I'm also an INTJ. Since I was a child I always felt that I was different from the rest of the people. I felt that I didn't belong. I've always had complex ideas. I'm sure many of you know that feeling.
Luis Alvarez I've always felt that way. People has always called me strange from since I was a kid. I didn't act weird or anything, but people would always freak out about the stuff I thought about. I have always felt that everyone around me was stupid. Like I was the only one who could see things that were so damned obviuous to me. Like the Sun Tzu's "Art of War", you would be amazed at the amount of people who simply do not understand it. But i think people just close their minds to certain posiblites simply because they let their emotions control their thinking, which is stupid to me. I was relieved when I took the Myers-Briggs test to find out why I think the way I do. To finally find out that I wasn't crazy.
as you people are sharing ur experiences,i was quiet guy,kept on thinking ,poor in humor.ppl use to call me you are by nature deadly serious. u will die while thinking. love u all.it gives some comfort and support that ppl still exists like you
Are there any other INTJ's out there who have a deep appreciation of art and abstract ideas? I can find art and beauty in what seems to be the most simple of things, and highly value simplicity and aesthetics.
I am :o It's amazing to find people with the same mindset as you - but it's hard for me lolol I'm just 14 and I looove drawing anything that involves color, meaning etc -
As an INTJ as well, I prefer fiction/fantasy over non-fiction, but I do like some non-fiction as well. Math (in general) has never been my strong point, rather English, Music, and other such things are. Overall though, I do agree with the video.
+fromolwyoming I love art its great I was certain I would become an artist...then I started to dabble with mathematics and saw it was the same thing.. It is just that instead of speaking my own brain language I have to learn the general language that is transferable to other humans. Its great because you get to see what was in the mind of Einstein, Newton and such... the beauty of their mind to put such things together. Math was never my strong point. What happened was I was introduced to geometry.. a math that involved drawing lol. I still draw randomness to give art to the abstract mathematical concepts. Seperating the subjects was a stupid idea by the public schools. It destroyed universal creativity. Now I am about to graduate with a CS degree as CS lets me do art, math, science etc.
+John Shackleton Eww Hillary *barfs* I would rather a sack of flour become president than her. I'm an INTJ female and I hate that $@#$ Here is a video by Melissa Melton about how horrible Hillary is (watch?v=3g_6zKfbUyU). It's good, and Mel is so funny :)
We're so misunderstood by other personality types and often times we feel like we're on the outside looking in. A true INTJ knows what I'm talking about.
Being an INTJ isn't easy, but burying yourself in work or exercising a lot helps. And finding a woman that's the least bit logical is damn near impossible. ;-)
I scored as an INTJ as a kid and as an adult . The one thing I suck at is discussing sensitive topics that carry emotion with them . I was dumped last week by someone because we talked about politics and I must've offended them without realizing it . I was so hurt they kicked me out of the apartment , i bought them roses and gifts for christmas. but they didn't care about that and never wanted to see me again. it's hard being intj sometimes ....
INTJ here. As I've been watching different videos about being an INTJ, I've noticed how the INTJ Personality description videos consistently have the most views on their channels. It's interesting, but totally leads credence to the idea that INTJs are deeply introspective and curious about themselves. Or maybe everyone else just wants to delve into the mystery, too!
+Bobby Pendragon I think INTJs are so prevalent on the internet because we don't seem to mesh with other people, we are often driven to the internet to figure out why. Also, a lot of the tests on the internet are BS and falsely identify people as being INTJ.
@@haNa_0709 There is actually a logical explanation on that one. INTJs tend to be intellectuals who love searching for knowledge. And what's the biggest repository of knowledge that there is in this world? Yes, the internet. So it is just logical to find so many INTJs here in the internet. Couple that with the fact that there are other types that find INTJs cool and you got yourself a cesspool of people in the internet claiming to be INTJs.
Just took a fairly comprehensive personality test and learned that I was an INTJ. I always knew that I wasn't just an introvert, as I am not shy at all, I just don't find most people to be of any interest. I'm curious as to how I can use this new knowledge to my benefit... Someone mentioned that we are Vulcans, that's funny, because I always thought I could relate to Vulcan characters more and wanted to live among them. Some basics about myself: atheist, successful, ambitious, curious. I am often saddened by the lack of time to bring my ideas to fruition. Perhaps we should form an investment club.
I think the key is to not try to reconcile the two. I've always believed that the threads which don't connect today are merely too complicated for my current understanding, but that that their relationship will in time be made clear as the larger picture emerges. The unique ability of the INTJ: keeping every last little puzzle piece on the table, waiting for the right moment when memory, imagination and logic will harmonize in beautiful, full and profound enlightenment! (hopefully! :-) )
EVERYONE Keep in mind that this is just the archetype of an INTJ. It's the basic mold at it's most basic level (including development of this level)! Thik of it like this, You can level up this mold but also aquire new abilities (Geeky, I know). I myself am very very very much an INTJ with around 95% of this stuff. Although, I have taught myself for years to be more social and flirt and stuff (which are taboo social rituals for us INTJs) and I also have ADHD which fucks up my concentration (and changed the modling of it in the past) and of course, makes me more hyper, so I'm less quiet and reserved than the normal INTJ. You keep molding your basic INTJ And leveling it up and it's always there but you also change and aquire a shit ton of new things.
My friend introduced me online personality test today and it said I am an INTJ. I didn't really believe it at the beginning but when I read the description of INTJ, I was so amazed by how accurate it says about me. I often feel like not many people understand me, and I used to find it a bit sad but now I feel better because I know it's because we're the rare type.
+Lithware Games No, Vulcans are more ISTJs or ISTPs. Vulcans have little intuition, but excel in logic. Indeed, the juxtaposition between Spock's logic and Kirk's intuition was one of the underlying themes of Star Trek.Speaking of Star Trek, what do y'all think Kirk's MBTI archetype is? I'm thinking he's an INFJ (before you say it, INFJs can often come across as being extroverted). Kirk clearly has an intuitive understanding of people, which puts him in the NF category. I think his primary function is Nx which makes him an INFJ or an ENFP. He might be an ENFP, but I've never seen him demonstrate the stereotypical ENFP silliness (Robin Williams for example).
