Very true. Im a tkd/shotokan and goju ryu practitioner and had no problem picking up ShinKyokushin. Blends all those style very smoothly. When I leave the military ill probably go with the latter. Until then ill remain a mutt, lol
Very early in my training Sensei said "The best swordsman is a thief. If you see a useful waza, steal it, make it your own, and use it." That, I think, is the essence of growth and deepening skill. I use Liechtenhauer guards, footwork, and strikes/cuts, when I practice with the katana. I incorporate spear, glaive, and halberd techniques when I use a staff. I shared some of this with Sensei when he asked for help with his staff skills and he was genuinely impressed.
my personal favorite subtle thing that i geek out about is actually Sam when she gets told to use her style. She represents the split between Johny and Daniel by using leopards paw's/ half fist. not completely hard like johny but not completely soft like daniel
I love love love this show. It renewed my interest in martial arts when I was getting burned out. Especially around Covid, when everything felt shut down. They put so much care into this series and gave a second wind to the childhood of many of us while balancing beautifully, the means to hit new and old fans. We are in agreement.
Out of the big 3 who Daniel fought and overcame, Mike Barnes was probably the most intimidating in my opinion. And seeing him back was such a pleasure especially considering his character growth. But what really made it fun to watch was he still had that look in his eyes. So much intensity. It's like that friend you have who can be nice and well spoken, but you piss him off and his stare can melt lead
This show consistently surprises me with how good it is and how well it works both those who have watched the Karate Kid films and those who haven’t. The lore is so deep and there are so many callbacks that honestly make me smile
One super fun easter egg I am proud of noticing right when I first saw it Season 3, Episode 6 "King Cobra" - around 13:00 - Flashback when Kreese is fighting his superior officer. When Kreese gets taken down the officer berates him and tells him if he loses concentration, he is dead meat. This is a total throwback to the original "Karate Kid" movie in the scene when Daniel and Mr. Miyagi first walk into Cobra Kai. There is a student that loses concentration, and Kreese takes the student down and berates him in a very similar way. Even the hand gestures during the berating is very similar and a throwback to the original movie.
You lied about Chinzo Machida's Muay Thai opponent being a "beginner" in his first MMA match. Don't come to any martial art channel if you can't talk with honesty.
Awesome video Mr. Dan. I personally love how you bring such intense passion to your topics especially this video in particular. As a fellow martial arts practitioner I can attest to not having balance in my life at times and how it in turn affected my training. I was distracted and couldn’t perform at my usual level. Once I was able to sort my personal stuff out I was able to get back to excelling at the dojo and was where I wanted to be mentally, physically and spiritually. I am a huge fan of the Cobra Kai series as well as the original Karate Kid movies. in addition to inspiring me they brought such real life aspects to the table. The martial arts are one of the best things I could have done with my life…I’m happy to still be training 30 years later 👍🏾
Thanks for giving spoiler alerts. Some people were literally putting spoilers on their titles just to get views. Had to unsub from them not get a spoiler.
I LOVED Season 5!!! the character development in this series has really created a lot of depth to the overall story. And every character is multi-dimensional. There are a few times where you have to suspend your disbelief, but when it comes to characterization, everything is justified. As one might say, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have..." Cobra Kai!
It's interesting to me that the current school I am at uses the same belt pattern (white, yellow, blue, green, brown with three levels, then black). Another school I studied at flipped the green and blue. Thank you for the analysis of the show!
@@ArtofOneDojo no - I study Chinese martial arts. Different Kung Fu systems. Knowing that Ralph is 60 warms my 52 yr old heart... as some of the moves in our forms are really for 20 yr old gymnasts.. lol
I'm looking forward to seeing it. I've got to schedule a time when I'm watching without my kids since they don't like it, but I've been anxiously awaiting season five since season four dropped
Your videos have gotten better and better. Loved the new season, season 5 of cobra kai.. sooo good. It felt much more like the original 4 movies by having Chozen there "Must work on mind first, then body". Love it! Only episode that annoyed me was the public pool episode
#CobraKai season 5 is just an amazing journey in the Karate Kid universe. Per your request I'll refrain from an spoiler stuff, except to say, 'Just wow!' As I was watching this season there were many things I saw as nods to the Karate Kid 3 movie specifically. So many that I went back and watched it again. Well done!
Also, I hope they keep going beyond S6. I would love to see them keep going where som of the original kids start comepting kickboxing, MMA, or better yet they make a deal with karate combat, and the original kids begin competing in karate combat while training new kids for the all valley.
Honestly after watching, they really did a good job of showing all side of being in the dojo. Mcdojo, cult behavior, belt ranking and dating. Also showing masters are regular people, while mixing techniques to Predictability.
