Horrible Streamer Deepfake Situation

  • Опубліковано 31 січ 2023
  • This is the greatest awful faking of All Time
    Merch moistglobal.com/
    I stream every day / moistcr1tikal
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 16 тис.

  • @GlitterC8k
    @GlitterC8k Рік тому +7072

    I was very innocent in high school. I never taken a nude or even made out with anyone. Never sexted. Yet, there were multiple people that were convinced I sent someone a nude. Turns out, it was some other girl that looked similar to me. The guy lied about who sent it. I have no idea why. It is an awful feeling to be judged for sending out sexual content when you never have. It is such a violation. I couldn't imagine being in the situation as the streamers. What they are going through is in a much larger scale. Truly horrific.

    • @Meansoduck
      @Meansoduck Рік тому +348

      that is so horrible oh my god. i am so sorry you had to deal with that

    • @whitemamba0089
      @whitemamba0089 Рік тому +23

      Nah lol them girl streamers are fine they'll just break ties with dude an go on about there life in my opinion

    • @9t4nek
      @9t4nek Рік тому +743

      @@whitemamba0089 "in my opinion" girl ur opinion doesnt impact anything no offence

    • @jakoriestephens
      @jakoriestephens Рік тому +32

      @@9t4nek Did you just call him a girl? Shame on you

    • @Bolsty7
      @Bolsty7 Рік тому +16

      Sure Courtney. Your parents might believe you but I don't.

  • @kidnamedfinger3958
    @kidnamedfinger3958 Рік тому +17387

    Deep fakes in general are a very scary concept because they have gotten so realistic. Even getting away from the sexual stuff, deep fakes can still ruin someone’s mental and reputation with how real they have gotten. What is extra scary is how good some private tts companies have gotten at copying peoples voices

    • @Saul_Ferguson
      @Saul_Ferguson Рік тому +54

      Especially if it's That vegan teacher's latest shorts.

    • @hte_bettercaiisaull
      @hte_bettercaiisaull Рік тому


    • @a_lost_one
      @a_lost_one Рік тому +820

      And as another bad side effect, it gives possible deniability to REAL evidence of people doing bad things. It's all-around awful.

    • @SoniWyd
      @SoniWyd Рік тому +11

      at least watch the video first

    • @postbloom9767
      @postbloom9767 Рік тому +1

      Watch the video first weirdo

  • @oneofthoseyoutubeusers
    @oneofthoseyoutubeusers Рік тому +4343

    this shouldn't be a 'ugh this is so weird' situation
    publishing or selling ai deepfake porn should be illegal, a legitimate punishable offense

      @DARTHJETER Рік тому +142

      How about making all porn illegal

    • @Raptorworld22
      @Raptorworld22 Рік тому +83

      It shouldn't be illegal to publish it as long as it is very clearly marked as deepfaked and not real. If everyone knows its just an edited image then it's no different than creepy fanart, it's when everyone's convinced it's real that it's a problem.

    • @cargyllion
      @cargyllion Рік тому

      @@Raptorworld22 No, it's currently classified as revenge porn in the areas it's currently banned, and I think this is a fair classification. There's a few reasons this is the case:
      1.) Well-made deepfakes are indistinguishable from real photographs, and this is being further solidified by Dreambooth technology. It's worth noting that CP "art" gets charged as actual possession if it's modeled after real children or is too realistic.
      2.) "If everyone knows it's just an edited image" requires every single point on the distribution pipeline to clearly mark the image/video as deepfake. This origin can wind up obscured or lost, either accidentally or intentionally, resulting in people believing it's real.
      3.) The intent of deepfake porn is to obtain sexual content of someone who hasn't produced that content. You are bypassing their willingness to take naked photos or record videos of them having sex
      4.) This is a thing men don't really understand, but most women are straight up HORRIFIED by the prospect of being seen nude by people they aren't intimate with. I for one had an incident where an ex landlord put a camera in my bathroom, and 6 years later I still have severe anxiety and trust issues from it.
      5.) A common victim-blaming tactic men have towards women who have their nudes leaked is "You shouldn't have taken them." With deepfake porn, a person's choice to have nude photos exist of them is completely removed.
      6.) Women have to deal with constant sexism and sexual harassment in their lives. Our ability to choose who can see us at our most intimate is one of the ONLY things we can control in that regard, and it's being taken from us.

    • @Raptorworld22
      @Raptorworld22 Рік тому +17

      @@cargyllion 1) Didn't know that, but if this stuff really is so accurate to real life now, then I am changing my stance and agree it should be illegal.
      2) I never said my idea was practical, but in a perfect world that is what would be done.
      3) This point doesn't make sense to me, as it's no different than creepy fan art in that case. Do you also think we should make drawing people without consent in explicit context illegal? Actually curious what your stance is there.
      4) I don't know what men you're talking to, but every man I know would be equally horrified in this context, where everyone knows/thinks it's their body and it's without their consent.
      5) Isn't applicable since my original point was if *everyone knows it's fake*
      6) Having been a woman for more than half of my life, I know you are talking complete BS in that first half, unless you live in Saudi Arabia.
      Overall, I am changing my mind and agree that this very convincing deepfake stuff should be illegal. Different opinion on fanart and terrible photoshop jobs.

    • @cargyllion
      @cargyllion Рік тому +35

      @@Raptorworld22 The current situation with Dreambooth deepfaking is that anyone with an Nvidia gpu made in the past 6 years and 20 or so images of a target individual can generate a model capable of replicating that person's appearance. It can generate you nude, in an SS uniform, wearing a Jace Beleren cosplay, whatever you want as long as you fed it reference images. And it's scary accurate.
      Literally the only saving grace right now is the current training models can't parse complicated tattoos and facial piercings. However, there's a large community of people working to fix these issues for the expressed purpose of generating AI porn.

  • @josephschultz3301
    @josephschultz3301 Рік тому +2285

    Aside from the tremendously creepy aspect, it's good that you brought up how deepfake porn could potentially be damaging to the careers of the people being deepfaked. Think about it; the wrong people see something like that, like advertisers or investors, they might get fooled by it and decide to cut business ties with the people getting deepfaked. In short, just imagine your favorite content creators getting blacklisted due to sexual content that they never even produced; that's horrible.

    • @impishlyit9780
      @impishlyit9780 Рік тому +64

      This is a good concern, but I'm actually annoyed that companies even care so much about people having sexual content. As long as it's somewhere children won't accidentally stumble across it, there really shouldn't be a problem.

    • @wolfetteplays8894
      @wolfetteplays8894 Рік тому +9

      We just need to make discrimination on a professional level completely illegal

    • @josephschultz3301
      @josephschultz3301 Рік тому +38

      @@impishlyit9780 100% agree with ya. Just because someone's made or performed in pornographic content/media doesn't mean they should be blacklisted.
      It's a paycheck. Nothing more, nothing less.
      So long as all the people viewing the adult content are of-age themselves, everything's fine.
      Man, I got sidetracked on this one xD, but it's an important topic too.

    • @trentmartin7441
      @trentmartin7441 Рік тому +9

      Even if they aren't tricked by it personally a brand could probably be convinced to drop someone just because it exists at all especially if it gets popular enough. Real or not a brand that's promoting say kids content or trying to have a "family friendly" image may not want to be associated with that. I don't understand how it's legal anywhere given these companies should have no right to monetize your likeness anyway. Really gross situation and technology keeps advancing faster than we can plan for the ramifications of it.

    • @EveTheRaviolo
      @EveTheRaviolo Рік тому +48

      @@josephschultz3301 agreed. Here where i live, a female teacher broke up with her husband and he, as revenge, shared online some porn videos they made together (that were private, they never posted them anywhere before, it was private videos for themselves and pics he took of her naked). Turns out she got fired from working as a teacher and blacklisted from every teaching career in our country, while he only got like 5 months of picking up trash as community service for doing something illegal. AFter those 5 months he can get back with his life (of course HE isnt getting fired nor blacklisted from any working job even if he was in those videos too, only women gotta be slandered for sexual things) meanwhile her life is ruined. Some idiots still insist on defending him and blaming her. Our country had a lot of protests about this.

  • @saffronjones3354
    @saffronjones3354 Рік тому +2055

    someone made a deepfake of my cousin committing sexual acts on a minor and it almost completely ruined his life, it was sent from his facebook to all of his friends it was awful

    • @nahfam8794
      @nahfam8794 Рік тому +382

      That is super fucked up, I hope that he's since doing better.

    • @mariechosgaire6984
      @mariechosgaire6984 Рік тому +166

      That's crazy and messed up.

    • @Symora
      @Symora Рік тому +99


    • @aClownBaby-
      @aClownBaby- Рік тому +248

      That’s so fucked. I’m curious how defenders of this AI pron would rationalise this.

    • @puketinmoarliek994
      @puketinmoarliek994 Рік тому +15

      Who did that

  • @moltendog9515
    @moltendog9515 Рік тому +7136

    When moist barely uses any metaphors to explain the situation, you know he's completely serious.

    • @anna.user7532
      @anna.user7532 Рік тому


    • @oisinforde6363
      @oisinforde6363 Рік тому +437

      @Auracle this is not just Photoshop for videos dude

    • @oisinforde6363
      @oisinforde6363 Рік тому

      @Auracle would you like to be put in a porn vid without your consent?

    • @Anyo92
      @Anyo92 Рік тому +281

      You’re acting like photoshop can’t be used to destroy people’s lives either.

    • @Builder-
      @Builder- Рік тому +16

      @Satchelhandle fr

  • @chloeselvey
    @chloeselvey Рік тому +952

    the biggest shock for me with this whole situation is that this wasn’t already illegal. there’s already laws and defamation lawsuits surrounding using someone’s likeness in anything without their consent, but for this kind of material is sickening.

    • @acd7346
      @acd7346 Рік тому

      Exactly! And then you have guys like d*stiny frying their brains out to try to understand why deepfakes are bad 🤦🏼‍♀️ when is just another form of defamation!

    • @lacuna3693
      @lacuna3693 Рік тому +13

      It is sickening but does that also mean it's illegal to edit someone's face into a meme without their consent?

    • @acd7346
      @acd7346 Рік тому +55

      @@lacuna3693 it should be, lol. There have been cases in which celebrities sue companies because they use their image without their consent and/or against their will 🤷🏼‍♀️ but idk, the internet has normalized trasspassing personal boundaries to an extent where people are just mere objects...

