BMW e30 m52 turbo winter maintenance. Part 4 BMW m52b28 bottom end assembly
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Fourth part of the e30 m52 turbo project. This time I will assemble the m52 engine rotating assembly and check that everything is in spec with the m50nv connecting rods. I will also have to make some room for the bigger connecting rods.
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awesome videos man, really entertaining and educating to watch
Thanks. That's my goal to make both informative and enjoyable videos. of course you have to be quite interested about this kind of stuff to find these videos entertaining :D
This is exactly what I want to see, thanks man
Hi, I have a question for you, about how many horsepower you managed to do with a stock engine for example m50b28 and about how long it lasted, thank you and I am waiting for your answer
Hey, does the number on the rods need to be on the intake or exthaust side of the engine when they are installed ? Thanks
What a dope channel keep it up
Finntastic video! 👍
Hi, i also want to change the M52 rods with the M50 ones. But im not sure if its needed to rebalance the crank because the M50 rods are heavier.
No need to do that.
@@pazi88 thank you for the fast reply 👍🏻
I am currently rebuilding my M52B28, and also turbocharging it. I have a question about the Pison Rings!?
I have the Nikasil engine, so the special coating on the cilinderwalls, while the engine is aluminium.
I have the same Goetze piston rings that you have, but now I heard/read that the Nikasil engines need a special type of piston rings. (Only made by Mahle)
Can you confirm this? I cannot find that much about this on the internet. Thank you!
That is true. Goetze rings are only for iron block or aluminium block with cast iron sleeves (like I have here). The Mahle piston rings are only ones that can be used in nikasil block. Mahle part number 083 16 N0
Love all your videos, keep them coming. Do you have a Bentley manual to know all the torque specs?
Thanks! Here is the bentley service manual:
But I normally use this because it's faster to use:
Thanks a lot man.
What are you use to reduce of compression ratio? Normal CR is >10 (10,2 10,5), and whats CR on your car? Are you using other pistons, connecting rods, or you raise the cylinder head of the engine block (how much) ?
Sasa Ikic Hi! We are using standard compression ratio because we are running these engines with e85. But the best way to lower cr is to buy low compression ratio forged pistons. When running pump gas is almost mandatory to get forged pistons in anyway.
Hi guys nice videos and nice enine to i have a e46 with a M52Tub28 is that a good engine to turbo charge ?? I wish i spoke soma finnish to im from sweden .
It's good because it already has mls head gasket so with re85 you don't even have to open that engine with less than 1 bar boost.
Tank you fore quick reply what is the best way fore ignition and fuel manament ?? ecuse my bad spelling IM Swedish you know
m52tu it's quite complicated engine with double vanos and everything so the cheapest engine management for that would be ms3. The ms2 isn't capable of driving the double vanos system. But the stock DME (ms42) can be also used with turbo if you modify the software. That can be done even by yourself you you study enough. Here is a good place to start if you are interested:
tanks again nice to have expert help so near
!! ; )) Really nice videos by the way..
Hi there, isnt M50 piston stronger than M52? Despite of being older and heavyer.
Not really. Those break same way from the ringlands as other m5x pistons.
It it ok if I have 0.5-0.56mm on 1st ring and 0.559-0.6mm on 2nd ring? I know the gaps are a lot bigger that usual. I also have a cast iron m52 with stock pistons, rods. Gonna run it on 91 octane.
It's not in spec so something is probably wrong. Maybe too worn cylinders? In turbo engine those are ok, but fro N/A engine those are big too big. But that won't prevent the engine from running. It just will have more blowby than usual.
Yeah they seemed a little loose. Ive decided to rehone a new block to get the proper clearences.
Hi man, i have followed your build and i like your work but when it comes to the ring gap. Isnt it a bit too tight? Engine is still healthy?
Terje Solland No it's not. The engine isn't crazy powerful and e85 keeps it cooler than normal. It's still in good condition.
Good to know, i have more or less the exact same setup and i gapped my rings 0.3 i have a vortech supercharger so full boost is at redline 0.85 bar. Im wondering if my gap is too tight for 98 octane..
