The voice of delusional insanity permeates the current parliament. The Climate Delusion The Energy Transition Delusion The Nuclear Power is Unsafe Delusion The Aboriginal Nation Delusion The Noble Savage Delusion
LYDIA is Insane. Calls the race card , that's All she's Got. After ATTACKING that Women On Parliament Lawn, CRAWLING AWAY FROM POLICE SHE should BE IN JAIL. ANY one ELSE would BE!! I'm SICK of Her BS And the DIVISION and INSULTS SHE Causes. It's NOT NORMAL.
Wamans group have carried on like this for years. She is just not on your team is all. You like so many are just a hypocrite. Eg the "senator" that said she will Mediate accused male senior of "man splaining" when she didn't like what he said. He called her a hypocrite then and I'm calling you one now.
While watching this, consider how much money we are paying these clowns whine at each other. I think the tax payers deserve a refund for this day in the senate!
Not just the President who is also caught up with this chaos.But the parliamentary authorities,police,law etc. Aust. politics must be viewed as a comedy show internationally.
@@lotusblooms oh NO Thorp loves the dramas,she was dieing to play the race card. even though it should be half a race card since she looks more white than abo.
I’ve only been in Australia a month or so and I’m already sick of this woman popping up in the news like a bad penny all the time. I don’t know how you all put up with her?
She is not a Politician she needs to Come to Mackay or Anywhere North of Brisbane. We love Left wing Lunatics up here in Queensland. She wouldnt step foot up here
Get yourself up to speed, racism is now whatever these people want it to be on any given day. I'm tipping that daytime will soon be declared the racist oppressor of nighttime.
I'm in the U.S and Thorpe reminds me of a drunken "Karen" who lives in a trailer park and has the cops called to her trailer at least once a month. She is a disgrace. How she is allowed to act like she does without consequences is mind blowing.
Well we all face eyes and we can see where racism comes from and how it is used. Australian taxpayers are paying for this piece of crap. Give more more more money that's Lydia Thorpe.
Yeah you sure bout that are you coloured I'd love to know ???? I'm half aussie indian I look Arab & get treated like shit I know how racist people behave & sadly to say indigenous ppl of Australia are treated the worse I'm glad to see people like thrope who have the guts to stand up against racism
@@lotusblooms I don't care what you are, crying racism all the time at the drop of A hat is pathetic and makes her look childish, if you're condoning her behaviour and eline with her beliefs maybe that's why people don't like you😂😂😂
@Rani It’s a conundrum for sure and feel that indigenous people do get a raw deal and a lot of the wrong sort of help but I also believe in this grub of a so called human they are also getting some of the worst representation whether they like it or not. This is not guys or bravery it’s is vitriol and reverse racism I get you saying someone standing up but she is only making the Gap wider and the hatred more entrenched. Many things were done wrong in the past and many moral a compass was well off the mark but I just can’t see how more blatant hatred can possibly improve the situation. Sure we definitely need some fire up intelligent people to take up a whole bunch of causes but I’m a miss as to how racism helps solve racism and she is blatantly racist calling people colonisers cause there white man I was born here like 5th generation sure I’m not indigenous but I hardly consider myself a colonist nor am I a racist my first ancestors were humble fishermen. Long story short she isn’t helping net negative benefit it’s not brave when you are just being abusive.
Just shows you how pathetic parliament has become to allow Thorpe to continue to stand under her protective shield of racism as a senator and accuse anyone who objects or questions her statements as racist. Rod Culleton was swiftly removed from parliament for merely asking a question.
I am in complete agreement. By the way when Senator Thorpe uses the words back to back racist racism 3:13 (isn't that what racism is). It's akin to saying I like raspberry flavoured raspberries!
It's the voice in action already. Wait until it's an I diginous government mixed with all the other mixed races fighting and screaming. Who gets the most money Australia is fast becoming. A corrupt country it has already started. The welfare pm from thecwelfare mum gives it all now to welfare. Is that a surprise to anyone. Up the dole up ndis up cheap housing sobthey can burn them down again. Who is surprised not me.
I don't have a lot of time for the Greens, some of their policies are insane, but at least they show up most of the time. One Labor MP has only attended 26% of the time when there was voting on legislation.
@@lotusblooms she's the worst kind of liar and cheat. She does nothing for Aboriginal people anywhere, ever, not one thing on the list - just lines her own pockets. When she visits Aboriginal communities they refer to her as 'the white woman from the city'. She's incompetent, a psychopath, and there ONLY because she's Aboriginal, but the system is racist against her. Racism has benefited her. Without it, she has nothing to talk about, and no job. If she was white, Asian, Latino, any other race, she'd be far too dumb to be a Senator. Her idiocy and incompetence is tolerated ONLY because she's 50% Aboriginal. Being Aboriginal is her only talent.
