Is There a "Lord's Day"?

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
  • www.desiringgod...


  • @ashersian2563
    @ashersian2563 Місяць тому +1

    Biblical Perspective on Sunday Worship
    1. No Direct Command:
    - The New Testament does not explicitly command or even provide a slight indication for the replacement of the Sabbath with Sunday worship. The focus of the New Testament is on the resurrection of Jesus, rather than instituting Sunday as a new day of rest or worship.
    2. Continuity with Sabbath Observance:
    - Jesus observed the Sabbath regularly, as seen in Luke 4:16 and Matthew 5:17-19. The apostles’ observance of the Sabbath is also documented in Acts 13:14, 15:21, 16:13, 17:2, and 18:4. These references underline the Sabbath's importance in their practice.
    3. Gentile Converts and the Sabbath:
    -Gentile converts to Christianity continued to observe the Sabbath, indicating its ongoing importance in early Apostolic Christian practice and highlighting its continued significance. In Acts 13:42 and 44, we see that these converts were present in the synagogue keeping the Sabbath, showing their continued observance and respect for this day.
    4. Unscriptural Theological Development:
    - The practice of Sunday worship developed gradually over time during the post-apostolic era, influenced by theological reflections and traditions prevalent in the Roman Empire at that time. These aimed to honor Sunday observance, using Jesus' resurrection on that day as an unwarranted justification. This development was not based on an explicit New Testament command or practice but diverged from the original Sabbath observance, which is one of the commandments in the Decalogue.
    5. Deviation from Apostolic Practice:
    - The early Church Fathers deviated from the original teaching and practice of Jesus and the apostles regarding the Sabbath commandment. As prophesied by Paul in Acts 20:29 (KJV), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock", there was a significant departure from the original apostolic teaching and practice.
    6. Pagan Origins of Sunday Worship:
    -Sunday worship has pagan origins steming from historical and cultural practices that predate Christianity.
    Here's a summary of this perspective:
    1. Roman Sun Worship:
    - In ancient Rome, Sunday was dedicated to the sun god, Sol Invictus. This day was considered auspicious for sun worship, and various sun deities were honored on this day, including the later imperial cults.
    2. Heliocentric Influence:
    - The influence of heliocentric (sun-centered) religion was widespread in the Roman Empire. Sunday was already a day of rest and celebration in honor of the sun, a practice that was integrated into Christian worship practices as Christianity became more entrenched in Roman culture.
    3. Early Christian Adaptation:
    - As Christianity spread through the Roman Empire, church leaders adapted certain cultural and religious practices to facilitate conversion and integration. The observance of Sunday as a day of worship was influenced by the existing Roman tradition of sun worship, helping to bridge the gap between pagan practices and Christian worship.
    4. Constantine’s Edict:
    - In 321 AD, Emperor Constantine issued an edict making Sunday a day of rest from labor, aligning with the established Roman practice and facilitating the transition to Christian observance. This move was part of a broader effort to merge Christian practices with prevailing cultural norms, which is basically paganism.
    The New Testament does not provide a direct command or indication to replace the Sabbath with Sunday. Gentile converts to Christianity maintained Sabbath observance (Acts 13:42 and 44), reflecting its ongoing significance. The emphasis on Sunday as a day of worship developed through tradition and theological reflection, diverging from the original Sabbath observance as established by Jesus and the apostles. The association of Sunday worship with pagan sun worship reflects historical developments where post-apostolic Christians adapted cultural practices to their new religious context with in the Roman Empire. While the Christian observance of Sunday ultimately became centered on the resurrection of Jesus, its timing and some associated practices were influenced by pre-existing Roman traditions dedicated to the sun as a god.

  • @donwhitt9899
    @donwhitt9899 2 місяці тому +1

    Jesus didn't teach Sunday observance. What we teach should be in harmony with the doctrine of Christ. (2 John 9). In Rev 1:10 it doesn't say the Lord's day is Sunday, the first day of the week.

  • @conartist267
    @conartist267 3 роки тому +1

    That was beautiful thank you 🙏

  • @michaelchristian5963
    @michaelchristian5963 Рік тому +1

    That it was the first day of the week on which Yeshua rose from the dead would have zero significance were it not for the Hebrew feast of First Fruits falling on that day - this is the only thing that made that particular Sunday special. The only time we should ever celebrate the resurrection of Messiah is on the Feast of First Fruits because that is the day on which He was raised.

  • @ashersian2563
    @ashersian2563 Місяць тому

    The issue in Jesus' day was the "How" of the sabbath. Today the issue is not just the "How" but the "When". Sunday the 1st day is NEVER called sabbath. The 7th day Saturday is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. U see its not our sabbath that we can choose when to keep it. It is The Sabbath of The Lord that we should keep.

  • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
    @scented-leafpelargonium3366 Рік тому +1

    There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that the first day of the (working) week is a "new creation" as claimed in the teaching in this video. We must be careful when embracing the claims of men if they do not match Scripture. Yes, in spiritual principle salvation provides a new creation to the born again believer and spiritually they obtain spiritual rest in Yeshua, later changed to "Jesus," but there is no direct correlation to those things being transferred from us to a day of the week.
    What benefit is it to move a rest day from the Sabbath to the first day of the week? None at all.
    The theology of the new creation, and also of the "eighth day" sometimes mentioned in first day promulgation and teaching stems from the early Roman Catholic "Church Fathers" who began to introduce new notions and teachings after the first Jewish leadership of the early Church died.
    Strip away the arguments and sermonising of those first Gentile influencers and there is VERY LITTLE in actual Scripture to uphold the keeping of "Sun"-day as a holy day or Sabbath replacement. Most of the verses are taken out of context and contain very weak arguments.
    Rather, the Scriptures and God Himself provide copious information about the Sabbath for us.
    Yeshua Himself is silent about the matter, only leading by example in perfecting the Sabbath.
    Man-made rules, opinions and expectations about it are cast aside by simple actions & words.
    Isaiah 66 prophesies about the future "things to come," (which are but a shadow, but the substance of them are the MESSIAH!), that the SABBATH & NEW MOONS will be in the new heavens and new earth which the LORD will create. If that is the new creation physically and not just spiritually applied to the individual through salvation, it includes the Sabbath, not "Sun"-day.
    The New Testament also specifically warns not to judge anyone in what they eat or drink (as with obeying God's proscription against eating unclean animals, which many Christians mock), the keeping of a holy festival, which are God's "Appointed Times" or MOADIM, such as Passover etc., which Yeshua kept all through His life as a perfect example, right up until the day He died.
    It warns also about the New Moons, or Biblical lunar 'moonths' or months set in place by God, not to judge anyone for keeping these, yet most Christians have papal months of 28,29,30 or 31 days, and ridicule anyone respecting the Biblical months in the way Yeshua did & the Jews do.
    Lastly, it warns about the SABBATH, which Christians teach is now abolished and replaced by "Sun"-day without any Biblical warrant. Wily translators add an "s" to pluralise it to "Sabbaths" in a deceptive attempt to use this verse to view "Sun"-day also as a "Sabbath," and therefore not to judge against it, but this cannot be substantiated by Scripture, for the first day of the (working) week is nowhere described as a Sabbath, or the Sabbath, or even as a rest day anywhere in the Bible. It is all a built-up theology surrounding this day to massage these Gentile teachings.
    The word "Sabbath" is SINGULAR in the original text, and even of it were plural as "Sabbaths," it would apply to the ANNUAL Sabbaths, which are the Biblical MOADIM or "Appointed Times," such as Passover, Shavuot ("Pentecost") etc which all preceded the emergence of Christianity, and which most certainly does not apply to "Sun"-day, named strangely after the SUN, not the SON.
    How can Christians teach against the 7th day Sabbath if the NT days not to judge those who keep it? There is an inconsistency here, and that is because Scripture upholds the Sabbath, while fallible men in their own wisdom and judgement do away with it and replace it by "Sun"-day.

  • @malcolmmaxwell6
    @malcolmmaxwell6 4 роки тому +1

    Is the ressurection of JESUS CHRIST important? Yes or no. The Bible says yes in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. The Christian hope is in the ressurection of JESUS CHRIST. For myself and Irma my wife The Lord's Day, the Christian Sabbath is a blessed day for worship and rest on his Holy Day which he rose again from the dead on the first day of the week to celebrate 52 weeks a year preparing ourselves for the eternal Sabbath of worship and rest going from creation, redemption, to GLORIFICATION. Hebrews chapter 3 and 4.

    • @debraharrold4814
      @debraharrold4814 4 роки тому +1

      Malcolm Maxwell the 365th day is the joker in the Roman Catholic deck of cards. The 7 day week is a stone in the heavenly temple of God. The Christian/Jewish week has been defiled through the planetary/European gods week of Constantine. It was hijacked and brought into the Roman pagan temple and will one day be returned to the holy Church.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому

      The reason why GOD choose to rise the Son Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day, the first day of the week, is because the second day, the Seventh Day of the week is holy and saved for rest. It is sign of faith and rest - therefore GOD did not break the purpose of the Seventh Day - thus Jesus was resurrected in the following day. Sabbath day is reserved for peace, silence, rest, and faith in the LORD. Thus the evidence of Jesus resurrection comes AFTER faith - which is in the Sabbath. GOD does miracles AFTER trusting Him, after FAITH, thus, He did the miracles on the day before the Sabbath and the day AFTER the Sabbath. BUT ON THE SABBATH - GOD rests in your rest in HIM which is through Faith - GOD rests in your faith on the Sabbath.

  • @Project144K
    @Project144K 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you for sharing. According to Scripture, there is a "Lord's day." John in the book of Revelation stated he was in the Spirit on the Lord's day (Revelation 1). Comparing Scripture with Scripture notes the "Lord's day" is the seventh day sabbath. For the Lord God calls the sabbath His holy day (Isaiah 58) and Jesus stated He is Lord even of the sabbath day (Matthew 12).

  • @drwn1791
    @drwn1791 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing, good topic.
    Which day is the Lord's/Sabbath Day from the bible?

    • @lleange363
      @lleange363 3 роки тому +2

      Lord's day is 1st day of thr week

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 3 роки тому +1

      From the Bible?
      Exodus 20:10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God.... vs 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

    • @drwn1791
      @drwn1791 3 роки тому

      @@divergentone777 So you believe that Saturday is the Sabbath day?

