Janeane Garofalo Stalked by Teabaggers @ BreakRoomLive.com

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @matts2ndchance1
    @matts2ndchance1 9 років тому +13

    You can't lose with Garofalo.

    • @khav11
      @khav11 Місяць тому

      can you win tho? trump owns the country.

  • @mscoyote50
    @mscoyote50 14 років тому +2

    Janeane Garofalo is a gem -- I hope she stays safe so she can continue to add her reasonable and intelligent voice to the debate. These teabigots are out of control.

  • @siradon2000
    @siradon2000 14 років тому

    Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
    Page 58 and 59: The government will have
    real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
    Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.

  • @ObamAtheist
    @ObamAtheist 15 років тому +1

    If my wife (if I had one) & I died in a car wreck, but my kids (if I had them) survived, I wouldn't have an equal opinion & desire for them to be adopted by a 2 man couple or a 2 woman couple over a hetero couple. I would prefer they be adopted by the hetero couple. Is that hateful or an unreasonable desire? I believe the people are all equals, but the hetero retationship is superior to the alternative one.

  • @AnotherAnonTroll
    @AnotherAnonTroll 12 років тому

    I would argue that even though this woman is a threat to our constitution, she does have the right to free speech. Even though her rhetoric is misinformed and dangerous to our freedom, I would defend her freedom, as I would any other American.

  • @brainiacgames
    @brainiacgames 15 років тому

    "Why didn't you protest TARP" - people did. It took time for it to gather steam. "Why didn't you protest war spending" - because protesting war spending is endangering the safety of the troops. This is all moot, and is better when turned on you: if you protested necessary spending to ensure the safety of our troops in wars your Congress voted for, why are you NOT out protesting 10x that spending on cronyism and socialism?

  • @franknitty45
    @franknitty45 11 років тому +1

    From what you say it sounds like the racism in your own family should be addressed first. Afterwards you may have time to concern yourself with the political movements and ideas of others.

  • @elfbride
    @elfbride 14 років тому +2

    His "male companion"....lol

  • @asdfhuliashduflasihf
    @asdfhuliashduflasihf 15 років тому

    She knows what she's talking about. The accusation is a bit too generalizing for my liking, but she definitely knows what she's talking about.
    She's not saying you can't disagree with the government, she's saying if you guys were always concerned about fiscal imprudence, why didn't you protest when Bush sanctioned TARP (that made 22.43% of the defecit)? Why didn't you protest at the costs of the Iraq/Afghan conflicts which totalled $187 Billion?

  • @franknitty45
    @franknitty45 11 років тому +2

    I came from a similar family as you and have found my hands full (60 yrs.) getting my own thinking straight after being raised in that environment. I am not a member or participant in Tea Party affairs. That being said, it troubles me to see Americans who disagree with the presidents policy's automatically labeled racist. You strike me as a thinking and moral person. Look around you and see who is "tolerant" and who isn't.

    • @jpc2470
      @jpc2470 20 годин тому

      11 years later, and I’m pretty sure it’s the right wing assholes who were the intolerant ones in this situation lol. I don’t know how you can watch this video and think otherwise

  • @dontchastop
    @dontchastop 5 років тому +3

    She is very smart and passionate.

  • @mobydickhead1
    @mobydickhead1 12 років тому +1

    janeane is a wonderful intelligent person

  • @adamxcorona
    @adamxcorona 15 років тому +1

    I really love Mrs. Garofolo simply because she can really take on any right winger and easily out smarted them no matter how hard they try to make her look bad.

  • @StrictlyGentile
    @StrictlyGentile 11 років тому +1

    I remember when this little wimp, Marc Maron, was on Tough Crowd. They chewed him up and spat him out, easy. Sheesh. That was back before Commie Central became 100% Lib, as Tough Crowd was the most neutral and real show they ever had. It was actually funny, to boot (something they haven't been able to achieve since either).

  • @johnhalloway3342
    @johnhalloway3342 5 років тому +3

    I have always had a crush on Janeane Garofalo !

  • @siradon2000
    @siradon2000 14 років тому

    The definition of a terrorist according to Webster Dictionary 1965 is :"one who governs through methods which arouse fear". Getting people behind health care using the exact ruse that Ronald Reagan stated. Also stated by the founder of the John Birch Society, long before it ever came to be. At the very least you should listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say on socialized health care. It may sound extremely familiar.

