I don’t care how nervous this woman was she did incredible and every single thing she said really helped me. I have a very prominent eating disorder and watching this has really helped with my eating.
"It's not about dieting, its about living." SO POWERFUL. I've been dieting the past 3 years and being miserable. I started having an eating disorder. I am now working to free myself from this vicious cycle. This ted talk was so powerful because it is true. We have to enjoy food, experience it, appreciate it and make it a part of ourselves. I will work on that every day now until I overcome my eating disorder.
I recently started mindful eating mixed with intermittent fasting. I always make sure I am sitting down, in a quiet environment and really chew my food (it brings out all the flavour). What I noticed is that you feel more satiated with less food.
Hi Combat Arms Fownage! I hope you're having a really nice day! Thank you for commenting, that's exactly what I teach and share with my clients. I'm so happy that you feel a sense of being satisfied with what you are eating. Having a relationship with your food is so important. Learning how to be more mindful while eating and listening to your body after eating is key to keeping you clean. Love that you do intermittent fasting, so healthy! Cheers to your health! :)
My Takeaways: 1) check pH: 80 alkaline/20 acid 2) Mindful eating: use senses, smell, taste saliva(chew 20x): sit silently, feel: be aware of how it makes you feel during, after, before
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, I appreciate you and love the takeaways. That's a very helpful way to watch TED. You can buy pH strips on Amazon or your local pharmacy. I'm here to help.
Aww bless you you sounded so nervous but you still delivered some great info. I love that you talked about our body's pH, its SO important. Its something that needs to be talked about more, it even has a huge effect on disease, including cancer.
Treasure Health, Hi! Thank you for the kind words. The body's pH levels are so important and you are right they are closely related to chronic illness and cancer. I wish more people would realize that. The lower your pH levels are the greater chance of getting cancer. Look forward to connecting with you. :) KarenMayo.net is my website, please send me an email or Reach out on Facebook.
DR CARL SAGAN he would say an apple is like a microcosm of life, sunshine water elements. Check his videos out too! Great job Karen Mayo! Thank you! Maybe another video on PH levels and PH foods for balance:)
Thank you, You were clearly scared out of your mind and you got up there and presented anyway. You are very brave and I doubt most people criticizing you would have the nerve to stand on that stage themselves. I applaud your courage and appreciate the message. It is so important that people know how powerful food is and how it can change our lives.
Actually I was looking for the comment.. and I found one.. I am not alone😆.. However, after watching this I think I must be eating mindfully and here I go..
Phil TT Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. I'm in my 40's and I was scared!!! Deep Breathing...and I pulled through. I'm grateful for your kind words.
Thank you for the insightful speech! I haven’t had a problem with eating nutritious food but I do know I was lacking in one area, which was being mindful while I was eating. I’d usually be in front of my laptop screen or use my phone while I’m eating and that doesn’t let me stay attentive with my food. I tried mindful eating for my lunch after watching this TedTalk! I saw, I smelled, & I tasted each serving. I get to also focus on my chewing & breaking down of the food. I realised that I was already feeling full much earlier than expected, so now I know I’ve got to reduce my serving the next time! 🤣
Hi Thiva, Thank you so much for commenting!! I love that you tried mindful eating. How are you doing now with mindful eating? I am so thrilled you had such a profound experience. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
It’s okay! Anxiety can get to the best of us... and I relate to this ted talk a lot. Good job getting your points across! It would have been easy to just walk off stage but you pulled through!!! That’s awesome!
Hi Sad Rock! Thank you very much for kind words, I'm grateful you took the time to watch. Anxiety can be a scary place to be. Deep breathing exercises can help push you through.
@@karenmayo78 hi Karen I subscribe to your site and start following you on Instagram. I've been practicing mindfulness for a while and it is life changing. It's people like you that makes the world a better place. You're awesome. Peace and love 🙏
Trying to change the pH of any of your bodily fluids is a pointless endevour. If your body allowed you to shift the blood pH out of homeostasis, you'd be in the ER.
Optimal pH of your body? you need to be specific which her research isnt. For blood pH sound be 7.4, if it trends too high or too low your body will use feedback loops to bring it back to normal, kidney and lungs do a good job at doing this by causing hyper or hypo ventilation or holding onto fluids or not. Your pH can fluctuate for several different reasons, for example working out increases lactic acid in the bloodstream making it more acidotic causing you to hyperventilate, lactic acid can be converted to bicarbonate in the liver which then is sent to the lungs via the bloodstream to be exhaled as carbon dioxide. Alkalosis can happen for example if you vomit and lose acids which can cause your body to retain hydrogen from the kidneys to reabsorb bicarbonate to rebalance the pH. pH fluctuations arent always bad, if they are extreme tho they can be a medical emergency. I know this because I took physiology in college last semester.
