Actually, the BM Pyxis is 16 bit. It’s in a 16 bit container file. If you look at the file in the end, it says 16 bit. Bm had to make it 12bit because Red patented 16 bit compression. The BM is debayering in cam.
Thanks for the feedback!! I just took a look at the raw 6K files. The first scene, they are definitely both in focus. On the kitchen scene, I did miss slightly miss the mark on Cam B. The full frame of the Pxyis with a T/2 made it quite shallow. I'll be doing a part 2 where I'll be using a model in the scene, so it will be easier to check my focus!
@@itsaaronmiller I personally find it best just to hit eye lashes. Good medium between hair line and tip of nose, and the lashes are easy catch focus on. Leaves a little room for head sway too.
Too bad it’s all about story and not image - go rewatch some of your favorite movies in history, remind yourself how you enjoyed 8 stops of dynamic range most of your life :)
@ lol 😂 that’s obvious. No one is saying you can’t make a great movie even on bad camera, As long as the story works, you can make a movie with whatever you want. But this video is comparison of IQ and not philosophical conversation about movie making so your comment is off topic
@@AxiAjust cause I said it’s not about image, doesn’t mean anything looked bad. I just said it’s not about image as a general statement. Meaning image quality mostly goes un-noticed by the viewers that matter to the future of production, the primary audience that pays to watch a movie, the same people that make creating films relevant (if you do this for a living) are the only thing that matter (with the exception of art) which might be 2% of films. This debate has been beaten to death online. These cameras are all tools with their own set of unique advantages. Enjoy them for what they are when you need them.
6:45 Thank you for sharing! I own both of these cameras. I love the images they create. I am taken aback by CamB's (Pyxis) lack of sharpness. Those are not the same results I've seen when comparing both cameras. The Komodo-X's focus and sharpness seem on point, but the Pyxis's image seems a bit blurry and somewhat off-mark. I can't put my finger on it. I'll have to revisit my images and compare them further. Regardless, thank you for sharing your test! I really like your tutorials!
Thank you for watching! I took a look at my raw files. The first scene, they are definitely both in focus. On the kitchen scene, I did miss slightly miss the mark on Cam B. However, the Komodo X does seem sharper in general, whereas the Pyxis seems to have a softer image in general. I'll be doing a more comprehensive part 2 test comparing both of these cameras.
Red does not hold a patent on true Raw, just on raw compression. Nothing to do with quality, just the space it takes up. And just to correct this info about raw bit rate. Both cameras are 12bit log and 16 bit linear cameras. Red just advertises their linear bit rate and Blackmagic advertises their Log bit rate.
Looked at the p6k and Komodo then went with the Komodo. Once exposure with red and traffic lights and R3D HQ and MQ, had to go with the Komodo. Zero regrets. Also a fantastic stripped down cam for travel. Nice to be able to connect to multiple screens like my iPad as well. Just love the R3D files paired with cinema glass(not photography glass). I will use it until it breaks hehe and it’s pretty bomb proof!
Totally agree! Love how small the Komodo X strips down. Although, the price point of the Blackmagic cameras is what makes it so attractive. Both great cameras!
Thanks for sharing the tests. Are you sure that camera A is Komodo? Because I think you got it backwards. I don’t know. It looks like the depth field is less on camera a which would make sense for the full frame. Anyway, can you please verify your test? Thank you
Yes, you can actually tell Cam B is the Pyxis because of the lack of compression. Take a closer look at the background and notice how it has a wider view. A better test would have been if I put a 50mm lens on the Pyxis, because the field of view/compression would have been the same.
Can you please elaborate? The Komodo X was shot on 6K 17:9 which has a 1.33x crop factor, making the Arles 35mm a 47.5mm. The Pyxis, on its full frame sensor is a 35mm. The background compression on the Komodo X is greater. Even more so if I was at let's say 200mm. The background would seem closer to the subject. That's how they make explosions seem closer than they are actually are in Hollywood!
