I like how Nick keeps his form and focus on doing the exercises proper with enough weight. Although it’s crazy weight for a regular person, it’s not crazy weight for him. You are definitely a future Mr O.
Keep on going, iam really feeling the win when i see you. I would love to see this. I will defenitly watch the next Mr. O. I havent watched it since many years now but you will make it worth. Rise of the Mutant =)
Hi there I would like to now if I must stop doing cardio when wanting to build muscle size I just do slow cardio walking 30 minutes 4 times a week or must I just stop please help thanks.
Nick, please be careful how you go about racking the bar after a military front press. You almost want to walk it forward into the rack, and squat it back down using your legs rather than relying on a reverse curl to rack it as you're subjecting your mid section to suffering a hernia. Been there done that. Be careful with this, especially with the higher weights. No Injuries 👍 No Unnecessary Pain. 💪
Nice intense session There Nick.that abb machine looks good after seeing ya with ya abb pains lol,we could do with one of them abb machines at our gym.your looking great Nick, 💪💪
The decision to listen to your body and drop a few pounds is a good call. Prioritizing health needs to be normalized more in the bodybuilding community. Good content bro.
His chest … legs … calves (those saphenous veins are a major issue for him especially being so young). We are watching a dude who is going to be lucky to make 50
Nick my man. Where is the rest day video ? Do one sgowing us proof that you dont workout every day...maybe sitting at home, playstation, surfing youtube watch 3d trigili clips, cooking food, going thrpugh fave movies.....something like that. Mix it up man , make it spicy
Nick, have you considered doing stretching-only sessions? You have a lot of muscle density to the point where its almost hard to see where you can pack on more size. If you start doing dedicated stretching, perhaps that will help you add on more size over time?
Hell yeah 20 reps ain’t no joke pump those muscles to the max bro! If you wanna go even harder superset presses with side laterals imo the side laterals will build bigger delts than pressing also keep constant tension feel like I’m nagging at you but don’t let your arms hang and them muscles rest id go slow on the down and snap like a slingshot back up time under tension constant tension pump pump pump let’s see you get that tittle champ hard work and dedication! 💪 The superset is something I learned from rich piana awesome way to overload the muscles without having to go heavy and risk injury youll also probably end up cutting weight down by 50% can do it for chest presses superset with flys 20 reps each set Legs hacks with superset leg extensions Pain is pleasure 🙃
