I’ve made a couple kits on my channel before Temu was around and most was bought on Amazon. I’ve found out most off the items I bought on Amazon were from China and now you can get it for half the price from Temu.
you went out of your way to show bias before you even ordered. Then you said the pouch is crap, but it's not, I've been using mine for years and the zipper and stitching is still holding up.
When you go out of your way to buy crappy stuff, then you'll end up with crappy stuff. They do sell solid gear, you just don't pick the cheapest shit on there.
He literally found the cheapest worse stuff they sell. I've seen wallets on temu that are far superior too what he ordered for maybe 2 or 3 bucks more. Same with knives and basically everything he ordered you can find a superior version of it on temu with some real searching and a few bucks more. Of course none of it is gonna be the quality of a $80 or up product.
@EDCNC-YT I'd be interested in seeing a upgrade too this video. But it's you're money you spend it on what you want. I just seen better stuff on there doing my own searches and seeing some other video's. But like I said obviously nothing is gonna compare too anything we all would truly carry. Now some of these cheap item's on temu have a purpose imo like maybe teaching a child how use certain item's etc without using the more expensive stuff and wasting it on practices or teaching with.
If you’re looking for quality materials and brand names of course temu isn’t for you but they have stuff for cheap thats practical and essential that you don’t need to pay big bucks for, so its better to get on temu. They have good stuff that lasts that I would never pay big bucks for when i can just get a bulk price at temu, so if you’re some connoisseur what are you even shopping at temu for 😂😂😂 this ain’t no gear shop
Agreed. I have bought quite a few little random things from Temu, and to be honest, I have actually been impressed with the overall quality of the items I've received. A lot of the items I've bought were the exact same things I was looking at on Amazon, but at a fraction of the price. Most of the "gear" though like knifes, tools, lights, etc... on there just make for good backups or spares to stash around wherever.
i got a med kit off temu for 10 bucks once and i cant complain it came with like 30 bucks worth of stuff ye its off brand but hey its cheap cant complain
Bought great multitool with bit kit and detachable shears it's on par with my roxon and nextool and paid 16 bucks they have great stuff if you know how to shop. Every item has the dimensions shown don't go by the picture of you do it's your fault look and see actual sizes. Also they carry nextool and a couple of great opening knives and box cutters to much stuff to list. Anyone who would order a bear grills item I can't take serious. You lost all credibility by buying that one item. You know damn well you wouldn't buy it in a regular store order online at any place why wouldn't you just order one of the better multi tools with shears that they have and give us an honest opinion.
@EDCNC-YT no not angry about you ripping on the company we are just disillusioned you'd buy something with the name Bear Grylls on it and expected it to be anything but crap. I clicked as most people who click on temu videos expecting to see a review of items that I may not have seen before or gotten an honest review. Temu takes no more information than Amazon does and if I'm worried about my credit card info I use Google pay but so far the good outweighs the bad with them same crappy products at cheaper price than Amazon you can't beat it. You gotta love those slaves they use cause where else will I get a 58 cent potato cooker.
@@edgee400 58¢ potato cooker😂 I’m gonna have to use that one. I honestly had no idea people actually bought gear for Temu until after this video. Is some of it really useful?
It may be crap, but it made a fun video. Cool shirt.
Thanks! It was a blast to put together!
I’ve made a couple kits on my channel before Temu was around and most was bought on Amazon. I’ve found out most off the items I bought on Amazon were from China and now you can get it for half the price from Temu.
you went out of your way to show bias before you even ordered. Then you said the pouch is crap, but it's not, I've been using mine for years and the zipper and stitching is still holding up.
When you go out of your way to buy crappy stuff, then you'll end up with crappy stuff. They do sell solid gear, you just don't pick the cheapest shit on there.
Yeah I agree, I guess he’s a pouch connoisseur so he expects that thing to do who knows what
He literally found the cheapest worse stuff they sell. I've seen wallets on temu that are far superior too what he ordered for maybe 2 or 3 bucks more. Same with knives and basically everything he ordered you can find a superior version of it on temu with some real searching and a few bucks more. Of course none of it is gonna be the quality of a $80 or up product.