I had been using this daily for a month before life got busy when I started my teaching semester. I returned as classes are ending and what value I get! I spent over 20 mins eating instead of snarfing down food. It is satiating and satisfying! Thanks! I think the meal actually was 25-30 mins for a small but robust salad 🥗, an egg bite, and a small slice of nine grain bread with about a tbsp of avocado 🥑! Thx. I love this. It’s a kind of habit bundle for food.
mrt lsk Thank you very much for your kind words. It was my first time on a huge stage and my first time speaking in front of a very large crowd of people.
First 5 minutes 30 seconds is a total waste of time. The last two minutes feels like forever and I can boil it down to: 1) Pay attention to the sight, smell, taste and feel of the food as you eat, 2) Chew your food thoroughly, and 3) Eat in silence without TV or noise in the background so you can focus on the experience. I am grateful to this free TED lecture though since fast forward works and I got the 60 seconds of info I needed without having to buy and read a book.
Not a well composed speech. It lacks congruence. In 7 minutes she jumped from one topic to another... covering three incomplete topics 1. Diet of the boy 2. Body PH levels 3. Mindful eating... The talk is titled mindful eating but the subject pops up randomly in towards the end only.. I was keen to know how she transformed the ADHD boy into a Topper, but that process is missing from the talk. .. Anyways its a good attempt but needs much better structure, composition and preparation.
Nothing says "not dieting" like having a very restrictive list of foods that you need to limit to 20% of your food (by calories? Weight? Volume?) then testing Ph levels daily
Samie Ghauri, thank you very much for commenting. I hope that I inspired you to do more research on my idea worth spreading. Many blessings and peace in your travels.
Great information. I was given a book titled Mindfulness for dummies and in it, there is a chapter called Mindfulness eating. It opened my eyes to a beautiful key to living life - eating with mind and heart combined. Peace and Love folks! - Mr17
Hi Yeon! Thank you so much for taking time to post a comment. You can start mindful eating right away. Make a decision to start, pick the day and take one element for mindful eating such as seeing......., so really check out what you are eating before it goes into your mouth. Savour the flavors and the deliciousness of whatever it is in your mouth. Notice what side of your mouth the food is going on and experience you chewing the foods between your teeth There you have it, you are eating mindfully. :) KarenMayo.net is my website. Have a really nice day!
She might have received an unpleasant call before the show, or maybe some memories about her son came up.. people have reasons, but she managed well to go on..
This talk promotes healthy eating, which is inherently good. But does so for the wrong reasons. I'm guessing most who view this video will disagree with me given that most comments on this video are positive. So if you don't like reading opinions which contrast to your own you should probably just stop reading now. In my opinion this talk preys on those with poor scientific understanding. This talk rings a lot of pseudoscience alarm bells... 1) She is promoting her business! i.e. she wants your money. 2) She describes scientific concepts but does not link them coherently. This appears scientific but makes little since to trained scientists. The body tightly regulates pH between 7.35 an 7.45. It is able to do so because the blood acts as a buffer giving it an astounding, but well understood, capacity to not change in pH when acids or basis are added. Also we have kidneys to remove excess acid. 3) Her "evidence" is anecdotal. I am not doubting diet changes can help mental functioning but one story does not constitute as evidence. 4) She has no scientific qualifications. Those she does poses are from non-academic institutions whose sole purpose is to make money. The title of nutritionist, as well as health and wellness consultant essentially mean nothing. In contrast to the title of dietician which is generally controlled by regulatory bodies. To me this diet seems nothing more than a diet focused on vegetables. Vegetables = good. Alkaline diet = myth. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_diet#Evidence_base If you would like to follow a diet that goes against "everything we know about the chemistry of the human body" (Ref American Institute for Cancer Research) then do so, but please don't pay anyone money to prescribe a diet plan. Personally I find nutrition is quite simple, "eat food, mostly plants, not too much".