They sould bring pat Johnson back as a referee. And darryl vidal as somthing in the series. Hard to leave the inventor of the crane kick out of the series.
Small spoilers Season 5 was completely fantastic: the character work was great, and I love that Robby finally apologized to Miguel without complaining about it. The Mexico plot was solid, but I did expect the characters to stay in Mexico longer, that's my only real complaint in the show. I can't wait for the next season, and I hope we get to see Kreese get destroyed by the way, here are some suggestions for the new Dojo name. Miyagi Fang Karate Yin Yang martial arts
All belts were allowed at the tournament, but the advanced division that Daniel was competing it was for brown belts and above. Miyagi just says black belt because he sees the belt sitting there, but brown and black are typically considered "advanced" ranks.
Agree with most of what was said in the video. S5 really picked up speed again after S4 was a bit worse than the others. *mild spoilers ahead* I think they could have paid a bit more attention to detail in some regards and they certainly should have engaged a stunt coordinator (for the last episode, at least) who knew sword fighting. Because the weapon fights are really bad, namely compared to the unarmed ones, which are up to the usual standard. Not to mention that Silver, as an apparent aficionado of Japanese culture, does not even know how to mount a sword correctly (they're all upside down). I thought for a while that it might have even been an intended slight against him, but they had an actual Japanese (Chozen) show up in his place and not even comment on it, which would have been a great burn!
Okay I gotta say this I personally think SNK based Robert Garcia from Ryoku No Ken aka Art Of Fighting on Terry Sliver. Yes I know the official stated influences but come one just just look at Terry & Robert in the original games, just saying.
On the topic of the belts: they give the kids a belt ranking in accordance to their functional skill level. So Miguel did not train enough to know everything he needed to earn a black belt but he competes at a black belt level.
my thought for a new name would focus on location since the tournament would be national, so my thought would be, "Valley Coast Karate" or something close to it?
It looks like trembling shock point fighting as was the norm in the pre 1960s JKA Shotokan, Tang Soo Do, and Taekwondo. Basically a point only scored if the strike visibly effected the competitor being struck. I forgot Gojukai they created karate point fighting; it slipped my mind which is foolish because I got my black belt in Goju Ryu Kenkyukai.
The original choreographer/referee, Pat Johnson created the penalty-point rules system used today in most [western] karate tournaments. They likely used a modified version of this.
What gets me is the whole "True" Karate form thing. I'm trying to wright a Pulp Novella (without much success), I wanted to have my hero kick ass and want to get the description of a high kick right, being set in the 30's Karate is too new and exotic so the hero knows Savate. I'm at a gym doing research talking to fighters, there is this one guy who I'm told is a good guy until he goes in to "Hard Core"mode about his Karate, and he is working on his thesis for his 3rd Dan, I'm half overhearing him talk, his technical descriptions are bordering on brilliant and his modern history is spot on but early history is a bit murky, then I hear him say that one of the kicks I'm working on the description of was "Invented" by an early master of his style. this is where I but in and try to correct him, he denies it when I say I can show him old film of the kick from before he style was founded and pull out my laptop took him aside and showed him some really old Savate films, he losses his Shiz but not in a bad way wanting to know where he can see this IRL, I have to tell him not in 100 miles, there where no schools and the one guy I know about went to France last year to do some high level training and hasn't come back yet. I then have to tell him the kick isn't allowed in Competition anymore so no one rely trains it today outside some traditional schools in France or who train Special Forces and Anti-Terrorism Cops. Modern Japanese Karate is a mix of Te, (Japanese) Kempo and Tai-jutsu with some Savate thrown in, don't get me started on American Karate. Out in the world the best martial art is an Alloy of other forms carefully smelted by an expert. Most of the Best Martial Artists have spent some time as a Journeyman exploring the wider world of Martial Arts.
I took shoalin a bastardized American version the belts sent white yellow blue green 3rd brown 2nd brown 1st brown then 1st black to 10th black tenth being only held by the grandmaster and it was a black and red belt. Seems like maybe they use that for cobra kai. Whats funny is shoalin is Kung Fu and shouldn't have belts but the grandmaster made the belts up it was basically a mcdojo but I did learn a few good techniques I made it to 2nd degree brown and they cut classes from 2 hours twice a week to 1 1 hour class a week. And it was hard to learn all the katas and stuff only getting an hour a week.
Eagle Fang should be the same style as Cobra Kai, just without the cheating. It's Johnny teaching it so it's the same stuff he was teaching when he ran Cobra Kai. His methods of teaching build up a student's character instead of turning them into dirty warriors.
About the "Belt Order"... I do not get why you think Blue Belt is before Green Belt? I mean the Tang Soo Do-Style, which Cobra Kai is most likely based on, is Moo Duk Kwan. And there it gets a bit complicated: Originally Moo Duk Kwan had no "Black Belt" but a "Midnight Blue Belt" instead of it. The schools which modernized and began to use a "Black Belt" seem to take over the ranking of Taekwondo and most Japanese Karate styles, meaning a Blue Belt is always higher than a Green Belt.