@NewYorkS4U Thanks for the support! It's always a bit of a challenge to type famous people, as you don't really know whether they're presenting their true selves. I look for people who are really consistent, at their best and at their worst. For instance, Hillary has always had trouble with appearing cold and calculating. She is very strategic, and it makes her seem unsympathetic. This is a liability she can't seem to correct, and to me, that means it is a core aspect of her personality.
I'm INTJ for sure, but I generally like fiction and non-fiction the same depending on which topics I'm interested in. I like art but I don't like economics, but I do like science a lot. I guess not everyone fits into the mold that perfectly.
INTJ's are more inclined to look up things like personality-types and psychology-related subjects. They are always seeking for knowledge and ways to improve themselves. While 75% of the other personalities are fluttering about... being social, having fun, enjoying life... we have to be learning behind a computer. God... we suck.
+nastynas227 she's always been the reserved type, I'm pretty sure she's I, but I see ISTJ as the most probable. too conventional and predictable to be N.
A little ironic that I'm a complete INTJ and yet I'm much more of an artistic type, but yeah. Always kind of weird to see how well the personality type fits me… O_o
Yes !!! And I can't put in mere words to tell it to others... I have alot in mind that cannot fill it in mere words and plus if I tell that out probably they think I'm crazy.... Already ppl think I'm crazy
@IggyHazard I definitely agree with you that INTJs are typically passionate about issues of individual choice and self-determination. On the other hand, INTJs tend to think of most things in terms of systems, and people are no exception. I think liberal INTJs may see people as part of a system that demands efficiency, and expect that a higher degree of interdependence will create that efficiency. In this case individual choice takes a backseat to the creation of a well-integrated system.
true. i don't like talking to people unless i think they are intellectually stimulating. I have few but strong friendships. and i seek knowledge everywhere i go, i love learning.
Looks like I am late to see this vid . I am an INTJ I felt that I am not like the other I am better than them in thinking and being creative unlike other people.
I think you misrepresented a key fact, possibly deliberately. You mentioned that INTJs are rare in the general population. In the interest of completeness, it needs to be mentioned that it is the rarest type in females with only 0.5% occurrence. Your choosing a female avatar suggests an agenda that finds that inconvenient.
@NewYorkS4U You'll be in good company as an INTJ writer. Many people think John Grisham is an INTJ, based on his ability to strategically weave complex technical concepts into a tight, gripping plotline. Good luck to you in your studies!
@bma051000 Unless you have worked with them personally, it is impossible to be certain of the personality type of a famous person. However, if you are interested in reading a case for Hillary as an INTJ, Michael Melcher has written a great article for the Huff Post that you should be able to find with a Google search.
There's a lot of misinformation and a lot of missing information in this video. Newton was the only actual INTJ of the four individuals mentioned (search celebritytypes). Also, this video didn't even explain the INTJ's functions, which is the most important part. INTJs' primary function is Introverted Intuition, their secondary function is Extroverted Thinking, their tertiary function is Introverted Feeling, and their inferior function is Extroverted Sensing. If you want to understand INTJs, you must understand what these functions are and how they manifest into behavioral tendencies.
These personality types, although a practical way of partitioning people in broad strokes, should not necessarily be taken on face value. They do not take into account the nuances that can exist within each type. I have taken several different personality tests and it is always INTJ as a result, but I do however occasionally feel energized by social interaction (e.g. parties). These nuances are the reason why each of the four personality traits are expressed as percentages in either direction and not in a simple "yes/no", because every scientific model of the world is a simplification to a certain extent by default. I hear people commenting on their personality types as if it was a tribe of socially uniform people. If I have a friend that is never interested in going out or doing something fun, then even I will find that annoying because although we are both introverted, he is way more introverted than I am. The people of the world cannot be partitioned into 16 types with 100% precision. Logic, and even common sense.
It isn't expressed in percentages. Tests can only ask questions about opinions or beliefs. While mbti, isn't personality in the traditional sense. Behavior can vary within a person of a certain type, but that doesn't mean, they are expressing traits of a different type. Since mbti is based on cognitive functions (thought process) rather than behavior.
Miss Nobody that’s why he said we don’t want her. And he’s right, my first thought was “great I share a personality with her..” much rather they said Elon Musk, who is an INTJ.
The fundamental flaw with this personality test and any self administered personality test is that it assumes the individual is not lying (either to himself/herself) or the test taker. How many people do you know who have enough self awareness to answer this test honestly and not the way they see themselves? Even if an individual thinks he's being honest on the test, he may not have the self awareness to know he's lying to himself. And of course, the individual would agree with the results, because that is how the individual sees himself. The actual personality and predictable behavior associated with that personality could be completely different! I'm a QRST by the way. I think I took the test wrong...
Time is the ultimate indicator of true personality. I took the test 2 years ago, then one year ago, and today. It still pegs me the same. INTJ straight through and through. You can't lie and remember the lie year after year. It takes time to create those grooves in the brain. Extremely difficult to lie about connections in the brain and the way you think.
Ik weet het nog niet zo lang. Ik heb sinds kort contact met een loopbaanadviseur en hij zette mij op het spoor van de MBTI-test. Ik heb een goede test gemaakt en kwam uit op INTJ. Toen ik daarover ging lezen leek het wel alsof iemand een boek over mij geschreven had. Ik vond het heel bijzonder om dat te ontdekken.
I recently found out that I am an INTJ. The more I read about it the more I am convinced that this is truly my personality type. I am proud to be an INTJ. I am a teacher (I live in The Netherlands) and I think of myself as a good one. Many of my fellow teachers and students agree with me. Saddly my boss does not so any longer. May be one or two of you INTJ's have a job suggestion for me. What should I try? Thank you.
Music often is about patterns and finding the pattern that will stimulate people's minds. A lot of chemistry majors get minors or duel majors in music.
Well, the reason I place her as INTJ, is that INTJ are known as system builders, meaning that essentially, their entire cognitive focus is reaching an objective goal, by designing a system to achieve it, hence the nickname "Mastermind." Rand formulated a complete philosophical system, from metaphysics to ethics to aesthetics and politics in order to present her image of a heroic or ideal man in her novels. So her entire process is oriented to a specific goal, ergo the Judging component.
I tried doing the test a few times and always ended up as INTJ. Also Intuitive and Assertive were high with the first around 93%. Use to stay in the backround and let others take charge but i don't feel like following them, will always do my thing in the end even when everyone disagree (Note: Doing what i think is right for me). But what i've noticed is that in some social and other situations when shit happens i'm the one to take initiative. Is that an INTJ thing ? I like reading (NOT studying for schools), LOVE fiction (The more extreme the better), very curious about many things. Does being INTJ means you should be at a high position in a job ? Sorry for the long post.
