Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About T'Pol

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @billhill897
    @billhill897 2 роки тому +166

    She nailed the role. Blalok was the best actor doing a vulcan since nimoy.

    • @ashedarke
      @ashedarke 2 роки тому +4

      How do you feel about Tim Russ?

    • @DaneK-m8h
      @DaneK-m8h 11 місяців тому +1

      Hmmmm. Tim Russ is no way as good as her. You be right on that one. Edit: Einstein.

    • @SirManfly
      @SirManfly 6 місяців тому +3

      @@DaneK-m8h T'Pol was the only reason I watched the show !

    • @craigbeatty8565
      @craigbeatty8565 4 місяці тому

      I agree. A shame it didn’t get more seasons. My frustration was it was so pacifist initially. Later it got better but I didn’t like the Nazi time travel or Noonian Singh arcs. T’Pol was the character I enjoyed seeing grow as the show progressed.

    • @sspaay
      @sspaay 4 місяці тому +2

      @@ashedarke Russ did a fine job as Tuvoc. His character was more secondary than either Spock or T'Pol, so he didn't get a chance to show his stuff as much. I thought the Tulix episode gave him a chance to display his range.

  • @draege626
    @draege626 2 роки тому +249

    One of my absolute fave characters on STE. Would love to see Jolene reprise T'Pol in SNW. There is so much more to T'Pol's arc left to be explored.

    • @ferninthehouse
      @ferninthehouse 2 роки тому +7

      Fr I would love to see her come back

    • @virginiaconnor8350
      @virginiaconnor8350 2 роки тому +4

      The future Cpt. T'Pol wears the official Starfleet uniform in the 5 books "Reprise of the Federation". She also grows her hair longer, like T'Pau's. Maybe by then, she no longer needs a uniform that helped her adjust to the lower gravity and coldness of the ship. I read somewhere that the ribs in her catsuit uniform structurally helped her body compensate somehow. Lt. Saavik had the advantage of having gone to Starfleet Academy, but not Sub-Cdr. T'Pol who mostly spent her time beforehand on Vulcan or the Seleya. Was she the one who only Vulcan who only lasted 8 days on a human ship? She wouldn't admit it to Cpt. Archer or Trip.

    • @joegee2815
      @joegee2815 2 роки тому +6

      I loved her character and was a huge fan of Enterprise. First season is a bit rough but after that it good so good. And it didn't trash the established timeline like modern crap they are churning out.

    • @sniperdgs
      @sniperdgs 2 роки тому +3

      the skin tight outfit did help when i was younger. but the vulcan but still realizing there was some things to learn from humans was priceless

    • @ferninthehouse
      @ferninthehouse 2 роки тому +2

      @@joegee2815 3rd season is the best, 4th season is the second best tbh

  • @kevrod8979
    @kevrod8979 2 роки тому +87

    I loved how well Jolene subtly expressed T’pol’s buried emotions.

    • @BoopSnoot
      @BoopSnoot 5 місяців тому

      Guys didn't want her emotions though. Men loved the character because it was a hot, young, exotic female that doesn't talk too much and has her emotions under control... this is a unicorn, and that magical quality was attractive.

  • @OrdinaryDude
    @OrdinaryDude 2 роки тому +132

    While Jolene Blalock played a Vulcan with suppressed emotions, she was able to project more emotion than the human characters. She was my favorite character because of this, and for once it had nothing to do with the cat suits and her admittedly impressive physique.

    • @bleirdo_dude
      @bleirdo_dude Рік тому +4

      The Holy Dopamine Ghost via Placebo Faith is strong in you.

    • @strikebr
      @strikebr Рік тому

      Those pointing glass cutter boobs have nothing to do with it.

    • @CarlJohnson-kk4pr
      @CarlJohnson-kk4pr Рік тому +5

      i Agree, i dislike it when they put actresses in for their bodies, when most of them can act better than some flakey male actors, just saying.

    • @SaberToothBicycle
      @SaberToothBicycle 9 місяців тому +2

      The boldest action we can take when attempting to foster genuine connections with one another is to expose our own vulnerabilities.
      For a Vulcan serving on a Human vessel, it seems logical that fostering such connections would be an essential goal--in the interest of mission accomplishment.
      Blalock's nuanced portrayal showed T'pol had more than just that insight, she also had the courage to follow through on it.
      To me, that made T'pol the most compelling character of the series--and no ordinary Vulcan. An extraordinary Vulcan.

  • @mrock828
    @mrock828 2 роки тому +29

    T'pol and Trip were the only reason I watched "Enterprise". I just loved T'pol! You could always see her irritation just behind her deadpan deliveries.

  • @tangerinealarm
    @tangerinealarm 2 роки тому +62

    Recently rewatching Enterprise I was really impressed with how much character Jolene Blalock brings to T’Pol. Even just her irritated glances at Archer early on, there’s so much Vulcan emotion in it. Really felt like she was working hard within the Vulcan confines to show character.

    • @pafnuteus
      @pafnuteus 2 роки тому +6

      She was a fan of mr Spock and the whole TOS so there was no surprise :) No one deserved that role more than her.