James Hill, thanks for your comments but 1) I never promoted my business, it's against TED guidelines. In the comments I mentioned my website; KarenMayo.net and I mentioned "Mindful Eating" my book. 2) This is my story; my experience through life and what happened with my nephew while he stayed with me during his sixth grade school year. This is my idea worth spreading, if it helps others, I'm thrilled. People have the pleasure of doing their own research. Your comment is describing what happens with the blood's pH, if the blood falls below 7.35, the central nervous system malfunctions. I think that is pretty important detail to understand and find out why this is happening. 3) There are thousands of stories of how eating healthy can help people with mental functioning and clarity. A lot of them are on this TED platform. 4) I think that Clinical Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Board Certified through American Association of Drugless Practitioners, Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach & Lifestyle Coach and I am double certified in Corporate Wellness is of "TITLE" worthy. I enjoy helping people get off or reduce their medications, working in conjunction with their doctor, I enjoy my clients telling me that I changed their lives and the lives of their families. I enjoy my corporate clients tell me the awesome stories how their lives have changed because of my guidance and coaching they are having family time together again. I love that my clients are fitting back into their little black dresses that they still hanging in the closet. I also love that my clients are referring me clients. Weddings, College Alumni and Reunions are coming up and I'm getting the calls. It's the experience of working with me and my team that is the difference, I stand out from my competition because of the experience's people are having and it's the amazing transformations that are taking place. The ripple effect of what is happening in the households of my clients are truly inspiring. People are eating healthy and it's delicious and can have an impact on the quality of their life now and also thinking about their life as future healthier self. "Nutrition is quite simple" as you put it....but for a lot people they need a coach or someone to talk to and I am happy to be their for my clients and my friends 100%. :) Ask yourself, "What have I done for humanity lately?"
There actually isn't much conclusive evidence out there supporting for or against the effectiveness of an alkaline diet. Research is still developing which is amazing but it also leaves a lot of room people to jump on new ideas. There really is little evidence that this diet supports the bodies pH levels, because it is so so tightly regulated by our body. Any change in ones health after reducing processed, refined, sweetened foods, along with reduced animal product and an increase in plant based products will obviously improve their health and even improve mental, metabolic or behavioural disorders but there are so many other reasons why that would be the case. Keep in mind, that the 'alkaline' diet includes restricting a vast amount of perfectly healthy plant based foods, and any diet that involves that much restriction unless medically necessary is not one to put your faith in.
James Hill. Seriously, you are a professional troll, and mean spirited curmudgeon. I have no problem with you attacking ideas, but personal attacks on knowledgeable professionals who put themselves out to the world, vulnerably, to help others, is no public service. Given the speakers credentials, experience, and training, why on Earth is it ethically wrong if she did write her own book, and tell people about it? By your standard, no author, who believed in their own work, should ever publish. Further, my curmudgeonly trolling friend, I point out to you that the purpose of this presentation was not to list all of the citations for the scientific research validating her conclusions; her purpose was to convey a useful overview of her information to grateful members of the public (such as myself)...in a seven minute and thirty nine second speech! I concur with Ms. Mayo's observation that only one of you is making the effort to benefit humanity.
Hi jthakurdin, I really appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment. Thank you very much. :) He's asking me about a peer reviewed journal while he is referencing Wikipedia......... that's all I have to say.
My nephew grew up getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants. All he had to do is cry or throw a tantrum and he got what he wanted. He's 11 now and guess what he has been diagnosed with?..ADHD!.. more like never been told no disorder!!
Wow how awesome is this i just got in contact with carrieann she told me about your book which i will be getting really proud of the awesome person you are so cool, dont know if you remember me sam from ny
She got up there and fell apart. I really tried to learn all i could from this and i want to impliment mindful eating into my life and see food as fuel as opposed to a source of pleasure. This is a good start.
Great speech but the woman sounded like she wanted to cry from the very begining. It was rather annoying actually. Otherwise, very informative and interesting.
@@usquebaugh1 Thank you very much for commenting. I'm very grateful. Most people can't get outside of their own ego to be able to see the bigger picture, they only see the tree instead of the forest.
HI Luis M! Thank you so much for your comment. My nephew changed my life and career to one that I will never have to work a day in my life again. My passion is so clear about what I'm suppose to be doing on this earth. I love talking with folks about how food and eating certain foods can help heal their bodies. Much love and happiness always to you!! Thanks again. :)
Hi Oliver E thank you for your reply. It is a very emotional story when talking about my nephew and the thought of helping one realize that just eating healthy foods can have such a major impact on their health. He was a "C" student at best, always sliding by every school year, we always were hoping that he would pass but was not sure it was going to happen, then to have such a major turn around with just changing his food, that is pretty emotional to know that food has that power. All the best, Karen Mayo
Is she pregnant or something? Not that I have never been on the verge of tears about something important to me but I'm a little concerned that her food choices have affected her hormonal balance.
Danielle Williams, thank you for your comment about being concerned about my food choices. The question is Have you checked in with your food choices? I was emotional of what had organically transpired with my nephew and his food choices. How going from a "C" student at best to straight "A"'s and honor roll. Having to take medication to "NOT" taking any. That itself is something to celebrate. Ask yourself what have you done to help another person?
Alexander Luken, Thanks for your comment. This was my first time on a large stage and in front of a lot of people back in 2015, yes I clearly was very nervous. Thank you for being so perfect. What have you done lately to inspire another person to make a positive change in their life?
