Ex Catholic NUN vs Member of BJP vs Catholic PRIEST ( HEATED Debate ) on SACRAMENT of CONFESSION

  • Опубліковано 28 лис 2023
  • Catholic Apostolate
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  • @sujamaryvarghese4139
    @sujamaryvarghese4139 7 місяців тому +19

    I am woman; a Roman Catholic by birth; I am a little over 50 yrs of age. Ever since I was eight years old I have been frequenting the Sacrament of confession every month or two sometimes even in two weeks. I am grateful to Jesus for giving me the Sacrament of confession because of which my sins are washed away by the infinite Mercy of God through the person of a Catholic priest. I have never encountered any misuse of the Sacrament throughout my life, neither has anyone in my family....my parents, siblings, husband children, cousins, none. I've nothing to say to this ex- nun...only God knows the truth of her accusations. If she is trying stop the exercise of the Sacrament for the rest of the Catholic community in India she should know that she is in the wrong.
    Catholic Kings, Queens, Presidents etc. too around the world kneel down before priests to confess their wrongdoings knowing that the priest will not divulge what has transpired in the confessional. We call it 'the seal of confession '.
    In short if Confession were to be banned, I would still go to a Catholic priest and ask for confession. Because I know the power of a holy confession.

    • @sebastianmarysheela2011
      @sebastianmarysheela2011 7 місяців тому

      I agree

    • @JacintaRebello-jm9gm
      @JacintaRebello-jm9gm 7 місяців тому +2

      I do agree. Confession is actually a spiritual counselling. It helps us unburden that lies on our conscious heavily. Besides it is not forced so why ban.

    • @krishnaswami3362
      @krishnaswami3362 5 місяців тому

      Catholics laity are very poor in the Word of God.

  • @marthadsilva3255
    @marthadsilva3255 7 місяців тому +6

    Only a person who goes to confession knows the joy we derive after confession

  • @aloysiuscoelho4142
    @aloysiuscoelho4142 7 місяців тому +5

    Correct father no body is forced to confess we go by our own will that ex nun became nun for money now no money so abusing the church shame on her

  • @phse6083
    @phse6083 7 місяців тому +6

    Who is this BJP MP? How dare she try to interfere in our religion.

  • @elvinadsouza3042
    @elvinadsouza3042 7 місяців тому +4

    Fr Shankar you are filled with Holy Spirit as we could see how composed you were. We are blessed with the Sacrament of confession. Jesus bless and protect all our priests who are working silently and tirelessly for us.

  • @joser18169
    @joser18169 7 місяців тому +7

    Using the logic of the BJP member police should be banned because of the corruption of some police officers, parliament should be banned because of corrupt politicians. There are so many issues faced by Christians the governments have refused to address. Why so much interest only in this one issue? This is persecution under the garb of being helpful!

  • @RB-ct3sk
    @RB-ct3sk 7 місяців тому +3

    Confession is reconciliation with God. No one forces anyone to confess. But those who confess know the joy of freedom from sin and psychological trauma.

  • @jdosvd
    @jdosvd 7 місяців тому +8

    There will be always be black sheep in every organization. This ghastly deed of those four priests will not go well for them before the Judgement seat of God.
    Please note the sacraments strengthen us spiritually and liberally use them. I used to go for weekly confession but now monthly or so as I actually have no sin to confess but go for the grace and strength this Sacrament gives me. Also Extreme Unction is important as it makes transition to the next life so smooth .
    Now satan and his deceiving demons know this hence will deceive us to neglect the sacraments. Don't !
    Queen and Mother of the Last Times Snatch us out of the clutches of Evil 😈

    • @phse6083
      @phse6083 7 місяців тому

      What about the priests who have left the priesthood? Nothing keeps them from opening their mouths

    • @jdosvd
      @jdosvd 7 місяців тому

      ​@@phse6083Please listen Philomena such things will keep on happening.
      However we should not be affected by this.We should be charitable and keep them in Prayer. Remember at some stage they will be before the Judgement seat of God.
      As far as we are concerned we ourselves should set a good example by daily mass if feasible, Rosary, Confession etc and pray for others especially sinners.
      Saint Philomena rose empurpled by thy own blood Pray for us.
      Saint Philomena wonderworker Pray for us.
      Saint Philomena all powerful with God Pray for us.

  • @leolasrado1881
    @leolasrado1881 7 місяців тому +2

    Fr.Shankar has explained things correctly.Other participants in this discussion are trying to exhibit their ignorance on the matter.

  • @lucylewis3419
    @lucylewis3419 7 місяців тому +3

    Why she should write to PM. Who is he ?