    • @arthurchadwell9267
      @arthurchadwell9267 2 роки тому +7

      She had the most expressive eyes... Able to show exactly what she thought/felt, while remaining "unemotional".

  • @georgeplimpton9429
    @georgeplimpton9429 2 роки тому +47

    I NEVER thought her character was weak. ABSOLUTELY NOT! All that happened to her, and she still came out an outstanding member of Star Fleet! No, she was probably the STRONGEST character on the show.

    • @Nikioko
      @Nikioko Рік тому +1

      No. The weak characters of Enterprise were Hoshi Sato and Mayweather. The rest was stronger than most Voyager characters.

    • @mikepette4422
      @mikepette4422 11 місяців тому

      @@Nikioko glad you said this I agree I liked all the characters but the 2 you mentioned and glad they were kinda pushed aside for the most part as the series went on

  • @jhmcd2
    @jhmcd2 2 роки тому +150

    I like T'Pol, and I actually liked the direction they took her character it. I think it Vulcans were one of the most explored aliens in Trek, and without seeing her character struggle with emotions the way she did, we wouldn't have been able to truly see why events in Vulcans time of awakening was so important. Me personally, I never thought of the fact they were loading her into skin tight outfits for sex appeal. But clearly it didn't work.

    • @RHCole
      @RHCole 2 роки тому +13

      Ummmm 👀 I noticed 😅

    • @AshenTechDotCom
      @AshenTechDotCom 2 роки тому +1

      i personally have always felt that, they took/take it too far, but also why its important, thing is, emotions and understanding them both have value, but not letting yourself be controlled by them is also important.. being mildly autistic i disassociate pretty easily when things go sideways and just take action, something i realized when we had an actual fire people took for a fire drill when i was in elementary school... adults genuinely freaking out like mindless idiots... my mildly autistic arse grabbed a fire extinguisher and yelled at the janitor to grab the big "big one" the little dust ext i grabbed put the books that had caught out the big co2 one put out the projector that caught fire... the fact it took them over 2hrs to bring people back in and i had more then one adult yell at me.. then get upset and confused my little autistic arse would just ask if they wanted more of the school to burn? because i was 100% unharmed by the events, fire isnt something to freak out about, just put it out... they only stopped when the fire chief told them it was a good thing somebody put it out, the sprinklers in that area were not working so it could have gotten very bad... now... "should have let it burn" comes to mind... but hey... i was an idiot kid... i did get moved to a much better group/class after that though... with a teacher who actually liked me...
      i saw their going for "sex appeal" but, to me outside a couple times that make me cringe personally... it never came off as her being a fanservice char... and the "med gel" scenes... make me cringe on both a "this is generally cringe worthy" and a personal level.... the night that episode aired... my friends mother calls her husband in and.. we find out the parents got togather after smearing stinky anti-fungal gel allover eachother after helping eachother scrub down.. when you fall into an asian bog/swamp and part of why you were there was to get samples of the very things your now covered in.. yeah.. the joke since that show came out "and that kids, is how i met your mother"... and they fell in because the wooden bridge structure they were on partially collapsed, no real danger just.. gross water full of stuff that would make you itch like hell allover given the chance... the mental image of those 2..*vomits in mouth*

    • @ferninthehouse
      @ferninthehouse 2 роки тому +13

      I definitely noticed the way they tried to sexualize her but I don’t think it worked out the way they wanted it to. If anything it just added more depth to her character, showing that she had sexuality too that she wanted to explore.

    • @Joreel
      @Joreel 2 роки тому +9

      I definitely agree her character was more than tits and ass, but at the same time T'Pol wasn't hard on the eyes. I'm glad she spoke up though so she could have some say about her character's story arcs.

    • @schmodedo
      @schmodedo 2 роки тому

      Agreed. But all that aside, the trips to decon were some of the best moments in television.

  • @chrisfraser5088
    @chrisfraser5088 2 роки тому +35

    I was about 16 when ENT first aired, and I remember most fans feeling like the characters felt pretty flat for a bit in season one. But Trip, Archer and T’Pol quickly became fan favourites for most of the fan base. Jolene did a great job considering all the tom-foolery going on behind the scenes at Paramount back then.

  • @fadingbeleifs
    @fadingbeleifs Рік тому +24

    Star Trek Enterprise was very underrated and it was sad to see it end.. it felt like it was just getting started..

    • @raven4k998
      @raven4k998 Місяць тому

      yeah but it's cancelled now so do not cry😭😭

    • @OivlisLHog
      @OivlisLHog 11 днів тому

      especially sad to see it end to abruptly. I remember expecting a huge speech from Archer in the final minute of the series

  • @indranidasgupta8982
    @indranidasgupta8982 2 роки тому +280

    Badly written or not, Jolene did marvelous work... thanks to her, this character is one of the best and, albeit, possibly the most underrated in the franchise.

    • @justicevanpool9025
      @justicevanpool9025 2 роки тому +7

      I loved the scene and the whole arch. Really fond of Enterprise in general too.

    • @jjano2320
      @jjano2320 Рік тому +7

      I think Enterprise was the best Star trek series. The writing and acting were really good.

