Just imagine if that teacher would’ve treated him with compassion & love. You catch more flies with honey as they say. These so called “Christians” bring it upon themselves. When I was a kid I went through a phase of being fascinated by the occult & the whole goth rock scene. My Grandmother was a dedicated Christian but she never tried to force that on me, she let me be free to find who I was. She would just tell me her beliefs & answer any questions I had. She showed me through her kindness & compassion towards others what Christianity is really about and that is what ended up having an impact on me. Now as an adult I’m a Christian, not because I was forced but because I chose to be.
This is just over simplify it. This sounds to me if you only show the "real" christianity everyone becomes saved by Jesus. Tobias Forge made it clear that in the last video that good and evil are very subjectively. You don´t need to go to religion to become an humanist and can judge between evil and good.
@@zilfversurfer2157 nobody finds faith because they need their moral compass calibrated. You are correct...a child would know that difference. For people with real faith (not just the fckwads who hate metal and fun) it's about salvation. They don't want to burn. What's that? No hell, you say? No God or Devil? Let me counter. You have no way of knowing. You can't be any more certain than a Christian. Maybe they're just hedging their bets. What are you doing that's so worthwhile? What will you do if they're right and you're wrong? "Religion causes bloodshed". Dumb argument. So does greed. So does anxiety. So does insanity. So does Satanism (see "Mayhem"). So does boredom. So does war. Anyway... Hail Ghost!
So, I had something similar. I am a die hard factual person. If it can not make sense, it is not true. Suprising enough, I got deep into the occult ( Satanism). The thing is because I run off of facts, I have to study everything before I speak about it. So I studied, a lot. I studied it so much that i can name the order of the nine angels, how certain rituals work, and etc. After some time, my vision grew dark. Interesting part, My mom did the same i did when she was younger. She didn't study like I did but she went against her grandmother. Had somethings happen and now she is a die hard Christian for almost 30 years. I became agnostic because I knew both sides existed but refused to accept either( Both books spoke about either side, Aleisters book and God's Book, Noth told of what would happen to either side, even the occult books spoke that God was the right one and that you were supposed to go against him). Which I learned meant I was still accepting the one. I like to stand up for whats right, even if I'm alone. So, I chose to follow Christianity like I was a Christian without actually being saved yet. To see if I could handle it. When I began learning that God was looked upon with hate and spite by his people, even after all he had done. I grew angry. How can you go against someone so loving and forgiving? So after studying both sides it became clear which one i needed to be apart of. The issue, it took me almost dying to actually put it into action. I was laying in a hospital, with a week left. I spoke out loud to God that if he fixed me, or took away just a little bit of the pain, that I would pray to him every night. A few days later, the surgery was approved. I figured, ah, its coincidence. But I had made a promise and i don't break them. So, for many years, I had started with just praying. Now, I'm a saved Christian, who has read both sides of the spectrum. Anybody who questions me about either side, i can answer most of them. It's become a way of life for me. The whole reason I'm at this video is because I wanted to know if these guys were Christian or at the very least catholic. I refuse to listen or go near anything that I know will drag me back down that path, because I know how easily I can convince myself of what I'm doing is right. I just wanted to tell my story, in case there are other factual people and they are wondering about religion and how it works. May God bless you all with a fulfilling life.
U trap more flies on religious BS with that teacher. In a concept all religions are BS. Deep down even slightly smart ppl knows this, but still it holds us back as a species
Agreed. I do not deny the dark side of Christianity. I embrace and learn from it. I never want the atrocities done by so called Christians to ever happen again. I wrote and sent a script for Supergirl about it. Sadly it wasn't accepted.
I’m a Satanist myself but I must say, you guys are awesome! You represent everything that is right with Christianity and I commend you. Keep preachin guys. More people (Christians specifically) should hear this.
I've been following your channel for some time now and I have to say, that this clip is one of your best, because it underlines your undogmatic approach, trying to delve deeper into things without judging others before listening carefully to what they have to say - despite the fact that you have your own firm beliefs. This is not very common and highly appreciated. Keep up the good spirit.