    • @VVheeli
      @VVheeli Рік тому +13

      @@lacuna3693 current law, sort of? Best example is with the old man “hide the pain Harold” or whatever that meme’s name is. His image, especially for those photos, are under copyright like any other stock image. So we do know that memes can be under copyright and can’t be used for profit or undermine other’s work. There’s also celebrities suing games, animated shows, etc. for using their likeness without their knowledge.
      However those are higher profiles figures, and common streamers would have a harder time fighting that in court. There’s also AI involved in deepfakes, which we still have no laws governing, and other issues of giving streamers protection from these websites.
      Honestly, one of the better things to combat it might be a libel/defamation lawsuit, since this basically is faking a porn tape for someone. And that’s outright stated under defamation as an injury of character and easily would at least have a trial for it.

    • @ladeansimpkins3448
      @ladeansimpkins3448 Рік тому +4

      It’s because the laws have to consistently adapt to technology so they will always be behind. We unfortunately won’t be able to experience a society we’re the laws will be ahead.

  • @mlightning0
    @mlightning0 Рік тому +608

    Even if he found the website randomly which is very unlikely, the fact that he didn't notify his fellow coworkers and kept it to himself is pretty stupid of an excuse.

    • @bonoboboy821
      @bonoboboy821 Рік тому +72

      Let’s be real, It 100% wasn’t an ad at all.

    • @mlightning0
      @mlightning0 Рік тому +25

      @@bonoboboy821 ofc, I mean that's way too obvious anyway

    • @mezdemundi7115
      @mezdemundi7115 Рік тому +9

      @knockout Well in order for him to know it was a deepfake site, it would have to be advertised as such, and presumably it would also advertise being able to fake his coworkers. Also I'm pretty sure the hub doesn't allow deepfake content so it makes no sense they would allow those kinds of ads.

    • @moviemaker2011z
      @moviemaker2011z Рік тому

      @@mezdemundi7115 why wouldnt pornhub allow it? they have ads for brazzers which is a competitor.

    • @cring204
      @cring204 Рік тому +5

      To his credit, that’s a pretty awkward convo to have. “Yo bro, just letting u know I found this online service where it deepfaked you onto porn.” “How did you find it” “yeah, I was down bad and clicked on some ads, paid for some website, and beat my meat to it. Sorry for not telling you sooner.” “Bro wtf” that’s only one possibility of course, but ya see where I’m going with this? After the action is done, kinda hard to bring it up casually.

  • @bunnylilly
    @bunnylilly Рік тому +38544

    Charlie is slowly transitioning into a being of pure black shirt energy

    • @burglar4667
      @burglar4667 Рік тому +2

      @Red Star 🅥 🤓

    • @brobequiet
      @brobequiet Рік тому +964

      it’s like watching rick grimes go from officer friendly to season 5 rick

    • @fravel8702
      @fravel8702 Рік тому +510

      It's his villan arc

    • @leosandoval3200
      @leosandoval3200 Рік тому +68

      Cap also fake check mark

    • @Bighomiehobbs
      @Bighomiehobbs Рік тому +59

      Almost as good as black air force energy

  • @SubcribeMinecraftNOW
    @SubcribeMinecraftNOW Рік тому +7066

    It's actually scary how many people don't understand the simple concept of consent

    • @leyrounni1304
      @leyrounni1304 Рік тому +587

      It's not just not understanding consent- it's wanting to actively go against it. You'll have commenters screaming abuse at a woman that promotes her OF, but have a site like this that promises a leaked video, or accidental nip slip etc, and people will flock to it for the express purpose of seeing her in a situation she didn't want to be in.

    • @nicholasgarcia399
      @nicholasgarcia399 Рік тому +44

      You prob don't know the difference between public and private property. Who are you that we other humans require your blessing for us to do as we freely please with our property?

    • @mooncherrie
      @mooncherrie Рік тому +408

      @@nicholasgarcia399 explain yourself and this property you are talking about?

    • @1ia802
      @1ia802 Рік тому +266

      @@nicholasgarcia399 what in the world

    • @tinytinman
      @tinytinman Рік тому

      @@nicholasgarcia399 women aren't property but nice try, incel

  • @pyruvic
    @pyruvic Рік тому +612

    it’s sad that it has to be pointed out that this type of technology can be also used to frame people for sexual assault or other heinous crimes for people to actually see an issue with AI being used in such a way.

    • @jess648
      @jess648 Рік тому +45

      I can see governments and corrupt law enforcement abusing this

    • @alyssareed3666
      @alyssareed3666 Рік тому +4

      @@jess648 very true! and that’s terrifying to think about

    • @jess648
      @jess648 Рік тому +2

      @@alyssareed3666 yeah…

    • @notnotalwen4891
      @notnotalwen4891 Рік тому +9

      Fun fact this won't happen since the ai that creates the deep fake is also able to detect deep fake as it trains two ai one for creating fake ai and one for detecting fake ai to improve it. So no it's not going to be possible that it would be used for blackmail

    • @stainedboxerz
      @stainedboxerz Рік тому

      i think the crazy shit no one else or charlie touched on, is the idea that they can use deepfakes of minors and young celebrities or actors. theres probably already some floating around on telegram i bet. dont doubt it one bit. smh

  • @The1920sChannel
    @The1920sChannel Рік тому +210

    The ethics of AI technology and deep faking are very concerning, and not just this particular situation. Not being able to distinguish reality versus fake reality is a slippery and dangerous slope.

    • @MrWhitmen1981
      @MrWhitmen1981 Рік тому

      Everything on the internet is fake.

    • @ChaossX7
      @ChaossX7 7 місяців тому

      Oh stop living in the past. /s

  • @mouldypretzel
    @mouldypretzel Рік тому +3354

    What scares me the most is the potential for cyber bullying and the fact that I can predict with great certainty, that this will be used by school students to bully other kids

    • @screamingperson999
      @screamingperson999 Рік тому +168

      I give it 3 years

    • @rocketfc
      @rocketfc Рік тому +18


    • @iminumst7827
      @iminumst7827 Рік тому +229

      Only for this generation, the next generation of kids will grow up not trusting video / audio. Out of all the dangers AI will bring, this is one of the things you should be least worried about.

    • @Elizahteb
      @Elizahteb Рік тому +254

      It could also be used to blackmail or discredit people, disrupt criminal investigations, create fake alibis...

    • @ThePro499
      @ThePro499 Рік тому +15

      Elon was right about AI taking over monkaS

  • @AU_TRL
    @AU_TRL Рік тому +6862

    I can only hope deepfake detection evolves as rapidly as deepfakes are

    • @mikonson4091
      @mikonson4091 Рік тому +502

      Proper anti-cheat in games is easily bypassable, taking that as an example, deepfake detection has no chance.

    • @furryprideworldwide816
      @furryprideworldwide816 Рік тому +8

      Schaffrillas when he watches The Owl House instead of paying attention to the road. 🚗💥

    • @WoahhKennyRL
      @WoahhKennyRL Рік тому +205

      The technology used to make deepfakes is what’s used to detect it as well so the advancement of it should stay 1:1

    • @halfmoon2069
      @halfmoon2069 Рік тому

      This been around for decades bruh.. back in the 00's it was photoshopped celebs. They've always found ways around it & unless actual federal laws are made, this ridiculous stuff won't stop

    • @NinoCristianini
      @NinoCristianini Рік тому +7

      @Mikonson your shoe size is 6, taking that example, you have very small package

  • @HDitzzDH
    @HDitzzDH Рік тому +237

    I mean… the idea of even having those kinda of tabs open while streaming is mind blowing, it’s like going to a public bathroom without locking the door.

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому +9

      Ikr!! Dude has a serious problem lmao.

    • @tokenpoptart3750
      @tokenpoptart3750 Рік тому

      It's like going into a public bathroom stall to pull down your pants , insert a banana, then bend over and leave the door open expecting no one is gonna see that goofy shit.

    • @Dalek59862
      @Dalek59862 Рік тому +2

      Those doors usually don't have working locks

    • @Fox_Olive
      @Fox_Olive Рік тому +11

      When I do stream (rarely), I make sure every bit of software that isnt related to streaming is closed, not minimized. I'm not ashamed or into anything illegal, just like, even accidentally flashing OBS bothers me. then after stream I do a full restart to make sure obs itself is off. Too safe? maybe, but better than this guy

    • @eeriemyxi
      @eeriemyxi Рік тому +1

      @@Fox_Olive is it that hard to create another user account in your operating system? damn.

  • @sdowd121
    @sdowd121 Рік тому +349

    If you're still trying to defend it, just imagine if it was someone you loved.

    • @justasmltwngir1732
      @justasmltwngir1732 Рік тому +150

      @Edward don’t try to say “EVERYONE”. Don’t lump other people in with your gross behavior.

    • @helloworld6160
      @helloworld6160 Рік тому

      @@justasmltwngir1732 get the fuck outa here. You're gonna tell me you never flicked the bean to anyone besides the pornstar you're watching? Oh what you don't watch porn? Naw let's not even stop there you don't even tug em out right? Do you hear yourself. Everyone that masterbates has their "inspiration" cause you sure as hell ain't jerking it to literally nothing, regardless of whether or not you watch porn.
      And my reply to op, I would know it's not someone I loved, so no it wouldn't bother me one bit. That said in my opinion deepfakes should be labeled as a deepfake and not tried to be passed off as real.

    • @sdowd121
      @sdowd121 Рік тому

      @Edward Deepfake porn has gotten so advanced that it's quite hard to distinguish real from fake. Without proper evidence to disprove the deepfake, it can easily be used to slander. Although I do agree that deep fake porn of celebrities and social media personalities will always exist, that's just the price of fame. But what is disgusting is that it was of his friends and even his friends girlfriend.

    • @boom-jr8vi
      @boom-jr8vi Рік тому

      I won’t lie there are more horny motherfuckers than acceptable here. People really will sexualise anything, even the most wholesome humans imaginable.

    • @JamesSmith-mu7ie
      @JamesSmith-mu7ie Рік тому +102

      @Edward everybody has fantasized if even a little about somebody attractive in their life but not everyone seeks deepfake porn of them. That shit is definitely weird man

  • @Ryan-sc2vd
    @Ryan-sc2vd Рік тому +1178

    Remember back in high school when rumors would spread about people? This is the ungodly, coked-out, and roided-up evolution of that concept. This is fucking terrifying beyond comprehension.

    • @crowdemon_archives
      @crowdemon_archives Рік тому +108

      And considering how even adults still act like high school kids despite being in professional positions...

    • @luckyoshi
      @luckyoshi Рік тому +5

      I am in high school rn I am a freshman and I never hear rumors about people in my school

    • @armandomedina2778
      @armandomedina2778 Рік тому

      @@luckyoshi you're just lucky. If you genuinely believe high school isn't drama ridden you're naive as fuck

    • @stmsin
      @stmsin Рік тому +80

      @@luckyoshi your personal anecdotes do not invalidate everyone elses experience pal

    • @akira8393
      @akira8393 Рік тому

      i like to see more of it...