    • @SproutMeansGrow
      @SproutMeansGrow Рік тому

      Definitely one of the best but Jar Jar Binks is the most underrated.

    • @Laceykat66
      @Laceykat66 Рік тому +5

      I agree with you except I do not think she is underrated at all. I think she made all the questionable show decisions better on screen than on paper.

    • @indranidasgupta8982
      @indranidasgupta8982 Рік тому +7

      @@Laceykat66 so we agree, right? Because she’s underrated in the industry.

  • @ByloBand
    @ByloBand 2 роки тому +17

    Every time I work my way through Enterprise I find myself having more respect for T'Pol. That speaks to the depth of both the writing and acting. Great character.

    • @spiritualjoy721
      @spiritualjoy721 Рік тому +1

      The writing was grossly unimaginative and severely lacking. I did not like humanizing her character but Jolene’s acting was superb!

  • @poppopdadski7559
    @poppopdadski7559 2 роки тому +26

    I think Jolene Blaylock was fantastic in this role! Thank you, Jolene.

  • @treetox
    @treetox Рік тому +15

    The most beautiful Vulcan ever!

  • @infantrypaladin
    @infantrypaladin 2 роки тому +6

    She did a phenomenal job with the role, creating and bringing to life one of my favorite characters ever. Literally first character I fell for and loved watching her evolve. Imagine if she had been given more creative license with the role. Incredible! Great video. Thanks for shedding some light.

  • @Audiogeek-kf2ez
    @Audiogeek-kf2ez 2 роки тому +14

    The episode "Carbon Creek" is still the best crossover into the human world.

    • @miklosernoehazy8678
      @miklosernoehazy8678 Рік тому

      @Audiogeek 1958
      ...for your fascination and contemplation, scroll to my comment/"pop-up internet theory"...

    • @b.t.walker2295
      @b.t.walker2295 6 місяців тому +2

      Carbon Creek was my favorite episode. Velcro - who’d a-thunk it?!?

  • @apocalypseapostle8319
    @apocalypseapostle8319 Рік тому +5

    It really comes down to the small details, like her coming over her biases against humans, and the humans overcoming their biases against Vulcans. Like in Dear Doctor, when Archer is starting to realize the Vulcans hesitation in humans pushing their technology too fast. You can almost feel the understanding she exudes, even with no words spoken. She earns the crews respect to the point where even Archer, that hated having her there will fight tooth and nail to keep her. When you play a character good enough, you can get someone to understand the character even without words. Blalock gives that aura to the character, it comes forth through T'Pols actions, words and struggles. Sure, a lot of people will notice the skimpy portrait, but the irony is that Blalock makes you look past that through sheer performance. That she knocked it out of the park at the audition comes as no surprise. She understood the character she was playing and had the skill to do it right.

  • @jimkirk4357
    @jimkirk4357 2 роки тому +13

    T'Pol was the most likeable character on that show. She was intelligent, loyal, funny, stubborn as well as cool and sexy. She was playful but reserved. She held her own and more than pulled her own weight. Her character arc was far and away the most compelling. The actress gave a virtuoso performance that was always riveting. There's nothing wrong with having a beautiful, sexy female character as long as she's well acted and integral to the stories. Jolene Blalock was all that and more. Thank goodness for her excellent portrayal of T'Pol. My daughter's loved her too.

    • @herrakaarme
      @herrakaarme Рік тому +1

      I don't think I'll ever understand the objection to having sexy characters, as long as they are otherwise well written, aren't absolutely overbearing, and contribute to the plot normally, like T'Pol very much did, being one of the best characters in the show. When humans hit puberty, they become very interested in eroticism. Humans would be an extinct species if that wasn't true. It's one of the basic needs of living organisms, just like eating or sleeping. It possibly gets more views? What exactly is bad about that? Shows live or die depending on their audience numbers. The only objectionable thing, outside of sheer porn, is to have characters that have no other role but to be sexy, and would thus be objectified. T'Pol was anything but that.
      Add to that in most shows male characters are hunks, more or less. Even if it is difficult for me to judge as another man, but couldn't they be then also judged as being there for sex appeal? Archer, Trip, and others weren't ugly, greasy, overweight dudes.

  • @woongah
    @woongah 2 роки тому +7

    I confess that at the beginning of Enterprise I found Blalock's acting a bit wooden - appropriate for the character, maybe, but indicative of someone whose line of work had not always been acting. She grew in the role pretty fast, though, and displayed a great ability in conveying T'Pol subtle sarcasm...
    With her and Jeri Ryan, Star Trek lucked out and got arguably more than the producers were looking for.

    • @garymay2801
      @garymay2801 Рік тому

      Vulcans would be the most boring and snobby aliens on Star Trek if played as described when ST first started {very intelligent, physically strong, with no emotions} Leonard Nimoy knew that and used subtilty and the raised eyebrow to let the audience know how he felt while still suppressing his emotions. Though when the situation required his emotions would overcome his stoic veneer {when Spock saw Kirk alive after he thought he had killed his Captain and best friend in "Amok Time"} Spock lost his emotional control in some episodes for varying reasons {spores, going back millennia in time}. So it is unusual for a Vulcan to lose emotional control but not unprecedented. At any rate I think Jolene did a fantastic job on Enterprise having problems with emotional control while fighting addiction to Trillium-D. She used subtilty much the same way as Nimoy did with the raised eyebrow Jolene used her eyes and expression to show frustration with her human crewmates.
      At any rate I wish Paramount+ would bring Enterprise back and give it the proper ending it deserves, with the original crew.