Another prime example of religious groups going out and protesting against the wrong type of thing without looking into it first and just taking it at face value was when I saw footage of Christian protesters protesting an Alice Cooper show in Finland in 2009. One major detail that they skipped over was Alice is a dedicated born again Christian who came from a strict Christian background, His dad was a Priest for gods sake! And Alice now teaches Bible studies whenever he can at his local church in Phoenix! The Texas protester situation highlighted in this video is just another case of the misinformation that people are being taught these days and have been taught for decades, It’s really good to see Vinn and Sorrie highlighting and discussing these situations because as a lifelong rock and metal fan myself, it’s caused a lot of friction and a lot of controversy over the years not just for me but for most young people in our community so to see the points brought up in this video is really refreshing for me at least
I love the music of ghost. And yes I’m a Christian I have been since I was 10, I’m in my 50’s now. I’ve always loved music and listen to all kinds. It now feels as though real music is coming back and that’s awesome. Remember kiss and ozzy and how they were “devil music”. God made ghost too.
I totally understand what you were saying about your first show... I felt the same way when I saw Motley Crue in 1989...it meant so much to me. When I met the band in 1994 ...the best day of my life..met my hero... Nikki Sixx...and it's still important to me. I'm a Christian and was raised in a small town in TX and growing up in that environment my music was what got me through. My parents raised me in a Christian home but was free to find my way. I was ridiculed in school for being satanic.. I grew up in the late 80s early 90s... to make a long story short...I understand the draw of Ghost and metal and kids being misunderstood. I could go on and on... I've seen the nastiness of church but the beauty of Christ. Ty for opening up the conversation.
I am a Christian myself and love Ghost, SLAYER all those bands I see as art or entertainment, the pop stars are the ones you want to watch out for they are literally promoting things of the devil, you got Cardi B holding orgies onstage. Megan The Stallion telling her crowd it's good to exploit yourself in a sexual manner and take pride in it.
as an lgbtq person i love your content, your insights are proof that christianity isn't rotten to the core, just the higher ups who wish ill on others. if you guys ever come to england i'd love to buy you a drink
The way you see it, if you're threatened by the themes Ghost (or anything, for that matter) presents and you think your faith is in jeopardy, then it is. If you don't, congratulations! It won't! You have a perfectly decent will and your faith is true.
Just because you do something you know is going to offend certain people, doesn't mean it doesn't sadden you that it offends them. Of course it saddens Tobias that it offends them, and of course there is a part of him that goes "hehehe" at the same time.
I'm a Christian who enjoys all kinds of music including Ghost, SLAYER is another great band fronted by a catholic and a atheist. For me I don't agree with the Satan worship part of Ghost but I love thier creativity and style and I don't let the lyrics interfere with what I pet believe, people are not in good shape when they have to question thier beliefs over a story or song somebody's wrote. I have a atheist friend and I don't push my beliefs on him, heavy metal brought us together, for me all I can do is be a good friend and I feel God has a positive reason for me being his friend. I totally understand where a lot of atheists come from, you get these self righteous holier than though Christians judging them, I get judgment all the time because I use rock and roll and metal as a therapy.
I know exactly how it is. I'm also a Christian and I listen to various styles of metal, I have friends from other religions and each respects the other's beliefs. Now in my family there is a certain prejudice in relation to what I usually listen to and also about movies and series that I usually watch. But apart from that, the important thing is to be yourself.
@@MHSIMS844 I have noticed a lot of metal entertainment. It's the mainstream pop stars I look out for. You got people like Cardi holding orgies onstage. Miley Cyrus and Megan The Stallion telling thier fans to take pride in exploiting yourself in a sexual manner. So many people think I am nuts for saying that but a lot of people are seeing the same thing I am seeing in the mainstream music industry.
There was a greate quote. "You know how we call people, who believe in Satan? Christians." That's like perfect short explanation between defitionons of Satanism
You guys embody the true, core ideals of Christianity. If only most Christians were like you, not only spiritually but also politically. Props from a spiritualist-occultist from Athens, GR
Ghost puts on a good show, saw them open for Iron Maiden a couple tours ago, in Dallas. My friend who's a deacon at our church and his teenage daughter went with me.
Got to applaud Vin in this one... his rant : straight facts I applaud both of you on your stance about the church protecting its predators... You wouldnt believe how many religious people ive heard deny it
Talking about a prayer vigil for ghost, one year Manson was in town in our arena and the local baptist church held an event in the stadium right across the street
On the one hand, you have Christians acting like modern-day Pharisees praying publicly out loud for attention to show how holy they are, then in private acting like LaVeyan Satanists by being self-serving. Meanwhile you have Satanists just wanting to make things better for their fellow human beings. Crazy world, ain't it? The best people lead a Christ-like life, regardless of what they profess to believe in. I have a friend who is an avowed atheist but his role model is Jesus Christ. I figure that black metal, satanic metal, all that - it's all a big middle finger to the hypocrisy far too many Christians show on a regular basis. Real Christians can look at this stuff, laugh, and say "Eh, they can have their fun. God loves them anyway. Hope they do good, live a good life, and come to know Jesus." God bless, and great commentary.
