I'm glad that you mentioned the ethnicities who doesn't have their independent country as well! By the way great video I enjoyed watching it. And good luck with your russian learning. Greetings from Czech republic!
Хорват Крижанич считал, что для того, чтобы славяне могли давать отпор турецким и немецких захватчикам, было необходимо сплотить славян вокруг Царства Русского, а это было бы невозможно без единого языка. Он писал в 1660-м году из г.Тобольск, Сибирь: «Всем Славянским народам глава - народ Русский, и русское имя потому, что все словяне вышли из русской земли, основали три государства и прозвались: болгары, сербы и хорваты; другие из той же русской земли двинулись на запад и основали государства ляшское и моравское или чешское. Те, которые воевали с греками или римлянами, назывались словинцы, и потому это имя у греков стало известнее, чем имя русское, а от греков и наши летописцы вообразили, будто нашему народу начало идет от словинцев, будто и русские, и ляхи, и чехи произошли от них. Это неправда, русский народ испокон века живет на своей родине, а остальные, вышедшие из Руси, появились, как гости, в странах, где до сих пор пребывают. Поэтому, когда мы хотим называть себя общим именем, то не должны называть себя новым словянским, а стародавним и коренным русским именем. Не русская отрасль плод словенской, а словенская, чешская, ляшская отрасль - отродки русского языка. Наипаче тот язык, которым пишем книги, не может поистине называться словенским, но должен называться русским или древним книжным языком. Этот книжный язык более подобен нынешнему общенародному русскому языку, чем какому-нибудь другому словянскому. У болгаров нечего заимствовать, потому что там язык до того потерян, что едва остаются от него следы; у поляков половина слов заимствована из чужих языков; чешский язык чище ляшского, но также немало испорчен; сербы и хорваты способны говорить на своем языке только о домашних делах, и кто-то написал, что они говорят на всех языках и никак не говорят. Одно речение у них русское, другое венгерское, третье немецкое, четвертое турецкое, пятое греческое или валашское, или альбанское, только между горами, где нет проезда для торговцев и инородных людей, уцелела чистота первобытного языка, как я помню из моего детства». Крижанич создал в 1661 году межславянский русский язык, который до сих пор встречается по западной Европе у славян!
Триколор стал известен в Европе во время Великого посольства 1697-1698 годов (то есть первого заграничного путешествия Петра). Именно он символизировал Россию на международной арене и обозначал Единство Белой, Малой и Великой России, что было указано в титуле государей до 1721 года! "В 1848 году на Славянском съезде в Праге, его участники приняли решение, что возьмут за основу для флагов своих освободительных движений русский бело-сине-красный флаг. На самом съезде чешскоговорящие моравы уже выступали под бело-красно-синим флагом. В том же году лужицкие сербы провозгласили своим символом сине-красно-белый триколор. Также эти цвета, но несколько в другой последовательности (сине-бело-красный) использовал в 1848 году бан Хорватии Й. Елачич, к флагу которого восходит современный флаг Хорватии. Словенские патриоты повторили на своём флаге расположение цветов российского триколора, а словацкие революционеры в 1848 году для своего флага приняли обратный порядок цветов - красно-сине-белый. С 1918 года сине-бело-красные цвета стали символом единого юго-славянского государства.
in relation to Tim Pool’s latest tweet: Slavs are not POC. Explained by Dr Davinsky, (sociologist) who debunked this myth and tiny organization who’s behind it. ua-cam.com/video/mMYVgI8SpAE/v-deo.html
... és azt, sem kérdezi senki, hogy miért... ! .....és mióta ..... ...kik hazudták hatalmi - szóval, - "eggyé ezeket a népeket ..... ! A Slav ... egy politikai kreatúra - szándék ! Az ősnépek felett - ellen ! Azok, eltakarására ....... - eltüntetésére. Slav - ősnép - nincsen ... ! Slav - csak egy megnevezés ... Politikai Szandék , hogy ősnépek ne legyenek ! Mert, az nem azonos azokkal , Akik szeretnének ősnépek lenni,... De nem azok ! ..... Tehát a Slaw - nem egy népcsoport - hanem egy politikai - Szándék ! ..... * * * *
@@KrushetoXD yeah Turks you better look at your history language is slavanized but you are originally turkic peoples more related to modern turks Not ottomon Turks ,Central Asian turks
@@fabolousnature3873 The culture is Slavic, the language is Slavic. Turkic borrowings are negligible, and then from Turkish. Almost nothing remained of the Bulgar past, for the Bulgars were extremely small. If we proceed from your logic, then Ukrainians are Persians, Belarusians Balts, Russian Finns, Czechs Celts, and Croats Are Alans.
Slovenia impressed me the most in Europe, but also had very positive experiences in Croatia and Czech Republic. Loved all three of them! Many thanks to the kind people from these places.
@@krisjustin3884 You know, l don't really care! Nothing personal against you, but you obviously didn't spend enough time in that country to really know them. Most of them are hypocrite , conceited, unfriendly peasants who like to kiss the buts of the western tourists ! Nothing sincere about them! But if you like that, suit yourself! 🤑😕🤡
Lol yea my family from mothers side in the 1980s escaped to Canada and then my mom went back to Czechia now I live here. I still have a part of the family in Canada.
How pleasant is that to watch a video from the “past” about such interest to Slavs😢 and the comments are great! Hope that this terrible time will finish one day!
1:33 not true, Ukrainian is closer to Belarusian than to polish. We understand Belarusian perfectly, and Belarusians understand us perfectly, while with polish language it's a lot more difficult
Small clarification. Russians live not only in Russia. Russians live in different countries, the total number of Russians as a nation for 2020 is more than 200 million.
Even though there is a great number of slavic languages, they are all, in different levels, quite intelligible. So learning a second slavic language should not be a hard task. Like you mentioned, serbo-croatian is spoken in 4 countries and, as it was an official language in Slovenia and Macedonia for a long time (during Yugoslavia), you would be understood there as well. That means you would probably "gain the most countries" if you opted for serbo-croatian. :) Thanks for a great video man, I really enjoyed it! And greetings from Croatia. ;)
@@poli6ady I don't know what's confusing you. Read my comment with a proper desire to understand and not to push your beliefs about whether the macedonian is or is not bulgarian
Alen Stojanac don’t be arrogant alen, yugoslavia was a thing for a long time, yes, and it had its influence on language, however, serbian is not well-understood my macedonians and bulgarians whatsoever is what I meant. Just a thing of the past.
@@poli6ady You are the aggressive one here. I never said Macedonians speak serbo-croatian. That language was the official language of Yugoslavia and, as it is case with older generations of Slovenes, the older generations of Macedonians can understand it much better than younger people. Thats it.