@@karenmayo7284 nothing at all and this comment was made at a time when I was feeling terrible about myself and I needed a target to lash out at against. I'm sorry and would like you to know that this video helped me enjoy food. Apologies again
Great info but tremendously nervous 😥 voice which is really not pleasant to listen. No offence, she seems to be a lovely lady but defiantly has performance anxiety !!
Hi Eve W, thank you for responding. This TEDx took place in the year 2015, which was 3 years ago, this was my first speaking event in front of large audience.
Atleast she stood up there and shared something which will help others. For a person who speaks with no fear, this might be an easy task. But for someone who isn't brave enough, this is a challenge. We should focus on what she's saying rather than how she's saying. If a person is stage shy, it doesn't mean she has not right to speak her mind out. People like u always bring down others.
Hi Ragad Husien, Thank you for your comment. It was my first time on a big stage in 2015 with hundreds of people in the audience, I was very nervous. I have been to speaking classes in 2017 and am doing much better during my speeches. Thank you for being so perfect!! Happy and Healthy 2018.
Range Loner thanks for your comment. This was back in 2015 and since then I have taken speaking classes. But I really want to congratulate you on being so damn perfect!!
I don’t care how nervous this woman was she did incredible and every single thing she said really helped me. I have a very prominent eating disorder and watching this has really helped with my eating.
"It's not about dieting, its about living." SO POWERFUL. I've been dieting the past 3 years and being miserable. I started having an eating disorder. I am now working to free myself from this vicious cycle. This ted talk was so powerful because it is true. We have to enjoy food, experience it, appreciate it and make it a part of ourselves. I will work on that every day now until I overcome my eating disorder.
I say to myself "eat to live, not live to eat".
Facts, I don’t wanna be stuck mindless eating forever. Its..miserable to mindless eat.
I recently started mindful eating mixed with intermittent fasting. I always make sure I am sitting down, in a quiet environment and really chew my food (it brings out all the flavour). What I noticed is that you feel more satiated with less food.
Hi Combat Arms Fownage! I hope you're having a really nice day! Thank you for commenting, that's exactly what I teach and share with my clients. I'm so happy that you feel a sense of being satisfied with what you are eating. Having a relationship with your food is so important. Learning how to be more mindful while eating and listening to your body after eating is key to keeping you clean. Love that you do intermittent fasting, so healthy! Cheers to your health! :)
I just noticed that yesterday because my Internet wasn't working and I had to eat without distraction haha.
Hi Wonder Woman! Thank you for comment, love that you shared your experience of mindful eating. :)
Same 🤗
I lost Almost 200 pounds using these methods I’ve been 140 pounds now for about three years
She's so brave! Sounded nervous but pushed through with courage!
My Takeaways:
1) check pH: 80 alkaline/20 acid
2) Mindful eating: use senses, smell, taste saliva(chew 20x): sit silently, feel: be aware of how it makes you feel during, after, before
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, I appreciate you and love the takeaways. That's a very helpful way to watch TED. You can buy pH strips on Amazon or your local pharmacy. I'm here to help.
Aww bless you you sounded so nervous but you still delivered some great info. I love that you talked about our body's pH, its SO important. Its something that needs to be talked about more, it even has a huge effect on disease, including cancer.
Treasure Health, Hi! Thank you for the kind words. The body's pH levels are so important and you are right they are closely related to chronic illness and cancer. I wish more people would realize that. The lower your pH levels are the greater chance of getting cancer. Look forward to connecting with you. :) KarenMayo.net is my website, please send me an email or Reach out on Facebook.
Great vid found the foods
Treasure Health Abb c movies
Bbc movies
Bbc movies up next
so true! She did great facing this fear! and such great, important content!
@@Nataliepfund Thank you very much for commenting and your kind words.
"Can you see the sunshine in your food?" Love it.
What exactly did she mean by that? sorry im confused
@@AmiTu45 she means to look at your food very hard to find shapes and colours and other things In it!
DR CARL SAGAN he would say an apple is like a microcosm of life, sunshine water elements. Check his videos out too! Great job Karen Mayo! Thank you! Maybe another video on PH levels and PH foods for balance:)
Flexible fasting and mindful eating is KEY for me. The mindful eating part is so imperative.
Hey Karen! Super proud of you for pulling through even though you were nervous.. happens to the best of us! :)
@AfshanParvez thank you so much for your kind words.
Thank you, You were clearly scared out of your mind and you got up there and presented anyway. You are very brave and I doubt most people criticizing you would have the nerve to stand on that stage themselves. I applaud your courage and appreciate the message. It is so important that people know how powerful food is and how it can change our lives.
So Fundamental! Thanks Karen for your message...
so ironic... i am watching this as i am eating #notverymindful :-(
me too!