Can't to see the package that Nick and the new coach put together for the O. It's gonna be a while different physique with out having to focus on multiples shows. But I will admit that I preferred Matt's approach to training but I am still optimistic to see what Dom can do with the Mutant.
@@conorsilva1442 I hear that, I’ve got long arms so the range of motion for me if I do it full looking back on it probs isn’t the most safest as I’ve had slight twinges in my delts here and there, when I let the bar come all the way down . 👍🏾
yh but theres a difference between not locking out to keep tension on the shoulders and barely doing any range of motion.. barely going down to parallel and barely going up above parallell.. like in the video
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
희빈 장씨(1659∼1701) : 조선 19대왕 숙종의 후궁. 본관은 인동(仁同)이다. 역관 장현(張炫)의 종질녀이다. 어머니의 정부(情夫)였던 조사석(趙師錫)과 종친인 동평군 이항(東平君 李杭)의 주선으로 궁녀로 들어가 숙종의 총애를 독차지했다. 1686년(숙종 12) 숙원(淑媛)이 되었다. 1688년 소의(昭儀)로 승진하고 왕자 이윤(李昀: 뒤의 景宗)을 낳았다. 왕은 기뻐하여 세자로 봉하려 했다. 그러나 송시열(宋時烈) 등 당시 정권을 잡고 있던 서인이 지지하지 않으므로 남인들의 원조를 얻어 책봉하려 했다. 이에 서인의 노론·소론은 모두 왕비 민씨(閔氏)가 나이가 많지 않으니 후일을 기다리자고 주장하였다. 숙종은 듣지 않고 1689년 정월에 이윤을 세자로 봉하고, 장소의는 희빈으로 승격했다. 이 때 송시열이 세자로 봉하는 것이 아직 이르다고 상소하였다. 왕은 이미 명호(名號)가 결정된 다음에 이런 의견을 말하는 것은 무슨 일이냐고 진노했다. 이에 남인 이현기(李玄紀)·남치훈(南致薰)·윤빈(尹彬) 등이 송시열의 상소를 논박하며 파직시켜 제주도로 유배하게 하고 다시 사사(賜死)하게 하였다. 그러나 송시열은 중로 정읍으로 이배(移配)되었다가 사약을 받았다. 이 밖에 서인의 영수들도 파직 또는 유배를 면하지 못했다. 반면에 남인의 권대운(權大運)·김덕원(金德遠) 등이 등용되었다. 이 정권의 교체를 기사환국 또는 기사사화라고 한다. 이 해 5월에 민비를 폐하고 장희빈을 왕비로 삼으려 할 때 서인 오두인(吳斗寅)·박태보(朴泰輔) 등 80여 명이 상소하여 이를 반대했다. 그러나 이들은 참혹한 형문을 받게 되니 이후 정국은 남인의 세상이 되었다. 기사환국 후 시간이 흐르면서 숙종은 폐비사건을 후회하게 되었다. 그러던 중 1694년 서인의 김춘택(金春澤)·한중혁(韓重爀) 등이 폐비 복위운동을 꾀하다가 고발되었다. 이 때 남인의 영수요 당시 우의정이었던 민암(閔黯) 등이 이 기회에 반대당 서인을 완전히 제거하려고 김춘택 등 수십 명을 하옥하고 범위를 넓혀 일대 옥사를 일으켰다. 이 때 숙종은 폐비에 대한 반성으로 옥사를 다스리던 민암을 파직하고 사사했으며, 권대운·목내선(睦來善)·김덕원 등을 유배했다. 이어 소론 남구만(南九萬)·박세채(朴世采)·윤지완(尹趾完) 등을 등용하고 장씨를 희빈으로 내렸는데 이것을 갑술옥사라고 한다. 또한, 이미 죽은 송시열·김수항(金壽恒) 등은 복작(復爵)되고 남인은 정계에서 물러나게 되었다. 소론이 들어서고 남인이 물러날 때 장희빈의 오빠 장희재(張希載)가 희빈에게 보낸 서장(書狀) 속에 폐비 민씨에 관련된 문구가 있어 논쟁이 벌어졌다. 여러 사람이 장희재를 죽이자고 했으나 세자에게 화가 미칠까 염려하여 남구만·윤지완 등이 용서하게 했다. 그런데 왕비 민씨가 죽은 다음에, 장희빈이 취선당(就善堂) 서쪽에 신당(神堂)을 설치하고 민비가 죽기를 기도한 일이 발각되었다. 이 일에 관련된 희빈과 장희재는 처형되고 궁인(宮人)·무녀와 그 족당(族黨)도 화를 입었다. 이것을 무고(巫蠱)의 옥(獄)이라고 한다. 이 때 장희빈에 대해 관대한 태도를 취한 남구만·최석정(崔錫鼎)·유상운(柳尙運) 등 소론의 선비들도 몰락하고 다시 노론이 득세하였다. 숙종은 이후 빈(嬪)을 후비(后妃)로 승격하는 일을 없애는 법을 만들었다.
Putting out quality content on a daily basis. Respect to you Nick. Unreal how current Mr Olympia doesn't put out any content at all .
Totally agree 100%... nick is the fuckin man!!!!
There’s no rule that says everyone has to do UA-cam you pansy. Stop being so entitled.
glad you're enjoying it. more to come!
@@NickWalker39 looking foward to it.
@@Joshfraser3497 yup
The Mental Game this guy has at his age is UNMATCHED!! What a joy watching this guy get better- Mentally~Physically every day!
appreciate this!
Hey Nick, I am with you 💯💯💯🙏🏼, I want badly to see you win the BIG OOO!!!!!,let’s go MUTANT MONSTER 🥳🥳🥳🥇🥇🥇
I like the way Nick trains his arms.