@@lotusblooms Thorpe is an absolute moron. Watching her roll around on the grass the other day was hilarious. She’s an absolute embarrassment to aboriginal people
So Lidia Thorpe is back in Parliament just days after trying to physically assault Kellie-Jay Keen, but MP Moira Deeming is suspended for 9 months for simply speaking at Keen’s event. The world is bloody mental…
Lidia Thorpe still in parliament? After her last appearance on the news, falling to the ground I am surprised she is still standing. The racism card is being used too much. She is rude and crass.
If you look at all camera angles on day the Senator was thrown to the ground . One specific angle shows her lifting her legs , which made it easier for AFP officer to remove her . She's trouble , no dignity or integrity.
Thorpe is the most racist senator in our current parliament. This is the same woman who interrupted Senator Hughes with one of the most disgusting comments I've heard spoken in our parliament ("legs together"). When she interrupted with that, was she being racist? I'm sure it wasn't in her opinion, because Hughes is white. At minimum, Senator Thorpe needs to learn three things. 1. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. 2. Respect is earned and needs to be displayed both ways. 3. When she calls everything racist when it's not, it takes away from cases of ACTUAL racism. She is so blind to the damage she does to Indigenous causes it's both sad and laughable. Shame on her and her selfish, arrogant, racist rhetoric.
You don't seriously believe that she remotely cares about any race issues beyond ruthlessly exploiting them to maintain attention upon herself constantly. She's a byproduct of post-modern parenting where children are raised to believe that they must be the centre of attention at all times.
She Shane's her people a d is an embarrassment to them. Take a look at ash barty beautiful girl talented girl humble and respectfull if the people who are around her. Do you think she would ever act like that Then there's her parents professional people worked hard supported their daughter to her dream. Her beautiful sisters all all good people respect theirself and rightly so. I respect them as well. I tell you ash barty love the girl more of those dort of people please. Ash💖
@Joy Williams you should join politics you would be a great one 🤣😂 I'd love to see you walk in Thorpe's shoes for a day please tell me when you stay out in the sun all day does your neck go bright red I mean is your neck red
Can you imagine if Lidia Thorpe and Meghan Markle joined forces in politics with their rhetoric on everything being racist. Good grief. One sad disillusioned Aussie and one bitter twisted Yank
When I was on the left, I always thought that it was the right who were ignorant to racism/ were the more racist side of the spectrum and I also thought that they were the most trusting and the most supportive of government. I really have come to see now that the right is far less trusting of government unlike the left who want the government to control everything. I've also come to see that being actively anti racist doesn't make you less racist, it just makes you more likely to want to break down society into racial divides. The right are not actively anti racist, they just aren't racist. They see all people as equal and don't get bogged down debating if we are all equal, they just treat all people as equal. But because they don't wave BLM and LGBT flags, people think they are OK with racism. Far from it. The right genuinely now seems to me like the less racist side of politics. Its funny how my mind has changed because as a leftist, I wouldn't wouldn't speak to right wingers. Now I am more centre right, I speak to all people and the left are coming across as vindictive, deranged and well, quite frankly guilty. They are SOOOO desperate to prove they aren't bigots that they look suspiciously bigoted (and in many cases are bigoted.)
The LNP MPs that committed the criminal act of assaulting an attendant while doing her job in parliament house should be charged by police for that unprovoked assault upon a female.... Represent All Australians is the oath taken, not assault them sprog... Audrey Hale was the most recent example of another violent christian.....✝️
@Fruit salad just a misread, done it myself before today. I just knew never to look at them, it didn't take much. As for the Voice, knowing what I do, it will be a NO! We have enough problems without more.
And this is the crap that goes on in the Senate, no wonder we have issues when Senator Thorpe calls everyone a Racist. Disgraceful behaviour.Just wait and see if the voice is enacted it will lead to total chaos.
Remember these two clashed 12 months ago when Thorpe said “at least I keep my legs shut” to Hughes , Thorpe is a complete bogan , at least Hughes has stood up to her twice now , everyone else in the chamber is scared shitless ...
Thorpe is the most divisive actor there is. Hey Lidia.... i'd like to recognise the efforts of our Early settlers and bringing this Great Nation to the forefront in all ways. Well done to all people that make this Country what it is.