Lol I was eating lemon pie fml
im eating ice cream cookie sandwich
Yep, cookies and milk...
Actually I was looking for the comment.. and I found one.. I am not alone😆.. However, after watching this I think I must be eating mindfully and here I go..
Great speech, well done Karen.I aplaud your courage. I'm in my 50s and could never stand on stage and give a talk like you.
Phil TT Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. I'm in my 40's and I was scared!!! Deep Breathing...and I pulled through. I'm grateful for your kind words.
Phil TT I
I love "can you see the sunlight in your food?"
@MindsetRunners Thank you very much for your comment! Peace and Love in your travels.
Thank you for the insightful speech! I haven’t had a problem with eating nutritious food but I do know I was lacking in one area, which was being mindful while I was eating. I’d usually be in front of my laptop screen or use my phone while I’m eating and that doesn’t let me stay attentive with my food.
I tried mindful eating for my lunch after watching this TedTalk! I saw, I smelled, & I tasted each serving. I get to also focus on my chewing & breaking down of the food. I realised that I was already feeling full much earlier than expected, so now I know I’ve got to reduce my serving the next time! 🤣
Hi Thiva, Thank you so much for commenting!! I love that you tried mindful eating. How are you doing now with mindful eating? I am so thrilled you had such a profound experience. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
I want to hug this woman for some reason
Best Karen ever.
Her sister watching this like 😳 lol
People should stop commenting about how nervous she is even if they mean well. Come on now. Don’t be asses for no reason
Thank you so much. You were so brave and gave me a lot of important information. Eating in silence is a bit difficult to me, but I'll start doing it.
@marianopaniagua3514 Thank you very much for commenting.
It’s okay! Anxiety can get to the best of us... and I relate to this ted talk a lot. Good job getting your points across! It would have been easy to just walk off stage but you pulled through!!! That’s awesome!
Hi Sad Rock! Thank you very much for kind words, I'm grateful you took the time to watch. Anxiety can be a scary place to be. Deep breathing exercises can help push you through.
@@karenmayo78 hi Karen I subscribe to your site and start following you on Instagram. I've been practicing mindfulness for a while and it is life changing. It's people like you that makes the world a better place. You're awesome. Peace and love 🙏
@@luismoref Thank you so much for your kind words. Look forward to your comments on social media.
Great job!!! Loved this presentation.
thank you Karen, the ted talk was very important and our children listened to it too... so i hope it will impact the whole family
@ronaharel7153 Thank you so much for commenting. I hope mindful eating is still a practice at your table with the children.
Love the end quote!
@itsdevgarg Thank you so much for your comment! Peace!
yes having a balanced PH is important? what is a balanced PH level though??? what is the ideal PH I should be aiming for?
trust me your body will maintain the correct body ph. If it doesn't you would be deathly ill.
Trying to change the pH of any of your bodily fluids is a pointless endevour. If your body allowed you to shift the blood pH out of homeostasis, you'd be in the ER.
Optimal pH of your body? you need to be specific which her research isnt. For blood pH sound be 7.4, if it trends too high or too low your body will use feedback loops to bring it back to normal, kidney and lungs do a good job at doing this by causing hyper or hypo ventilation or holding onto fluids or not. Your pH can fluctuate for several different reasons, for example working out increases lactic acid in the bloodstream making it more acidotic causing you to hyperventilate, lactic acid can be converted to bicarbonate in the liver which then is sent to the lungs via the bloodstream to be exhaled as carbon dioxide. Alkalosis can happen for example if you vomit and lose acids which can cause your body to retain hydrogen from the kidneys to reabsorb bicarbonate to rebalance the pH. pH fluctuations arent always bad, if they are extreme tho they can be a medical emergency. I know this because I took physiology in college last semester.
No information on 'why' one should check ph. No information on 'why' mindful eating. Just a couple of claims.
thank you very much for introducing mindful eating to us.
@rieshpandav9866 Thank you so much for commenting.
I salute you.... great content and the ability to stand in the red circle... Well done....
@mumtazmerchant2257 Thank you very much for your comment! Peace and love in your travels.
I had been using this daily for a month before life got busy when I started my teaching semester. I returned as classes are ending and what value I get! I spent over 20 mins eating instead of snarfing down food. It is satiating and satisfying! Thanks! I think the meal actually was 25-30 mins for a small but robust salad 🥗, an egg bite, and a small slice of nine grain bread with about a tbsp of avocado 🥑! Thx. I love this. It’s a kind of habit bundle for food.
@kyraocity Thank you very much for commenting.
So many gems!! Thank you!!
Suzi Hixon I'm happy this was helpful. Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. I'm grateful.