Terje Solland should be fine. for current more high hp build we are gapping the rings to 0,4 and 0,5 for lower rings.
Yes, im hoping. You guys should Come visit E30meet in norway. I know its very far to travel but the track and experience is defintively Worth it. Check it out 😉
Terje Solland norway isn't so far away. But it's always tricky for man with smal children :D
what did you use to grind out/down the block to clear the connecting rods?
I'm using die grinder with carbide burr.
miten saatte nii nätimmäks näköiseks nuo ulkopuolet? ja muuteki karstaa poistatte??
Maksim Sofronov Ihan pinelinellä harjalla pesemällä ja painepesurilla.
Paljon noi vakio m52b25 kiertokanget kestää ennen kun niitä päivitä?
Ainakin m52b28 kanget saatiin jo aavistuksen mutkalle 370 hepalla. Toki vääntö ne ennemmin tappaa mitä teho, ja sitä tais olla tyyliin 600nm 🤔
pazi88 im getting ready to turbo a m52 and i cant find much info on the oem pistons. how will they hold up to 600bhp all ive gound is accounts of breaking ring lands but thats because they didnt gap the rings properly. any info would be great.
The ring lands normally break because of detonation. The OEM pistons can't handle it at all. They will break immediately. That's why the good tune is the most important thing when doing turbo m5x engine. Our engines are running e85 which has much higher octane number than pump gas and in that case the tune is not so important.
what kind of hp can you make with oem pistons reliably? i know the rods are the weak link i plan to run eagle h beam. was mostly wondering what i can get away with on the factory pistons reliably
You can get at least 500hp reliably at daily use. The 600 hp shouldn't be problem at least with e85. With pump gas the high compression ratio will become problem. I have also seen engines with +800 hp with stock pistons. But I don't know how long those lasted.
damn. not enough... haha il have to buck up and get forged pistons. i wanted to avoid the extra costs but i may as well build it right. im in usa so ive got a iron block m52b28. also have a m50nv in my car right now but shes high mileage
Yeah the forged pistons are must have when building reliable high hp engine. Stay tuned, in winter we are going to build stage two engine for the ONE ;)
Hey, nice video, where did you get your clearance spec for rings and bearings?
Download BMW TIS or use this:
@pazi88 are those connecting rods out of the m50b20?
Yes. From M50B20 non vanos engine. But those are same as m50b25 non vanos connecting rods.
mitkä clygot noi runkolaakerit on? tilasin itelle clygot niin sieltä tuli oikea 14kpl määrä mutta kaikki olivat noita lohkon puoleisia laakereita
Tilasit varmaan H984 laakerit? Ne on väärät m5x koneeseen. Tai ainakin missään koneessa ei oo tullu vastaan niitä, vaikka katalogin mukaan niitäkin pitäs olla m5x koneessa saatavilla. No joka tapauksessa pitäs aina tarkistaa millaset laakerit on paikallaan. Mul on tommonen oma muistilista:
H023/7 on se mikä pitäs olla oikea.
pazi88 nojoo näihän siinä oli käyny että oon tilannu nuo väärät😂 pitää siis pistää nuo h023/7 std välykselliset tilaukseen
Is this the motor that blew up due to tight ring gap?
It blew, but in my opinion there wasn't evidence of too tight ring gap. The stock pistons just gave up under force.
pazi88 thanks for the reply.
What oil? 10w30 to pre oil or more viscous? in place of assembly oil?
I'm not even sure what was in the can :D 10w-30 or 5w-40 because those are only used in our garage. The assembly oil viscous doesn't matter, because I will pump oil pressure to the engine before first start.
hahaha :D nice thax for quick response! 10w30 should be perfect then
Hej, New bolts are nessasery only to rods?
Yes. And head. But it doesn't hurt changing the main cap bolts also.
I would not trust your manual if it says max clearance for big end is 0.55mm, max clearance for big bend end should be no more than what you got from your plastiguage test!
Max clearance is 0.055 mm. I apparently have mistake in the subtitles. I will fix that.
Vaikuttaako tuo lohkon jyrsintä nuita kiertokankia varten sitten mitenkään moottorin toimintaan?
