The linchpin of health recovery

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2022
  • My life spiralled into a complete mess from an early age. I struggled with:
    -Ever increasing fatigue and muscular pain
    -severe anxiety and depression
    -developed autoimmune disease
    -in a toxic environment and relationship
    -addictions to instant gratification (Video games, porn, TV shows)
    -got to nearly 16 stone and looked dreadful. I could not even recognise my self.
    -demolished self worth and self esteem
    -body dysmorphia
    the list was endless... my future looked bleak. At rock bottom I prayed to God as I had nothing left. I prayed for guidance and an opportunity to turn this around and it was given to me. From that day forward i dedicated myself to health and spreading the word on the truth. I'm incredibly passionate about health, mental health, relationship health... everything that allows us to live a happier life.
    I thank you so much for watching my videos and spreading the word. It means a lot to me. I love hearing your recovery stories and how I've helped! :) Thanks everyone. You will recovery. Never give up.
    This will be the first time I have ever promoted something on my channel. I’ve never promoted anything before because I have never found anything I use my self that I can confidently advertise.
    I recently came across a company called WellEasy and I love it! With a subscription you can get all your pantry staples at the best price delivered to your door. Keto, paleo, gluten free, vegan - anything specialised is available cheaper than anywhere else. I’ve not renewed my Amazon prime , put it that way! I’ll make a video soon.
    If you fancy giving them a try use this link to get 25% off your first order ! And/or use healthrecovery25 at checkout 😁
    Thanks guys!!


  • @thenakedsingularity
    @thenakedsingularity Рік тому

    For me, that person was my mom. Thanks for the understanding.

  • @mashandboo9933
    @mashandboo9933 Рік тому +1

    I’m super grateful for your videos. Thankful for your raw honesty. You have a talent for sharing your experiences and your thoughts on wellness. Bravo for being real. Your continued generosity, through creating these videos, and caring about those of us struggling with cfs - has uplifted me many times. Your advice has been amazing. Ever thankful 🙏🏼🧡

  • @sjoerdvermeijden
    @sjoerdvermeijden Рік тому

    This is exactly what happend to me and that person was my mother. She basically judged my every move when it came to recovering and this led to us arguing nearly every day, keeping me in a state of fight or flight. I ended up moving away with very little energy but i'm doing better and better. Love the content!

  • @tinkzorro
    @tinkzorro Рік тому +7

    Now that I'm nearly fully recovered I look back and I can clearly see that the lifetime of emotional and psychological abuse I received from certain family members is what broke my nervous system and caused my illness. Yes there were other contributing factors but that was the root of the problem.

    • @wyrdwitch13
      @wyrdwitch13 Рік тому +3

      I have a similar history, and it has only been since gaining ground in recovery that I could put all the pieces together & see it for what it is

  • @enzodes.fernandes2929
    @enzodes.fernandes2929 Рік тому

    just thank you very much, really.

  • @deion312
    @deion312 Рік тому +3

    I’m not just saying this to kiss up to you, I really just enjoy listening to you talk about life, videos like this are enjoyable for me

  • @alcurtis93
    @alcurtis93 Рік тому +1

    I was stuck in a situation like this until age 28. Age 29 now. I was sick from 16 onwards. I still haven't recovered as I have lots of bad habits around phone use, technology, helper patterns etc. My god though what a relief when I moved out. I don't know how I stood it. Now it makes life feel tolerable. Before I felt like I was stuck in a hellish prisoner of war camp as a sick person and yet I thought I deserved it and was constantly putting myself down and questioning everything I felt. I was full of rage, guilt, frustration and yet I was shoving all of it down and was numb to it. Yet couldn't understand why I couldn't motivate myself to do everything I needed to for wellness. I was constantly being made to feel awful, I was constantly on edge, scared, having to hear this person bickering about me late at night, constantly put down when I was making efforts to do positive things. These things are so difficult

  • @jessicam7866
    @jessicam7866 Рік тому +3

    This is so true, you can do everything else to get better but if there are people in your life who are abusive or not supportive etc, then it’s very difficult. Really appreciate your channel, has helped me a lot over the years, I’m going through a similar situation to what you are talking about, having realisations about people in my life and that I’m not happy and it’s keeping my nervous system switched on constantly, so need some changes. Take care and be easy on yourself 😊

  • @piotrbiedowicz1602
    @piotrbiedowicz1602 Рік тому +3

    Toxix people are everywhere in our life. We can't hide from them, but we can learn how to avoid their impact on us.