  • @nathanmortensen6626
    @nathanmortensen6626 Рік тому +12050

    We did it, guys. We have lived to see man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.

    • @trivialrant9808
      @trivialrant9808 Рік тому +341

      I comprehend them.

    • @matasuki
      @matasuki Рік тому +304

      Black Mirror is mandatory as far as I'm concerned. Sleep walking into an AI dystopia

    • @Hoodiewitdaboogie
      @Hoodiewitdaboogie Рік тому +229

      I think there's been a few things in history that were a little more horrible

    • @gscott7968
      @gscott7968 Рік тому +34

      I shall study these horrors so I may one day comprehend them

    • @XxNightmare128xX
      @XxNightmare128xX Рік тому +88

      It's just photoshop but automatic. Ya'll freak out way too easy.

  • @rolandwright5289
    @rolandwright5289 Рік тому +201

    thanks for speaking up about this. the fact that people disregard this is insane.

    • @candy-ninja
      @candy-ninja Рік тому +23

      They won't be disregarding it when it happens to them

    • @notstraw
      @notstraw Рік тому +1

      @@candy-ninja who in the world would wanna see corn of an ugly loser who gets off on ignoring women's consent though? :/

    • @notstraw
      @notstraw Рік тому +5

      @Edward booooooo 👎

    • @Sneedmire
      @Sneedmire Рік тому

      Because it's hard to care about people who speak of morality when their community is rather depraved.

    • @notstraw
      @notstraw Рік тому +5

      @Edward bro got pissy cuz i boo’d him 💀

  • @llukeglanton
    @llukeglanton Рік тому +259

    It's scary because anyone could suffer from this, imagine you have a crazy ex who wants to ruin your life and deepfakes you in that type of scenario and sends It to everyone who knows you

    • @eugenelevin9809
      @eugenelevin9809 Рік тому +8

      Seems like the issue is the crazy ex not the deepfakes

    • @llamarelish4701
      @llamarelish4701 Рік тому +151

      @@eugenelevin9809 only a man could type this holy shit

    • @llukeglanton
      @llukeglanton Рік тому +20

      @@llamarelish4701 cool it with the misandry, being a man or not has nothing to do with it, im a man and i dont agree with him lets not generalize a gender

    • @alyssareed3666
      @alyssareed3666 Рік тому +62

      @@llukeglanton no it’s true, literally ONLY a man could say something as stupid as that. im sorry you cant realize that.

    • @llukeglanton
      @llukeglanton Рік тому +20

      @@alyssareed3666 the misandry is insane ngl

  • @helloimspida9523
    @helloimspida9523 Рік тому +3001

    Charlie with a black shirt really has the energy of a dad explaining why something is wrong.

    • @looneycrow7978
      @looneycrow7978 Рік тому +19

      Its not good sign.. idk what happened.. maybe sold his soul? Replaced by clone?

    • @furryprideworldwide816
      @furryprideworldwide816 Рік тому +5

      Schaffrillas when he watches The Owl House instead of paying attention to the road. 🚗💥

    • @drchanciepoo
      @drchanciepoo Рік тому +8

      It’s basically like Spider-Man with the symbiote, too powerful of a force to be reckon with.

    • @drchanciepoo
      @drchanciepoo Рік тому +23

      @@furryprideworldwide816 L

    • @caydenl.4878
      @caydenl.4878 Рік тому

      @@furryprideworldwide816 Loser!

  • @jj5x5_
    @jj5x5_ Рік тому +4018

    The depressing truth to all of this AI deepfaking is that there’s creeps on the internet that can easily make porn of popular minor celebrities and that alone sends chills down my spine

    • @Lunar_Capital
      @Lunar_Capital Рік тому +337

      You and I both know that this is very much a real thing already. What’s worse is that I doubt that there will ever be an end to it

    • @jj5x5_
      @jj5x5_ Рік тому +162

      @@Lunar_Capital it’s an unfortunate realty we live in, that’s what makes this scarier

    • @ghostietoast3692
      @ghostietoast3692 Рік тому +103

      Apparently there’s already been AI CP being made and it’s absolutely disgusting

    • @Lunar_Capital
      @Lunar_Capital Рік тому +40

      Just hoping lawmakers see this more as a real problem.

    • @michaelsatterfield7944
      @michaelsatterfield7944 Рік тому +41

      If this really scares you that much, I hope you never discover just how messed up the world really is.

  • @slugsworthYankovich
    @slugsworthYankovich Рік тому +13

    this should be illegal, it's terrifying.

  • @randompenguwithayoutubeacc3047
    @randompenguwithayoutubeacc3047 Рік тому +65

    You've gained quite a bit of respect from me, for calling out someone even though you consider them a friend. Takes guts

  • @theotherjared9824
    @theotherjared9824 Рік тому +1719

    The worst part is that the people being deep faked were personal friends. That is a level of down bad I never wish to witness, let alone experience.

    • @seekittycat
      @seekittycat Рік тому +428

      She baked his wedding cake 😭

    • @dinod3ad
      @dinod3ad Рік тому +180

      absolutely down horrendous and creepy bro

    • @furryprideworldwide816
      @furryprideworldwide816 Рік тому +3

      Schaffrillas when he watches The Owl House instead of paying attention to the road. 🚗💥

    • @colbyjackcheeser
      @colbyjackcheeser Рік тому +160

      And he’s married

    • @newp0rt
      @newp0rt Рік тому +47

      yall never had a hot friend that u wanted to sleep with but couldnt? idk why everyone is freaking out over this. everyone has their own private fantasies or curiosities. ive looked at some really really crazy stuff online just because. its not like atrioc was personally creeping over them, it was a solo curiosity that he accidentally showed.

  • @charlesboudreau5350
    @charlesboudreau5350 Рік тому +1965

    I remember less than 10 years ago, local stories about how a teacher lost her entire teaching career because when she was younger (and she was still young when they came out), she did adult content that some of her students eventually somehow stumbled upon online.
    That was from someone doing adult content for real.
    Now imagine if highschool or college students have the power to just deepfake a few convincing pictures of their teachers in adult content.
    They could ruin their career and reputation because even if it's proven fake, school establishment don't like to be anywhere near that kind of stuff and the content will probably remain available somewhere.

    • @c-bass2777
      @c-bass2777 Рік тому +127

      Yeah it really feels like opening Pandora’s box, there’s no telling how far it’ll go

    • @experimentalghoul3540
      @experimentalghoul3540 Рік тому +22

      Why does deep fake even exist to begin with?

    • @johnpeterson2987
      @johnpeterson2987 Рік тому +12

      @@experimentalghoul3540 So you can elect puppets into office.

    • @ungabungacaveman9021
      @ungabungacaveman9021 Рік тому +46

      @@experimentalghoul3540 I’m not sure what you mean. Like anything else it exists because there’s a market for it people will pay for a service that lets them see their favorite celeb in adult scenes.

    • @ludrixte1938
      @ludrixte1938 Рік тому +4

      Regulations are being put in place in 2023.

  • @HellaDelta42069
    @HellaDelta42069 Рік тому +69

    This comment section is making me both enraged and dissapointed by the second. There’s plenty of sane people here, sure, but why can’t everyone understand that other people don’t want to be depicted in sexual situations? These kinds of disgusting slime are better off dead, along with pedophiles and other kinds of non-human filth that think consent is just a suggestion.

    • @suso.27
      @suso.27 Рік тому +13

      absolutely right

    • @jerome1lm
      @jerome1lm 11 місяців тому +1

      Are you gonna police peoples fantasies?

    • @cyanscrewdriver2092
      @cyanscrewdriver2092 9 місяців тому +8

      @@jerome1lmyes. Especially when it’s affecting other’s lives…

    • @cornesalvo9366
      @cornesalvo9366 8 місяців тому

      @@jerome1lm It's no longer a "fantasy" if you choose to make that fantasy into a material entity (deepfaked video) which can be seen by anyone, not just the fantasizer. Seek help.

    • @MarcelDerLPer
      @MarcelDerLPer 21 день тому

      @@cyanscrewdriver2092 amen

  • @lennyface5314
    @lennyface5314 Рік тому +31

    When I was younger, I wanted to become a programmer and create stuff that's exactly like deepfake. Now that people have done it before I even had a chance, and I've seen what people have and maybe will use it for, I wish that it never had existed. Man, I sure love technology.

  • @SweetAnita
    @SweetAnita Рік тому +16507

    I discovered I was deepfaked from this whole situation, and honestly even though I'm hurt I also feel for the sex workers who had their work stolen too. Both me and those SW who they put my face onto were sexually exploited and sold without our consent by someone we don't even know. Thanks for covering the situation, hopefully more people with be careful to make sure all of the sexual material they use was consensual.

    • @burlyhalfling
      @burlyhalfling Рік тому +743

      So sorry that had to happen to you

    • @chucklebucket9807
      @chucklebucket9807 Рік тому +544

      dang, honestly deep faking is getting way to real, its going too far

    • @spinxo80
      @spinxo80 Рік тому +203

      Unga bunga unga bunga unga bunga

    • @kal7222
      @kal7222 Рік тому +757

      @@yabo5131 excuse me? so you’re saying that women should be made into deep fake porn without their consent and they’re not allowed to complain about it because they are “actual” sa vicitms? yeah dude both these people can exist. if your idea of “consent” only relates to physical sexual assault that’s your problem

    • @tazziplissken
      @tazziplissken Рік тому +554

      @@yabo5131 she never said anything about SA. Someone selling your image, without your consent, for sexual purposes is sexual exploitation not SA

  • @jeanthemachine007
    @jeanthemachine007 Рік тому +2350

    The sheer embarrassment of this situation feels so tangible, I don't know how one could live with that

    • @radicallybean
      @radicallybean Рік тому +107

      bots. on a serious topic video.

    • @DxrkArtz
      @DxrkArtz Рік тому +1

      MrBeast IS THE ĀŅŤŀ christ

    • @WitheredDayZz
      @WitheredDayZz Рік тому

      He's definitely gonna be known as the Deepfake guy for the rest of his days

    • @Numbabu
      @Numbabu Рік тому +66

      @@radicallybeanbots on every video

    • @DxrkArtz
      @DxrkArtz Рік тому

      I’m better than Penguinz0 my content is better😎😎

  • @miningking5958
    @miningking5958 9 місяців тому +8

    Not everything that is legal is morally correct

  • @basedrocky_2317
    @basedrocky_2317 Рік тому +85

    Really appreciate your language use here because it feels intentional and important; referring to the women he looked at as "colleagues" and "coworkers".
    I think something that seems a bit lost in this discussion due to it being on Twitch is that this is a man who fully looked at porn of the people he works with. In any other "real world" scenario, if your coworker got caught with porn of you and your colleagues (regardless of the gender) on his work computer there would be an immediate understanding about how absolutely disgusting and straight up creepy that is, and how rightfully so in that situation, that colleague would most likely lose their job because of sexual harassment.
    I hope the women who are victims of this really have more support not just from their user base, but from Twitch directly, because this is just unacceptable behavior that's eerily being described as "normative".

