Family of young college woman killed by Cal Fire truck struggles for answers

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @rondameier8168
    @rondameier8168 9 місяців тому +57

    Just another reason that drivers education needs to be brought back as a required class to graduate as it used to be in California.

    • @deathbycheese850
      @deathbycheese850 9 місяців тому +4

      That won't help. There are always people who take stupid risks.

    • @rondameier8168
      @rondameier8168 9 місяців тому +1

      @@deathbycheese850 I agree with part but disagree with part... Respectfully....

    • @troytruong8246
      @troytruong8246 9 місяців тому +3

      This is what happens with inexperienced drivers. When they turn, you dont observe or look before they proceed. This is preventable! Observe and wait 3 secs before proceed when light turns green!

  • @OptimusOne
    @OptimusOne 9 місяців тому +25

    I'm sorry that she lost her life but most seasoned drivers know that you have to yield to emergency vehicles at all times.

    • @naremhudson4480
      @naremhudson4480 8 місяців тому +1

      This is true however it sounds like it more that they are not telling,one judge believe that driver of the fire truck should be held accountable it sounds like someone did not like the first ruling of the judge and went to another judge more favorable to the fire truck driver!!! A blind man can see that. Some palms got greased and it ain't hard to tell.

  • @crookeddonald4761
    @crookeddonald4761 9 місяців тому +51

    Ex firefighter here. You absolutely do not blow through a red light at 50mph! You slow down and make sure the intersection is CLEAR before you go through reds. Blowing reds at that speed is beyond negligent. It doesnt matter if everyone is pulled to the right and stopped. You never go through a red light or stop sign at those speeds for this precise reason. Fire Dept's have Operating Policies for a reason!

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +6

      Well you are an ex-fire fighter and he's a captain for 20 years and about to be promoted to battalion chief. I think he knows something about being a fire fighter driving a fire engine. You should listen to the attorney on the video for accurate information. thank you
      PS; the captain said he made eye contact with her as he approaches with lights blaring in yellow and red and then a loud, obnoxious siren that blares in different tones sounds with a RED fire engine(big). Common sense would tell me not to jump in front of that approaching fire engine with my car! Have some sense!

    • @crookeddonald4761
      @crookeddonald4761 9 місяців тому +1

      @@marylee8771 Mary you made so many fatal assumptions there. How do you know I do not have 20 or more years as well?? Go do your own research and start asking how many depts allow their drivers to blow through red lights at 50 mph?? Dont take my word, go check yourself. I also worked at a private ambulance company and they had similar protocols. SLOW at red light intersections period and do not proceed until clear in all directions. ASSUME NOTHING! Making mere eye contact with someone does NOT give you authority to blow through a red light at those speeds. Can you not understand that part? I'll guarantee this Captain knows what he did was not proper and thats why it haunts him.
      Yes common sense would say not to turn in front of an emergency vehicle, but sometimes people PANIC!!! Or they think they need to move suddenly to help us get by. Its happened to me DOZENS of times. This was a very young girl without much driving experience. It happens, and again, that is WHY you dont proceed through red lights and stop signs at high speeds! Merely turning your lights and siren on does not give you the right away to blow through reds! The responsibility falls on us, the first responders as PROFESSIONALS to be SAFE on the roads. And I heard the attorney just fine, she said what he did was NOT against the LAW. There is going to be another attorney out there who argues just the opposite. What he did WAS however against dept policy. This firefighter was indeed negligent. You may not like it.

    • @khantra4568
      @khantra4568 9 місяців тому +5

      @@marylee8771and you are what?

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +4

      @@khantra4568 more than u r!

    • @dillone4645
      @dillone4645 9 місяців тому +2

      @@khantra4568i know! Clueless!lol

  • @2kdegree24
    @2kdegree24 9 місяців тому +44

    Vanessa was my classmate and we graduated that year with an AA-T in the same major.
    My prayers go out to her family. She was so sweet. We had speech class together and I remember her making a speech that really showed how independent and head strong she was. I'm truly sorry this happened.
    As soon as I saw this video headline, I thought of her. I did not expect it to be the same story... I'm thankful that I got to meet her and be in a group assignment together.
    This is hard. I give God this situation and everyone involved, that He makes what needs to be made right and just.

    • @jkohutiak
      @jkohutiak 9 місяців тому

      none of that helped this womans ability to use her freaking eyes?! im sorry but stupidity gets punished.

    • @KBS117
      @KBS117 8 місяців тому

      Sorry for your loss, this was preventable, and all our trucks are governored at 65 mph, so some hotdogger don't do 90 to a grass fire. Her death was senseless. People panic in this situations and make poor choices. Response drivers are taught that they must protect the public. He didn't. She died over a grass fire..

  • @starshine3588
    @starshine3588 9 місяців тому +40

    This is exactly why people are supposed to pull to the side and completely stop even at green lights when an emergency vehicle comes with lights and sirens. Emergency vehicles have the right of way when they are driving to an emergency. The parents want to blame an emergency vehicle….but why wasn’t their daughter taught repeatedly what to do when emergency vehicles are approaching…and if she was…why did she choose to disobey what is supposed to be done? No matter how fast he was going….she was supposed to stop and stay stopped at that light and not go even though the light turned green….that’s what she and everybody else are supposed to do. I’m sorry for their loss…I have children myself and would be devastated…but she’s the one who did wrong by driving into his path….and these larger vehicles can’t instantly stop…they are large and super heavy and take much longer to stop.

    • @naremhudson4480
      @naremhudson4480 8 місяців тому +2

      True but it's not a license to drive and be wreckless he still bear the responsibility of that young ladies demise. I know of no other situation like this it's more to this thing.