There are many different branches of Tang Soo Do and every school I have personally seen will form their own system of ranking and requirements (unless specifically governed by a larger board). In some styles of Karate, blue can be found before green. In American Kenpo, blue is before green. Some styles don't have blue at all. The reason I believe (and stated in this video) that the blue is before the green belt is in the context it was given to us. It was told to use in a flashback using the younger Johnny actor that he received his blue belt, suggesting this may have been earlier in his Karate training. In The Karate Kid, we see a couple of Green Belts and Brown Belts among the black belts in the class, suggesting this is an advanced class. One of the green belts is the character of Jerry Robinson. But in the tournament that is a month and a half after this scene, Jerry is wearing a brown belt. So two scenarios are possible here, and I guess both are equally possible. 1) Jerry was near promotion and Brown was his next belt. Or 2) In the month and a half, Jerry went from Green, to blue, to brown? Possible, if Kreese just wanted him to compete since the division was brown and up. But we saw no blue belts in the class room so contextually it seems that blue may come before green in Cobra Kai specifically. They also told us in this season (SPOILER ALERT) that Silver learned a specifically brutal type of Tang Soo Do from a particular master (who is fictionalized) so it's quite possible that could have been HIS ranking system. But John Kreese is the one running the school, so it's also possible he just picked the colors he wanted. This is just a best guess based on the information they've given us in the movies and the show. It's very possible there could still be orange, purple, and red in there as well. Maybe Season 6 will tell us?
There's just one big issue with Cobra Kai...actually there's several. But a major one is that if Terry Silver is a Tang Soo Do stylist, then why did he perform taekwondo form? Taekwondo comes from Tang Soo Do, that's pretty well known (unless you believe in the WTF "historical" B.S.) which is why some lineages still teach some of the old shotokan forms. No Tang Soo Do organization includes any taekwondo forms. He uses Japanese terms instead of Korean ones. He even refers to his teacher's granddaughter as sensei, which wouldn't happen in real life. He'd refer to her as kyo sa or sabum. So...what is Silver's full background? Mike Barnes was a bit of a disappointment. Not by the fact that he changed his life around. I was expecting to see "karate's bad boy" run rough shod like the Terminator through everyone. The fight with Chozen was good. I think it basically made fans of both happy or really pissed. Wanted to see him destroy Johnny. Can't have everything. East West Karate? Wasn't that Greg Silva's franchise? Wait..Silva...Silver? Didn't he have long slicked back black hair?
I think it's a little mix. In real life, Thomas Ian Griffith trained with Jun Chong Taekwondo, and that Kata he does is specifically the way it's done at that school. In the 80's, I'm sure they knew the movie audience wouldn't question it. But when Silver was asked who he trained with he said "Kim Sun Yung...among others". As far as the terminology, it's pretty common (ESPECIALLY in the 80s) for Tang Soo Do schools to use the Japanese terms just out of marketability. I personally knew a TSD around me that called itself "Karate" and used "Dojo" and "Sensei. And great catch about the Greg Silva! I didn't put the name similarity together! I didn't go to HIS school, but one of the franchises nearby.
Karate not having a consistent rank and belt system its the peak of realism! xD Sometimes i feel that only black belts are equal in all karate and then some golden rainbow 18 stripes show up and rename his style to "karate komando" or some japanese nonsense like "shuritoryu-arigatenbo karate" to justify the higher rank and feel special.
Oh man, I love Dan’s shirt right in this video, it basically encompasses Mike Barnes’ storyline when Terry Silver is involved. *SPOILER ALERT* In this Season, so many great things happened from Chozen’s kobudo techniques using the sai to Daniel’s usage of the Quicksilver method to John Kreese showing his gray sense of morality to make his students strong according to him. If there’s one thing Terry did right is state that everyone can be a karateka, just not through his methods because he’s insane
There are schools in real life using Cobra Kai, so what does it matter? How many schools have the words "Champion", "Dragon" "Fist" "Way" "Elite", "Warrior", "Tiger"...etc. No matter what they name it, it will likely be similar to a real school out there.
Well first you have stated that Miyagi Soo Do would translate as Miyagi way of the knife hand. This is incorrect. It seems like you are under the incorrect belief that tang soo do translates as way of the knife hand. This is incorrect. But even if it were correct, by leaving out tang, Miyagi soo do would only translate to Miyagi hand way. Then there’s the next level to your incorrectness. You seem to think by combining Miyagi with soo do that you are representing both schools. But soo do is only the Korean reading of the Japanese te do. They already call it Miyagi Do Karate. In Korean, this would be read as Miyagi Do Tangsoo. By stating Miyagi Soo Do, all you have done is removed the tang part and rearranged soo and do. In no way shape or form would this represent the combined two schools. I can go on further about what is wrong with Miyagi Kai too if you would like.