+Johan Dale Being an INTJ usually means you won't be as effective in the social aspects as other, more agreeable, types. Most companies want a sociable person above a smart person because they can be controlled and also can control. They fall into a corporate hierarchy easily, essentially. As you pointed out, you prefer the independent approach if you see a better alternative, that is not something corporate hive minds like unless you try and start your own business or are so good at your job that they have no choice but to notice.
Atmas Sylphen Yes, high charisma when it comes to social talking isn't really my thing but at the same time, ironically i'm in a school that has classes for hotel employers, a job i've done once in 2014 and now a specific hotel resort that's based on partys and luxury style hired me and another guy while they made it clear in the school's presentation that they want extroverts to match the hotel's mood. I like this job and i wish THEM good luck. XD
A newly obtained friend of mine possesses this personality type. He said he thought it was likely I do as well, and after taking a few online personality tests and learning more about the INTJ personality I've discovered that he was correct. So, it's no wonder we became friends so quickly and have very little trouble communicating.
Keep all of this (or anything about any personality type) with a grain of salt. Not everyone fits the mold the same way. I myself hate nonfiction books, despite my classification as an INTJ.
@mexigurlswagga15 It's hard to cope with the social stigma that women should be empathetic and understanding when you're an intj female. If you really are an intj, people might tend to perceive you as, at the most charitable, "odd" and at worse an ice queen and a snob. But as you can see from the video, you do have your good points. You think like a machine and this will help advance you in ways that others can't.
@IggyHazard INTJs aren't likely to take anything on faith, so whatever their leanings you can bet an INTJ has thought long and hard about what political positions make the most logical sense to them. I expect that as INTJs, Clinton and Gore have conducted their own intellectual inquiry and concluded that society functions best with a collective approach. A conservative INTJ has probably gone through the same thought process, but arrived at the opposite conclusion.
@1017theReturn INTJ yeah the personality description of an INTJ fits me amazingly well and explains lots of my behavior: Always late, bad school grades, and focus on personal improvement while my peers are reading twilight i am reading about macroeconomics, stock trading, and advanced poker
Proud male INTJ here. My choice of careers are "Screenwriting" and "Copywriting in Advertising". They're careers that'll definitely depend mostly on my T (Thinking), and most importantly, it's very unlikely advanced technology could replace me as a writer.
More famous INTJ's: just about every well known bad guy or anti-hero ever. We did a personality test in a psychology class I was in once and everyone had to research famous fictional characters with that personality type. It was depressing, as all of my friends came up with ones like james bond, or john mclain. And for INTJ there were a LOT of bad guys, so when I came to class with a list of dexter, and moriarty, and hanibal lecter, it was a little weird.
That's bullshit. You're talking about FICTION, not real life!!! Many of the greatest REAL people in history have been INTJ's. Most other types are too stupid to be fictional super villains.
Uhura Oogabuga ......Pretty certain I stated that they were fictional about halfway through the comment. So I am not quite sure what you are annoyed about. I was simply saying that of the FICTIONAL INTJ's there was a higher percentage of bad guys compared to good guys, unlike ESFP's or many of the other, more common personality types.
mafiacat88 it's cause most heros just come in and save the day, unlike the villians we're compared too who have well thought out plans and would honestly get away with it ,if it werent for a henchmen who doesnt know how to follow a plan. Also we got compared to Matilda and I'm very happy with that
got INTJ, the first time i took the test. Mostly, I get INTJ on these personality tests(then INTP). I do think that the description describes me about 70% to 80%. I enjoy science, philosophy, and mathematics. Always enjoy silence.
Yesterday I took a personality test it turns out I am INTJ I did some research and found that the website that that described INTJ and lets just say it felt like I was reading a biography about myself.
Goes for me too. I am an INTJ too and I easily dislike books if the're not quite exactly what I like. I usually spend a lot of time looking for a book if I feel like reading when I need a new book.
Maybe. I've been question to what degree we should be responsible and try to save people from their own stupidity or just allow them to do so. The issue arises when they damage those around them because of their nature. Anger is as natural as it gets, but it doesn't lead to the best decisions. Also, people are highly adaptive and yet hesitant toward change. It leads to interesting cultural differences, which makes me wonder which standpoint should be the origin point. EG. Japanese or American?
@JoJo1955 Hilary identifies herself as an INTJ and I have heard that she calls her self a compasionate misantrop and considers unthinking emotion pitfull. But I am no expert Gore I do not know what to say about
Myers-Briggs is a self-evaluated test only. So unless we're sending people back into the past to have Newton fill out the questionnaire, I don't think we can definitively say for certain what he was.
I'm an INTJ, and a writer (although it's more of a hobby, I'm still in highschool). I personally hate law and politics. It's just another way of someone else telling you what to do, without earning the privilege to do so.
Ok so I have an engineering degree. I need to "recharge" after dealing with people and hate crowds. I don't watch tv shows or read books unless I am learning something. People tell me I am mean, cold and/or need to get laid although I am consistently able to talk a woman out of her panties when I feel like it. Chess is my favorite game, and I am able to see through bullshit at will. Am I an INTJ or James Bond?!?
''Zolang hij zijn baas wel capabel acht vindt een INTJ het prima dat een ander zich baas voelt/is. In veel gevallen heeft een INTJ die baas niet echt nodig; hij 'laat hem zijn' en iedereen is tevreden'' Goed uitgelegd, daar ben ik het mee eens.. weet jij trouwens hoe je een INTJ kunt herkennen?Ik heb me ook altijd een buitenstaander gevoeld en niet om dat ik onzeker ben maar omdat ik nergens bij pas. Ik ben 18 dus waarschijnlijk moet ik dat nog developeren maar ik vraag me af hoe dat bij jou is.
Hell yeah, I'm the mastermind! ^^ I failed a lot of times on game development though (look into my channel for Ludum Dare vids), but I feel I need to try more harder next time.
Yeah, this video really missed out on the creative aspect of INTJ's. I was reading about our type elsewhere and one passage stuck out which said INTJ's have that rare combination of being both creative and reliable. It's often the philosophical or imaginative aspects of science which draws the type into such fields. That's totally gone here. This vid makes us seem like robotic nerds, rather than the vibrant nerds we really are.