    • @Eduardo_Espinoza
      @Eduardo_Espinoza 8 місяців тому

      Don't the police have the ability to change the lights?
      Why didn't the firetruck change the lights?
      Or why can't they as well?

    • @KBS117
      @KBS117 8 місяців тому

      At 60 mph, they stop in 380 feet fully loaded. That's federal law.. how he shoved her 1500 feet after impact puzzles me. His speed was close to 85 mph looking at the damage to her car. Did you know that fire depts are allowed only 10 over the posted speed limit? This nutcase was going to a frigging grass fire doing 85 mph and killed someone with his adrenaline rush. He isn't fireman material..

    • @WildflowerAnn
      @WildflowerAnn 8 місяців тому +2

      You are correct. She has culpability also.

    • @KBS117
      @KBS117 8 місяців тому +1

      @@WildflowerAnn people panic. They think they are in the way and try to move out of the way. The best thing to do if your sitting still and the road is open beside you is stay still. If you are moving ease over onto the nearest shoulder and slow down or stop. We see it all the time, people going across lanes to get out of the way. We then have to alter our course. I think she thought she could get gone and out of his path. She misjudged his speed, due to his size. The damage to her car says he was high balling , going way to fast for the situation. If people are trapped in a burning vehicle, or house fire, we highball. But if it's a grass fire, we drive a safe speed. No need for that kind of speed in this situation. And dispatch informs us of the situation, whether to expedite or slow our response. No way he didnt know it was a grass fire. I would be interested in the dispatchers communication with him. We do have drama queen dispatchers that get everyone riled up and in a dangerous mode, when it's not needed. This may be the case here.

  • @LadyVet1975
    @LadyVet1975 9 місяців тому +14

    The absolute sadness in his eyes is heartbreaking!

    • @naremhudson4480
      @naremhudson4480 8 місяців тому

      Even more in the Mother's Eyes. She lost a child!!! a pain I wish on no parent this I know first hand.

  • @alreadyforgot2386
    @alreadyforgot2386 9 місяців тому +8

    Those trucks are so LOUD.... there's no way you didn't see it.
    It was an accident.
    It's tragic.
    What's even more tragic is the mother's clear desire for $$$$$$ at the expense of yet another human being

    • @Aaliyah.17
      @Aaliyah.17 9 місяців тому +1

      Agreed! The mother was irking me

  • @timmartz8177
    @timmartz8177 9 місяців тому +17

    No firetruck should have to slow to 5 mph at a light. That's why they have big lights, big trucks and sirens. Would it be different for an ambulance? If you can't see an emergency vehicle from that distance, dont drive

    • @jtomyhope575
      @jtomyhope575 9 місяців тому +3

      Big lights and sirens aren't for speeding through red lights. They're for alerting drivers on any part of the road that an emergency vehicle is approaching. I think the daughter made the main mistake by pulling out in front of the truck, but it's only sensible as well for emergency vehicles to slow through intersections. You'll notice other emergency vehicles do this if you happen across one in the future.

    • @alreadyforgot2386
      @alreadyforgot2386 9 місяців тому +1

      Those horns on those calfire trucks specifically are so loud you can literally feel it in your body when they blast on em. It makes you jump.
      I don't know what that kid was thinking when she pulled out in front of it.
      Tragic accident.
      Fire fighter isn't at fault.

    • @rael5469
      @rael5469 9 місяців тому +4

      "No firetruck should have to slow to 5 mph at a light. "
      Dude, they were responding to a brush fire.

    • @rael5469
      @rael5469 9 місяців тому +4

      @@alreadyforgot2386 He is at fault because he violated the 5 mph policy. If he had been following GOOD policy then she would be at fault for the fender bender but still alive. She didn't deserve to die.

    • @crookeddonald4761
      @crookeddonald4761 9 місяців тому +3

      ALL emergency vehicles should have to slow at red lights! It doesnt matter if youre in a big loud tall red thing or not. People still sometimes do not hear or see you. You never blow through intersections at high speeds on a red or stop sign. Its reckless and this driver should be found negligent! It is up to the emergency vehicle to make SURE an intersection is clear before proceeding.

  • @marylee8771
    @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +50

    All vehicles are supposed to be pulled over to the right to let the fire engine go through even with a red light when they have lights and sirens on. At her age, I would imagine she can hear the siren and see the lights and fire engine.

    • @CrudupZopf-ns4dr
      @CrudupZopf-ns4dr 9 місяців тому +1

      Don't be coarse

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +12

      @@CrudupZopf-ns4dr Dude, are you not aware of an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens, vehicles are supposed to be pulled over to the right and stop. You find that coarse because you don't understand that law. Read the california vehicles manual. What was her hurry? Your coarse! She lost her life for turning while an approaching fire engine with lights and siren approaching. Learn the law.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +6

      @dixienormus1619 Sorry, Ms Espinosa passed away, but reason the firefighter did not get cited is because in the law, when a emergency vehicle with lights and siren on, people are supposed to pull over to the right and let the emergency vehicle pass so he can get to his site. That's why he did not get cited. It is a sorry situation for Ms Espinosa and the firefighter. He feels very bad. No one wants to injure or hurt someone else, especially when someone is in the field to help people. Please understand what I mean. I am not happy that the young ms espinosa was mortally injured. Please understand what I am saying. So, please in the future, when an ER vehicle with lights and siren, please merge to the right and let vehicle pass. I am not a mean person and am not happy about a young woman to lose her life. I can also understand Ms. Espinosa's massive loss and her big big hurt.