    • @walexander8378
      @walexander8378 Рік тому +1

      Sometimes people aren't even toxic it's just that they cant get along with you. Like water and oil. you think you are the water but it doesn't really matter. One person's toxic mate is another person's dream mate. Obviously there are people that will find a way to destroy every relationship or is there to steal souls but that's not a normal thing. Most of the time two people just grow tired of eachother and it's up to both to be mature and recognize and call it quits for a while or for good.
      Sometimes I think any two people, you can put them together and if they are truly mature and respectful they can last forever but I don't know. That's like arranged marriage thinking. I'm not sure but maybe.

    • @kimwarburton8490
      @kimwarburton8490 Рік тому

      I used MECFS as an excuse to cut them from my life. i have been really bad mind, bedbound, unable to speak or understand my native tongue, but i have pretended to them i am worse than reality to protect myself from having a dip because of them. so yeah, i have 1 RL friend, my mum n step-dad n nan n 2 mates from my old gaming days left in my life at this time.
      i dont wish to re-establish ties with even the non-toxic people from before-times because of their expectations of me means i will revert to who i used to be

  • @lewisbarham
    @lewisbarham Рік тому +1

    I was living with a very toxic person for 10 years - my mother’s partner. He was verbally, physically and emotionally abusive and has been a large contributor to me not recovering from CFSME. I have recently discovered that my illness has also been caused by mould exposure and secondary heavy metal toxicity which I have been detoxing this year. You highlight the important issue of how toxic relationships can be. I am much better now than in the past living with toxic people, exactly like you.

  • @Onigirii222
    @Onigirii222 Рік тому +1

    I can totally relate with you James. I was so used to the emotional abuse from my mother that I didn't even realise how toxic she was, until I decided to move out and live on my own. It was the best decision I ever did in my life and led to the greatest changes to my mental health and even physical health. I can finally focus on myself rather than always pleasing someone else, who's not even worth it.

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому +2


    • @alcurtis93
      @alcurtis93 Рік тому +2

      I only got away from mine after 12 years of illness. I've not recovered but it's such a relief. I still have lots of bad habits to work on