Great video. There's so much more to Slavic people than Adidas, vodka, etc. They have a very rich culture and history. I think EVERYONE should try to learn about a different people every now and then.
I'm learning Russian now too but it was a hard choice between Russian, Polish and Czech for me. I did a lot of research and Russian is supposed to be a good "gateway" slavic language so I plan to learn the others later on as well!
@@schabowyxxx oh no actually it isn’t true. There is one root for Ukrainian and Russian languages and it’s Old Russian language (just in case, I notice that by calling it that way I don’t want to offend someone’s language, it’s just a name). If you read the old Russian chronicles you will notice that there are a lot of words both similar to today's Russian words and Ukrainian. So neither Russian nor Ukrainian were "created” on the basis of some other language. That the Russian that the Ukrainian has the same roots.
The problem with Russian is that you have to learn the Russian alphabet, which is quite different from Latin. If you learn Czech well, which uses the Latin alphabet, you will basically be able to communicate and understand Slovak, Polish and Slovenian as well at the same time, because they are very similar and closely related languages.🙂
Im happy that I know Macedonian, because at the same time I can understand bulgarian and Serbian to a large degree too. Slavic languages are amazing. Greetings from Macedonia
You are not even the Macedonian, u are just some Bulgarians who says we are the descents of the old Macedonian ppl. You and them do not have nothing in common.
China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are typical examples like that of Bulgaria and North Macedonia or Romania and Moldova, showing very exactly how a nation is divided into two/three after external intervention. Only Germany managed to achieve its national unification after the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. On November 10, the communist regime in Bulgaria fell, but its people remained divided into Bulgarians and some fake "Macedonians" - the Brainwashed Bulgarians from North Macedonia! PS: Only Bulgarians know the whole truth about this fictional nation, because we have all been one people in the past and the documents and archives are with us too! God bless all Bulgarians!🗽☦️🦁🇧🇬
Please, see in the next video, Igor Markovski, the grandson of Venko Markovski, a strong critic of the methods used to build the "Macedonian" nation and culture at the expense of the Bulgarian identity and language in the Socialist Federal Republic of Macedonia, direct heir and successor to the Bulgarian Vardar Macedonia, but in Tito's Yugoslavia. In the studio people talks about Vanga's prediction that after the unification of East and West Germany, one day, Macedonia (refers to the current Republic of North Macedonia) and Bulgaria will also unite. The conversation took place 8 years ago in the studio of a private Bulgarian channel TV7, which no longer exists, but the words still remain relevant to this day. Link: ua-cam.com/video/q1RyzImqCxw/v-deo.html The whole truth about today North Macedonia was told just in 20 minutes. Link: ua-cam.com/video/OyXCE5Bz_zE/v-deo.html Reminder: The so called Macedonians have always been part of the Bulgarian ethnicity, also known and described in the thick books as Macedonian Bulgarians, who became a completely separate and independent nation within the then Yugoslavia of Tito, with their modified, reworked and codified Bulgarian dialect, called the Macedonianian language after 1944. Only the truth makes us FREE! ☦️🦁🇧🇬
@@bobantheighty6141ѕверчиња и џаоли бе хаха дури жално е... себични и полни со омраза само трачара немам видено вакви сељаци по интернет до олку да мразат.. боже шо сакаш коментирај и колку сакаш ликови прајчај ,буквално ништо нема да смениш со то никогаш нема да не избришете ние сме Македонци 🇲🇰
In fact, Polish and Ukrainian are not that similar at all. Right, there will be some similarities, but Czech and Slovak are the languages closest to the Polish language. An ordinary Polish citizen can understand the Czech or Slovak language in the range of 50-80% without having contact with it before. Having my first contact with the Slovak language, I understood almost everything I heard.
@@vieravarda3630 I think even czech is more similar to ukrainian than polish. I didn't learn czech language but I listen to it and understand very good. And slovak and czech are almost the same
I have a polish friend and an ukrainian friend and most of the time when words in ukrainian arent similar to russian they are usually similar to polish, but that could be for any other slavic language since they are closely related.
@@nemeshwad7402 Моля стига ти си просто някой сърбин който мисли че знае всико кирилицата е първата славянска азбука! А ТЯ Е БЪЛГАРСКА НЕ РУСКА НЕ СРЪБСКА НЕ НИКАКВА ДРУГА БЪЛГАРСКА!!!
Maybe you will make a video about the history between Slavs and Germans and mixed ethnicities like western kashubians, slisians and sorbs. Also a big part of nowadays Germany was Slavic in the past, you can see this in a lot of city or town names and a lot of the last names in Germany.
If you want to learn second slavic language after Russian, Polish will be good choice for you, because Russian is slavic English, Polish is slavic French.
I may be biased, but learn Polish! It uses the roman alphabet, which may make it easier for an English speaker to learn. Also, as you mention, millions of speakers live in English speaking countries for you to practice with, and it's a lovely place to visit.
@@Bio-Customizer And this is the only thing you ruZZkies can say... Offend other slavic nations that are no longer you slaves. You hate everyone that is not like you, and want to destroy them. You don't accept that other slavic nations have THEIR own choices and opinions. You want to force every slav to be like you - narrow minded, jelaous and full of hate.
If you were going to do another Slavic language, I think it will be the Belarusian language, it would be interesting how you learned it after Russian. (And yes I understood the 99.99 percent of the Russian sentences you wrote, and no I didn’t look in google translate 😅).
Being Belarusian myself (and I do love and speak Belarusian language) I would advice against this, as learning it would not provide much communicative advantage. Better choose a language to widen the population you can speak with. I would go with Czech.
@@Tentcl I know what you’re saying (because I too have meet Belarusian people before in an app and yes meet them through the app), but in a way I disagree, why? Because to me Belarusian language is beautiful in its own way. If I would speak to you in Belarusian, you will be happy and asked “How did you learned it?!” That’s like saying if you spoke Spanish to me (because I’m also native in Spanish), I too would of asked “How?” Anyways, It is sad that it’s a dying language, but I know that people would like to learn it for their own reasons. Including me if I were to learn it. So again, I think (for the people who are Belarusian and speak the language) what do you think about it what I just wrote? I would like to know.
@@nemuelvelazquez4652 It is a great approach. It really is. It is amazing when a stranger speaks your language, especially so, when it is quite a rare language. I would say it is a rise of national identity in Belarus today, so many Belarusians re-learn the language and re-discovers the hidden beauty of it. But from pure practicality of it, you wouldn't gain much by learning Belarusian. It can be a pleasant surprise for someone, but learning completely different widely-spoken language will give you an opportunity to communicate with millions of people, see their perspective on historical events. I think it is priceless. Belarusians will be happy to know you recognize their existance and will speak any possible language with you. Belarus has always been a place of many cultures and languages and I hope it will stay that way.