    • @kathypaaaina3953
      @kathypaaaina3953 9 місяців тому

      ​@@marylee8771Aloha hugs we all-over some to the left and others to the right and some slow down because if its on the other side, we have some very tight roads ,I get the feeling that she was listening to music or distracted,
      at that age one doesn't have that much driving
      History and it maybe never happened in her life time as a Young Driver. Also God claims special Spirit Children
      Early in life because they did not need to be one earth that long to prove them self worthy.
      The hardest part of death are those left behind

    • @michaelspampanato
      @michaelspampanato 9 місяців тому

      Do you know how many times I've seen cars not pull over for emergency vehicles I'm times I've seen cars go to an intersection as a fire truck had to wait for cars to quit driving in front of him you need to read the drivers handbook@@CrudupZopf-ns4dr

  • @junesgemini8586
    @junesgemini8586 9 місяців тому +59

    Her daughter might still be alive if he slowed to 5mph at an intersection per policy, but also, her daughter might still be alive if she had yielded to an emergency vehicle that’s running with lights and sirens.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +4

      He wouldn't have slowed to 5 mph; he would slow by 5 mph. However, drivers are to yield to emergency vehicles. That's the law! Sorry for the loss! A little respect for the law would have avoided this tragedy.

    • @alyinthevalley7075
      @alyinthevalley7075 9 місяців тому

      oh yah? whats the policy? Lawyer said its not

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому

      @@alyinthevalley7075 Do everyone a favor! First, read the motor vehicles manual and then take a English class.

  • @ricky450f
    @ricky450f 9 місяців тому +22

    What a shame for the young girl and her family and friends. But trying to put an innocent man behind bars will never bring her back, I assure you this man is also suffering 😢

  • @skipper523
    @skipper523 9 місяців тому +22

    What happened is horrible, but this is why you yield. To say the man shouldn’t be promoted is wrong. Yield people. Rest in peace, and I hope the family gets some help with dealing with their grief.

  • @marylee8771
    @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +38

    High School's driver's education and training should include how to drive when approaching first responders lights and siren notice approaches-to pull over to the right and merge within traffic and stopped so the first responder can pass.

    • @cherylatkins9225
      @cherylatkins9225 9 місяців тому +3

      There is no drivers education in high school anymore. But regardless, I believe it is common law and should have been learned from the parents and many years of driving in the car. It's also in the DMV Book and on the test.
      I have noticed people just don't pull to the right anymore, ignorance, in a hurry, or just don't care.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +3

      @@cherylatkins9225 It is Not common law, but rules of the road. In the motor vehicle driver's rules and laws.🥺

    • @DontDooTooMuch
      @DontDooTooMuch 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@cherylatkins9225that's false. My teen is taking drivers Ed next spring at her highschool.

    • @cyprianudo5929
      @cyprianudo5929 9 місяців тому +1

      Good people don't last ,!

    • @Optimaloptimus
      @Optimaloptimus 9 місяців тому

      @@DontDooTooMuch Most likely a special school or rare case. I've never heard of it here in Ohio.

  • @georgegiorgio
    @georgegiorgio 9 місяців тому +37

    Well, the girl should have stop upon hearing the sirens regardless of the traffic light turning green

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +8

      She was only going to meet her boyfriend, what's the hurry as compared to a lights and siren fire engine? Not to be mean, but I have observed the negligence of ignoring lights and sirens of emergency vehicles these days.

    • @TheGardenMG
      @TheGardenMG 9 місяців тому +7

      probably had her music blasting at full volume, kids are gonna be kids.

    • @SFbayArea94121
      @SFbayArea94121 9 місяців тому +4

      @@marylee8771 She didn’t care, it was more important to cut off and impede an emergency vehicle because her priority was set on going to ride the boyfriend like a rollercoaster 🎢 ASAP. No emergency was going to get in the way of that

    • @EdwardJones-i1z
      @EdwardJones-i1z 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@TheGardenMG you maybe right, reason I think the fighter fighter is more wrong. He is professional driver. He is supposed to slow down crossing intersections regardless.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +2

      @@SFbayArea94121 the itch was bothering her.

  • @kinein
    @kinein 9 місяців тому +19

    Lights and Sirens, if a driver ignores lights and sirens 🚨 then God have mercy on them. People that ignore the law, for drivers to 🛑 and pull over are unfortunately placing their lives at risk. 🙏

  • @Titus_Vespasianus
    @Titus_Vespasianus 9 місяців тому +4

    Bro...been a don't just blow a red light for a "brush" fire...

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому

      Sorry to disagree, but he is a captain for 20 years and about to be promoted to battalion chef and in Napa County where there is lots of money. Therefore, I don't think he was promoted wrongly. The captain has gone through a lot too.

    • @Titus_Vespasianus
      @Titus_Vespasianus 9 місяців тому +1

      @@marylee8771 and what do you think that young lady is going through??? Wait, she's dead, so nothing...and her mother??? And what about all the hopes and dreams of that young lady and her family??? The kids she will "never" have...and for what??? A brush fire??? Some leaves burning in someone's back yard??? And notice I said brush fire and not wild fire, significant difference...and captain for 20 years tell you a lot also...and being promoted??? So what??? In the Army we had a saying about incompetent officers..."Fuck up you move up..." This guy killed someone over some leaves on, he doesn't get a pass...

  • @FiveMissiles
    @FiveMissiles 9 місяців тому +62

    She is 100% in the wrong. If a firetruck is coming towards you lights and sirens on, it is your duty as a citizen to stop. She must've not been paying attention or has a death wish, because the only reason she is dead is because of her own negligence as a driver.

    • @jeschr3462
      @jeschr3462 9 місяців тому +11

      Sad but true. I remember all of the stupid things I did as a young driver but I never did anything as negligent as what this young woman did. She just completely ignored a fire truck with lights and sirens and proceeded to make the left turn.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +5

      And she is an honor student at school???? When you see a speeding fire engine, who would intentionally go infront of it and then her mother insist on payment. She is disrespectful enough to expect the fire engine to stop for her, I know her kind.