  • @markl1733
    @markl1733 2 роки тому +6

    I have always loved the T'Pol character, as well as the way Jolene Blalock played the role. For a Vulcan to go through all of the many emotional experiences she had serving on a ship with humans and interacting with countless different unknowns, and yet still somehow maintain her sense of identity and integrity without completely losing it--now that's a strong character. I think perhaps one of the best scenes in the series to illustrate this is the end of the episode where she sits with Trip holding his hand fighting to maintain her composure in the midst of personal grief after the hybrid baby that was created from their stolen DNA samples does not survive. As for the sex appeal, no question that was a big drawing point for male viewers such as myself, but it was T'Pol's relationships with other characters that truly made her so fascinating.

  • @RHCole
    @RHCole 2 роки тому +19

    T'Pol being half Romulan makes sense on sooo many levels.

  • @ngawaioverend3048
    @ngawaioverend3048 2 роки тому +6

    Loved T’Pol’s character proving what an amazing actress she is

  • @james5460
    @james5460 2 роки тому +4

    Good summary of her character. I think Jolene was outstanding, the best thing about "Enterprise," and she had precisely the right attitude about it. A real gem in the Star Trek universe. Too bad we didn't get seven seasons, woulda coulda shoulda.

  • @tradcatpat2385
    @tradcatpat2385 2 роки тому +4

    That was awesome, thanks! After TOS, Enterprise is my favorite series in the cannon and vastly under-rated, at that. So it's great to get more details on the production.

  • @erictaylor5462
    @erictaylor5462 2 роки тому +18

    9:20 It is possible, even likely that the Romulans had discovered (or at least had historical records) of Vulcan. And, do to their similar appearance would likely have desired to learn more about them.
    It's also possible that the Vulcan government knew about the Romulans but had kept this secret from their own people and the rest of the Federation.

    • @captain_misaki
      @captain_misaki 2 роки тому +3

      Romulans *are* Vulcans. They are "those who marched beneath the raptor's wings" who left Vulcan behind before the Peace of Surak. Source: Diane Duane's "Rihannsu" series

    • @littlekong7685
      @littlekong7685 2 роки тому

      I could see the Romulans exploiting Vulcan ignorance of their whereabouts (or even survival post separation) to spy on their "weak and inferior" cousins. Stealing data, and technologies and getting (wrong) impressions of the other powers in the region. Seeing Humans as an easy weak target, starting a war with drone ships and getting surprised by Human tenacity and ingenuity and being forced into a truce after the Humans discover where their home system lies (without going there of course).
      The famous Earth/Romulus war that was the last great Nuclear war of the era, that brought about the advancement of Earth ships and solidified the technical superiority of Starfleet for decades to come.

    • @erictaylor5462
      @erictaylor5462 2 роки тому +1

      @@littlekong7685 Want to know something cool. Of course the Romans did not call their language Latin. They called it something else: Romulan.
      Also, there was an anomaly with the Orbit of Mercury that was known at the end of the 19th Century. The orbit didn't quite match Newtonian physics.
      A similar anomaly with the orbit of Uranus lead to the discovery of Neptune, so it was thought that an unknown planet could be the cause of this anomaly as well. That undiscovered hypothetical planet was named Vulcan.
      Turned out it was the theory that caused the anomaly. Einstein presented a better theory of gravity and Mercury's orbit matched that theory perfectly, so that killed Vulcan in real life. Vulcan, it turned out wasn't a planet. It didn't even exist.
      That is something those Pluto-philes should keep in mind. At least Pluto actually exists.

  • @bf945
    @bf945 2 роки тому +5

    Blalock was superb as T'Pol. Kudos.

  • @Larripa6
    @Larripa6 2 роки тому +10

    Thank you! I also LOVED The Xindi Arc Too!

    • @jeffs6090
      @jeffs6090 2 роки тому +3

      One of my favorite story lines in all of Trek.

    • @indranidasgupta8982
      @indranidasgupta8982 2 роки тому +2

      It had a few clunkers, but the Xindi arc produced some of the show's (and arguably the franchise's) best episodes... Twilight, Similitude, Impulse, Anomaly, Doctor's Orders, Azati Prime, Damage were top tier Trek, not to mention the entire season was cohesive and tightly woven... it bought the show another season. We who were watching closely felt it....

    • @susanscott8653
      @susanscott8653 2 роки тому

      I love T'pol and enjoyed the Xindi arc too. Having said that, the Trellium storyline required mental gymnastics which I still can't manage. I also thought her relationship with Trip could have been written a lot better. I would love to see both of them on SNW (you do know Trip's not dead, don't you?😉).