  • @TheUnknown-yx8zc
    @TheUnknown-yx8zc Рік тому +1

    July 16 2021 is when my life completely changed. I was supposed to compete in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament the next day but woke up with some nausea and felt very fatigued. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I thought I just had a stomach bug. After a week I did recover but something wasn’t right. I felt off all the time. My eyes became sensitive to sunlight and as I continued to train in bjj I felt more and more fatigued. I began to lose energy to workout and I lost my muscle and became thinner. I couldn’t think properly and my head felt cloudy all the time as if I was hungover. This is known as brain fog and was my worst debilitating and frustrating symptom. I had to quit bjj in october 5th 2021 because I physically couldn’t do it anymore. I barely passed my classes last fall because my memory went to shit. I Started doing tons of research on what's wrong with me. I went to several doctors appointments and saw a neurologist as well as had several blood work tests done on me. My father, who is a very intelligent ER physician, did not know what was wrong with me. I found after hours of intensive research that I had chronic fatigue syndrome(aka post viral syndrome). I was devastated. There was no medical cure for cfs and my life was just getting worse. I was going downhill fast and I knew that if I didn’t fix my health, then I would be bed bound. At one point I was suicidal. But I knew that would be selfish as I have a mother, father and sister who love me very much and would be devastated if I killed myself.
    That's when I decided that no matter what I couldn’t give up and I wasn’t going to live like this either. I accepted the fact that no doctor was going to fix me and the only person that was going to save me was myself. That was my first I did hours and hours of research on how to improve my health. I cut out all artificial sugars from my diet. I mainly stuck to meat, veggies, and fruit. I read books such as Joe Dispenza “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” and watched his videos. Joe Dipenza was paralyzed from the waist down and learned the ability to walk again through meditation. I thought, if this man can recover from a spinal cord injury and use his mind to walk again, I could do the same to heal my body. I did hours of meditation as well as did a brain retraining program called the gupta program. I prayed to God. I also took supplements such as coq10. I blocked any negative influence on my life. I also did no fap/semen retention. As I got better I continued to increase my physical intensity when it came to working out. I started off as small as 50 pushups doing multiple physical exercises. My life began looking up again. I started being able to do more things. I gradually gained my memory back. I went back to school. I documented my progress on how I was doing each month.
    Today I am fully recovered. I am back to what I was before I got sick. I train multiple times a week in bjj. I am in great shape. I am finishing my last year of college. I just received my blue belt in bjj. To anyone out there who thinks it is impossible to recover from this, don’t give up. Your mind and heart are powerful tools. Use them. Don’t waste your life going to doctors and waiting for the medical system to find you a cure. I was fortunate enough to realize after the first three months of being ill that doctors weren’t going to save me. That realization is why I am here today writing this. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
    Some sources/videos I used to recover are cfs recovery, health recovery, harry boby long covid recovery, and joe dispenza-all found on youtube. I also prayed to god asking him for advice and I also did the gupta brain retraining program.

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому +1

      Love it. Well done 👍

    • @TheUnknown-yx8zc
      @TheUnknown-yx8zc Рік тому +1

      @@HealthRecovery thank u bro if u ever wanted to meet on a video chat or something and talk just let me know

  • @druma9691
    @druma9691 Рік тому +1

    Good talk. Try The Work with Byron Katie for any issues with your partner and baby and mundane job. From my perspective, most people are toxic if I view it that way. Literally toxic from diet, thoughts, the system appears toxic, the rivers are toxic, just look at how our so called leaders behave etc. Then follows the feel good Toxic Positivity to escape from the toxic! Vystopia is understanding that we live amongst folk behaving worse than Jeffrey Dharmer and destroying the planet to boot. It's about simultaneously understanding this and the paradox of The Work with Byron Katie.

  • @KarimBilal1
    @KarimBilal1 Рік тому

    I love you bro. We got this. And there is a meaning to this life, in both the highs and the lows.

  • @xxLeannePx15xx
    @xxLeannePx15xx Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing this james :) you've put into words something that I really struggle to explain or even recognise I feel so it is a big relief to know someone else understands. Also feeling very proud of you for what you have achieved, getting out of a toxic environment and taking back your life!

  • @alcurtis93
    @alcurtis93 Рік тому

    I've been watching your channel for years. You're a big source of inspiration. I will recover when I stop my destructive habits. I just need to deal with everything that has happened to me and put it to bed so I don't feel the need to keep distracting with phone use, overdoing it etc

  • @dommccaffry3802
    @dommccaffry3802 Рік тому

    Good luck mate. Luckily, you already have a wealthy amount of experience, intuition, and understanding. And perhaps most importantly, you have a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths that many people never learn in a lifetime. You got this !.

  • @HealwithLiz
    @HealwithLiz Рік тому

    Agree. I hope one day you can lead a healing camp for people in shitty family situations so they can get out of there and heal. And eat healthy, reconnect with nature, get therapy and mindset coaching, and there can be saunas for people detoxing from stuff. Manifesting this. I think getting out of those situations then building your resilience so you don't let it affect you in the same way is so key. I really am trying not to get back into those same dynamics as I used to be (even like with my relationship to work) -- I used to do a lot more pro-active mindset stuff, and I want to do more of that stuff again so I can continue to live well and break the cycle for my kid.

  • @jirihutecka9020
    @jirihutecka9020 Рік тому +1

    That's why I can't even keep full time job(well that is not the only reason, but major one fur sure). In every job there always was some person or more people that make the time in the work really stressful. I really don't know how people deal with people like that for years or even decades..