    • @cute-e-degen-kf8rf
      @cute-e-degen-kf8rf 9 місяців тому +6

      She is wrong and he is wrong. 5mph is 5mph

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +1

      U tell it like it is. Plus, your explanation have me howling with laughter.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +2

      @@cute-e-degen-kf8rf no he/s not. Listen to their lawyer discuss this on the video. You mush have nothing to do with healthcare or another fields that cares for people.

  • @Danny_10k
    @Danny_10k 9 місяців тому +5

    Yeah I agree 100% with the mother on this the firefighters intention wasn't harm anybody but he definitely was responsible for this.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +1

      u need to understand the rules of the road. That's the problem these days, loads of people are not qualified to do what they have been or are doing. This is the state of the world and no one catches them and when it results in a death, they will blame others than themselves. These hoards of people are what's causing the world the way it is!

    • @Danny_10k
      @Danny_10k 9 місяців тому +1

      @@marylee8771 yeah okay Karen nice try 🤡 weirdo

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому

      @@Danny_10k yea thug!

    • @Danny_10k
      @Danny_10k 9 місяців тому +1

      @@marylee8771 ignorant

  • @Chuck1284-
    @Chuck1284- 9 місяців тому +6

    This guy is a Captain in CalFire - and he blows a red light at 45-50 mph just because he's in a fire truck - the law says you have to have "due regard for the safety of others" and he did not. If this guy drives a 15K pound truck like that why didn't he AT LEAST get demoted and retrained?!

  • @stuwest3653
    @stuwest3653 9 місяців тому +26

    If she can't see a firetruck how is she supposed to avoid pedestrians and cyclists and every other vehicle on the road?

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +2

      This question/comment has me laughing.

  • @brianp5205
    @brianp5205 9 місяців тому +37

    As a taxpayer and defendant in the lawsuit, the family deserves nothing.

    • @Jnthncrrll
      @Jnthncrrll 9 місяців тому


  • @90MHOTMUD
    @90MHOTMUD 9 місяців тому +11

    sorry this happened.. the fact is she did not yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle responding to a call..

  • @marylee8771
    @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +37

    What was her daughter's hurry in meeting her boyfriend. I think she did not understand the need to allow an emergency vehicle to get to where they had an emergency to handle, by observing lights and sirens. These same rules are observed in the emergency room, when lights and sirens are being used in a case. Sorry for the great loss, no one wants that, particularly this first responder. He's in the business to help people with emergent needs. So sorry for your loss!

    • @SFbayArea94121
      @SFbayArea94121 9 місяців тому +6

      You already know, she was in a hurry to ride him like a rollercoaster aside from not having any respect for authorities

    • @Ismokeherb
      @Ismokeherb 9 місяців тому +2

      @@SFbayArea94121fr she was a baddie from the pics

    • @Ismokeherb
      @Ismokeherb 9 місяців тому

      Amen brother 🙏 they are loud & clear hard to miss that unless your distracted

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +3

      @@Ismokeherb She just had no respect for the engine. It's her upbringing that's at fault. Even if not the law, if a red fire engine is in a hurry, why be so disrespectful to obstruct it?

    • @jsEMCsquared
      @jsEMCsquared 9 місяців тому +1

      She probably lived the life of lack of personal extemperiosm!

  • @seriouscarguys702
    @seriouscarguys702 9 місяців тому +5

    My prayers go out to the family into the nightmares. This man must have this man saves peoples lives every day of his life something like this will haunt him forever. Hope both people can find peace for this unfortunate accident. ❤️ 🌹

  • @jeschr3462
    @jeschr3462 9 місяців тому +12

    Bro if you don't yield when you see an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens on, that is YOUR fault.

  • @leannejohnson7047
    @leannejohnson7047 9 місяців тому +9

    As a driver, it doesn't matter what side of the road the emergency vehicle is on you stop. Im sorry she passed.

  • @Titus_Vespasianus
    @Titus_Vespasianus 9 місяців тому +2

    For ALL of you on here who seem to think that this is the victim's fault...shame on you...I was a fire don't just blow through a stop sign or red light for ANY call...even a life threatening one...if you're a cop responding to an officer down call, you're going to haul ass, but you will STILL at least slow down at an intersection with a red light, someone may not see your lights, or hear your sirens...for one reason you yourself don't want to get T-boned by someone and lose YOUR life, and also, IF you do get into an accident, you have now removed yourself from the initial response, AND, now you have taken away from that response because now someone has to respond YOUR carelessness and stupidity...found this on line for all the responders on her who have the audacity to think it was her fault...
    "What laws is a driver of an emergency vehicle exempt from following during a response in Texas?
    In operating an authorized emergency vehicle the operator may: (1) park or stand, irrespective of another provision of this subtitle; (2) proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, AFTER SLOWING DOWN AS NECESSARY FOR "SAFE" OPERATION; (3) exceed a maximum speed limit, except as provided by an ordinance adopted under ..."
    Get a clue, and stop blaming that poor young lady, it is NOT her fault...HE was driving the rig, it was HIS responsibility...not people are shameless...if it was your daughter you'd be singing a different tune...

  • @faribrathwaite7080
    @faribrathwaite7080 9 місяців тому +2

    He should be held accountable. This is another case that proves that authorities aren’t held to the same standard as a civilian. If he wasn’t a first responder he would be on trial for involuntary vehicular manslaughter charges but since he’s a first responder he gets special treatment

  • @christinasornbutnark1208
    @christinasornbutnark1208 9 місяців тому +16

    My neighbor was severely wounded from a police chase. She was 16 it took her 10 years to die in a hospital bed in her mom’s living room. I hope this family gets a similar pay out. It won’t replace her but it helps with the justice.

