the fact that damiano said they'd collaborate with manuel again because "you shouldn't change a winning squad" and it didn't happen yet.... I'm gonna be waiting here forever
now they are worldowide famous and they do not care anymore about people whio helped when they weren t famous!!Also Damiano left Giorgia for the typical american doll!
No it’s not a performance, it’s a whole love story, drama, tragedy, mixture of passion and sorrow, my eyes are wet everytime I listen to this song, it’s something beyond regular music
@@m.r.3042 oh thank you so much! I’m being honest, I do not like every song by Måneskin, especially the “noisy” ones. But I adore their calm and romantic side in songs like this. I really do feel emotions behind the lyrics and I love it. Yeah, I can say again that I stan this performance, when I think of this song and the way they act i think of something pinkish-black, bitter-sweet. I confess I want, at least once in my life, to have a love story of this kind, that would “sound” like this song (even if it ends dramatically), because I think people feel especially alive when their feelings are heated to the limit
@@elisadiamond8953 no one is saying they are there exclusively thank to him, but they still thank him in interviews cause he helped them a lot at the beginning. Why do you think they asked him to do this duet and not to someone else?
@@emanuelarex1694 he was still a mentor to them. He taught them a lot at XFactor, even how to manage their youthful arrogance offstage , and supported them even after, so much so that they speak of him as an uncle / older brother, and they asked him to do this duet. Everyone needs advice, even the "self made ppl".
@@vpersiana he is not a mentor. I don’t know where you’re from but in Italy youngsters have the (awful) habit to name “zio” any person who is middle aged. Of course he taught things to them when they were at X factor but that was 4 years ago. Their life has moved on and they are scheduling lots of collaboration with other artists. Amanda Lear was asked first to sing at Sanremo for this cover but she refused then they asked Agnelli.
Ogni tanto ritorno qui ad ammirare questo capolavoro perché fa bene al cuore, agli occhi e all'anima. Non mi stancherò mai di ascoltare questa cover. Ringrazio infinitamente il maestro Melozzi per aver caricato questa esibizione e ovviamente per averla diretta egregiamente
Chi dice che questa cover sia una merda è in mala fede.Può darsi che il duo Manson Agnelli non abbia funzionato alla perfezione ,che i Maneskin siano un sottoprodotto riuscito alla grande , o più semplicemente che questa cover sia una merda.Ma il bassista dei Maneskin non è Giovanna Civitillo.
A distanza di 3 anni e mezzo credo di non aver superato questa esibizione monumentale e probabilmente non la supererò mai. Il brano ha fatto la storia, l'ho amato nella versione originale, in quella di Gianna Nannini, che adoro, ma questa versione, ragazzi, è qualcosa di mai visto prima, specialmente al festival. La parte strumentale mette i brividi per quanto è bella e coinvolgente e poi le voci di Damiano e Manuel vogliamo parlare? Poesia, emozione allo stato puro, ancora oggi spero che prima o poi la incidano. Capolavoro❤❤❤
Ma è insopportabile! Come puoi dire una cosa simile se conosci l’originale? È prevedibile dall’inizio alla fine! Talmente brutta che non ho mai voluto più ascoltare nulla di questa band da quel momento in poi!
@@lomb3497conosco l’originale, questa è una versione con un arrangiamento per orchestra, molto diversa certo, ma eccezionale ed ugualmente emozionante. Poi i gusti, ovvio, non si discutono, ma dire che è insopportabile anche no.
Everything about this band gives you the feel of something legendary, something that will remain in history. Talent, energy, deep lyrics, scenic presence, style, complete freedom, guts: everything sums up in this iconic and unique band.
Believe me when I say that we were all stunned during and after the performance in Italy. Absolute perfection, and I’m glad more people can now see how awesome this performance was. Unreal.
Didn't know this amazing band prior to Eurovision, but perhaps their legacy will live long like another very famous Eurovision winner - who we can thank for their music. (Pun intended if you get it).
That's how I feel too, I never thought a band like this will come in the near future I thought there will be no more legendary bands.. I'm so glad I'm alive at this time (except for the pandemic ofc) lol
@@sara-kx2mg sta ragazza era mia ex compagna di pattinaggio…quando lo facevamo. Sempre a rompere dappertutto. Qua, su Instagram, su Twitter, prima non era così, non ne posso più
As lead singer and therefore kinda the "leader" of the can tell by the way he interacts with them all how much he appreciates all of them. 💕
@@alexknlove1 For me those instrumental parts they do - take each song absolutely to World TOP! And they put their SOULS into music, resulting in such cooperation with each other and such magical result! I have no words to praise them...I want to listen them more and more :)))
A Sanremo mi sono commosso per questa stratosferica esibizione... semplicemente perfetta... arriva al cuore... e dopo che la ascolto la riascolto e la riascolto...
Sapete cosa amo tanto? La teatralità di Damiano. Ogni canzone la "sente" dentro, la fa sua e la interpreta come un testo teatrale. Non so come spiegarlo, trasmette visivamente le parole e il loro significato. Non è un semplice cantante, è un interprete. E quando si avvicina agli amici per stare con loro, lo fa proprio per far capire che sono una cosa sola. 😍
Thank you Italy for growing up such talented band, voting for them in Sanremo and sending them to Eurovision! We voted for them while they were singing IN ITALIAN and we did not understood the word. Without Eurovision World would not have been knowing about them. Now they belong already among the World music treasures, not only Italian :)).
I am still totally convinced that THIS outstanding performance gave them the extra votes to win Sanremo. Zitti e buoni was of course an amazing choice, they broke so many rules by chosing to bring that on the most mainstream stage of the Italian scene, BUT when I saw THIS I really thought: ok take my heart body soul money you won it all guys. ❤️🔥
@@annet1033 I have followed Maneskin now more than 2 months after Eurovision and I have understood completely same what you say - with this AMANDOTI they went for hearts of Italians. But this also captured my heart... With Zitti e Buoni they won European public of different age groups...who voted for them while they were singing in Italian.
