Sabbath Controversy

  • Опубліковано 31 тра 2020
  • || By: Alistair Begg - (Mark 2:23-3:6) The Pharisees viewed keeping God’s law as the only way to win acceptance with God. Accusing Jesus of being unlawful on the Sabbath, they plotted to kill Him because they misunderstood that the Sabbath was given to man for his benefit and blessing. Alistair Begg reminds us that legalism teaches, “I obey, therefore I am accepted,” but Christianity says, “I am accepted, therefore I obey.”


  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому +18

    "If you love me, keep my commandments."

  • @mathewwansanso2653

    Thank you pastor well presented, soft and clear. May the honest faithful ones viewing this presentation think again and ponder this

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому +14

    “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments,

  • @AlstonMurray2005
    @AlstonMurray2005 Рік тому +7

    Yo i believe this message saved my life. I was self-righteous and i knew i wasnt supposed to be. I was just like the Jews in the book of Galatians; faith in Jesus + works. In fact thats part of the reason why I wanted to listen to this sermon, to help confirm that i have been keeping the Sabbath Day.

  • @marabell2158
    @marabell2158 Рік тому +4

    King James and a 200 year old bible Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life. Rev. 22. 14. All others only say blessed our those who Wash there robes. May God guide you.

  • @schachmatt1581
    @schachmatt1581 Рік тому +2


  • @Truth.Is.Intolerant
    @Truth.Is.Intolerant Рік тому +4

    "Only Jesus can give us the grace to enter into the joy of obediance." Well said pastor.

  • @karlstgelais5204
    @karlstgelais5204 Рік тому +2

    Not on my strength or knowledge, only by every word of God, fill your oil lamp,JESUS IS COMING, BELIEVE !!!!!!!

  • @olgaburgos7780
    @olgaburgos7780 21 день тому +1

    All the commandments were given byGod for the benefit of His creation, expecting obedience to them so they would be blessed for their keeping. The problem is that men want to play God and changed proudly the Sabbath Day to a Sunday Sabbath. The Jews made the commandments very burdensome deciding what was good to do or not to do on the Sabbath, and If they did not obey what they had added to the words of God , they call them sinners and would be condemned, they would not be saved , they made it a works salvation and not by faith in the gospel. Today,the same things happen in churches that teach salvation by Jesus plus law works , they they teach salvation with sanctification together for been accepted in heaven. That is the problem, Salvation is only through faith in the gospel of Jesus.

  • @michaelristovski9467
    @michaelristovski9467 Рік тому +5

    Mr. Alistair Begg , you are right the Jews had no right to make a burden of the Sabbath, and you have no right from the Lord to preach abandoning the keeping of the 7th day, Sabbath. You will have to answer to the Lord for this sermon. Sunday is human institution, the Sabbath is by God established .

  • @Blytheface
    @Blytheface 21 день тому +1

    There is a plan in the works called Project 2025 which includes a forced Sunday Sabbath. Looks like we have come full circle to Daniel & the boys

  • @keithelrod777
    @keithelrod777 Рік тому +4

    What’s going on church? How have we gotten so twisted in today’s church? First we need to realize the difference between the 600 Laws and the Ten Commandments. The 600 Laws were written on paper by man via God. The Ten Commandments are written on Beautiful Sapphire Stone by the Finger of God Himself. The Sabbath Commandment is within the Ten Commandments. I don’t think we quite understand Salvation. Jesus Christ conquered sin and death and then He sent us the Holy Spirit. What happens when we have the Holy Spirit living in us? We should walk by His Spirit. How do we walk by His Spirit? By loving God and loving our neighbor. How do we love God and love our neighbor? God Himself, in Stone, gave us a beautiful Love outline. Don’t have other gods before Him. No idols. Don’t use the Lord’s Name in vain, which simply means don’t be a hypocrite. Your outer show should match your inner flow. Now then here we have the Sabbath Commandment. We know Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath. We know because of His earthly Work that we have now and Eternal Sabbath Rest. Rest in Him. Here’s the kicker, today’s church changed the Sabbath based on the false teaching of a Sunday morning Resurrection, this is a massive lie. Jesus Christ Rose on the “first day of the week” of Week 1 of the 7 Weeks of 7, known as the 49 Days of Weeks. Jesus Christ Rose on Day 1 of the 49. This Day is called First Fruits, on a Hebrew Lunar Calendar it was always on a Tuesday, the “third day” of the week. Remember Jesus spent 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth. Dying on Friday at 3pm, in the Tomb before the start of the 6pm Sabbath, in the Tomb for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Rising on First Fruits Tuesday, the “third day” of the week, on the “first day of the week” of Week 1 of the 7 Weeks of 7. The very next Day, after the 49 Days of Weeks was Day 50, Pentecost, the Day that the Holy Spirit was given, Hallelujah!!! Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom, we are the bride. Resting in Him on the Sabbath, setting time aside for our relationship is vital, just like a human marriage, we need to set aside special time for the Bridegroom. Then we have the 5th Commandment, honoring our parents, don’t murder, no adultery, don’t steal or lie, or covet. The Ten Commandments are based on Love. All Ten Commandments are still extremely relevant. The Torah crowd confuses the 600 Laws with the Ten Commandments. Rob’s crowd is ignorant in believing Christ rose on pagan Easter Sunday, they are also ignorant on throwing out the 4th Commandment. So we don’t need to keep the Torah, but the Ten Commandments are still very important.

  • @BensonStanton

    Misinterpretation of scriptures is Satan's greatest weapon

  • @pilgrimhere652
    @pilgrimhere652 Рік тому +11

    I stoped paying attention to sunday keepers, But I remind them not to go after Sabbath keepers in none sense debates , but rather go after Catholic high archi priest and pope him self , They will call protestants a bunch of hipocresy because Sunday observance is a catholic commandment ,, Simple as that.

  • @karlstgelais5204
    @karlstgelais5204 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for the true word of GOD.

  • @chrisbigley7415
    @chrisbigley7415 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful teaching of Gods Word.

  • @raymondcalkins
    @raymondcalkins Рік тому +7

    GOD ALMIGHTY expects us to keep a certain day, the sabbath!

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому +10

    The seventh day is God's holy day, you don't get to choose God's holy day.

  • @GasparCortez13
    @GasparCortez13 Рік тому +2

    I never knew you, ye workers of Torahlessness.--Sin is transgression of the Torah.--We must establish Torah.

  • @suzetterookwood6749
    @suzetterookwood6749 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent preaching