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 3 роки тому +3

      @@drwn1791 Hi :). In your original question you asked which day is the LORD's Sabbath day from the Bible. According to the Bible the Sabbath is the 7th day. Biblical days were from sunset to sunset so the Sabbath according to the Bible is from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Nowhere in the Bible does it record the change of day from Saturday to Sunday, this changed occurred officially in the 4th century initiated by the church in Rome, 364 AD
      Interestingly the Romans also introduced the civil day (midnight to midnight) in 263 BC

    • @drwn1791
      @drwn1791 3 роки тому +1

      @@divergentone777 Thank you so much for sharing that valuable information! You seem to be an in-depth researcher of the bible with those details? May the
      Lord bless you. Are you a Christian? Are you an SDA?

  • @jeanoscar552
    @jeanoscar552 6 років тому +7

    the Christian Church can not change the day without proper authority. God would have told us by the prophets

    • @danielmann5427
      @danielmann5427 5 років тому +6

      He did...
      No direct verses for all the other signs, types, and shadows that all have been changed with Christ's fulfillment.

    • @freeinhabitant2422
      @freeinhabitant2422 4 роки тому +2

      @@danielmann5427 Ahhh, but you are wrong. Paul and Peter both point out that the ceremonial law was abolished precisely because they are signs. A moments reflection on the verses of Genesis demonstrate this fact. The Sabbath is not a Shadow. It was in place PRIOR to the fall. The sacrificial lamb, the tabernacle, the feast days - all shadows of "good things to come". But NOWHERE is the seventh day Sabbath referred to as a "Shadow". Now there were yearly sabbaths, but those are different. Those too are ceremonial sabbaths.

    • @danielmann5427
      @danielmann5427 4 роки тому +2

      @@freeinhabitant2422 where does it say in the scriptures and these are the ceremonial laws?
      Animal sacrifice took place before the law. Types and shadows preceeded the law. If there remains a Sabbath rest than how can it not be a type and shadow? Was there a command to keep the Sabbath prior to the law?

    • @freeinhabitant2422
      @freeinhabitant2422 4 роки тому +2

      @@danielmann5427 Let me understand you. Are you saying that you do not know that there is a distinction between the Commandments and the Ceremonial laws that pointed to Christ?
      How can the Commandments and the Ceremonial laws be the same? Do the Commandments point to Christ? Are the commandments a "shadow" of the Lords first Advent?
      God gave the Commandments first - at Sinai, prior to the ceremonial law. In fact, if the commandments are done away - then how are you and I able to be convicted of sin? The Bible is clear that "by the law is the knowledge of sin".(Romans 3:20) We wouldnt know sin unless it said thou shalt not covet, or take the Lords name in vain, or steal, etc. (Romans 7:7)
      And then you have 1 John 3:4 Where it says very clearly that when we sin, we are law breakers - or transgressors. Then it says very plainly: Sin is the transgression of the Law.
      And think about this when we sin, if we really love Jesus we ask for His forgiveness. We want His acceptance. How can the law be dead if we are continually convicted when we do break His law?
      So, if we are transgressors of the law, the Bible says we have sinned. Proof that the law is alive and well is the very fact that you can be convicted - that is the purpose of the law.
      But we don't sacrifice animals anymore because Jesus is our Sacrifice - for sin - the breaking of the Law.

    • @danielmann5427
      @danielmann5427 4 роки тому +1

      Are you going answer my question or ask more.
      How can there be a Sabbath rest that Israel didn't enter into if there
      no type nor shadow?
      Are you denying Christ is our Sabbath rest? Would you not if the Sabbath is not a type nor shadow?
      For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken afterward about another day. 9 Consequently a Sabbath rest remains for the people of God. 10 For the one who enters God’s rest has also rested from his works, just as God did from his own works (Hebrews 4:1-10

  • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
    @scented-leafpelargonium3366 Рік тому +1

    The main premise for revering "Sun"-day at all comes from a simple error in reading Scripture by the Gentiles, who no longer guided by a majority Jewish leadership in the Church began to lose immediate appreciation of the nuances of Biblical measures of time, days and Biblical feasts, and by later introducing their own, what they viewed to be "non-Jewish", 'holy days,' observances, and even replacing the Biblical calendar, sometimes misunderstood the intent of timings in the Bible.
    The veneration of "Sun"-day is the best example of this, and yet it stands as a great travesty as well that such a simple oversight can extend so far that it becomes a bedrock Church doctrine.
    The main oversight or error is counting the timing of the resurrection from Friday, when Friday, or the Sixth Day of the week ("Yom Shishi") is NOWHERE mentioned in any of the four Gospels.
    It is often not considered that there TWO "Sabbaths" or "rest days" during the week of the crucifixion, the regular weekly Sabbath, which falls at the end of the week on the 7th day, now re-named as "Saturday" by Gentiles in honour of the god Saturn, and ALSO an ANNUAL Sabbath, which was the First Day of Unleavened Bread on Nisan 15th. Thus there were two rest days that week due to the festival or "MOED" ("Appointed Time") of Passover.
    Most Gentiles see that Yeshua, (before His Name was changed by the Gentiles to "Jesus"), had to be taken off the cross before the onset of the Sabbath, which began at sunset, as all Biblical days do, as per Genesis 1:5: "... the evening and the morning were the first DAY," and not the other way around, and not beginning half-way through the night at "mid-night" as in the papal days.
    God set lights in the sky to DIVIDE, days, years and "seasons" (which are the Hebrew MOADIM or "Appointed Times" set in place by God, and not the "seasons" of the year, such as spring, summer, etc.,) but the Gentiles' re-formulating of time have renderered God's great lights redundant with no longer recognised as being needed to divide 'days' etc., at the natural point between light and dark. They are merely 'decorations' in the sky, as we have the man-made Gregorian calendar now.
    Because of the ASSUMPTION that this "Sabbath" mentioned in relation to the crucifixion is the WEEKLY Sabbath, the conclusion is that the day before it, when Yeshua was crucified was Friday.
    However, the Gospels also describe this Sabbath as an "HIGH DAY" (KJV), so the Scriptures are informing us that it was NOT just a regular weekly Sabbath, but it was an ANNUAL SABBATH.
    This means that we do not need to tie the crucifixion day to a Friday, as an annual Sabbath, or MOED, can fall on ANY day of the week, but always on a fixed DATE, as God's feasts do not 'move,' unlike the man-made "moveable feast" of "Easter," which tries to chase the actual date of Passover each year by insisting on celebrating on the nearest "Sun"-day to it. (Yes, it's true! 🤯)
    The only term used to describe the day of the crucifixion is the Preparation Day, which can precede either a weekly or an annual Sabbath in getting things ready before they can chill out.
    Gentiles basically do the same before their annual events such as Christmas Day etc. 🎄
    This was also the day the Passover lambs were slaughtered in preparation for the Passover sacrifices in the Temple, so the symbolism of the Lord's Passover matches the blood shed at the crucifixion on that very day, not the symbolism of an "Easter" bunny or eggs representing fertility after the goddess Eostre/Eastre according to the ecclesiastical history of the Venerable Bede.
    This PREPARATION DAY preceded the ANNUAL PASSOVER SABBATH, not the weekly Sabbath, which frees up the counting of 3 days and 3 nights (72 hours) in the tomb to any day of the week, rather than to the traditional ERRONEOUS ASSUMPTION by the Gentiles that is strictly Friday.
    The other point we know from Scripture is that the DISCOVERY of the tomb being EMPTY happened at the earliest opportunity available after resting on the Sabbath day "according to the commandment," which was very early while it was still dark before dawn on the first day of the (working) week. It was at THIS POINT that they realised that Yeshua had ALREADY risen (some time BEFORE their arrival), as NO ONE actually SAW Him rise from the dead on "Sun"-day dawn.
    He had to be put into the tomb sometime BEFORE SUNSET before the onset of the ANNUAL 'HIGH DAY' SABBATH (not the regular Sabbath), so for His own prophetic words to come true and 'sign' to an UNBELIEVING generation, He would have to rise 72 hours later just BEFORE SUNSET.
    Not any earlier, or it would not be 3 days and 3 nights, and not any later or it would be 4 days.
    The ONLY POINT that would fit that (and no longer being tied to the erroneous Friday-to-Sunday equation) before the first visitors made their discovery very early on the first day of the week would be just a few hours earlier JUST BEFORE SUNSET at the end of the regular weekly Sabbath and JUST BEFORE the onset of "Sun"-day, which began at sunset.
    This matches Scripture, but not ecclesiastical tradition, but it fulfils Yeshua's own words, so who do we trust and believe? The prophetic words of Yeshua of the traditions of Church prelates?
    From this point we count back 72 hours and we see that the crucifixion day was on WEDNESDAY, and not on Friday at all. Not that it matters upon which days these things occurred as our salvation is still gloriously intact, but it is the Gentiles who have insisted on making a 'day of the week' into a "holy day" in order to venerate the resurrection, when we are not instructed to.
    So the True Resurrection Day is in fact the SABBATH, making Yeshua truly Lord of the Sabbath, for He never was Lord of "Sun"-day, which is a sincere, but erroneous man-made tradition.
    However, mention any of these things to any Christian and you are likely to be crucified!
    They sadly defend their "Sun"-day very hotly, but as the Scriptures reveal, for no Biblical reason.
    Who is brave enough to share this with their brethren? I am constantly berated for my stance.
    Shalom-peace, or should I say, SHABBAT SHALOM ("Sabbath peace")! 🌿🕊 🙏
    *Additionally, from late afternoon on "Good Friday" to very early on "Easter 'Sun'-day" is only some 36 hours in length, about half the 72 hours that Yeshua prophesied, (for even He affirmed, "Are there not TWELVE HOURS in a DAY," which means there are 12 hours in a night too, making 24 hours). Most children even know this, but scholars defending "Sun"-day have made up elaborate arguments concerning "part of a day" meaning a "day" in Jewish terms etc., (which isn't true, as I lived in Israel among the Jews for 10 years), and which is WHY Yeshua said 3 days AND 3 nights so that there could be NO question that these were three 24-hour periods of time, or 3 full days.
    Also the "Good Friday" to "Easter 'Sun'-day" equation has ONE COMPLETE NIGHT MISSING!
    This makes out Yeshua to be a liar and a fraud, and therefore not the Messiah & Son of God, as His words did not come true, as I have heard some Muslim scholars point out glaringly about the Fri-to-Sun equation as proof that Christianity is a false religion just by Church Fri-to-Sun claims.
    Thus adherence to this error is bringing the Church into disrepute through upholding a falsehood as truth which even brings the worldwide Testimony of Yeshua the Messiah to be viewed an imposter! Every Christian needs to prayerfully think, consider, and study, like the Berean Jews, from the Scriptures, to see if these things are true or not. I would be the happiest to be proven wrong.
    But coming to this conclusion over 40 years, I have yet to find a stronger Scriptural argument to uphold and defend "Sun"-day once we know about the 2 Sabbaths & the non-existent Friday. 🙃

    • @kleinstruction874
      @kleinstruction874 Рік тому +1

      Wow this is very helpful information I have not heard of before. I'd like to hear more of your knowledge. Is there a way we can contact each other?🙏

    • @elkellenhabla
      @elkellenhabla 25 днів тому

      You kind of gloss over the fact that Scripture says the disciples began meeting on the first day of the week after the resurrection.

    • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
      @scented-leafpelargonium3366 24 дні тому

      @@elkellenhabla Where does it say in your non-gloss and Biblical study of the matter does it say in the New Testament that the "disciples began meeting on the first day of the (working) week" after resurrection? I can only find ONE reference to an evening farewell meeting in Acts 20:7, but many more recorded incidents of Gentiles being taught by Paul on the Sabbath day.
      Many Gentile Christians also "kind of gloss over the fact" that all Biblical days start and end at sunset/sundown, as it still does in the land of Israel today where no Gentiles have influence.
      This began at Creation (for all mankind, before any Jews existed) in Genesis 1:5 where God says "... the evening and the morning were the first day", and not the other way around, which is why the "Saturday" Sabbath starts on Friday evening at sunset and ends on Saturday evening at sunset, although the Jews and the Bible never attribute the day to the god Saturn like most do.
      So, yes these disciples in Acts 20:7 (find other incidents if you can) did meet ONCE after the Sabbath had ended at sunset on Saturday evening and had a farewell gathering for Paul on what was now in Biblical sunset-to-sunset days, and not man-made mid-night to mid-night days, the first day of the (working) week. So why do Christians not imitate this & meet on Saturday nights?
      They believe this is their Divine example and proof text (for there are no others without reading in a man-made interpretation to force a doctrine) that Christians were by this time meeting every "Sun"-day, strangely named in honour of the SUN and not the Son, without any objection in order to celebrate the resurrection every week as well as once annually at "Easter" named after the pagan goddess Eostre/Eastre, which they also have a thick-skinned habit of "glossing over."
      So, in fact, when they meet, as many Gentile-run churches do, on "Sun"-day evening for a second worship service (in honour of "Sun"-day in order to celebrate the day of the resurrection), they are actually meeting on "Monday" (in honour of the moon) if they are meeting after sunset/sundown!
      It is amazing what some can "gloss over" seeing as you are so horrified by glossing over things.
      They also gloss over the fact that Paul after his farewell talk until after midnight, and having ate, set out upon a long arduous journey from Troas (the site of ancient Troy) to Assos, which seems to contradict "Sun"-day being a "holy day" used for worship and celebrating the resurrection, as he actually travels on the following daylight part of "Sun"-day ("on the morrow" KJV) rather than remaining to worship and fellowship with the believers on this holy "Sun"-day.
      Maybe it's another thick gloss painted on copiously so no one will question their claims.
      Perhaps you could dilute some of the heavy gloss and explain just why this so? 🤔
      I have yet to find any commandment or instruction telling believers to keep "Sun"-day holy, never mind having the audactity to replace the Sabbath of the LORD with it which God said to keep holy and remember (as if He knew people would forget it), for even Yeshua in His perfect ministry declared not only was He Lord of the Sabbath (and never "Sun"-day) but he clarified that the Sabbath was made for MAN i.e. mankind, not only Jews (and not man for the Sabbath). He also mentions in legal terms reiterating that it is LAWFUL (not cancelled out or replaced) to do good on the SABBATH, as that is the rest day designated by God for worship and communal fellowship. The disciples did meet (one incident) on the first day of the week on a Saturday night and then ignored the following Sunday morning and daytime to be anything special at all.
      They also met some 85 times on the Sabbath in the book of Acts alone if one adds up the amount of time Paul was preaching and teaching to both Jews and Gentiles alike.
      I wonder will you gloss over that in the same manner you so cauatically accuse me of??? !
      So until you can prove to me otherwise from Scripture, and not only from man-made tradition (which Yeshua told the religious stuffed-shirts of His day "made the Word of God of none-effect), I will call this one-off episode in Acts 20:7 a "Trojan 'Sun'-day" which has crept into the Church, seeing as the event occurred in Troy, and there are no Biblical recorded repeats of the event. 🙃

  • @questor5189
    @questor5189 19 днів тому

    Revelation 1:10 is most likely a reference to an annual memorial of the day of our Lord's resurrection, which occurred during the Passover season, and in the middle of the Feast of Unleavened Bread; a subject Polycarp looked into with keen interest.
    That the seventh day Sabbath was a mere shadow of the Millennial Age of Rest is expounded upon in the Epistle of Barnabas, written circa A.D.130.
    However, for the Jews, the seventh day Sabbath was to be a perpetual memorial of both Creation and the Exodus from Egyptian bondage, and therefore eternal; New Covenant Christians are admonished by Christ in the Book of Revelation to worship him who made heaven and earth, chapter 14, verses 6,7. The prophecy given to Isaiah in chapter 66:22,23 validates forever the sanctity of the seventh day.

  • @wadem4955
    @wadem4955 3 роки тому +4

    For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”
    Matthew 12:8 ESV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
    So Jesus says HE is Lord of the Sabbath, on the Sabbath day, and our church leaders tell us the Lord's Day is Sunday. Wait.....what?
    Nadab and Abihu did what was NOT commanded bringing strange fire....
    It's GOD'S unchanging word that defines HIS nature as HE delivered it.
    Does the GOD Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all of a sudden feel differently about men doing differently than HE commanded? And leading others in that way?

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 3 роки тому

      +Wade M
      YOU are very confused and OBVIOUSLY illiterate about the BIBLE . .
      "For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Matthew 12:8 ESV.
      He is LORD of every day - you RIP that from its context - WHY?
      "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. "
      Spoken ONLY to the HEBREWS leaving EGYPT for the promised land - NEVER EVER observed before that. NEVER spoken to Gentiles - NEVER EVER observed by ANY gentiled AFTER Calvary..
      Sabbath was part of the TEMPORARY covenant with the JEWS - the 620 commandments were NOT the LAW of GOD, they were the COVENANT with Isreal - the LAW of Isreal.. There is a HUGE difference.
      "So Jesus says HE is Lord of the Sabbath, on the Sabbath day, "
      He would have said he was Lord on the day AFTER Sabbath had the events happened then . .
      "and our church leaders tell us the Lord's Day is Sunday. Wait.....what?"
      They are BOTH right - how is there a conflict there? There is NOT - you MAKE a conflict by conflating TWO out-of-context passages to make the NEW Testament apostles LIARS.
      "Nadab and Abihu did what was NOT commanded bringing strange fire.... ""
      TOTALLY irrelevant. IN NO way connected.
      "It's GOD'S unchanging word that defines HIS nature as HE delivered it. "
      TRUE - and the MOSAIC covenant was a TEMPORARY covenant, NOT the unchanging Word of GOD with everyone - To be LOGICAL, you must impose the Sinai law on everyone BEFORE it as well. - Never known BEFORE Moses, not after Calvary.
      SO your claims are BOTH absurd and antiscriptural.
      "Does the GOD Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all of a sudden feel differently about men doing differently than HE commanded?"
      NO, because his COMMANDS changed, the OBEDIENCE did NOT! Different requirements for different situations - as GOD declared.
      YOU seem terribly ILLITERATE about BOTH the SCRIPTURE - NO gentile EVER observed the sabbath - NOT in SCRIPTURE - NOT in HISTORY - and the COMMANDS given to the gentile Christian in Acts 15 which conspicuously EXCLUDED the sabbath.
      WHY are you FIGHTING against the WORD of GOD with your pharisaical NONSENSE? And leading others in that way?
      WHY can you NOT simply OBEY scripture without ADDING to the laws of GOD, the unrighteous cults and works of man?

    • @wadem4955
      @wadem4955 3 роки тому +1

      @@paulrobinson9318 the old covenant is obsolete.
      But ALL scripture not some is profitable for reproof and training in righteousness.
      Matt 24 Jesus says pray your flight doesn't occur in winter or on a Sabbath. That's when HE returns HE seems to be assuming Sabbath is still being observed.... probably those that believe HE meant it when HE said one jot or tittle shall in no way pass. Or. Do and observe all they say.'s easier for heaven and earth to pass a way than one dot of the law to pass away.
      A covenant is an agreement. Men broke it. GOD'S new covenant writes the law on our hearts, takes a stony heart out, puts a new heart of flesh, and HIS spirit within us.
      Please show me in Jeremiah 31, or Heb 8 where the law is the reader's digest abridged version?
      Sorry brother. Isaiah also prophesied in the millennial we'll be worshipping from Sabbath to Sabbath. There's no reason why for 2000 out of 7000 hears folks get to disobey for free.
      Oh..... Since only the House of Israel and House of Judah are mentioned in Heb 8 where the New Covenant from Jeremiah is quoted. And.... there's that pesky spot in Rev 21 12 gates with names of the 12 tribes. Maybe you go check, but there's not one marked Gentiles. We are Israel, fellow heirs, one flock one shepard.
      Also recommend you research the mixed multitude, and the one same law for the native and sojourner texts.
      Appreciate the banter Paul. I believe YESHUA was speaking to the 7th day in the prophetic 1000yr day of the Lord, or Lord's Day.
      May YHWH bless and keep you all.