@@jamesleary1405I may have to revisit this video…
@EDCNC-YT I'd be interested in seeing a upgrade too this video. But it's you're money you spend it on what you want. I just seen better stuff on there doing my own searches and seeing some other video's. But like I said obviously nothing is gonna compare too anything we all would truly carry. Now some of these cheap item's on temu have a purpose imo like maybe teaching a child how use certain item's etc without using the more expensive stuff and wasting it on practices or teaching with.
They(temu) got what seems like legit kershaw
Except he the sharpening is off. I’ve compare to the same ones and they are exactly the same
Honestly most of you “edc” guys only use your knife to cut open packages anyway 😂😂😂😂😂
Chocolate milk?
If you’re looking for quality materials and brand names of course temu isn’t for you but they have stuff for cheap thats practical and essential that you don’t need to pay big bucks for, so its better to get on temu. They have good stuff that lasts that I would never pay big bucks for when i can just get a bulk price at temu, so if you’re some connoisseur what are you even shopping at temu for 😂😂😂 this ain’t no gear shop
Agreed. I have bought quite a few little random things from Temu, and to be honest, I have actually been impressed with the overall quality of the items I've received. A lot of the items I've bought were the exact same things I was looking at on Amazon, but at a fraction of the price. Most of the "gear" though like knifes, tools, lights, etc... on there just make for good backups or spares to stash around wherever.
You just look at something and deem it crap,that's not a review.
‘‘Twas just a fun video, no need to raise da roof….
😂😂😂😂 This kit needs to be marketed! Great video my friend! 😂😂😂
Thank you!😂
i got a med kit off temu for 10 bucks once and i cant complain it came with like 30 bucks worth of stuff ye its off brand but hey its cheap cant complain
Wow.....That wasn't even close to being non bias....Subscribe? No thank ya buddy.....
I might have to revisit this video idea, seems like lots of people actually like Temu. Maybe I was wrong! 🤷
Sir ,got with your gut ,not other people's.. 2$ item based off 200$ item .probably gonna be trash .
Lol I use to shop at Wish and it was hit and miss.I’m scared with this site it’s toooooo cheap lol
"Faiko Watch"
"Will It Cut a Hot Turd"
Glad you liked it!😉😂
9:26 nice lil name drop
I have the bear grillz multitool, but the real one 😂
Never heard of TEMU until just now
It’s nuts man
what the heck is that pen xD
Garbage, that’s what it is.😂
Thanks buddy!😊
Bought great multitool with bit kit and detachable shears it's on par with my roxon and nextool and paid 16 bucks they have great stuff if you know how to shop. Every item has the dimensions shown don't go by the picture of you do it's your fault look and see actual sizes. Also they carry nextool and a couple of great opening knives and box cutters to much stuff to list. Anyone who would order a bear grills item I can't take serious. You lost all credibility by buying that one item. You know damn well you wouldn't buy it in a regular store order online at any place why wouldn't you just order one of the better multi tools with shears that they have and give us an honest opinion.
A lot of you are getting very angry for me poking fun at a company who is ripping off designs and stealing your information.🤷
@EDCNC-YT no not angry about you ripping on the company we are just disillusioned you'd buy something with the name Bear Grylls on it and expected it to be anything but crap. I clicked as most people who click on temu videos expecting to see a review of items that I may not have seen before or gotten an honest review. Temu takes no more information than Amazon does and if I'm worried about my credit card info I use Google pay but so far the good outweighs the bad with them same crappy products at cheaper price than Amazon you can't beat it. You gotta love those slaves they use cause where else will I get a 58 cent potato cooker.
@@edgee400 58¢ potato cooker😂 I’m gonna have to use that one. I honestly had no idea people actually bought gear for Temu until after this video. Is some of it really useful?
It's funny how these people like to make fun of temu I bet 90% of the crap in his house was made in China.
Chinese made is not the problem, poorly made stuff of any origin is the problem.
I hate video like this.. This video is pointless you bought cheapest stuff just to trash em.
This was fun .....real friends won't let friends temu :)
Better start a comedy show for ppl who dont want to laugh
Hahaha absolutelu dog crap gear. I like the honesty