    • @starshine3588
      @starshine3588 9 місяців тому +9

      Everyone is supposed to yield….pull over…stop completely for oncoming emergency vehicles who have lights and sirens on….this is the law. If your light turns green and an emergency vehicle is coming…you are supposed to stay stopped until that emergency vehicle goes through the light. She didn’t do that….she didn’t follow the law…she is at fault for what happened to her. It seems proper driving isn’t being taught anymore. Emergency vehicles are on their way to an emergency….there’s a reason they are trying to get there as fast as possible….because it’s an emergency. No one is supposed to pull out in front of them just because they are trying to get to their boyfriend’s house. If she would have followed the law she would still be alive.

    • @osamawilliams9042
      @osamawilliams9042 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@starshine3588Did you HEAR they are supposed to SLOW to 5mph before entering into an Red Light???

    • @deathbycheese850
      @deathbycheese850 9 місяців тому +3

      Firefighters are supposed to slow down to 5 miles per hour, if running a red light. This guy didn't. Whether or not he thinks she saw him, is irrelevant now, because she isn't here to defend herself. He wasn't paying attention and flaunted protocol.

    • @alyinthevalley7075
      @alyinthevalley7075 9 місяців тому

      they arent supposed to. you didnt listen obvi.... its a recommendation. they are not required to @@osamawilliams9042

    • @alyinthevalley7075
      @alyinthevalley7075 9 місяців тому

      actually he didnt. you werent listening either. its not protocol, its not a requirement. SO, na. Youre wrong. SHE wasnt paying attention. HOw do you miss lights and sirens coming straight at you? @@deathbycheese850

  • @iJMultiplication
    @iJMultiplication 9 місяців тому +20

    When you see and hear lights and sirens coming from an emergency vehicle approaching your intersection don't make a left turn in front of them.

    • @OuterSpace-1-0.0
      @OuterSpace-1-0.0 9 місяців тому +1

      …even if your Left Turn signal is green 🟢⬅️🚦you don’t go U staph 🛑

  • @SFNena415
    @SFNena415 9 місяців тому +5

    So a green light means you ignore lights and sirens? Was the music blocking the sirens? I don’t get it, why would she enter an intersection while hearing lights and sirens? We understand her mom is upset but this was definitely human error. She should have taught to yield for first responders and police.

    • @marylee8771
      @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +1

      They don't know the law and have a blatant disrespect for the law is what it appears to me. I see this all the time; they expect the fire engine to put up with her making her left turn to see her boyfriend. I wonder what kind of car she drove. Hear the mother on the video. Although, I can understand her misgiving for the loss though. In addition, there's a threat made on one of these comments. With the law set aside, if she was an honor student where there no common sense to drive right up to a speeding fire engine. I know she couldn't have missed that red big engine, no matter what kind of eye problems she may have had.😇

  • @zoot6581
    @zoot6581 8 місяців тому +1

    This guy made eye contact and continued at 50 mph as he barreled into her.. what a psychopath

    • @zoot6581
      @zoot6581 8 місяців тому

      Also he murdered someone in order to put out a brush fire... that is NOT an emergency worth killing someone for. What a moronn

  • @vicki3671
    @vicki3671 9 місяців тому +3

    Prayers 🙏 going up for those who loved her, may they find 🕊️ peace.

  • @rebelcave8556
    @rebelcave8556 9 місяців тому +1

    So sick of first responders driving like that. Yeah you are going to an emergency , though don’t be the emergency idiots.

  • @Nancy........
    @Nancy........ 9 місяців тому +6

    Firetrucks usually slow down at intersections before proceeding. Seems like he was careless and frustrated that cars don't follow safety when they have emergencies. Both were in the wrong, but only one had the advantage.

    • @Titus_Vespasianus
      @Titus_Vespasianus 9 місяців тому +3

      Thank you!!! Exactly!!! I don't care if the call was house fire, smoke showing, fully involved, occupants ALWAYS slow down at an intersection...lights and sirens do NOT give you the right to blow through intersections...again, this was NOT an emergency...

  • @naremhudson4480
    @naremhudson4480 9 місяців тому +4


    • @ranneff1903
      @ranneff1903 8 місяців тому

      She just sees it as a payday so idk, you tell me...

  • @powerhouse9868
    @powerhouse9868 9 місяців тому +1

    Why are you sorry if you did nothing wrong?

  • @kurtisjay
    @kurtisjay 9 місяців тому +2

    Hes accountable for all his actions after the accident, but not this one that changed everyone's lives, including his...smh. May that Mother get her justice.

    • @peternesbitt
      @peternesbitt 9 місяців тому

      The reason the case was dismissed is because she assumed she had right of way over the fire truck as the truck was suppose to slow down at the intersection. She saw and heard but assumed wrongly and turned left directly in the path of the truck, you can hear those things from miles away.

    • @kurtisjay
      @kurtisjay 9 місяців тому

      @@peternesbitt that will not change my mind about the whole situation. I'm sure in the eyes of justice it's legitimate, but justice is blind for a reason.

  • @deandrebuggs3494
    @deandrebuggs3494 9 місяців тому +7

    This seems to be the same type of situation where drivers who incorrectly judge the distance and speed of trains believing they have enough time to cross the train tracks when the train is moving a lot quicker and closer than they think. He said she looked up. Both vehicles are facing each other. How was it possible she didn't see a large red fire truck with lights and sirens coming straight towards her? Likely she was trying to beat the firetruck and make the left-hand turn and misjudged his speed. Unfortunately, he was speeding well above the speed limit, and he believed by her looking up that she could see his speeding firetruck and wouldn't make the turn. Both parties made an error that day, one lost their life, other has to deal with the trauma.