My Great Great Grandfather came to Mackay before the Town was even 20. Is one of the founding members of the mills that provided most of Mackays wealth. Owned 340 Acres plus most of the Suburbs near here. They walked from Brisbane to Mackay my family has been more Influential to this Region then Lidia Thorpe was Is and Will be. They didnt have Kanakas nor did they Kill the Savages at the time. Aboriginals back then they were Savages a great Deal of Aborigines today are Decent People but people like Thorpe no
Everything about Thorpe screams "false accusation". I'd keep her on a VERY short lead for procedural infringements. They could remove her from the room for not taking the oath properly.
The oath. Yeah, I said that on the day, she should have been showed the door, and to tell her to close the door behind her. I call that behaviour as an act of 'treason'! Our Parliament is a complete joke, not only to the people, but globally.
What a parliament you asking? Any company, private or public, which is as toxic as the Australian parliament, would run the risk of being deregistered. Actually, it is not a parliament, it is the Canberra comedy show.
FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS Aboriginal people have performed a type of 'Welcome to Country' ceremony only when one tribal group sought to enter the lands of another and this is the Only time. 40 years ago Erie Dingo started this Rubbish they do now.
Something that used to be so productive years ago gone to waste. Hard times create strength, weak times create primary school children for life. Shouldn't they be talking about something to benefit Australia as a whole😅 Such a shame that these guys have power, all of them.
Your right the only land you own is the land you bought and pat taxes for. I done care what indiginous peoe think they own nothi g unless they worked and paid for it. All this is. Is to make it look good for the gov to get voted. It will be a definite no from me for the voice. It will not be an honest vote I doubt it will be counted anyway. Look at south Australia without a bot of any kind brought it in. How can that happen. Well I will tell you an extremely arrogant man to make himself look good.
lidia, you're welcome for the technology, medicines and increased longevity my people AND your people (as you are 75%+ white ??) have generously shared with aborginals
Lydia Thorpe demands the right to air her opinions, but also demands the right to silence anybody who may disagree with her bigoted views. just ask Kelly Jay Keene.!!!
They want to have a voice. There are so many intelligent and respectable indigenous people to represent their community far better. This is almost like a bad joke to further shame indigenous people and misrepresent them as radicalised inverted racists. How does attacking anyone who challenges you and making defamatory false accusations of racism help resolve real problems in the indigenous community? Drug and alcohol abuse, untreated intergenerational trauma, domestic violence and communal crime and violence, unfair legal representation and over-representation in the prison system, school refusal and limited education and career opportunities, early mortality and major untreated health problems, loss of identity and cultural depreciation are really critical issues to address. The minute someone pulls the racist or sexist card, open dialogue ceases. Our government has created legislation that enables paranoid and prickly members of minority groups to feel entitled to bully, attack, falsely accuse, mob and terrorise anyone who often unwittingly made them or a member of their community "feel offended." This loud, aggressive and abrasive woman is out of line and a disgrace to her community.
Australia already is and when the voice is in wow. The fireworks fro. People then. Pay to go to the beach pay to use a park simple do t go to anything they think they own give them nothing. Look at Ayres rock huge tourism attraction so they said we want that so itcwas given. For christ sake it a bloody rock. Keep your rock stick it where the sun dont shine.
And just who says there is near universal objection to fracking from traditional owners? Most wouldn't even know what it was, the risks, etc. All they would know is what some extremist like Lidia Thorpe tells them, or a small group controlled by climate extremists dominating the decision. If fracking provides a secure income stream to a remote community for housing, health, education facilities (as well as some job opportunities) I find it hard to believe there would be near universal objection. I would expect it to be the complete OPPOSITE.
@@bigm383 It's actually racist and condescending to even think aboriginal people would be perfectly happy to just wander around remote lands in abject poverty. The epitome of the 'noble savage'. The overwhelming major are no different to anyone else, they want a car, the internet, a decent home, etc. And to obtain that were they live, they want to develop their land to generate a financial return. Not be told be some inner city upstart in Canberra how they must live.
@@lotusblooms sure, but is she the right one? Just yelling and attacking everyone ..what about Jacinta Price ? Articulate , smart and represents her people brilliantly ?
I don't have a lot of time for the Greens, some of their policies are insane, but at least they show up most of the time. One Labor MP has only attended 26% of the time when there was voting on legislation.
Sad and pathetic is the state of Australian politics.
The voice of delusional insanity permeates the current parliament.
The Climate Delusion
The Energy Transition Delusion
The Nuclear Power is Unsafe Delusion
The Aboriginal Nation Delusion
The Noble Savage Delusion
UK, Australia, Canada, USA... Globalist elite have corrupted everything.
And the longer lab and the greens are in power the worse it will become
Next time you make a public comment use your real name you coward
Next time you make a public comment use your real name you coward
LYDIA is Insane. Calls the race card , that's All she's Got. After ATTACKING that Women On Parliament Lawn, CRAWLING AWAY FROM POLICE SHE should BE IN JAIL. ANY one ELSE would BE!! I'm SICK of Her BS And the DIVISION and INSULTS SHE Causes. It's NOT NORMAL.