@@bluebubblegum853 yes I should not have included a knife. The first thought I ever studied was Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kean, so I do know what that means and I was incorrect in including knife. I am very well aware that the characters in Tang Soo Do are actually originally of Chinese origin. I also trained in Shotokan and was a direct student of the founder of USA goju, Sensei Peter Urban. I have been training since 1972. Also, these are just my ideas... Just like Dan has his and you probably have yours. But thank you for letting me know that I should not have included knife.
Being that the show is called, "Cobra Kai," my theory; and of course, I could be wrong; is that Johnny, Daniel, Chosen, and everyone else will unite together under the banner of Cobra Kai for the tournament, because, when you fight on the world stage, small town rivalries disappear. There's no Democrats or Republicans in a world war.
Maybe Mongoose Do Kai because they eat Cobras. The other reason I think Mongoose is because the Crane is to associated with Miyagi Do & Goju Ryu, since Goju Ryu is Crane Kung Fu intentionally modified in the 20th century due to jingoism to separate it from its origins similar to Ryurei Ryu & Uechi Ryu they all modified the core forms then created new forms to codified themselves as unique styles.
@@ArtofOneDojo Of course, we won't know until season 6. But they continue to do the unthinkable and unimaginable in every season. Who would have ever thought that Daniel, Johnny, Chosen, and Mike Barnes would be on the same side? And as they have this all planned out, there has to be reason why Daniel and Johnny couldn't come up with a name. Plus, as they will be representing the Valley together, as well as even the US, they might have to join together to fight the Russian team, the Korean team, and so forth. Just imagine if they all united together to make Cobra Kai a worldwide name, showing how Martial Arts unites us. I could be really really wrong here, but it's exciting to speculate before every season.
Tang Soo Do is a Korean variant of Shotokan, so when you mix Tang Soo Do with Goju Ryu then you're essentially recreating Kyokushin Kai.
Very true. Im a tkd/shotokan and goju ryu practitioner and had no problem picking up ShinKyokushin. Blends all those style very smoothly. When I leave the military ill probably go with the latter. Until then ill remain a mutt, lol
Very early in my training Sensei said "The best swordsman is a thief. If you see a useful waza, steal it, make it your own, and use it."
That, I think, is the essence of growth and deepening skill. I use Liechtenhauer guards, footwork, and strikes/cuts, when I practice with the katana. I incorporate spear, glaive, and halberd techniques when I use a staff.
I shared some of this with Sensei when he asked for help with his staff skills and he was genuinely impressed.
my personal favorite subtle thing that i geek out about is actually Sam when she gets told to use her style. She represents the split between Johny and Daniel by using leopards paw's/ half fist. not completely hard like johny but not completely soft like daniel
Very nice detail noticed!
I love love love this show. It renewed my interest in martial arts when I was getting burned out. Especially around Covid, when everything felt shut down.
They put so much care into this series and gave a second wind to the childhood of many of us while balancing beautifully, the means to hit new and old fans.
We are in agreement.
This show is a masterclass in world building. And East/West! Lol Memories man. So many memories.
Out of the big 3 who Daniel fought and overcame, Mike Barnes was probably the most intimidating in my opinion. And seeing him back was such a pleasure especially considering his character growth. But what really made it fun to watch was he still had that look in his eyes. So much intensity. It's like that friend you have who can be nice and well spoken, but you piss him off and his stare can melt lead
Absolutely! It was nice to see him calm and normal but when that fire came back to his eyes it felt like old Mike Barnes again!
He is really nice person talked to him one time, he actually study some style of karate i can not remember.
My first dojo was called East West Karate as well!
This show consistently surprises me with how good it is and how well it works both those who have watched the Karate Kid films and those who haven’t. The lore is so deep and there are so many callbacks that honestly make me smile
One super fun easter egg I am proud of noticing right when I first saw it
Season 3, Episode 6 "King Cobra" - around 13:00 - Flashback when Kreese is fighting his superior officer. When Kreese gets taken down the officer berates him and tells him if he loses concentration, he is dead meat. This is a total throwback to the original "Karate Kid" movie in the scene when Daniel and Mr. Miyagi first walk into Cobra Kai. There is a student that loses concentration, and Kreese takes the student down and berates him in a very similar way. Even the hand gestures during the berating is very similar and a throwback to the original movie.
Nice catch! I love how they reuse lines from the films!
You lied about Chinzo Machida's Muay Thai opponent being a "beginner" in his first MMA match. Don't come to any martial art channel if you can't talk with honesty.