This was a good video, I am an INTj and it always amazes me how extremely accurate these facts are. Also, this might just be me, by were any other INTjs a little discouraged to watch this video simply because of the background music? I was; it sounds like elevator music and pissed me off straight away. No offense to the creator of the video, I actually find it interesting that it made me mad and I really wonder if anyone else thought anything similar.
@personalitydesk The reason that I don't think that Hillary or Al Gore would be good representatives of INTJ, is that they don't portray that personality in their public lives. It might very well be that they are in fact INTJ, but they just don't project"Scientist" in the way that some other historical figures do, such as Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla.
This may sound like a stupid question and I probably already know the anwser but did you have a tough time in school? I mostly refuse to do anything of which I think it's bullshit at school. I often see other people do these things, though, and I'm constantly wondering(and even asking them): 'How the hell can you do something just because people tell you to? Don't you care about what you do all that work for?' If you're like this too, could you give me some advise to deal with this a bit better?
Though I keep getting INTJ on the test. I share some similar traits with INTP and INFP, and not everything in this video describes me 100%. Is this normal?
that is not judging component. that is intuitive thinking components put together. NTs are all system builders, visionary goal orientated personalities.
@personalitydesk Thanks. I added this video to Favorites, as well as spreading the word to other INTJs about this. That's why IggyHazard has a comment here. It doesn't seem like my INTJ friends agree too much with who you mentioned as examples of INTJs. For me, I never really observed those people that closely, so it's all good to me. If I knew about INTJ back in 2008, I probably would've voted for Hilary Clinton for president back then. Oh well.
What do you do as an INTJ if no one gives you a chance at any entry-level position what-so-ever, despite being over-qualified for virtually every position you apply for?
Something else might be going on with you other than you are an INTJ. Applying for entry level jobs and being turned away for being over qualified is not unique to INTJ. Maybe you are experiencing age discrimination?
That's just an insult, not a refutation. Objectivism is certainly not mainstream, but it absolutely corresponds to reality and the requirements of man's life.
Im an INTJ and im an extremely aristic type of person....but ive also been known to range from INTJ to ISTJ....these personality tests are always interesting lol
That's not a "back slash", it's a forward slash. I have no idea if it's the INTJ you have messed with, OCD, ASD, ESP, OTT or some other acronym, but it's not a back slash.
Can't make them all listen no matter how right you are...something about the balance of powers within prevent total ascension mentally, spiritually and physically...especially on a global scale.....yet we still must try. The fool in us is stubborn yet immensly powerful, so much that it will not let us take a back seat to our own abilities.
I am a INTJ, and explains A Lot. I really liked how the test came out, it described me exactly. My son and his friend came out the other rare ones too, next to mine it explained a lot of things, and some i already knew. I put this to use figuring out the bible, what took place and how it is today, it was a incredable puzzle. =), but i didnt pick evil, im more like the dad in the incredibles (LOL) that cant fit into his suit. The hero is Jesus Christ.
David R I am sorry that you, despite being an INTJ, were not able to break free from the religious brainwashing you underwent from earliest childhood. This happens to about half the American INTJs. I assume you're American?!
ssesf Movies Yes American. I didn't find the bible that interesting, nor religion, but I did find God to be very interesting, which really surprised me.
I'm also an INTJ. Since I was a child I always felt that I was different from the rest of the people. I felt that I didn't belong. I've always had complex ideas. I'm sure many of you know that feeling.
we fight the same battle sir :')
Yeah I felt that way
yep same here haha!
Luis Alvarez I've always felt that way. People has always called me strange from since I was a kid. I didn't act weird or anything, but people would always freak out about the stuff I thought about. I have always felt that everyone around me was stupid. Like I was the only one who could see things that were so damned obviuous to me. Like the Sun Tzu's "Art of War", you would be amazed at the amount of people who simply do not understand it. But i think people just close their minds to certain posiblites simply because they let their emotions control their thinking, which is stupid to me. I was relieved when I took the Myers-Briggs test to find out why I think the way I do. To finally find out that I wasn't crazy.
as you people are sharing ur experiences,i was quiet guy,kept on thinking ,poor in humor.ppl use to call me you are by nature deadly serious. u will die while thinking.
love u all.it gives some comfort and support that ppl still exists like you
Are there any other INTJ's out there who have a deep appreciation of art and abstract ideas? I can find art and beauty in what seems to be the most simple of things, and highly value simplicity and aesthetics.
I am one too. :)
Me! I also love to paint
jpbgenesis Yes, I mean just look at my profile picture. Lol.
I am :o It's amazing to find people with the same mindset as you - but it's hard for me lolol I'm just 14 and I looove drawing anything that involves color, meaning etc -
What makes INTJ so confident? Knowledge conquers fear.
As an INTJ as well, I prefer fiction/fantasy over non-fiction, but I do like some non-fiction as well. Math (in general) has never been my strong point, rather English, Music, and other such things are. Overall though, I do agree with the video.
+Todd Colston I third this.
+fromolwyoming Agreed
+fromolwyoming I love art its great I was certain I would become an artist...then I started to dabble with mathematics and saw it was the same thing.. It is just that instead of speaking my own brain language I have to learn the general language that is transferable to other humans. Its great because you get to see what was in the mind of Einstein, Newton and such... the beauty of their mind to put such things together. Math was never my strong point. What happened was I was introduced to geometry.. a math that involved drawing lol. I still draw randomness to give art to the abstract mathematical concepts. Seperating the subjects was a stupid idea by the public schools. It destroyed universal creativity. Now I am about to graduate with a CS degree as CS lets me do art, math, science etc.
You prefer fiction and fantasy because you realize that there is more truth to be found there than in so-called "non-fiction".
We should like make an INTJ only community :)
That's mean, just because you aren't born that way it doesn't mean that you can be shut out.
Well then make a community for your own personality
The INTJ forum?
That would be the most boring community lmao
INTJ: The true master race.
Mwahahaha ahahahahaha
Lol just kidding ... or am I ?
Elon Musk is a much better example of INTJ than Al gore.
When Hillary's name got mentioned I nearly vomited. Luckily I managed to contain myself and swallow it back.
John Shackleton and we are all thankful for that.
+John Shackleton Eww Hillary *barfs*
I would rather a sack of flour become president than her.
