UPDATES: #1 As cgriffin352 pointed out below, I forgot to replace C7. C7 is a decoupling capacitor so since the voltage was steady, not having the capacitor installed wasn't an issue in this case. I have now replaced that one. #2 You may have noticed a missing rubber foot on one corner of the case. I have replaced that. #3 I have sourced a replacement back SE/30 case, so I will swap that out when it gets here. #4 I forgot this was missing the HD LED. When the case comes in I will replace that, too. Probably not enough for a follow-up video, but just a few things you might be curious about. Thanks for watching!! 😁😁
Just a little clarification for anybody else reading this… Decoupling capacitors are needed due to the dynamic nature of digital switching; when the ICs change from low to high (or vice-versa) either internally or externally, it needs a burst of current. The power traces going to the IC are not fast enough to provide this, and as the IC pulls this current in the voltage will droop. This happens very quickly and can only be seen on an oscilloscope. Not having a decoupling capacitor present may work, but is likely to be somewhat unreliable.
I'm not a big Macintosh fan, but I'm glad to see any old computer rescued from the landfill. Ya make too big a deal about exterior dirt when all it takes is a good wipedown with some 409 or other surface cleaner to bring all right, followed by gunk removal from the stickers (I prefer WD-40 to lighter fluid - it's more persistent and doesn't attack paint or plastics). Your work on the board was much more interesting. The "twist" method for removing SMD capacitors is intriguing, and looks to work quite well. Your troubleshooting is systematic enough to get the job done, and where it is not, it is driven by experience and not merely haphazard guesswork. All in all, a well done restoration!
Super satisfying to watch, great job on the restoration! I think being made of different parts and having a good story makes it more valuable (to me, anyway).
Yeah, as a newcomer to the channel, it was pretty satisfying. And I know next to nothing about classic Macs (except maybe for... "Hello, computer!" =/\=) so it's always good to learn something new.
Adrian Black fan here. So glad I found your channel, Aaron! Really nice video, nice resurrection and some techniques I hadn't heard of before like the vinegar. Looking forward to seeing your own spin on all things retro!
The twist method works great, right until it doesn't. Shear force is much more likely to tear pads off. You're better off using a pair of snips to disassemble the cap and then desoldering the leads.
One of the cool things about the Macintosh and SE models is that on the inside of the removable back is all of the signatures of the Macintosh team that created it. Take a looksy...😲
Great video! I strongly recommend not hot plugging ADB. That fuse probably broke because of someone hot plugging the keyboard and mouse. Just one of those weird retro tech things you just have to know.
You need a CompuCleaner, way better than compressed air and its warm. Been using that for a long time now and it is just working so good every time. Thanks for sharing :)
SE/30 is more than up to the task. You can install up to 128MBs of RAM in that sucker with a 32-bit enabler. Coupled with a SCSI SSD, it'll fly. 7.1.1 Pro is my goto OS. It's very similar to 7.5, but a lot of the stuff 7.5 has built in is still modular and removable. It also allows you to toggle 24-bit memory addressing for those really old apps, keeping nice compatibility.
I have a theory It was possibly used in an office (judging by the soot from high hours),then it failed, it was stored in a closet for a while, they used it as a parts machine for other machines that died, then when the business shut down, they gave it to a thrift store ( judging by the "tested" sticker), then the thrift store forgot about it, then when the thrift store was shutting down/moving/renovating/getting rid of old stock, they noticed it then recycled it
Hey a hint for drying motherboards I learned from the Amiga community is to do a drying pass in the oven. Crank it way down to 50°C / 122°F and it should just be warm enough to dry out any remaining water. Of course some isopropanol will also help remove water. :-)
A less smelly alternative to vinegar might be contact lens fluid. It is mild enough to not damage the eyes on contact, but it usually contains boric acid, and should be able to neutralize the battery leakage
Hi there, i have a macintosh SE thats powering up fine, screen is up, single beep after power on, ends up in a cursor blank screen but nothing there after, no disk icon, nothing. Not booting at all from the sd card behind the computer. may i know what could be the problem?
Hi mate, i have a Mac SE that powers on fine, 1 beep, and screen comes on, then ends up in a blank screen with cursor icon but no disk icon or anything after that. May i know what could be the reason? Even if the memory card is faulty, there still should be disk icon, but none.
Tbh having the superdrive is the best one to have at this point. You can write software to floppies with a PC without needing special hardware. You can read 400 and 800k disks. The only problem is that you can't write to 400k disks in a way that can be read in 400k drives.