Wamans group have carried on like this for years.
She is just not on your team is all.
You like so many are just a hypocrite.
Eg the "senator" that said she will Mediate accused male senior of "man splaining" when she didn't like what he said.
He called her a hypocrite then and I'm calling you one now.
She is normal for a foul mouthed cretin.
@@josmith1815 you must be jo-king.
@@DEPORTER_SUPPORTER feminism is female nature politicised.
They are one and the same.
Thank the equally insane Adam Bandt for giving her a platform
While watching this, consider how much money we are paying these clowns whine at each other. I think the tax payers deserve a refund for this day in the senate!
Dead on,I was half way through typing the same comment when I saw yours.
They are not even attending! And the people is paying.
Very Well Wrote. 🌹
Think of the pension the hag will fet when she leaves. Look at whatbthe greens fostered and the trouble she is.
@Swan F preferably at her she even told one of the men your marked you are marked. Remember her boyfriend is a bikie
The President of the Senate is a disgrace by allowing Thorpe to dictate proceedings...
Not just the President who is also caught up with this chaos.But the parliamentary authorities,police,law etc. Aust. politics must be viewed as a comedy show internationally.
It's Hughes fault she's the one who started it
@@lotusblooms oh NO Thorp loves the dramas,she was dieing to play the race card. even though it should be half a race card since she looks more white than abo.
What did Hughes say ????
@@paulwood5738 Very Little.
I’ve only been in Australia a month or so and I’m already sick of this woman popping up in the news like a bad penny all the time. I don’t know how you all put up with her?
Welcome to our world .
Cope buddy .if she pisses you drumphtard Libby gobblers off she's a legend 🇦🇺👍
Hopefully it'll be a short stay for you 👍
She is not a Politician she needs to Come to Mackay or Anywhere North of Brisbane. We love Left wing Lunatics up here in Queensland. She wouldnt step foot up here
I think she is new to Australia also, as we are all about RESPECT
Thorpe is so toxic and an expert at playing the victim. She is diluting what racial vilification really is.
Vote NO in the referendum just to piss Thorpe off.
I think she watched Meghan Markle and thought ooh I’ll have to play the racist card so I can get more attention and power
Get yourself up to speed, racism is now whatever these people want it to be on any given day. I'm tipping that daytime will soon be declared the racist oppressor of nighttime.
This is classic Marxism.
She is white
Pleased to see Senator Hughes standing up to bullying Thorpe.
Yeah a true blue racist Hughes she got very defensive she's desperate to hide her racism
I agree
How Dare You Say That Dont Be So Raven Transphobic 🤬😡😠
@@cadejust6777 what in the fuck are you talking about?🤣🤣
What an immature child, with the teenage vocabulary, teenage rants, manipulating parliamentary privilege.
I'm in the U.S and Thorpe reminds me of a drunken "Karen" who lives in a trailer park and has the cops called to her trailer at least once a month. She is a disgrace. How she is allowed to act like she does without consequences is mind blowing.
You would probably be right
Welcome to the list of someone from her culture!
@@novoca1n3 Correct! Culture, not race. Well said!!
she has the magic word RASCIST
@@MediaFXNoosa and the funny thing is her mob are the racist of them all
The most racist people are the ones who see racism everywhere all the time
i,e. Lidia thorpe
Well we all face eyes and we can see where racism comes from and how it is used. Australian taxpayers are paying for this piece of crap. Give more more more money that's Lydia Thorpe.
@@joywilliams8444 your not the only one paying tax leave thorpe alone winging moron
Yeah you sure bout that are you coloured I'd love to know ???? I'm half aussie indian I look Arab & get treated like shit I know how racist people behave & sadly to say indigenous ppl of Australia are treated the worse I'm glad to see people like thrope who have the guts to stand up against racism
@@lotusblooms I don't care what you are, crying racism all the time at the drop of A hat is pathetic and makes her look childish, if you're condoning her behaviour and eline with her beliefs maybe that's why people don't like you😂😂😂
It’s a conundrum for sure and feel that indigenous people do get a raw deal and a lot of the wrong sort of help but I also believe in this grub of a so called human they are also getting some of the worst representation whether they like it or not.
This is not guys or bravery it’s is vitriol and reverse racism I get you saying someone standing up but she is only making the Gap wider and the hatred more entrenched.
Many things were done wrong in the past and many moral a compass was well off the mark but I just can’t see how more blatant hatred can possibly improve the situation.