  • @MultiMoo20
    @MultiMoo20 2 роки тому +10

    Thanks Brie!! Love your work on this channel.
    T-Pol was one of my favorite characters on Enterprise! ❤️

  • @tobyrock7194
    @tobyrock7194 2 роки тому +6

    This show was so underrated. .

  • @dinomonzon7493
    @dinomonzon7493 2 роки тому +3

    Yes, Bree’s back! 🖖
    I liked the Xindi Arc myself- in effect, it was Star Trek’s take on 9/11 and it was well written, with Captain Archer again having to face his prejudices as he faces down the Xindi in the Delphic Expense.
    As a Xindi species miner reminds him in “The Xindi”: “Remember, Captain. Not all Xindi are your enemies.” It makes Jonathan Archer much like Jim Kirk in that respect given his antagonism towards Klingons in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

  • @DonKelleyMusic
    @DonKelleyMusic Рік тому +3

    This was a truly excellent collection, and is much more revealing about the details of the character and Jolene than most other similar things I've seen in the past. Extremely well done and informative, and is very complimentary to Jolene's acting chops as it should be - she was an excellent actor who happened to be stunningly beautiful, rather a similar case with 7 of 9 - both actors were far better than their initial characters let them portray. But both actors were eventually given material that would let them really act.... Jolene in particular.

  • @KilgrenII
    @KilgrenII 2 роки тому +9

    This was fascinating... as I always liked this character portrayal and was one of the redeeming qualities of this much (and falsely) maligned show! Jolene Blalock was a credit to the genre and canon... and I would love to see her character's return on STRANGE NEW WORLDS! 🖖🤨

    • @halfbakedmedia
      @halfbakedmedia 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, Enterprise was good, despite what people think of it. Kind of a slow burn, just takes a bit of getting used to. The finale royally pissed me off, though.

  • @FeeriiEekii
    @FeeriiEekii 2 роки тому +8

    Imho one of the best characters in Enterprise, hoping for Blolocks return in SNW🤞🖖

  • @darktimesatrockymountainhi4046
    @darktimesatrockymountainhi4046 2 роки тому +6

    T'Pol is PERFECT just the way she is! (was? will be?...). Consider this: She is the Everyman! The reputed unemotional character is the one we the audience identify with. Tripp is TOO emotional, Archer is intuitive and wishy-washy, and the Doctor is like the Chorus, commenting on everything & stirring up trouble. She & the Doctor are the strongest, most rounded characters, but the Doctor is often just comic relief or setting support. These male elements frame T'Pol front & center, and the audience identifies with T'Pol. Any inconsistent Vulcan characteristics help us identify with her, allowing us to "feel" & "appreciate" the Vulcan perspective - while being occasionally taken aback by Tripp's whimsey or Archer's impulsive or dumb decisions. This is part of the reason why I believe Enterprise is all about the Vulcans - and thus it's about T'Pol.

  • @22steve5150
    @22steve5150 Рік тому +2

    I still think that show deserved a couple more seasons. It would have been nice if it would have covered the Earth-Romulan war and ended at the conclusion of that war.

  • @bazookajoe2625
    @bazookajoe2625 2 роки тому +5

    This show was great, and it should have ran for 7 seasons.

  • @freyatilly
    @freyatilly Рік тому

    Thanks for this insight. I only watched a couple of episodes, but it was T'Pol who I acknowledged and rooted for the most, and was the only reason I gave this version of the star trek franchise a 2nd chance. She was the only standout character and, by far, had the better actor portraying her. Be nice to see this character revived in other Star Trek stories.

  • @felixmarinjr.66
    @felixmarinjr.66 2 роки тому +3

    I think she did a great job of working with what she was given dispite some of the compromises the stories made of her the character she was suppose to represent. She still brought her character to life…

  • @KM-bc3lm
    @KM-bc3lm 2 роки тому +2

    1 thing I did know, she was HOWT! 7of9 had nothing on her.
    She was very to the point and the hell with your feelings, yet she struggled with those feelings. I once said she had to be half Romulan with all her emotional outbursts, turns out a writer said that if Enterprise continued, it would be relieved that T'Pol was half Romulan.

  • @Aurinkohirvi
    @Aurinkohirvi 2 роки тому +6

    My favorite Vulcan, and not just because of the looks. And I like Spock too, and not just Nimoy's Spock.
    Loved the character, how she struggled with the barbarian (human) crew, and all the stupid decisions they made. But still she was fascinated by humans and their culture - just living with them was real hard. She's brave, well meaning and friendly person, funny (yeah, Vulcan humour), an ideal shipmate, actually.

  • @jefetters7182
    @jefetters7182 Рік тому +1

    My absolute favorite character in all of Trek. If they don’t bring her back in some way on one of the new shows it’s a big missed opportunity.

  • @jasonzsiba6522
    @jasonzsiba6522 2 роки тому +1

    I really like Jolene's thoughts on T'pol. I believe she was right in all of her assessments and they should have played her character that way. If I had to disagree on one thing it's the T'pol / Tripp relationship. I thought it turned out pretty great. It was a classic Cat & Dog kind of romance where they're played as complete opposites, but both incredibly competent in their own right, showing that neither way is correct or incorrect. Their pairing was actually pretty good.