Came as soon as it dropped
Awesome video Mr. Dan. I personally love how you bring such intense passion to your topics especially this video in particular.
As a fellow martial arts practitioner I can attest to not having balance in my life at times and how it in turn affected my training. I was distracted and couldn’t perform at my usual level. Once I was able to sort my personal stuff out I was able to get back to excelling at the dojo and was where I wanted to be mentally, physically and spiritually. I am a huge fan of the Cobra Kai series as well as the original Karate Kid movies. in addition to inspiring me they brought such real life aspects to the table. The martial arts are one of the best things I could have done with my life…I’m happy to still be training 30 years later 👍🏾
Thanks for giving spoiler alerts. Some people were literally putting spoilers on their titles just to get views. Had to unsub from them not get a spoiler.
Fun fact...The guy Daniel fights in the tournament who went from green belt to brown belt in The Karate Kid, is Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds..😂
No way
I am so glad I am not the only Karate Kid/Cobra Kai super nerd fan!!!!!! There needs to be a forum just for super nerds to share all the easter eggs!
I LOVED Season 5!!! the character development in this series has really created a lot of depth to the overall story. And every character is multi-dimensional. There are a few times where you have to suspend your disbelief, but when it comes to characterization, everything is justified. As one might say, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have..." Cobra Kai!
Those are the facts of life ;)
It's interesting to me that the current school I am at uses the same belt pattern (white, yellow, blue, green, brown with three levels, then black). Another school I studied at flipped the green and blue.
Thank you for the analysis of the show!
Tang Soo Do school by chance?
@@ArtofOneDojo no - I study Chinese martial arts. Different Kung Fu systems. Knowing that Ralph is 60 warms my 52 yr old heart... as some of the moves in our forms are really for 20 yr old gymnasts.. lol
I'm looking forward to seeing it. I've got to schedule a time when I'm watching without my kids since they don't like it, but I've been anxiously awaiting season five since season four dropped
Your videos have gotten better and better. Loved the new season, season 5 of cobra kai.. sooo good. It felt much more like the original 4 movies by having Chozen there "Must work on mind first, then body". Love it! Only episode that annoyed me was the public pool episode
Why oh why can’t I give this more than one like. Merry Christmas
Should call their blended karate style "Mongoose Karate" since it took down the Cobra
#CobraKai season 5 is just an amazing journey in the Karate Kid universe. Per your request I'll refrain from an spoiler stuff, except to say, 'Just wow!' As I was watching this season there were many things I saw as nods to the Karate Kid 3 movie specifically. So many that I went back and watched it again. Well done!
East West Martial Arts was the original name of my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym❤️🔥
Also, I hope they keep going beyond S6.
I would love to see them keep going where som of the original kids start comepting kickboxing, MMA, or better yet they make a deal with karate combat, and the original kids begin competing in karate combat while training new kids for the all valley.
In my school Brown belt is split into 6 levels. 3 half grades and 3 full grades.
Thank you for adding the blue belt!
Honestly after watching, they really did a good job of showing all side of being in the dojo. Mcdojo, cult behavior, belt ranking and dating.
Also showing masters are regular people, while mixing techniques to Predictability.
They sould bring pat Johnson back as a referee. And darryl vidal as somthing in the series. Hard to leave the inventor of the crane kick out of the series.
I just know Johnny is gonna pitch "American Badass Karate"
I'm loving this season. Is it wrong that I'm totally digging the look of the Cobra Kai dojos... and that I love Terry Silver's office?
I think it's kinda insane that his office is the size of another small dojo lol.
@@ArtofOneDojo It really is
Small spoilers
Season 5 was completely fantastic: the character work was great, and I love that Robby finally apologized to Miguel without complaining about it. The Mexico plot was solid, but I did expect the characters to stay in Mexico longer, that's my only real complaint in the show. I can't wait for the next season, and I hope we get to see Kreese get destroyed
by the way, here are some suggestions for the new Dojo name.
Miyagi Fang Karate
Yin Yang martial arts
I nominate Two Extremes Karate. You got one side, and the other opposite side
Did you ever discuss why brown belts were at the tournament when Daniel was told it was only for black belts? I've always wonder that..
All belts were allowed at the tournament, but the advanced division that Daniel was competing it was for brown belts and above. Miyagi just says black belt because he sees the belt sitting there, but brown and black are typically considered "advanced" ranks.
I absolutely loved what they did this season
Agree with most of what was said in the video.
S5 really picked up speed again after S4 was a bit worse than the others.
*mild spoilers ahead*
I think they could have paid a bit more attention to detail in some regards and they certainly should have engaged a stunt coordinator (for the last episode, at least) who knew sword fighting. Because the weapon fights are really bad, namely compared to the unarmed ones, which are up to the usual standard.