Ei vaikuta. Toki männän helma osuu alimmassa asennossa aukon kohdalle, mutta siinä kohdassa tahtia ei enään mäntään kohdistu painetta, niin ei sillä oo käytännön merkitystä.
Tuliko laakerit ja muut rensselit maailmalta vai kotosuomesta?
vilusilma Ne on ihan paikallisesta varaosaliikkeestä. Ei noita hirveän paljon halvemmalla saa ulkomailtakaan.
eihän tavallisessa m52 moottorissa ole männän jäähdytystä? mistä lainasit öljy ruiskut?
On nuo ruiskut jokaisessa m52 koneessa.
+pazi88 ookei, aattelin että se oli ahdettujen ja uudempien moottoreiden juttu esim n20, ilmeisesti ei :D
+Riksa Pietilä Muistaakseni m50 lohkossakin on, mut m20/m30 esim. ei oo.
+pazi88 jaa, ai sitä on niinki pitkää käytetty, aattelin että vakio vaparikoneessa ei pahemmin hyötyä saa siitä mutta eipä siitä haittaakaan ole....
What do you think about turboing the M30B35 engine? Is it available in Finland?
Yes we do and lot of people are turboing those. Mostly those are good engines for that but in many builds ther is problems with the engine block. The block will crack from the headbolt holes and it will mix the oil and coolant. And this cracking seems to happen very often. Some blocks can be fine for few summers. Some can crack within days. Specially with ARP headstuds.
what motor block did you use 286s1 nickasil?
No. The one with iron sleeves: But the nikasil block will work just fine in turbo use.
Vähän jos sais ääniä ens videoon kovemmalle olis hyvä! :)
Ne on itseasiassa säädetty niin isolle ku pysty, et kuulostaa järkevältä. Muuten rupeaa kuulumaan liikaa suhinaa taustalta. Pitäs hommata parempi mikki, kun se kohisee tai selvitellä onko säädöissä joku pielessä.
+pazi88 Ootko säätäny kamerasta vai editointiohjelmasta, siis jos kamerastasi voi säätää audi gainia.
+N1ncom Kummastakin. Kameran gain on minimissä, kun se aiheuttaa paljon kohinaa ja varsinaisen gainin säätää zoomin mikrofoni vahvistin joko automaattisesti tai minä käsin. Siinä kun on huomattavasti laadukkaampi vahvistin mitä kameran integroitu. Sit koneella oon hienosäädelly tasoja. Mut joku oli persiillään varsinkin tämän pätkän videoissa, koska kohinaa oli tosi paljon verrattuna joihinkin muihin pätkiin. Toki silti tilanne on 100 kertaa parempi, mitä vanhalla mikillä :D
+pazi88 Jees, no siinä tapauksessa kai ne asetukset testailemalla selvii. ;)
+N1ncom Joo eiköhän ne :D Nää on vaan vähän tämmösiä videoita, et hankala kuvata uusiksi, jos joku on nauhoittaessa menny pieleen. :D
what headgasket do you use? do you run the .140 mls...
I'm using athena cooperring. Stock thickness.
Wow im impressed your able to keep them in one piece running 10.3 cr well done.
That's only because of e85 :D
How much boost are you putting to it? And what turbo?
1 Bar of boost (14,5 psi) and holset hx35
What's your Main Stud and Head Stud OEM or ARP kit ?
All OEM. Only thing that isn't OEM at this engine is headgasket.
What's headgasket ? It's cometic .
Athena Cooper ring
How much compression and horsepower ?
Mikä deeku sulla oli tuossa alussa apumiehenä :D
Jo eläkkeellä oleva isäntä kävi ihmettelemässä, että mitä me hallilla tuusataan :D
Which pistons did you have to use to get the correct height.
Kaleb Barber b28 pistons.
is this piston ring gap enough for turbo application?... and is there any difference in ring gap between e85 and normal gasoline thank you
On hindsight it's enough for regular use, drag racing and other not so long lasting things. But for hard track use when you floor the engine for many minutes, it's not enough.
Thank you ... what do you recommend ring gap for heavy use turbo application 85mm pistons?