@@nemuelvelazquez4652 I think you misunderstand-or under-understand the forces at play here. Not all regions of belarus today spoke "belarusian", a fairly recent language adopted over the also recently-created region. The institutions and urban population have spoken Russian as their native language for many centuries. Unless you plan on taking a trip to the remote countryside of belarus to impress the native speakers there, you'd better hold your breath.
The facts as they are... When politicians are not involved, people on both sides of the border understand each other perfectly. With no translator, no myths, legends and lies, because the language the speak is one, the same as the people themselves! Link: ua-cam.com/video/D3p_w6SE94Y/v-deo.html PS: North-Macedonians are offshoots of the Bulgarian nation! Only the truth makes us FREE! 🗽☦️🦁🇧🇬
Bulgaria and North Macedonia are home to one of the oldest nations in Europe, but divided into two after 1944. A very sad picture of a very ancient and glorious people in the past, represented by its brave fighters and outlaws who constantly fighting to death for Freedom of Bulgaria from Turkish Slavery and for the unification of the already liberated parts of motherland with the still enslaved Macedonia, the lost child of Bulgaria! In memory of the fallen fighters in the village of Banitsa on May 4, 1903, for the unification of Macedonia to the mother Bulgaria and for the eternal memory of the generations: Gotse Delchev from Kukush, apostle and voivode; Dimitar Guschanov from Krushovo village, voivode; Stefan Duhov from Turlis village, chetnik; Stoyan Zahariev from Banitsa village, revolutionary; Dimitar Palyankov from Brody village, revolutionary. Their covenant was - Freedom or Death/Свобода или Смърт (written before 1945 in Old Bulgarian: Свобода или Смърть. Broken BG/MK: Бугаријо, за тебе тие умреа, маjко, за правда и слобода! Линк: ua-cam.com/video/QZyzuVKvCqY/v-deo.html Зайди, зайди, ясно слънце. ⚔️Freedom or Death☦️ 🗽☦️🦁🇧🇬
@@4726-i4d , Listen, Yugo-Macedonian... In the next video you will see how the local population in the town of Resen, southwestern North Macedonia nowadays, which at that time in 1941 bore the Serbian name Serbian Banovina/Сръбска Бановина, (the original Bulgarian name is Vardar Macedonia) welcomed the Bulgarian troops as liberators, not as occupiers! Serbian colonization in Macedonia was a purposeful policy of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, from 1929, to change the ethnic composition of the population in the occupied in 1913 Vardar Macedonia by reducing the relative weight of the Bulgarian element. This settlement, Edmond Boucher de Bell wrote in 1922, "combined with the expulsion of the incorrigible Bulgarian elements, was to lead to the rapid Serbization of the area." The task we ask the following: How can the current heirs of this people we see in the film degenerate to such an extent that they hate their own origin so much and call the Bulgarians "Tatars", "Mongols", "Fascists" and "Occupiers"!?!?!?! In the video you will also see how the Bulgarian soldiers, described in the Socialist Federal Republic of Macedonia and Yugoslavia as cruel "occupiers" and the local "occupied" population, dance together the Bulgarian round dance named horo/хоро and hug. From the footage we also see how, as a sign of respect, children offer flowers to the Bulgarian soldiers. We should also note the fact that the Bulgarian "occupiers" know very well the dance of the "occupied" locals, described in Yugoslavia as Macedonians, and not as Macedonian Bulgarians or just Bulgarians. The reception, which has become a kind of celebration of Freedom, is attended by German soldiers who do not know how to dance the Bulgarian horo, but they are genuinely having fun. Link: ua-cam.com/video/1QWFsrlJu6M/v-deo.html A few details: Immediately after the establishment of the Bulgarian administration in the already free Vardar Macedonia in 1941, it immediately opened the schools and churches closed by the Serbs, amid unprecedented popular enthusiasm that gripped the local population. In the same year, Bulgaria invested 18% of its GDP in the revival of Serb-enslaved Macedonia. The Bulgarians began immediately with the construction of railways and tunnels, which are still used by the people of North Macedonia. At that time, for the Skopje region and the surrounding area, which had a total population of 265,000, the Bulgarian administration appointed only 123 police officers to take care for the security and tranquility of the locals. This only shows how much trust there was between the Macedonian Bulgarians and the Bulgarians of the Principality, who appointed only locals in the management of all local institutions! Reminder: In Bulgaria to be a Macedonian and Bulgarian have always meant the same thing! Only in North Macedonia are these still two different things and mutually exclusive! And all this is because of the policies and ideologies of Serbian Chauvinism, Anti-Bulgarian Macedonianism and Yugoslav Communism and Titoism, all of them very nasty policies and ideologies pursued for decades in then Yugoslavia. PS: There is no real Macedonian nation and language, and there never was! Everything was created in the years after 1944 and within the borders of the then Yugoslavia, the greatest work of the Comintern after Belarus and Moldova! God created them Bulgarians, Tito made them Macedonians! Only the truth makes us FREE! 🗽☦️🦁🇧🇬
⚠️ The Anti-Bulgarian Macedonianism in North Macedonia kills people! Reminder: The idea of a Macedonian identity was artificially created in the second half of the 19th century and actively used throughout the 20th century to fulfill the territorial claims of some of the other neighboring countries and the Bulgarians to be divided and directed against each other! This was a purposeful policy of the regime in Belgrade and Tito's and Miloshevich Yugoslavia! Same people in two countries, regardless of the fact that one is poorer, brainwashed and outside the European Union, because of their mistakes made in Yugoslavia and lost ties with family and homeland, because of foreign interests involved in/between that beautiful nation! PS: In memory of Spaska Mitrova, a Bulgarian woman from North Macedonia, who was killed by the Macedonian agentura! We will not forget, we will not forgive! За тебе тие умреа, мајко, за правда и слобода! 🗽☦️🦁🇧🇬
I would like to point out that Bulgarian and Macedonian follow different dialect patterns, and are not as mutually intelligible as you might think (macedonian had serbian influences in its recent history, while bulgaria had USSR influences to its language). Not to mention the dialects in all the south slavic countries vary wildly. What I mean by this is, the dialects are similar in eastern Macedonia and western Bulgaria, but wildly different in western Macedonia compared to any part of Bulgaria (this includes spoken and written form). So, while they are close and based off the same alphabet, they are not the same (which probably goes for many other languages you mentioned in this video).
When it comes to the economy, Slovenia is the most developed Slavic nation. With GDP of more than 30k usd per capita it's not only more developed than other Slavic, but also one of the wealthiest countries in Europe.