Anche io stessa cosa, solo che io ho una certa età, ma apprezzo la vera musica,ed è quello che fanno questi ragazzi, con grande passione. Aspettavo questo video come la manna dal cielo.
@@elisadiamond8953 sì certo, è una voce che tocca corde profonde dell' animo e riesce a commuovere fino alle lacrime. Ma in questa esecuzione, secondo me, la voce di Damiano si fonde perfettamente con quella di Manuel. Il risultato è un capolavoro.
The instrumental at 2:42 is like reaching Nirvana! And Damiano cheering for Ethan at the drum with his facial expression makes it even better! Chills!!
Non conto più le volte che ho visto quest' esibizione. È qualcosa di straordinario ed erano anni che in Italia non si vedeva una performance di tale forza, espressione di un talento eccezionale. Non c'è nulla, in questi minuti, che non sia perfetto: le voci dei due interpreti, il suono della chitarra, batteria e basso. L'orchestra eccezionale e diretta in modo fantastico. La canzone dei CCCP, così struggente e malinconica. In ultimo una considerazione del tutto personale: quando il Rock - così energico per sua natura- si sposa con l'intensità emotiva ed espressiva del melodramma - ché noi italiani lo abbiamo nel DNA volenti o nolenti- ne viene fuori qualcosa di assolutamente unico: in questa esibizione si può assaporarne tutta la vibrante bellezza. Questa per me, signore e signori, è Magia allo stato puro. In questo Festival di Sanremo 2021 abbiamo assistito ad un pezzo di Storia della musica italiana contemporanea. Grazie ai Maneskin, a Manuel Agnelli, all'Orchestra, al Maestro ed ai CCCP per aver dimostrato che la bella Musica non muore mai. ❤️🧡❤️🇮🇹
I have also watched so many times...yes, everything and everyone was perfect as you wrote - Maneskin, Manuel Agnelli, Orchestra with Enrico Melozzi, song itself...
i have never, ever in my entire life, have listened something this powerful,perfect. it's just best perfomance in the world, it is. it literally represents feeling for music,they made me feel the music......
Two men one wearing make up, corset, heels and jeweled, rocking the short hair one wearing none of but a simple black outfit, in boots, rocking the long hair singing in the same genre, song, rock. This goes to show that clothes, makeup and hair isn't only to be designed for a female or male. Hope more people acknowledges this.
Solo Manuel poteva portare a Sanremo un brano dei cccp. La versione ha la stessa profondità dell’originale ma con un’arrangiamento più rock. Per fortuna in Italia ci sono ancora queste performance a Sanremo che portano la musica di qualità al grande pubblico
Sono un vecchio forse...un rocker dagli anni a 54 anni con voi ho avuto ancora un emozione forte forte ascoltando rock! Grandiosi! Vi adoro e vi stimo. Grazie per avere riacceso la luce in me.
If you love Maneskin try listening to the band of Manuel Agnelli, Afterhours. They made rock history in Italy amongst others. Agnelli has always worked hard to promote the Italian Rock scene and this is such a huge win for him too. Too many Italian bands who had just as much potentional as Maneskin have gone unnoticed because of the double combo: Italian language wasn't cool in the rock scene abroad and rock wasn't very popular in Italy. Glad that things are changing, there is so much to rediscover, you won't be disappointed I promise :)
@@liliaeth that i don't know but any Italian artist (interested in It) can submit their entry to partecipate to Sanremo Festival. That is one option. The Artistic Director\host can also invite any artist to participate too. But the Absolute rule of Sanremo Festival Is to bring a fresh New Song no one has ever heard before, because the audience and the public must listen to it for the first time during the first night of the Festival! ✌️✨
@@liliaeth Yup, they did in 2009 but they ended up last (and it always happens when a real rock underground band choses to try Sanremo - even though the song itself was actually pretty lame imo) . They've been around since the early 90's so I definitely recommend older stuff.
When I saw this performance for the first time, I didn't understand the lyrics, but was captivated by the feeling. Now I've listened to it countless times, understanding the lyrics, and it is a heartwrenching experience every. single. time. Amazing orchestration, amazing performers. Thank you.
We have to disagree there, they just have very different tone of voice and style of singing. Here they fit their styles well together, complementing each other and the music.
Questa performance è un capolavoro assoluto! Quando l'ho ascoltata per la prima volta a Sanremo sono rimasta estasiata ed emozionata....erano anni che Sanremo non mi faceva provare questo!❤️
Sono francese e da tanto tempo cercavamo questa versione che qui a Parigi è bloccata! Merci 💞 merci 💞 merci di questo meraviglioso video. Ci siamo iscritti subito!
si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait, je vous suggère de trouver un convertisseur en ligne ou même une application Smartphone pour convertir cette chanson et l'enregistrer. Rai supprime souvent toutes les vidéos relatives à ses diffusions en raison du droit d'auteur 🧐😡
My huge thanks to Director Melozzi for making again available on YT a wonderful moment of music that was unexplicably removed by RAI (would have been several tens millions views now). This piece was absolutely amazing and certainly played a good part in Maneskin unexpected and well earned victory at Sanremo.
Two male voices sing in unison. They are not lovers, but they have come to know each other. Teacher and pupil walk together in a way that is sometimes more closely intertwined, intense and painful than that of a married couple. In the student's voice there is a fractured rage, a trapped storm. The adult's voice is flatter and deeper, supporting but not overshadowing, giving something to lean on. The pupil surpasses the teacher, and that is the best reward. The voices are full of anger, despair, bitterness. Both feel the inevitability of parting. They are grateful for each other's time together. It's time for the young one to grow up. The mature teacher recruits new pupils. Life moves on. This is their life. Два мужских голоса поют в унисон. Они не любовники, но познали друг друга. Учитель и ученик проходят вместе путь порой более тесно переплетённый, интенсивный и болезненный, чем супруги. В голосе ученика надломленная ярость, запертая стихия. Взрослый более ровный и глубокий голос, он поддерживает, но не заслоняет, даёт на что опереться. Ученик превзошёл учителя, и это лучшая награда. Голоса полны ярости, злости, отчаянья, горечи. Оба чувствуют неизбежность расставания. Они благодарны друг другу за время вместе. Молодому пора расти дальше. Взрослый учитель наберёт новых учеников. Жизнь идёт дальше. Такова их жизнь.