  • @TaelosX
    @TaelosX 15 років тому +1

    Odd, imagine that, insulting millions of people might have negative consequences. Maybe you should think next time before you accuse people of being racist just because they don't agree with Obama on his political agendas.

  • @michaeldanfwtx
    @michaeldanfwtx 14 років тому

    Garofalo intimidates the hell out of right-wingers because she's an intelligent, bold woman. Period.

  • @kmikee
    @kmikee 12 років тому

    She is obviously very intelligent. You may not be able to comprehend what she is saying, but that certainly isn't her fault.

  • @JohnnaCD
    @JohnnaCD 12 років тому

    If Janeane Garofalo asked me to run away with her,I am outta here!

  • @Anman619
    @Anman619 12 років тому +1

    I thought it was the Tea Party movement, not teabaggers.

  • @franknitty45
    @franknitty45 11 років тому +1

    For starters try offering ideas rather than insults. If you can manage that, the next thing to do is try and stay on topic long enough to express your idea.

  • @franknitty45
    @franknitty45 11 років тому

    If you are suggesting that I lack the sophistication to see some intolerance as "good" and other intolerance as "bad", then you are entirely correct. I only know right and wrong, regardless of an individuals sex, race, color, and political stripes.

  • @Manitu0
    @Manitu0 15 років тому

    Its our American right to demonstrate and disagree with this Administration. Yes, I did raise hell over Bushs TARP bill too if that makes you feel better.

  • @DTanza
    @DTanza 11 років тому

    What a respectful comment.

  • @Tonezinator
    @Tonezinator 14 років тому +1

    @geargemartin She wants to get into politics. We're allowed to focus on her and her logic and policies. DUH.

  • @dustydustydusty
    @dustydustydusty 10 років тому +1

    his santo pancha, hahaha great reference

    • @squatch545
      @squatch545 7 років тому +2

      No, it's Sancho Panza, a reference to the novel Don Quixote.

  • @Leutchik
    @Leutchik 12 років тому +1

    Hey, President OBAMA puts me in a "state of anxiety and panic" every time he opens his half-white yapper I can't afford a security detail.
    Ken Pittman and his "male companion"? Oh, like now there's something wrong with a gay conservative?

  • @JeffreyTJ
    @JeffreyTJ 15 років тому +1

    It's funny how almost every liberal thinks it's hilarious to call someone "gay" as JG did here twice. Did she also say that someone else was not a good broadcaster? How is her radio gig doing?I don't know this Pittman guy and he may be an ass and I don't agree with his tactics but why is there outrage only when a right wing person does this? There are websites dedicated to intimadating folks who don't support BHO. Would you like to see some of my hate mail from writing in Big Hollywood?

  • @hippiechic6772
    @hippiechic6772 11 років тому +1

    this is America and you have the right to say what ever you wish to say about anyone but it just shows poor taste and a lack of educational skills that you can not insult or put in ones place without cursing another person . I know for a fact that who ever she pooped on that offended you ....they are Big grown men and nothing little Janeane Garofalo says about them bothers them much . They are not online confronting her and bashing her ; they have more important things to handle is a safe bet .

  • @Treviscoe
    @Treviscoe 12 років тому +1

    She definitely is. I've seen a video of her from about 2003 when she gets put under real pressure by a couple of people from Fox and she never misses a beat.

  • @siradon2000
    @siradon2000 14 років тому

    See the fact that you say "no one should have to pay". Shows how little you know about this bill. First off everyone above the poverty line has to pay for it. No one above the line gets the care, those above the poverty line also have to get their own insurance or get fined 2k-5k and the price is doubled for people after a certain income.This is health insurance, meaning everyone has to pay deductibles that gets it. We are taxed 4 years before we see the benefits to keep that cost down for 10yrs

  • @decibel333
    @decibel333 14 років тому

    @EmoreButts Happy to see you got the point...

  • @TheLDG1981
    @TheLDG1981 14 років тому

    The guy that she's saying was Ken's "male companion" is Griff Jenkins, one of the Fox News producers. Last time I checked, he was married, so he's definitely NOT with Ken. Oh, and using homosexuality as an insult isn't very tolerant, Janeane.