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому +1

      TL;DR, close your porn tabs at work.

    • @lioreubm677
      @lioreubm677 Рік тому +8

      Starting to understand why my dad would tell me it really is all men

    • @eligedzelman5127
      @eligedzelman5127 Рік тому +1

      @@lioreubm677 Yes and no. (Basically) all men have a sex drive wired like this, not all men act on it. Many men are good people and dont indulge in their darker side like this

    • @kj.4977
      @kj.4977 Рік тому

      @@eligedzelman5127 “darker side”? The way you’re describing men makes it sound like all men have dark, horrible, twisted urges, but the ones who don’t act on those are good. That’s not how people work, and it’s not okay to generalize men in that way. Some people do have bad thoughts and bad urges, while some don’t. And yes, it is scientifically proven that males have more libido than females, but that doesn’t make them inherently creepy. It’s okay to have sexual urges; most people do.

    • @skulls1269
      @skulls1269 9 місяців тому

      @@Cruz474Or even better, be a decent human being and don’t make porn of people without their consent.

  • @youtubeyoutubeyoutube9961
    @youtubeyoutubeyoutube9961 Рік тому +728

    The guy just got married in August, he had to admit he paid for those deep fakes. I'd die of embarrassment.

    • @rahtjesu
      @rahtjesu Рік тому +14

      daaaaaaammnnn omg

    • @djbobby224
      @djbobby224 Рік тому

      Plenty of dudes buy porn now a days and hide it from their wives

    • @yxnnah
      @yxnnah Рік тому +189

      and his bestfriend's girlfriend who made his wedding cake for free is also on the deepfake website. disgusting behavior.

    • @ssskr01
      @ssskr01 Рік тому +148

      anyone who pays for porn is too far gone tbh

    • @rytzukiyu5440
      @rytzukiyu5440 Рік тому +45

      @@yxnnah yikes, i knew it was bad but didn't know it was THIS bad. What was bro thinking when he made that decision

  • @SaCalox
    @SaCalox Рік тому +2417

    Was just talking about this with my boyfriend. I can’t imagine finding P of myself online without consent, or how it would make me feel. Everyone calling these women sensitive for being in this situation is heartless.

    • @dot.4069
      @dot.4069 Рік тому +8

      я обязательно сделаю П с тобой, когда эти ИИшки станут общедоступными ❤

    • @grassmonkeyO5
      @grassmonkeyO5 Рік тому

      You’re def not interesting enough to be on the internet deepfake

    • @swirlffle8323
      @swirlffle8323 Рік тому +168

      They say that they wouldn’t mind having the same thing happen to them but guaranteed they would be upset if they saw just how realistic and convincing it would be

    • @jimmythe-gent
      @jimmythe-gent Рік тому

      What is the "bye bye man" ?

    • @jazmyndebono4927
      @jazmyndebono4927 Рік тому

      @@swirlffle8323 It’s because they think if someone deepfaked them, they’d get exactly the bod and sex they wanted. These incels don’t seem to understand that anyone could make them into their worst nightmare and they’d have no way to prove it’s fake. It’ll only be an issue once it happens to them.

  • @sydney7701
    @sydney7701 Рік тому +20

    I was once recorded without my consent in a sexual manner and was blackmailed. Even though it was my body I completely empathize with all of these streamers. Because I was never physically hurt, but just the act of seeing me (and in their case, their likeness) being shown without my consent was the most damaging shit ever.

    • @preyr631
      @preyr631 Рік тому

      But you actually did the act, which means you still did something, it’s a very different situation from someone who had nothing to do with it. Just walking down the street and suddenly there’s porn of you. Versus you actually slept around and someone released real porn of you.

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому +6

      Ya thats messed up, hopefully you got away from that person.

  • @Imaproshaman7
    @Imaproshaman7 Рік тому +10

    This is very well said. Thank you for covering this so well. People need to understand this but I know that some people won't understand it and it sucks.
    I think people really don't see streamers as people and it's scary. Someone could make something fake about you that's hard to disprove, and it could ruin your whole life. I feel like there's going to be court cases about this in the future.
    People shame people for having OnlyFans but then seek out this? I think they don't want to admit that they want things like this. And much less admit that they have a problem. Time will tell.

  • @deadlyalchemist397
    @deadlyalchemist397 Рік тому +1315

    It’s honestly surreal that deepfaking has reached such a point to where it’s starting to become an actual concern.

    • @DonnieDarkoRemains
      @DonnieDarkoRemains Рік тому

      This is technology that humanity simply isn't mature enough for. Imagine videos of crimes and the like being doctored with deepfakes in order to falsely imprison people. That's one of the first things that came to my mind when I was first introduced to it.

    • @Carringtonishere
      @Carringtonishere Рік тому +55

      It just makes me sick how so many miserable people spend so much time of their day making fake videos and cheap deepfake animations on people. They deliberately do it to harm and Destroy peoples reputations.

    • @Carringtonishere
      @Carringtonishere Рік тому +28

      And I don't get why they are so desperate to see somebody uncovered in the first place, acting like middle schoolers who have never seen a woman's body before

    • @flipperful
      @flipperful Рік тому +9

      It’s been a “concern” since 2015 it’s not really new nowadays

    • @___aZa___
      @___aZa___ Рік тому +8

      it was 100% clear from the second the technology started to exist.
      look at games from 1998 and today. it was inevitable that this technology is advanced as this.

  • @sunderzilla
    @sunderzilla Рік тому +315

    I remember when deepfakes meant putting Nic Cage in all the movies, ah good times.

  • @mlevis05
    @mlevis05 Рік тому +7

    Sorta off topic but Charlie seems like one of those friends who would tell you your screwing up before it’s too late. It’s honestly refreshing to see someone be so blunt and honest about something when it’s about a friend. I’m sure it’s a very difficult situation but I think that it’s pretty inspiring to see that how he’s willing to stand by his morals and say it’s wrong despite having reservations, not wanting to add negativity to the situation and caring about the other person.

  • @hithisthers7214
    @hithisthers7214 Рік тому +8

    This isn't just weird, it should be illegal.
    It can destroy careers and lives

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому +2

      Meh, publishing/selling can make a case for making illegal. Don't see a problem in keeping it private.

    • @hithisthers7214
      @hithisthers7214 Рік тому

      @@Cruz474 It's a violation. It's inhumane, grotesque and criminal. Doesn't matter if it's private or not

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому

      @@hithisthers7214 Ok then why aren't photoshops banned.

    • @hithisthers7214
      @hithisthers7214 Рік тому

      @@Cruz474 Photoshops are still vile and those should be banned too.
      Stop thinking from the perspective of someone tugging their meat, and start thinking from the perspective of the victims

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому

      @@hithisthers7214 I'm thinking from an omniscient perspective. I was just looking to see for your consistency. I see it, so I have no quarrel with you. Respect.

  • @silentsong5397
    @silentsong5397 Рік тому +4401

    you know as a woman i’m so glad to see such a prominent male figure in the community speaking out against this. i’ve seen a lot of women being disregarded and belittled for saying the exact same thing and as shitty as it is, it’s nice to have someone to back us up.

    • @briannab4082
      @briannab4082 Рік тому +418

      Agreed. Pretty friggin' sad how many men are downplaying this.

    • @CL-np4qo
      @CL-np4qo Рік тому +243

      Agreed, charlie and this community are what often restore my faith in humanity to be honest. Sometimes I'm really scared if no one in this world actually have decent clarity and conscience for everything that I've seen in my life. And it is MEANS A LOT for me to know there are peoples like charlie and his followers out there with sane minds and willness to speak up for those who need it. Charlie if you see this, you are impactful and honorable. Thank you 🙏

    • @cherielorraine
      @cherielorraine Рік тому +11

      Yes 100000%

    • @ree3762
      @ree3762 Рік тому +5


    • @lily5458
      @lily5458 Рік тому +7


  • @bananaduck14
    @bananaduck14 Рік тому +717

    Absolutely insane that people have to come out and say "please don't put my face on a random naked woman's body"
    the internet is beyond messed up

    • @Elfenlied8675309
      @Elfenlied8675309 Рік тому +42

      This has been happening for literally decades. It will continue to happen.

    • @sum_moss9092
      @sum_moss9092 Рік тому +1

      @@Elfenlied8675309 that’s a logic fallacy just because something has been the case for a long time doesn’t mean that there’s evidence stating it should continue to be

    • @Celeborn93
      @Celeborn93 Рік тому +201

      @@Elfenlied8675309 So has murder. But you don't defend that.

    • @amongusballs9146
      @amongusballs9146 Рік тому +20

      @@Celeborn93 nice comparison

    • @tinosdragatsis
      @tinosdragatsis Рік тому +119

      @@Celeborn93 Absolutely good comparison. We have to think of black and white in these situations. Is this good or bad. It is bad. There cannot be middle ground especially when those whose likeness is being reproduced explicitly and implicitly stated they do not want to be used in that way.

  • @junihanna371
    @junihanna371 Рік тому +39

    even if the person faked does make there own sexual content, there own business gets undermined by bootleggers basically, and even if someone consents to be photographed nude in there own content, that doesnt mean they consent to being deepfaked. thanks for talking about this charlie, ur a stand up guy

    • @HybridxProject
      @HybridxProject Рік тому +1

      Cheap knockoffs are cheap knockoffs bud. It aint illegal to sell fake jordans

    • @ziggy481
      @ziggy481 Рік тому +14

      @@HybridxProject Yes it is

    • @quixoticvalkyrie
      @quixoticvalkyrie Рік тому +16

      @frogmen it literally is illegal to sell fake jordans. That's counterfeit product
      Edit: also glad to know that women are yet another product. Maybe try to see women as human being and not sexual products to produce "cheap knockoffs" of

    • @HybridxProject
      @HybridxProject Рік тому

      @@quixoticvalkyrie Lol no selling fake jordans is only illegal if you try to sell them as though they are real, knowing that theyre fake. If these deep fakes are being advertised as fake, then thats it. And drop the woman are objects nonsense, same applies to mens deepfakes. As charlie has stated this has also happened to him.