Matthew 6:5“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."
Vin, very well said. I am an atheist- not political whatsoever, I just happen to not believe in god. So, by definition, an atheist. It is very encouraging to hear your viewpoints bc from the other side, I tend to generalize evangelicals as brain dead hillbillies. Of course to generalize is wrong. Your thoughts were very refreshing and helps with my biases against Christians.
I think a lot of people will have a rude awakening when they actually have to face god one day. Anyone can call themselves a Christian but what’s in your heart and how you treat your brothers and sisters is what matters.
I understand that's how I felt about the skillet show I went to at first the first time I saw them I couldn't believe the feeling I had I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them
With him stating humanist, and the hedonistic bent, sounds like he's a follower of Lavey. Not surprised the Texas pastor acted that way. I lost count the amount of people that call them selves Christian that run on ego and fear and nothing to do with thought. Like I've said for years, "Finding a legitimate Christian is like finding a needle in a haystack". They do exist (you guys, my fiend John), but they are so rare... If one actually read the Satanic Bibles, they will find that any kind of animal/human sacrifice is expressly forbidden. I've been to enough pagan parties to know, yes, an animal sacrifice can happen, then we cook it and eat it. No different than saying a prayer then field dressing and preparing your meal.
You're probably right about him being Laveyan - Lavey was extremely campy in his presentation and Ghost's aesthetic falls in line with that. Not that presentation alone seals it, but it seems like that over-the-top brand of Satanism is what Ghost is going for.
Oh come on, I was looking forward to you reacting to the part where the kid intterviews him. He says some interesting stuff about what he actually believes there too.
As a Catholic and fellow Christian. It seems that Forge is getting much more benefit of the doubt on his reasons then the Catholic league, or Catholics on a whole. I enjoy much of your commentary but disagree with your perception of those in the Church. I’ve seen the outrages from faithful Catholics including those in leadership but I also would say the grievous acts by some in the church doesn’t change the fact that this is Christ’s church and many evil individuals have done the unspeakable acts to children outside of the church as well but don’t make the news as often because our culture seeks to eradicate Christ and the Church for the sins of the few evil men …so that all the good done by it’s members is washed away. One last thought. If you want to see the dark side of what is going on in the spiritual realm consider doing a reaction video of Fr. Chad Ripperger so you can see what he’s experienced with the demonic and the influence of music, media, Hollywood and pagan politicians.
It's always strange to see how you guys find God everywhere, even in Satanic shows or Satanic empowerment. It's interesting too. I'm more used to the other kind of christians, you know, the hypocrites who go to pray to Rock shows and don't do shit to make an actual better world or to expose the real problems of society. Those to whom everything that's outsider is "bad" and "sinful". Keep up the good work!
@@VinAndSori I'm still starting to get your worldview, but being non-dualistic is a pretty relevant point and, in my catholic environment, everything is really dualistic. The non-dualistic worldview makes things like "finding God in Satanic art because it's art" to make sense. But it opens doors to new questions too. Your channel is certainly a little jewel.
@@VinAndSori thats the power of belief and brainwashing. It can be unlearned and unseen, thankfully. The world begins to make a shit ton more sense when you see it through the lense that doesn’t require a god.
It would be really cool if you could reach out and do an interview with Tobias Forge! I feel like you perhaps misunderstood his take on religion and satanism and what the devil means to him. I think it's natural when you have completely different frames of references, but his perspective is non-religious. Not good vs evil. Not anti God/Good. I think the discussion is very important though so kudos! :)
"and that little girl will get holy water thrown in her face and all that shit. come on bro" Lol this is how you can be critical but still keep a good and entertaining tone. Loving the self awareness. Makes it easier to connect with your thoughts. Needed some more of that in pt.1. where you twisted Tobias words in to something pure evil even though he was speaking about humanism, giving, sharing and freedom. That aint good for anyone.
I am an agnostic. I believe in something above us, just not a biblical God. And i actually agree with satanism in a Sense of freedom. I believe that you are free to do anything you want, even sin, as long you don't take others freedom as well.
I've always encourage people who follow their faiths, if that's where they draw their strength from. My line is where people try to apply their faiths rules to my own life or the lives of others who are not members of said faith. Please, worship the way you worship. Please, follow your own faiths rules. Draw your strength and guidance for your life from it. But don't expect me to live my life by your faiths rules. I extend you my respect for your way of life, I just ask that the same be extended to me. It's not an unreasonable way of thinking. At least to me.
