Any way you could make a video on the importance of being an active alliance member and the daily alliance points? Recently created a rule that members have to get a certain amount per day, and I’m getting back lash for it. Saying there’s more important things to do
Yeah, I think every zone has a evolution where people go from casual play to serious, probably once they have spent money to be honest. Typically what you will see is alliances will start to add a daily quotas and give members warnings for not hitting it. Some players will get angry and leave but then you will have only active players on the alliance and typically that will cause others to want to join. Continue to grow, get stronger and after a few seasons increase the daily requirement again but dont become their boss, its a game and real life happens. Our alliance has a quota, it started at 12mil per week, after asking for 15mil per week some left, now there are people getting between 40 to 70mil per week. Its all part of the process, just be there for them and if they have any questions help them out. Some might not know how to make those points and they need some guidance. They are always welcome to come ask questions in my discord too. The players that do not want to play daily or hit a minimum amount of points per week can join alliances that are casual play, or "just for fun" alliances. Sadly those don't tend to last as long and they will eventually be a farm unless they can become friends with a strong alliance.
You can bring your trucks back with seconds left in dual even if there 5minutes away from fortress , your awarded points as soon as you hit return that way if you have a bunch of buildings ready to collect you can use say a 200% dual card last 5 minutes and still have 25 minutes to collect completed buildings all on same dual card be it 50% or up to 200% since I at lv 27 fortress most things take bit of time to finish even with multiple works going so after card ends I start 3 things that take 2days to finish with 2 workers along with alliance helps they be ready to collect just before expanding fortress day ends use another dual card so carry over to research day and have plenty of speed up to do as much research as I have medals to do, though cheapest research I have 1400 medals so many do 4 or 5 research if early in season and getting 150 prestige points for each new lv block I capture and get bunch medals there may hit 7 research those days. But when do research day don't forget can get medals from prestige shop. Another great video thanks
True on the research, those medals are rough. I didnt notice the research medals for blocks I'll have to check that out, thanks. Good idea on using the duel cards at the end of 1 day and have it follow into the next, i always forget about that. With collecting the trucks, dont trust it! lol I have been burned a few times by this. At mid day I can bring them in and it is as soon as I hit the return button. However right before reset I have had it multiple times that I didnt get the points until they actually arrived at the fortress. Could be a glitch but i side with caution because of past issues.
@Knight Viper Studios that's good to know I never ran into that issue myself expanding day got most done over past week so if only had say 15m of dual card left still plenty of time to collect the 6 or so ready to go.
for gathering day, let's forget about which hero you used, but my point is, how we starting gathering, is good if you got lvl 9 10, a lot on dimension map, so you can return your line up after reset time and start counting gathering point, so you will got probably 2M point on return all line up.
100%, that first collection is best to get a high mine like 9 or 10 to bring in the most possible resources. Starts the day off earning a lot of points.
Hello sir,I would like to ask how I can improve my hero. I am currently at level 16 fortress but my hero is stuck at level 50. It takes a lot of experience to upgrade, but very little experience gained from fighting zombies 😂😂
Hey, you can gain a lot of experience from completing expedition stages. Its the train, to get there just click on your battle button at the bottom of your screen and then expedition. The further you go the more you can earn. It also earns more each hour so go back often to collect more coins and experience. As far as the heroes go if they are purple they can only be leveled up to 50. You have to increase their quality to upgrade them past 50. check out my ascending heroes video to show you how to do that
David was offered in events a lot when I first started playing but I have not seen him in a long time. I would check for the gathering events that they have and see if he is an option, otherwise im not sure of another way.