Slovenia is natural diamant in every aspects. Look around...mountains, hillls, lakes, rivers, natural kras caves, Panonia, Adriatic sea, swamps, old woods everywhere, over 75% of Slovenia is covered by trees of all kinds! Wow what a diamant! Happy to live in paradise and drink pure crystal clear water! Very beautiful country in all world!
As a native speaker of Slovenian & Bosnian, I taught myself Cyrillic alphabet to learn the different variations of Bosnian, Serbian & Montenegro alphabets & words exclusive to these languages. It helped me out a lot to learn Macedonian because I found a great online Croatian - Macedonian language course. If god wills and If my health allows it I will also learn Bulgarian at some point as soon as I will feel confident in my Macedonian knowledge. And as you can see I'm also fluent in English because of school & media. In my opinion the most useful to learn are Croatian & Bulgarian. Croatian because it's easy to learn & four countries either speak or understand it. Bulgarian because you will understand more then half of Macedonian language & grammar wise it's the closest to east-Slavic languages making it useful for those who want to learn Belorussian, Ukrainian or Russian.
Без России остальные славяне обычные шуты, и славянская слава известен по всему миру только благодаря России, на которого они все так ненавидят. А ведь даже по истории изгнание восточных славян это их рук дело, а теперь пусть познают унижение, мне не важно их судбьа истребят ли их или нет, просто пусть исчезнут одной головной болью будет меньше.
The Slavs are a mighty force that has been divided by centuries-old enmity and the West. Let's forget about all the bad things and leave it in history.
A really good and informative video. I like it, but you forgot to add Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia. If you ignore this small but serious mistake, this is a very informative and fantastic video!
@@albinh.3149 No, the status is unclear because half of the UN members didn't recognised Kosovo as an independent country even the UNO didn't recognise Kosovo as an independent country.
@@sudokuislife its like saying Azerbaijan did good for taking back the karabah from Armenia cause they've took through war in recent years, yeah but Armenia was there since way back so historically speaking it belongs to Armenia , slavs immigranted to the Balkans, so idk what u trynna say, u can't claim something that has older roots that ain't connected to slavic nations
@@yougottarelax Why do you argue like that? It doesn't matter whether the Slavs immigrated to the Balkans or not. It doesn't change the fact that the status of Kosovo has not yet been clarified. This argument: "You aren't allowed to claim anything because you immigrated here." is so weak, is Hungary not allowed to claim Transylvania just because the Hungarians historically immigrated to Europe or is Slovenia not allowed to claim parts of Carinthia just because the Slavs immigrated? Are the peoples who immigrated somewhere worth less than the peoples who live longer in one area?
There is at least two more versions of Croatian which are a bit different than official language, Kajkavski which is very close to Slovenia and is native language of wider Zagreb area and northwest and also Čakavski which is today language of Istria and the Islands, both are not same as what you call Serbo - Croatian, which is made from the dialect or language number 3 called Štokavski and which is almost same but with minor differences between east and west versions.
@Mafi43211ofc you do, Kajkavian is dying because the Croatian goverment want's to kill any Slovenian roots, this is a cultural genocide and since you are a Croat, i bet you are pretty good with that aren't you.
Great video, i also highly dissuade learning polish as it is really difficult. I'm saying this as a pole myself, as i struggle with it often even though it is my native language.
In major cities like kraków or Warsaw quite a substantial amount of people can speak english to some degree at least to my knowledge. Polish is hard not only grammatically but also in pronunciation .
3:43 you forgot to mention that slovenia has the higest gdp per capita out of any slavic country is the most democratic and has the highest hdi score out of all of them
@@Cornyexploited True brother we must always remember religion is something our ancestors have chosen. We are slavs by blood. Once in a time our ancestors were all pegan before Christianity and Islam and all religions. Love to my Russian brothers
There are many Ukrainians in Canada, Russians in Central Asia, Poles in France, Brazil and Argentina, Serbs and Croats in Germany. All the major Slavic nations are represented in the US. especially Poles. Russians, Czechs and Ukrainians.
Странно, что автор считает Косово частью Сербии, но при этом не включил в состав России Крым на карте и для Беларуси использовал не государственный флаг. Как-то двулично
U mix and ur misinformed... Тtherw are no three languages in South Slavs. There are no Servo/Croatian but Serbian and Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian amd Bulgarian... And please inform yourself and fact ✅✔️
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske 🇭🇷! Mozes li molim te nauciti Hrvatski nakon Ruskog? (Translate: Greeting form Croatia 🇭🇷! Can you please learn Croatian after Russian language?)
Pozdrow z polski, Greeting from poland. Btw when i was in croatia and i was buying milk so on the milk's box was 'svježe mlijeko' so i understood waht does mean because in polish it does mean 'świeże mleko'
Thank you for this video. I'm from Russia and I'm have been learning English for 1 year. I very love my homeland but I want to peace between Ukraine and Russia.
🇺🇦🇭🇷 Ethnic White Croats ( Bili Horvati) still live in Western Ukraine today. There is also located settlement of STILSKO, capital city of pagan Croats ❤. Croatia is named after White Croats who came from ancient pagan White Great Croatia once located in Ukraine, south-eastern Poland, north-eastern Slovakia-Czechia and Hungary. When Hungarians conquered slavic Pannonia province in the 9th century, southern baptised Red Croatia separated from pagan White Croatia. Ukraine and Croatia together for years celebrate common ethnic heritage of an ancient Croat people 🇺🇦🇭🇷❤
Poles and Serbs are twin brothers. We were always together until history separated us. There are a few chronicles about Slavs from the old days. There are two main theories about the origins of our nations. The first is that some Serbs from the Dunav escaped from persecution to the North. Those who settled between the Oder and Vistula rivers became Poles. Those who followed the Oder were called the Lusatian Serbs but were eventually germanized. The second theory is that we lived side by side in today's Poland. White Serbs lived in Wielkopolska. Wielkopolska is the cradle of Polish statehood. For Poles, it is what Kosovo is to Serbia. To this day, there are towns of Sarbia and Sarbinów in Wielkopolska. When the Poles began to lay the foundations for the future state, some Serbs went west - the Lusatian Serbs. Some Serbs went south and settled in the Balkans, giving rise to the state of Serbia. Long live our two nations, long lost brothers. Our heart is the same, blood is the same. Don't let the west delete our history
Are you a typical Serbian and do you support the holocaust of the Slavic nations that is practiced by Russia? Russian imperialism assumes the Murder of every Ukrainian and Pole and in Serbia, 80% of the people support Russia in these actions.
@@-yanni_4955 Yes, but Serbs are really close to Polaks as well. Right next to White Croatia stood White Serbia where Serbs and Sorbs originated from. I can proudly say that Serbs, Croats and Polaks are really the same people, but they don't wanna admit it ;)
Hi I love all Slavs Im am 90,7 % eastern European and my Slavic roots contain countries like Poland,Russia,Chroatia,Bosnia and non Slavic -Hungary and Romania.