It would have been great that the blackmagic pyxis had more frame rates like 6k 60fps and 4k120fps. My Nikon z6iii for less money can do it,also they removed the prores422 which I don't understand why cause it's very practical and also my Nikon can do that internal.
Thanks for the test, there are not too many out there that compares these two great cameras. How did you achieve the same field of view (FoV) with the Komodo-X? Did you move the KX to the back until its FoV was near the same as the Pyxis? or did you crop the Pyxis FF image in post until it equates the FoV of the KX?
I physically moved the tripod to match the fov. I'll be doing a part 2 test where I'll be using a 50mm on the Pyxis to match the 35mm lens on the Komodo X crop sensor.
They are not both 16 bit linear. Blackmagic has a 12-bit ADC so they are only ever recording 12-bit linear at the sensor. Arri on the other hand is capturing 18-bit linear and then containing that signal in a 13-bit log file. Yes a 12-bit log file can contain the same amount of information as 16-bit linear file, but sensors capture information and convert it to digital with a linear signal. That can then be encoded efficiently to a 12-bit logarithmic file or kept in a 16-bit linear file which is incredibly inefficient. But also I doubt the red Komodo has a 16-bit ADC so even though the file type maybe 16-bit they're also not capturing 16-bit.
@@antonstafeyev3606- There is no such thing as 16 bit capture on Red Komodo X. It’s 16 bit linear that is converted to 12 bit capture. They are playing fast and loose with the truth.
@@Stondiexdnope. Skin tones have more colors with 16bit redraw. I do realize that blackmagic 12 bit log compressed unpacks into 16bit linear on the timeline. Still, my eyes clearly see more colors in the skin tones of the red footage. Just seeing more colors. That’s all I’m speaking to.
Fun fact: Red sold the license to internal compressed raw to all the major camera manufacturers. The former CEO admitted this in a live stream interview. Any of the major manufactures that want to offer it are licensed to do so.
They offer it as a license - they didn't sell it. And his statement is that they have made it available, not that all other manufacturers actually chose to "license" it. But your point is correct that any manufacturer that wants to license internal raw can do it - so the fact that they haven't chose to include it in their cameras is not RED's fault.
Why would i care about rolling shutter on a camera for A-Roll on massive tripods and rigged up? If i wanted to whip pan or run around with a camera I'm not gonna do it with a 30 pound rig without any form of stabilization! Why keep hitting the same bullet points Arri and Sony want you to bring up with cameras that dust them on image and price?
Actually, the BM Pyxis is 16 bit. It’s in a 16 bit container file. If you look at the file in the end, it says 16 bit. Bm had to make it 12bit because Red patented 16 bit compression. The BM is debayering in cam.
You may have missed critical focus on a couple of the CAM B shots.
Thanks for the feedback!! I just took a look at the raw 6K files. The first scene, they are definitely both in focus. On the kitchen scene, I did miss slightly miss the mark on Cam B. The full frame of the Pxyis with a T/2 made it quite shallow. I'll be doing a part 2 where I'll be using a model in the scene, so it will be easier to check my focus!
@@zeeshandhanani Thank-you
he might have intentionally done that because he is a PRO RED user HAHAHAHA.
your neck is definitely sharper than your eyes in the first shot with cam B
@@itsaaronmiller I personally find it best just to hit eye lashes. Good medium between hair line and tip of nose, and the lashes are easy catch focus on. Leaves a little room for head sway too.
Hey, the Blackmagic is also 16 bit linear signal, and you can grade it on 16 bit linear when grading on color management/wide gamut
Yo! What does that mean? Like 16 bit of colors?
12bit log and 16bit linear is the same thing. So they actually have identical color depth
where u using the super35 Mode on Pyxis?
they are not even close. KX best image out there for under 10k.