Not to mention that Silver, as an apparent aficionado of Japanese culture, does not even know how to mount a sword correctly (they're all upside down). I thought for a while that it might have even been an intended slight against him, but they had an actual Japanese (Chozen) show up in his place and not even comment on it, which would have been a great burn!
How about for the combined dojo, Eagle crane. Referencing the crane kick.
Okay I gotta say this I personally think SNK based Robert Garcia from Ryoku No Ken aka Art Of Fighting on Terry Sliver. Yes I know the official stated influences but come one just just look at Terry & Robert in the original games, just saying.
On the topic of the belts: they give the kids a belt ranking in accordance to their functional skill level. So Miguel did not train enough to know everything he needed to earn a black belt but he competes at a black belt level.
The kids in season 5 when the tournament people came to visit were doing tkd koryo form like silver did in karate kid 3
Love East West Karate because Daniel is from Jersey (East Coast) and Johnny is from California (West Coast)
Oh snap I didn't think of that Nice catch! Even better!
In the Cobra Kai card game the belts are white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, brown and black.
my thought for a new name would focus on location since the tournament would be national, so my thought would be, "Valley Coast Karate" or something close to it?
When is baki going to walk into the dojo and destroy them?
3:44 One channel claimed miyagido was actually shito ryu instead because it incorporated goji ryu but also added on other techniques.
And he knows his move set as well
Have you made a video on what kinda rules the karate tournaments used in cobra kai?
It looks like trembling shock point fighting as was the norm in the pre 1960s JKA Shotokan, Tang Soo Do, and Taekwondo. Basically a point only scored if the strike visibly effected the competitor being struck. I forgot Gojukai they created karate point fighting; it slipped my mind which is foolish because I got my black belt in Goju Ryu Kenkyukai.
The original choreographer/referee, Pat Johnson created the penalty-point rules system used today in most [western] karate tournaments. They likely used a modified version of this.
What gets me is the whole "True" Karate form thing. I'm trying to wright a Pulp Novella (without much success), I wanted to have my hero kick ass and want to get the description of a high kick right, being set in the 30's Karate is too new and exotic so the hero knows Savate.
I'm at a gym doing research talking to fighters, there is this one guy who I'm told is a good guy until he goes in to "Hard Core"mode about his Karate, and he is working on his thesis for his 3rd Dan, I'm half overhearing him talk, his technical descriptions are bordering on brilliant and his modern history is spot on but early history is a bit murky, then I hear him say that one of the kicks I'm working on the description of was "Invented" by an early master of his style. this is where I but in and try to correct him, he denies it when I say I can show him old film of the kick from before he style was founded and pull out my laptop took him aside and showed him some really old Savate films, he losses his Shiz but not in a bad way wanting to know where he can see this IRL, I have to tell him not in 100 miles, there where no schools and the one guy I know about went to France last year to do some high level training and hasn't come back yet. I then have to tell him the kick isn't allowed in Competition anymore so no one rely trains it today outside some traditional schools in France or who train Special Forces and Anti-Terrorism Cops.
Modern Japanese Karate is a mix of Te, (Japanese) Kempo and Tai-jutsu with some Savate thrown in, don't get me started on American Karate.
Out in the world the best martial art is an Alloy of other forms carefully smelted by an expert.
Most of the Best Martial Artists have spent some time as a Journeyman exploring the wider world of Martial Arts.
I think Stephen Thompson should've gotten a bigger role in the movie
What movie?
I took shoalin a bastardized American version the belts sent white yellow blue green 3rd brown 2nd brown 1st brown then 1st black to 10th black tenth being only held by the grandmaster and it was a black and red belt. Seems like maybe they use that for cobra kai. Whats funny is shoalin is Kung Fu and shouldn't have belts but the grandmaster made the belts up it was basically a mcdojo but I did learn a few good techniques I made it to 2nd degree brown and they cut classes from 2 hours twice a week to 1 1 hour class a week. And it was hard to learn all the katas and stuff only getting an hour a week.
Name ideas•
Double Fist Karate Do (two styles in one)
Fire and Ice karate
TSD/Shotokan and goju= shito ryu 😅
Did anyone else notice any similarities between Kobra Kai and the Sekai Taikai tournament and BJJ and UFC?
Actually love the name, hope it gets used!!!
Even if they have the characters contemplating names and throw this out as a suggestion would be cool enough.
The biggest missed opportunity of S5 Stephen Wonderboy Thompson vs Mike Barnes lol
Nah, the biggest missed opportunity was not having Barnes come into Terry's house and say "I'm what they're talking about shithead!"
Could you do a breakdown of EagleFangs style. Some of their style to me at least look reminiscent of Eagle Claw kung fu . At least to me.