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian Рік тому

      Go where the money is, if i don't want to be "undermined". Price match that shit, or cry a river.

  • @dire1031
    @dire1031 Рік тому +10

    I was wondering when Charlie would cover this topic, and I’m very glad that he did so in the way he did. He was respectful and did his best to make everyone aware of what was going on without making a huge deal out of it in a way that would draw even more attention to it.

  • @sienaswenson5917
    @sienaswenson5917 Рік тому +1671

    extremely well said. it’s devastating how desensitized our society has become to advancements like this.

    • @aurea.
      @aurea. Рік тому +7

      Well said yourself.

    • @Amir24901
      @Amir24901 Рік тому

      The societies in the west are pretty much fucked, no surprise there

    • @hankbellamy
      @hankbellamy Рік тому +2

      Kind of cool I'm glad I know of it now 😃

    • @joedorben3504
      @joedorben3504 Рік тому +1


    • @akira8393
      @akira8393 Рік тому +4

      I mean when every girl i see often does sexual stuff, it got me really desensitized... i know it feels bad but when it's like pokimane and all, i cant even flinch

  • @heycomeonriver
    @heycomeonriver Рік тому +1450

    I am really worried about this, especially in terms of crimes and trials. It has become so easy to frame someone of doing something gross which can be used during a divorce or just something illegal. Even if some IT specialists can prove that a "photo" or a "video" is a deep fake, it still can be so devastating for a person even if he didn't lose a trial. Drama usually stays for eternity in one's reputation.
    What I'm trying to say is AI faking action of real people can run out of control extremely easy.

    • @DailyShit.
      @DailyShit. Рік тому

      So Disney is not capable of doing s proper Deepfake in one shot but we supposed to believe this can be done in court videos.

    • @bobberry1463
      @bobberry1463 Рік тому +13

      So the reason why thst won't be a huge problem ris because it need thousand of hours of video and sound to make it even kinda believable so no normal person would be able to be deep fake only people in front of cameras often and if you in front of a camera often you have easier time to prove your innocent

    • @heavenwaits
      @heavenwaits Рік тому +58

      @@bobberry1463 even if that’s true, anyone who has hours of content of them - with, or WITHOUT their knowledge - even just a few solid minutes of footage / other stuff and you can still do this. there’s been deepfake porn of people who are pretty chaste online (like billie eilish). and i’m sure people who are looking for that kind of thing won’t care if it’s poor quality or not as long as it’s close enough
      for sure it would be harder for people with less footage of them up / less public jobs, but even still, it’s better to protect everyone - silly example but genuinely: but does flo from progressive not deserve the same amount of privacy as any of us?
      just something to think about. 100% always better to make something more safe than less safe.

    • @peacemaster8117
      @peacemaster8117 Рік тому

      We need to stop believing video evidence is infallible, that's the main takeaway here.

    • @peacemaster8117
      @peacemaster8117 Рік тому +4

      @@heavenwaits "does flo from progressive not deserve the same amount of privacy as any of us?"
      I don't see how it's a violation of privacy.

  • @dessy9066
    @dessy9066 Рік тому +8

    Not to mention HOW THIS CAN EFFECT MINORS AS WELL. I've seen too much of that shit ALREADY

  • @Thatfurryfox
    @Thatfurryfox Рік тому +8

    You see this could be even worse in the case of what if someone tried to deepfake an underage person

  • @nickbensema3045
    @nickbensema3045 Рік тому +1826

    HealthyGamer_GG did a deep dive on this today that goes into some science about how nonconsensual porn affects not just the victims, but the consumers, and one of the chilling parts of it was that the deepfake stuff is behind paywalls because it's more addicting, because they're attached to an existing powerful parasocial relationship. It was a powerful take and I hope everyone sees it.

    • @Dani-Claw
      @Dani-Claw Рік тому +79

      Definitely will dig into that, Dr. K has amazing, insightful, compassionate content. Thanks!

    • @EmyN
      @EmyN Рік тому +17

      Thanks for the rec

    • @sparks6177
      @sparks6177 Рік тому +18

      Isn’t all porn non consensual? The people participating in the act consented but there’s no way that they consent with everyone who’s watching, and as a passive observer i doubt that anyone is mentally checking off if it’s consensual or not anyway. As far as the individual is concerned they are partaking without participating and that is often a part of the harm done by porn.

    • @shierawesome
      @shierawesome Рік тому +98

      @@sparks6177 I mean they’re essentially consenting to all consuming by consenting to have to video publicly displayed.

    • @TenderNoodle
      @TenderNoodle Рік тому +145

      @@sparks6177 people who make porn willingly and post it publicly are also consenting to having pretty much anyone view it. It’s comparable to UA-camrs and actors where they sign on to have anyone who can watch their content, it’s part of the deal. Steamers do not consent to having porn made of them because, well, it’s pretty obvious why. They are not at ALL the same.

  • @builttoscalevideos
    @builttoscalevideos Рік тому +994

    I remember this one adult actress who had been affected by DeepFakes being applied on their content speaking out about this, it was something along the lines of “You’re taking something that I have produced for people to enjoy and you’re twisting it into a situation where the other party has literally no consent in the matter.”
    Adult DeepFake content is just such a strange thing to me, on the one hand I can to an extent admire the technology, but we really should be drawing the line at DeepFake memes for comedic value, cause when you cross into the territory of things being practically undetectable to the naked eye, it can genuinely ruin people’s lives.

    • @craigyeah1052
      @craigyeah1052 Рік тому +56

      Honestly it's hard to say where to draw the line. Comedic value is subjective and there can be stances within memes that people don't want associated with their faces. Even the film industry has morality issues about deepfaking. Good quote btw.

    • @MammalianCreature
      @MammalianCreature Рік тому +3

      If you remember who, drop their name. I want to see their full side of the story.

    • @builttoscalevideos
      @builttoscalevideos Рік тому

      @@MammalianCreature I think it was in one of Shane Dawson’s old conspiracy videos on Deepfakes, long before all The weird shit about him came out. i believe it was his video “Conspiracy Theories with Shane Dawson” from 2019. I’d say the DeepFake section of that video was probably the last interesting thing he made tbh.

    • @builttoscalevideos
      @builttoscalevideos Рік тому +3

      @@craigyeah1052 I say in memes for instance like what Corridor Digital does, they had that Keanu Reeves stops a robbery deepfake that was quite impressive, or like when people do stuff like deepfake nicholas cage into random scenes.
      I agree though, it’s kind of hard to tell where EXACTLY to draw the line with this kind of stuff.

    • @voxelbandit
      @voxelbandit Рік тому +2

      @@MammalianCreature 🤨📷

  • @Playingwithproxies
    @Playingwithproxies Рік тому +13

    He didn’t click on an ad he didn’t only look at it once. You don’t get caught watching porn after just one time.

  • @darkeaterfilip6967
    @darkeaterfilip6967 Рік тому +3

    There should be lawsuits against people who do this, its not only copyright but also defamation

  • @Wulfjager
    @Wulfjager Рік тому +870

    My biggest concern is when people begin deep faking individuals doing illegal things. Someone doesn't like someone and so they deep fake them doing something horrible to a child and it's hard to disprove in court. On the flip side of that, once it becomes well known enough, deep faking becomes a serious issue mudding photographic evidence, suddenly it's hard to prove someone who is guilty based on photographic evidence because they can claim it was deep faked.

    • @peacemaster8117
      @peacemaster8117 Рік тому +12

      "deep faking becomes a serious issue mudding photographic evidence"
      Yeah, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. There's a lot of innocent people in prison, so having more prosecutions fall apart because of the dubiousness of video evidence could be a positive thing.

    • @abeidiot
      @abeidiot Рік тому +2

      no. photographic evidence will become meaningless

    • @diersteinjulien6773
      @diersteinjulien6773 Рік тому

      Already happening. We have seen "algorihmicaly enhanced" footage admitted in court trials.
      Even if it's not purposeful deepfakes, it's still extrapolated data, something that never actualy existed

    • @violetbitch9492
      @violetbitch9492 Рік тому +183

      @@peacemaster8117 there is more criminals getting away than innocent people in jail. The justice system is already a joke. Its not a good thing at all

    • @armondtanz
      @armondtanz Рік тому +2

      Its never gonna get better when all the top streamers just softball him...

  • @biteofdog
    @biteofdog Рік тому +2871

    It's weird to me that there are some folks out that you have to explain how morally unacceptable it is to exploit people on the internet with deep fake porn. Is their moral compass broken? This is about respect towards other people and consent.

    • @aurea.
      @aurea. Рік тому +277

      I wonder the exact same thing. The lack of empathy astounds me.

    • @MIAspartan
      @MIAspartan Рік тому +312

      @@aurea. I feel sometimes like the whole internet is full of soulless sociopaths, but then I remember a lot of people on the internet are teens thinking it’s cool to “not care,” if you know what I mean.

    • @EnderEYEx
      @EnderEYEx Рік тому +191

      It's what happens when viewing tons of porn is considered normal especially for guys so there's nothing stopping them other than themselves in how far deep they go

    • @funniestdudeontheweb
      @funniestdudeontheweb Рік тому

      "consent" Do you complain about comics making fun of specific people? They certainly don't get "consent" to rail on about people.
      This is so delusional, because it assumes that these celebrities are actually being affected (exploited!!) by the deepfake industry. I like how everyone has just ignored that this has literally flown under the radar until this weird incident by a streamer. So much proof of it having a real tangible affect on celebrities in general that it took a random giant streamer to have clicked on an ad to suddenly bring this to internet wide attention.
      There is real criticisms to be had like the companies labeling the porn as REAL!!! and it being charged for, IE, making money off of someones likeness/copyright without their consent, but the idea that porn deepfakes are inherently themselves *evil* is actual karen behavior. These do not have actual effects on anyone, except in the small exclusive cases of direct blackmail, and even THAT situation is bullshit because there's also tech that detects deepfakes that is constantly evolving alongside AI tech, so any faked blackmail is usually very quickly detected as fake and thrown out. Charlies example of "muh companies pull the trigger like winnie hut junior" is not a problem of deepfakes, but companies being pussies, and one that should be ironed out. I'm sure a few cases of potential "leaks" turning out to be fake resulting in triggerhappy companies looking like dumbasses will curb this behavior.

    • @_Cetarial
      @_Cetarial Рік тому +23

      There is no such thing as a moral compass.

  • @koldemperor8474
    @koldemperor8474 Рік тому +4

    Didn't even know that existed. How desperate can one person get....

  • @emmat3691
    @emmat3691 Рік тому +2

    Lawmakers really need to completely ban this. Imagine if they deepfake a persons face who is under age and then put it on the body of someone of age, and say it’s “ok” because the persons body is of age. Very horrific slippery slope here. Disgusting!