Why do almost everyone refuse to use flux on de-soldering components? It will prevent molten solder and hot copper from oxidation and also the braid works better with flux.
100% agree, I used to just use the solder braid dry as I didn't know any different, but then I saw someone use some flux with it on a random YT video, so I gave it a go and it is a game changer! It works so much better with a bit of flux added that i'm surprised that nobody really seems to use it on the videos I watch on here...
I'm thirty minutes into this video and the Mac still hasn't been cleaned. I understand you don't want to go out of your way if the computer is beyond help, but not even a cursory wipe down??
Bah... I've done (and seen) more damage with the hot air method than the 'push/twist' method... maybe that's just me, but still after easily over a hundred SMD caps I've never had an issue that wasn't pre-existing.
#1 As cgriffin352 pointed out below, I forgot to replace C7. C7 is a decoupling capacitor so since the voltage was steady, not having the capacitor installed wasn't an issue in this case. I have now replaced that one.
#2 You may have noticed a missing rubber foot on one corner of the case. I have replaced that.
#3 I have sourced a replacement back SE/30 case, so I will swap that out when it gets here.
#4 I forgot this was missing the HD LED. When the case comes in I will replace that, too.
Probably not enough for a follow-up video, but just a few things you might be curious about. Thanks for watching!! 😁😁
Just a little clarification for anybody else reading this…
Decoupling capacitors are needed due to the dynamic nature of digital switching; when the ICs change from low to high (or vice-versa) either internally or externally, it needs a burst of current. The power traces going to the IC are not fast enough to provide this, and as the IC pulls this current in the voltage will droop. This happens very quickly and can only be seen on an oscilloscope.
Not having a decoupling capacitor present may work, but is likely to be somewhat unreliable.
Thanks for adding the explanation so I didn't have to 😄
SE/30 from e-waste $10. Finding a board inside without massive battery damage, priceless
I'm not a big Macintosh fan, but I'm glad to see any old computer rescued from the landfill. Ya make too big a deal about exterior dirt when all it takes is a good wipedown with some 409 or other surface cleaner to bring all right, followed by gunk removal from the stickers (I prefer WD-40 to lighter fluid - it's more persistent and doesn't attack paint or plastics). Your work on the board was much more interesting. The "twist" method for removing SMD capacitors is intriguing, and looks to work quite well. Your troubleshooting is systematic enough to get the job done, and where it is not, it is driven by experience and not merely haphazard guesswork. All in all, a well done restoration!
Super satisfying to watch, great job on the restoration! I think being made of different parts and having a good story makes it more valuable (to me, anyway).
Yeah, as a newcomer to the channel, it was pretty satisfying. And I know next to nothing about classic Macs (except maybe for... "Hello, computer!" =/\=) so it's always good to learn something new.
Adrian Black fan here. So glad I found your channel, Aaron! Really nice video, nice resurrection and some techniques I hadn't heard of before like the vinegar. Looking forward to seeing your own spin on all things retro!
Very cool - $10 is a complete steal for one of the more desirable Macs... congrats on a successful refresh!
19:09 - Another admirer of Würth caps. They're unmistakeable.
The twist method works great, right until it doesn't. Shear force is much more likely to tear pads off. You're better off using a pair of snips to disassemble the cap and then desoldering the leads.
Very nice! Good idea to also recap the analog board. I would also start watching eBay for a replacement proper SE/30 rear case shell.
Yeah. I pinned an update.
One of the cool things about the Macintosh and SE models is that on the inside of the removable back is all of the signatures of the Macintosh team that created it. Take a looksy...😲
Good Morning from Michigan!
Nice Save!
My dream when it was new was exactly that, se 30 running 7.1.1 .hope you enjoy that beauty.
For sure
Great video! I strongly recommend not hot plugging ADB. That fuse probably broke because of someone hot plugging the keyboard and mouse. Just one of those weird retro tech things you just have to know.
You need a CompuCleaner, way better than compressed air and its warm. Been using that for a long time now and it is just working so good every time. Thanks for sharing :)
FYI, "Sans titre" is French for "Untitled" (literal translation is "without title")
Nice I have a SE/30 waiting for me to replace the electrolytics!
SE/30 is more than up to the task. You can install up to 128MBs of RAM in that sucker with a 32-bit enabler. Coupled with a SCSI SSD, it'll fly. 7.1.1 Pro is my goto OS. It's very similar to 7.5, but a lot of the stuff 7.5 has built in is still modular and removable. It also allows you to toggle 24-bit memory addressing for those really old apps, keeping nice compatibility.