Hey I did a video on the benefits of discord when playing last fortress, it shows how to use it. You can see it here: This is my discord invite link:
Hi, yeah my discord link is: If you have never used discord and want to know about it I made a video on what it is and how to set it up here:
مرحبًا ، أنا قادر على كتابة الوصف باللغة العربية ، لست متأكدًا من كيفية عمل الفيديو بنفسه ولكن إليك كل المعلومات التي تحتاج إلى معرفتها جمع نصائح يوم لآخر قلعة تحت الأرض! لدي قسم يوم مبارزة في قناة الخلاف ، تحقق من الموارد لمشاركتها مع تحالفك مرحبًا بكم في سلسلة أيام التحالف المبارزة حيث أريكم كيفية تحقيق 4 ملايين نقطة في كل مبارزة. في هذا الفيديو ، أقسم يوم التجمع من الأبطال الذين تحتاجهم في تشكيلاتك ، للبحث ، وكيفية الحصول على تعزيزات إضافية للسرعة / النقاط. دعنا نذهب إلى الحيل للحصول على 4mil: تأكد من أن لديك بالفعل شاحنات تجمع قبل إعادة التعيين ، وبهذه الطريقة يمكنك بدء اليوم من خلال جلب النقاط. استخدم الأبطال مع سرعة التجميع ومكافآت التحميل. أبطال التجميع الذين ستضيفهم إلى تشكيلاتك هم بروم ، وماثيو ، ودين ، وسيندي ، وإيرما ، وإيفان ، وبارك ، وديفيد أنت تريد أن تفعل 2 لكل سيارة إذا كان لديك 4 سيارات ، إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك ، يمكنك مضاعفة. ابحث عن عبارة "الكل مقابل واحد" والتي ستمنحك مكافأة إضافية عندما يكون لديك أبطال من نفس الفصيل في السيارة. ابحث عن أكبر قدر ممكن من قسم إحياء ذكرى التحالف ، فهذا يمنحك مكافأة تصل إلى 450٪ على نقاطك! هذا هو مفتاح صنع 4mil. إذا لم يكن لديك هذا البحث ، فاستخدم بطاقات اليوم المبارزة. يمكنك تنشيط التعزيزات المجمعة الموجودة في متجر التحالف أو عن طريق الضغط على + أعلى الشاشة. اطلب من الإدارة تفعيل أمر المعركة "بسرعة الأرنب" لمنح مكافأة إضافية للسرعة. اجمع الألغام في منطقتك للحصول على سرعة تجميع إضافية بنسبة 50٪ هناك أبطال Solari يمكنهم مساعدتك في التجمع بما في ذلك Mario و Phedias و Laura و Erica و Grace. قم بترقية سياراتك إلى المستوى 20 على الأقل حتى تتمكن من استيعاب 500 جندي مما يمنحك أكبر قدر من قدرات التجميع. أنشئ تشكيلات محفوظة مسبقًا للتبديل بسهولة بين تشكيلات الهجوم والتجميع. جدول: قبل أن يبدأ اليوم ، أرسل تشكيلاتك على أكبر منجم يمكنك العثور عليه ، تأكد من عدم إحضارهم إلا بعد 30 دقيقة من إعادة التعيين (لن تكسب نقاطًا في أول 30 دقيقة). قم بمهامك اليومية مثل الزومبي المتحولين ، واجتثاث الزومبي ، واضرب روبوتًا أو 2. أرسلهم مرة أخرى وكرر حتى نهاية اليوم هذا كل شيء ، اتبع هذا الدليل وستحصل على 4mil نقطة. -------------------------------------------------- ------------ يرجى مشاركة هذا مع أعضاء التحالف الخاص بك حتى تكونوا جميعا على نفس الصفحة ، لقضاء المدن بشكل أكثر فعالية. لا تنس الاشتراك حتى يتم إعلامك بمقاطع الفيديو الجديدة مع النصائح والحيل الخاصة بـ Last Fortress. مقاطع فيديو مفيدة أخرى: تصاعدي الابطال شرح عقود البطل حرب الخيام!
Yeah just their skills, quality needs to be orange to unlock their 3rd skills which will be their gathering skill, max that out. The actual level of the hero doesn't matter, they will still gather the same amount.
LoL thx man, the music part was funny :D
Thanks! I'm trying to let my personality come through a little on these, most of the time its all facts, I had fun with this one.
I just about died at “he will… shake a bitch” 😂😂😂
Thank you sir, 🙏
Any time 😁Thanks for watching
Thanks this is helpful to a new player when it comes to researching I happy I stopped in!
Awesome, I'm glad it was helpful! Thanks for watching 😊
Any way you could make a video on the importance of being an active alliance member and the daily alliance points? Recently created a rule that members have to get a certain amount per day, and I’m getting back lash for it. Saying there’s more important things to do
Yeah, I think every zone has a evolution where people go from casual play to serious, probably once they have spent money to be honest. Typically what you will see is alliances will start to add a daily quotas and give members warnings for not hitting it. Some players will get angry and leave but then you will have only active players on the alliance and typically that will cause others to want to join. Continue to grow, get stronger and after a few seasons increase the daily requirement again but dont become their boss, its a game and real life happens.