  • @savannahadams3145
    @savannahadams3145 Рік тому +1593

    Deepfakes have always irked me since I first heard of them a few years back, and knowing the technology for it is only getting better, that bad feeling isn’t going away. There’s so many ways it can be used in the wrong hands- blackmail, revenge porn, straight cruelty by sending it to friends/family, getting people fired, using CHILDREN, etc. It deeply, deeply unsettles me. The response to this whole streamer situation greatly concerns me, as well. These women are being openly objectified, having their privacy invaded in one of the worst ways possible, and some folks out here are so quick to brush it under the rug. It’s a shame.

    • @RobotronSage
      @RobotronSage Рік тому

      deepfaking should probably be illegal idk

    • @josephcharles2917
      @josephcharles2917 Рік тому

      There were people claiming deep fakes were coming that you can't tell from reality 12 years ago.

    • @BreadAckerman
      @BreadAckerman Рік тому +1

      Yea it is

    • @aj-taz_editing
      @aj-taz_editing Рік тому +1

      You’re 100% right here!tbh technology is scary af nowadays between the ai art the deepfakes and the ai that emulate people’s voices it’s definitely risky af and could lead to a lot of horrible shit happening and it sucks seeing people being taken advantage of and having this horrible shit happening to em men women and children alike can be victim to ai deepfakes of all kinds including adult content. The thought alone makes me feel sick! I can’t imagine what the victims in this must be feeling and going thru tbh

    • @thegroi
      @thegroi Рік тому +93

      holy shit you're right people can make actual cp off it damn

  • @viridianacortes9642
    @viridianacortes9642 Рік тому +406

    Dude. My biggest concern is how this could be used to frame innocent people for crimes. The state or a malicious person could take someone down by just making up video evidence of them committing crimes they never did. If this happens a lot, we could end up in a world where video evidence can no longer be used in court (unless we find a way to better identify AI deep fakes).

    • @GreenGorgeousness
      @GreenGorgeousness Рік тому +35

      Video, audio, everything. A post truth world.

    • @olafryznar5414
      @olafryznar5414 Рік тому

      Yh that true or used to create more diversion by creating like fake hate crime ect u never know with western govornents

    • @Marcazz123
      @Marcazz123 Рік тому +6

      Security camera software could add features to grant access to footage (where it is viewed on its official website/app), that way it can't be fabricated

    • @brandon9172
      @brandon9172 Рік тому +26

      I could be wrong but wouldn't you still be able to use metadata? Phone/camera manufacturers could use some sort of verification system to confirm whether a video was real. Obviously a lot of videos/images would no longer be valid but I don't think its entirely a lost cause.

    • @PoisonIvory088
      @PoisonIvory088 Рік тому +4

      It just should be illegal in all honesty

  • @yungjiggamayne2262
    @yungjiggamayne2262 Рік тому +3

    "I don't have anything to add"
    Video lasts another 9 minutes.

  • @nouser8619
    @nouser8619 Рік тому +2

    thank you for using your platform to talk about this.

  • @alywayart
    @alywayart Рік тому +1413

    im glad that someone with a large platform is talking about this issue. ive seen this exact thing happen to many female streamers, but because they were smaller, nobody said anything

  • @jesseystrangelove
    @jesseystrangelove Рік тому +484

    i'm glad charlie understands how disturbing it actually is, because i've seen some youtubers say that the only problem in this situation is that the guy watching deepfake porn didn't do enough privacy measures and that watching this stuff is okay if you're not talking about it publicly.

    • @PaulFilmer
      @PaulFilmer Рік тому +22

      I think the nuance that it only matters now that it is more realistic, where as it was more humorous (at least the ones he had of him) before is a bit wrong though. It is absolutely worse for the person being faked, as it's harder to deny and refute that it's them, and would make them feel far more invaded.
      But, for the creator, and the consumer it is exactly the same. The intent is the same whether it looks a bit off or not. They are still trying to create an adult video that the person did not consent for.

    • @protomato6427
      @protomato6427 Рік тому

      @@PaulFilmer If anything, it's now easier for anyone to do anything, because they can blame it on deepfakes

    • @PaulFilmer
      @PaulFilmer Рік тому +2

      @@protomato6427 This is irrelevant to this situation as a whole, and this comment specifically, but thanks for the insight.

    • @nGUNNARp
      @nGUNNARp Рік тому +24

      i mean...think about it...if nobody knew, what would the ethical issue be? Like, for example, would it be unethical for someone to draw a picture of a celebrity naked, and then jerk off to it? I feel like people just love shaming others when it comes to anything sexual cause they're desperate for people to think that they're not the weird one, when in fact, we're all weird.

    • @liabw05
      @liabw05 Рік тому

      @@nGUNNARp you would feel very different if it was you having sex with a minor to F your life up! Yea… this is real bad.

  • @jamesjones1991
    @jamesjones1991 8 місяців тому +5

    Watching porn is bad paying to watch it is even worse

    • @aloha516
      @aloha516 6 місяців тому

      @@Deletedaccount2022ieit is

  • @SimplyCheryl
    @SimplyCheryl Рік тому +12

    You're exactly right Charlie, this is disgusting!!

  • @zigzagoon-pl7yh
    @zigzagoon-pl7yh Рік тому +1404

    i had a similar experience. i was only 16 and one of my friends (20 at the time) spread around fake screenshots of me saying sexual things to him. it was all for a “joke” but people genuinely thought it was real, and he played into it. it’s such a disgusting feeling to avoid touching anything remotely sexual as a woman, only for men to decide you don’t get to choose whether or not you’re considered sexual. they turn you into an object for their own pleasure so easily and it’s terrifying. it makes you feel like you don’t have a right to your own body anymore.

    • @Justin-rt7yp
      @Justin-rt7yp Рік тому +15

      Cry more.

    • @youdonegoofed
      @youdonegoofed Рік тому +210

      @@Justin-rt7yp Whoa there buddy, bad day today huh?

    • @innocehnt75
      @innocehnt75 Рік тому +236

      @@Justin-rt7yp hope the fbi finds your secret hard drive

    • @DarkLinkAD
      @DarkLinkAD Рік тому

      Men vs Women? You are as bad as the guy honestly. Be a human.

    • @notatallfunctional
      @notatallfunctional Рік тому

      @@Justin-rt7yp Step away from the underage girls

  • @AdrianaMartinez-eo8xr
    @AdrianaMartinez-eo8xr Рік тому +761

    It’s gross, especially cause it’s not even limited to celebrities, influencers, streamers, etc. Even average every day people are getting deepfaked and it’s especially sad because with celebrities, we can assume it’s not real, but these every day people having their name and faces connected to these videos- recruiters and hiring managers aren’t going to go that extra step to see if it’s legitimate. It usually isn’t until people get sent links to the porn videos that they learn what’s being done.

    • @Justin-rt7yp
      @Justin-rt7yp Рік тому +3

      Cry more

    • @HopeIsADrug11037
      @HopeIsADrug11037 Рік тому +97

      @@Justin-rt7yp seems like somebody's cranky

    • @cryguy0000
      @cryguy0000 Рік тому +8

      I mean, I agree deepfakes are pretty messed up. But don't people draw stuff like that too? How come people haven't been talking about that? Sure it isn't the real person, but their likeness is still being used and they're still being objectified

    • @CubeBizz
      @CubeBizz Рік тому +6

      What's the issue though? As long as everyone knows it's fake all this crying seems like white knighting.

    • @thatdude3977
      @thatdude3977 Рік тому +2

      It only became a issue when someone was getting paid.

  • @hollymayjones12345
    @hollymayjones12345 Рік тому +5

    it can be used for really bad manipulative situations as well.. i had a really nasty friend in the past and she once photoshoped a girl's face on a porno and told her boyfriend she was cheating... she would totally make a deep fake of someone to show their partner and say they are cheating etc... it's not just for sexual purposes...

  • @anubis520
    @anubis520 Рік тому +1

    I've seen the ads for these kinds of sites but never gave it much thought. It wasn't until seeing all these videos about it that I really understand what really happens and how it affects people. It sucks that A LOT of people got hurt because of the publicity but I think instead of keeping quiet, talking about how bad it is is opening up a lot of peoples understanding of how bad it is.

  • @fogman2041
    @fogman2041 Рік тому +1445

    I always thought AI would take over by human looking robots, not deepfake porn. It's seriously sad that this shit happens. It's happening on Instagram too. I think this could also shed some light on porn addiction and the dangers of it. What I'm really worried about is creeps using this with minors.

    • @soaringsquid0.129
      @soaringsquid0.129 Рік тому +95

      Glad you mentioned the dangers of porn addiction; I'm an addict myself (hentai) and I'm trying to find some productive ways to distract myself from feeding it.

    • @bri220
      @bri220 Рік тому +113

      @@soaringsquid0.129 good luck. I know other porn addicts that had success with crocheting, chainmail (metal not emails), and miniature roses as house plants. Just need to keep your mind and hands productive.

    • @madmaximum875
      @madmaximum875 Рік тому

      @@soaringsquid0.129 Well, you better not take any looks at AI porn made with stable diffusion and stuff... now you can produce hentai shit with just a click

    • @wolfkitty42
      @wolfkitty42 Рік тому +29

      @@soaringsquid0.129 Good luck dude!

    • @asoggyflipflop
      @asoggyflipflop Рік тому +20

      @@soaringsquid0.129 I wish you luck with your journey!!! Addictions are hard

  • @thedxrito
    @thedxrito Рік тому +2

    love how so many people are outing themselves rn

  • @FalK-ON
    @FalK-ON Рік тому +1

    The situation is so bad that even Dr. K made a UA-cam video about the whole deepfake situation regarding the implications of it and the damage caused by them. It's so bad for everyone involved and those who consume it.

  • @PoisonIvory088
    @PoisonIvory088 Рік тому +801

    What scares me is that people will start doing this with minors which will be ten times worse

    • @WeaselArlington
      @WeaselArlington Рік тому +85

      Shit... you're right. What the hell has this world come to?

    • @devinmattox
      @devinmattox Рік тому +75

      This can also be applied to AI generated art, it's all completely fucked. I sincerely hope this issue is made more prevalent to other people.

    • @cutlassfury3393
      @cutlassfury3393 Рік тому +49

      Already exists...