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому

      I can imagine in office environments especially it’s incredibly difficult …

  • @Hero_Of_Old
    @Hero_Of_Old Рік тому +3

    Yes, the last couple years have been weird. I just get up, work at my laptop all day (WFH). Drink caffeine to get through the pain. Im just numb.
    Men definately need meaning and purpose.

    • @kimwarburton8490
      @kimwarburton8490 Рік тому +2

      It's not just men who need meaning and purpose^ but i understnad that culturally it appears that way because female roles are still implied to be 2nd-rate, such as motherhood is not considered meaningful nor purposeful but rather an instinct or a guarantee.
      Im female n i have suffered from a lack of purpose and explored this topic. I've decided to channel it into getting healthy again, that is my purpose and meaning for the here and now, which will open up other avenues in the future for more culturally accepted versions of meaning and purpose. Its a mental reframing of the challenge that is needed.
      Whats also helped more recently is ive been making my own clothes, an old hobby of mine, so i get a weekly achievement that has nothing to do with my health

    • @Hero_Of_Old
      @Hero_Of_Old Рік тому

      @@kimwarburton8490 Womens meaning and purpose comes from motherhood and raising a family. Mens purpose is different.

    • @kimwarburton8490
      @kimwarburton8490 Рік тому

      @@Hero_Of_Old sexist much?
      what about fatherhood and raising a family?
      what about women who cannot or do not have children? do they not exist to you?
      Many of us are CHOOSING to not bring children into this world due to lack of climate action, poverty etc, the future looks bleak and why would anyone who isnt selfish bring a child into such a world^
      Do you seriously ignore the contributions women have made in the STEM fields, politics, economy, archaeology, religion etc? were their purpose-driven contributions to humanity and society worthless in your eyes because they had the wrong plumbing?
      Frankly speaking, i would imagine that you hold many cognitive distortions and unhelpful beliefs based on this exchange which you will probably need to address and reframe before you make a complete recovery, most of us do, this is not an attack, i had to^ FWIW

    • @Hero_Of_Old
      @Hero_Of_Old Рік тому

      @@kimwarburton8490 You sound like atheist redditor. How is it in any way sexist? Pointing out natural inclinations is sexist?

    • @kimwarburton8490
      @kimwarburton8490 Рік тому

      @@Hero_Of_Old It is akin to me saying all men rape because it is their 'natural inclination'^
      that you cannot even SEE how it is sexist (and then dismiss as most sexists do) is extra worrying
      You think that because alot-to-most women in your circle are maternal, that every woman is maternal and thus a female's need for purpose is solved by being maternal. this is simply not the case, that is a very outdated schema of the world.
      ALOT of women who DO have children do not think of being a mother as their 'purpose'
      even in yester-years where it was the cultural norm pre '50's ALOT of women were on meds because they felt trapped, lost and depressed, not fulfilled with purpose by their cultural role.
      women have been miserable for millenia because of men with the attitude you hold, painting a bright smile on their face, making the best of a bad lot (woman's courage is the courage to endure)
      whats wrong with being an athiest? there are different types from the nihilist to the 'i dunno and have no pull towards religion' to those who reject religion because of it's damaging reputation.
      I would say you sound as if you maybe a right-wing religious evangelical based on your anti-atheist and sexist stance?
      Also, FWIW reddit is just as often a place for the curious -a sign of intelligence - a place where unusual topics are found, such as how certain hallucinogens can improve mental health outcomes and often give spiritual insights
      social platforms are only as good as what you make of them -what you put in you get out.
      sorry if YOUR experience of reddit was negative, but i find it useful for getting empirical/anecdotal answers to things im learning about