Great project, very nicely executed!
I love this series!! More Macs!!!
I have a Mac restoration video in the works.
you did a fantastic job on that mac arron!! i like how you clean everything !! i am like that too!!10.00 dollars.......unreal!!
Appreciate the deep dive
I have a theory
It was possibly used in an office (judging by the soot from high hours),then it failed, it was stored in a closet for a while, they used it as a parts machine for other machines that died, then when the business shut down, they gave it to a thrift store ( judging by the "tested" sticker), then the thrift store forgot about it, then when the thrift store was shutting down/moving/renovating/getting rid of old stock, they noticed it then recycled it
Hey a hint for drying motherboards I learned from the Amiga community is to do a drying pass in the oven. Crank it way down to 50°C / 122°F and it should just be warm enough to dry out any remaining water. Of course some isopropanol will also help remove water. :-)
Yep. Both good tips if you need to.
Considering how often the caps are rotten on these things, I wonder if polymer caps might be a good choice for these things.
Tants are the norm I think if you order a cap kit.
A less smelly alternative to vinegar might be contact lens fluid. It is mild enough to not damage the eyes on contact, but it usually contains boric acid, and should be able to neutralize the battery leakage
Interesting! I might give it a try. Thanks!
Great video, thanks. I'm getting an old Mac SE to restore so it will be handy. Can you provide the links to get the replacement capacitors?
I have this computer but when I turned it on the screen turns on but it is blank.
How do I repair it?
Hi there, i have a macintosh SE thats powering up fine, screen is up, single beep after power on, ends up in a cursor blank screen but nothing there after, no disk icon, nothing. Not booting at all from the sd card behind the computer. may i know what could be the problem?
Hi mate, i have a Mac SE that powers on fine, 1 beep, and screen comes on, then ends up in a blank screen with cursor icon but no disk icon or anything after that. May i know what could be the reason? Even if the memory card is faulty, there still should be disk icon, but none.
Another proud member of the Adrian Black Mac Decapping gang.
Why isnt there ewaste locations near me where i can get some old macs :[
Could you rinse vinegar with IPA instead of water?
Sure. A bit more expensive but it would displace the vinegar nicely and then evaporate much more quickly.
hello, thanks fr sharing this video -- what microscope is that one you are using? :)
Honestly I can't remember. There are tons of similar ones online.
Tbh having the superdrive is the best one to have at this point. You can write software to floppies with a PC without needing special hardware. You can read 400 and 800k disks. The only problem is that you can't write to 400k disks in a way that can be read in 400k drives.
Why do almost everyone refuse to use flux on de-soldering components? It will prevent molten solder and hot copper from oxidation and also the braid works better with flux.
Yes. Flux makes it better for sure. No one should refuse to use it.
100% agree, I used to just use the solder braid dry as I didn't know any different, but then I saw someone use some flux with it on a random YT video, so I gave it a go and it is a game changer! It works so much better with a bit of flux added that i'm surprised that nobody really seems to use it on the videos I watch on here...
16:04 a small leg or piece of metal shoots off to the bottom right and I couldn't take my eyes off it! I hope it fell out in transit at some point!!!
Yeah. I caught that.
19:20 missing cap C7
Ok. Now I can't remember. I'll have to open it up and check. 🤔
an SE/DIRTY! :)
I wish I actually could see e waste from my area lol
Stick a few more MB RAM in it, even 8MB total will be a huge improvement :)
Yeah. I might.
I'm thirty minutes into this video and the Mac still hasn't been cleaned. I understand you don't want to go out of your way if the computer is beyond help, but not even a cursory wipe down??
No need if it's not going to work.
Nah... I had a Macintosh II - the 2020's machines blow all of this out of the water.
Oui oui, Eww!
20 Minutes in the video an still not cleaned. Great. PS. Keyboard is still dirty end of video…
I repair first and clean once I know it will work. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
@@RetroHackShack oh yeah, thought of it. No offense, but i suggest you seek for a different subject which fits to your time.
The level of incompetence - twisting off caps😥
No guts, no glory. 😜
@@wimwiddershins ua-cam.com/video/U1ngzzlFqgQ/v-deo.html
meh it's fine.
That's what I used to think. Until I tried it.
Bah... I've done (and seen) more damage with the hot air method than the 'push/twist' method... maybe that's just me, but still after easily over a hundred SMD caps I've never had an issue that wasn't pre-existing.