This guy has the best mind muscle connection and form in the industry
Had a nice chest day, now watching this beastly shoulder workout while doing cardio.
Gotta day, your brother does a great job editing the videos. Really adds a lot to them
yeah he's killing it.
I like how Nick keeps his form and focus on doing the exercises proper with enough weight. Although it’s crazy weight for a regular person, it’s not crazy weight for him. You are definitely a future Mr O.
Nick is the only open bodybuilder in mr.o to post daily content
The next mr Olympia ladies and gentlemen
you damn right!
Nick is next level.. Still growing I think. :)
Music and workouts on point like always, we are watching history here nick is next mr O
You’re a legend man ! And you’re not even at your peak !
Hi nick i am for sure u r biggest fan from Italy .🇮🇹 I pump your videos everyday before i go to the gym 💪🏼👊🏼
I know I have said this at at least 1,000x's but Nick's form is just flawless, like a machine...best in the biz
Keep on going, iam really feeling the win when i see you. I would love to see this. I will defenitly watch the next Mr. O. I havent watched it since many years now but you will make it worth.
Rise of the Mutant =)
Those Blue Jordan retro 3s are 🔥🔥
love 3s
Nick is great bodybuilder
I watch these post workout while doing cardio.
Bro who even does cardio? Pump up in the weight room. Good enough cardio
Keep building. Stay strong. Be huge brother
Shou out my friend from Philippines
Your videos are the best demonstration of a workout session. content is Great.
Bing Bong !!
Nick’s front delts haven’t been neglected ... that’s for certain.
Stay Huge…thanks Nick💪
You will Liveeee ^_^
have shoulders tonight myself. good work Nick
Super Sturdy
Parabéns nick 🇧🇷🚀
Nick, what u stacking? It would be great to know...thx
Hi there I would like to now if I must stop doing cardio when wanting to build muscle size I just do slow cardio walking 30 minutes 4 times a week or must I just stop please help thanks.
Let’s go nick
nice..nick 👍and what is your secrets of fore arms.....
Good modern machine
When u add standing barbell military press in your arsenal , shit just got real!!!! Extremely impressive! Shout out from Philly
Thank you!
Nick, please be careful how you go about racking the bar after a military front press. You almost want to walk it forward into the rack, and squat it back down using your legs rather than relying on a reverse curl to rack it as you're subjecting your mid section to suffering a hernia. Been there done that. Be careful with this, especially with the higher weights. No Injuries 👍 No Unnecessary Pain. 💪
@@quantumpotential7639 physique pics
Hey Nick, great content. Can’t wait to see you in the O! Quick question, are you doing anything on rest days such as cardio?
Always with the sick J's on
Your looking pumped luv ya dedication.peace
Really appreciate the consistency of uploads! Professional work!🙏🏻💪🏻
The Beast
Mutant looking awesome, check out those cramps Nick, something is a miss there..
Need more content outside the gym: like groceries, daily vlog, etc... pleaseeee!!! #keepupgrinding #beast #mutant
baby face walker! ps girl lin the pink tights need a spotter lol
Nice 😊 👍
Parabens nick BRASIL TE AMA
Shout out for Nick's brother, hes recordings and edits are awesome
Future Mr o
Mass muscular monster🔥🔥
Nice intense session There Nick.that abb machine looks good after seeing ya with ya abb pains lol,we could do with one of them abb machines at our gym.your looking great Nick, 💪💪
Um abraço gigante
Thanks camera 5:40
Celcius is 🔥 🔥 🔥 great taste good amount of caffeine delicious
The decision to listen to your body and drop a few pounds is a good call. Prioritizing health needs to be normalized more in the bodybuilding community. Good content bro.
Yup let’s gooo
Today was my biceb day💪😊
Love from Kerala bro 🤗👀
Cool vid 😎 and not use to see Nick workin' on his abs, it good tho😁
Beast 👍💪
Nick is getting wide as a house from all those Old School supps that he’s getting from Trigili 😄
5:19 lawd, you guys encountered a wild Mewtwo. I hope you caught her.