    • @mikesamuel9175
      @mikesamuel9175 2 роки тому


  • @MountCarmel007
    @MountCarmel007 Рік тому

    Sunday Worship Biblical?
    Please watch a video called "WHO CHANGED THE SABBATH" by Hope Through Prophecy

  • @malcolmnoel9044
    @malcolmnoel9044 Рік тому

    The Lord's day ,is the day ,the Lord himself say he is Lord of
    In Isaiah 58:13 ...the Lord call the sabbath day MY HOLY DAY.
    In Exodus 20::8 The Lord called the sabbath day the sabbath of the Lord thy God.
    In Mathew Jesus say he is Lord of the sabbath.

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt Рік тому

    Time and time again the Calvinist, when explaining his doctrine to be biblical, will always cite tradition, whether it be creeds or councils or catechisms.

  • @malcolmnoel9044
    @malcolmnoel9044 Рік тому

    Is there a Lord's day ? YES ..YES...YES.
    The lord's day is the day ,the Lord himself say he is Lord of.
    The bible call the seventh day ..THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD .See Exodus 20::8 - 11
    In Isaiah 58:13,14..God call the sabbath day
    MY ...HOLY... DAY.
    In Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 is part of God's requirement for heaven..because IT IS A PART
    Further more people going to heaven WILL OBSERVE IT. See Revelation 22:14.
    Is there a Lord's day? YES !..YES.!...YES.!

  • @dushkob1
    @dushkob1 4 роки тому +2

    You people choose philosophy rather than truth by faith. Keeping the Sabbath is truth by faith. Justifying why Sabbath should not be kept is philosophy, which is rooted in sin, and sin is self-righteousness, which is lack of faith.
    All are doomed for the lake of fire who go with the traditions of men and dismiss the simplicity of GOD's holy Law of LIFE. To be reborn in Jesus Christ is to get back on the path of righteousness, which is paved by the Ten Commandments with one intention - to spread the true Gospel of the Testimony of Jesus Christ and save others from the broad way - where they all worship a day dedicated to the sun-god, rather than to the Morning Star, the Lamb Jesus Christ - to Whom is all the Glory, because He is the Glory of the Father. Amen.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      +Dushko Boceski
      Again you lie.
      "All are doomed for the lake of fire who go with the traditions of men and dismiss the simplicity of GOD's holy Law of LIFE."
      My Biblically IGNORANT friend - Sabbath has NOTHING to do at all with salvation - as PAUL wrote - some keep one day and another keep none - its NOT related to your eternal destination, or your fellowship with God
      It was given as a rest to mankind and after the resurrection, the Gentile AND the Jewish Christians kept the 8th day as a commemoration of that event. Some of the Jewish Christians still attended the sabbath services - but it was an opportunity to witness - they were NOT compelled to do so.
      NO possible examples of gentiles observing the Sabbath exist in the History of the church inspired or recorded - AFTER Pentecost.
      SO you lie.
      Acts 15 make plain what laws are incumbent of gentile Christians.
      TRY reading your BIBLE . . .
      "To be reborn in Jesus Christ is to get back on the path of righteousness, which is paved by the Ten Commandments with one intention - to spread the true Gospel of the Testimony of Jesus Christ and save others from the broad way - where they all worship a day dedicated to the sun-god, rather than to the Morning Star, the Lamb Jesus Christ - to Whom is all the Glory, because He is the Glory of the Father. Amen."
      WHY do you deliberately lie? All the early church fathers were going to hell? WHO knew?
      Is it better to observe the SUN god day, or the Saturn God day - you speak with a forked tongue out of BOTH sides of your mouth..

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому +1

      [Edit:] •This comment includes two comments - 1st reply is on current comment•
      But it is you that speaks the lies - because you speak out of assumption and not out of faith - it is a lie that early christians and all the apostles did not keep the Sabbath. John and Paul say, if you break one commandment, you are guilty of the whole law, and sin is transgression of the Law. I did not say that keeping the Sabbath and not lying and not murdering gets one saved - but once saved through faith in Jesus Christ and love for His Character - which is in His Law - then you will keep the Sabbath OUT UF LOVE, Because one is saved, not in order to be saved. And if you are saved, and hate the Sabbath, your salvation is hypocritical, and is only in the mouth, and not in the heart. If one doesn't know of the Sabbath, once saved, then it is not a sin. But if he knows of the Sabbath, and purposely chooses to deny it, then he purposely chooses to disobey GOD, and it is a proof that he has no love for GOD's Law - which is the essence of His Character of Righteousness - this is righteousness by faith. First faith, then righteousness. Without the Law, there is not righteousness. The Law tells what righteous is before GOD and what isn't. You can act smart or dumb and go around it, but that will not save you.
      Sunday keepers are most people in the world. Sabbath keepers are few. Most people correspond to the broad way, and few people walk the narrow way. You, and many others, will not burn in hell because of keeping the sunday - but because you deliberately choose to thwart the Sabbath law. If you were blind, you would have no sin - but because you say 'We see', therefore your sin remains.
      It is a false statement that the early christians were keeping the sunday, or that the apostles changed the Sabbath to sunday, or that they kepts the sunday instead of the Sabbath. This is based on assumption rooted in lack of truth. The true history of the sunday is that emperor Constantine brought the edict against the Sabbath keeping christians who were persecuted and erected the following law:
      ••• "On the Venerable Day of the Sun ["venerabili die Solis"--the sacred day of the Sun] let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing or for vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost--Given the 7th day of March, [A.D. 321], Crispus and Constantine being consuls each of them for the second time." The First Sunday Law of Constantine 1, in "Codex Justinianus," lib. 3, tit. 12, 3; trans. in Phillip Schaff "History of the Christian Church," Vol. 3, p. 380.
      The LORD's day is Sabbath - and sunday is just another day. But to thwart on purpose the LORD's day, as Constantine did, and made you do - is a sin. And I am not your friend, as you called me, because you are an enemy of the LORD. And you do not have the love and faith of Jesus Christ and the patience of the saints, and you are no of those that keep the Commandments of GOD - but the traditions of men. You search for truth from within yourself, and when you read the Bible, you filter it through your intentional ignorance - therefore, you say "I see", thus, your sin remains.
      - - -
      [Edit:] --- This is the comment you skipped replying on because you are overly focussed on trolling, rather than the truth, and you overlook the completeness of the truth. (This comment, for other people reading, is under the thread of the comment of 'Divergent One')
      Dushko Boceski
      16 hours ago
      @@paulrobinson9318​ You are dramatically explosive because you are wrong and called out for your sin before GOD. Here is for the third time the same correction which you cannot reconcile with:
      You said this, regarding the law: "Which was fulfilled at Calvary - the LAW pointed to CHRIST - and once Calvary was accomplished - the LAW was of NO more effect - in any scenario."
      The ceremonial law pointer to Jesus Christ - this is the sacrificial law. The MORAL LAW DID NOT POINT TO Jesus Christ - but it POINTS TO RIGHTEOUSNESS, which Jesus Christ has within Him, incorporated, because His Character is the Character of the Father.
      You confuse the Moral Law of LIFE - which is written in stone by GOD's Own Finger - and the ceremonial sacrificial law that points to Jesus Christ - which was written by Moses and NOT by GOD Himself. Now read the following statement carefully. The works related to the ceremonial Law, were works that justify faith in GOD for salvation - now these works of faith are transferred in the works of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Gentiles - that is, anyone who hasn't heard the Gospel, but thirsts for GOD's Embrace. But the other works that are followed by faith is OBEDIENCE to the Law of RIGHTEOUSNESS - which is the Ten Commandments. Read the Ten Commandments and see if you disagree with them.
      Drama is a consequence of pride. And pride, the cause of sin. And sin, is lack of faith in GOD's Law. GOD told eve NOT to eat, and she ate. This is sin because she didn't trust GOD's LAW - as you distrust GOD's Law. because of pride.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      "But it is you that speaks the lies - because you speak out of assumption and not out of faith - it is a lie that early christians and all the apostles did not keep the Sabbath."
      It's impossible to reason with those deluded and deceive by SATAN - for I ASSUME NOTHING - I have provide you with overabundant EVIDENCE - and you have yet to provide me ONE example of ANY gentile EVER observing the Sabbath.
      HOW can you lie so directly - so KNOWINGLY and so aggressively and claim to be following GOD?
      YOU simply LIE - as the Judiazers did that Paul was so ferocious about.
      The lies from you just NEVER end . . .
      John and Paul say, if you break one commandment, you are guilty of the whole law, and sin is transgression of the Law."
      TRUE - IF you are attempting to keep the law - BUT since you do NOT offer sacrifices you are guilty of the whole LAW - and MUST keep it perfectly. Sabbath and sacrifice are tied together - when YOU have Sacrifices you can claim the Sabbath is relevant.
      BUT BOTH the Sacrifices and Sabbath ended at Calvary.
      YOU havce NO clue about the Scriptures.
      NOR can you explain why ACTS 15 did NOT include the Sabbath for the gentile believers - YOU - like Paul accused Peter of - want to live as a Jew, even though you are a gentile.
      YOU exude hypocrisy and legalism and Biblical Ignorance..
      "I did not say that keeping the Sabbath and not lying and not murdering gets one saved - "
      MORE irrational hypocrisy - for murder is one of those commandments written on our hearts by the Royal Law - Sabbath is NOT - so conflating them shows the desperation you have to make a case that CANNOT be made rationally from Scripture..
      "but once saved through faith in Jesus Christ and love for His Character - which is in His Law"
      Utterly and totally false - which law? Moses pointed TO Christ - now it has all been fulfilled there is NO reason to keep any of it - and the Sabbath was unknown BEFORE MOSES and AFTER MOSES - it was NEVER celebrated in the Gentile church. EVER. In fact it was FORBIDDEN. you deliberatly lie when you claim it was.
      " - then you will keep the Sabbath OUT UF LOVE, Because one is saved, not in order to be saved. "
      NO - rather than celebrate the LAW that TOOK Christ to the cross - I will join the apostles disciples and early church and celebrate his Resurrection - with a grateful heart - observing a day that Christ ignores completely and totally is NOT honoring to Him. celebrating the day he arose does. How terribly deceived you are.
      "And if you are saved, and hate the Sabbath, your salvation is hypocritical, and is only in the mouth, and not in the heart."
      Again you deliberately lie - for sabbath was forbidden to Christians by the early church leaders - you can ONLY make such deceptive lies because of the teaching of your false cult and works based corruption.
      YOU STILL cannot provide a single example of ANY gentile in the Post Calvary era observing Sabbath - LOTS showing them observing the FIRST day of the week.
      "If one doesn't know of the Sabbath, once saved, then it is not a sin."
      Its not a sin under ANY circumstance.
      " But if he knows of the Sabbath, and purposely chooses to deny it, then he purposely chooses to disobey GOD,"
      Again you lie - for GOD never ever commands the Sabbath for the gentiles - OR for that matter for any JEW living outside Israel or after Calvary - you continue to Lie Lie lie - showing your deception by an anti-Christ cult.
      " and it is a proof that he has no love for GOD's Law - "
      Again - a slanderous and deceptive misstatment of facts.
      "which is the essence of His Character of Righteousness - this is righteousness by faith."
      Sabbath and righteousness are unrelated in any possible way post-calvary. Again you lie.
      " First faith, then righteousness. Without the Law, there is not righteousness. "
      Utter rubbish - find me a support for THAT in the Bible. Post calvary.
      "The Law tells what righteous is before GOD and what isn't. "
      The LAW requirewd Sacrifice . . . YOU break the law.
      "You can act smart or dumb and go around it, but that will not save you."
      NOR will keeping the Sabbath save YOU.
      YOU are very much the Pharisee - adding to what Acts 15 made as LAW to the gentiles - the law of the Pre-calvary Jews.
      Forbidden by God, the apostles and the NT.
      Like those spreading your pernicious Judiazing in Galatia - I suggest you read how Paul dealt with that putrigication of the Gospel in Galatians.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому +1