I'm an INTJ female and I hate that $@#$
Here is a video by Melissa Melton about how horrible Hillary is (watch?v=3g_6zKfbUyU). It's good, and Mel is so funny :)
+John Shackleton Don't worry, she's not actually an INTJ. Hillary Clinton is an ESTJ on celebritytypes.
***** Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton is an INTJ and I don't believe Wilson was either.
+No No That may be true, but at least they changed the world -- something a lot of INTJs have as the highest of goals.
We're so misunderstood by other personality types and often times we feel like we're on the outside looking in. A true INTJ knows what I'm talking about.
Not all of us like taking classes because self learning is often more valuable
Being an INTJ isn't easy, but burying yourself in work or exercising a lot helps. And finding a woman that's the least bit logical is damn near impossible. ;-)
I scored as an INTJ as a kid and as an adult . The one thing I suck at is discussing sensitive topics that carry emotion with them . I was dumped last week by someone because we talked about politics and I must've offended them without realizing it . I was so hurt they kicked me out of the apartment , i bought them roses and gifts for christmas. but they didn't care about that and never wanted to see me again. it's hard being intj sometimes ....
INTJ here. As I've been watching different videos about being an INTJ, I've noticed how the INTJ Personality description videos consistently have the most views on their channels. It's interesting, but totally leads credence to the idea that INTJs are deeply introspective and curious about themselves. Or maybe everyone else just wants to delve into the mystery, too!
+Bobby Pendragon I think INTJs are so prevalent on the internet because we don't seem to mesh with other people, we are often driven to the internet to figure out why. Also, a lot of the tests on the internet are BS and falsely identify people as being INTJ.
Yup....I always try to figure out what I am and if is anyone like me...... Coz I find myself always unique from others
@@haNa_0709 There is actually a logical explanation on that one. INTJs tend to be intellectuals who love searching for knowledge. And what's the biggest repository of knowledge that there is in this world? Yes, the internet. So it is just logical to find so many INTJs here in the internet. Couple that with the fact that there are other types that find INTJs cool and you got yourself a cesspool of people in the internet claiming to be INTJs.
INTJs tend to value truth and honesty higher than anything else. Hilary Clinton is not a good representation of the INTJ personality.
Just took a fairly comprehensive personality test and learned that I was an INTJ. I always knew that I wasn't just an introvert, as I am not shy at all, I just don't find most people to be of any interest. I'm curious as to how I can use this new knowledge to my benefit... Someone mentioned that we are Vulcans, that's funny, because I always thought I could relate to Vulcan characters more and wanted to live among them. Some basics about myself: atheist, successful, ambitious, curious. I am often saddened by the lack of time to bring my ideas to fruition. Perhaps we should form an investment club.
I think the key is to not try to reconcile the two. I've always believed that the threads which don't connect today are merely too complicated for my current understanding, but that that their relationship will in time be made clear as the larger picture emerges. The unique ability of the INTJ: keeping every last little puzzle piece on the table, waiting for the right moment when memory, imagination and logic will harmonize in beautiful, full and profound enlightenment! (hopefully! :-) )
Oh, my God! These three are my systems. 😮
EVERYONE Keep in mind that this is just the archetype of an INTJ.
It's the basic mold at it's most basic level (including development of this level)!
Thik of it like this, You can level up this mold but also aquire new abilities (Geeky, I know).
I myself am very very very much an INTJ with around 95% of this stuff. Although, I have taught myself for years to be more social and flirt and stuff (which are taboo social rituals for us INTJs) and I also have ADHD which fucks up my concentration (and changed the modling of it in the past) and of course, makes me more hyper, so I'm less quiet and reserved than the normal INTJ.
You keep molding your basic INTJ And leveling it up and it's always there but you also change and aquire a shit ton of new things.
My friend introduced me online personality test today and it said I am an INTJ. I didn't really believe it at the beginning but when I read the description of INTJ, I was so amazed by how accurate it says about me. I often feel like not many people understand me, and I used to find it a bit sad but now I feel better because I know it's because we're the rare type.
We should just call ourselves Vulcans.
Haha! I see what your saying.
Judson Joist I was rewatching the Star Trek movie the other day and it did seem like Kirk was more of an iNtuitive than Spock.
Judson Joist I was rewatching the Star Trek movie the other day and it did seem like Kirk was more of an iNtuitive than Spock.
+Lithware Games Lol, a friend of mine said that I reminded her of a female Spock. So true!
+Lithware Games No, Vulcans are more ISTJs or ISTPs. Vulcans have little intuition, but excel in logic. Indeed, the juxtaposition between Spock's logic and Kirk's intuition was one of the underlying themes of Star Trek.Speaking of Star Trek, what do y'all think Kirk's MBTI archetype is? I'm thinking he's an INFJ (before you say it, INFJs can often come across as being extroverted). Kirk clearly has an intuitive understanding of people, which puts him in the NF category. I think his primary function is Nx which makes him an INFJ or an ENFP. He might be an ENFP, but I've never seen him demonstrate the stereotypical ENFP silliness (Robin Williams for example).
@NewYorkS4U Thanks for the support! It's always a bit of a challenge to type famous people, as you don't really know whether they're presenting their true selves. I look for people who are really consistent, at their best and at their worst. For instance, Hillary has always had trouble with appearing cold and calculating. She is very strategic, and it makes her seem unsympathetic. This is a liability she can't seem to correct, and to me, that means it is a core aspect of her personality.
INTJs I know are all pretty creative. I think the Ni and Fi functions feed into that creativity pretty well.
I'm INTJ for sure, but I generally like fiction and non-fiction the same depending on which topics I'm interested in. I like art but I don't like economics, but I do like science a lot. I guess not everyone fits into the mold that perfectly.
It's not your interests buddy, it's that personality and it's oozing through your sentences............................................. LMAO
Lol Gharzai Iazrahg true that 😂
INTJ's are more inclined to look up things like personality-types and psychology-related subjects. They are always seeking for knowledge and ways to improve themselves. While 75% of the other personalities are fluttering about... being social, having fun, enjoying life... we have to be learning behind a computer. God... we suck.
I wanted to be a perfectionist in both art and science ... science as a career and art as a hobby with perfection
Eventually we shall take over the world :D
I think we already have.
:( I don't want to be in the spotlight...
Atlasmas Samuel101 We can rule the world from the shadows.
INTJINATI confirmed?
One day at a time, buddy.
No way Hillary is INTJ.