Sure we definitely need some fire up intelligent people to take up a whole bunch of causes but I’m a miss as to how racism helps solve racism and she is blatantly racist calling people colonisers cause there white man I was born here like 5th generation sure I’m not indigenous but I hardly consider myself a colonist nor am I a racist my first ancestors were humble fishermen.
Long story short she isn’t helping net negative benefit it’s not brave when you are just being abusive.
Just shows you how pathetic parliament has become to allow Thorpe to continue to stand under her protective shield of racism as a senator and accuse anyone who objects or questions her statements as racist. Rod Culleton was swiftly removed from parliament for merely asking a question.
Waman have played the gender card on mass for a long time now.
Wake up sleepy head.
I am in complete agreement. By the way when Senator Thorpe uses the words back to back racist racism 3:13 (isn't that what racism is). It's akin to saying I like raspberry flavoured raspberries!
Grand standing, she should be tried for treason, that is not what parliament is for.
It's the voice in action already. Wait until it's an I diginous government mixed with all the other mixed races fighting and screaming. Who gets the most money Australia is fast becoming. A corrupt country it has already started. The welfare pm from thecwelfare mum gives it all now to welfare. Is that a surprise to anyone. Up the dole up ndis up cheap housing sobthey can burn them down again. Who is surprised not me.
What was his question?
What a joke our political system has become!
I don't have a lot of time for the Greens, some of their policies are insane, but at least they show up most of the time. One Labor MP has only attended 26% of the time when there was voting on legislation.
I thinks thorpe is doing a great job at least she's honest straight forward unlike other politicians who are liars cheats
Hay Bro come to New Zealand we are completely an Apartheid / racist country...
@@lotusblooms she's the worst kind of liar and cheat.
She does nothing for Aboriginal people anywhere, ever, not one thing on the list - just lines her own pockets.
When she visits Aboriginal communities they refer to her as 'the white woman from the city'.
She's incompetent, a psychopath, and there ONLY because she's Aboriginal, but the system is racist against her.
Racism has benefited her. Without it, she has nothing to talk about, and no job.
If she was white, Asian, Latino, any other race, she'd be far too dumb to be a Senator. Her idiocy and incompetence is tolerated ONLY because she's 50% Aboriginal.
Being Aboriginal is her only talent.
Thorpe is an absolute moron.
Watching her roll around on the grass the other day was hilarious.
She’s an absolute embarrassment to aboriginal people
So Lidia Thorpe is back in Parliament just days after trying to physically assault Kellie-Jay Keen, but MP Moira Deeming is suspended for 9 months for simply speaking at Keen’s event. The world is bloody mental…
Well said and I 100% agree
Yep you cannot make this shit up
Holy cow ! I didn't know about Thorpe getting a free pass while another Senator was punished.
Deeming isn't suspended from Parliament, just from the Liberal party.
@@lyngusrobb5323 difference between right and left.
Lidia Thorpe still in parliament? After her last appearance on the news, falling to the ground I am surprised she is still standing. The racism card is being used too much. She is rude and crass.
you forgot 'disruptive'
If you look at all camera angles on day the Senator was thrown to the ground . One specific angle shows her lifting her legs , which made it easier for AFP officer to remove her . She's trouble , no dignity or integrity.
And stupid..
So judgeMENTAL I'm happy to see her there she's got guts & determined to stand UP for her people her country etc..
The racist card is like the ACE of TRUMPS.It's like bow down or else.
Thorpe is the most racist senator in our current parliament. This is the same woman who interrupted Senator Hughes with one of the most disgusting comments I've heard spoken in our parliament ("legs together").
When she interrupted with that, was she being racist? I'm sure it wasn't in her opinion, because Hughes is white.
At minimum, Senator Thorpe needs to learn three things.
1. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
2. Respect is earned and needs to be displayed both ways.
3. When she calls everything racist when it's not, it takes away from cases of ACTUAL racism.
She is so blind to the damage she does to Indigenous causes it's both sad and laughable. Shame on her and her selfish, arrogant, racist rhetoric.
You don't seriously believe that she remotely cares about any race issues beyond ruthlessly exploiting them to maintain attention upon herself constantly. She's a byproduct of post-modern parenting where children are raised to believe that they must be the centre of attention at all times.