Beautiful message, Karen. Thank you for sharing this amazing information.
@ShanellPetersonOfficial Thank you so much for your kind words.
Very helpful info.
thank you.
Awesome speech. Great inspiration for me to start practice mindful eating. Love it!
youre so brave Karen - thank you so much
mrt lsk Thank you very much for your kind words. It was my first time on a huge stage and my first time speaking in front of a very large crowd of people.
First 5 minutes 30 seconds is a total waste of time. The last two minutes feels like forever and I can boil it down to: 1) Pay attention to the sight, smell, taste and feel of the food as you eat, 2) Chew your food thoroughly, and 3) Eat in silence without TV or noise in the background so you can focus on the experience. I am grateful to this free TED lecture though since fast forward works and I got the 60 seconds of info I needed without having to buy and read a book.
Not a well composed speech. It lacks congruence. In 7 minutes she jumped from one topic to another... covering three incomplete topics 1. Diet of the boy 2. Body PH levels 3. Mindful eating... The talk is titled mindful eating but the subject pops up randomly in towards the end only.. I was keen to know how she transformed the ADHD boy into a Topper, but that process is missing from the talk. .. Anyways its a good attempt but needs much better structure, composition and preparation.
Thank you for this!! I’m on the exact same page. We literally are what we eat!
Feng Shui of Food-Love That!!! Thank you so very much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate you. :)
Well done Karen!
Gets to the point at 5:14, but beautiful story at beginning
Lovely! What a radical impact pH has on our body!
What a Sweet Kind Soul🙏👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👍🏿👍🏿🙏💛
@firesign4297 Thank you so much for your comment!! Peace and Love in your Travels.
Great info. What we put into our bodies impacts our PH levels, our energy and our well being. Thank you Karen!!
@markerickson4034 Thank you very much for commenting and your kind words.
So nervous but thank you for your Ted talk@
Nothing says "not dieting" like having a very restrictive list of foods that you need to limit to 20% of your food (by calories? Weight? Volume?) then testing Ph levels daily
This was amazing. Thank you!
@marianahiga2790 Thank you very much for commenting.
Very interesting. I never thought about pH levels of our bodies.
Mindfulness eating makes a lot of sense. Thanks Karen.
Samie Ghauri, thank you very much for commenting. I hope that I inspired you to do more research on my idea worth spreading. Many blessings and peace in your travels.
Thank you Karen this has help so much.
Joni Fullard I'm happy this helped you. Thank you for taking the time to comment, it means a lot for your kind words.
Nothing about mindful eating until after 5:00 minutes in
Very good explanation. I do highly appreciate and agree. Thank you 🙏.
I love her. Great job
Hi REKANIZE TV! Thank you for your very nice comments! :)
Great information. I was given a book titled Mindfulness for dummies and in it, there is a chapter called Mindfulness eating. It opened my eyes to a beautiful key to living life - eating with mind and heart combined. Peace and Love folks! - Mr17
Hi purlple17! Thank you very much for your comment. Eating mindfully can help you feel more connected to your food. Have a really nice day!
I hope I could start mindfulness-eating right away
Hi Yeon! Thank you so much for taking time to post a comment. You can start mindful eating right away. Make a decision to start, pick the day and take one element for mindful eating such as seeing......., so really check out what you are eating before it goes into your mouth. Savour the flavors and the deliciousness of whatever it is in your mouth. Notice what side of your mouth the food is going on and experience you chewing the foods between your teeth There you have it, you are eating mindfully. :) KarenMayo.net is my website. Have a really nice day!
She might have received an unpleasant call before the show, or maybe some memories about her son came up.. people have reasons, but she managed well to go on..
This talk promotes healthy eating, which is inherently good.
But does so for the wrong reasons.
I'm guessing most who view this video will disagree with me given that most comments on this video are positive. So if you don't like reading opinions which contrast to your own you should probably just stop reading now.
In my opinion this talk preys on those with poor scientific understanding.
This talk rings a lot of pseudoscience alarm bells...
1) She is promoting her business! i.e. she wants your money.
2) She describes scientific concepts but does not link them coherently.
This appears scientific but makes little since to trained scientists. The body tightly regulates pH between 7.35 an 7.45. It is able to do so because the blood acts as a buffer giving it an astounding, but well understood, capacity to not change in pH when acids or basis are added. Also we have kidneys to remove excess acid.
3) Her "evidence" is anecdotal. I am not doubting diet changes can help mental functioning but one story does not constitute as evidence.
4) She has no scientific qualifications. Those she does poses are from non-academic institutions whose sole purpose is to make money. The title of nutritionist, as well as health and wellness consultant essentially mean nothing. In contrast to the title of dietician which is generally controlled by regulatory bodies.