Флаг Беларуси такой какой должен быть, а Крым оккупирован, согласен с тобой разве что по поводу Косово, но там большинство не славян, так что наличие или отсутствие особого смысла не имеет
How did you conclude that he’s a liberal? It seems that there is nothing at all that can indicate this, because a liberal would have annexed Crimea to Russia because the Crimeans themselves decided that they wanna be part of Russia (it seems that this is just liberal). So the person who made this video is more likely to simply adhere to some of his opinions on all issues, but he isn’t a liberal. And yes - why do you write as if there is something bad in liberalism? Liberals want human freedom - they want people to be able to decide for themselves what to do and how to behave - why is this bad from your point of view? Is it better to be under the state following orders like you're not a free person?
@@kvakvak5999 по поводу Крыма могу с тобой согласиться. Но флаг Беларуси официально другой. Это как использовать вместо современного флага России флаг Российской империи.
@@СергейПантелеевичМавроди-я2ф соглашусь. Так и должно быть . Но сейчас обычно приверженцы этих идей сильно прозападные и как раз их можно поймать на таких моментах.
After Russian learn the Polish iazik. All the Slavic languages are very similar, their grammar also. Many words are the same like: most, ulitsa/ulitse, riba, rijeka, pivo and many other ones.
Slavic-American here with Polish, Rusyn (Lemko), and Croatian ancestry. All 8 of my great grandparents were Catholic, though the Lemkos were Ukrainian Greek Catholics.
Bro let me explain. I don't know why people out side of Macedonia thinks that the language is the same as Bulgarian. I used to live in Macedonia and i have been also to Bulgaria. Yes, they can understand me but its hard to understand them. Its Slavic language after all, but its not the same. I can understand more serbs than bulgarians. And also, serbians and crotians can understand way more easier than bulgarians and Macedonia. Don't get me wrong I love Bulgaria's people, history and everything but our language is not the same and also we are not the same people
We were, but after 1944 Macedonia became a part of Yugoslavia where the language was made closer to Serbian and all people who identified as Bulgarians were killed or expelled.
@@FreshVito_bg For the Language that is true over all Macedonian is closer to Bulgarian, but for the people its not. There used to be more Bulgarians in that area but not now. My half side of my family moved to Canada after the 1st Balkan war and they are identifying as Macedonians. That was before Yugoslavia was a thing
@@Nick-qf9lv I will recomend you one book called ''Македонски Алманахъ'' created in 1940 by Macedonians. It explains everything about Macedonia and its history. You can read the book free online. Just search it. I dont know if you are going to be able to read it tho because it is written on the old Bulgarian dialect spoken in Macedonia. Its the language we spoke before we got separeted by communism...
Kosovo is Serbia
always has been
@@petarivanovic1030 jeste brate
@@cyumeniaroy1623 what are you talking about , do you know any history , beside history , Kosovo is still serbia and we will be back
@@urospavlovic7189 Your impoverished is declining and it being surrounded by the EU. Let’s be honest, Serbia won’t do anything to retake Kosovo.
@@cyumeniaroy1623 it has and it will
I'm glad that you mentioned the ethnicities who doesn't have their independent country as well! By the way great video I enjoyed watching it. And good luck with your russian learning. Greetings from Czech republic!
Thanks man! I’d love to visit your country someday
@@MadMacGeopolitics you should have allready
Хорват Крижанич считал, что для того, чтобы славяне могли давать отпор турецким и немецких захватчикам, было необходимо сплотить славян вокруг Царства Русского, а это было бы невозможно без единого языка. Он писал в 1660-м году из г.Тобольск, Сибирь:
«Всем Славянским народам глава - народ Русский, и русское имя потому, что все словяне вышли из русской земли, основали три государства и прозвались: болгары, сербы и хорваты; другие из той же русской земли двинулись на запад и основали государства ляшское и моравское или чешское. Те, которые воевали с греками или римлянами, назывались словинцы, и потому это имя у греков стало известнее, чем имя русское, а от греков и наши летописцы вообразили, будто нашему народу начало идет от словинцев, будто и русские, и ляхи, и чехи произошли от них. Это неправда, русский народ испокон века живет на своей родине, а остальные, вышедшие из Руси, появились, как гости, в странах, где до сих пор пребывают. Поэтому, когда мы хотим называть себя общим именем, то не должны называть себя новым словянским, а стародавним и коренным русским именем. Не русская отрасль плод словенской, а словенская, чешская, ляшская отрасль - отродки русского языка. Наипаче тот язык, которым пишем книги, не может поистине называться словенским, но должен называться русским или древним книжным языком. Этот книжный язык более подобен нынешнему общенародному русскому языку, чем какому-нибудь другому словянскому. У болгаров нечего заимствовать, потому что там язык до того потерян, что едва остаются от него следы; у поляков половина слов заимствована из чужих языков; чешский язык чище ляшского, но также немало испорчен; сербы и хорваты способны говорить на своем языке только о домашних делах, и кто-то написал, что они говорят на всех языках и никак не говорят. Одно речение у них русское, другое венгерское, третье немецкое, четвертое турецкое, пятое греческое или валашское, или альбанское, только между горами, где нет проезда для торговцев и инородных людей, уцелела чистота первобытного языка, как я помню из моего детства».
Крижанич создал в 1661 году межславянский русский язык, который до сих пор встречается по западной Европе у славян!
Триколор стал известен в Европе во время Великого посольства 1697-1698 годов (то есть первого заграничного путешествия Петра). Именно он символизировал Россию на международной арене и обозначал Единство Белой, Малой и Великой России, что было указано в титуле государей до 1721 года!
"В 1848 году на Славянском съезде в Праге, его участники приняли решение, что возьмут за основу для флагов своих освободительных движений русский бело-сине-красный флаг. На самом съезде чешскоговорящие моравы уже выступали под бело-красно-синим флагом. В том же году лужицкие сербы провозгласили своим символом сине-красно-белый триколор. Также эти цвета, но несколько в другой последовательности (сине-бело-красный) использовал в 1848 году бан Хорватии Й. Елачич, к флагу которого восходит современный флаг Хорватии. Словенские патриоты повторили на своём флаге расположение цветов российского триколора, а словацкие революционеры в 1848 году для своего флага приняли обратный порядок цветов - красно-сине-белый. С 1918 года сине-бело-красные цвета стали символом единого юго-славянского государства.
Greetings from Poland to all Slavic nations!
Alpha,you are not Polish
Greetings from🇭🇷
in relation to Tim Pool’s latest tweet:
Slavs are not POC. Explained by Dr Davinsky, (sociologist) who debunked this myth and tiny organization who’s behind it.