  • @CRAZYHORSE19682003
    @CRAZYHORSE19682003 Рік тому +2

    LOL That scene where the Big Show is dressed as an Orion and lifts her by her waist and shows her off like a doll is hilarious.

  • @TheASM196
    @TheASM196 Рік тому +1

    I loved T'Pol and could really not get enough of her! She was one of the main anchors and she helped make Enterprise - in my mind - better than Voyager. In Enterprise they were writing the proverbial book as they say and making discoveries almost every episode; in Voyager they should have known better than strand themselves and play dumb on most episodes.

  • @robinski199
    @robinski199 2 роки тому +1

    She was spectacular helped me get through this series..

  • @garba88
    @garba88 2 роки тому +1

    I loved T'Pol and I do hope she makes a cameo or a full come back!

    @PACKYCSONE80 2 роки тому +2

    Your TPau band reference is awesome...this 1980s kid remembers

  • @futo
    @futo 2 роки тому +7

    Hope she does show up in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, assuming she'll likely be an elder

  • @uliseschialva
    @uliseschialva 2 роки тому +2

    Jajajaajajaja.. tha face of T´Pau (the singer) singin China in your hands, projected on the vulcan gong is a priceless easter egg...!!!!! xDDD Great video as always!

    • @InsaneProf
      @InsaneProf 2 роки тому +3

      The group was called T'Pau - named after the character - Carole Decker was the singer's name.

    • @AvoidsPikes-
      @AvoidsPikes- 2 роки тому +1

      @@InsaneProf "Heart & Soul" jammed!

    • @uliseschialva
      @uliseschialva 2 роки тому

      @@InsaneProf You, re right!

  • @uliwitness
    @uliwitness 2 роки тому +6

    Going in I wasn't sure about this woman character brought in just to appeal to horny teenagers (just look at her costume!) and was looking forward to seeing Scott Bakula excel. In the end it turned out Bakula mostly phoned in his role, and Blalok was an amazing actress hobbled by some horrible decisions in and above the writers' room.
    I loved how Blalok managed to at once be stoic and stiff, yet at the same time express a level of emotion that Vulcans possessed and controlled day to day underneath. She was the best thing to happen to this show, and was done dirty. I hope we can get some justice for her. There was a hint of that already with Seven of Nine in Picard, maybe lightning will strike twice?

  • @courteouscarpenter7811
    @courteouscarpenter7811 2 роки тому +1

    yes please give me more Star Trek Enterprise content. And a lovely job by the presenter. Peace and be well

  • @larryw5429
    @larryw5429 2 роки тому +5

    I think it was a very good show and definitely didn't get a fair shake!

  • @laanyan
    @laanyan Рік тому +1

    I think she's so beloved because it's obvious that the show messed up regarding her character (in terms of writing and arch) and she still did amazingly well considering what she was given.
    Data being a standout is similar, but TNG listened and developed a good character.

  • @mitchellminer9597
    @mitchellminer9597 Рік тому +1

    Very interesting and insightful.
    Excellent video work.
    Thank you for posting.

  • @HCBailly
    @HCBailly 2 роки тому +14

    I strongly approve of how Vulcans were portrayed since Enterprise. Previously, they might as well have been robots with stilted acting and boring writing. I think it's far more interesting and appropriate for Vulcans to display at least some amount of emotion, tempered by their composure. I also don't like when Vulcans act without understanding of emotion. They should be masters of emotion, not the complete absence of it.

    • @indranidasgupta8982
      @indranidasgupta8982 2 роки тому +1

      agreed 100%

    • @Qq-xs1fz
      @Qq-xs1fz 2 роки тому +2

      I absolutely agree ENT added some depth to the Vulcans, but I'm not sure T'Pol was such a good vehicle for that. The most impressive Vulcan in ENT was imho V'Lar, blessed with the dignified charisma of Fionnula Flanagan.

    • @indranidasgupta8982
      @indranidasgupta8982 2 роки тому +1

      @@Qq-xs1fz Thanks for reminding us of that episode! A great one! FF has played some amazing roles in Trek!

    • @Qq-xs1fz
      @Qq-xs1fz 2 роки тому +1

      @@indranidasgupta8982 She has a unique screen presence and made a fenomenal Vulcan. I wish we could have seen more of her.

    • @mariajohnson-tanner2720
      @mariajohnson-tanner2720 Рік тому

      Vulcans are not without emotion which is much stronger than those of humans, that is why they suppress them and turn to logic.

  • @Greg_M1
    @Greg_M1 5 місяців тому

    I 100% liked every aspect of T'Pal and her depiction. Excellent.

  • @tagoldich
    @tagoldich Рік тому +1

    Blalock was GORGEOUS; and she was consistently the most interesting and nuanced actor in the series.

  • @thequantumnexus4270
    @thequantumnexus4270 2 роки тому +3

    Surprisingly, I didn't know most of these. I knew she was supposed to be half Romulan, then I didn't know it no the connection to Savick. I knew Blalock was critical of how the character was written, as well. She still did a great performance, though, and could have rivalled Spock had the writing been better. And I think we all noticed the neckline.