💯 correct 👍
But Thorpe is not wrong though 😁😛
She Shane's her people a d is an embarrassment to them. Take a look at ash barty beautiful girl talented girl humble and respectfull if the people who are around her. Do you think she would ever act like that
Then there's her parents professional people worked hard supported their daughter to her dream. Her beautiful sisters all all good people respect theirself and rightly so. I respect them as well. I tell you ash barty love the girl more of those dort of people please. Ash💖
@Joy Williams you should join politics you would be a great one 🤣😂 I'd love to see you walk in Thorpe's shoes for a day please tell me when you stay out in the sun all day does your neck go bright red I mean is your neck red
"I will not stand for racist racism in my workplace!!" Says the single MOST RACISTperson in Australia!!😂😂😂
Can you imagine if Lidia Thorpe and Meghan Markle joined forces in politics with their rhetoric on everything being racist. Good grief. One sad disillusioned Aussie and one bitter twisted Yank
Thorpe should leave and take her racism with her
When I was on the left, I always thought that it was the right who were ignorant to racism/ were the more racist side of the spectrum and I also thought that they were the most trusting and the most supportive of government. I really have come to see now that the right is far less trusting of government unlike the left who want the government to control everything. I've also come to see that being actively anti racist doesn't make you less racist, it just makes you more likely to want to break down society into racial divides. The right are not actively anti racist, they just aren't racist. They see all people as equal and don't get bogged down debating if we are all equal, they just treat all people as equal. But because they don't wave BLM and LGBT flags, people think they are OK with racism. Far from it. The right genuinely now seems to me like the less racist side of politics. Its funny how my mind has changed because as a leftist, I wouldn't wouldn't speak to right wingers. Now I am more centre right, I speak to all people and the left are coming across as vindictive, deranged and well, quite frankly guilty. They are SOOOO desperate to prove they aren't bigots that they look suspiciously bigoted (and in many cases are bigoted.)
@@pollyanna1112 😂😂👍
Thorpe needs anger management therapy
I’d be happy if she just got the boot out of parliament
That is the aborigines nature. Violence was always their way.
The LNP MPs that committed the criminal act of assaulting an attendant while doing her job in parliament house should be charged by police for that unprovoked assault upon a female....
Represent All Australians is the oath taken, not assault them sprog...
Audrey Hale was the most recent example of another violent christian.....✝️
@Fruit salad you know nothing about them then. You don't need to be literate to drink and bash people
@Fruit salad just a misread, done it myself before today. I just knew never to look at them, it didn't take much. As for the Voice, knowing what I do, it will be a NO! We have enough problems without more.
That Thorpe thing is an absolute disgrace to the Aust gov.
And this is the crap that goes on in the Senate, no wonder we have issues when Senator Thorpe calls everyone a Racist. Disgraceful behaviour.Just wait and see if the voice is enacted it will lead to total chaos.
Remember these two clashed 12 months ago when Thorpe said “at least I keep my legs shut” to Hughes , Thorpe is a complete bogan , at least Hughes has stood up to her twice now , everyone else in the chamber is scared shitless ...
Thats rich coming from a exbikie moll innit!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well just look at Thorpe what would you expect
There are fewer than 8 people present for this rubbish. Is this what we call good governance?
Thorpe is the most divisive actor there is. Hey Lidia.... i'd like to recognise the efforts of our Early settlers and bringing this Great Nation to the forefront in all ways. Well done to all people that make this Country what it is.
My Great Great Grandfather came to Mackay before the Town was even 20. Is one of the founding members of the mills that provided most of Mackays wealth. Owned 340 Acres plus most of the Suburbs near here. They walked from Brisbane to Mackay my family has been more Influential to this Region then Lidia Thorpe was Is and Will be. They didnt have Kanakas nor did they Kill the Savages at the time. Aboriginals back then they were Savages a great Deal of Aborigines today are Decent People but people like Thorpe no
She is great at giving these waman what they dish out.
A blessing in disguise.
Without the British Coming I wonder what aus would look like now.
@@joywilliams8444 Why don't you tell us.
Yes that includes the Greeks Italians Chinese etc...
Everything about Thorpe screams "false accusation". I'd keep her on a VERY short lead for procedural infringements. They could remove her from the room for not taking the oath properly.
There's no oath in her world she must of played the game now she's on a role
The oath. Yeah, I said that on the day, she should have been showed the door, and to tell her to close the door behind her. I call that behaviour as an act of 'treason'! Our Parliament is a complete joke, not only to the people, but globally.
At least senator Hughes isn't scared of ''Lady'' Lidia like everyone else seems to be.
Listening to this felt like I was in a pub at 2am and some drunk person was mouthing off nonsense to any passerby 😵💫
She did that last week in melbourne...she is a racist idiot!!!
At least she's off her knees today and upright.
Her mouth is still filled with nastiness like she gets in the weekend on her knees!
I think she leaning towards the left a bit.
That Neanderthal gene always waiting in the wings to show its ugly face whenever Lidia opens her mouth and drivel flows out.
Off to the clubhouse tonight yet
Lidia should be in the show housos as herself.
The President of the Senate is clearly out of her depth and cannot moderate this session effectively.