Greeting from slovakia
Russians are not Slavs, Russians are Finno-Ugric people
Everyone keeps asking who are the Slavs.
No one asks how are the Slavs.
Prawda :(
... és azt, sem kérdezi senki, hogy miért... !
.....és mióta .....
...kik hazudták hatalmi - szóval, - "eggyé ezeket a népeket ..... !
A Slav ... egy politikai kreatúra
- szándék !
Az ősnépek felett - ellen !
Azok, eltakarására .......
- eltüntetésére.
Slav - ősnép - nincsen ... !
Slav - csak egy megnevezés ...
Politikai Szandék , hogy ősnépek ne legyenek !
Mert, az nem azonos azokkal ,
Akik szeretnének ősnépek lenni,... De nem azok ! .....
Tehát a Slaw - nem egy népcsoport - hanem egy politikai - Szándék ! ..... *
* * *
Горд съм, че съм славянин! (Proud to be slav!) Поздрави на всички братя славяни от България! 👋🇧🇬
You are not slav you are Turks check the history
@@fabolousnature3873 Turks?? u ok???
@@KrushetoXD yeah Turks you better look at your history language is slavanized but you are originally turkic peoples more related to modern turks
Not ottomon Turks ,Central Asian turks
@@fabolousnature3873 The culture is Slavic, the language is Slavic. Turkic borrowings are negligible, and then from Turkish. Almost nothing remained of the Bulgar past, for the Bulgars were extremely small. If we proceed from your logic, then Ukrainians are Persians, Belarusians Balts, Russian Finns, Czechs Celts, and Croats Are Alans.
Greetings Slavic friends. Z Kraków 🇵🇱
I live really near. Cieszyn 🇵🇱
I live and study in Kraków 🇵🇱
Z Wojciechów pod Lublinem
Dzien dobri
O witaj towarzyszu
Learn interslavic language so you can have a conversation with all Slavic nations. Greetings from Bulgaria. Great video keep them coming :)
I want to learn this for 5 years, where do I learn this ? I still have no idea.....from Bulgaria. I responded to Ross Marinov.
Не шкљоцкај мутулама ћеш се иш, what i told you?
Medzjuslovanski? :D
@@Hajr01 da
Russians are not Slavs, Russians are Finno-Ugric people
i proud to be slavic 🇨🇿
I'm proud to be Serbian 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Hi from serbiaa
Ahoj 🇨🇿🇸🇰
@@evspe5396 Čúúús :D🇨🇿
Slovenia impressed me the most in Europe, but also had very positive experiences in Croatia and Czech Republic. Loved all three of them! Many thanks to the kind people from these places.
As a Slovenian, interesting
Luka doncic
Sorry, but if Slovenia impressed you , you are probably not too bright!
@@MiljenkoStarac Sorry, but if you think your comment is worth the effort, well ……
You know, l don't really care! Nothing personal against you, but you obviously didn't spend enough time in that country to really know them. Most of them are hypocrite , conceited, unfriendly peasants who like to kiss the buts of the western tourists ! Nothing sincere about them! But if you like that, suit yourself!
Dobry wieczór from your Detroit based Polak🇵🇱🦅
Good job! Greetings from Slovakia 🇸🇰
My grandma's from there but I'm mostly serbian :)
The racist country by excelence
@@luminos9447u from Vojvodina?
Czechoslovakia 🇨🇿 🇸🇰 !!
Ahoj 🇨🇿 🇸🇰
Dobre den
That's not a country and more😁
I’m proud Canada have the largest Slavic population outside of Slav countries!
what about Germanic population?
Lol yea my family from mothers side in the 1980s escaped to Canada and then my mom went back to Czechia now I live here. I still have a part of the family in Canada.
@@nathanaelkostal7324 Murica's biggest component of "whites" are literally German descent...
Isn't it USA?
🇧🇬Слава на вси славяни от България🇧🇬
Russians are not Slavs, Russians are Finno-Ugric people
@@Alone1again1 не распространяй эту хуету
@@Alone1again1 no
@@Alone1again1 hohlushka
спасибо бро большое
How pleasant is that to watch a video from the “past” about such interest to Slavs😢 and the comments are great! Hope that this terrible time will finish one day!
Точно так, мой друг. С любовью и пожеланиями мира из России. Мне стыдно за нашу страну, хочу верить, что славяне перестанут воевать между собой
Greetings to all slavs from Croatia! 🇭🇷
Greetings to you from Bosnia🇧🇦
Osim Slovencima!
😂😮 Ne volim kisele krastavce!
Greetings to Croatians from Serbia🇷🇸
1:33 not true, Ukrainian is closer to Belarusian than to polish. We understand Belarusian perfectly, and Belarusians understand us perfectly, while with polish language it's a lot more difficult
Polish language is much closer to Slovak
Ukraine is khazar
Slovak is a close second, alphabet not withstanding. Білорусь=Україна.
As a Belarusian, I understand Polish well, and even better - Ukrainian.
Im glad to hear it, we are nothing alike.
Small clarification. Russians live not only in Russia. Russians live in different countries, the total number of Russians as a nation for 2020 is more than 200 million.
Didn’t realize it was that large.
Interesting. That’s true for almost every country on planet earth and your point is? More illegal annexation and wars?
@@blackcat.19 Yes
yes many difrent culture and relig..and nation living in russia soon all east russia be new country dont have nothing whit west russia...
Russians are not slavic. They speak slavic language because it's a dialect of bulgarian, but they're ugro-finnic.
Even though there is a great number of slavic languages, they are all, in different levels, quite intelligible. So learning a second slavic language should not be a hard task.
Like you mentioned, serbo-croatian is spoken in 4 countries and, as it was an official language in Slovenia and Macedonia for a long time (during Yugoslavia), you would be understood there as well. That means you would probably "gain the most countries" if you opted for serbo-croatian. :)
Thanks for a great video man, I really enjoyed it! And greetings from Croatia. ;)
Thanks man
Macedonians speak Bulgarian what do you even mean
@@poli6ady I don't know what's confusing you. Read my comment with a proper desire to understand and not to push your beliefs about whether the macedonian is or is not bulgarian
Alen Stojanac don’t be arrogant alen, yugoslavia was a thing for a long time, yes, and it had its influence on language, however, serbian is not well-understood my macedonians and bulgarians whatsoever is what I meant. Just a thing of the past.
@@poli6ady You are the aggressive one here. I never said Macedonians speak serbo-croatian. That language was the official language of Yugoslavia and, as it is case with older generations of Slovenes, the older generations of Macedonians can understand it much better than younger people. Thats it.
Great video. There's so much more to Slavic people than Adidas, vodka, etc. They have a very rich culture and history.
I think EVERYONE should try to learn about a different people every now and then.