      ​@@paulrobinson9318 You wrote this, and this is the sprout of your confusion:
      "Utterly and totally false - which law? Moses pointed TO Christ - now it has all been fulfilled there is NO reason to keep any of it - ..." as a response to this "but once saved through faith in Jesus Christ and love for His Character - which is in His Law"
      For the fourth time, read carefully now, because you tend to dismiss the truth because it speaks against you: there are two kinds of Laws. One Law is the sacrificial law, which ties practiced of the Sabbath with sacrifices and other rules, and it also calls to keep sabbath holidays, related with months and year - not week. These sabbaths, are done away with. There is another Law, which is NOT done away with - because this Law is the Essence of GOD's Character - which is the Character of Jesus Christ that will be written in the hearts of the believer. This is the Law of the Ten Commandments. It is not a Law of "Nine" Commandments, but Law of TEN Commandments. This is the Law which is to be kept out of love and faith - not to be saved, but because you are saved.
      The Sabbath Day - is written inside of this Law, and it DOES NOT include sacrificial elements based on works which are traits of the law of Moses which is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
      Without starting in this premise, it is useless that you quote verses outside of understanding, which is context. Do not write ten pages of random verses that justify you assumptions, but rather, start with the truth, and follow from there. This is the truth: that the TEN COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT DONE AWAY WITH, and the Law of Moses is fulfilled in the final sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Sabbath is so important, that it is included in BOTH of these LAWs - but the works that relate to the Sabbath are of no longer use, because they are utilized eternally in Jesus Christ - and now keeping the Sabbath is SOLELY BY FAITH.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      @@dushkob1 You cannot provide a single Scripture supporting you Sabbath for Gentiles heresy.
      None exist.
      You cannot provide a single example of Sabbath keeping by any Gentiles post Calvary.
      You CANNOT provide a single example of Gentile Sabbath keeping from Church history.
      All you offer is the heretical teaching of a Judiazing cult without a stitch of evidence as an ASSUMED starting point.
      You ignore totally that you HAVE no evidence so you resort to unfounded ASSERTIONS.
      You really cannot make a case rationally OR spiritually OR Biblically.
      Everything you claim is YOUR assumption.
      The ten Commandments were SPECIFICALLY stated to be FOR the Hebrews in the land God was giving them.
      Sabbath was never mentioned before the Mosaic law not observed by a single person.
      God OBVIOUSLY did NOT care about it when walking with Adam or talking to job or Abraham or Noah.
      You make this up from your own deception and CANNOT support it from scripture since Calvary it OUTSIDE Israel

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt Рік тому +1

    The lords day is the day of the lord… it is the “day of the judgment of our God”.
    "the Day of the Lord," the time of the coming destruction that climaxes in the return of Christ (Isaiah 13:6, 9; Joel 1:15; 2:1, 11, 31; Amos 5:18; etc.).
    "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come"

    • @questor5189
      @questor5189 19 днів тому

      Yes! I have explored this interpretation also. It is like a breath of fresh air to finally hear it from someone else.
      There is also some historical evidence indicating that first century Christians were attempting to remember the day and time of year that their Lord was resurrected; not as a holy day, but as a memorial day, which, in turn, may have lead many in Rome and Alexandria to adopt first day observance weekly, based on the writings of Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle of Barnabas, and Justin Martyr.
      Recommended reading:
      "From Sabbath to Sunday"
      by Samuelle Bacciocchi

  • @malcolmmaxwell6
    @malcolmmaxwell6 4 роки тому

    In the old testament the Sabbath was celebrated by mostly Jews only. In the Christian Sabbath it's celebrated by elect Jews and elect gentiles. Rome calls Sunday after it's pagan calendar. Roman Catholics don't have any understanding of what a sabbath day is. The early church fathers who were not part of Rome always celebrated the ressurection of Christ on the first day of the week and God's truly elect reformed presybeterian covenant Theology children of the bible who are God-fearing of the word of God will keep celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ till death do us part, because we love Jesus, we are thankful to him for redeeming us from our sins by his precious blood and his righteousness being imputed unto us that our sins might be forgiven. REST IN THE WORK OF CHRIST

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому +3

      If you love Jesus, you will keep His Sabbath - because the Son of man is LORD also of the Sabbath. He could resurrect in any day - and never did Jesus gave any command to keep His day of resurrection as a commemoration. The only commemoration He gave was breaking of bread to refresh their memory. You people hate the Sabbath because you hate the LORD.
      Sabbath was made for men, not men for the Sabbath - all men, not Jews alone. Sabbath was instituted in Eden, with Adam. Adam was not a "Jew", but Jews descend from Adam - and so does every other nation and tribe and tongue.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      YOU keep on lying with every post.
      "If you love Jesus, you will keep His Sabbath - "
      False - NOT a single gentile EVER kept the sabbath til the 1700's - a CULT began . . .
      YOU lie.
      "because the Son of man is LORD also of the Sabbath. He could resurrect in any day - and never did Jesus gave any command to keep His day of resurrection as a commemoration."
      YOU lie again. Jesus raised from the dead on the FIRST day - hence the observance of the FIRST day of the week - the fulfillment of the 8th day circumcision and Pentecost was on the FIRST/Eighth day of the week - since the OT law and all its trappings were GONE - The FIRST day was the ONLY day EVER that Christians worshiped.
      The ONLY day.
      This is recorded in many DOZENS of writings of the NT gentile leadership
      "150AD JUSTIN: "He then speaks of those Gentiles, namely us, who in every place offer sacrifices to Him, i.e., the bread of the Eucharist, and also the cup of the Eucharist, affirming both that we glorify His name, and that you profane [it]. The command of circumcision, again, bidding [them] always circumcise the children on the eighth day, was a type of the true circumcision, by which we are circumcised from deceit and iniquity through Him who rose from the dead on the first day after the Sabbath, [namely through] our Lord Jesus Christ. For the first day after the Sabbath, remaining the first of all the days, is called, however, the eighth, according to the number of all the days of the cycle, and [yet] remains the first.". (Justin, Dialogue 41:4) " second page.
      YOU refuse to be honest.
      "The only commemoration He gave was breaking of bread to refresh their memory. You people hate the Sabbath because you hate the LORD."
      DELIBERATE lies and slander.
      WE LOVE the LORD and honour His resurrection.
      "190AD CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: He does the commandment according to the Gospel and keeps the Lord's day, whenever he puts away an evil mind . . . glorifying the Lord's resurrection in himself. (Ibid. Vii.xii.76.4) "
      200AD BARDESANES: Wherever we are, we are all called after the one name of Christ Christians. On one day, the first of the week, we assemble ourselves together (On Fate) "
      "Sabbath was made for men, not men for the Sabbath - all men, not Jews alone. "
      A deliberate twisting of scripture - that is utterly false misuse of that passage.
      "Sabbath was instituted in Eden, with Adam. "
      A deliberate lie - with NOTHING to support it - you LIE again. TRY proving THAT!!!
      NO mention of observance of sabbath til MOSES. NONE. NOWHERE.
      "Adam was not a "Jew", but Jews descend from Adam - "
      HEY _ ONE TRUE statement.
      " so does every other nation and tribe and tongue. "
      Utterly irrelevant - you are a great Pharisee - a great liar as well.
      MORE cearly church writers on sabath
      "200AD TERTULLIAN: "We solemnize the day after Saturday in contradistinction to those who call this day their Sabbath" (Tertullian's Apology, Ch 16)
      200AD TERTULLIAN: It follows, accordingly, that, in so far as the abolition of carnal circumcision and of the old law is demonstrated as having been consummated at its specific times, so also the observance of the Sabbath is demonstrated to have been temporary. (An Answer to the Jews 4:1, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 3, page 155)
      200AD TERTULLIAN: Let him who contends that the Sabbath is still to be observed a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day because of threat of death, teach us that in earliest times righteous men kept Sabbath or practiced circumcision, and so were made friends of God. .. ...Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised, and inobservant of the Sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering Him sacrifices, uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was by Him commended... Noah also, uncircumcised - yes, and inobservant of the Sabbath - God freed from the deluge. For Enoch, too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, He translated from this world... Melchizedek also, "the priest of most high God," uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was chosen to the priesthood of God. (An Answer to the Jews 2:10; 4:1, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 3, page 153) ":

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому +2

      ​@@paulrobinson9318 (This is a long comment, please take your time to read it well without exploding with rage from being wrong)

