  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @umujamaalhaji8175
    @umujamaalhaji8175 3 роки тому


  • @hamans0701
    @hamans0701 Рік тому

    Would you recommend a Turkish dictionary so that one can find all tenses ? Thanks

  • @Iso65
    @Iso65 3 роки тому

    Thank you for your help...i have a question... Iyi şanslar means good luck ... right? I am a little bit confused when you say that kolay gelsin means the same...can you please explain that to me? Thank you very much

    • @Abeturk
      @Abeturk 3 роки тому

      it's just a close meaning, not the same.

    • @Abeturk
      @Abeturk 3 роки тому +1

      (ev ödevi)=the homework
      (shortly) ödev = homework
      ödev-im=my homework
      ödev-im-i=(it's) about my homework
      ödev-in=your homework
      ödev-in-i=(it's) about your homework
      yap=do / (make by adding ontop)
      mek/mak= exertion/process
      yapmak=(verb)=the process of doing
      a/e = to
      i/u =it's /about
      ta /da=(range-distance) at /in /on
      (mu-eun=this one)=men=I /me
      (tsi-eun=that one)=sen=you
      var=arrive / er=get at ( simple tense suffixes )
      bas=dwell on /tread on ez= crush
      ma-bas / ma-ez ( negative simple tense suffixes )
      yor=(go over it) / try ( present tense suffix )
      di=now on ( past tense suffix )
      muş-u= inform/notice ( narrative past tense suffix )
      çek= fetch / çak=fasten ( future tense suffixes )
      Ödevimi yaparım(ödev-im-i yap-a-var-u-men)=(I get to do (it's about) my homework)= I do my homework
      Ödevini yapmazsın(ödev-in-i yap-ma-bas-u-sen)=(You don't dwell on to do (about) your homework)= You don't do your homework
      Ödevimi yapıyorum(ödev-im-i yap-ı-yor-u-men)=(I try to do my homework)= I'm doing my homework
      Ödevini yapmıyorsun(ödev-in-i yap-ma-ı-yor-u-sen)=(You don't try to do your homework)= You're not doing your homework
      Ödevimi yapmaktayım(ödev-im-i yap-mak-da-u-men)=(I'm in the process of doing my homework)= I've been doing my homework
      Ödevini yapmamaktasın(ödev-in-i yap-ma-mak-da-u-sen)=(You're not in the process of doing your homework)=You haven't been doing your homework
      Ödevimi yaptım(ödev-im-i yap-di-men)=(I do-ed about-my homework)= I did my homework
      Ödevini yapmadın(ödev-in-i yap-ma-di-sen)=You didn't do your homework
      Ödevimi yapmışım(ödev-im-i yap-muş-u-men)=(I'm aware that have done my homework)
      Ödevini yapmamışsın(ödev-in-i yap-ma-muş-u-sen)=I noticed you haven't done your homework
      Ödevimi yapacağım(ödev-im-i yap-a-çak-u-men)=(I keep close to do my homework)= I will do my homework
      Ödevini yapmayacaksın(ödev-in-i yap-ma-a-çak-u-sen)=(You don't fetch (into the mind) to do your homework)= You're not going to do your homework
      Ödevimi yapardım( ödevimi yapar idim/ ödev-im-i yap-a-var-er-di-men)=I used to do../ I would do my homework
      Ödevimi yapmazdım(ödev-im-i yap-ma-bas-er-di-men)=(I used not to dwell on to do my homework)= I wouldn't do my homework
      Ödevimi yapıyordum(ödev-im-i yap-ı-yor-er-di-men)=I was doing my homework
      Ödevimi yapmaktaydım(ödev-im-i yap-mak-ta-er-di-men)=I was been in the process of doing my homework
      Ödevimi yaptıydım(ödev-im-i yap-di-er-di-men)= I remember I did my homework
      Ödevimi yapmıştım(ödev-im-i yap-muş-er-di-men)=I had done my homework
      Ödevimi yapacaktım(ödev-im-i yap-a-çak-er-di-men)=I would get to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapıverdim(ödev-im-i yap-ı-ver-di-men)= I easily did my homework in no time
      Ödevimi yapabilirim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-e-er-u-men)=(I get the knowledge to do my homework)=I can do../ I am able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapamam(ödev-im-i yap-a-al-ma-u-men)=(I don't get to have anything to do my homework)= I am not able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapmayabilirim(ödev-im-i yap-ma-a-bil-e-er-u-men)= I am able to get (a chance) to not do my homework
      Ödevimi yapamayabilirim(ödev-im-i yap-al-ma-a-bil-e-er-u-men)=I may can't get to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabiliyorum(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-i-yor-u-men)= (I try it and know how to do my homework) = I can do my homework
      Ödevimi yapamıyorum(ödev-im-i yap-a-al-ma-i-yor-u-men)=I cannot do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabildim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-di-men)= I was able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabileceğim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-e-çek-u-men)=I will be able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabilirdim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-e-er-er-di-men)= I could have doing my homework
      Ödevimi yapabilecektim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-e-çek-er-di-men)=I would be able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabilseydim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-eser-er-di-men)=if I would be able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabildiysem(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-di-eser-u-men)=if I could be able to do my homework
      Ödevimi yapabilmeliydim(ödev-im-i yap-a-bil-mek-li-er-di-men)=I should be able to do my homework