Too bad it’s all about story and not image - go rewatch some of your favorite movies in history, remind yourself how you enjoyed 8 stops of dynamic range most of your life :)
@ lol 😂 that’s obvious. No one is saying you can’t make a great movie even on bad camera, As long as the story works, you can make a movie with whatever you want. But this video is comparison of IQ and not philosophical conversation about movie making so your comment is off topic
@Axia so our eyes are deceiving us?
@@bmefilms6879mines aren’t lol
@@AxiAjust cause I said it’s not about image, doesn’t mean anything looked bad. I just said it’s not about image as a general statement. Meaning image quality mostly goes un-noticed by the viewers that matter to the future of production, the primary audience that pays to watch a movie, the same people that make creating films relevant (if you do this for a living) are the only thing that matter (with the exception of art) which might be 2% of films.
This debate has been beaten to death online. These cameras are all tools with their own set of unique advantages. Enjoy them for what they are when you need them.
6:45 Thank you for sharing! I own both of these cameras. I love the images they create. I am taken aback by CamB's (Pyxis) lack of sharpness. Those are not the same results I've seen when comparing both cameras. The Komodo-X's focus and sharpness seem on point, but the Pyxis's image seems a bit blurry and somewhat off-mark. I can't put my finger on it. I'll have to revisit my images and compare them further. Regardless, thank you for sharing your test! I really like your tutorials!
Thank you for watching! I took a look at my raw files. The first scene, they are definitely both in focus. On the kitchen scene, I did miss slightly miss the mark on Cam B. However, the Komodo X does seem sharper in general, whereas the Pyxis seems to have a softer image in general. I'll be doing a more comprehensive part 2 test comparing both of these cameras.
@@zeeshandhanani First shot focus on B Cam is on the shirt, while A Cam's focus is on eyes, usually people judge focus based on if it's on the eyes
more particularly the eye closest to camera
Image on KX is exceptional
Red does not hold a patent on true Raw, just on raw compression. Nothing to do with quality, just the space it takes up.
And just to correct this info about raw bit rate. Both cameras are 12bit log and 16 bit linear cameras. Red just advertises their linear bit rate and Blackmagic advertises their Log bit rate.
Looked at the p6k and Komodo then went with the Komodo. Once exposure with red and traffic lights and R3D HQ and MQ, had to go with the Komodo. Zero regrets. Also a fantastic stripped down cam for travel. Nice to be able to connect to multiple screens like my iPad as well. Just love the R3D files paired with cinema glass(not photography glass). I will use it until it breaks hehe and it’s pretty bomb proof!
Totally agree! Love how small the Komodo X strips down. Although, the price point of the Blackmagic cameras is what makes it so attractive. Both great cameras!
Colour rendering on cam A is much more smooth
Thanks for sharing the tests. Are you sure that camera A is Komodo? Because I think you got it backwards. I don’t know. It looks like the depth field is less on camera a which would make sense for the full frame. Anyway, can you please verify your test? Thank you
Yes, you can actually tell Cam B is the Pyxis because of the lack of compression. Take a closer look at the background and notice how it has a wider view. A better test would have been if I put a 50mm lens on the Pyxis, because the field of view/compression would have been the same.
@@zeeshandhanani this should be the other way around. you are confused.
Can you please elaborate? The Komodo X was shot on 6K 17:9 which has a 1.33x crop factor, making the Arles 35mm a 47.5mm. The Pyxis, on its full frame sensor is a 35mm. The background compression on the Komodo X is greater. Even more so if I was at let's say 200mm. The background would seem closer to the subject. That's how they make explosions seem closer than they are actually are in Hollywood!
It would have been great that the blackmagic pyxis had more frame rates like 6k 60fps and 4k120fps. My Nikon z6iii for less money can do it,also they removed the prores422 which I don't understand why cause it's very practical and also my Nikon can do that internal.
@ I also own the Nikon Z6III and think it’s the best value out there. It’s an absolute beast of a camera.
Loved the music! I hear a lot of it in my country
Appreciate it!