@Nick S gotta catch em all lol. Love watching nicks workouts but she was distracting
Bro what was the feedback from the judges on what you need to improve?
His chest … legs … calves (those saphenous veins are a major issue for him especially being so young). We are watching a dude who is going to be lucky to make 50
@@chuckschickbaldtacos those are varicose veins u goose and their normal
What for one day shoulders. Chest . Arms.
Treseps working
Whattt ????
Lmfaoo Bing bong
Brasil com vc viu todos torcem quem ama o esporte
In the title “ROAD TO THE OLYMPIA 2022” excites me 💦
can't wait to start prep!
@@NickWalker39 🥳👌🏼
16:40 never seen this machine before, it looks funny lol
Can see this guy with a Mr o title..
Он явно на курсе).
Nick my man. Where is the rest day video ? Do one sgowing us proof that you dont workout every day...maybe sitting at home, playstation, surfing youtube watch 3d trigili clips, cooking food, going thrpugh fave movies.....something like that. Mix it up man , make it spicy
Challenge thrown out to everyone, has anyone seen Nick use bad form?
I hate that extension machine ! Feels shit for my tri contraction .lol Maybe idk how to use it idk lol
13:20 Fuck it just eat haha epic!!
At this point on one will stand against you,not even for kidding
Nick, have you considered doing stretching-only sessions? You have a lot of muscle density to the point where its almost hard to see where you can pack on more size. If you start doing dedicated stretching, perhaps that will help you add on more size over time?
Where is your coach ?#nick
My delts and shoulders always feel burned after these kind of exercise
Quantos kilos gigante vc pesa kkkk
Orlando kisimmy gym
Hell yeah 20 reps ain’t no joke pump those muscles to the max bro! If you wanna go even harder superset presses with side laterals imo the side laterals will build bigger delts than pressing also keep constant tension feel like I’m nagging at you but don’t let your arms hang and them muscles rest id go slow on the down and snap like a slingshot back up time under tension constant tension pump pump pump let’s see you get that tittle champ hard work and dedication! 💪
The superset is something I learned from rich piana awesome way to overload the muscles without having to go heavy and risk injury youll also probably end up cutting weight down by 50% can do it for chest presses superset with flys 20 reps each set
Legs hacks with superset leg extensions
Pain is pleasure 🙃
Can't to see the package that Nick and the new coach put together for the O. It's gonna be a while different physique with out having to focus on multiples shows. But I will admit that I preferred Matt's approach to training but I am still optimistic to see what Dom can do with the Mutant.
How about a little bit of screaming. That well be a Perfect!
Is there a reason that he does short range of motion on the standing barbell press??.. just wondered if that’s more beneficial?
Keeps constant tension on the muscles also can be rather dangerous possibly towards elbows etc to extend all the way up with heavier weight
@@conorsilva1442 I hear that, I’ve got long arms so the range of motion for me if I do it full looking back on it probs isn’t the most safest as I’ve had slight twinges in my delts here and there, when I let the bar come all the way down . 👍🏾
yh but theres a difference between not locking out to keep tension on the shoulders and barely doing any range of motion.. barely going down to parallel and barely going up above parallell.. like in the video
full range of motion on bb military can be pretty hard on the shoulder joint for some people.
@@donquias903 gotcha 👍🏾
U should train legs with the girl in pink omfg
Pink tights in the back 😳
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
희빈 장씨(1659∼1701) : 조선 19대왕 숙종의 후궁.
본관은 인동(仁同)이다. 역관 장현(張炫)의 종질녀이다. 어머니의 정부(情夫)였던 조사석(趙師錫)과 종친인 동평군 이항(東平君 李杭)의 주선으로 궁녀로 들어가 숙종의 총애를 독차지했다.
1686년(숙종 12) 숙원(淑媛)이 되었다. 1688년 소의(昭儀)로 승진하고 왕자 이윤(李昀: 뒤의 景宗)을 낳았다. 왕은 기뻐하여 세자로 봉하려 했다. 그러나 송시열(宋時烈) 등 당시 정권을 잡고 있던 서인이 지지하지 않으므로 남인들의 원조를 얻어 책봉하려 했다.