Eagle Fang should be the same style as Cobra Kai, just without the cheating. It's Johnny teaching it so it's the same stuff he was teaching when he ran Cobra Kai. His methods of teaching build up a student's character instead of turning them into dirty warriors.
Season 5 finale was great. Question, who would you train with... Kreese or Silver. I'm team Sensei Terry Silver.
Now we need a Last Dragon Netflix series.
The story line is a bit much, but it’s a great show, good writing and great martial art mentality lessons.
The Swedish team would have Dolph Lundgren as coach for the tournament 😁. Best season so far many funny moments Chozen cracked me up many times 😂
Basically Tkd vs karate I wonder if myiagi knew that cobra was the enemy of myiagi do that why he decided to train danile in myiagi d
Have you seen the UA-cam video from J. Matthew Turner movies episode 3 called The Karate Kid: Daniel is the real bully
I have and it's a funny parody, but as a serious analysis, I disagree with it completely.
About the "Belt Order"... I do not get why you think Blue Belt is before Green Belt?
I mean the Tang Soo Do-Style, which Cobra Kai is most likely based on, is Moo Duk Kwan. And there it gets a bit complicated: Originally Moo Duk Kwan had no "Black Belt" but a "Midnight Blue Belt" instead of it.
The schools which modernized and began to use a "Black Belt" seem to take over the ranking of Taekwondo and most Japanese Karate styles, meaning a Blue Belt is always higher than a Green Belt.
There are many different branches of Tang Soo Do and every school I have personally seen will form their own system of ranking and requirements (unless specifically governed by a larger board). In some styles of Karate, blue can be found before green. In American Kenpo, blue is before green. Some styles don't have blue at all.
The reason I believe (and stated in this video) that the blue is before the green belt is in the context it was given to us. It was told to use in a flashback using the younger Johnny actor that he received his blue belt, suggesting this may have been earlier in his Karate training.
In The Karate Kid, we see a couple of Green Belts and Brown Belts among the black belts in the class, suggesting this is an advanced class. One of the green belts is the character of Jerry Robinson. But in the tournament that is a month and a half after this scene, Jerry is wearing a brown belt. So two scenarios are possible here, and I guess both are equally possible. 1) Jerry was near promotion and Brown was his next belt. Or 2) In the month and a half, Jerry went from Green, to blue, to brown? Possible, if Kreese just wanted him to compete since the division was brown and up. But we saw no blue belts in the class room so contextually it seems that blue may come before green in Cobra Kai specifically.
They also told us in this season (SPOILER ALERT) that Silver learned a specifically brutal type of Tang Soo Do from a particular master (who is fictionalized) so it's quite possible that could have been HIS ranking system. But John Kreese is the one running the school, so it's also possible he just picked the colors he wanted.
This is just a best guess based on the information they've given us in the movies and the show. It's very possible there could still be orange, purple, and red in there as well. Maybe Season 6 will tell us?
Hawk’s defeat to Kenny was unacceptable
In wtsda blue belt is before the black belt
How just The Karate Kids (a combined dojo name)?
I'm surprised how much I actually like that. That's a a clever suggestion.
@@ArtofOneDojo Thank you 😊
I found myself rooting for Silver this season…
If they end up using East west Karate, imma lose my mind in happinesses
There's just one big issue with Cobra Kai...actually there's several. But a major one is that if Terry Silver is a Tang Soo Do stylist, then why did he perform taekwondo form? Taekwondo comes from Tang Soo Do, that's pretty well known (unless you believe in the WTF "historical" B.S.) which is why some lineages still teach some of the old shotokan forms. No Tang Soo Do organization includes any taekwondo forms. He uses Japanese terms instead of Korean ones. He even refers to his teacher's granddaughter as sensei, which wouldn't happen in real life. He'd refer to her as kyo sa or sabum. So...what is Silver's full background?
Mike Barnes was a bit of a disappointment. Not by the fact that he changed his life around. I was expecting to see "karate's bad boy" run rough shod like the Terminator through everyone. The fight with Chozen was good. I think it basically made fans of both happy or really pissed. Wanted to see him destroy Johnny. Can't have everything.
East West Karate? Wasn't that Greg Silva's franchise? Wait..Silva...Silver? Didn't he have long slicked back black hair?
I think it's a little mix. In real life, Thomas Ian Griffith trained with Jun Chong Taekwondo, and that Kata he does is specifically the way it's done at that school. In the 80's, I'm sure they knew the movie audience wouldn't question it.
But when Silver was asked who he trained with he said "Kim Sun Yung...among others".
As far as the terminology, it's pretty common (ESPECIALLY in the 80s) for Tang Soo Do schools to use the Japanese terms just out of marketability. I personally knew a TSD around me that called itself "Karate" and used "Dojo" and "Sensei.