The FOV and dynamic range difference looking out of the window on shot 2 gave away which was which. The KX appears to have more DR
Thanks for the test, there are not too many out there that compares these two great cameras. How did you achieve the same field of view (FoV) with the Komodo-X? Did you move the KX to the back until its FoV was near the same as the Pyxis? or did you crop the Pyxis FF image in post until it equates the FoV of the KX?
I physically moved the tripod to match the fov. I'll be doing a part 2 test where I'll be using a 50mm on the Pyxis to match the 35mm lens on the Komodo X crop sensor.
Both RED and BM are 12bit log and 16bit linear. 16bit is a misunderstood term. It's just arri Alexa 35 that has 13bit log and 18but linear
Thank you for the information! I will have to look into that a bit more.
Thank you sir. We have to keep reminding as 90% of the UA-cam videos make this mistake.
dude, 16 bit linear capture is ability of sensor to convert at 16 bit, while BM can't. has nothing to do with the final logarithmic actions
They are not both 16 bit linear. Blackmagic has a 12-bit ADC so they are only ever recording 12-bit linear at the sensor. Arri on the other hand is capturing 18-bit linear and then containing that signal in a 13-bit log file.
Yes a 12-bit log file can contain the same amount of information as 16-bit linear file, but sensors capture information and convert it to digital with a linear signal. That can then be encoded efficiently to a 12-bit logarithmic file or kept in a 16-bit linear file which is incredibly inefficient.
But also I doubt the red Komodo has a 16-bit ADC so even though the file type maybe 16-bit they're also not capturing 16-bit.
@@antonstafeyev3606- There is no such thing as 16 bit capture on Red Komodo X. It’s 16 bit linear that is converted to 12 bit capture. They are playing fast and loose with the truth.
did you use the highlight recovery?
Cam A rules. I just bought a Komodo X
Cam B is out of focus tho
@@ArSXBrO it also looks less organic than the Red. It is clearly soft though.
I can definitely see the difference in colours. Both very capable cameras though! 😊
Wow, I was 100% sure A was Pysis, and B was Red. B definitely looked better to me.
yeah same, B is more pleaseant for skin tones, humans in general
A looks much better to me for skin tones. B looks 1 dimensional by comparison
@@kilikdudleytrying to justify the extra cash you blew 😂
@@Stondiexdnope. Skin tones have more colors with 16bit redraw. I do realize that blackmagic 12 bit log compressed unpacks into 16bit linear on the timeline. Still, my eyes clearly see more colors in the skin tones of the red footage. Just seeing more colors. That’s all I’m speaking to.
They’re still too green to see it. Give them a few years
BMP 6k looked better to me. A way more pleasing image
Hi can you make a raw video with Komodo x. Not using additional lens please i wanna know what was the video look like
i like cam B softness.. i thought it was arri
Asdly the Red Komodo needs 15 minutes of warm up time, just in time to mount your only other v mount.
Love it 🙌
Much more range in the Pyxis shadows
Image of KX is another level. Pixis is fine, good for the money
I got it backwards but, I’m glad as camera A had a much clearer image. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅
Fun fact: Red sold the license to internal compressed raw to all the major camera manufacturers. The former CEO admitted this in a live stream interview. Any of the major manufactures that want to offer it are licensed to do so.
They offer it as a license - they didn't sell it. And his statement is that they have made it available, not that all other manufacturers actually chose to "license" it. But your point is correct that any manufacturer that wants to license internal raw can do it - so the fact that they haven't chose to include it in their cameras is not RED's fault.
Why would i care about rolling shutter on a camera for A-Roll on massive tripods and rigged up? If i wanted to whip pan or run around with a camera I'm not gonna do it with a 30 pound rig without any form of stabilization! Why keep hitting the same bullet points Arri and Sony want you to bring up with cameras that dust them on image and price?
yes good
Really good content !
The only flaw is this annoying song on the background wich is very distracting.
Thank you for the feedback! I will keep that in mind for future videos.
I liked the music!