@Dirty Yellow Fanta vodka, yes. But Adidas is popular in eastern European countries.
Actually, Adidas lost popularity in Russia due to sanctions 💀
I'm learning Russian now too but it was a hard choice between Russian, Polish and Czech for me. I did a lot of research and Russian is supposed to be a good "gateway" slavic language so I plan to learn the others later on as well!
That's kind of the plan I had in mind. After Russian, I want to study Ukrainian, Polish, and Serbian.
@@MadMacGeopolitics After Russian start with Polish couz Ukrainian was "build" on Polish language.
@@schabowyxxx oh no actually it isn’t true. There is one root for Ukrainian and Russian languages and it’s Old Russian language (just in case, I notice that by calling it that way I don’t want to offend someone’s language, it’s just a name). If you read the old Russian chronicles you will notice that there are a lot of words both similar to today's Russian words and Ukrainian. So neither Russian nor Ukrainian were "created” on the basis of some other language. That the Russian that the Ukrainian has the same roots.
@@schabowyxxx Of course, Ukrainian has a lot of borrowings from Polish, but it is incorrect to say that it is “built” on it.
The problem with Russian is that you have to learn the Russian alphabet, which is quite different from Latin. If you learn Czech well, which uses the Latin alphabet, you will basically be able to communicate and understand Slovak, Polish and Slovenian as well at the same time, because they are very similar and closely related languages.🙂
Amazing video! Greetings from the Balkans ❤
Im happy that I know Macedonian, because at the same time I can understand bulgarian and Serbian to a large degree too. Slavic languages are amazing. Greetings from Macedonia
You are not even the Macedonian, u are just some Bulgarians who says we are the descents of the old Macedonian ppl. You and them do not have nothing in common.
China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are typical examples like that of Bulgaria and North Macedonia or Romania and Moldova, showing very exactly how a nation is divided into two/three after external intervention.
Only Germany managed to achieve its national unification after the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.
On November 10, the communist regime in Bulgaria fell, but its people remained divided into Bulgarians and some fake "Macedonians" - the Brainwashed Bulgarians from North Macedonia!
Only Bulgarians know the whole truth about this fictional nation, because we have all been one people in the past and the documents and archives are with us too!
God bless all Bulgarians!🗽☦️🦁🇧🇬
Please, see in the next video, Igor Markovski, the grandson of Venko Markovski, a strong critic of the methods used to build the "Macedonian" nation and culture at the expense of the Bulgarian identity and language in the Socialist Federal Republic of Macedonia, direct heir and successor to the Bulgarian Vardar Macedonia, but in Tito's Yugoslavia.
In the studio people talks about Vanga's prediction that after the unification of East and West Germany, one day, Macedonia (refers to the current Republic of North Macedonia) and Bulgaria will also unite.
The conversation took place 8 years ago in the studio of a private Bulgarian channel TV7, which no longer exists, but the words still remain relevant to this day.
The whole truth about today North Macedonia was told just in 20 minutes.
The so called Macedonians have always been part of the Bulgarian ethnicity, also known and described in the thick books as Macedonian Bulgarians, who became a completely separate and independent nation within the then Yugoslavia of Tito, with their modified, reworked and codified Bulgarian dialect, called the Macedonianian language after 1944.
Only the truth makes us FREE!
@@bobantheighty6141 u mad lol and stop talking shit bro 🤣
@@bobantheighty6141ѕверчиња и џаоли бе хаха дури жално е... себични и полни со омраза само трачара немам видено вакви сељаци по интернет до олку да мразат.. боже шо сакаш коментирај и колку сакаш ликови прајчај ,буквално ништо нема да смениш со то никогаш нема да не избришете ние сме Македонци 🇲🇰
In fact, Polish and Ukrainian are not that similar at all. Right, there will be some similarities, but Czech and Slovak are the languages closest to the Polish language. An ordinary Polish citizen can understand the Czech or Slovak language in the range of 50-80% without having contact with it before. Having my first contact with the Slovak language, I understood almost everything I heard.
Have you ever heard ukrainian language? Ukrainian is the most similar with slovak language.
@@andrewshepitko6354 Well, I live in Poland and we currently have a lot of Ukrainians here, so yes, I listened to the Ukrainian 😉
@@vieravarda3630 I think even czech is more similar to ukrainian than polish. I didn't learn czech language but I listen to it and understand very good. And slovak and czech are almost the same
@@vieravarda3630 i never talked with a pole, but i read some articles in polish and understood like 90% of words
I have a polish friend and an ukrainian friend and most of the time when words in ukrainian arent similar to russian they are usually similar to polish, but that could be for any other slavic language since they are closely related.
Greetings to all slavs from Poland 🇵🇱
Learn Polish! 😊 proud Russian/Pole in Texas
Uczę się języka Polskiego od roku ale wciąż jestem słaby 😁
@@eldarzeynalov2703Nie przejmuj die bo to trudny język😂Z czasem będzie lepiej🍻
Nice video! Greetings from Bulgaria. 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
You are from Bulgaria 🇧🇬? I from Ukraine 🇺🇦.
Let's be friends?
@@Skye_Wheat - haha, sure
Знаеш ли друг език освен български🇧🇬?
Само английски и немски (донякъде). Иначе съм изненадан, че можеш да говориш на български. Да не би да си бесарабски българин или просто украинец?
I'm a very proud Slavic. Bulgarian here:) 🇧🇬
Bulgarian is a onogur hun nation before slavicized, not slavic.
@@nemeshwad7402 The same can be said for the Ukrainians and Russians lol.
@@HeroManNick132 Yes, Byzantium Slavized the Scythian Huns from the Balkans to Vladivostok.
@@nemeshwad7402 Моля стига ти си просто някой сърбин който мисли че знае всико кирилицата е първата славянска азбука! А ТЯ Е БЪЛГАРСКА НЕ РУСКА НЕ СРЪБСКА НЕ НИКАКВА ДРУГА БЪЛГАРСКА!!!
@@nemeshwad7402 pfff stupid propaganda, heal yourself mongol
SLAVA RODU! Pozdrawiam wszystkich Słowian!
Maybe you will make a video about the history between Slavs and Germans and mixed ethnicities like western kashubians, slisians and sorbs. Also a big part of nowadays Germany was Slavic in the past, you can see this in a lot of city or town names and a lot of the last names in Germany.
I'm mixed now but in America, mothers side German, Irish and Sweden. Father's side Slovakia, Hungarian
If you want to learn second slavic language after Russian, Polish will be good choice for you, because Russian is slavic English, Polish is slavic French.
Pan Slavic language the best choice)
I already know English, a bit of French and Russian
I will follow your advice kind stranger
Poland isn't a slavic country, it's Germanic.
@@centurionoomae1543 no
@@Copy81 it is.