Thank you so much for bringing this back! If you have any way to upload Coraline, it would be so appreciated 🙏 It's nearly impossible to find now and the world deserves to hear their and your incredible work.
The fact that they can literally play anything it’s kinda scary...there are no music genre boundaries for them...It’s like they are possessed by some genius God of talent... The instrumental part is out of this world, again...everything they touch turns into something unforgettable... And Damiano...he embodies so well the antagonism between dark and light (as in his lyrics)...he is the personification of a fallen angel...his voice plus striking beauty plus staggering stage presence = killer combo...
Quanto l'ho cercata! Introvabile. Oggi sarà una bella domenica. È solo grazie al Maestro MELOZZI che possiamo godere di questa performance da brivido..❤🎉❤
Damiano comes from another planet, on stage he has the Freddie Mercury's charisma and even more powerful. And a voice that is pure emotion. Iconic exibition, it will enter in the history. And to see them sing, play, share music and emotion with their "teacher" Manuel Agnelli, now both of them, the Old Lion and the Youg Lion, so great and so powerful, gives me goosebumps. This song and the moments when Manuel and his ex "pupil" looks eachother in the eyes moves me everytime I watch this video.
I honestly never thought I would come across another frontman the likes of Freddy Mercuri in my lifetime. And I can honestly say Damiano David has made a liar out of me. I don't know what switch he hits when he goes on stage, but sweet jesus, it is something else. Now add to that their cohesiveness as a band, the kickass melodies and lyrics and their group presence and I'm pretty sure these kids are singlehandedly saving rock n' roll, glam, punk and everything in between. I have not been so thoroughly taken with a musical act in ages. Long Live You, Maneskin.
@@realworkoutsforrealpeople5041 agreed! Im an old lady Lol who just discovered Maneskin. Caught them on TV singing a Frankie Valley song, i was in awe, it totally drew me in. Now I'm hooked! Loving everything about this band, the more I hear, the more I want!
Erano anni ed anni che nella serata cover di Sanremo non si sentiva un'esecuzione simile, intrisa di pathos, lacrime e sangue ❤ Magistrale, grazie anche alla sapiente direzione del Maestro Melozzi, vero "maestro di cerimonie", che ha arrangiato il brano a mò di "tango futurista" (finalmente in versione integrale, dato che finora la Rai ne aveva impedito la trasmissione sul web).
Here to listen to 2:40 onwards for the 1000th time and wish Thomas a happy birthday, can't thank him enough for that beautiful solo, it pierces through a whole wall of sound like a storm!
Eccezionale...fantastica...Meravigliosa...ogni nota fa vibrare tutto il corpo, scuote l'anima...pelle d'oca a ascolto e riascolto e mi dà sempre sempre sempre le stesse sensazioni...che goduria, un amplesso...grandi grandissimi...era da un po' che non sentivo un po' di musica, di quella vera...sono di altra generazione io, quando il rock era vero, puro e questo mi sembra degno dei tempi andati...grande maestro Melozzi !!!!
È stata la più bella esibizione di sempre…Maneskin,Manuel Agnelli insieme all’Orchestra del Festival di Sanremo,con lei Maestro alla conduzione,una performance che ti porta dritto in PARADISO…ICONICI…GRAZIE… 👏👏👏👏👏🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@@giuseppevacca6999 Chill, man. It was a compliment, he was just saying that even though he doesn't understand a word of Italian, he fell in love with the song/performance. Music is universal, music lovers don't need to understand the lyrics to love a song. That's all.😉
For fans from outside Italy: if you have seen Maneskin's first performance at X Factor you will notice that the other singer, Manuel Agnelli, was one of the judges
From a fan outside Italy: trust me, we know everything about everything😂 Thanks to those who translate a lot of videos and us doing our best to understand. Please ltalian friends, speak a little slower though😂
@@user-nk8nz9sf6q don't worry, as soon as we understand that you are not a native speaker we slow down our speaking, I assure you we simply adore foreign people who speak Italian, this makes us very proud and happy 👍🏻
Capolavoro assoluto minuto 2 e qualcosa il basso di Victoria entra in pancia senza passare per le orecchie. Piango ogni volta . Grazie ragazzi 🥇🇮🇹
A distanza di anni riesce sempre ad emozionare, splendida esibizione ! E' inutile dire che il talento e la professionalità fanno la differenza... TOP!!
Thank you so much for making this gem available to us. This is what I have come to love about Maneskin thanks to Eurovision: this passionate dedication to the art that everyone in the band lives out. And that fabulous voice. Dedication with body and soul. I hope that the current stress and pressure (also the expectations from the fans) don't eat up the young band and burns them out. They are such delicate fragile souls, This performance here: that's talent. You can't do that without experiencing pain and emotion. I'm sorry: I do love the Italian language, but I don't speak it.
Absolutely amazing performance! Im also so grateful for EUROVISION, without this I would not have been known Maneskin. And thank you to SANREMO and Italians for voting for Maneskin and sending to Eurovision!
Ogni tanto è doveroso tornare qui e riascoltare questo capolavoro
Fottutamente vero
Capolavoro dei CCCP..
@@robertodimarco8304 questa versione intende, magari.
the fact that damiano said they'd collaborate with manuel again because "you shouldn't change a winning squad" and it didn't happen yet.... I'm gonna be waiting here forever
now they are worldowide famous and they do not care anymore about people whio helped when they weren t famous!!Also Damiano left Giorgia for the typical american doll!