Never argue with a crazy gin
LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL Thorpeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Gin needs Tonic
I can’t believe how disrespectful Lidia is in the senate like it’s insane
Senator Hughes just trampled all over Thorpe. Well done! 👍🏼
I was having a cone when I first heard Thorp say, racism in the champer and nearly coughed with laughter big time.
Thorpe RANTS are a good example of what we can expect from THE VOICE.
The yes vote will be a no vote because of Thorpe.
What a parliament we have to be proud of.
What a parliament you asking? Any company, private or public, which is as toxic as the Australian parliament, would run the risk of being deregistered.
Actually, it is not a parliament, it is the Canberra comedy show.
@@MrSpiker26 If it was a private company they would be thrown into jail !
Thorpe still big mad because got the smack down the other day 🤣🤣
She doesn’t like racist racism, wow… She’s a delight!
I enjoyed seeing gbge smacked down hod knows she deserves it
Get her a cape because so she can be SUPERMAD
Well she is a racist just listen to her. Racism in it's glory
No! I can’t believe that little wallflower Lidia Thorpe would have any fiery encounters with anyone
She’s usually so polite and respectful 😂😂😂
the best one when she felt threaened by Pauline Hansen's presence in the chamber.
@@ohasis8331 Pauline Hanson please explain 😂 hahaha Xenophobia!!!! I highly doubt she's scared of pauline
@@lotusblooms way to miss the point
Lidia Thorpe has never given a speech without carrying on like a pork chop!
FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS Aboriginal people have performed a type of 'Welcome to Country' ceremony only when one tribal group sought to enter the lands of another and this is the Only time.
40 years ago Erie Dingo started this Rubbish they do now.
They always play the Ace of spades 😊
Another unedifying day in the Australian Senate.
Something that used to be so productive years ago gone to waste.
Hard times create strength, weak times create primary school children for life.
Shouldn't they be talking about something to benefit Australia as a whole😅
Such a shame that these guys have power, all of them.
They don't own any land, no one owns the land... they were not the first people here and it can't be proved! Thorpe is a bikie moll...
Your right..
No one owns land..
This woman needs a straight jacket..
Your right the only land you own is the land you bought and pat taxes for. I done care what indiginous peoe think they own nothi g unless they worked and paid for it. All this is. Is to make it look good for the gov to get voted. It will be a definite no from me for the voice. It will not be an honest vote I doubt it will be counted anyway. Look at south Australia without a bot of any kind brought it in. How can that happen. Well I will tell you an extremely arrogant man to make himself look good.
They where the first here 😂
@@lotusblooms you are a git with an IQ of 70...
@@lotusblooms sounds like a childish thing to say this is mine because I was here first 😂 imagine that working on anything wouldn't
Thorpe is disrespectful and must be removed from the senate.
She was once again rewarded for her ferral behaviour.
Oh yes feral
As an Australian tax payer I think we need an apology for Australian's having to pay these morons.
this is what we pay politician to do, read speeches written by other people and then argue like children
When you have no class, talent, respect, understanding, reading skill, no clue, it spells Thorpe.
You Wonna me finish readen it 🥴 how proud her English father must be 🤮
Hughes' speech is cut off at 4:33 on UA-cam , why ?
And we are paying these clowns, honestly we’re in trouble. These guys live in dream world.
Lydia is the poster girl for the NO, NEVER AND NEVER WILL BE VOTE. Thanks, thunder thighs.
I love the chair was initially letting Thorpe go but not Huges. Grow some balls chair.
This woman is out of control..
"I will not stand for racist racism in my workplace"
Well done, we've elected a two-year old to the Australian Senate
Lidia Thorpe..50year old woman..acting a fool..this coming from a black woman!
And they want another Voice?
lidia, you're welcome for the technology, medicines and increased longevity my people AND your people (as you are 75%+ white ??) have generously shared with aborginals
Your tax dollars at work.
This is women in politics.
You got it women in politics.
Imagine what it is going to be like when the 'voice' is cranked up.
another "mother's club" meeting of the minds.
When I’m completely bored,I look up anything to do with Lidia Thorp for a good laugh,she is absolutely hysterical!
How the hell is Thorpe still being paid by the taxpayer?
It's always a farce with Thorpe. Great fun.
I can't believe she's a politician representing us , clearly there is no minimum standard to get in.
Lydia Thorpe demands the right to air her opinions, but also demands the right to silence anybody who may disagree with her bigoted views. just ask Kelly Jay Keene.!!!
The Voice is going to be awesome
it will be No.
We are paying these people large amounts of money while most Australians are struggling with the cost of living.
Albos voice in action no need to change the constitution.