To me this diet seems nothing more than a diet focused on vegetables.
Vegetables = good. Alkaline diet = myth.
If you would like to follow a diet that goes against "everything we know about the chemistry of the human body" (Ref American Institute for Cancer Research)
then do so, but please don't pay anyone money to prescribe a diet plan.
Personally I find nutrition is quite simple, "eat food, mostly plants, not too much".
James Hill, thanks for your comments but 1) I never promoted my business, it's against TED guidelines. In the comments I mentioned my website; KarenMayo.net and I mentioned "Mindful Eating" my book.
2) This is my story; my experience through life and what happened with my nephew while he stayed with me during his sixth grade school year. This is my idea worth spreading, if it helps others, I'm thrilled. People have the pleasure of doing their own research.
Your comment is describing what happens with the blood's pH, if the blood falls below 7.35, the central nervous system malfunctions. I think that is pretty important detail to understand and find out why this is happening.
3) There are thousands of stories of how eating healthy can help people with mental functioning and clarity. A lot of them are on this TED platform.
4) I think that Clinical Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Board Certified through American Association of Drugless Practitioners, Board Certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach & Lifestyle Coach and I am double certified in Corporate Wellness is of "TITLE" worthy.
I enjoy helping people get off or reduce their medications, working in conjunction with their doctor, I enjoy my clients telling me that I changed their lives and the lives of their families. I enjoy my corporate clients tell me the awesome stories how their lives have changed because of my guidance and coaching they are having family time together again. I love that my clients are fitting back into their little black dresses that they still hanging in the closet. I also love that my clients are referring me clients. Weddings, College Alumni and Reunions are coming up and I'm getting the calls. It's the experience of working with me and my team that is the difference, I stand out from my competition because of the experience's people are having and it's the amazing transformations that are taking place. The ripple effect of what is happening in the households of my clients are truly inspiring. People are eating healthy and it's delicious and can have an impact on the quality of their life now and also thinking about their life as future healthier self.
"Nutrition is quite simple" as you put it....but for a lot people they need a coach or someone to talk to and I am happy to be their for my clients and my friends 100%. :)
Ask yourself, "What have I done for humanity lately?"
Have you published any of your work in a peer reviewed journal, I'd love to read it.
There actually isn't much conclusive evidence out there supporting for or against the effectiveness of an alkaline diet. Research is still developing which is amazing but it also leaves a lot of room people to jump on new ideas. There really is little evidence that this diet supports the bodies pH levels, because it is so so tightly regulated by our body. Any change in ones health after reducing processed, refined, sweetened foods, along with reduced animal product and an increase in plant based products will obviously improve their health and even improve mental, metabolic or behavioural disorders but there are so many other reasons why that would be the case. Keep in mind, that the 'alkaline' diet includes restricting a vast amount of perfectly healthy plant based foods, and any diet that involves that much restriction unless medically necessary is not one to put your faith in.
James Hill. Seriously, you are a professional troll, and mean spirited curmudgeon. I have no problem with you attacking ideas, but personal attacks on knowledgeable professionals who put themselves out to the world, vulnerably, to help others, is no public service.
Given the speakers credentials, experience, and training, why on Earth is it ethically wrong if she did write her own book, and tell people about it? By your standard, no author, who believed in their own work, should ever publish.
Further, my curmudgeonly trolling friend, I point out to you that the purpose of this presentation was not to list all of the citations for the scientific research validating her conclusions; her purpose was to convey a useful overview of her information to grateful members of the public (such as myself)...in a seven minute and thirty nine second speech!
I concur with Ms. Mayo's observation that only one of you is making the effort to benefit humanity.
Hi jthakurdin, I really appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment. Thank you very much. :)
He's asking me about a peer reviewed journal while he is referencing Wikipedia......... that's all I have to say.
My nephew grew up getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants. All he had to do is cry or throw a tantrum and he got what he wanted. He's 11 now and guess what he has been diagnosed with?..ADHD!.. more like never been told no disorder!!
2 minutes in and I'm weeping!
Very good points! Next time you be less nervous. ;)
Thanks Karen for sharing your wisdom! I loved the video. I wonder where I can find the PH tests to buy...
Luciana Mariano Thank you very much for your kind words. You can find the pH tests either on Amazon or local pharmacy.
Check body pH- Such bs. I’m surprised ted endorsed something like this.
Well done!
😍😍 wonderful 👏
Wow how awesome is this i just got in contact with carrieann she told me about your book which i will be getting really proud of the awesome person you are so cool, dont know if you remember me sam from ny
Hey Sam! Check out my website karenmayo.net. Contact me through there, I will reach out to you! Long time my friend! :)
I found this very resourceful , keep up! :)
Awesome informations 👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you! I affirm your profound effort. :-)
Thank you very much for your comment jthakurdin. :)
good .. thanks for information...