***** I view Hillary as an ESTJ. And I think Barack Obama is either ENTJ or INTJ
nastynas227 I heard that Barack Obama is an introvert. I think he is either INTP or INTJ.
+nastynas227 she's always been the reserved type, I'm pretty sure she's I, but I see ISTJ as the most probable. too conventional and predictable to be N.
You can be INTJ and be stupid, too. can you?
starrychloe I actually doubt there are any INTJs in leading positions in politics. Hillary is ST not NT.
INTJs are the only people that check emails, brush their teeth and shave while sitting on the toilet.
gonzalo060375 I recently started brushing my teeth while showering, best invetion ever.
Martin Crow Oh man, I've been doing that for years.
gonzalo060375 I check my email, but I don't do the other stuff. That sounds unsanitary.
Martin Crow Brushing teeth over your laptop? That is so unsafe.
its a normal thing dude.
A little ironic that I'm a complete INTJ and yet I'm much more of an artistic type, but yeah. Always kind of weird to see how well the personality type fits me… O_o
Do you feel goosebumps when you understand a complex(abstract/mathematical) idea ??!!
Yes !!! And I can't put in mere words to tell it to others... I have alot in mind that cannot fill it in mere words and plus if I tell that out probably they think I'm crazy.... Already ppl think I'm crazy
Yes. It's satisfying and amazing.
@IggyHazard I definitely agree with you that INTJs are typically passionate about issues of individual choice and self-determination. On the other hand, INTJs tend to think of most things in terms of systems, and people are no exception. I think liberal INTJs may see people as part of a system that demands efficiency, and expect that a higher degree of interdependence will create that efficiency. In this case individual choice takes a backseat to the creation of a well-integrated system.
I'm an INTJ and I'd like to be a comic artist in the near future.
spotted myself of INTJ at home because I seek "soul mates" and read much. Yet sometimes I go by hunches.
true. i don't like talking to people unless i think they are intellectually stimulating. I have few but strong friendships. and i seek knowledge everywhere i go, i love learning.
Looks like I am late to see this vid .
I am an INTJ I felt that I am not like the other I am better than them in thinking and being creative unlike other people.
Why the hell did you select Hillary Clinton and Al Gore? As representatives of the INTJ now you made all of us look less smart.
They should consider placing famous Black INTJ's on the next video as well.
Jay Z is my fave
im an INTJ that likes to play the social game.experimenting on people's reaction and stuff AND~ everyone that recognize me hates me now lol
I think you misrepresented a key fact, possibly deliberately. You mentioned that INTJs are rare in the general population. In the interest of completeness, it needs to be mentioned that it is the rarest type in females with only 0.5% occurrence. Your choosing a female avatar suggests an agenda that finds that inconvenient.
@NewYorkS4U You'll be in good company as an INTJ writer. Many people think John Grisham is an INTJ, based on his ability to strategically weave complex technical concepts into a tight, gripping plotline. Good luck to you in your studies!
im an INTJ and i can hear ur Fan making noise in the background
Overall. awesome video. explains INTJs perfectly
@bma051000 Unless you have worked with them personally, it is impossible to be certain of the personality type of a famous person. However, if you are interested in reading a case for Hillary as an INTJ, Michael Melcher has written a great article for the Huff Post that you should be able to find with a Google search.
There's a lot of misinformation and a lot of missing information in this video. Newton was the only actual INTJ of the four individuals mentioned (search celebritytypes). Also, this video didn't even explain the INTJ's functions, which is the most important part. INTJs' primary function is Introverted Intuition, their secondary function is Extroverted Thinking, their tertiary function is Introverted Feeling, and their inferior function is Extroverted Sensing. If you want to understand INTJs, you must understand what these functions are and how they manifest into behavioral tendencies.
+Liam M I thought our primary function was to mend and defend?
I think Newton is the only most accurate INTJ type here too...
From the shadows we control and construct the future. Dance minions dance
These personality types, although a practical way of partitioning people in broad strokes, should not necessarily be taken on face value. They do not take into account the nuances that can exist within each type. I have taken several different personality tests and it is always INTJ as a result, but I do however occasionally feel energized by social interaction (e.g. parties). These nuances are the reason why each of the four personality traits are expressed as percentages in either direction and not in a simple "yes/no", because every scientific model of the world is a simplification to a certain extent by default.
I hear people commenting on their personality types as if it was a tribe of socially uniform people. If I have a friend that is never interested in going out or doing something fun, then even I will find that annoying because although we are both introverted, he is way more introverted than I am. The people of the world cannot be partitioned into 16 types with 100% precision. Logic, and even common sense.
It isn't expressed in percentages. Tests can only ask questions about opinions or beliefs. While mbti, isn't personality in the traditional sense. Behavior can vary within a person of a certain type, but that doesn't mean, they are expressing traits of a different type. Since mbti is based on cognitive functions (thought process) rather than behavior.
This video is also kind of a crappy vague generalization of what the I, n, t, and j mean rather how their functions all work together
we INTJs don't want Hillary. Don't give us Hillary.
Sarah Young it worked :)
But isn't she an INTJ herself.
Miss Nobody that’s why he said we don’t want her. And he’s right, my first thought was “great I share a personality with her..” much rather they said Elon Musk, who is an INTJ.
I want Bernie and Anarchy. Screw government.
Thumb up if you're an INTJ in a low paying retail job.
INTJ here. That's a forward slash not a backslash in your website address at the end.
@luigibro1234 Yes! In fact, INFJ is the next on our production schedule. We should have it up in the next couple weeks.
The fundamental flaw with this personality test and any self administered personality test is that it assumes the individual is not lying (either to himself/herself) or the test taker. How many people do you know who have enough self awareness to answer this test honestly and not the way they see themselves? Even if an individual thinks he's being honest on the test, he may not have the self awareness to know he's lying to himself. And of course, the individual would agree with the results, because that is how the individual sees himself. The actual personality and predictable behavior associated with that personality could be completely different!
I'm a QRST by the way. I think I took the test wrong...
Time is the ultimate indicator of true personality. I took the test 2 years ago, then one year ago, and today. It still pegs me the same. INTJ straight through and through. You can't lie and remember the lie year after year. It takes time to create those grooves in the brain. Extremely difficult to lie about connections in the brain and the way you think.