This is great. I actually really enjoyed this. It sounds taboo and dare i say blasphemous.... but good christians and good satanists really aren't that different. In the end you can't judge a person by their faith. You got some real wack christians and some truly wonderful satanists. I think Tobias Forge is great and I love Ghost. Satanic or not (probably is lol), he really is making a lot of people happy with his music and showmanship. You hut the nail on the head about people displaying righteousness by publicly displaying misprioritized prayer in an attempt to belittle others or gain notoriety. A lot of crazy stuff going on in this world for a Ghost concert to be the focus of such a large bustle. Just be a good person, and in this video you definitely seemed like a good dude.
Listen to the video for “When The Lord” by Susanne Sundfør. You won’t regret it. It isn’t metal or even rock, but it will devastate you. It devastates everyone. And it will gives you lots to talk about after. (Trigger Warning) link below.
People always attribute the good to god and the bad to Satan. If got created everything then he created Satan too so the bad is also attributed to him as well. And here's the thing, if all powerful God can't control Satan then who is stronger? Maybe people got the Bible backwards. I'm an ex Christian and now atheist. After seeing all the hypocrisy and corruption in religion, I can't believe off of faith alone anymore. And unfortunately there's not enough evidence for me to believe in any god otherwise. Lies have multiple versions of the same kind of story. It changes to fit the script. Truth never changes. So many different versions on god and religion. Sounds a lot like a lie to me. Don't know which to believe without evidence. That's how I see things now. Also love the ghost videos you guys do.
a christian, i think, had an important question about christian music, it was a while back and i don't keep track, but, 'isn't christian music supposed to be edifying? is it?' i listen to some christian music, most of it is just one hellbound downer after another, with such depressing music how do they remain popular? probably the lable, for many, if it's christian, you gotta pay for the tickets to get into the show, or else you're a sinner of some type.
the reason jesus didn't freak about stuff that you want to freak about is that is jesus was a peasant jew and christianity was invented about 300 years later after his supposed death...
Only theistic satanism (religious/spiritual/traditional satanism) that believes in Satan as an entity that they worship. Most Satanism of different variations sees Satan as a metaphor
@@jmirsp4z doesn’t make much sense to me,I understand it as “atheism”,if you bow to no god, but when you throw “satan” in ,it implies a “god.” There aren’t to many gods named satan.
@@777james777 They use Satan as a symbol basically. They don't see him as a "god" or something to worship. They see him as an archetype. A symbolic force that represents carnality, wit/intellect, scepticism, rebellion, indulgence etc. Hope that makes sense.
@@777james777 atheism is the lack of belief in the existence of gods or deities... satan is just a very universally reconizable symbol of freedom and rebellion..
Just imagine if that teacher would’ve treated him with compassion & love. You catch more flies with honey as they say. These so called “Christians” bring it upon themselves. When I was a kid I went through a phase of being fascinated by the occult & the whole goth rock scene. My Grandmother was a dedicated Christian but she never tried to force that on me, she let me be free to find who I was. She would just tell me her beliefs & answer any questions I had. She showed me through her kindness & compassion towards others what Christianity is really about and that is what ended up having an impact on me. Now as an adult I’m a Christian, not because I was forced but because I chose to be.
Imagine that! Grandmas are the best tho!!
This is just over simplify it. This sounds to me if you only show the "real" christianity everyone becomes saved by Jesus. Tobias Forge made it clear that in the last video that good and evil are very subjectively. You don´t need to go to religion to become an humanist and can judge between evil and good.
@@zilfversurfer2157 nobody finds faith because they need their moral compass calibrated. You are correct...a child would know that difference. For people with real faith (not just the fckwads who hate metal and fun) it's about salvation. They don't want to burn. What's that? No hell, you say? No God or Devil? Let me counter. You have no way of knowing. You can't be any more certain than a Christian. Maybe they're just hedging their bets. What are you doing that's so worthwhile? What will you do if they're right and you're wrong?
"Religion causes bloodshed". Dumb argument. So does greed. So does anxiety. So does insanity. So does Satanism (see "Mayhem"). So does boredom. So does war.
Hail Ghost!