  • @markallen2984
    @markallen2984 Рік тому +1

    Jolene Blalock did an excellent job as T'Pol. I think she took the role very seriously and she came across to me as somebody serious about but slightly peeved with her assignment.
    I admire her integrity and her concerns about the consistency of the character with established Trek history.
    And although it's s obvious they used her as eye candy, frankly I didn't mind a bit because she was compelling enough as an actress that it did not diminish her portrayal of T'Pol.

  • @sagefoole
    @sagefoole 2 роки тому +2

    My idea is that Spock DID know about the Romulans being relatives of Vulcans but was forbidden to reveal this to off worlders.

  • @henrikharbin5521
    @henrikharbin5521 2 роки тому +2

    T'Pol actually learned from the people around her, without forcing her way on everybody else as Seven of Nine had.

  • @haplozetetic9519
    @haplozetetic9519 2 роки тому +5

    I agree with Jolene's assessment of some aspects of T'Pol's story arc. I also have serious issues with the tendency the show had to get her as naked as they could get away with as often as they could. To be clear, I have no problems with nudity, and I think Jolene qualifies as one of the most beautiful women in all of Star Trek, but no excuse justifies what I consider their abuse of her in the show.

  • @achasonc
    @achasonc 2 роки тому +1

    Always an education... thank you.

  • @davidmundy2906
    @davidmundy2906 7 місяців тому

    Jolene played in another one of my favorite series, SG-1. She wasn't in there for too long, but did a great character which I liked very much.

  • @richardcutts196
    @richardcutts196 2 роки тому +10

    I liked T'Pol, and by the end of the third season her and Trip's relationship was one of the main reasons I was still watching the show. So of course they downplayed it until the end of the season and ruined the last episode completely by killing Trip. BTW they were lucky to have had any audience after inflicting the 'Temporal Cold War' on the viewers. Second stupidest thing in the series besides the last episode.

    • @LazyIRanch
      @LazyIRanch 2 роки тому +1

      I hated the way they ended the series.

  • @jedironin380
    @jedironin380 2 роки тому +1

    @5:00 I never knew T'Pol was in an '80's hair band! 😁

  • @jaredking380
    @jaredking380 2 роки тому +1

    she was awesome...... one of if not my top characters

    @MrCCCCGGGG 5 місяців тому

    Why is it that she was so loved... She was an awesome actress... Her attractiveness was a bonus. She embodied the essence of being a Vulcan.

  • @gordonwallin2368
    @gordonwallin2368 2 роки тому +1

    Cheers from the Pacific West coast of Canada.

  • @berthulf
    @berthulf 2 роки тому +1

    I love T'Pol and agree with most of Jolene's comments about the way she and the character were treated, but I disagree about Tri'pol; that was easily the best ship in the series (and I mean out of ALL ships) and I would have liked to see more of it, even if I may have turned a little greenblooded myself everytime Jolene (or anyone) got to film a scene with Connor... (I know you at least agree, Sean!)

  • @CaptainEnglehorn
    @CaptainEnglehorn 2 роки тому +3

    The seventh is an underrated episode

    • @indranidasgupta8982
      @indranidasgupta8982 2 роки тому +1

      Agreed, and I believe that a lot of Season 2 episodes are underrated. Though I think the show's bad reputation really came from a few really bad episodes in this season as well as the future guy episodes in the first season.

  • @michaelgautreaux3168
    @michaelgautreaux3168 2 роки тому +2

    Super vid covering a grand character in a spin off almost rivaling TOS (it's being challenged by SNW)! Jolene/T'Pol is more intoxicating than Jeri/7 of 9, way tough act! A GR8 piece 👍👍
    Many thanx to cast & crew. (Channel)

  • @Sully365
    @Sully365 2 роки тому +1

    She was amazing. Enterprise gets a lot of hate but season 4 was probably one of the most fun seasons of trek until SNW season 1

  • @petegarnett7731
    @petegarnett7731 2 роки тому

    The success of T'Pol is much more simple. The formulaic T & A in the right costumes, the mean but sexy expression and Blalock's underated acting ability with the complex character. 7 of 9 used a very similar formula with another striking and sexy looking woman with a contrasting persona. It works every time particularly with a large male audience

  • @Just_Call_Me_Tim
    @Just_Call_Me_Tim Рік тому

    Subcommander T'pol is in my top three favorite Star Trek characters of all time and, along with Gary Graham (ambassador Soval), Jolene Blalock absolutely NAILED her portrayal of Vulcans. 🖖🏻

  • @daveallen9950
    @daveallen9950 8 місяців тому

    probably ,y 4th or 5th favorite ST. Of course I have seen them all. She played a great part and I wish they would have finished with 1 more season

  • @bradleybarnett9545
    @bradleybarnett9545 Рік тому

    I'm so glad to read all these positive comments. I'd heard that lots of ST fans objected to ST:Enterprise, hated it. I didn't properly watch any Trek until I was 40 something. Knowing only a few catchphrases & pop culture touchstones from the previous shows, I chose ST:E as my first. I love it as much as the others. Important things happen: all the disappointing first contacts; the militarisation of Star Fleet; the forging of early fed alliances. Brilliant.
    As for T'Pol... J.B. was great in the role. The sexy Vulcan thing was jarring. The writing could have been better but never really will be while ratings drive character & story.
    Joelene made a good Jaffa, too.