I agree
Ik weet het nog niet zo lang. Ik heb sinds kort contact met een loopbaanadviseur en hij zette mij op het spoor van de MBTI-test. Ik heb een goede test gemaakt en kwam uit op INTJ. Toen ik daarover ging lezen leek het wel alsof iemand een boek over mij geschreven had. Ik vond het heel bijzonder om dat te ontdekken.
Why did you put so many political /military people in the list of INTJs...? That's very misleading.
I recently found out that I am an INTJ. The more I read about it the more I am convinced that this is truly my personality type. I am proud to be an INTJ. I am a teacher (I live in The Netherlands) and I think of myself as a good one. Many of my fellow teachers and students agree with me. Saddly my boss does not so any longer. May be one or two of you INTJ's have a job suggestion for me. What should I try? Thank you.
“INTJs are usually involved in scientific fields, or with the law”
...and I want to be a musician...
Music often is about patterns and finding the pattern that will stimulate people's minds. A lot of chemistry majors get minors or duel majors in music.
The modern law system is a complete mess.
I doubt a sane INTJ would tolerate so much nonsense...
Well, the reason I place her as INTJ, is that INTJ are known as system builders, meaning that essentially, their entire cognitive focus is reaching an objective goal, by designing a system to achieve it, hence the nickname "Mastermind." Rand formulated a complete philosophical system, from metaphysics to ethics to aesthetics and politics in order to present her image of a heroic or ideal man in her novels. So her entire process is oriented to a specific goal, ergo the Judging component.
I tried doing the test a few times and always ended up as INTJ. Also Intuitive and Assertive were high with the first around 93%.
Use to stay in the backround and let others take charge but i don't feel like following them, will always do my thing in the end even when everyone disagree (Note: Doing what i think is right for me). But what i've noticed is that in some social and other situations when shit happens i'm the one to take initiative. Is that an INTJ thing ?
I like reading (NOT studying for schools), LOVE fiction (The more extreme the better), very curious about many things. Does being INTJ means you should be at a high position in a job ?
Sorry for the long post.
+Johan Dale Staying in the back ground until you have to take lead is a classic INTJ thing to do.
kokofan50 Alright.
+Johan Dale Being an INTJ usually means you won't be as effective in the social aspects as other, more agreeable, types. Most companies want a sociable person above a smart person because they can be controlled and also can control. They fall into a corporate hierarchy easily, essentially. As you pointed out, you prefer the independent approach if you see a better alternative, that is not something corporate hive minds like unless you try and start your own business or are so good at your job that they have no choice but to notice.
Atmas Sylphen Yes, high charisma when it comes to social talking isn't really my thing but at the same time, ironically i'm in a school that has classes for hotel employers, a job i've done once in 2014 and now a specific hotel resort that's based on partys and luxury style hired me and another guy while they made it clear in the school's presentation that they want extroverts to match the hotel's mood. I like this job and i wish THEM good luck. XD
A newly obtained friend of mine possesses this personality type. He said he thought it was likely I do as well, and after taking a few online personality tests and learning more about the INTJ personality I've discovered that he was correct. So, it's no wonder we became friends so quickly and have very little trouble communicating.
Keep all of this (or anything about any personality type) with a grain of salt. Not everyone fits the mold the same way.
I myself hate nonfiction books, despite my classification as an INTJ.
@mexigurlswagga15 It's hard to cope with the social stigma that women should be empathetic and understanding when you're an intj female. If you really are an intj, people might tend to perceive you as, at the most charitable, "odd" and at worse an ice queen and a snob. But as you can see from the video, you do have your good points. You think like a machine and this will help advance you in ways that others can't.
@IggyHazard INTJs aren't likely to take anything on faith, so whatever their leanings you can bet an INTJ has thought long and hard about what political positions make the most logical sense to them. I expect that as INTJs, Clinton and Gore have conducted their own intellectual inquiry and concluded that society functions best with a collective approach. A conservative INTJ has probably gone through the same thought process, but arrived at the opposite conclusion.
@1017theReturn INTJ yeah the personality description of an INTJ fits me amazingly well and explains lots of my behavior: Always late, bad school grades, and focus on personal improvement while my peers are reading twilight i am reading about macroeconomics, stock trading, and advanced poker
Proud male INTJ here. My choice of careers are "Screenwriting" and "Copywriting in Advertising". They're careers that'll definitely depend mostly on my T (Thinking), and most importantly, it's very unlikely advanced technology could replace me as a writer.
More famous INTJ's: just about every well known bad guy or anti-hero ever. We did a personality test in a psychology class I was in once and everyone had to research famous fictional characters with that personality type. It was depressing, as all of my friends came up with ones like james bond, or john mclain. And for INTJ there were a LOT of bad guys, so when I came to class with a list of dexter, and moriarty, and hanibal lecter, it was a little weird.
Dexter is more ISTJ. But dont be sad. Comics Batman is an INTJ.
That's bullshit. You're talking about FICTION, not real life!!! Many of the greatest REAL people in history have been INTJ's. Most other types are too stupid to be fictional super villains.
Uhura Oogabuga ......Pretty certain I stated that they were fictional about halfway through the comment. So I am not quite sure what you are annoyed about. I was simply saying that of the FICTIONAL INTJ's there was a higher percentage of bad guys compared to good guys, unlike ESFP's or many of the other, more common personality types.
mafiacat88 it's cause most heros just come in and save the day, unlike the villians we're compared too who have well thought out plans and would honestly get away with it ,if it werent for a henchmen who doesnt know how to follow a plan. Also we got compared to Matilda and I'm very happy with that
Gandalf the Grey is INTJ :)
Plus we also get Thomas Jefferson, Vladimir Putin and JFK :D
Pretty much spot on, only part is I’m not really super independent. But I do have Aspergers so that may be why
got INTJ, the first time i took the test. Mostly, I get INTJ on these personality tests(then INTP). I do think that the description describes me about 70% to 80%.
I enjoy science, philosophy, and mathematics.
Always enjoy silence.
Yesterday I took a personality test it turns out I am INTJ I did some research and found that the website that that described INTJ and lets just say it felt like I was reading a biography about myself.
Having sex with children is natural for some people, should we not enforce a law or an act of force to prevent such a thing?
Goes for me too.
I am an INTJ too and I easily dislike books if the're not quite exactly what I like. I usually spend a lot of time looking for a book if I feel like reading when I need a new book.
That's a forward slash.
Thats what I was thinking!
Omg that got on my nerves.