So, I had something similar. I am a die hard factual person. If it can not make sense, it is not true. Suprising enough, I got deep into the occult ( Satanism). The thing is because I run off of facts, I have to study everything before I speak about it. So I studied, a lot. I studied it so much that i can name the order of the nine angels, how certain rituals work, and etc. After some time, my vision grew dark. Interesting part, My mom did the same i did when she was younger. She didn't study like I did but she went against her grandmother. Had somethings happen and now she is a die hard Christian for almost 30 years. I became agnostic because I knew both sides existed but refused to accept either( Both books spoke about either side, Aleisters book and God's Book, Noth told of what would happen to either side, even the occult books spoke that God was the right one and that you were supposed to go against him). Which I learned meant I was still accepting the one. I like to stand up for whats right, even if I'm alone. So, I chose to follow Christianity like I was a Christian without actually being saved yet. To see if I could handle it. When I began learning that God was looked upon with hate and spite by his people, even after all he had done. I grew angry. How can you go against someone so loving and forgiving? So after studying both sides it became clear which one i needed to be apart of. The issue, it took me almost dying to actually put it into action. I was laying in a hospital, with a week left. I spoke out loud to God that if he fixed me, or took away just a little bit of the pain, that I would pray to him every night. A few days later, the surgery was approved. I figured, ah, its coincidence. But I had made a promise and i don't break them. So, for many years, I had started with just praying. Now, I'm a saved Christian, who has read both sides of the spectrum. Anybody who questions me about either side, i can answer most of them. It's become a way of life for me. The whole reason I'm at this video is because I wanted to know if these guys were Christian or at the very least catholic. I refuse to listen or go near anything that I know will drag me back down that path, because I know how easily I can convince myself of what I'm doing is right.
I just wanted to tell my story, in case there are other factual people and they are wondering about religion and how it works. May God bless you all with a fulfilling life.
U trap more flies on religious BS with that teacher. In a concept all religions are BS. Deep down even slightly smart ppl knows this, but still it holds us back as a species
I'm an agnostic and I agree with so many things Vin said in this. It's nice to see Christians that acknowledge and rebuke Christian hypocrisy.
Agreed. I do not deny the dark side of Christianity. I embrace and learn from it. I never want the atrocities done by so called Christians to ever happen again. I wrote and sent a script for Supergirl about it. Sadly it wasn't accepted.
I’m a Satanist myself but I must say, you guys are awesome! You represent everything that is right with Christianity and I commend you. Keep preachin guys. More people (Christians specifically) should hear this.
That little Papa Emeritus Ghost doll is awesome! Love how Sori put up its middle finger 🤣🤣
I've been following your channel for some time now and I have to say, that this clip is one of your best, because it underlines your undogmatic approach, trying to delve deeper into things without judging others before listening carefully to what they have to say - despite the fact that you have your own firm beliefs. This is not very common and highly appreciated. Keep up the good spirit.
Another prime example of religious groups going out and protesting against the wrong type of thing without looking into it first and just taking it at face value was when I saw footage of Christian protesters protesting an Alice Cooper show in Finland in 2009. One major detail that they skipped over was Alice is a dedicated born again Christian who came from a strict Christian background, His dad was a Priest for gods sake! And Alice now teaches Bible studies whenever he can at his local church in Phoenix! The Texas protester situation highlighted in this video is just another case of the misinformation that people are being taught these days and have been taught for decades, It’s really good to see Vinn and Sorrie highlighting and discussing these situations because as a lifelong rock and metal fan myself, it’s caused a lot of friction and a lot of controversy over the years not just for me but for most young people in our community so to see the points brought up in this video is really refreshing for me at least
You can't go wrong with Alice Cooper, great performer wonderful down to earth Christian guy playing a awesome villan onstage.
I love the music of ghost. And yes I’m a Christian I have been since I was 10, I’m in my 50’s now. I’ve always loved music and listen to all kinds. It now feels as though real music is coming back and that’s awesome. Remember kiss and ozzy and how they were “devil music”. God made ghost too.
Go see Ghost live. You will not be disappointed. Fun, very well produced, a real ‘show’!
I'm loving these videos. I love Tobias and I love you guys. Hope part 3 comes out soon
I totally understand what you were saying about your first show... I felt the same way when I saw Motley Crue in 1989...it meant so much to me. When I met the band in 1994 ...the best day of my life..met my hero... Nikki Sixx...and it's still important to me. I'm a Christian and was raised in a small town in TX and growing up in that environment my music was what got me through. My parents raised me in a Christian home but was free to find my way. I was ridiculed in school for being satanic.. I grew up in the late 80s early 90s... to make a long story short...I understand the draw of Ghost and metal and kids being misunderstood. I could go on and on... I've seen the nastiness of church but the beauty of Christ. Ty for opening up the conversation.