  • @jollyjohn5820
    @jollyjohn5820 7 місяців тому +3

    Scandal are also prominent with other faiths too.
    It is a sin for such activities which are illegal or imoral.

    • @jollyjohn5820
      @jollyjohn5820 7 місяців тому +1

      The catholic church is more transpancy, clear and focus.

  • @veritaac2235
    @veritaac2235 7 місяців тому +2

    My dear man there are always dry branches on trees. Everything is not green..

  • @manorama12
    @manorama12 7 місяців тому +3

    Sister Jesma (ex-catholic), I must say never knew the faith in reality for suggesting that, there is no need to confess sins to a priest and one can go directly to Jesus. It's a shame, that she ever was a catholic nun.....

    • @janeswan1124
      @janeswan1124 7 місяців тому

      It's a shame that you are judging her

  • @antonym.v2081
    @antonym.v2081 7 місяців тому +11

    The so called lady Jesma version is totally wrong, I know her very well. she was principal of a leading women collage in trichur and enjoyed that position, once she removed from her that position, she is making allegations.

    • @sujamaryvarghese4139
      @sujamaryvarghese4139 7 місяців тому +3

      Oh...so that is the case. I did think that something was fishy about her past. Thanks for the trouble you took to pen that information. It will help many of us who are disturbed by these false accusations.
      I pray that God have mercy on Jesna and bring her to repentance and to the confessional.

  • @godwinmech
    @godwinmech 7 місяців тому

    Good informative video

  • @tjkarimpanal8554
    @tjkarimpanal8554 7 місяців тому +4

    It is not in the Catholic Church. Please note

  • @yeenadsouza5881
    @yeenadsouza5881 7 місяців тому +1

    If believers have faith in a priest and gets relief from burden of sins, who are you ex- nun to talk about it.
    Why can't you have a holy silence life, because you're time has come to go up, so prepare for that.

  • @k27everett
    @k27everett 7 місяців тому

    Jesus never heard the sins, HE knew all. HE always said, " Your sins are forgiven you!"
    HE healed and walked on.

  • @anniejoseph8363
    @anniejoseph8363 7 місяців тому +1

    Why should write to P M Modi
    Pl settle under the roof of the Catholic priest pl

  • @janeswan1124
    @janeswan1124 7 місяців тому

    You are behind by a millennium JD; good times to bring back the dark ages

  • @georgesoney3594
    @georgesoney3594 7 місяців тому

    Jesus said in John 20:23
    22 When he had said this, he breathed on them. And he said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit.
    23 *Those whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them, and those whose sins you shall retain, they are retained* .”
    This clearly shows that Jesus expected his apostles to hear the SINS first and then to decide.
    That's called confession

  • @derik705
    @derik705 7 місяців тому

    Confessions is a stupid thing invented by the catholic Church. Nowhere in the Bible it says that we have to confess our sins to a priest.

  • @krishnaswami3362
    @krishnaswami3362 5 місяців тому

    My dear, how can you say that a priest is a successor of Jesus Christ? Please answer.

  • @shajujoseph4462
    @shajujoseph4462 7 місяців тому

    The anchor of this channel has not clarified that the 4 accused Malankara Priests are not Catholic Priests. These Malankara Priests belong to a Christian denomination in Kerala,who are small in numbers and Priests of this denomination are generally married men. As far as my knowledge goes, I have never heard of a Catholic priest misusing the confession statement even if he denounce his priesthood.

  • @Humanbeing01
    @Humanbeing01 7 місяців тому

    Since when you converted to Christianity & why?

  • @ashwinjohn4319
    @ashwinjohn4319 7 місяців тому

    I am a Catholic from Kerala and I can say that in the 70s, 80s and 90s a lot of women went into the convent for financial reasons because they wanted to escape poverty and have a better life. Sister Jesmi and Sister Lucy Kalapurackal etc all come from this background. They were not driven by Christ but by material gains to choose this life.
    This was the same case in western countries with paedophile priests who were men driven by a desire to have a career and not by Christ.
    The Church needs to be more careful when selecting people to join the priesthood and convents.
    The Bible warns us about these people:- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds."

    • @janeswan1124
      @janeswan1124 7 місяців тому

      ....oh yeah and Father Robin went to seminary to spread out his semen inside underaged girls; thanks for enlightenment 😁👍

  • @vickymenon3460
    @vickymenon3460 7 місяців тому

    Hi. Why are you anti catholic people interested in the beliefs of Catholic Christian religious matters. Why are you guys debating. Believers will however
    always believe in every way they have been brought up. That’s it.