No it’s not a performance, it’s a whole love story, drama, tragedy, mixture of passion and sorrow, my eyes are wet everytime I listen to this song, it’s something beyond regular music
Thank you for your wonderful words
@@m.r.3042 oh thank you so much! I’m being honest, I do not like every song by Måneskin, especially the “noisy” ones. But I adore their calm and romantic side in songs like this. I really do feel emotions behind the lyrics and I love it. Yeah, I can say again that I stan this performance, when I think of this song and the way they act i think of something pinkish-black, bitter-sweet. I confess I want, at least once in my life, to have a love story of this kind, that would “sound” like this song (even if it ends dramatically), because I think people feel especially alive when their feelings are heated to the limit
He's Manuel agnelli, and he was their judge to x factor ;)
@@alessiaperissotto8095 I know ! But their chemistry on the stage:,)
It’s at The Queen level ❤️
Yeap...he looks like an angel with the gaze of a devil....he is amazing🙂
@@danyelena9782 YEEEEEEES
....and the looks of an angelic demon
Manuel is their mentor, you can see he was so proud.
Best thing ever.
Not thanks to him. Thanks to their amazing Talent.
@@elisadiamond8953 no one is saying they are there exclusively thank to him, but they still thank him in interviews cause he helped them a lot at the beginning.
Why do you think they asked him to do this duet and not to someone else?
He is not their mentor! He was their Coach at X Factor. They are self-made artists, studying a lot.
@@emanuelarex1694 he was still a mentor to them. He taught them a lot at XFactor, even how to manage their youthful arrogance offstage , and supported them even after, so much so that they speak of him as an uncle / older brother, and they asked him to do this duet.
Everyone needs advice, even the "self made ppl".
@@vpersiana he is not a mentor. I don’t know where you’re from but in Italy youngsters have the (awful) habit to name “zio” any person who is middle aged. Of course he taught things to them when they were at X factor but that was 4 years ago. Their life has moved on and they are scheduling lots of collaboration with other artists. Amanda Lear was asked first to sing at Sanremo for this cover but she refused then they asked Agnelli.
Ogni tanto ritorno qui ad ammirare questo capolavoro perché fa bene al cuore, agli occhi e all'anima. Non mi stancherò mai di ascoltare questa cover. Ringrazio infinitamente il maestro Melozzi per aver caricato questa esibizione e ovviamente per averla diretta egregiamente
ma grazieeee 😍
Ma se è una delle cover più brutte dei cccp mai state fatte
@Natalia Marsiletti grazie per il consiglio ne terrò conto
Chi dice che questa cover sia una merda è in mala fede.Può darsi che il duo Manson Agnelli non abbia funzionato alla perfezione ,che i Maneskin siano un sottoprodotto riuscito alla grande , o più semplicemente che questa cover sia una merda.Ma il bassista dei Maneskin non è Giovanna Civitillo.
@@tommasociani7498 va beh, però argomenta... Volete fare i raffinati, fatelo bene 😉
Nothing to say: Italian language is divine!
Thank you🇮🇹🏴 ❤️❤️
Amami ancora, fallo dolcemente.....
That's not italian language, that's Lindo Ferretti's language 😉
Sei così dolce!
@@massofornaro8577 Ferretti, per scrivere questo testo, ha usato la lingua italiana...fenomeno
the fact that this is not on spotify is a criminal offense.
It is.
@@findekano1981 You mean this version has been studio registered? 😱 Where? I want it, like, right now. 😭
It's a cover!
Tell me about it.
@@demeter7011 I will tell you. Clowns singing a cover
A distanza di 3 anni e mezzo credo di non aver superato questa esibizione monumentale e probabilmente non la supererò mai. Il brano ha fatto la storia, l'ho amato nella versione originale, in quella di Gianna Nannini, che adoro, ma questa versione, ragazzi, è qualcosa di mai visto prima, specialmente al festival. La parte strumentale mette i brividi per quanto è bella e coinvolgente e poi le voci di Damiano e Manuel vogliamo parlare? Poesia, emozione allo stato puro, ancora oggi spero che prima o poi la incidano. Capolavoro❤❤❤
Condivido ogni parola, immensi da brivido ogni volta che si ascolta❤❤❤❤
Forse Manuel voce strepitosa ma Damiano proprio..... 😂
Ma è insopportabile! Come puoi dire una cosa simile se conosci l’originale? È prevedibile dall’inizio alla fine! Talmente brutta che non ho mai voluto più ascoltare nulla di questa band da quel momento in poi!
@@lomb3497conosco l’originale, questa è una versione con un arrangiamento per orchestra, molto diversa certo, ma eccezionale ed ugualmente emozionante. Poi i gusti, ovvio, non si discutono, ma dire che è insopportabile anche no.
verissimo, pure io a distanza di 3 anni torno sempre qua
Everything about this band gives you the feel of something legendary, something that will remain in history. Talent, energy, deep lyrics, scenic presence, style, complete freedom, guts: everything sums up in this iconic and unique band.
Believe me when I say that we were all stunned during and after the performance in Italy. Absolute perfection, and I’m glad more people can now see how awesome this performance was. Unreal.
Reading my mind out loud.
I think the same doubt...
Didn't know this amazing band prior to Eurovision, but perhaps their legacy will live long like another very famous Eurovision winner - who we can thank for their music. (Pun intended if you get it).
That's how I feel too, I never thought a band like this will come in the near future I thought there will be no more legendary bands.. I'm so glad I'm alive at this time (except for the pandemic ofc) lol
Came for Damiano in a pink corset, stayed for the exquisite musical performance
I need this on Spotify, RIGHT NOW!
Possibly without the other individual
@@elisadiamond8953 don't u dare disrespect our king manuel agnelli like that
@@elisadiamond8953 girl Manuel has a damn passionate voice too
@@sara-kx2mg sta ragazza era mia ex compagna di pattinaggio…quando lo facevamo. Sempre a rompere dappertutto. Qua, su Instagram, su Twitter, prima non era così, non ne posso più
ethan drumming skill is no joke. thats my man ❤️
jesus christe he KILLED IT. MAGNIFICANT
As lead singer and therefore kinda the "leader" of the can tell by the way he interacts with them all how much he appreciates all of them. 💕
@@aekelly 👍
I'm speechless by their performance! And Ethan? He is fire! 🥁🔥
Questo featuring è un capolavoro
Imagine how proud Manuel must be right now. He basically found them, became their mentor and look at the now.