Our alliance has a quota, it started at 12mil per week, after asking for 15mil per week some left, now there are people getting between 40 to 70mil per week. Its all part of the process, just be there for them and if they have any questions help them out. Some might not know how to make those points and they need some guidance. They are always welcome to come ask questions in my discord too.
The players that do not want to play daily or hit a minimum amount of points per week can join alliances that are casual play, or "just for fun" alliances. Sadly those don't tend to last as long and they will eventually be a farm unless they can become friends with a strong alliance.
Thanks for watching
You can bring your trucks back with seconds left in dual even if there 5minutes away from fortress , your awarded points as soon as you hit return that way if you have a bunch of buildings ready to collect you can use say a 200% dual card last 5 minutes and still have 25 minutes to collect completed buildings all on same dual card be it 50% or up to 200% since I at lv 27 fortress most things take bit of time to finish even with multiple works going so after card ends I start 3 things that take 2days to finish with 2 workers along with alliance helps they be ready to collect just before expanding fortress day ends use another dual card so carry over to research day and have plenty of speed up to do as much research as I have medals to do, though cheapest research I have 1400 medals so many do 4 or 5 research if early in season and getting 150 prestige points for each new lv block I capture and get bunch medals there may hit 7 research those days. But when do research day don't forget can get medals from prestige shop.
Another great video thanks
True on the research, those medals are rough. I didnt notice the research medals for blocks I'll have to check that out, thanks.
Good idea on using the duel cards at the end of 1 day and have it follow into the next, i always forget about that.
With collecting the trucks, dont trust it! lol I have been burned a few times by this. At mid day I can bring them in and it is as soon as I hit the return button. However right before reset I have had it multiple times that I didnt get the points until they actually arrived at the fortress. Could be a glitch but i side with caution because of past issues.
@Knight Viper Studios that's good to know I never ran into that issue myself expanding day got most done over past week so if only had say 15m of dual card left still plenty of time to collect the 6 or so ready to go.
@@michaelrohrs7475 nice, i gotta start doing that. Thanks man
Is it still correct to use the AD card before the trucks 🚚 leave the mines?
@@Deathstroke3K yes need to use before trucks head back or are recalled
You probably got him in the rooms you have clear next to exploration tab I got 3 hero's that I rescued
true, I think I got a few in there
for gathering day, let's forget about which hero you used, but my point is, how we starting gathering, is good if you got lvl 9 10, a lot on dimension map, so you can return your line up after reset time and start counting gathering point, so you will got probably 2M point on return all line up.
100%, that first collection is best to get a high mine like 9 or 10 to bring in the most possible resources. Starts the day off earning a lot of points.
Hello sir,I would like to ask how I can improve my hero. I am currently at level 16 fortress but my hero is stuck at level 50. It takes a lot of experience to upgrade, but very little experience gained from fighting zombies 😂😂
Hey, you can gain a lot of experience from completing expedition stages. Its the train, to get there just click on your battle button at the bottom of your screen and then expedition. The further you go the more you can earn. It also earns more each hour so go back often to collect more coins and experience.
As far as the heroes go if they are purple they can only be leveled up to 50. You have to increase their quality to upgrade them past 50.
check out my ascending heroes video to show you how to do that
@@Knightviper777 thank you master❤❤❤
How to get David? thanks for the help.
David was offered in events a lot when I first started playing but I have not seen him in a long time. I would check for the gathering events that they have and see if he is an option, otherwise im not sure of another way.
Discord ? What /where is that ?
Hey I did a video on the benefits of discord when playing last fortress, it shows how to use it.
You can see it here:
This is my discord invite link:
Hi, yeah my discord link is:
If you have never used discord and want to know about it I made a video on what it is and how to set it up here:
Can you write the translation? Arabic
مرحبًا ، أنا قادر على كتابة الوصف باللغة العربية ، لست متأكدًا من كيفية عمل الفيديو بنفسه ولكن إليك كل المعلومات التي تحتاج إلى معرفتها
جمع نصائح يوم لآخر قلعة تحت الأرض!