Hi ello0olle! Thank you for leaving a comment. :)
yes, courageous ❣️🌝🌹
Thank you for sharing this, Karen. Just ordered a PH test after hearing you speak. Hope to cross paths again.
Hi Jess!! So happy to see you!! We will cross paths again very soon! Thank you so much for your comment!
Looking forward!! :)
difficult to listen to her with that shaking voice
People only help you to a certain extent she doesn’t even say what meals or foods she used she omitted it
Thank you beautiful angel 😊
You need to teach your sister how
She got up there and fell apart. I really tried to learn all i could from this and i want to impliment mindful eating into my life and see food as fuel as opposed to a source of pleasure. This is a good start.
Great speech but the woman sounded like she wanted to cry from the very begining. It was rather annoying actually.
Otherwise, very informative and interesting.
It was an excellent speech. The only I found really annoying about it..was this comment..actually.
@@usquebaugh1 Thank you very much for commenting. I'm very grateful.
Most people can't get outside of their own ego to be able to see the bigger picture, they only see the tree instead of the forest.
Chris Ossa its ok to be nervous...
what an extremely beautiful women inside and out....
Hi Billy Peek! Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm very grateful you took the time to comment.
she is nervous!
Wow, what a powerful story ❤
HI Luis M! Thank you so much for your comment. My nephew changed my life and career to one that I will never have to work a day in my life again. My passion is so clear about what I'm suppose to be doing on this earth. I love talking with folks about how food and eating certain foods can help heal their bodies. Much love and happiness always to you!! Thanks again. :)
thought she was gonna cry.
Hi Oliver E thank you for your reply. It is a very emotional story when talking about my nephew and the thought of helping one realize that just eating healthy foods can have such a major impact on their health. He was a "C" student at best, always sliding by every school year, we always were hoping that he would pass but was not sure it was going to happen, then to have such a major turn around with just changing his food, that is pretty emotional to know that food has that power. All the best, Karen Mayo
Is she pregnant or something? Not that I have never been on the verge of tears about something important to me but I'm a little concerned that her food choices have affected her hormonal balance.
Danielle Williams, thank you for your comment about being concerned about my food choices. The question is Have you checked in with your food choices? I was emotional of what had organically transpired with my nephew and his food choices. How going from a "C" student at best to straight "A"'s and honor roll. Having to take medication to "NOT" taking any. That itself is something to celebrate. Ask yourself what have you done to help another person?
is she actually blaming adhd on food coloring??? lmfao....
1/3 of your body is hydrogen
I hate it when speakers talk about family and when they were kids. This is horrible.
Terrible public speaker. Clearly has good ideas but has no confidence.
Alexander Luken, Thanks for your comment. This was my first time on a large stage and in front of a lot of people back in 2015, yes I clearly was very nervous. Thank you for being so perfect. What have you done lately to inspire another person to make a positive change in their life?
@@karenmayo7284 nothing at all and this comment was made at a time when I was feeling terrible about myself and I needed a target to lash out at against. I'm sorry and would like you to know that this video helped me enjoy food. Apologies again
@@alexanderluken1937 Thank you for the kind response. How are you enjoying food? What changed for you?
Alexander Luken this is not an excuse at all. But at least you admitted it.
Great info but tremendously nervous 😥 voice which is really not pleasant to listen. No offence, she seems to be a lovely lady but defiantly has performance anxiety !!
Interesting concept and good information, but the talk wasn’t great. She’s so awkward and monotone that I wasn’t engaged.
Horrible speaker. If she had spoken in many events I don’t see why she is still so nervous!!
Hi Eve W, thank you for responding.
This TEDx took place in the year 2015, which was 3 years ago, this was my first speaking event in front of large audience.
Atleast she stood up there and shared something which will help others. For a person who speaks with no fear, this might be an easy task. But for someone who isn't brave enough, this is a challenge. We should focus on what she's saying rather than how she's saying. If a person is stage shy, it doesn't mean she has not right to speak her mind out. People like u always bring down others.
She could use some speech and presentation classes 😬
Hi Ragad Husien, Thank you for your comment. It was my first time on a big stage in 2015 with hundreds of people in the audience, I was very nervous. I have been to speaking classes in 2017 and am doing much better during my speeches. Thank you for being so perfect!! Happy and Healthy 2018.
@@karenmayo7284 you did very well. Kudos for being able to power through the presentation and delivering your content.
Such a nervous woman. No idea what is she upto. Go get speaking classes please
Range Loner thanks for your comment. This was back in 2015 and since then I have taken speaking classes. But I really want to congratulate you on being so damn perfect!!