Oh he is.
He wrote a long post on Instagram after they won Eurovision expressing his satisfaction.
Are you stay
@@nesrinozgur2862 yes I am
@@vpersiana Thank you for telling, I found this post and followed him.
Non li ha scoperti lui, si sono fatti scoprire! Bella differenza!!
No one is going to talk about Ethan, Thomas and Vic and how amazingly they played?? They didn't miss a note..
I always talk, this instrumental part in the middle - makes each time my knees weak , so very good ...pure magic!
@@VIRMALINE108 yes!!
@@alexknlove1 For me those instrumental parts they do - take each song absolutely to World TOP! And they put their SOULS into music, resulting in such cooperation with each other and such magical result! I have no words to praise them...I want to listen them more and more :)))
@@alexknlove1 ALSO - orchestra is doing absolutely amazing job here, they are all one, TOP performance!
I think you wasted your time writing this message tbh we know Ethan, Thomas and Vic were amazing they always are😐
Momento musicalmente più alto dell'ultimo Sanremo
A Sanremo mi sono commosso per questa stratosferica esibizione... semplicemente perfetta... arriva al cuore... e dopo che la ascolto la riascolto e la riascolto...
È qui che tutti abbiamo capito che avrebbero vinto Alessandro 😉
Ennesima gayata selvaggia
@@guglielmoalbertazzi9004 troppe cose da sistemare in questo cervello...
@@LoreDana2 ...non se ne preoccupi...
@@paolabrilli2773 vero...
With Damiano you always have the whole scala of emotions: sadness, love, anger, anxiety... always passion of this you can be sure.
Quanto amo la lingua italiana. Che meraviglia: opera sublime.
Sapete cosa amo tanto? La teatralità di Damiano. Ogni canzone la "sente" dentro, la fa sua e la interpreta come un testo teatrale. Non so come spiegarlo, trasmette visivamente le parole e il loro significato. Non è un semplice cantante, è un interprete. E quando si avvicina agli amici per stare con loro, lo fa proprio per far capire che sono una cosa sola. 😍
Io lo dicevo che è anche un attore da Oscar!
Damiano oltre ad essere un poeta ed un cantante eccelso...è anche un attore fantastico ♥♥♥
Si, mi ha fatto piangere. Tutta la sua presenza communica. È bravissimo.
Damiano è fantastico e questa cover è meglio senza quell’altro idiota
Dite ciò che volete, ma un pezzo del genere a Sanremo ,non si era mai sentito....... Che figata pazzesca.
Non si era mai sentito un assolo di chitarra così bello a Sanremo. Thomas Raggi è strepitoso
Sei serio/a? Se scorreggiava era meglio 😂😂😂
Insomma, sul palco dell’Ariston è passato un certo George Benson….e poi non è cresciuta più l’erba
@@IvanoAntico magari è stato anche lui un' ispirazione per Thomas
Bastitou se apri bocca. @@ciarcopiteco3890
Questi bimbominkia che si sbalordiscono per un rutto assolo è davvero deprimente
Thank you Italy for growing up such talented band, voting for them in Sanremo and sending them to Eurovision!
We voted for them while they were singing IN ITALIAN and we did not understood the word.
Without Eurovision World would not have been knowing about them. Now they belong already among the World music treasures, not only Italian :)).
Thanks to you💕🙏
I am still totally convinced that THIS outstanding performance gave them the extra votes to win Sanremo. Zitti e buoni was of course an amazing choice, they broke so many rules by chosing to bring that on the most mainstream stage of the Italian scene, BUT when I saw THIS I really thought: ok take my heart body soul money you won it all guys. ❤️🔥
@@annet1033 I have followed Maneskin now more than 2 months after Eurovision and I have understood completely same what you say - with this AMANDOTI they went for hearts of Italians. But this also captured my heart...
With Zitti e Buoni they won European public of different age groups...who voted for them while they were singing in Italian.
beautiful words thank you from italy
We rhank you for all the aupport abroad! 😉
Dio, che meraviglia! Le voci, l' arrangiamento, gli abiti dei ragazzi, è tutto perfetto. Da quella sera mi sono aggiunta ai loro fans.
completely agree!
Anche io stessa cosa, solo che io ho una certa età, ma apprezzo la vera musica,ed è quello che fanno questi ragazzi, con grande passione. Aspettavo questo video come la manna dal cielo.
La voce di Damiano*
@@elisadiamond8953 sì certo, è una voce che tocca corde profonde dell' animo e riesce a commuovere fino alle lacrime. Ma in questa esecuzione, secondo me, la voce di Damiano si fonde perfettamente con quella di Manuel. Il risultato è un capolavoro.
Di perfetto e iconico c'è questa canzone di amore italiana. Una delle migliori.
You feel the desperation, the pain… WOW
The instrumental at 2:42 is like reaching Nirvana!
And Damiano cheering for Ethan at the drum with his facial expression makes it even better! Chills!!
This part is my favorite!! Absolutely amazing!!!!
Bass line is amazing
Bellissimo, poderoso
Oh I love Nirvana....sometimes they remember them....
@@barbarascaccini3182 I love that part too.
Non conto più le volte che ho visto quest' esibizione.
È qualcosa di straordinario ed erano anni che in Italia non si vedeva una performance di tale forza, espressione di un talento eccezionale. Non c'è nulla, in questi minuti, che non sia perfetto: le voci dei due interpreti, il suono della chitarra, batteria e basso. L'orchestra eccezionale e diretta in modo fantastico. La canzone dei CCCP, così struggente e malinconica.
In ultimo una considerazione del tutto personale: quando il Rock - così energico per sua natura- si sposa con l'intensità emotiva ed espressiva del melodramma - ché noi italiani lo abbiamo nel DNA volenti o nolenti- ne viene fuori qualcosa di assolutamente unico: in questa esibizione si può assaporarne tutta la vibrante bellezza.