I am a Christian myself and love Ghost, SLAYER all those bands I see as art or entertainment, the pop stars are the ones you want to watch out for they are literally promoting things of the devil, you got Cardi B holding orgies onstage. Megan The Stallion telling her crowd it's good to exploit yourself in a sexual manner and take pride in it.
Refreshing intelligent honest thought-provoking perspective. Thank you for what you are doing-both of you. Love it.
as an lgbtq person i love your content, your insights are proof that christianity isn't rotten to the core, just the higher ups who wish ill on others. if you guys ever come to england i'd love to buy you a drink
The way you see it, if you're threatened by the themes Ghost (or anything, for that matter) presents and you think your faith is in jeopardy, then it is. If you don't, congratulations! It won't! You have a perfectly decent will and your faith is true.
Just because you do something you know is going to offend certain people, doesn't mean it doesn't sadden you that it offends them. Of course it saddens Tobias that it offends them, and of course there is a part of him that goes "hehehe" at the same time.
I appreciate Vin's honesty in this video
"Impera" has been out for three months, hit the #1 Rock Album and no reaction videos? Come on guys!
I'm a Christian who enjoys all kinds of music including Ghost, SLAYER is another great band fronted by a catholic and a atheist. For me I don't agree with the Satan worship part of Ghost but I love thier creativity and style and I don't let the lyrics interfere with what I pet believe, people are not in good shape when they have to question thier beliefs over a story or song somebody's wrote. I have a atheist friend and I don't push my beliefs on him, heavy metal brought us together, for me all I can do is be a good friend and I feel God has a positive reason for me being his friend. I totally understand where a lot of atheists come from, you get these self righteous holier than though Christians judging them, I get judgment all the time because I use rock and roll and metal as a therapy.
I know exactly how it is. I'm also a Christian and I listen to various styles of metal, I have friends from other religions and each respects the other's beliefs. Now in my family there is a certain prejudice in relation to what I usually listen to and also about movies and series that I usually watch. But apart from that, the important thing is to be yourself.
@@MHSIMS844 I have noticed a lot of metal entertainment. It's the mainstream pop stars I look out for. You got people like Cardi holding orgies onstage. Miley Cyrus and Megan The Stallion telling thier fans to take pride in exploiting yourself in a sexual manner. So many people think I am nuts for saying that but a lot of people are seeing the same thing I am seeing in the mainstream music industry.
The band doesn’t actually worship Satan though. It’s just part of the act.
Exactly. If your beliefs are threatened by lyrical suggestions in a song, was it really strong to begin with?
That Papa III doll tho.... 🔥🔥🔥
There was a greate quote.
"You know how we call people, who believe in Satan? Christians."
That's like perfect short explanation between defitionons of Satanism
You guys embody the true, core ideals of Christianity. If only most Christians were like you, not only spiritually but also politically. Props from a spiritualist-occultist from Athens, GR
My husband took our daughter to that concert! LOL Now that's good parenting.
and yes, I want to leave Texas....
Ghost puts on a good show, saw them open for Iron Maiden a couple tours ago, in Dallas. My friend who's a deacon at our church and his teenage daughter went with me.
Great stuff as always!
Got to applaud Vin in this one... his rant : straight facts
I applaud both of you on your stance about the church protecting its predators...
You wouldnt believe how many religious people ive heard deny it
I love and appreciate these type of reactions so much! Keep it coming!
Talking about a prayer vigil for ghost, one year Manson was in town in our arena and the local baptist church held an event in the stadium right across the street
On the one hand, you have Christians acting like modern-day Pharisees praying publicly out loud for attention to show how holy they are, then in private acting like LaVeyan Satanists by being self-serving. Meanwhile you have Satanists just wanting to make things better for their fellow human beings.
Crazy world, ain't it?
The best people lead a Christ-like life, regardless of what they profess to believe in. I have a friend who is an avowed atheist but his role model is Jesus Christ. I figure that black metal, satanic metal, all that - it's all a big middle finger to the hypocrisy far too many Christians show on a regular basis. Real Christians can look at this stuff, laugh, and say "Eh, they can have their fun. God loves them anyway. Hope they do good, live a good life, and come to know Jesus."
God bless, and great commentary.
Matthew 6:5“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."