이에 서인의 노론·소론은 모두 왕비 민씨(閔氏)가 나이가 많지 않으니 후일을 기다리자고 주장하였다. 숙종은 듣지 않고 1689년 정월에 이윤을 세자로 봉하고, 장소의는 희빈으로 승격했다. 이 때 송시열이 세자로 봉하는 것이 아직 이르다고 상소하였다. 왕은 이미 명호(名號)가 결정된 다음에 이런 의견을 말하는 것은 무슨 일이냐고 진노했다.
이에 남인 이현기(李玄紀)·남치훈(南致薰)·윤빈(尹彬) 등이 송시열의 상소를 논박하며 파직시켜 제주도로 유배하게 하고 다시 사사(賜死)하게 하였다. 그러나 송시열은 중로 정읍으로 이배(移配)되었다가 사약을 받았다.
이 밖에 서인의 영수들도 파직 또는 유배를 면하지 못했다. 반면에 남인의 권대운(權大運)·김덕원(金德遠) 등이 등용되었다. 이 정권의 교체를 기사환국 또는 기사사화라고 한다.
이 해 5월에 민비를 폐하고 장희빈을 왕비로 삼으려 할 때 서인 오두인(吳斗寅)·박태보(朴泰輔) 등 80여 명이 상소하여 이를 반대했다. 그러나 이들은 참혹한 형문을 받게 되니 이후 정국은 남인의 세상이 되었다.
기사환국 후 시간이 흐르면서 숙종은 폐비사건을 후회하게 되었다. 그러던 중 1694년 서인의 김춘택(金春澤)·한중혁(韓重爀) 등이 폐비 복위운동을 꾀하다가 고발되었다. 이 때 남인의 영수요 당시 우의정이었던 민암(閔黯) 등이 이 기회에 반대당 서인을 완전히 제거하려고 김춘택 등 수십 명을 하옥하고 범위를 넓혀 일대 옥사를 일으켰다.
이 때 숙종은 폐비에 대한 반성으로 옥사를 다스리던 민암을 파직하고 사사했으며, 권대운·목내선(睦來善)·김덕원 등을 유배했다. 이어 소론 남구만(南九萬)·박세채(朴世采)·윤지완(尹趾完) 등을 등용하고 장씨를 희빈으로 내렸는데 이것을 갑술옥사라고 한다. 또한, 이미 죽은 송시열·김수항(金壽恒) 등은 복작(復爵)되고 남인은 정계에서 물러나게 되었다.
소론이 들어서고 남인이 물러날 때 장희빈의 오빠 장희재(張希載)가 희빈에게 보낸 서장(書狀) 속에 폐비 민씨에 관련된 문구가 있어 논쟁이 벌어졌다. 여러 사람이 장희재를 죽이자고 했으나 세자에게 화가 미칠까 염려하여 남구만·윤지완 등이 용서하게 했다.
그런데 왕비 민씨가 죽은 다음에, 장희빈이 취선당(就善堂) 서쪽에 신당(神堂)을 설치하고 민비가 죽기를 기도한 일이 발각되었다. 이 일에 관련된 희빈과 장희재는 처형되고 궁인(宮人)·무녀와 그 족당(族黨)도 화를 입었다. 이것을 무고(巫蠱)의 옥(獄)이라고 한다.
이 때 장희빈에 대해 관대한 태도를 취한 남구만·최석정(崔錫鼎)·유상운(柳尙運) 등 소론의 선비들도 몰락하고 다시 노론이 득세하였다. 숙종은 이후 빈(嬪)을 후비(后妃)로 승격하는 일을 없애는 법을 만들었다.
2022 Mr O.... 1.WILLIAM2.RAMY3.NICK4.BRANDON5.HUNTER!!!!💪💪💪💪
Lou, don't even say the word's "side tri" until he breaks into the 270's
that's what I'm sayin lol he knows I can't do that shit right now
The chick in the back!!