  • @jazzfan5000
    @jazzfan5000 14 років тому

    @MondoMedia7 She's not talking loud, she's not name calling. I have checked her videos and I do not see her name calling ONE person especially when she is confronted face to face! In fact, she made an EXCELLENT POINT about Barry Goldwater and how the conservative movement in this country hasn't been conservative since 1980! She's right on the money! I'm sure most of you conservatives don't even remember Barry Goldwater, do you?

  • @N5DVC
    @N5DVC 13 років тому

    Good point (Madoff). I appreciate that you responded to my content of my post rather than attacking me - refreshing in this venue. Listen, I could (and would) say the same for Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, and Cenk (whatever). Those are opinions, and we simply do not share the same perception of who are the hate-spewers and manipulators. Incidently, Garafolo simply asserted Hannity and O'Reilly involvement in this incident. Now you talk about spewing hate..

  • @kiffenlover1
    @kiffenlover1 11 років тому

    I have tried for years to address the racism in my family. They ignore me and continue on. Since I can't change them, I try to work on things I can change. Would you like them? Perhaps you can do what I have not been able to do. Tell me where you would like them delivered.

  • @Cherie112358
    @Cherie112358 8 років тому +4


  • @coolmamac
    @coolmamac 13 років тому

    Hey Quint. I didn't know that his video had wrong facts. Do you by chance remember what it was? I always thought he was a conservative with a nice personality, who didn't resort to name calling. I respected him for taking the high road.

  • @colibri1
    @colibri1 14 років тому

    Will right-wingers ever get over their obsession with Janeane Garofalo and Rosie O'Donnell?

  • @coolmamac
    @coolmamac 13 років тому

    Never heard of Pittman, but I believe if he had a genuine gripe, confront Garafalo over a beer or cup or coffee. He is out for publicity, and it doesn't matter who he hurts. He clearly is a coward, which is typical of bullies with a microphone; all show and no go. Debate not berate!

  • @N5DVC
    @N5DVC 13 років тому

    Rush and Hannity are extreme - agreed. I don't listen to Rush, but often catch Hannity being exceptionally berating callers.
    Run the math. If you look at the potential revenue from taxes (even at 100% for ALL Americans), you will find that we could not balance the budget at current spending levels. Bush was no fiscal conservative and neither is Obama. Spending (esp. entitlement spending) is the problem and until that is addressed, we can debate all day until we default.

  • @dw6015
    @dw6015 5 років тому +1

    Garofalo is hot and nuts, the guy, any guy that enables this thinking is just a fool. At least Garofalo is still hot lol.

  • @sc666666
    @sc666666 12 років тому

    good example of why lib radio has done so well.. go air america!!

  • @ciahart
    @ciahart 14 років тому

    She's intelligent, open-minded, honest and unafraid. These are words that can't be used to describe the right wing.

  • @bsabruzzo
    @bsabruzzo 15 років тому

    As for the Tea Parties (which started as far back as 10 years in individual locations, or with Clinton declaring the the era of big government is over, or with Reagan attempting to reduce the size of government), their origins is still in dispute. Though, whether a politician did the 2009 event or a news channel did, this was a pot on the boil and needed venting. Currently history will determine the roots of the movement.

  • @nightmareofsolomon
    @nightmareofsolomon 14 років тому


  • @kiffenlover1
    @kiffenlover1 11 років тому

    Have you ever seen the signs they carry at their tea parties? Read them and you will have your answer.

  • @msm318
    @msm318 15 років тому

    Did she just say "unintelligent"?????????? LOLLLLL oh this is priceless! Like OMIGOD!

  • @HahahaVille
    @HahahaVille 14 років тому

    All TeaBaggers should just open their mouths and get "teabagged" hahahahahahahahahaha

  • @siradon2000
    @siradon2000 14 років тому

    Well at least someone is honest here.

  • @zodiam1
    @zodiam1 12 років тому +1

    I have to agree! She has gotten hotter!!!

  • @railroadtrash09
    @railroadtrash09 12 років тому

    They attacked her with a video camera??? Thats not stalking, thats called being a celebrity like she is. If she is so worried then maybe she should shut her big mouth. Half her relatives are probably Conservatives as she comes from a well to do family. She has no idea what a normal American deals with...

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 14 років тому

    "The classic vision of totalitarian movements goes like this: "America used to be a great country, and then the immigrants and the African-Americans and the feminists and the liberals and the intellectuals came and took it away from you, and we're going to get it back." That's the message by all totalitarian movements: to find scapegoats." ~ Chris Hedges 4/2010

  • @pr0t0color
    @pr0t0color 11 років тому

    Two appearances on FOX almost half a decade ago were the pinnacle of Ken Pittman's career.