  • @ThisCynsOriginal
    @ThisCynsOriginal 9 місяців тому +13

    Newsflash: It’s not the firefighters fault. Make sure your kids know the rules of the road and place blame where it belongs.

    • @rael5469
      @rael5469 9 місяців тому +2

      He is at fault because he violated the 5 mph policy. If he had been following GOOD policy then she would be at fault for the fender bender but still alive. She didn't deserve to die.

    • @crookeddonald4761
      @crookeddonald4761 9 місяців тому

      Not a newsflash. I'm an ex firefighter and we are NOT trained to ever blow through red lights or stop signs at high speed like that. Its reckless and very negligent! Thats how people get killed. Fire depts have SOP's (operating policies) for a reason. Cal Fire says 5mph, and he violated that! Its definitely his fault.

    • @ThisCynsOriginal
      @ThisCynsOriginal 9 місяців тому +1

      @@rael5469 Wrong.

    • @rael5469
      @rael5469 9 місяців тому

      @@ThisCynsOriginal Rael right, Cyns wrong.

    • @ThisCynsOriginal
      @ThisCynsOriginal 9 місяців тому +1

      @@rael5469 👍 Sure thing… by all means, no driver error there. Lights flashing, sirens blaring… let’s pull out in front of it. Go away.

  • @Anyone553
    @Anyone553 9 місяців тому +2

    Sometimes I see paramedics turn on their sirens just to cross the intersection and then turn them off!! And that’s bullshit to me!

  • @lindasue263
    @lindasue263 9 місяців тому +1

    Stop blaming the firefighter. Why did the girl turn in front of a fire truck? Of course the car was pushed down the road a bit. The weight of the truck is no joke. It doesn't matter how fast he was going. The reporter saying the truck "ran" the red light makes it sound as though the FY driver was wrong. When it comes to first responders responding they are allowed to go through the red light.

    • @Tat2Dragons
      @Tat2Dragons 9 місяців тому

      It certainly did matter how fast he was going.

  • @ouroboris
    @ouroboris 9 місяців тому +1

    She would have survived if she had been paying attention to the road and waited to allow the fire truck with it's bright red flashing lights and screaming siren to go first.

  • @Koreanarmygirl
    @Koreanarmygirl 9 місяців тому +1

    If it was a commercial vehicle the outcome would be different. Why is the firefighter exempt from manslaughter charges?

  • @patkelly6349
    @patkelly6349 9 місяців тому +1

    Mate this doesn’t surprise me. These fire trucks go too fast in the states. I did paramedic for 40 years I always slow down at every intersection

  • @fergman300
    @fergman300 9 місяців тому +1

    Fire truck is at fault..... you dont get to just ram anyone in your way. Another entitled government employee not being held accountable and a city hall defending him.

  • @johnnyc.holmes4251
    @johnnyc.holmes4251 9 місяців тому +1

    She said many confusing things! Bottom Line? REVENGEFUL ! AND OUT FOR THE INSTANT MILLIONAIRE SETTLEMENT.

  • @223varmint
    @223varmint 8 місяців тому

    As a retired professional firefighter from the bay area this is a travesty. In the agency I retired from we slow to almost a complete stop at controlled intersections. This 20yr firefighter knows he was driving recklessly. I feel horrible for the family of the poor girl who died for no reason. With the court’s decision this family has been robbed twice. Calfire is also in the wrong in this. My agency held us accountable for any moving infractions, even accidents where nothing was damaged. This entire incident leaves me feeling ashamed. The court, the state of California and Calfire are all culpable in this preventable tragedy that took an innocents life.
    The family has been wronged.
    If an incident is predictable it is preventable. Blowing through a red light at 50 miles an hour with traffic in an intersection is inexcusable. It is clear to every one that this was predictable.

  • @luvlynking7152
    @luvlynking7152 9 місяців тому +1

    This was a terrible accident, but the mistake was not made by the firefighter. It's always been the law to yield / pull to the side for lights and sirens!

  • @yonusa72
    @yonusa72 9 місяців тому +18

    Sad all around

  • @rael5469
    @rael5469 9 місяців тому +1

    I can only guess that she had her music turned up loud and couldn't hear the siren. But the Fireman violated policy and that should get him disciplined. Fired, because it caused a fatality. The family is going to win that law suit......BIG.

  • @davidgenie-ci5zl
    @davidgenie-ci5zl 9 місяців тому +1

    The dead chick was likely only watching the light to turn green, then she went without looking ahead to if the path was safe or not. I look both ways when I get a green, BEFORE proceeding to cross. idiot, darwin award.

  • @wasappeningvato
    @wasappeningvato 8 місяців тому

    My conclusion is: if he violated the policy, he should be accountable to some level, get the family some justice....

  • @LeafsAndCars
    @LeafsAndCars 9 місяців тому +1

    Condolences to Vanessa's family. Rest in peace young lady.

  • @marylee8771
    @marylee8771 9 місяців тому +1

    If the fire engine captain's eyes met her's at 100 yards, she turned just shortly before impact, directly in front of his lights and loudly blaring & obnoxious siren. This is blatant disregard! All those that is trying to blame the captain should check their own sense of justice out & morals. Learn the rules of the road before pointing fingers! She seen and heard the engine, no matter how good her earbuds were to drown out outside noise! The captain's eye contact with her's is acknowledgement of approaching fire engine. She made a grave error in driving. Sorry for the results!!! May she RIP! No one wins in these tragic tragedies!!!! Think about it, would anyone live well with themselves after killing another? This captain is having a hard time and revealed this. No one WON! It's just a tremendous loss and I am sorry for Ms Espinoza and her step father. It's a sad day!