Questa per me, signore e signori, è Magia allo stato puro. In questo Festival di Sanremo 2021 abbiamo assistito ad un pezzo di Storia della musica italiana contemporanea.
Grazie ai Maneskin, a Manuel Agnelli, all'Orchestra, al Maestro ed ai CCCP per aver dimostrato che la bella Musica non muore mai. ❤️🧡❤️🇮🇹
Hai ragione , anche io ascolto sempre questa cover che hanno reso meravigliosa e appartiene a loro ormai..
I have also watched so many times...yes, everything and everyone was perfect as you wrote - Maneskin, Manuel Agnelli, Orchestra with Enrico Melozzi, song itself...
Lindo Ferretti docet
@Timoteo Pappaciuccioli esatto. Perché quando la musica è fatta bene riesce a superare anche le barriere linguistiche, come nel caso di 'Amandoti' .
i have never, ever in my entire life, have listened something this powerful,perfect. it's just best perfomance in the world, it is. it literally represents feeling for music,they made me feel the music......
this being gone from youtube was my personal burning of the library of alexandria... thank you maestro for bringing it back!
Una tra le esibizioni più belle mai fatte all'Ariston, e il pubblico non c'era...
Più sento questo capolavoro , più lo sentirei
Vero! Dovrebbero quasi riproporla col pubblico!
Il pubblico dell'ariton non è mai esistito
Io mi sono alzato dal divano impiedi ad applaudirli. Che esibizione strepitosa.
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my long life
Two men
one wearing make up, corset, heels and jeweled, rocking the short hair
one wearing none of but a simple black outfit, in boots, rocking the long hair
singing in the same genre, song, rock.
This goes to show that clothes, makeup and hair isn't only to be designed for a female or male. Hope more people acknowledges this.
Parliamo di musica o di moda??
The way you can FEEL this bands genuine love for each other is remarkable
Solo Manuel poteva portare a Sanremo un brano dei cccp. La versione ha la stessa profondità dell’originale ma con un’arrangiamento più rock. Per fortuna in Italia ci sono ancora queste performance a Sanremo che portano la musica di qualità al grande pubblico
Onore anche a Gazzè che ha portato Dal tutto questo è un premio ai grandi CCCP/CSI che sono stati il top del rock italiano
Ma cos'è CCCP?@@alessandrominopoli4253
Figaro io sono super ignorante..credevo fosse della Gianna Nannini sto pezzo..
@@moamadigi310 ma per favore
è una versione decente ma l'originale non la vede manco col telescopio della nasa
Sono un vecchio forse...un rocker dagli anni a 54 anni con voi ho avuto ancora un emozione forte forte ascoltando rock! Grandiosi! Vi adoro e vi stimo. Grazie per avere riacceso la luce in me.
Ma lo sai che non sei solo?
Anche io stessa tua età e stesse emozioni....
Ma che vecchio dai! Però in tutto il resto hai ragione! ❤️ Il fatto è questo, anch'io ho 42 ma mi sento da 20 con loro!
Cmq per me la parola "vecchio" significa tante cose, che hanno in sé dello straordinario.
Io 45 e stesse tue emozioni 😉😉😉 non siamo vecchi ma diversamente maturi 😅
And we're back!!! Spotify next please and play it live!!
If you love Maneskin try listening to the band of Manuel Agnelli, Afterhours. They made rock history in Italy amongst others. Agnelli has always worked hard to promote the Italian Rock scene and this is such a huge win for him too. Too many Italian bands who had just as much potentional as Maneskin have gone unnoticed because of the double combo: Italian language wasn't cool in the rock scene abroad and rock wasn't very popular in Italy. Glad that things are changing, there is so much to rediscover, you won't be disappointed I promise :)
Was Agnelli ever invited to participate in San Remo with his own band?
@@liliaeth that i don't know but any Italian artist (interested in It) can submit their entry to partecipate to Sanremo Festival. That is one option.
The Artistic Director\host can also invite any artist to participate too.
But the Absolute rule of Sanremo Festival Is to bring a fresh New Song no one has ever heard before, because the audience and the public must listen to it for the first time during the first night of the Festival! ✌️✨
@@liliaeth Yup, they did in 2009 but they ended up last (and it always happens when a real rock underground band choses to try Sanremo - even though the song itself was actually pretty lame imo) . They've been around since the early 90's so I definitely recommend older stuff.
There is always someone who changes the rules of the games. Or could be that people are more open to different sounds.
I love how excited Damiano gets watching Ethan
I really wish they'd release this version. It's so good, I keep coming back.
Many many thanks to YOU for watching!
I’m so grateful to Eurovision for bringing this band to international fame. Honestly they are amazing and the glam is out of this world.
You have to say thanks to italians who voted them at Sanremo the italian music festival,who win go to eurovision
@@NightLunaLia 🇦🇽♐♐🇦🇴🔌🔻❕🇦🇨📀💴🧤🚪🚪🚽🧸❕🔺♎ Boi
When I saw this performance for the first time, I didn't understand the lyrics, but was captivated by the feeling. Now I've listened to it countless times, understanding the lyrics, and it is a heartwrenching experience every. single. time. Amazing orchestration, amazing performers. Thank you.
is the exhibition of Sanremo😍🤗
Damiano Can sing, unlike the other one 🥱
We have to disagree there, they just have very different tone of voice and style of singing. Here they fit their styles well together, complementing each other and the music.
@@perla9235 I know this girl. She’s always there to hate him and Say horrible things
Listen to the original
I always love how Damiano interacts with the rest of the band
THANK YOU FOR POSTING! I have been waiting this!
ho 76 anni e sono sbalordita da me stessa è la piu bella interpretazione che ho visto a sanremo perfetta
immensi !! (57anni)
Vero (ho 62 anni)
Ma la gara è a chi ha di piu o chi ha di meno???... Cosi decido se partecipare😂😂😂😂
@@ciarcopiteco3890purtroppo a chi ha di più
Allora mi tiro fuori, e pero aggiungo che mi fanno cagare 🤣🤣🤣
Una delle più belle, vocalmente ed emozionalmente, esibizioni avvenute in Italia.