    • @WeaselArlington
      @WeaselArlington Рік тому +12

      @@cutlassfury3393 no... this is nightmare you're lying. Lying is dishonorable

    • @Chris-zd8cs
      @Chris-zd8cs Рік тому +34

      Supreme Court already ruled doing so to be CP

  • @memelorddabble632
    @memelorddabble632 Рік тому +150

    It's only a matter of time until some teenager creates a revenge porn deepfake of someone they don't like at school. In that situation, a person's life will probably drastically change forever, and it's hard to say if the truth would ever come out. It would also create a whole new weird legal problem. Would a teenager deepfaking their classmate into porn be classified as a sex crime against a minor? I lean towards yes, but I also have a feeling that it will take almost a decade for widespread legal precedent to be established.

    • @coldloner7453
      @coldloner7453 Рік тому +15

      Dang I never thought of it like that, like I thought most comments were blowing this out of proportion. But your comment really opened my eyes honestly thank you

    • @thehale_
      @thehale_ Рік тому +7

      Something like that actually happened to me. I managed to stop the spread of the fake content at least before the people currently in my life could see them.

    • @kit76149
      @kit76149 Рік тому +11

      @@thehale_ That's messed up. I'm sorry you went through that

    • @stanley2323
      @stanley2323 Рік тому +4

      @@thehale_ Jesus Christ what is wrong with people

    • @nitinrai8474
      @nitinrai8474 Рік тому

      bro u giving people ideas 😭

  • @00MzAngel00
    @00MzAngel00 Рік тому

    I hadn’t heard about this until Leon Lush mentioned it in his video. Thank you for explaining what’s happening.

  • @AiyannaWade
    @AiyannaWade Рік тому +226

    Thank you for your great breakdown of the situation, Charlie. It’s the weirdest energy for people to have such a strong stance against Only Fans creators to also have the take of “it’s not your real body so why do you care?” Seems like some consumers will only enjoy sex work so long as the sex worker can’t consent and/or profit. 🙃 Yikes.

    • @Cruz474
      @Cruz474 Рік тому +6

      Yeah, I wish both OF and deepfakes would go away. Coomsumers are out of control and sex workers exploit them.

    • @professionalfurret7225
      @professionalfurret7225 Рік тому +7

      Both OF and deepfakes are wrong

    • @ankiankianki3605
      @ankiankianki3605 Рік тому +1

      thats exactly what it is. misogyny has been so deeply ingrained into these degenerates. they fully believe they should have access to sexual content on demand (but no, not like that!!1!)

    • @jeanneann3545
      @jeanneann3545 Рік тому

      @@professionalfurret7225 OF is better than illegal sites that get their source illegally like trafficking women (yes it happens), blackmailing them into doing it, or set up a small camera to record it without their consent.
      what is so bad about people using their body to make money if they consent about it? If you want to go against pron, then you also have to go against sx overall. Pick one side and dont cherry pick, all it did is harming people.
      The fact that you lump deepfake and OF together speak volume of what kind of person you are. One is illegally made against the person consent, one is made by the person with their consent and the will to do it.
      if you try to ban sx overall it just wont work. my country did that and 10 years ago it was super common to throw LIVING freshly born babies to a trashcan because mrdering is better than people knowing they have outside marriage sx.

    • @HybridxProject
      @HybridxProject Рік тому

      Because they literally only care that theyre not the ones making money off it lol. They obviously do not care having men whack off to them or having sexual content of themselves on the internet. But somehow have a problem with fake images of it? give me a break lol

  • @fortswithajacket4521
    @fortswithajacket4521 Рік тому +616

    it's scary how much AI has progressed. if people can do this, I don't want to imagine what we can do in 20 years. you could frame someone for terrible things without taking a step out from your home.

    • @sateddevourer5422
      @sateddevourer5422 Рік тому +59

      Hopefully we’d also have a way to prove what’s real and what’s not.

      @SEEYAIAYE Рік тому +45

      Just a couple of years ago I remember trying some program that could say a few sentences in the voice of Homer Simpson, Squidward etc and it was still way off, now in 5 minutes I can make Oderus from GWAR recite bible passages and the realism is only determined by what audio clips I use as reference and by playing with the speech settings. I hate to see where this will be in just another 6 months.

    • @Holuunderbeere
      @Holuunderbeere Рік тому +3

      Well some things are not fakeable

    • @SamTheLord-26
      @SamTheLord-26 Рік тому

      @@Holuunderbeere bet u in 10 year people will be able to fake someone stealing at walmart and using it as proof

    • @juances
      @juances Рік тому

      IMO it'll reach the point where all videos and recordings will stop being considered as legal proof for anything because of how easy it is to fake them. I doubt you could end up sending someone to jail with a deepfake, but it'll still be problematic in terms of reputation and public opinion as people are easily swayed in social media.

  • @couchpotato8820
    @couchpotato8820 Рік тому +1129

    You can hear the sheer sadness in Charlie’s voice as he talks about his friend getting caught for doing these horrible things. So sad.

    • @csolisr
      @csolisr Рік тому

      Sure, he knows well that he committed a mistake by not vetting the people he calls his friends

    • @MegaMuff420
      @MegaMuff420 Рік тому +31

      how is this horrible 😭😂

    • @drpepper2519
      @drpepper2519 Рік тому

      @@csolisr bro, come on, how do you vet your friends sexual porn interests... this isn't something you go out of your way to find out.

    • @BriarMB13
      @BriarMB13 Рік тому

      @@MegaMuff420 So you would be fine with people making deep fake porn of your gf or mom or sister?

    • @pebbly2513
      @pebbly2513 Рік тому +35

      why is it horrible he got caught? its way more horrible that he consumed that kind of malicious media in the first place 😐

  • @KimboYikes
    @KimboYikes Рік тому +5

    I said that this would be an issue a long time ago when the Jim Carrey/Robert De Niro deep fake videos started making the rounds. I remember thinking "it's only a matter of time before they incriminate someone innocent with this". This is one time I hate being right

  • @MysticMylesZ
    @MysticMylesZ Рік тому

    6:20 to add an extra issue could also damage careers, reputation, relationships.

  • @JustinLessig
    @JustinLessig Рік тому +176

    charlie hit the nail right in the ass. The biggest issue is not just the fact that its a hug violation, but it also has horrible implications to be used as blackmail and harassment. Not to mention the potential for deep faked images of children/underage streamers. It is absolutely sickening.

    • @bararobberbaron859
      @bararobberbaron859 Рік тому

      @oh no cringe detector In case you are being manually this pathetic or you read responses to your pathetic bot, stop. You're not going to achieve anything by doing this.

    • @chriscruz1025
      @chriscruz1025 Рік тому

      You can use software to prove that a video is deepfake with 100% accuracy, you'd have to be a idiot to get blackmailed with the video equivalent of photoshop

    • @esmeecampbell7396
      @esmeecampbell7396 Рік тому +1

      That's always been a thing though, this is just an evolution of photoshop and previous visualisation methods. Before the camera people were saying the same thing about using sketch artists for Police work, "what if they could draw it wrong and convict the wrong person"
      Make it illegal to do things that will cause international incidents like deepfaking the President or CEO of companies, the same as it is to fraud or slander. But to make it illegal to whack off to someone without their consent....? Naive and entirely unenforceable and not at all MORAL anyway, nobody can tell you what is right or wrong to think about, a hundred years ago it was "MORALLY WRONG" according to almost everyone for people to be homosexual.

    • @kit76149
      @kit76149 Рік тому

      Exactly. The people who can't see this have stones for brains

    • @orionalbeniz9945
      @orionalbeniz9945 Рік тому

      @oh no cringe detector Shut up, bot

  • @thehale_
    @thehale_ Рік тому +309

    I’m not even popular on the internet (at all), and someone did this shit to me just by gathering photos by following my instagram. They tried sending the fake photos or videos (I never opened them obviously) to all kinds of people I knew, including my own mother, just to blackmail me into sending them money. Luckily, I managed to spread awareness to everyone to simply delete the chat if this person messaged them. From what I know, no one saw they sent. At least no one currently in my life, thank god. This shit is a serious problem.

    • @jannishansoonn
      @jannishansoonn Рік тому +15

      Woah that’s some pretty heavy (and illegal) shit. Do you know who it was?

    • @trainchamomile22
      @trainchamomile22 Рік тому +5

      Can't you like sue someone for this?

    • @Donovarkhallum
      @Donovarkhallum Рік тому +14

      It's likely fake like when you get an email that says they recorded you through your webcam and to pay them.

    • @Zach014G
      @Zach014G Рік тому +5

      @@Donovarkhallum That wa s a big skype tactice.

    • @todayanalyze
      @todayanalyze Рік тому +3

      That is awful... sorry

  • @mursamunelegend
    @mursamunelegend Рік тому +4

    So a friend of mine talked with a guy named Tommyc about this, and although my friend was calm and asking basic questions, he got flamed by Tommy who basically double talked and said it was a-okay to do and a bunch of other people in that space are just dogpiling, bullying, and harassing him for being on the correct side of this, "debate".

    • @jeanneann3545
      @jeanneann3545 Рік тому +1

      It is okay for them until its their face that is used and spread around.

  • @daveincorp
    @daveincorp Рік тому +2

    😶‍🌫That first joke about the parallel parking hit me WAY to hard, good job sir

  • @zombiewarrior225
    @zombiewarrior225 Рік тому +203

    The whole deepfake thing is honestly scary. It can ruin someone's life super quick.

    • @nGUNNARp
      @nGUNNARp Рік тому +3

      yep, but so far i think it's only ruined atrioc's.

    • @singami465
      @singami465 Рік тому +3

      Meh, e-celeb fanfiction has existed for years. It's exactly the same thing - fantasizing about having a sexual parasocial relationship with your favorite celebrity. People who are into that are definitely creepy weirdos, but complaining that it's "unethical", especially when some of these e-celebs are encouraging parasocial relationships in the first place, is pretty hypocritical.
      There's of course the whole other angle of passing it off as real, but there are fake news about e-celebs all the time. This is something you cannot police. Best you can do is take responsibility, not encourage parasocial relationship with your fans (especially sexual ones like OnlyFans), and make sure you're not associated with it. Nobody is looking up DeepFakes of Michael Stevens from Vsauce.

    • @Blitzkit
      @Blitzkit Рік тому

      IT will ruin someone getting caught but definitely will not ruin the one being deepfaked, unless they chose to be ruined. (because people would just comfort and give sympathy to the indicated victims) this is digital harassment in the making.

    • @HCG
      @HCG Рік тому +1

      It’s easy af to prove a video is deepfaked, no matter how realistic it looks. There is software that can determine deepfakes based on a number of factors and it’s 100% accurate

    • @bravdoe
      @bravdoe Рік тому

      Too be fair at the point it’s at now people can still tell if the video is fake or not

  • @xpreame3406
    @xpreame3406 Рік тому +2397

    Huge amount of respect for Charlie with how he handled this video.