لدي قسم يوم مبارزة في قناة الخلاف ، تحقق من الموارد لمشاركتها مع تحالفك
مرحبًا بكم في سلسلة أيام التحالف المبارزة حيث أريكم كيفية تحقيق 4 ملايين نقطة في كل مبارزة.
في هذا الفيديو ، أقسم يوم التجمع من الأبطال الذين تحتاجهم في تشكيلاتك ، للبحث ، وكيفية الحصول على تعزيزات إضافية للسرعة / النقاط.
دعنا نذهب إلى الحيل للحصول على 4mil:
تأكد من أن لديك بالفعل شاحنات تجمع قبل إعادة التعيين ، وبهذه الطريقة يمكنك بدء اليوم من خلال جلب النقاط.
استخدم الأبطال مع سرعة التجميع ومكافآت التحميل.
أبطال التجميع الذين ستضيفهم إلى تشكيلاتك هم بروم ، وماثيو ، ودين ، وسيندي ، وإيرما ، وإيفان ، وبارك ، وديفيد
أنت تريد أن تفعل 2 لكل سيارة إذا كان لديك 4 سيارات ، إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك ، يمكنك مضاعفة.
ابحث عن عبارة "الكل مقابل واحد" والتي ستمنحك مكافأة إضافية عندما يكون لديك أبطال من نفس الفصيل في السيارة.
ابحث عن أكبر قدر ممكن من قسم إحياء ذكرى التحالف ، فهذا يمنحك مكافأة تصل إلى 450٪ على نقاطك! هذا هو مفتاح صنع 4mil.
إذا لم يكن لديك هذا البحث ، فاستخدم بطاقات اليوم المبارزة.
يمكنك تنشيط التعزيزات المجمعة الموجودة في متجر التحالف أو عن طريق الضغط على + أعلى الشاشة.
اطلب من الإدارة تفعيل أمر المعركة "بسرعة الأرنب" لمنح مكافأة إضافية للسرعة.
اجمع الألغام في منطقتك للحصول على سرعة تجميع إضافية بنسبة 50٪
هناك أبطال Solari يمكنهم مساعدتك في التجمع بما في ذلك Mario و Phedias و Laura و Erica و Grace.
قم بترقية سياراتك إلى المستوى 20 على الأقل حتى تتمكن من استيعاب 500 جندي مما يمنحك أكبر قدر من قدرات التجميع.
أنشئ تشكيلات محفوظة مسبقًا للتبديل بسهولة بين تشكيلات الهجوم والتجميع.
قبل أن يبدأ اليوم ، أرسل تشكيلاتك على أكبر منجم يمكنك العثور عليه ، تأكد من عدم إحضارهم إلا بعد 30 دقيقة من إعادة التعيين (لن تكسب نقاطًا في أول 30 دقيقة).
قم بمهامك اليومية مثل الزومبي المتحولين ، واجتثاث الزومبي ، واضرب روبوتًا أو 2.
أرسلهم مرة أخرى وكرر حتى نهاية اليوم
هذا كل شيء ، اتبع هذا الدليل وستحصل على 4mil نقطة.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------
يرجى مشاركة هذا مع أعضاء التحالف الخاص بك حتى تكونوا جميعا على نفس الصفحة ، لقضاء المدن بشكل أكثر فعالية.
لا تنس الاشتراك حتى يتم إعلامك بمقاطع الفيديو الجديدة مع النصائح والحيل الخاصة بـ Last Fortress.
مقاطع فيديو مفيدة أخرى:
تصاعدي الابطال
شرح عقود البطل
حرب الخيام!
So do you level up your Gathering Lineup? I know you level up their skills.
Yeah just their skills, quality needs to be orange to unlock their 3rd skills which will be their gathering skill, max that out. The actual level of the hero doesn't matter, they will still gather the same amount.
@@Knightviper777 TRUCK 1 is Kate, Blanche, Ivan, Matthew, and Barron TRUCK 2 is Roger, Brom, Benson, Bolton, and Cindy TRUCK 3 only has three slots
@@SSmith_713only use heroes who give gathering buffs. David, Matthew, Cindy, etc. As many as u can if you don't have them all.
@@BlackRavenflash thanks