And great catch about the Greg Silva! I didn't put the name similarity together! I didn't go to HIS school, but one of the franchises nearby.
Karate not having a consistent rank and belt system its the peak of realism! xD
Sometimes i feel that only black belts are equal in all karate and then some golden rainbow 18 stripes show up and rename his style to "karate komando" or some japanese nonsense like "shuritoryu-arigatenbo karate" to justify the higher rank and feel special.
Oh man, I love Dan’s shirt right in this video, it basically encompasses Mike Barnes’ storyline when Terry Silver is involved.
In this Season, so many great things happened from Chozen’s kobudo techniques using the sai to Daniel’s usage of the Quicksilver method to John Kreese showing his gray sense of morality to make his students strong according to him. If there’s one thing Terry did right is state that everyone can be a karateka, just not through his methods because he’s insane
Miyagi Fang
Was burnt in this season?
Who is Burnt?
@@ArtofOneDojo whoops that was a bad typo lol I meant Bert
@@christianpatriot7196 Oh, yes he was but in a small role, but he was there.
Too many schools named that!!! Do you really want to see someone use this as a fake marketing play???
There are schools in real life using Cobra Kai, so what does it matter? How many schools have the words "Champion", "Dragon" "Fist" "Way" "Elite", "Warrior", "Tiger"...etc. No matter what they name it, it will likely be similar to a real school out there.
Wrong, Ameridote is the best martial art
What if kreese lied about belt rankings so his students could compete in kk1
miyagi fang
I love the show, but by S5 there’s no actual karate left in the show. At least in the fight scenes any way.
I am throwing out there Miyagi Soo Do, or Miyagi Kai, (Miyagi Hand Way,, or Miyagi assembly or meeting), as my name suggestion.
Thats not how that works.
@@bluebubblegum853 ...and why not?
Well first you have stated that Miyagi Soo Do would translate as Miyagi way of the knife hand. This is incorrect. It seems like you are under the incorrect belief that tang soo do translates as way of the knife hand. This is incorrect. But even if it were correct, by leaving out tang, Miyagi soo do would only translate to Miyagi hand way.
Then there’s the next level to your incorrectness. You seem to think by combining Miyagi with soo do that you are representing both schools. But soo do is only the Korean reading of the Japanese te do. They already call it Miyagi Do Karate. In Korean, this would be read as Miyagi Do Tangsoo. By stating Miyagi Soo Do, all you have done is removed the tang part and rearranged soo and do. In no way shape or form would this represent the combined two schools.
I can go on further about what is wrong with Miyagi Kai too if you would like.
@@bluebubblegum853 yes I should not have included a knife. The first thought I ever studied was Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kean, so I do know what that means and I was incorrect in including knife. I am very well aware that the characters in Tang Soo Do are actually originally of Chinese origin. I also trained in Shotokan and was a direct student of the founder of USA goju, Sensei Peter Urban. I have been training since 1972. Also, these are just my ideas... Just like Dan has his and you probably have yours. But thank you for letting me know that I should not have included knife.
In addition, Miyagi Kai would be the best thing in my humble opinion
Being that the show is called, "Cobra Kai," my theory; and of course, I could be wrong; is that Johnny, Daniel, Chosen, and everyone else will unite together under the banner of Cobra Kai for the tournament, because, when you fight on the world stage, small town rivalries disappear. There's no Democrats or Republicans in a world war.
Maybe Mongoose Do Kai because they eat Cobras. The other reason I think Mongoose is because the Crane is to associated with Miyagi Do & Goju Ryu, since Goju Ryu is Crane Kung Fu intentionally modified in the 20th century due to jingoism to separate it from its origins similar to Ryurei Ryu & Uechi Ryu they all modified the core forms then created new forms to codified themselves as unique styles.
I had this thought too and I could see that, but I have a hard time seeing Daniel flying under that banner.
@@ArtofOneDojo Of course, we won't know until season 6. But they continue to do the unthinkable and unimaginable in every season. Who would have ever thought that Daniel, Johnny, Chosen, and Mike Barnes would be on the same side? And as they have this all planned out, there has to be reason why Daniel and Johnny couldn't come up with a name. Plus, as they will be representing the Valley together, as well as even the US, they might have to join together to fight the Russian team, the Korean team, and so forth. Just imagine if they all united together to make Cobra Kai a worldwide name, showing how Martial Arts unites us. I could be really really wrong here, but it's exciting to speculate before every season.
Problem I had were the kids use of bad language and the series had become dark. But that’s Hollywood.
@@jkadude2010 I agree! There was a very dark element to this season; but sadly, that's the way it is today.
In the show they go from white to black belt 😂
To be fair, in the Karate Kid universe, they seem to be training nothing but prodigies. 😂😂
Ameridote is best of all worst of none