    • @gooze9368
      @gooze9368 Рік тому +19


    • @FauxReal.
      @FauxReal. Рік тому +17


    • @experimentalghoul3540
      @experimentalghoul3540 Рік тому +3

      I agree. Charlies the Man

    • @not_so_anon_person_on_the_8250
      @not_so_anon_person_on_the_8250 Рік тому +33

      ironic coming from a bot that has a sexualized image in the profile to make discord mods click on it

    • @Dani-Claw
      @Dani-Claw Рік тому

      @@not_so_anon_person_on_the_8250 Does that mean they copied the comment?

  • @MightyJabroni
    @MightyJabroni 9 місяців тому

    Another scary thing about deepfakes is that they could be now used as a standard deflection, when somebody with money and/or power is indeed caught doing something bad, but then just tries to discredit each and any footage as faked.
    This shit will create many problems.

  • @chumbucket182
    @chumbucket182 Рік тому +1

    Talking about this is a great thing for victims! Because now, more people should be aware that you CAN'T trust videos or photos

  • @Komushi
    @Komushi Рік тому +594

    all this shit is horrendous and creepy, i feel bad for anyone affected. Is there or will there ever be a way to stop from this to happen?

    • @Sarah-fc6dj
      @Sarah-fc6dj Рік тому +33

      i’m not sure, the way technology is progressing it is getting harder to control and catch up to. i guess one way is to have these adult sites be monitored better. maybe every video should have written consent with footage before being able to be uploaded and confirmed.

    • @ibrokemyownheart4953
      @ibrokemyownheart4953 Рік тому +19

      Nope lol, deepfakes will keep on being created which is the sad reality. Mostly to appeal for the creeps that wish they saw someone in specific without clothes

    • @thehuntermikipl1170
      @thehuntermikipl1170 Рік тому

      stop people from making fake images in photoshop, etc.?
      lmao, dont be ridiculous, snowflake

    • @theatricult
      @theatricult Рік тому +7

      Nope literally anyone can use deepfakes you dont even need a particularly powerful pc anymore get used to it

    • @EaterGreen
      @EaterGreen Рік тому

      dont share info on the internet lol its your fault when people take advantage of the info YOU uploaded. Your face is PUBLIC when you put it in PUBLIC space. Id hate it if it happened to me so i didn't put my info or face on the fucking internet.

  • @BobbyWelcomePackets
    @BobbyWelcomePackets Рік тому +265

    There’s going to be a lot of “deep fake“ related issues that come from this. Whether it comes from streamers influencers business owners and even politicians. This whole scenario opens up a lot of “plausible deniability” for people that partake in these predatory activities. That is why I am most upset.

    • @akira8393
      @akira8393 Рік тому +7

      I like to see where this takes... since humanity couldnt help their balls to always make advance tech for no reason, i know it is always been wrong but i like to see how far extent human beings will learn the hardway

    • @abiean222
      @abiean222 Рік тому +6

      the old that wasn't me, the video was faked argument is only going to get better because of deep fakes.

    • @tunacutting
      @tunacutting Рік тому

      This has been around for YEARS. Nothing will change

    • @flipperful
      @flipperful Рік тому

      You’re late deep facts have been around for a while and many websites have been shutdown , Phub was forced to remove every deep fake video back in like 2015-2016

  • @gaymertrav
    @gaymertrav 4 місяці тому

    i’m so sorry u went thru that

  • @MM-we5qb
    @MM-we5qb Рік тому +1

    This is so disturbing. We're living an an actual nightmare

  • @redlightning9000
    @redlightning9000 Рік тому +436

    I was so naive when deep fakes first dropped. I was just thinking, "oh man, now I can make myself look like a superhero or a movie star or something". Sucks that this is the reality of the situation.

    • @noahjones9833
      @noahjones9833 Рік тому

      Oh, very innocent. Teens (and the cia too tbh) will use it to make fake sex tapes to blackmail others, criminals will use it to frame others, courtrooms are already using deepfake experts.

    • @fistovuzi
      @fistovuzi Рік тому +3

      i bet you are excited for human-like robots to vacuum your house.

    • @lechant7991
      @lechant7991 Рік тому +7

      @cats one of the industries that most rapidly attempts to adopt content related technology is the pornography industry, so its not really that hard to predict if you've given it some thought

    • @devinfleenor3188
      @devinfleenor3188 Рік тому +5

      Oh you sweet summer child. Just wait till A.I. winter.

    • @xinriji
      @xinriji Рік тому +1

      i thought the same thing. but that’s sadly the very surface and optimistic way of using deepfake. we all know it’s going to be used for much more devious and evil intentions

  • @potatolord8677
    @potatolord8677 Рік тому +249

    This is such a disturbing idea. And there's also the idea of "the Internet is forever." Even if every site and video hosting this content is blasted, there will be a few videos and images saved and reuploaded infinitely, or just some that get missed. It really shows people cannot stand having no access to every single part of a person, even the most intimate things. It's so gross how if you aren't sexual, there may be someone out there DETERMINED to make you so, or at least in ways you are not comfortable with.
    No man, woman, or whatever should have such intimate content made of them without permission. Thanks for talking about the general topic.

      @SEEYAIAYE Рік тому +19

      Almost as if the internet was always full of weirdos and it never was a good idea to share personal information online. Luckily for them, social media threw all that caution out of the window.

    • @zants_
      @zants_ Рік тому

      It's actually more amazing how quickly information decays on the internet. Efforts by ArchiveTeam and Internet Archive show just how true this is. On random hard drives, sure, but as far as the actual internet... no. "The internet is forever" only happens with a lot of effort.

    • @lushkitty734
      @lushkitty734 Рік тому +1

      Internet + narcissistic Humans = I hope this current journey of my soul ends decades BEFORE AI rises and possibly (?) obliterate Human existence as we know it.
      **my soul needs a fresh Human vessel to circuitously witness Planet Earth's end times.

    • @sniperbloom1305
      @sniperbloom1305 Рік тому +1

      @@SEEYAIAYE 401 comments on these channel jesus christ

    • @lulzdragon7339
      @lulzdragon7339 Рік тому +2

      The Lost Media community knows how untrue this adage really is. Most of the time, deleting a video off the internet pretty much removes it from human knowledge, no matter how much people try to get it back.

  • @ICStars77
    @ICStars77 Рік тому

    I gotta say, as someone who was not aware of this until just now watching this, a sincere thank you for breaking it down. My initial thought was something akin to a drawing or animation, something that's more of a fan-made thing and accredited to the person who made like exists abundantly for fictional characters. Obviously when it's a real person it's different, not arguing that, but at least if it was clearly identified as being made by someone else, not the real person, etc it wouldn't be damning. This deepfake stuff just blows my mind on how people could get behind it and it can and will only cause problems, especially when it's being pawned off as 'leaks' and 'real' holy fucking hell.

  • @gaemer3967
    @gaemer3967 Рік тому +3

    I see this as a case of copyright infringement, or slander. People making comparing this to rape are going too far and just want drama.

  • @majesticgenes
    @majesticgenes Рік тому +296

    I also think that not only just not having consented to being deep-faked (which is still extremely horrible), someone that these women thought was their friend paid for that content and imagined about having s3x with them. Personally, that would make me extremely uncomfortable.

    • @preyr631
      @preyr631 Рік тому

      It would make you uncomfortable that someone you thought of as a friend commissioned deepfake porn of you, or that they were fantasizing about having sex with you?

    • @octavioavila6548
      @octavioavila6548 Рік тому

      Deepfake is no different than using your imagination. People fantasize about having sex with their friends, deepfake is just making it digital

    • @preyr631
      @preyr631 Рік тому

      You shouldn’t be fantasizing about that, that makes you a creep. FWIW.

    • @soccrplayr232
      @soccrplayr232 Рік тому +21

      The deep fake thing is definitely weird and creepy but the idea Atrioc/basically any straight male hasn’t fantasized at least a little about basically every vaguely attractive woman in their life does seem to show a lack of understand of how male sexuality actually works. They just keep it to themselves. It’s the actions based on the thoughts that are the issue not really the thoughts themselves.

    • @juno3281
      @juno3281 Рік тому +30

      @@soccrplayr232 thinking about it is one thing, humans are sexual creatures, but acting on it is so weird. this is a different kind of creepy than just fantasizing about someone you think is attractive. especially bc it was people he knew personally??? nah that’s demented. this is a really good way to gauge someone’s morality and i’m genuinely surprised so many people are stupid enough to think it’s okay. i’m like genuinely shocked this even happened 💀

  • @thebasquez
    @thebasquez Рік тому +549

    Damn, felt it when he had to call someone he used to be friends with a porn addicted loser. He almost held back a little bit but he came in strong and fought his own urge to sugar coat someone he wishes didnt make such a horrible mistake.

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy Рік тому +13

      I don’t think that comment was directed at him specifically

    • @Lasair517
      @Lasair517 Рік тому +15

      @Dawn A mistake can be something you've done deliberately, saying that it was a mistake does not on its own minimize the seriousness of the act.

    • @Silverado-pq6xe
      @Silverado-pq6xe Рік тому

      @generic femboy how would you know that??? People are so stupid nowadays it’s crazy

    • @Lasair517
      @Lasair517 Рік тому +2

      @generic femboy That could be, this video is my only exposure to the streamer in question, I was just commenting about language.

  • @billycausey4277
    @billycausey4277 Рік тому +1

    I feel like eventually the internet will just be an unusable hellscape.

  • @ZzJ17
    @ZzJ17 Рік тому +2

    Your one of the few inside the gaming community I check for the pulse of the community

  • @lunarumbreon7699
    @lunarumbreon7699 Рік тому +425

    This stuff pisses me off so much. The responses to it like “they posted pics of their face online they knew this could happen” or “so now it’s illegal to find someone attractive or fantasize about them” or genuinely one of the worst “all women should be ok with this because only fans exists”. It’s genuinely infuriating to see response like this

    • @Quisl
      @Quisl Рік тому +34

      Fan fiction always have been weird, especially when they are about real people. Turning them into images makes it even worse.

    • @bobstevenson3130
      @bobstevenson3130 Рік тому +42

      @@Quisl the thing is, you always knew that it was fanfiction and not real. But most people can’t even tell these pictures are fake.

    • @lawinaabraham3073
      @lawinaabraham3073 Рік тому

      No it hasn't

    • @SSchemeS
      @SSchemeS Рік тому +2

      @@bobstevenson3130 “Can’t tell they’re fake” like you aren’t accessing the content on a website that has “deepFAKE” in the title

    • @fintan9218
      @fintan9218 Рік тому +19

      @@SSchemeS they mean images might be posted and seen by people who dont know its fake