" instead of "play"
My boss (American) never ever calls me coworker/colleague.lol It’s usually ‘my team.’
I come from a military background and I always, always say subordinate especially when I refer to myself as one - ‘as a subordinate I learnt a lot working for Commander XX.’
John Kramer did say, "I want to play a game.", "Do you wanna play a game?" and no one laughed to him!
slight correction, it would be "no one laughed at him!" not "laughed to him"
play は明らかに間違って使われてますが、subordinate はその国の文化や自分が今置かれた状況による違いもあるでしょうね。もしかしたらアメリカ以外の英語圏で日本のように使われてるかもしれないし、アメリカでも話し相手や状況次第で coworker としたり (my) people や team と言うこともあるでしょうね。個人的に日本的な「部下」は people に近いかなっと思います。またアメリカでも古風で上下関係の激しい職場では subordinate はもしかしたら使われてるかもしれません。。
私自身アメリカで大企業から中小まで色々な業界で働いてきていますが、subordinate という語が使われた会社は一社もありませんでした。。
How about using “crew” instead of “subordinates?”
“Subordinates” might correspond to 配下?
hang out はこのチャンネルですでに紹介されてましたよね👍
ドラマ「24」で、ジャックバウアーが自分の部下、同僚のことを、「my people」という表現で表していたと思ったのですが、「my people」という表現はどういうニュアンンスを含みますか?(私の勘違いでしたらすみません)
Liked it!
By the way,
Is it strange if i said, Loved it!!
in this situation??
Like it! とか Love it! って言うね。。
I loved itの方が正しい
これは感想を聞かれたときに使いますね。"How was the food?" "I loved it!"
play は ズッコンバッコン って誰かが言ってた
how does “my team“ my staff sound like?
I thought it’s very interesting episodes.
It reminds me of online lesson.
I learned that “遊ぶ” means “hang out” when I took a lesson.
I know “ misunderstand” is word include meaning “don’t want to do that” at first time.
Please continue this series.
I am Japanese ,the Japanese word (feeling uncomfortable) is a duplicate expression, so you should not use it often .
If you want to use it, it's better to use it (feel uncomfortable).
But these days, many Japanese people use the wrong Japanese word (feel uncomfortable)
The word of Hangout in that case is not necessarily being past tens even though
the action what you did is what you've done before?
確かにこれは過去形にしないといけませんよね。正確には、"I hung out with my friends yesterday." が正しいと思います。細かい事を言うと、"hang out" は句動詞で、"hangout" は名詞です。
ABCの歌は子供向けだからplay with meが使えて、たまにsing with meなのは、そういうことなんですかね?どんぐりの歌でいう「ぼっちゃん一緒あそびましょう」と「お兄さん、一緒にアソばない?」の差か、、
Junさん こんにちは😊
オンラインレッスンの時間を勘違いしてしまったとき自分ならI'm Sorry,I thought that the lesson will start at six.とかって言うのかと思いました。これでも通じるんでしょうか?
@@pickl2751 さんなるほど。時制の一致ですね。ありがとうございます。文章的にはwouldなら問題ないんですかね?
I thought the lesson was from six
@@aagttt8259 さんありがとうございます。その言い方は思いつかなかったので、別の言い方を出してくださって助かります。
自分ならI thought the lesson was supposed to start at six!あるいはI thought the lesson was going to start at six!って言うかもしれない。
“I screwed up myself on the time we meet”
こんにちは。自分は やってみようの意思表示で tryを使ったところ変な顔されたので間違ったんだなーと思いました。
This is very interesting. I have never used "Subordinate" before. Never occurred to my mind. I would say , coworker or colleague.
Really...!, yeah, when i look up a word for "部下" in the online dictionary, the "subordinate" almost always appears at the top of the list. So i have obediently learned it and tried to use it practically so far...wait... but it might be a possibility that British naturally use it on a daily basis...?
Tons of American people I know usually use “yummy”. Don’t believe them. They just don’t know the difference between yummy and delicious and can’t explain about it. That’s only teachers and adults tell students.
I played with my friends last night. は、確かに、昔の中学の英語の教科書に、似た表現が載っていました。
mix up は、勉強になりました。「英和辞典」で調べたのですが、適切な説明は載っていません。残念至極です。
yummy は、幼児語であることを知らずに使う「愚かしい」人が増えつつあると感じていましたが、
そんな表現が載っている「教科書」があるんですね? 中学・高校では絶対に教えません。
I would use "yummy" to describe a handsome hunk to my girlfriends... ;)
Just say I went out with my staff. End of story.
the sound is not good I am quite disappointed