      (Bellow this comment are videos, lectures, sermons, and documentary regarding the history of early and later christians keeping the Sabbath - many of these records are destroyed by the catholic church so it can persist in its sun-god worship day as an idolatry against GOD. Do you know what is idolatry? It is worshipping anything of material nature, even coffee worship is idolatry, worshiping icons and worshiping another day rather than GOD’s day is idolatry. Paul did say for someone all days are holy - but this does not mean that the Sabbath is not the LORD’s Day and that it is meant to be holy for everyone. Sabbath was instituted in Eden because GOD blessed the Seventh Day and hallowed it. The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD - this is extract of the Ten Commandments.)
      • •
      Before I write the responses on your statements, the truth is that you, through your heart alone, hate GOD - this is why you hate His Law, because the human heart is deceitful above all things. How can we be hypocrites who believe in the LAW against lying, and you be a truth teller who doesn’t believe in the LAW against lying? How would your heart know for itself what idolatry is or isn’t without GOD’s Law? Your heart follows what it wants, not what the Holy Spirit is telling it to obey. If you love GOD, you will love the Sabbath. The sabbaths that Paul refers to that are done away with are the sabbaths of the ceremonial law, which are based on WORKS - he does not refer to the Sabbath of the fourth Commandment, this is why he uses the plural form - sabbaths and not Sabbath. You blame me for deliberate twist of scripture when I explain to you the verses, and you pride yourself with false righteousness when you break the Ten Commandments of the LAW of GOD - this is hypocrisy. And yet, you say we are hypocrites because we obey GOD’s Law which is both in the Old and New covenant - because there is only ONE covenant, one plan of salvation and one LAW that tells what sin and justice is.
      • •
      “Again you rely on lies and deception to make your points - BOTH passages you used so deceptively, ENDED at Calvary. The law was NOT changed as you claim - it was FULFILLED - COMPLETED taken out of service and replaced with a NEW Covenant - a BETTER covenant - WHY are you hypocrites always looking to go back to the OLD covenant?” - •• I do not claim it is changed, you claim it is changed. The sacrificial Law fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and Acts 15 speaks of this law - that there is no need of works any longer. But the Ten Commandments are valid forever. Your heart does not know what right and wrong is without GOD telling you what is right.

      Then, you are quoting Alexandrian texts where all gnosticism, false christianity, sprouts from, along with Rome.
      Here is history of the Sabbath and early Christians all over the world:

      The reason why Saturday is called Sabbath in many languages is because Sabbath was kept. In Spanish, Italian and French it is called Sabbath - and they come from Latin. Why, when no latin speaking person would observe the Sabbath according to you? Why the Russian and all slavic groups of languages call Saturday the Sabbath if they developed after the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Why the Arabic language calls Saturday the Sabbath if their faith is not even Christian, but islam? Because it is the true LORD’s Day, and before islam, christianity was in those parts of the world.

      The question you did not answer was: Does your heart tells you what lawful is to GOD? Because in Jeremiah GOD says, The heart is deceitful above all things, who can know it? Only GOD can know it. Thus, a man following his heart he follows deception - and following GOD’s Word which is His Law and His Testimony is following justice and truth. You follow philosophy - and Alexandria is root of philosophy, the is why you quote those texts, which are NOT based on true christianity but on gnostic christianity which is not christian.

      You quoted this, but you miss the final verse - which is the these are the root pillared of the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments is to show your love towards GOD and the second six to show your love towards your neighbor: 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”"

      You wrote this:
      NO - This is NOT in the Bible for gentile Christians was the intended comment - which IS TRUE. Acts 15 IS in the Bible for Gentile Christians. YOU knew full well what I meant - I have said it several times.”
      - So everything that Jesus Christ spoke was meant for the Jews alone and everything the disciples spoke, apart from Peter was meant for the Gentiles? You are deceived. The disciples were trying to teach the Gentiles in the fastest way the truth of the plan of salvation - and they were caught up in the basics of being rescued by faith and not works. This is why the focus is on them to understand that purity comes from internal willingness to be pure - the the pure, all things are pure. But this doesn’t mean that GOD’s LAW is no longer valid, because you cannot be pure if you do not believe in the Law against lying and idolatry and taking the LORD’s name in vain. And you cannot be pure if you hate the LORD’s Sabbath which He blessed since creation and hallowed it.
      And Acts 15 refers to the Ceremonial Law of Moses - NOT the Eternal LAW of GOD. The eternal Law of GOD is valid for ALL people. You are blinded to see the difference because sin keeps you blind

      I wrote this previously “@Paul Robinson You do not believe in the Law against lying - therefore, you are the liar.”

      And also wrote this: @Paul Robinson ​ (Third comment) And to repent "many" times, means that you keep sinning. It is by your own witness that you keep sinning. Repentance requires death to sin. Once you die to sin, you cannot sin again - and if you do, then you cannot be saved again. Because that means crucifying Jesus Christ in your heart, for the second time.
      • •
      • • The Seventh-day Sabbath Truth By Jim Arrabito The Israel of the Alps Pt 2 The Israel of the Alps Pt 3 The Seventh-day Sabbath Truth By Jim Arrabito - UA-cam The Young Folks History of the Sabbath - Jim Arrabito - UA-cam Catholic Church Changed Sabbath To Sunday Statements History of the Seventh Day Sabbath By Jim Arrabito

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому +7

    Jesus said do good on the Sabbath he didnt say the Sabbath has changed days.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому +1

      The cunning mind, when they do not want to obey GOD's Law, will seek reasons where there are none to justify their evil nature. And when they do not find any firm reason - as nothing is "firmer" than the Stone-Written LAW of GOD, by His Own Finger - then they confuse what already is written, and to a point that, if possible, they may confuse the very elect.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      Again you ignore the MOST basic of Biblical understanding - that the LAW ended at Calvary. Jesus NEVER said to anyone after Calvary to keep the commandments OR observe the Sabbath . . .
      NOT did he say to observe the Sabbath at all - BUT that IF the sabbath was being observed to do GOOD on it - that was NOT an endorsement of the Sabbath in any way.
      Slavery was treated the same way - it existed - BUT since it was there - masters were to treat their slaves kindly and slaves were to do a honest days work.
      Neither sabbath OR slavery were condoned - BOTH were regulated.
      YOU seem utterly IGNORANT of the scriptures.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому

      @@paulrobinson9318 Jesus said, If you love Me, keep My Commandments.
      And if there is no LAW, that means there is no sin. That means that you believe that you are free to fornicate, to watch pornography, to worship idols, to lie, and to hate. And Jesus said, there will be many in that day, referring to those who share your beliefs, telling Me, 'Lord Lord, did not we prophesy in your name? Didn't we chase demons in Your Name? And I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me all you who do unrighteousness.
      Righteousness in in GOD's Law - and away from GOD's Law is unrighteousness.
      You simply hate the Absoluteness of Justice - because you take pleasure in sin. Your disgusting heart will not be justified on that day, if it does not be reborn in righteousness. Those in Jesus Christ, cannot live in sin - and you live in sin, thus, you cannot be in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord of justice - not or relativity. Relativity and philosophy is devil's job, to trick you into interpreting GOD's Word on your own, rather than for what it is - ABSOLUTE. Jesus said, NOT ONE JOT OR A TITHE WILL be missing from the LAW. It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than any letter in the LAW to move astray.
      You are a sinner - and you are not sanctified, because you have never repented. And you have never repented because you do not have a reference point to repent on, because you do not believe in GOD and His LAW - but you believe in your own law. That makes you son of the devil - and only humble repentance can refute that relation you have built with the cunning one.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому +1

      Tye lies just KEEP coming.
      "@Paul Robinson Jesus said, If you love Me, keep My Commandments. "
      WHO to and under what circumstances - the Bible teaches Judas hung himself - it also says go and do likewise - and WHAT you do do quickly - NOT ONE of them are applicable anywhere but in the CONTEXT they were given.
      Jesus never made that a rule - he made that as a comment to ONE group in ONE circumstance - and there is NO way it applied after Calvary - for we have the list of rules that were to be OBSERVED after Calvary - Given by the HOLY SPIRIT and recorded in BOTH Acts 15 an the records of the early church.
      WHY do you incessantly lie about the validity of the early church writers?
      YOU deliberately LIE and claim they were all unsaved and going to hell because not ONE of them ever kept the sabbath 300 years before the catholic church existed.
      "And if there is no LAW, that means there is no sin."
      NO ONE says there is NO law - the ROYAL law is written on our hearts - ans it does NOT include the sabbath - WHY do you IGNORE Jesus own words on the subject - that The LAW is summed up in loving the Lord and your neighbor - NOTHING more is required. Especially NOT the Sabbath.
      YOU are terribly selective about which of Jesus' words you adhere to.
      "That means that you believe that you are free to fornicate, to watch pornography, to worship idols, to lie, and to hate. "
      DELIBERATE lies - typical of cultists and deceived Pharisees.. Such activities would violate the law of God written on our heart. The law in our hearts is far stricter then the Mosaic law . . . as Jesus pointed out plainly - IF you read your Bible.
      "And Jesus said, there will be many in that day, referring to those who share your beliefs,"
      And again you deliberately lie - Jesus was pointing to the Pharisees - NOT Christiasn - YOU are a Pharisee.
      " telling Me, 'Lord Lord, did not we prophesy in your name? Didn't we chase demons in Your Name? And I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me all you who do unrighteousness."
      Again you simply lie. That was given to attack the Pharisees . . .
      "Righteousness in in GOD's Law "{
      YES, NOT the 10 commandments or the Mosaic law - you are a deceived cultist and making up facts that are NOT from GOD.
      "- and away from GOD's Law is unrighteousness. "
      BUT you are confused abouyrt what GOD'S law is - its NOT the 10 copmmansmwents.
      "You simply hate the Absoluteness of Justice - because you take pleasure in sin.
      Another deliberate lie - there IS no such bondage as Absoluteness of Justice(another false taching from a false cult) in the gentile Christian's life - OR anywhere in the NEW testament.
      "Your disgusting heart will not be justified on that day, if it does not be reborn in righteousness."
      Ana again ypou lie - Never read Romans 14?
      YOU are NOT the eternal or righteous JUDGE - you are a deceived sinner from a CULT - attempting to sell a false gospel just as the Judiazers did - and Paul suggested they castrate themselves.
      "Those in Jesus Christ, cannot live in sin - "
      TRUE - so you CANNOT be in Christ for you lie in every post.
      "and you live in sin, thus, you cannot be in Jesus Christ."
      That is another lie.
      " Jesus Christ is Lord of justice - not or relativity."
      Funny - He is the LORD of MERCY - Mercy triumphs over Justice - again you are IGNORANT of the BIBLE.
      "Relativity and philosophy is devil's job, to trick you into interpreting GOD's Word on your own, rather than for what it is - "
      SO is lying and ignoring the TRUTH of the BIBLE.
      " Jesus said, NOT ONE JOT OR A TITHE WILL be missing from the LAW. "
      YOU deliberately misquote that - that's LYING. This will END at a specified time - the CRUCIFIXION.
      "For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."
      "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than any letter in the LAW to move astray. "
      That is NOT in the BIBLE.
      "You are a sinner - and you are not sanctified, because you have never repented."
      MY illiterate cult-deceived friend - I have repented MANY times - but I do NOT need to lie and deceive to make the points I know to be TRUE - you have NEVER stopped lying from your FIRST post - and this is just another one.
      "And you have never repented because you do not have a reference point to repent on,"
      Again you lie -
      " because you do not believe in GOD and His LAW"
      And again
      " - but you believe in your own law. "
      Again you liue.
      "That makes you son of the devil - "
      Again you lie
      "and only humble repentance can refute that relation you have built with the cunning one"
      And again you lie - whats that - 12 - 15 in ONE demonic post?
      Either get your story straight or you get blocked - this is insane - and you are a full-time liar - and Biblically ILLITERATE - a bad combination,.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому

      @@paulrobinson9318 So your heart tells you what right and wrong is?

  • @cresswellchipman2533
    @cresswellchipman2533 4 роки тому +6

    False teaching. Jesus' death could never change any of the ten commandments! Theres no biblical support for Sunday sacredness!

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      YOU are simply ignorant of the scriptures and church history - Sunday is NOT sacred - neither is Sabbath. BOTH are days of the week - and nothing more - and IF you look at the NT and church history - Sunday is the day - the ONLY day ever - that Gentile Christians met to worship God.
      HOW can you - 2000 years later add another Pharisaical law to the church of the living God - a law that had NEVER been observed and is without Scriptural justification and flies in the FACE of plain and simple teachings like Acts 15?
      WHY do you attempt to complicate and obscure the message of the cross - that the LAW - sacrifices and sabbaths - are gone? - dozens of quotes from the days of the disciples and the church fathers - that prove you are lying and teaching FALSE doctrine..

    • @cresswellchipman2533
      @cresswellchipman2533 4 роки тому +2

      @@paulrobinson9318 there's not one text in the new testament that tells you that the fourth commandment was abolished. They may seem to suggest that but a careful study of those texts will tell you otherwise. Colossians 2:16 was not talking about the fourth commandment, it wa in reference to those other sabbaths or "ceremonial" sabbaths, not the seventh day of the week. We all need a weekly rest. God knows we need a day to come together and worship and spend time with family and share his word. Dont be fooled!

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому +1

      +@@cresswellchipman2533 IF you cannot take the time to read ACTS 15 - then I have NO time for you - the OPPOSITE is TRUE - all the commandments, ordinances and regulations of the Mosic law were nailed to the cross - and we were left with the LAW of GOD written on our hearts - and all your rules are negated - in their entirety.
      I provided you a historical list of dozens of early church writes - going back into the lifetime of the apostles- all rejecting the sabbath - and YOU think you know more than those that WALKED with Christ?
      That's arrogant hypocrisy.
      Gal 4:"9 But now that you have come to know God (or rather to be known by God), how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless basic forces? Do you want to be enslaved to them all over again? 10 You are observing religious days and months and seasons and years. 11 I fear for you that my work for you may have been in vain. "
      Col 2:16 - "triumphing over them by the cross.
      16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath days- 17 these are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ! 18 Let no one who delights in false humility and the worship of angels pass judgment on you. That person goes on at great lengths about what he has supposedly seen, but he is puffed up with empty notions by his fleshly mind."
      YOU cannot fins a single endorsement of the Sabbath in the Post-Calvary writings or practice of the Christian gentiles.
      They are to be our examples - NOT the Judiazers that Paul attacked at every possibility but you espouse.

    • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
      @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому +2

      Cresswell Chipman in fact Jesus upgraded the commandments to a higher state.

    • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
      @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому

      Paul Robinson you obviously don’t read your Bible, I’ll be happy to provide the scriptures that demonstrate Jesus driving the commandment Home.

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому +2

    The disciples didnt gather the food on the Sabbath they picked and ate.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому

      Sadly, they will not recognize the difference between intentional gathering and accidental eating. As they cannot distinguish the difference between truth and lie, that spreading truth on Sabbath, is not work, and doing good on Sabbath is not work - because works are for selfish reasons - but true Works which are FOR THE LORD, are welcome on any day, INCLUDING the Sabbath. But the Sabbath is to slow down the arrogance of men - and remember that he is FULLY DEPENDENT of GOD, not on his "works" to survive - because he only works, because GOD lets him. The Sabbath is commandment against idolatry, without the Sabbath, man's works become his idol on which he relies on.
      To Jesus Christ is all the Glory, because He is the Glory of the Father. Blessed is everyone who keeps Commandments of GOD and have the faith of Jesus Christ. They are the true glory of the Light of Jesus Christ in this dark world. And the world knows them not, because its deeds are evil, and takes pleasure in darkness. This is why the world hates (with a passion) the LORD's Sabbath - because it hates Jesus Christ and His Testimony; and hates everyone who keeps His testimony and His Whole Law of righteousness.

    • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
      @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому +1

      Dushko Boceski I’ve spoken to some in the JWs admitting that they should do the commandments but will get shunned if they don’t obey the denomination.... they claim... like the Catholics or other denominations that they are the only way to Being saved and in the process taking away everything that Jesus stands for....
      John 14:6 KJV
      [6] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      I don’t see Jesus saying anywhere there are other ways to the Father being Yah and not the pope.

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому +1

      ​@@denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 Do you know that JW, Mormonism, Islam and others is product of catholicism? And catholicism a product of paganism. And paganism of the deceptions of the devil. That is why many sunday keepers are under the hypnotic deception and hide under the non-existing Bible verses desperately trying to justify their sin against GOD, worshiping a day dedicated for the sun, which is idolatry. Have you seen the 'Total Onslaught' series by Walter Veith?
      The reason people assume they are saved without true rebirth in GOD's Character - which is written in His LAW - is because they cannot undergo the process of repentance which in truth is a process of death to the body and the world - missing this, they justify salvation by philosophical interpretation of verses taken outside of context, and they cannot be won over by arguments, because it is not arguments that they are lacking, but willingness to repent - and this willingness is true love for the LORD and hatred towards oneself - because the self is a self of sin. Repentance is a proof of this hatred and it is willingness to taste death, as Jesus Christ tasted the ultimate death for humanity. This is following in His Footsteps. He went to the cross, dying without sin, you should die to sin. Repentance is this taste of death - death to sin. It is quitting the addiction to sin, by opening your heart for truth and love - through faith in GOD's Word and the Testimony of Jesus Christ and His Law of love and eternal life.
      Check the lecture series. Stay blessed and may the Lord light the path before you in His truth and give you courage to overcome all temptations, being small of great - because a little leaven leavens the whole bread. Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven in perfect. Be joyful in the strength of the Lord, through eternal humility and humbleness. Amen. :)

    • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
      @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому

      Dushko Boceski I m anti catholic and all Sunday lukewarm church goers totally dead in faith who don’t even know the Ten Commandments. By the way nice work, keep it up.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      +Jesus saves Denominations don’t save.
      "Dushko Boceski I m anti-catholic"
      And anti-TRUTH it seems after all the lies you have been spouting.
      NO problem using a Catholic Bible though . . .
      " and all Sunday lukewarm church goers totally dead in faith"
      SRY - all GODLY Christians attend on the FIRST day of the week as all gentile Christians have done since Pentecost.
      "Who are you to pass judgment on another’s servant? Before his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
      Romans 14:5 "
      "One person regards one day holier than other days, and another regards them all alike. Each must be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 The one who observes the day does it for the Lord. The one who eats, eats for the Lord because he gives thanks to God, and the one who abstains from eating abstains for the Lord, and he gives thanks to God. 7 For none of us lives for himself and none dies for himself. 8 If we live, we live for the Lord; if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. 9 For this reason Christ died and returned to life, so that he may be the Lord of both the dead and the living. "
      YOU tell a LOT of lies in an attempt to deceive illiterate people.
      "who don’t even know the Ten Commandments. "
      That died on the cross - it's inapplicable to the NT gentile church. About 5 times in scripture we are TOLD what commandments GOD expected the Church to Obey - it is NEVER the 10 commandments.
      37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”"
      ""Gal 5: 14 For the whole law can be summed up in a single commandment, namely, “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” "
      NO mention of sabbath to those gentiles . . .
      YOU must be a jew . . .
      "By the way nice work, keep it up. "
      LYING is good? WHO knew?