  • @fansipantz
    @fansipantz 15 років тому

    Great stuff! Good on ya guys!

  • @hippiechic6772
    @hippiechic6772 11 років тому

    She is not gay ....and you called her a sick word for being gay ; she got married to Robert Cohen in 1992 . Before spreading lies and not stating that was just your opinion of her but just calling her gay doesn't make it true .

  • @JeffreyTJ
    @JeffreyTJ 15 років тому

    I perfer to think of it as a Mobile Home Community. Stop by when your shift at the meth lab is over.

  • @hippiechic6772
    @hippiechic6772 11 років тому +1

    That doesn't make them worse or better at it ....it just makes my point . Janeane maybe the worst person in the world to you but she is human and so are you ; there are no perfect people here and to say she has lied of several occasions would be like saying Y O U have never lied about a thing in your life . She may have disrespected people that you agree with but the term B**** is really uncalled for ; she has not ever called you out and said one thing about you . Yes I know ....

  • @docrazz02748
    @docrazz02748 15 років тому

    Pittman is from Dartmouth and his radio show is out of Fairhaven...don't blame New Bedford for this one.....

  • @Bombpop007
    @Bombpop007 15 років тому +1

    this is hilarious. love to see people try to support others that make blanket statements about their fellow citizens. so classy. what a joke

  • @pr0t0color
    @pr0t0color 11 років тому

    I tried, but it is like having a "civilized" discussion with a dog. Anything more sophisticated than "Speak!" or "Heel!" goes right over your head and you go back to nonsense barking about "name calling".

  • @DeimosSaturn
    @DeimosSaturn 15 років тому

    Secondly, O'Rielly never makes exaggerations about Liberals?
    You're right that a protest is not equivalent to a hit, but it's obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells in their head that it's a hyperbole. This is lost on you because as we all know, Republicans just don't get it.

  • @hippiechic6772
    @hippiechic6772 11 років тому

    What's hypocrite about her mentioning that Pitman is probably gay .She stated that she thought he could be gay ; she didn't state that she thought there was any thing wrong with being gay . It was the way they were acting toward her that bothered her . There is nothing hypocritical about that ....thinking it or saying it . She is Not gay she was married to Robert Cohen in 1992 .

  • @hippiechic6772
    @hippiechic6772 11 років тому

    And maybe you don't like a lot about her but spreading lies about her because of it doesn't have you looking like Einstein either .

  • @TenderHistoryInRust
    @TenderHistoryInRust 14 років тому

    I love Janeane Garofalo

    @REWHBLCAIN 15 років тому

    If I had a hitlist you would be #1

  • @colibri1
    @colibri1 14 років тому

    @geargemartin It is foolish to equate concern about right-wing politician Sarah Palin with the US right-wing's protracted obsession with harmless celebrities like Janeane Garofalo and Rosie O'Donnell. Everyone ought to be concerned about Sarah Palin, because she is striving to be in a position of power where she can make decisions that will adversely affect people's lives.

  • @michaeldanfwtx
    @michaeldanfwtx 14 років тому

    Methinks I've found one of those intimidated Teabaggers. Talk about obsessed.

  • @bdmenne
    @bdmenne 15 років тому

    Thank you, you saved me time typing, summed up my thoughts completely. Thanks for being a light of reason and objectivity.

  • @kevyster
    @kevyster 14 років тому

    funny she has yet to make amends for her racist comments towards Blacks when they didn't vote the way she view they're suppose to. Btw, why didn't she accept the TEA Party Invitation. What is she afraid of?

  • @slimjimmy149
    @slimjimmy149 13 років тому

    She's a friend of Rob Riggle....just earned brownie points =)

  • @joepelham
    @joepelham 12 років тому +1

    3 words ,out of money

  • @androidt800
    @androidt800 14 років тому

    @geargemartin as soon as people stop claiming she has any informed opinion. I do agree with you though, I have no idea why people are obsessed with t.v. personalities. She barely ranks as an adult, when her level of erudition comes into question.

  • @concord327
    @concord327 14 років тому

    i miss this show

  • @siradon2000
    @siradon2000 14 років тому +1

    @kevyster She's afraid of having to admit she is wrong. She's so arrogant the word itself is insufficient.