She is shockingly insane.
Can Katie leave too
Thorpe constantly brings disrepute to the Senate but no one is game to take her on about it.🤕
Because they would be called a racist!
They want to have a voice. There are so many intelligent and respectable indigenous people to represent their community far better. This is almost like a bad joke to further shame indigenous people and misrepresent them as radicalised inverted racists. How does attacking anyone who challenges you and making defamatory false accusations of racism help resolve real problems in the indigenous community? Drug and alcohol abuse, untreated intergenerational trauma, domestic violence and communal crime and violence, unfair legal representation and over-representation in the prison system, school refusal and limited education and career opportunities, early mortality and major untreated health problems, loss of identity and cultural depreciation are really critical issues to address. The minute someone pulls the racist or sexist card, open dialogue ceases. Our government has created legislation that enables paranoid and prickly members of minority groups to feel entitled to bully, attack, falsely accuse, mob and terrorise anyone who often unwittingly made them or a member of their community "feel offended." This loud, aggressive and abrasive woman is out of line and a disgrace to her community.
The Beetaloo has no aboriginal people living there. 🤣🤣🤣
Lidia is trying to divide Australia
Australia already is and when the voice is in wow. The fireworks fro. People then. Pay to go to the beach pay to use a park simple do t go to anything they think they own give them nothing. Look at Ayres rock huge tourism attraction so they said we want that so itcwas given. For christ sake it a bloody rock. Keep your rock stick it where the sun dont shine.
Thorpe. "what want me to finish readin it" 😂😂😂😂.
Who needs these people, big money each one gets.
can you imagine if they get the voice. OMG FFS god help us all.
This Thorpe Grub has No place in the Australian Senate
"Racist racism" - said by 🐷🍷🍷🍷
Racist racism is a racism step too far.
And just who says there is near universal objection to fracking from traditional owners? Most wouldn't even know what it was, the risks, etc. All they would know is what some extremist like Lidia Thorpe tells them, or a small group controlled by climate extremists dominating the decision.
If fracking provides a secure income stream to a remote community for housing, health, education facilities (as well as some job opportunities) I find it hard to believe there would be near universal objection.
I would expect it to be the complete OPPOSITE.
I’m old enough to remember that certain tribes wanted to mine and sell Uranium. I’m sure that others would happily mine, gas, minerals etc.
@@bigm383 It's actually racist and condescending to even think aboriginal people would be perfectly happy to just wander around remote lands in abject poverty. The epitome of the 'noble savage'.
The overwhelming major are no different to anyone else, they want a car, the internet, a decent home, etc. And to obtain that were they live, they want to develop their land to generate a financial return. Not be told be some inner city upstart in Canberra how they must live.
What a flop!
Here we have an abuser of parliament chamber and a chair with no backbone! Lord save the people ❤🙏
The comedy hour. Love this reality TV.
Name calling is the greatest argument winner ever.
Good old Chlamydia, the quintissential one trick pony.
There needs to be someone in power that can fire mongrels that behave like this.
Is this an episode of housos?
I wa thinking that 😂😂😂
that speaker is absolutely useless... should be immediately dismissed
This is our best ? Back in sand pit kids play nice
Lydia Thorpe is such a bogan, she makes Jackie Lambie sound refined and eloquent.
When will they get rid of Thorpe?! .she is a circus act and not fit to hold the position.
Because I indigenous need a voice in parliament
@@lotusblooms sure, but is she the right one? Just yelling and attacking everyone ..what about Jacinta Price ? Articulate , smart and represents her people brilliantly ?
Sarah Hanson-Young or Lidia Thorpe......I can't decide which one makes my IQ plummet quicker when hearing their voices.😏
Why was Lidia Thorpe speaking to a near empty Senate? And why did the President of the Senate not hear what may of been said?
people are getting demonitised an the ads are increasing so everything is failing
Why is Lidiot not crawling around on all fours draped in the aboriginal flag??? 🤷🏻♂️
Poor Lidia targeted with racism in her workplace i can't believe it can you 🤣🤣🤣
Not just racism, but racist racism! That's the worst kind! What a joke.
What I can't believe it can you ??
@@lotusblooms 😂
@@bilko991 😂
What was said that is allegedly racist ???
Maybe a rhetorical question but why does Thorpe look and sound about three pints pissed?
low class bogan background..
Drug and alcohol tests should be law for politicians
This thing is not a Senator's bootlace.
LOL 😅🤣😂
I don't need to be welcomed to my own country.
I don't have a lot of time for the Greens, some of their policies are insane, but at least they show up most of the time. One Labor MP has only attended 26% of the time when there was voting on legislation.
next election she's out if not thrown out of parliament