  • @sunnyd1928
    @sunnyd1928 Рік тому

    Thank you for this. The part where u said "which side of the table are they on...". Regardless of how i feel about them, weighing whether they make me feel supported and happy vs hopeless n sad really cuts thru it in a different way. Its something i just said to my counselor the other day. I said ya know ive tried everything but i can only do so much. Ive got toxicity in my life n i think that needs to change. My needs arent getting met.. period. With your content you are able to communicate these things well. Things that are sometimes overlooked. You are helping ppl. Youve helped me so much. Thank u for that ❤

    • @kimwarburton8490
      @kimwarburton8490 Рік тому

      Learning more direct communication, learning to say no (albeit i lean too much on MECFS as an excuse), Putting my needs first and cutting out the toxic people (inc my real dad) has been a game changer for me

  • @beezd8001
    @beezd8001 Рік тому

    Good to have u uploading again james

  • @Star5dg
    @Star5dg Рік тому +2

    You never find tradesmen or similar individuals who develop cfs. They are programed and conditioned into the routine. Those with cfs have something unique to offer the world. There the ones that are creative in many forms. Art, drama, music, communications, teaching etc. If one doesn't live purpose and meaning then it makes us susceptible to illness. We are wired a certain way us cfs people 🙂

  • @FeelingIsHealing
    @FeelingIsHealing Рік тому

    Watching this was awesome, quite moving. I always appreciated your videos back in the day, where I felt it was almost impossible to find anyone talking about having fully recovered without trying to sell you some type of program. This channel was a rare beacon of hope.
    It’s funny, because what you’re talking about is where I found a lot of my healing from CFS. You might be interested in the book When The Body Says No by Gabor Mate. He links codependent-type relationships and behaviours to autoimmune disease, on top of that not expressing your emotions, especially the suppression of anger were common causes in his view.
    Since then I’ve learnt the value of trying to always speak my truth if someone has hurt me. Plus trying to actually feel my emotions without pushing them down. I really think it’s healing, because it allows the energy to pass through.
    This along with somatic type activities helped massively. Addressing things like diet/lifestyle etc too, but nothing budged till I started feeling into my emotions.
    Calming the nervous system is also important too, but I have to be careful not to let my nervous system ie fear control me, because breaking some of these patterns requires me to feel afraid but do the scary thing anyway, and I think that has a healing element.
    It was cool to hear from you, I’ll be looking out for further updates of how you’re getting on. All the best brother, take care.

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому +1

      Good book, I’ve read it 😊 thanks for the comment

  • @dnydeltoro
    @dnydeltoro Рік тому +1

    My neighbour is toxic and it’s ruined my health. I’m desperate to move. Feel like my head is gonna explode.

  • @lewiscompton9391
    @lewiscompton9391 Рік тому

    Some great points

  • @TheRoarWithin
    @TheRoarWithin Рік тому

    Great video bro.

  • @dv8-makaveli365
    @dv8-makaveli365 Рік тому

    Much love from germany bro🌠🕊 in my case it s myself with the vices like monster energy drinks and cigarettes and video games :/ i need to quit these things they are suckin me dry .
    Thank you for the good Information bro💪🏼

  • @fwdflashwebdesign
    @fwdflashwebdesign Рік тому

    What can I do, I am suffocating with covid for a year, I am really in hell, my brain is a mess, my digestion is worst.
    I can't tolerate any food, I am having suicide thoughts at this point, I am suffocating for almost 1.3 months now, it is unbearable...

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому

      Difficulty breathing post covid? Is that what you mean ?

    • @fwdflashwebdesign
      @fwdflashwebdesign Рік тому

      @@HealthRecovery yes

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому

      @@fwdflashwebdesign what has your doctor said? Long covid ?

    • @fwdflashwebdesign
      @fwdflashwebdesign Рік тому +1

      @@HealthRecovery They don't believe me I am sick, they sent me to a neurologist, my digestion is a mess as well, I had covid in August 2021 and nver recovered and now again one month ago and I am suffocating, I can't swallow food... nobody believes me I am sick since my saturation is ok, I am in hell

    • @HealthRecovery
      @HealthRecovery  Рік тому

      @@fwdflashwebdesign doctors get it wrong all the time, I would keep going until they take you seriously