  • @davidgenie-ci5zl
    @davidgenie-ci5zl 9 місяців тому +5

    The mom seems like a vengeful animal.

    • @SFbayArea94121
      @SFbayArea94121 9 місяців тому

      She is. They’re always forever victims (of their own actions) but have to blame everyone else.. ALWAYS

    • @JohnJohnson-od5oz
      @JohnJohnson-od5oz 9 місяців тому

      The mom to old she gotta gang it up..😂😂

    • @sl4983
      @sl4983 9 місяців тому


  • @celsobarrios4810
    @celsobarrios4810 9 місяців тому +1

    Sorry for your loss ma'am...but when i hear sirens..i start looking back and forth so im not in the way 🤷‍♂️

  • @dukeofkool
    @dukeofkool 8 місяців тому

    As a retired Firefighter with 40 years on the job, in my opinion two people at fault. I'd never drive through an intersection against a red traffic signal at the speed he did, even though he was rolling code, because I'd need some time to react. On the same token, as a regular driver, I'd never attempt to make a turn in front of an emergency vehicle rolling code AT ANY SPEED. The loss of one life is unfortunate, but why do we need to ruin a second life, especially when both were equal in fault? Money will not ease the pain or bring back the young lady who is gone.

  • @its-all-good
    @its-all-good 9 місяців тому +17

    It was an accident lady. Very sad you lost your daughter but if the fire department was coming to you in an emergency you would want them to get there ASAP. Now you are tormenting this fireman and YOURSELF.
    No payout "lawsuit" as you do NOT deserve to be paid in order to make you feel better about your daughters accidental death.

  • @daffydlwellen1270
    @daffydlwellen1270 9 місяців тому +2

    So, she failed to yield to an emergency vehicle and got killed.

  • @Titus_Vespasianus
    @Titus_Vespasianus 9 місяців тому +3

    A "BRUSH" fire is NOT an emergency...he should have slowed down...that's bullshit...he should be in jail...

  • @JohnJohnson-od5oz
    @JohnJohnson-od5oz 9 місяців тому +1

    She was texting while driving!! For her not to pay attention.. see it all the time

  • @joeysfather2723
    @joeysfather2723 8 місяців тому

    Bottom line, you do not go through a red light at 50 miles per hour. First responders must slow down at intersections regardless of the emergency. It is common sense and first responders are trained to drive defensively. Cal Fires own policy says so. Does not surprise me that incompetence gets rewarded with promotions.

  • @pbj0815
    @pbj0815 8 місяців тому

    Why did he give an interview? Doesn’t he have a REAL lawyer? RIP to the young woman

  • @wenniferjay903
    @wenniferjay903 9 місяців тому

    Sad for both

  • @Deliveryguy_510
    @Deliveryguy_510 3 місяці тому

    Tragic situation for both the girl and the firefighter

  • @dski8097
    @dski8097 8 місяців тому

    She is partially responsible as well.

  • @troytruong8246
    @troytruong8246 9 місяців тому

    This is what happens with inexperienced drivers. When they turn, they dont observe or look before they proceed. This is preventable! Observe and wait 3 secs before proceed when light turns green!

  • @jamesharris184
    @jamesharris184 9 місяців тому +1

    So needless my condolences. So many of us have seen these fire trucks driven by absolute lunatics. They have to ensure the intersection is safe before they proceed and clearly they didn't. A complete whitewash.

  • @danielodonnell8217
    @danielodonnell8217 9 місяців тому

    Why did she cross in front of an emergency vehicle?

  • @dolphinj40
    @dolphinj40 8 місяців тому

    Keep fighting mom don’t give up 🙏🙏🙏✨

  • @djtp2008
    @djtp2008 8 місяців тому

    Can't do it forevef.... grief is a MF

  • @vsrump
    @vsrump 8 місяців тому

    This firefighter does his job to SAVE people … he feels horrible about it …the civilian also has the responsibility to YIELD to lights and sirens . period . cars must pull over and let emergency vehicles GO first ….i believe that’s the law …

  • @johnnyc.holmes4251
    @johnnyc.holmes4251 8 місяців тому

    That fully loaded “Fire King Pumper Truck” weighed almost as much as a diesel locomotive! It carries 500 gallons of water at 8 pounds per gallon plus the international 7400 fire truck is virtually impossible to stop Like a vehicle of its same size. Her radio was on full volume according to the accident report. All kids that age, including my own. I do not realize that the vehicle will operate without the radio on full blast with that much music and noise going on in her car she was oblivious to a siren and presence of a fire truck. I drove an ambulance when I was young and believe me, in the summer with the air conditioner, and the radio going, they do not hear you, even if you were on their ass! I am sure of this beautiful young woman panicked when she suddenly looked up and saw Eye 2 Eye this firetruck and a young girl at this age has not yet developed the reflexes to defend herself in traffic. The only thing they do is hold on tight and wait for this danger to go away!

  • @internetuser7156
    @internetuser7156 9 місяців тому

    I'm sorry for both families.

  • @Eduardo_Espinoza
    @Eduardo_Espinoza 8 місяців тому

    Question, don't the police have the ability to change the lights?
    Why didn't the firetruck change the lights?
    Or why can't they as well?

  • @MegaWitchGirl1
    @MegaWitchGirl1 9 місяців тому

    Horrible people animals have more compassion!!

  • @sweydert
    @sweydert 9 місяців тому +18

    I have no respect and little sympathy for this mother. If your loved one fails to yield to lights and sirens per common sense and the law and dies, it's heartbreaking. Yes. But if I die making a mistake, my loved ones know that they'd better not act vengeful or spiteful or I'll haunt them. I was never a victim in life and they better not destroy my memory by turning me into one in death.