Vin, very well said. I am an atheist- not political whatsoever, I just happen to not believe in god. So, by definition, an atheist. It is very encouraging to hear your viewpoints bc from the other side, I tend to generalize evangelicals as brain dead hillbillies. Of course to generalize is wrong. Your thoughts were very refreshing and helps with my biases against Christians.
As a backwoods Christian Texan that loves Ghost, if someone throws holy water on me, I’m gonna drink up, cause ITS HOT AND DRY and I’m thirsty.
"You can't kill hate with more hate"
I think a lot of people will have a rude awakening when they actually have to face god one day. Anyone can call themselves a Christian but what’s in your heart and how you treat your brothers and sisters is what matters.
Thing is few people actually believe in freedom of speech or religion!
When we getting call me little sunshine reaction?
My suggestion is
Ghost - Call me little sunshine
All the best from Poland
Ghost is on tour right now, will you go?
I think a lot of people just find more fulfillment and inspiration from our rock gods than we do our story book gods. 🤷🏻♂️
Love your Chanel 👍👍
I understand that's how I felt about the skillet show I went to at first the first time I saw them I couldn't believe the feeling I had I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them
With him stating humanist, and the hedonistic bent, sounds like he's a follower of Lavey.
Not surprised the Texas pastor acted that way. I lost count the amount of people that call them selves Christian that run on ego and fear and nothing to do with thought.
Like I've said for years, "Finding a legitimate Christian is like finding a needle in a haystack". They do exist (you guys, my fiend John), but they are so rare...
If one actually read the Satanic Bibles, they will find that any kind of animal/human sacrifice is expressly forbidden.
I've been to enough pagan parties to know, yes, an animal sacrifice can happen, then we cook it and eat it. No different than saying a prayer then field dressing and preparing your meal.
You're probably right about him being Laveyan - Lavey was extremely campy in his presentation and Ghost's aesthetic falls in line with that. Not that presentation alone seals it, but it seems like that over-the-top brand of Satanism is what Ghost is going for.
Oh come on, I was looking forward to you reacting to the part where the kid intterviews him. He says some interesting stuff about what he actually believes there too.
Vin looks like Gucci Mane in this reaction lol
As a Catholic and fellow Christian. It seems that Forge is getting much more benefit of the doubt on his reasons then the Catholic league, or Catholics on a whole. I enjoy much of your commentary but disagree with your perception of those in the Church. I’ve seen the outrages from faithful Catholics including those in leadership but I also would say the grievous acts by some in the church doesn’t change the fact that this is Christ’s church and many evil individuals have done the unspeakable acts to children outside of the church as well but don’t make the news as often because our culture seeks to eradicate Christ and the Church for the sins of the few evil men …so that all the good done by it’s members is washed away. One last thought. If you want to see the dark side of what is going on in the spiritual realm consider doing a reaction video of Fr. Chad Ripperger so you can see what he’s experienced with the demonic and the influence of music, media, Hollywood and pagan politicians.
It's always strange to see how you guys find God everywhere, even in Satanic shows or Satanic empowerment. It's interesting too. I'm more used to the other kind of christians, you know, the hypocrites who go to pray to Rock shows and don't do shit to make an actual better world or to expose the real problems of society. Those to whom everything that's outsider is "bad" and "sinful".
Keep up the good work!
Well, it’s hard not to see Him everywhere
@@VinAndSori I'm still starting to get your worldview, but being non-dualistic is a pretty relevant point and, in my catholic environment, everything is really dualistic. The non-dualistic worldview makes things like "finding God in Satanic art because it's art" to make sense. But it opens doors to new questions too.
Your channel is certainly a little jewel.
@@VinAndSori thats the power of belief and brainwashing. It can be unlearned and unseen, thankfully. The world begins to make a shit ton more sense when you see it through the lense that doesn’t require a god.
It would be really cool if you could reach out and do an interview with Tobias Forge! I feel like you perhaps misunderstood his take on religion and satanism and what the devil means to him. I think it's natural when you have completely different frames of references, but his perspective is non-religious. Not good vs evil. Not anti God/Good. I think the discussion is very important though so kudos! :)
Ya reach out to him. We would do an interview for sure! 🤘🏻🎸🤘🏽
@@VinAndSori haha, you want me to reach out on your behalf as a fan, just to be clear? :)
"and that little girl will get holy water thrown in her face and all that shit. come on bro"
Lol this is how you can be critical but still keep a good and entertaining tone. Loving the self awareness. Makes it easier to connect with your thoughts.
