Very interesting topic guys! Let me chime in a little bit. This is a dilemma between freedom to exercise your economic rights and moral responsibility. Personally I don’t think neither are wrong. We are fully aware that there are people starving but that doesn’t mean we should feel guilty to eat. There will be people who cannot afford our lifestyle but doesn’t mean that will hold us back from living the way we do. This scenario is as hurtful as eating in front of a hungry child to a mother who had to give birth at home because she couldn’t afford the hospital cost. Having said that, would it be great for people to limit their wants and help others? Yes, of course. But us humans don’t operate like that. There are people living way more luxuriously than the video mentioned but we don’t see it on social media. What makes it wrong about this video is that it looked almost flaunting, therefore it translated to tone deaf to the society’s current situation.
Ewnet lemenager mebit new yemilew lay new menager yefelekut ena bereget begelu bebtu akemu yechalewen. Yaderegg ginn media lay mewetatu new chigeru yaw tsuhuf silabezahu sorry hasaben lemeglets yahell neww.
ምርጥ ወንድማሞች ደስ ስትሉ::
ሁለት ዱባዎች ደስ ትላላችሁ🎉
😂😂😂😂😂😂 ኦኦኦኦኦ የመንግስት ያለ
ጥሩ ስም ነው 😂😂😂
ዱባ ግን አሁንም አለ😂😂😂😂 በርገር ለምዳችሁዋል ሚል ጭምጭምታ ሰምቼ ነው😅
@@addisgirma8211 እኛ ድሆች አሁንም ከዱባ ጋር አልተፋታንም 😜🤣🤣
በዛሬው ፕሮግራማችሁ በጣም አሪፍ ሀሳብ ነው ያነሳችሁት፣ እኔ በዓይኔ ያየሁትን ነገር ልንገራችሁ ባልየው የሚኖረው አዲስ አበባ ነው ልጅቱ ደግሞ የምትኖረው ክፍለ ሀገር ነው እና በአዲሱ ፋሽን መሠረት ከባድ ድግስ ተደግሶ ሽምግልና ተላከ ተፈቀደ ከፍተኛ የሆነ ጭፈራ ተካሄደ የሽምግልናው ሂደት በዚህ ሁኔታ ተጠናቀቀ ከአንድ ሣምንት ቡሀላ ልጅቷ ወደ ሽምግልና የላከው ባሏ ጋር ሄደች ከ15 ቀን ቡሃላ ግን ልጅቷ ተመለሰች። ለምን ሲባል በሆነ ነገር ስላልተስማሙ ነው ተባለ ምክንያቱ ግልጽ አልነበረም ከዚያን ጊዜ ጀምሮ የልጅቷ ቅስም እንዳይጠገን ሆኖ ተሰበረ አገር ለቃ ገጠር ገባች ሰው ምን አለ ታዲያ አይ ያኔ የሽምግልናው ቀን ነበር መፈራረም የነበረባቸው ያ ሁሉ ድግስ እና ጭፈራ መና ቀረ ተባለ።
ቢናዬ በጣም ነው የምትመቸኝ ጌታን good job bro keep it up ❤
keep going good job
የዛሬው ውይይት በጣም ያዝናናል 😂😂😂
ሁለት አራዱች ሲያስተምሩ ምርጥ ነው ይመቻችሁ ፍችው በዝቶ የተጎዱ ብለው ፓርቲ እንዳይመሰርቱ መፍራት ነው
ማድረጉን ያድርጉት ግን ቪዲዮ ሚያስቀርፁት ቅኑብኝ.. ሀብታም መሆኔን እዩልኝ ለማለት ነው በነገራችን ላይ ሶሻል ሚዲያ ባይኖር ኖሮ ያን ሁሉ ለማሳየት ብዙ አይለፉም ነበር
ኮለዉ ያዱርክ ቤንጃ
We don't want to see their private life they can private the video
መንታ ናቹ እንዴ ቤንጃ?❤❤❤
ባንዴራው ተመስገን ቀይረህልናል😅
ere yetqeyerewen mic shetulegn love u all
wendm ena wendm nachu ende
የሰው የሃገር የዜጎች ገንዘብ ግን እንዲህ ያደልባል !?
ለምን አፕል ሰአት ከምታስር ባታስርስ ሰአት እኮ ሞባይልህ ላይ ማየት ትችላለህ?
Very interesting topic guys! Let me chime in a little bit.
This is a dilemma between freedom to exercise your economic rights and moral responsibility.
Personally I don’t think neither are wrong. We are fully aware that there are people starving but that doesn’t mean we should feel guilty to eat. There will be people who cannot afford our lifestyle but doesn’t mean that will hold us back from living the way we do.
This scenario is as hurtful as eating in front of a hungry child to a mother who had to give birth at home because she couldn’t afford the hospital cost.
Having said that, would it be great for people to limit their wants and help others? Yes, of course. But us humans don’t operate like that. There are people living way more luxuriously than the video mentioned but we don’t see it on social media. What makes it wrong about this video is that it looked almost flaunting, therefore it translated to tone deaf to the society’s current situation.
Thank you
Ewnet lemenager mebit new yemilew lay new menager yefelekut ena bereget begelu bebtu akemu yechalewen. Yaderegg ginn media lay mewetatu new chigeru yaw tsuhuf silabezahu sorry hasaben lemeglets yahell neww.
Funny they are
What are you talking about? Even your prime minister living very luxury life. There is no middle class Ethiopia.
😂😂😂ወለድን ብለን ወይ አገባን ብለን የተለየ ነገር አርጉ ወይ እናርግ ቢባል ለኔ ከንቱነትነው እን ከመውደድ ከማፍቀር ቀድሞ የምአሥቀምጠው መግባባትና መነጋገር ነው መደማመጥ በቀር የቀረው ሑሉ ወሬ ከቱነው
ልክክ ያለ ልክ ነዉ
1gna nw yebal betesb talka gebnt astkaklut demo sub
እንደትዳር አስቀያሚ ነገር የለም 🤮🤮🤮