    • @Abeturk
      @Abeturk 3 роки тому

      The names of some organs in our body
      In turkish.. Ak= ~each one of both
      Yan= side
      Yan-ak= each of both sides=Yanak=the cheek
      Kül-ak = each of both roses=Kulak= the ear
      Tut-ak=dudak=the lip
      Dal-ak=dalak=the spleen (dal=subsection, branch)
      Böbür-ak=böbrek=the kidney
      Paça-ak=bacak= the leg
      Paytı-ak=(Phathiack>fatyak>hadyak>adyak)=Ayak= the foot
      Taş-ak=testicle (taş=stone)
      Her iki-ciğer...=Akciğer=the lung
      Tül-karn-ak =the covering/ shadowing each one of the both dark(covert) periods= her iki karanlık/batıni çağı örten tül
      Zhu'l-karn-eyn=the (shadowing) owner of each one of the both time (periods)
      Dhu'al-chorn-ein=two horned one=Herne the hunter= Cernunnos = Cornius

    • @Abeturk
      @Abeturk 3 роки тому

      Yap-mak= to make (by adding ontop)
      Et-mek= to do (by acting on)
      Eyle-mek= to do (by reacting against)
      Kıl-mak= to make (it to become)
      Şart eki
      Gelsem (gelsem ya= gelseme) =( ~I should come)
      Gelsen (gelsen ya= gelsene)
      Gelse (gelse ya= gelseye)
      Gelsek (gelsek ya= gelsege)
      Gelseniz (gelseniz ya= gelsenize)
      Gelseler (gelseler ya= gelselere)
      İhtiyaç/zorunluluk eki
      Gelmeliyim (gelmeklimen)= (~I have to come)
      Gelmelisin (gelmeklisen)
      Gelmeli (gelmekli)
      İzin/istek/dilek eki
      Geleyim (gelem)
      (let me come)
      Gelesin (gelesen)
      Gelelim (gelek)
      Rica/iltifat eki
      (siz) Gelin
      (sizler) Geliniz
      Emir/buyruk eki
      (sen) Gel
      (o) Gelsin
      (siz) Gelin
      (onlar) Gelsinler