Needed some more of that in pt.1. where you twisted Tobias words in to something pure evil even though he was speaking about humanism, giving, sharing and freedom. That aint good for anyone.
this whole saga is just going to end with a left hand sori and a right hand vinnie
I am an agnostic. I believe in something above us, just not a biblical God. And i actually agree with satanism in a Sense of freedom. I believe that you are free to do anything you want, even sin, as long you don't take others freedom as well.
I've always encourage people who follow their faiths, if that's where they draw their strength from. My line is where people try to apply their faiths rules to my own life or the lives of others who are not members of said faith. Please, worship the way you worship. Please, follow your own faiths rules. Draw your strength and guidance for your life from it. But don't expect me to live my life by your faiths rules. I extend you my respect for your way of life, I just ask that the same be extended to me. It's not an unreasonable way of thinking. At least to me.
All laws are an imposition of a way of life unto another
When I was coming up it was King Diamond
Rand and a book called might is right.
They never did a ghost reaction video after seeing this interview. Y'all missing out on their new music
This is great. I actually really enjoyed this. It sounds taboo and dare i say blasphemous.... but good christians and good satanists really aren't that different. In the end you can't judge a person by their faith. You got some real wack christians and some truly wonderful satanists. I think Tobias Forge is great and I love Ghost. Satanic or not (probably is lol), he really is making a lot of people happy with his music and showmanship. You hut the nail on the head about people displaying righteousness by publicly displaying misprioritized prayer in an attempt to belittle others or gain notoriety. A lot of crazy stuff going on in this world for a Ghost concert to be the focus of such a large bustle. Just be a good person, and in this video you definitely seemed like a good dude.
Listen to the video for “When The Lord” by Susanne Sundfør. You won’t regret it. It isn’t metal or even rock, but it will devastate you. It devastates everyone. And it will gives you lots to talk about after. (Trigger Warning) link below.
People always attribute the good to god and the bad to Satan. If got created everything then he created Satan too so the bad is also attributed to him as well. And here's the thing, if all powerful God can't control Satan then who is stronger? Maybe people got the Bible backwards. I'm an ex Christian and now atheist. After seeing all the hypocrisy and corruption in religion, I can't believe off of faith alone anymore. And unfortunately there's not enough evidence for me to believe in any god otherwise. Lies have multiple versions of the same kind of story. It changes to fit the script. Truth never changes. So many different versions on god and religion. Sounds a lot like a lie to me. Don't know which to believe without evidence. That's how I see things now. Also love the ghost videos you guys do.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the satanic temple tenants.
Come on now. React to their new album Impera One song “Twenties”. It’s almost prophetic. Did you see any of Ghosts concerts?
a christian, i think, had an important question about christian music, it was a while back and i don't keep track, but, 'isn't christian music supposed to be edifying? is it?' i listen to some christian music, most of it is just one hellbound downer after another, with such depressing music how do they remain popular? probably the lable, for many, if it's christian, you gotta pay for the tickets to get into the show, or else you're a sinner of some type.
Ghost incredible live band.
That's an incredibly abrasive way to start a video. I'd suggest doing that a little differently. Almost left the video before you got to it.
Part 2 to twisted what he meant.Just reaction new GHOST songs,not this bullshit
Is it okay to speak of God and then curse in the same sentence? Seems wrong
Full of s--it what you are talking about.Watch new GHOST vid Call Me Little Sunshine and then call him...true savior
Was this a livestream?
the reason jesus didn't freak about stuff that you want to freak about is that is jesus was a peasant jew and christianity was invented about 300 years later after his supposed death...
You can read Christian writings from 90ad. The ,300 year later thing is Protestant anti Catholic revisionism and conspiracy
Don’t you believe there is an agenda about this band. They’ve rebranded it and in a respectable manner…
what sect of Satanism doesn't matter ,the god they are bowing to is the same. its similar to the different church denominations.
no.. they bow to no gods... the "satan" isn't what you think it is...
Only theistic satanism (religious/spiritual/traditional satanism) that believes in Satan as an entity that they worship. Most Satanism of different variations sees Satan as a metaphor
@@jmirsp4z doesn’t make much sense to me,I understand it as “atheism”,if you bow to no god, but when you throw “satan” in ,it implies a “god.” There aren’t to many gods named satan.
@@777james777 They use Satan as a symbol basically. They don't see him as a "god" or something to worship. They see him as an archetype. A symbolic force that represents carnality, wit/intellect, scepticism, rebellion, indulgence etc. Hope that makes sense.
@@777james777 atheism is the lack of belief in the existence of gods or deities... satan is just a very universally reconizable symbol of freedom and rebellion..