    • @demosmash
      @demosmash 9 місяців тому

      Yea why pull in front of a big truck with lights and sirens stupid

    • @deborahmullens6562
      @deborahmullens6562 9 місяців тому +3

      Can we understand this woman has had her heart ripped out.We should remember to be kind to people that are grieving .Nothing is fair to her at this time . Not even the sun coming up.👵❤

    • @Tat2Dragons
      @Tat2Dragons 9 місяців тому

      You’ll haunt them? lol🤣

  • @WildflowerAnn
    @WildflowerAnn 8 місяців тому

    Yes he went through the light way too fast, but still, you KNOW that an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens blaring is going to go through a red light. The fact that she chose to turn in front of him anyway gives her culpability. I drive a truck and it never ceases to amaze me to see people play chicken with trucks and semis. People have no common sense.

  • @djtp2008
    @djtp2008 8 місяців тому

    Listen to your attorney

  • @iamgabriel5823
    @iamgabriel5823 9 місяців тому

    Captain Jack was driving WAY TOO FAST. You don't own the road! You killed a harmless young girl. Firetrucks go flying thru my neighborhood almost daily without lights or sirens.

  • @joshscott3184
    @joshscott3184 8 місяців тому +1

    The man need to be held accountable at ANY level.

  • @karen46600
    @karen46600 9 місяців тому

    I thought you are supposed to SLOW DOWN AT INTERSECTIONS AND RED LIGHTS

  • @shawnhuff3920
    @shawnhuff3920 9 місяців тому +1

    You could argue that she should have herd and saw the emergency vehicle and stayed back the fier department should have police officers closing intersections before big emergency vehicles get their

  • @daburn2013
    @daburn2013 9 місяців тому

    God Bless You Sweetie 😢
    🙏 So I have three daughters. I worry about them so much everyday. I'm so sorry from the bottom of my heart ❤
    Now you are an Angel 😇 Look over your family.
    Lord, please bless HELP this. Family help them through this tragic time. Keep their hearts pure ..

  • @ramrv43
    @ramrv43 9 місяців тому

    How did she not see the big red truck with lights and sirens on. Did she not know she needed to wait. I don't think its the firefighters fault.

  • @cherylmccray7463
    @cherylmccray7463 9 місяців тому +3

    Im sorry for the young lady that passed & i feel bad for the guy that was doing his job, he's very remorseful, may God grant her family & him peace of mind 🙏

  • @jsan48
    @jsan48 9 місяців тому +4

    No different than a 18 wheeler on the highways driving like they own the road.

    • @jeschr3462
      @jeschr3462 9 місяців тому +4

      Are you effin kidding me? 18 wheelers are the safest drivers on the road. Its the 4 wheelers that constantly speed and cut in front of them

    • @jsan48
      @jsan48 9 місяців тому

      @@jeschr3462 they’re supposed to be professional drivers and not act like divas when they get cut off in your example.

    • @SFbayArea94121
      @SFbayArea94121 9 місяців тому +1

      @@jsan48you’re wrong homie.

  • @vicpetrishak7705
    @vicpetrishak7705 9 місяців тому +1

    Appears the fireman could not care any less ! In the legal world .😂😂😂😂 Hey FireBoy what about your own MORALITY . He is more concerned about future PROMOTIONS than anything else !

  • @freespeech6670
    @freespeech6670 9 місяців тому

    They should have something for fire trucks to control the lights when come to emergency

  • @peterbedford2610
    @peterbedford2610 9 місяців тому +1

    Both at fault, but his actions killed her...and he stil
    Made captain?!

  • @plantsplantz2116
    @plantsplantz2116 9 місяців тому

    Traffic light shouldve changed last minute as firetruck coming like train??

  • @freemindthinkerezrapound5071
    @freemindthinkerezrapound5071 9 місяців тому

    He's a liar talking about depression and thinking of killing himself but in the same breath he's applying for promotion instead he should be taking early retirement

  • @KIMjB72
    @KIMjB72 8 місяців тому

    She didn't yeld to the firetruck,you can hear their sirens a mile away, let's be real here she thought she could make it and didn't

    @THEINGINE 9 місяців тому +1

    Ban firetrucks l!!!!!

  • @user9b2
    @user9b2 9 місяців тому +3

    You are supposed to give way to fire engines when their siren is blaring!!

  • @cynthiaazevedo794
    @cynthiaazevedo794 8 місяців тому

    I'm sorry for your lost🙏🏻your beautiful Guardian angel will always be with you protecting you 🕊🤍
    But at the same time people need to stop too for those sirens !!🚨 Ambulance🚑, fires trucks🚒 & Police cars🚔I'm medical transportation driver I see it everyday!! People stop being in a hurry keep yourself safe think of it as if they were going to your house or your family member when you see an ambulance or any sirens coming at you... people to be accountable also for their actions on those roads.. They both are at fault!! Him for not reducing his speed on the light and her for going when a emergency vehicle with sirens on was coming! It's sad for all involved.

  • @ziggzaggzip8241
    @ziggzaggzip8241 9 місяців тому

    Two wrongs don't make a right. They both were in the wrong. Fire unit should have slowed down to 5mph whem entering a intersection. She should have yielded to the on coming huge fire truck with their lights and sirens on.

  • @cardinalstar2048
    @cardinalstar2048 9 місяців тому +2

    When are you going to report on the gentleman that got hit on his bicycle in Napa?? 🚴🏽‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️😡

  • @mchammer3927
    @mchammer3927 9 місяців тому

    Red lights and siren ,,,, Stop and don't move