    • @Abeturk
      @Abeturk 3 роки тому

      Question words in turkish ..
      (Mu)=Bu= this
      (Tsu)=Şu= that...(ts=~th))=θ (peltek S)
      Ka=(Qua)= (which)
      U=(ou)= it (that)
      (Ka-u)= Ki=(Qui)=which that
      Ne = what
      (Ça -çe)(Ca-ce)= As
      An (en) = time (moment)
      Dem= time (demurrage)
      Vakit= (time) while
      Saat=hour / (its o'clock)
      (Tsu-dem-an)=(that-time-moment)=- Zaman =the time
      (Dem-u-en)= Demin= Just now
      Di= now on
      (Şu-dem-di)= Şimdi=(that time now on)= now
      Tsu-an=Şu an= this moment (now)
      Tsu-an-da =Şu anda= right now (currently)(at present)
      Hal= situation (status)
      Hal-en =Hâlen= currently
      Hâlã= still
      (Hal-i hazır-da)=hâli hazırda= at present
      Hem-di =emdi=imdi=Now on
      Hem-an =Hemen=(all the same-as moment)(exactly the same time)=in no time
      (Hem-mã)=(not exactly the same) / not really ...(amma) Ama= but
      (An-ça)= Anca =as moment= (just) for that moment =(barely)
      (An-ça-ka-u)= Ancak =so this much (for that moment)=(just this for now)=all but=( but just this ? )
      Denge=balance (equilibrium) ....(deŋer)=değer=value
      Dar= nearest to the other- (narrow)
      Dara=specific weight
      (Ka-dara)= which specific weight.. (Ka-değer)= which value.. (Ka-dar)= which proximate
      Kader=~potential (specified extent/ratio)
      (Ka-u)=Ki=(Qui)=which that=(it's so)= so that
      (Ka-u-mu)=(Ki-mu)=Kim=(which that so this)= Who? (ki-mu(=which that such this)=kimi=gibi=like)
      Ki-mu-tsu-ne=(kimesne)= kimse=any one (whosoever)
      (U-çün)= İçün=için= (that factor)= For.. (that's for)
      (Ne-u-çün)=Niçün=niçin=(what-that-factor)= Why.. (what-for)
      (Çün-ka-u) =Çünki =(c'est-pour-quoi/parce que)=(that's why))=(therefore)= Because
      Ne-e = Neye=(what to) what-where toward = ~for what
      Ne-u-e=Niye =(what that to )= Why
      Ne-çe =Neçe/nece=How.. (like what) (as what)
      (Ne-u-çe) =Niçe/nice=what as that= how long/how much... (how too much)
      (Ka-ne-çe)=Kança =(which-what-as) (Ka-çe)=(which-as)= kaç..=how many /how much /which number
      O Bunu Yaptığınca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-u-ne-çe= (how much/long (through a specific time) s/he did this)=as much as s/he does this
      O Bunu Yaptıkca=Bu'nu yap-tı-ka-çe= how much/many (in each once) s/he did this=as s/he does this (whenever)
      (Ka-ne-çe)=Kança ............(Ka-çe)=Kaç........ =How many (as a numerical quantity)/ which number (does it have)
      (Ne-ka-dar)= Ne kadar =(what extent)= what-which-nearest= How much (as the attribute)
      Ne-ğe ka-dar= Neye kadar =what which closest to
      Ne-yir-ğe ka-dar=Nereye kadar =where which nearest to =where up to
      Ne zaman=When ......Ka-çe-an= Haçan= when.... Ne vakit= when
      Ne zamana kadar=(when which nearest to)= when up to
      Ne-yir-e-denk = Nereye dek=(where equal to)= where till
      Ne-yir-e denk-u-en= Nereye değin=(then where equal to)= where until
      Ne-zaman-a denk-u-en= Ne zamana değin=(when-equal-to-then)= when until
      (Ka-en)= Ken=which time=~(When)
      (U-ka-en)= İken = (that-which-time)=when it's (that when...)
      (Ka-ne-u) =Hani =which what so
      Ka-u-tsu= Kaysı.... Ka-ne-tsu=Hansı..... (Ka-ne-ki) = Hangi =which
      Ka-ne-ki-tsu=Hangisi=which one
      Ka-yir= which place.... Ne-yir= what place
      Ka-yir-de= Kayda=harda= where.......Ne-yir-de= Nerde=nerede= where
      Ka-ile-u=Kalay....Ne-u-ile=Neyle....Ka-ne-deng =kanday........Ne-asıl=Nasıl= How
      Ne-de-en=Neden=thereat what (at what reason then)= why
      Ne-yir-de-en=Nereden (nerden)=thereat where =(1.where from)=(2.under what condition)=when/where and how
      Dã-en=(Dan-Den) =from (at.. then) (than) (thereat) (when there's it/ then there's it)