Two different voices - one harsh, the other melting followed by an explosion of pain
This song is like an Italian muse song with fire guitar riffs, I love it.
It’s the only ballad written by the pro-soviet punk band CCCP in the early 80s
Questa performance è un capolavoro assoluto! Quando l'ho ascoltata per la prima volta a Sanremo sono rimasta estasiata ed emozionata....erano anni che Sanremo non mi faceva provare questo!❤️
Anche a me, ho provato una grande emozione quella sera. È stata un' esibizione perfetta sotto tutti i punti di vista, musicale, scenica, teatrale.
This feels like something people hundreds of years from now will listen to and wish they were alive during this time
The emotion that damiano puts into his live preformance’s are astonishing
Omg the interlude and Thomas's solo are EVERYTHING. I can listen to this song for hours
I have the impression of being at the beginning of a Rock legend
Qualcosa di straordinario. Hanno fatto un capolavoro. Grande Damiano
when i thought i cant be surprised by Maneskin anymore then i ran into this :) AMAZING
Sono francese e da tanto tempo cercavamo questa versione che qui a Parigi è bloccata!
Merci 💞 merci 💞 merci di questo meraviglioso video.
Ci siamo iscritti subito!
Even in Italy it was blocked because Sanremo Delete for copyright. I don't know why he still shoots this video on UA-cam
@@simmyminelli8479 Is the channel of the orchestra director
Pure qui in Italia era bloccata
si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait, je vous suggère de trouver un convertisseur en ligne ou même une application Smartphone pour convertir cette chanson et l'enregistrer. Rai supprime souvent toutes les vidéos relatives à ses diffusions en raison du droit d'auteur 🧐😡
@@cubedduT per quale motivo?
That middle instrumental section is truly sublime
My huge thanks to Director Melozzi for making again available on YT a wonderful moment of music that was unexplicably removed by RAI (would have been several tens millions views now).
This piece was absolutely amazing and certainly played a good part in Maneskin unexpected and well earned victory at Sanremo.
Grazie 💜
RAI often remove old stuff with the time, as Sanremo as other shows... I don't know why
What has melozzi done? How do you know?
@@castonio4274 Cause if you want you have to watch videos on their website with 1 minute of advertising, so ... 💰💰$$
@@Christian-mj7qj Christian, this is obviously Melozzi's channel (it's called Melox at the end of the day)
Two male voices sing in unison. They are not lovers, but they have come to know each other. Teacher and pupil walk together in a way that is sometimes more closely intertwined, intense and painful than that of a married couple.
In the student's voice there is a fractured rage, a trapped storm. The adult's voice is flatter and deeper, supporting but not overshadowing, giving something to lean on. The pupil surpasses the teacher, and that is the best reward.
The voices are full of anger, despair, bitterness. Both feel the inevitability of parting.
They are grateful for each other's time together. It's time for the young one to grow up. The mature teacher recruits new pupils. Life moves on. This is their life.
Два мужских голоса поют в унисон. Они не любовники, но познали друг друга. Учитель и ученик проходят вместе путь порой более тесно переплетённый, интенсивный и болезненный, чем супруги.
В голосе ученика надломленная ярость, запертая стихия. Взрослый более ровный и глубокий голос, он поддерживает, но не заслоняет, даёт на что опереться. Ученик превзошёл учителя, и это лучшая награда. Голоса полны ярости, злости, отчаянья, горечи. Оба чувствуют неизбежность расставания.
Они благодарны друг другу за время вместе. Молодому пора расти дальше. Взрослый учитель наберёт новых учеников. Жизнь идёт дальше. Такова их жизнь.
чудесно описано
This comment is a beautiful poem that perfectly describes their performance.
@@markocap thank you !
Очень красиво, но в этих взглядах в конце песни нет ничего платонического ))
@@Silivrina каждый поет свою историю, но в то же время ВМЕСТЕ ! обожаю их
Thank you so much for bringing this back! If you have any way to upload Coraline, it would be so appreciated 🙏 It's nearly impossible to find now and the world deserves to hear their and your incredible work.
Melozzi più matto di loro... Avete creato arte su quel palco, ancora grazie. Miglior Cover per me ❤️
One of the BEST THINGS I've seen in 2021! 😍😍😍😍
Questa è la dimostrazione di come. un capolavoro si presti a qualsiasi interpretazione
Questa è la dimostrazione di come un capolavoro di performance 100℅ si presti a far conoscere al mondo un capolavoro di canzone.
The fact that it looks like they’re dedicating this song to each other, a love song, is so powerful ❤️
The fact that they can literally play anything it’s kinda scary...there are no music genre boundaries for them...It’s like they are possessed by some genius God of talent...
The instrumental part is out of this world, again...everything they touch turns into something unforgettable...
And Damiano...he embodies so well the antagonism between dark and light (as in his lyrics)...he is the personification of a fallen angel...his voice plus striking beauty plus staggering stage presence = killer combo...
Exactly !
They are like the queen I love them
Quanto l'ho cercata! Introvabile. Oggi sarà una bella domenica. È solo grazie al Maestro MELOZZI che possiamo godere di questa performance da brivido..❤🎉❤
That ending tho!!! 💯
Damiano comes from another planet, on stage he has the Freddie Mercury's charisma and even more powerful. And a voice that is pure emotion. Iconic exibition, it will enter in the history. And to see them sing, play, share music and emotion with their "teacher" Manuel Agnelli, now both of them, the Old Lion and the Youg Lion, so great and so powerful, gives me goosebumps. This song and the moments when Manuel and his ex "pupil" looks eachother in the eyes moves me everytime I watch this video.
I honestly never thought I would come across another frontman the likes of Freddy Mercuri in my lifetime. And I can honestly say Damiano David has made a liar out of me. I don't know what switch he hits when he goes on stage, but sweet jesus, it is something else. Now add to that their cohesiveness as a band, the kickass melodies and lyrics and their group presence and I'm pretty sure these kids are singlehandedly saving rock n' roll, glam, punk and everything in between. I have not been so thoroughly taken with a musical act in ages. Long Live You, Maneskin.
