I knew it! saw that thumbnail and I knew the face! Barry, you always told me we could go fishing someday.... still waiting bud. until then, hope you leave some fish out there for me!
Mike, GREAT video, but I'm scratching my head......?????........ Why would (3) viewers post a thumbs down? Maybe they wanted you to keep the Kokanee. LOL.. Also this young man Paul, what a wealth of information, and terrific delivery.
ya, Paul was great. Thumbs down responses... my parents raised me if I had nothing good to say then say nothing at all. It's a different age we live in.
Well after watching this video , one has to ask is fishing this much fun or what? anyone who can't see that may be, or may not be, a real true at heart fishing type person but to say that wasn't one of the best fishing video's from NFR well maybe they were wishing they were there to enjoy and join in on the fun maybe another day or something . Twenty minutes of information worth watching ,learn something I'll sure say I did thanks Mike & the rest of that crew wow ! fish on or what ? greenboater
I've looked all over the The Google trying to find out where Bass cove was of was and no luck I've never fished Lake Sammamish before but would love to get in on some cutthroat action on the yak any info you can give would be spectacular thanks again for all your hard work
if you come to the middle of the lake, there is a bend in the shoreline on the west side about half way down the lake. if you head straight out of the launch past the weather buoy to the west shoreline you will be in it. send me a message on the website and i can point it out on a map for you ~wafisherman20
Cool video. Love trout (both catching and eating) but it seems you have richer pickings in the US than we do in the UK. Why is there a requirement to throw a rainbow trout back if it is over 20 inches? I can understand returning a trout below a minimum size but why ones above a maximum size?
I had no idea Samish had such great fishing! Who did you know from wdfw? I put in many hours of volunteer work at the hatcheries in the area while going through school, Samish, South Lake Whatcom, and Bellingham hatcheries namely. Great vid!
Nice fishing video. Barry's 1st lure was a franken-wannalure
I knew it! saw that thumbnail and I knew the face! Barry, you always told me we could go fishing someday.... still waiting bud. until then, hope you leave some fish out there for me!
I've just caught 5 northern pikeminnow, while looking for perch. Could be a reason why kokanee are having issues.
Mike, GREAT video, but I'm scratching my head......?????........ Why would (3) viewers post a thumbs down? Maybe they wanted you to keep the Kokanee. LOL.. Also this young man Paul, what a wealth of information, and terrific delivery.
ya, Paul was great. Thumbs down responses... my parents raised me if I had nothing good to say then say nothing at all. It's a different age we live in.
Well after watching this video , one has to ask is fishing this much fun or what? anyone who can't see that may be, or may not be, a real true at heart fishing type person but to say that wasn't one of the best fishing video's from NFR well maybe they were wishing they were there to enjoy and join in on the fun maybe another day or something . Twenty minutes of information worth watching ,learn something I'll sure say I did thanks Mike & the rest of that crew wow ! fish on or what ? greenboater
I've looked all over the The Google trying to find out where Bass cove was of was and no luck I've never fished Lake Sammamish before but would love to get in on some cutthroat action on the yak any info you can give would be spectacular thanks again for all your hard work
I'll be honest, I couldn't find it, either. Anyway, we were mid way up the lake on the west side.
if you come to the middle of the lake, there is a bend in the shoreline on the west side about half way down the lake. if you head straight out of the launch past the weather buoy to the west shoreline you will be in it. send me a message on the website and i can point it out on a map for you
Cool video. Love trout (both catching and eating) but it seems you have richer pickings in the US than we do in the UK. Why is there a requirement to throw a rainbow trout back if it is over 20 inches? I can understand returning a trout below a minimum size but why ones above a maximum size?
that's a great question. Our Dept of Fish and Wildlife consider rainbow over 20" to be a ocean run steelhead, which is protected.
I had no idea Samish had such great fishing! Who did you know from wdfw? I put in many hours of volunteer work at the hatcheries in the area while going through school, Samish, South Lake Whatcom, and Bellingham hatcheries namely. Great vid!
thank you. This was independent from WDFW.
Can I launch a kayak somewhere on the lake to get to where you guys were fishing easily
there is a park on the NW side of the lake, it would be closer, I believe. Very limited launching options on Lake Sammamish.
What kind of cup did you use to make your downrigger weight?
16-32 oz cans cleaned out and poured the lead into them.
And the pirch are worse