  • @whatsuphotdog
    @whatsuphotdog 12 років тому

    I miss this show... but WTF is amazing.

  • @bdlindy
    @bdlindy 14 років тому +1

    That comment of yours is right to the point! I'm a proud patriot of the Tea Party movement that will help save our country!

  • @N5DVC
    @N5DVC 13 років тому

    With you on 1, 3 (but private or state, not fed govt), 4, and 5 (w/mixed feelings)
    Not so much on 2 - small business (the main target of 'tax the rich') need to be incentivized, not punished. Increasing the tax BASE will do far more to raise revenue than raising the tax rates. Even then, without changing the big three (SS, M'caid, M'care), it simply won't be enough to matter.
    The vilified 'millionaires' aren't paying income tax; the bulk of their 'income' is capital gains.

  • @TheGoldWatch
    @TheGoldWatch 15 років тому

    You should watch her debate with Brian Kilmeade if you think she's incapable if rational, intellectual debate.

  • @mandolinroad
    @mandolinroad 14 років тому

    Janeane has got to stop referencing Cervantes. Any teabaggers watching won't get the literary reference.

  • @puremercury
    @puremercury 11 років тому

    South Park is still on, and they are still libertarians.

  • @brucemitchell9177
    @brucemitchell9177 5 років тому +1

    Kool. Live wtf with Marc Maron and the majority report. It's interesting to see where they came from

  • @BunkerGearGal
    @BunkerGearGal 12 років тому

    Me too!

  • @CF127
    @CF127 11 років тому

    I agree too, and this was over three years ago!

  • @BionicV
    @BionicV 13 років тому

    @TheSnoopy1750 : agreed. And when the most noteable celebrity endorsment you have is from Victoria Jackson....you've got problems

  • @garrylafferty100
    @garrylafferty100 11 років тому

    She so bright love her. She good at debate.

  • @ProfessorxVile
    @ProfessorxVile 12 років тому

    There's an Onion News story on here about that.

  • @RoninDave
    @RoninDave 14 років тому

    @geargemartin exhausting your thesaurus lately? Having argued with tea partiers myself and seeing them repeatedly make their often clueless empty rhetoric gives me the impression that they angry but they really don't know enough to understand what they are angry about.

  • @RoninDave
    @RoninDave 14 років тому

    @geargemartin unlike rosie and janeane she has more of a chance to be in a position of power which is scary plus she has an army of ignorant angry followers

  • @crazyirish77
    @crazyirish77 15 років тому

    who organized them?

  • @insanetubegain
    @insanetubegain 12 років тому

    Do you like really like Romney? He scares the shit out of me.

  • @ezikiel121212
    @ezikiel121212 15 років тому

    this is actually kind of scary... is she serious. Please tell me nobody buys this! For goodness sakes, this women scares the hell out of me.

  • @tomitstube
    @tomitstube 5 років тому

    lol, "the only ones who showed up was ken pittman and his male companion". sancho panza… i'm dying over hea.

  • @franknitty45
    @franknitty45 11 років тому +2

    Perhaps someday I can also be a moral contortionist too. In the meantime I will continue to express my views without name calling such as "queer" or "stupid right winger". It will be informative to learn about this world of yours where all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others.

  • @coolmamac
    @coolmamac 13 років тому

    I wish conservatives would take a cue from Moore. If you want to do a real documentary, get the facts correct. Ben Stein did a good one about 2 years ago about creation science. Unfortunately, he did not get permission to use something in the video, and it was pulled. Too bad, it was done professionally and not in an angry and nasty way.

  • @WalterLiddy
    @WalterLiddy 13 років тому

    @cincyblows I take it then that you're not a member, since you bother to watch videos of her.

  • @siradon2000
    @siradon2000 14 років тому

    @siradon2000 I just read that they did change the fine, its its significantly less than 2k-5k its $96.00 or 1% of your income, whichever is higher. The rest is still accurate though.

  • @JeffreyTJ
    @JeffreyTJ 15 років тому

    I'm outraged at outrage! Is that redundant? Call me when you move out of your momma'sbasement and find a job where you don't have to wear a paper hat.

  • @WalterLiddy
    @WalterLiddy 13 років тому

    I think by these kinds of responses-in-kind they're really only joining this Pittman guy in the muck. They really should just ignore guys like that.