  • @michaelfinger6303
    @michaelfinger6303 Рік тому

    T`Pol was one of the greatest characters in STE, great storylines loved the show Scott Baracula also did a great Captian a mix between Cisco and Picard.

  • @Jimir
    @Jimir Рік тому

    I distinctly remember in the novelization of Search for Spock that it was mentioned a few times Saavik was half Romulan. There was also this subplot going on in that novelization of a romance between her and David, kinda a kids who's parents are friends start dating thing. I cannot remember though if they implied in the novel if Spock helped raise her, or if it was just a mentorship with shared "half-vulcan, half-emotional-species" heritage.

  • @naralein7495
    @naralein7495 Рік тому

    I've always loved T'Pol's subtle humour

  • @stephenarmiger8343
    @stephenarmiger8343 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this!

  • @rogerlynch5279
    @rogerlynch5279 2 роки тому

    11:O7 One thing worth to add is that even Leonard Nemoy had a hell of a time to save the integrity of M.. Spock against the Studio requests " for spicing up the Vulcan" all the time as you can read in some STAR TREK TOS and STAR TREK MOVIE memories

  • @shaunjp2211
    @shaunjp2211 Рік тому

    Future adventures of T’pol would be great 🖖🏻

  • @LucianLacroix
    @LucianLacroix 2 роки тому +2

    I can’t imagine anyone but her playing tpol.

  • @Henry-dt9ht
    @Henry-dt9ht 2 роки тому +2

    When savic first came along I thought it would have been a natural plot line to have her be The Offspring of Spock and the Romulan Commander from the Enterprise incident. Although the timeline would have to to be looked at very closely to make sure that this branch of the plot line would flow into the general Arc of the Star Trek Canon

    • @ameliashephard2876
      @ameliashephard2876 2 роки тому

      Good job they didn't. The events in the Search for Spock would have been incest and worse, had they kept the scenes of Saavik's pregnancy being revealed and why she stayed on Vulcan in The Voyage Home! Eek! The deleted scenes are somewhere on UA-cam.

  • @stevenewman1393
    @stevenewman1393 10 місяців тому +1

    🖖😎👍Very cool and very nicely well done and very informatively explained and executed in every detail way shape and form on this format and subject matter on and about everything about T'POL of Startrek Enterprise!.

  • @victorm56
    @victorm56 11 місяців тому

    Just a word, Blood and Fire was produced later by fan film group ST: New Voyages. It can be found on youtube also.

  • @stevebojo4378
    @stevebojo4378 6 місяців тому

    This show was so under rated.

  • @frankshuffitt3925
    @frankshuffitt3925 Рік тому

    Im glad she read for the part she was fantastic.

  • @BigRed999
    @BigRed999 Рік тому

    T'pol by far one of the best.

  • @michaelmurphy8332
    @michaelmurphy8332 8 місяців тому

    My favorite thing about Enterprise was the explanation of why some Klingons looked human. There was a group of Kahn style genetically engineered super soldiers called augments. The Klingon warriors didn't stand a chance in either hand to hand combat or strategic based warfare. Once the Klingons got samples of augment DNA a group of volunteers were infected with it. It desolved cranial rigges and changed other feathers to a more human look.

  • @AcmeRacing
    @AcmeRacing 2 роки тому

    Jolene did a great job creating a Vulcan consistent with what Nimoy had done.

  • @brainsmatterpodcast
    @brainsmatterpodcast Рік тому

    Haha nice Easter egg showing Carol Decker of the 80s band T’Pau at the start 😂

  • @desmondmallette5982
    @desmondmallette5982 7 місяців тому

    I was always emersioned in the story to notice these changes I was young

  • @Jon6429
    @Jon6429 2 роки тому +1

    Lot of Heart and Soul been sneakily put into this ;)

  • @ericbrock7814
    @ericbrock7814 Рік тому

    Her t&a is what kept me watching the show

  • @leomarshall4059
    @leomarshall4059 2 роки тому

    I'm reminded of a panel discussion at a 1990s ST convention...
    "Why does Counselor Troi wear such low-cut outfits?"
    "Because she CAN."

  • @magicsinglez
    @magicsinglez 7 місяців тому

    That makes total sense she was a big fan. She does the emotionless very well.

  • @ramirowendler
    @ramirowendler 2 роки тому +8

    T'Pol > 7 of 9

    • @AndrewD8Red
      @AndrewD8Red 2 роки тому +2

      Greater in what way?
      A greater dancer?
      A greater Pokémon trainer?
      Come on, be specific.

    • @ramirowendler
      @ramirowendler 2 роки тому +1

      @@AndrewD8Red >

  • @tj-597
    @tj-597 Рік тому

    Sheeez,T’pol in that jumpsuit on Vulcan 🤲🏽🥵🥹😛unparalleled!