I accidentally cheesed it... You can use a connector only fed by the blue laser, connected to the blue laser and place it on the oscillating fence. I did it by putting byron on the middle of the fence so that the game gives you a possible placement for the connector on the fence. After that you connect the other connector to the red source and red receptacle and it's done.
You can take the blue ray from puzzle 5 into Oscillation quite easily by placing a connector near the gates of both puzzles - from Oscillation you can't see the connector at puzzle 5 because it's behind the trees but from the 3rd tree (from left to right) and going up along the trunk you'll eventually should detect it. It's proper cheating, I know...but I wasn't so sure initially and I regret not having another try because at one point I did get both doors opening one after the other...only one of them was too fast and it was just a question of changing the position of one connector. Then another puzzle involved taking rays from another puzzle and I'm sure that was the intended way...(I'm going the check the solutions found by others to find confirmation).
Hi buddy, impressive, you move far too fast for me to copy, so I still have no idea why these solutions work lol, have tried pausing your screens, but got frustrated so gave up this dlc
I accidentally cheesed it... You can use a connector only fed by the blue laser, connected to the blue laser and place it on the oscillating fence. I did it by putting byron on the middle of the fence so that the game gives you a possible placement for the connector on the fence. After that you connect the other connector to the red source and red receptacle and it's done.
You can take the blue ray from puzzle 5 into Oscillation quite easily by placing a connector near the gates of both puzzles - from Oscillation you can't see the connector at puzzle 5 because it's behind the trees but from the 3rd tree (from left to right) and going up along the trunk you'll eventually should detect it. It's proper cheating, I know...but I wasn't so sure initially and I regret not having another try because at one point I did get both doors opening one after the other...only one of them was too fast and it was just a question of changing the position of one connector.
Then another puzzle involved taking rays from another puzzle and I'm sure that was the intended way...(I'm going the check the solutions found by others to find confirmation).
Hi buddy, impressive, you move far too fast for me to copy, so I still have no idea why these solutions work lol, have tried pausing your screens, but got frustrated so gave up this dlc
I play kinda fast i cant deny that. What about watching in 1/2 speed?
This one took me FAR too long! 😂
Still stuck on this. Refuse to look it up, just wanted to read frustrated comments lol, my mind is a blank