@@realworkoutsforrealpeople5041 agreed! Im an old lady Lol who just discovered Maneskin. Caught them on TV singing a Frankie Valley song, i was in awe, it totally drew me in. Now I'm hooked! Loving everything about this band, the more I hear, the more I want!
Sono emozionanti,un mix di grinta ma anche sensualità
i love the way they hype each other while playing!
Erano anni ed anni che nella serata cover di Sanremo non si sentiva un'esecuzione simile, intrisa di pathos, lacrime e sangue ❤ Magistrale, grazie anche alla sapiente direzione del Maestro Melozzi, vero "maestro di cerimonie", che ha arrangiato il brano a mò di "tango futurista" (finalmente in versione integrale, dato che finora la Rai ne aveva impedito la trasmissione sul web).
Aggiungerei la performance di silvestri e rancore sempre con Manuel Agnelli
Anche Rancore e La rappresentante di lista lo scorso anno, con "Luce"
Si davvero stupenda!
Anche Bek fece una cover stupenda. Una cosa che nn è da tutti ❤️
Here to listen to 2:40 onwards for the 1000th time and wish Thomas a happy birthday, can't thank him enough for that beautiful solo, it pierces through a whole wall of sound like a storm!
same here !
Eccezionale...fantastica...Meravigliosa...ogni nota fa vibrare tutto il corpo, scuote l'anima...pelle d'oca a ascolto e riascolto e mi dà sempre sempre sempre le stesse sensazioni...che goduria, un amplesso...grandi grandissimi...era da un po' che non sentivo un po' di musica, di quella vera...sono di altra generazione io, quando il rock era vero, puro e questo mi sembra degno dei tempi andati...grande maestro Melozzi !!!!
Maestro Melox Santo Subito!!!!
È stata la più bella esibizione di sempre…Maneskin,Manuel Agnelli insieme all’Orchestra del Festival di Sanremo,con lei Maestro alla conduzione,una performance che ti porta dritto in PARADISO…ICONICI…GRAZIE…
Ok Damiano is just hole different level of vocal his voice melts me 🔥
Finalmente questo video è di nuovo disponibile! È stupendo questo brano così arrangiato! Bravi tutti!!!
The Sound is different n a intoxicating way yessssss
I can literally see the passion and submissiveness in Damiano's eyes and the love of a mentor in Manuel's eyes
@@jzzeveland yeah ✨
Il modo in cui Damiano si mangia il palco è quasi commovente. Ipnotico.
A differenza di qualcun altro sa mangiarselo
Ogni tanto lo rimettono, ogni tanto ritorna... Lasciate questo video che è bellissimo!
Maestro grazie infinite per l'opportunità di vedere proprio questa esibizione, è una delle cose migliori che ho visto ultimamente.
Never understood any line but it captivated My soul.. What a performance
We're tired of this sentence, they're esibiting in the most important Music Festival of Italy. Which language were u waiting for? Turkish ?
@@giuseppevacca6999 Chill, man. It was a compliment, he was just saying that even though he doesn't understand a word of Italian, he fell in love with the song/performance. Music is universal, music lovers don't need to understand the lyrics to love a song. That's all.😉
This band has the potential to be iconic with songs that will last for generations to come.
Damiano is such a unique person...he just oozes confidence, brokeness, love, despair....he owns the stage...
Mai visto un tale capolavoro per una cover!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Grazie per questo capolavoro! Immenso, stupendo emozionante!!!!
La miglior esibizione di SanRemo 2021, tutto perfetto, voci, suono, alchimia… una vera bomba questo pezzo!
For fans from outside Italy: if you have seen Maneskin's first performance at X Factor you will notice that the other singer, Manuel Agnelli, was one of the judges
From a fan outside Italy: trust me, we know everything about everything😂 Thanks to those who translate a lot of videos and us doing our best to understand. Please ltalian friends, speak a little slower though😂
@@user-nk8nz9sf6q That request cannot be fulfilled 😂 but you can always slow down the video on YT 😂✌️✨
@@victorfries8859 right😂😂 And when I come to visit what should I say?
@@user-nk8nz9sf6q Error 404. Slow Italian not found!😂😂😂😂😂
@@user-nk8nz9sf6q don't worry, as soon as we understand that you are not a native speaker we slow down our speaking, I assure you we simply adore foreign people who speak Italian, this makes us very proud and happy 👍🏻
Lo stavo guardando in diretta quella sera....ipnotizzata dal loro pathos. Manuel e Damiano💃💃💃💃❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you for Orchestration and Conducting! This was very professional and energetic!
Capolavoro assoluto minuto 2 e qualcosa il basso di Victoria entra in pancia senza passare per le orecchie. Piango ogni volta . Grazie ragazzi 🥇🇮🇹
A distanza di anni riesce sempre ad emozionare, splendida esibizione ! E' inutile dire che il talento e la professionalità fanno la differenza... TOP!!
Thank you so much for making this gem available to us.
This is what I have come to love about Maneskin thanks to Eurovision: this passionate dedication to the art that everyone in the band lives out. And that fabulous voice. Dedication with body and soul.
I hope that the current stress and pressure (also the expectations from the fans) don't eat up the young band and burns them out. They are such delicate fragile souls,
This performance here: that's talent.
You can't do that without experiencing pain and emotion.
I'm sorry: I do love the Italian language, but I don't speak it.
Absolutely amazing performance! Im also so grateful for EUROVISION, without this I would not have been known Maneskin. And thank you to SANREMO and Italians for voting for Maneskin and sending to Eurovision!
Un'opera d'arte di 5 minuti che rimarrà senz'altro nella storia della Musica.Grandezze...
Vero! 👏
però potrebbero farli cantare insieme in tv, ;-( lo vorrei tanto
E ogni volta sono brividi veri
Grazie #Melox per questo regalo! Questa esibizione è un GIOIELLO ♥ #Måneskin