  • @scented-leafpelargonium3366

    This video is artfully and cleverly formulated using a lot of embellished doctrine that is commonly taught as truth by Gentile denominational Christians, but also makes some stupendous claims.
    The Bible, and Yeshua, before His given Name was changed to "Jesus" by the Gentiles, do not instruct anyone to venerate the resurrection, or the Messiah's birth by a special holy "day," either weekly or annually, or both, as is currently practised by Roman Catholicism & the Protestants who began to embrace the Roman man-made inventions after the Synod of Whitby in England in 664.
    Prior to that the pre-Roman Celtic Church in Britain & Ireland, who took their practice from the Quartodeciman churches founded by John the Apostle across Asia Minor, rested on the seventh day Sabbath as according to the Fourth Commandment and remembered the Lord's DEATH, (not His birth or resuurection), on Nisan 14th, the actual date of Passover when He was crucified.
    That includes Patrick of Ireland, Columba of Scotland & Columbanus who missionised Europe.
    Were these men heretics for not observing "Sun"-day, including John the Apostle, or not? 🤔

  • @charleshhazelbaker1231
    @charleshhazelbaker1231 5 років тому +3

    If you could prove that the ten commandments had been changed by the Bible, you would have. I would like to point out that in Acts 20:7, the first of the week is Saturday after Sabbath (sundown), not Sunday. Eutychus fell out of the window about midnight, the beginning of Sunday.Yes , the yearly Sabbaths were shadows of Christ who was the substance. The weekly Sabbath was sanctified by God at creation, before sin and before the need for a savior. It was not a shadow of our redeemer. The Sabbath was still in effect when Rome destroyed Jerusalem, because Jesus said that the Christians there should pray that their flight would not be in winter nor on the Sabbath day. You didn't say when this change of the Sabbath, supposedly took place, but the churches in Rome and Alexandria were the first to keep Sunday, because sun worshippers were brought in and it made the transition easier. It also diverted the persecution by pagan Rome, by not keeping the same day as the hated Jews. Over the centuries, especially when the papacy gained political power, Christians were lied to,threatened, tortured and killed until Satan's counterfeit Sabbath was almost universally accepted. According to Isaiah 66:23,we will still be keeping Sabbath in heaven. Of course Jesus said that not a jot or tittle should pass from the law until heaven and earth shall pass. Daniel prophesied that the man of sin would think to change the times and the law.(He could not really change God's law). See how he fulfilled this prophecy by watching, "Who is the Antichrist" by Mark Woodman". Remember, those who break just one of God's commandments, and teach others to do so, will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому +2

      +CHARLES H Hazelbaker
      Such indefensible Biblical heresy ought NOT go unchallenged. Your point, your argument and your cult are equally false . . .
      "I would like to point out that in Acts 20:7, the first of the week is Saturday after Sabbath (sundown), not Sunday. Eutychus fell out of the window about midnight, the beginning of Sunday."
      DOUBTFUL - you are reading into the passage what you falsely believe. The text does NOT support that.
      " 7 On the first day of the week, when we met to break bread, Paul began to speak to the people, and because he intended to leave the next day, he extended his message until midnight. 8 (Now there were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting.) 9 A young man named Eutychus, who was sitting in the window, was sinking into a deep sleep while Paul continued to speak for a long time. Fast asleep, he fell down from the third story and was picked up dead. "
      IT is plain that they had a church service - the Lord's table (Breaking of Bread) on SUNDAY - the FIRST day of the week also known as the Lord's day - and that this began LONG before the sundown day change for the Sabbath to become Sunday.
      YOU cannot use this text to support your false beliefs.
      " The weekly Sabbath was sanctified by God at creation,"
      False - Evidence? NOT one patriarch observed the sabbath - EVER - it was UNKNOWN before Moses.
      "before sin and before the need for a savior."
      false - it was NOT observed before sin.
      "The Sabbath was still in effect when Rome destroyed Jerusalem,"
      False - it was NEVER celebrated by the gentile Chroistians.
      "because Jesus said that the Christians there should pray that their flight would not be in winter nor on the Sabbath day."
      False - spoken to the JEWS - and the JEWS alone.
      "You didn't say when this change of the Sabbath, supposedly took place,:
      I thought it was OBVIOUS - NO gentiles EVER observed the Sabbath - neither did MOST, if not ALL of the Godly Christian Jews. Judiazers - of course - that is why Paul cursed them.
      "but the churches in Rome and Alexandria were the first to keep Sunday,"
      "because sun worshippers were brought in and it made the transition easier. "
      That is a total lie. YOU cannot provide evidence for that.
      NOT a single suggestion in the NT after the Crucifixion of ANY gentile observing the sabbath - and there are dozens of historical quotations from the early church NOT from Rome - to prove my point, including your passage from Acts 20.
      "Christians always worshipped on the first day (Sunday)
      They state that they stopped keeping the Sabbath to worship on Sunday started with the apostles. None say they kept the seventh day Sabbath. The only mention of Sabbath keeping was by Eusebius in 300 AD by a cult-sect known as the Ebionites, who Eusebius says also worshipped on the first day. (Ebionites were a cult of Judaizers who enforced circumcision, rejected Apostle Paul's teachings, denied Jesus' virgin birth and his deity.)
      They partook of the Lord's Supper (communion) every first day.
      They called the first day (Sunday) the Lord's day.
      They called the day Jesus rose from the dead, the Lord's Day.
      They said the reason they worshipped on the first day, was because it was a weekly memorial of the day Jesus rose from the dead!
      They outright state that no one prior to Moses (Adam, Noah, Abraham etc) ever kept the Sabbath because it was Moses who first gave the Sabbath law and the ten commandments to man!
      The earliest Christians never considered Sunday to be a rest day or the Sabbath. You will observe that the first mention of Sunday being a day of rest was in 220AD by Origen. This is the beginning of the current false doctrine, that Sunday is the Christian Sabbath, as taught by most churches today.
      While Sabbatarians will quote 20th century authors who guess about what happened 1900 years earlier, we quote Christians whose writings are 1900 years old and spoke what they saw!"
      NOT one of these historical quotes came from Rome -
      "90AD DIDACHE: "Christian Assembly on the Lord's Day: 1. But every Lord's day do ye gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. 2. But let no one that is at variance with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned. 3. For this is that which was spoken by the Lord: In every place and time offer to me a pure sacrifice; for I am a great King, saith the Lord, and my name is wonderful among the nations." (Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, Chapter XIV)
      100 AD BARNABAS "We keep the eighth day [Sunday] with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead" (The Epistle of Barnabas, 100 AD 15:6-8).
      100 AD BARNABAS: Moreover God says to the Jews, 'Your new moons and Sabbaths 1 cannot endure.' You see how he says, 'The present Sabbaths are not acceptable to me, but the Sabbath which I have made in which, when I have rested [heaven: Heb 4] from all things, I will make the beginning of the eighth day which is the beginning of another world.' Wherefore we Christians keep the eighth day for joy, on which also Jesus arose from the dead and when he appeared ascended into heaven. (15:8f, The Epistle of Barnabas, 100 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, pg. 147) "
      "According to Isaiah 66:23,we will still be keeping Sabbath in heaven."
      False misuse of that passage - The Jews did NOT separate Sabbaths from weeks - using Sabbath as a period of time - NOT a day - was the same as us saying weeks - and this context is months and weeks - your claim is false.
      "Of course Jesus said that not a jot or tittle should pass from the law until heaven and earth shall pass. "
      TRUE, but WAAAAY out of context - the fulfilled law CANNOT change - Neither is in effect. IT was fulfilled on the cross - NO longer binding like any OTHER fulfilled contract - and the NEW covenant in Christ's blood is NOW our covenant NOT the work of the flesh under the sacrificed of Bulls and Goats - which you neglect.
      "Daniel prophesied that the man of sin would think to change the times and the law.(He could not really change God's law)."
      Totally off topic and irrelevant . . . Christ changed the Mosaic law by fulfilling it.
      "See how he fulfilled this prophecy by watching, "Who is the Antichrist" by Mark Woodman". Remember, those who break just one of God's commandments, and teach others to do so, will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven."
      SO when do you sacrifice? YOU seem to forget its all one package - ONE covenant - and you break many of the laws of that covenant.
      SO, as you said - "Remember, those who break just one of God's commandments, and teach others to do so, will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven.""
      AS Paul stated plainly - and James and Jesus - IF you want to keep the sabbath - the law - and fail in ONE point - YOU are guilty of all. Your work on the Sabbath - your lack of sacrifice - make YOU a lawbreaker apart from God's grace = which is anathema to the OLD covenant and the law.

    • @questor5189
      @questor5189 19 днів тому

      Quite fascinating this Didache. No mention of Sabbath day rest. The Christian Church certainly went through a metamorphosis from being a first century Sect of the Jews ( Nazarenes, People of the Way ) to becoming a second century Assembly of the Body of Christ.
      It would also appear that much weight has been attended to the teachings of Polycarp, Barnabas, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, Jerome, St. Augustine, and Clement of Rome by the Early Church. This explains quite sufficiently the direction the Universal Church took in the ensuing centuries.
      By the fourth century, this Assembly of Believers became the dominant religion in all of Rome, and with the formalization of the Code of Theodosius, a union of church and state was established. Thus ended all individuality in matters of religion and conscience, and the beginning of the persecution of Heretics, even to the point of death, and all in the Name of God.
      "Yea, the time cometh, that whosover killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me" --- St. John 16:2,3

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 роки тому +1

    Lords day is when Jesus Returns... Full stop, If you are not sure about the Sabbath just read in Matthew 24 why Jesus told us to look out for " pray you dont get caught on the Sabbath".

    • @dushkob1
      @dushkob1 4 роки тому

      The full stops are set by GOD, not men. And GOD put His Full Stops in the Ten Commandments. And One of the FULL STOPS He put is on Remembering the Seventh Day of the LORD, the LORD's Sabbath, to keep it holy, and not work, because the LORD created the world and the heaven in six days and rested on the Seventh Day. Full Stop.

  • @debraharrold4814
    @debraharrold4814 4 роки тому +1

    Those who buy and sell on the seventh day of the week receive the mark of the planetary week. Honouring the Sabbath day by not buying and selling is your protection against receiving the mark of the beast.

    • @paulrobinson9318
      @paulrobinson9318 4 роки тому

      +Debra Harrold
      You simply are deceived or lying - take your pick. The early church - beginning at Pentecost meet on the FIRST day of the week - Acts 15 gives the laws applicable to the Gentile Christians - and Sabbath was NOT one of them. NO Gentile Christians EVER observed the sabbath.
      SO your cultic damnable teaching is false - and anti-Biblical.
      YOU can celebrate Sabbath ONLY if your also observe the sacrifices.
      "Those who buy and sell on the seventh day of the week receive the mark of the planetary week. Honouring the Sabbath day by not buying and selling is your protection against receiving the mark of the beast. "
      Total deception. There is NO possible connection - where do you get this theological nonsense?
      The EVIDENCE from scripture and HISTORY is obvious