ENTJ here... but I got you man
I am also an INTJ. Brilliant.
john f. Kennedy was an intj. I wish I took this test earlier. Sure explains alot
Maybe. I've been question to what degree we should be responsible and try to save people from their own stupidity or just allow them to do so. The issue arises when they damage those around them because of their nature. Anger is as natural as it gets, but it doesn't lead to the best decisions.
Also, people are highly adaptive and yet hesitant toward change. It leads to interesting cultural differences, which makes me wonder which standpoint should be the origin point. EG. Japanese or American?
@JoJo1955 Hilary identifies herself as an INTJ and I have heard that she calls her self a compasionate misantrop and considers unthinking emotion pitfull. But I am no expert Gore I do not know what to say about
Myers-Briggs is a self-evaluated test only. So unless we're sending people back into the past to have Newton fill out the questionnaire, I don't think we can definitively say for certain what he was.
Anyone else a rare 1% female mastermind?
I'm an INTJ, and a writer (although it's more of a hobby, I'm still in highschool). I personally hate law and politics. It's just another way of someone else telling you what to do, without earning the privilege to do so.
Ok so I have an engineering degree. I need to "recharge" after dealing with people and hate crowds. I don't watch tv shows or read books unless I am learning something. People tell me I am mean, cold and/or need to get laid although I am consistently able to talk a woman out of her panties when I feel like it. Chess is my favorite game, and I am able to see through bullshit at will. Am I an INTJ or James Bond?!?
''Zolang hij zijn baas wel capabel acht vindt een INTJ het prima dat een ander zich baas voelt/is. In veel gevallen heeft een INTJ die baas niet echt nodig; hij 'laat hem zijn' en iedereen is tevreden'' Goed uitgelegd, daar ben ik het mee eens.. weet jij trouwens hoe je een INTJ kunt herkennen?Ik heb me ook altijd een buitenstaander gevoeld en niet om dat ik onzeker ben maar omdat ik nergens bij pas. Ik ben 18 dus waarschijnlijk moet ik dat nog developeren maar ik vraag me af hoe dat bij jou is.
Intj with learning disabilitys too
I'm glad that I found out why I'm so different
Hell yeah, I'm the mastermind! ^^ I failed a lot of times on game development though (look into my channel for Ludum Dare vids), but I feel I need to try more harder next time.
lol, all good. At times, it's best to revise old decisions about what we build to allow for more improvements.
Yeah, this video really missed out on the creative aspect of INTJ's. I was reading about our type elsewhere and one passage stuck out which said INTJ's have that rare combination of being both creative and reliable. It's often the philosophical or imaginative aspects of science which draws the type into such fields. That's totally gone here. This vid makes us seem like robotic nerds, rather than the vibrant nerds we really are.
This is me in a nutshell. Amazing.
This was a good video, I am an INTj and it always amazes me how extremely accurate these facts are. Also, this might just be me, by were any other INTjs a little discouraged to watch this video simply because of the background music? I was; it sounds like elevator music and pissed me off straight away. No offense to the creator of the video, I actually find it interesting that it made me mad and I really wonder if anyone else thought anything similar.
@personalitydesk The reason that I don't think that Hillary or Al Gore would be good representatives of INTJ, is that they don't portray that personality in their public lives. It might very well be that they are in fact INTJ, but they just don't project"Scientist" in the way that some other historical figures do, such as Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla.
This may sound like a stupid question and I probably already know the anwser but did you have a tough time in school?
I mostly refuse to do anything of which I think it's bullshit at school. I often see other people do these things, though, and I'm constantly wondering(and even asking them): 'How the hell can you do something just because people tell you to? Don't you care about what you do all that work for?'
If you're like this too, could you give me some advise to deal with this a bit better?
Though I keep getting INTJ on the test. I share some similar traits with INTP and INFP, and not everything in this video describes me 100%. Is this normal?
that is not judging component. that is intuitive thinking components put together. NTs are all system builders, visionary goal orientated personalities.
@personalitydesk Thanks. I added this video to Favorites, as well as spreading the word to other INTJs about this. That's why IggyHazard has a comment here. It doesn't seem like my INTJ friends agree too much with who you mentioned as examples of INTJs. For me, I never really observed those people that closely, so it's all good to me. If I knew about INTJ back in 2008, I probably would've voted for Hilary Clinton for president back then. Oh well.
Do a video on ESTJ's and ISTJ's!
What do you do as an INTJ if no one gives you a chance at any entry-level position what-so-ever, despite being over-qualified for virtually every position you apply for?
Something else might be going on with you other than you are an INTJ. Applying for entry level jobs and being turned away for being over qualified is not unique to INTJ. Maybe you are experiencing age discrimination?
That's just an insult, not a refutation. Objectivism is certainly not mainstream, but it absolutely corresponds to reality and the requirements of man's life.
@JoJo1955 Yum! Yes! To stop loving the acquisition of knowledge and imprvement of systems is a death of the mind.
Im an INTJ and im an extremely aristic type of person....but ive also been known to range from INTJ to ISTJ....these personality tests are always interesting lol
I'm flipping out, I did the Myer's Briggs test and got this result. This video is a complete description of myself.
I likee that song!:) Whats the name??
That's not a "back slash", it's a forward slash. I have no idea if it's the INTJ you have messed with, OCD, ASD, ESP, OTT or some other acronym, but it's not a back slash.
There’s personality... then there’s IQ. People with the same personality types often can’t relate to each other if the difference in IQ is vast.
Can't make them all listen no matter how right you are...something about the balance of powers within prevent total ascension mentally, spiritually and physically...especially on a global scale.....yet we still must try. The fool in us is stubborn yet immensly powerful, so much that it will not let us take a back seat to our own abilities.
I am a INTJ, and explains A Lot. I really liked how the test came out, it described me exactly. My son and his friend came out the other rare ones too, next to mine it explained a lot of things, and some i already knew. I put this to use figuring out the bible, what took place and how it is today, it was a incredable puzzle. =), but i didnt pick evil, im more like the dad in the incredibles (LOL) that cant fit into his suit. The hero is Jesus Christ.
Watch out with the Barnum effect please.
David R I am sorry that you, despite being an INTJ, were not able to break free from the religious brainwashing you underwent from earliest childhood. This happens to about half the American INTJs. I assume you're American?!
ssesf Movies Yes American. I didn't find the bible that interesting, nor religion, but I did find God to be very interesting, which really surprised me.