Pozdrawiam z Polski 🇵🇱 !!!!!
Ja też
Kocham Polskę 👍
I may be biased, but learn Polish! It uses the roman alphabet, which may make it easier for an English speaker to learn. Also, as you mention, millions of speakers live in English speaking countries for you to practice with, and it's a lovely place to visit.
Сами изучайте свой английский алгоритмический язык для ботов.
@@Bio-Customizer And this is the only thing you ruZZkies can say... Offend other slavic nations that are no longer you slaves.
You hate everyone that is not like you, and want to destroy them. You don't accept that other slavic nations have THEIR own choices and opinions. You want to force every slav to be like you - narrow minded, jelaous and full of hate.
Greetings to all Slavic people from berberia ⵣ (Algeria)
South salvic ❤️
If you were going to do another Slavic language, I think it will be the Belarusian language, it would be interesting how you learned it after Russian. (And yes I understood the 99.99 percent of the Russian sentences you wrote, and no I didn’t look in google translate 😅).
Being Belarusian myself (and I do love and speak Belarusian language) I would advice against this, as learning it would not provide much communicative advantage. Better choose a language to widen the population you can speak with. I would go with Czech.
@@Tentcl I know what you’re saying (because I too have meet Belarusian people before in an app and yes meet them through the app), but in a way I disagree, why? Because to me Belarusian language is beautiful in its own way. If I would speak to you in Belarusian, you will be happy and asked “How did you learned it?!” That’s like saying if you spoke Spanish to me (because I’m also native in Spanish), I too would of asked “How?” Anyways, It is sad that it’s a dying language, but I know that people would like to learn it for their own reasons. Including me if I were to learn it. So again, I think (for the people who are Belarusian and speak the language) what do you think about it what I just wrote? I would like to know.
@@nemuelvelazquez4652 It is a great approach. It really is. It is amazing when a stranger speaks your language, especially so, when it is quite a rare language. I would say it is a rise of national identity in Belarus today, so many Belarusians re-learn the language and re-discovers the hidden beauty of it. But from pure practicality of it, you wouldn't gain much by learning Belarusian. It can be a pleasant surprise for someone, but learning completely different widely-spoken language will give you an opportunity to communicate with millions of people, see their perspective on historical events. I think it is priceless.
Belarusians will be happy to know you recognize their existance and will speak any possible language with you. Belarus has always been a place of many cultures and languages and I hope it will stay that way.
@@nemuelvelazquez4652 I think you misunderstand-or under-understand the forces at play here. Not all regions of belarus today spoke "belarusian", a fairly recent language adopted over the also recently-created region. The institutions and urban population have spoken Russian as their native language for many centuries. Unless you plan on taking a trip to the remote countryside of belarus to impress the native speakers there, you'd better hold your breath.
@@valor-2569 your comment is not relevant to the topic. also belarusian and belarus are as old as any other language in europe.
SLAVA! Greeting from Macedonia!
The facts as they are...
When politicians are not involved, people on both sides of the border understand each other perfectly.
With no translator, no myths, legends and lies, because the language the speak is one, the same as the people themselves!
North-Macedonians are offshoots of the Bulgarian nation!
Only the truth makes us FREE!
Bulgaria and North Macedonia are home to one of the oldest nations in Europe, but divided into two after 1944.
A very sad picture of a very ancient and glorious people in the past, represented by its brave fighters and outlaws who constantly fighting to death for Freedom of Bulgaria from Turkish Slavery and for the unification of the already liberated parts of motherland with the still enslaved Macedonia, the lost child of Bulgaria!
In memory of the fallen fighters in the village of Banitsa on May 4, 1903, for the unification of Macedonia to the mother Bulgaria and for the eternal memory of the generations:
Gotse Delchev from Kukush, apostle and voivode; Dimitar Guschanov from Krushovo village, voivode; Stefan Duhov from Turlis village, chetnik; Stoyan Zahariev from Banitsa village, revolutionary; Dimitar Palyankov from Brody village, revolutionary.
Their covenant was - Freedom or Death/Свобода или Смърт (written before 1945 in Old Bulgarian: Свобода или Смърть.
Broken BG/MK:
Бугаријо, за тебе тие умреа, маjко, за правда и слобода!
Зайди, зайди, ясно слънце.
⚔️Freedom or Death☦️
@@bobantheighty6141 If we were one nation, why did you do the massacre of Vatasha in 1943? Fascist
@@4726-i4d ,
Listen, Yugo-Macedonian...
In the next video you will see how the local population in the town of Resen, southwestern North Macedonia nowadays, which at that time in 1941 bore the Serbian name Serbian Banovina/Сръбска Бановина, (the original Bulgarian name is Vardar Macedonia) welcomed the Bulgarian troops as liberators, not as occupiers!
Serbian colonization in Macedonia was a purposeful policy of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, from 1929, to change the ethnic composition of the population in the occupied in 1913 Vardar Macedonia by reducing the relative weight of the Bulgarian element.
This settlement, Edmond Boucher de Bell wrote in 1922, "combined with the expulsion of the incorrigible Bulgarian elements, was to lead to the rapid Serbization of the area."
The task we ask the following:
How can the current heirs of this people we see in the film degenerate to such an extent that they hate their own origin so much and call the Bulgarians "Tatars", "Mongols", "Fascists" and "Occupiers"!?!?!?!
In the video you will also see how the Bulgarian soldiers, described in the Socialist Federal Republic of Macedonia and Yugoslavia as cruel "occupiers" and the local "occupied" population, dance together the Bulgarian round dance named horo/хоро and hug.
From the footage we also see how, as a sign of respect, children offer flowers to the Bulgarian soldiers.
We should also note the fact that the Bulgarian "occupiers" know very well the dance of the "occupied" locals, described in Yugoslavia as Macedonians, and not as Macedonian Bulgarians or just Bulgarians.
The reception, which has become a kind of celebration of Freedom, is attended by German soldiers who do not know how to dance the Bulgarian horo, but they are genuinely having fun.
A few details:
Immediately after the establishment of the Bulgarian administration in the already free Vardar Macedonia in 1941, it immediately opened the schools and churches closed by the Serbs, amid unprecedented popular enthusiasm that gripped the local population.
In the same year, Bulgaria invested 18% of its GDP in the revival of Serb-enslaved Macedonia. The Bulgarians began immediately with the construction of railways and tunnels, which are still used by the people of North Macedonia.
At that time, for the Skopje region and the surrounding area, which had a total population of 265,000, the Bulgarian administration appointed only 123 police officers to take care for the security and tranquility of the locals.
This only shows how much trust there was between the Macedonian Bulgarians and the Bulgarians of the Principality, who appointed only locals in the management of all local institutions!
In Bulgaria to be a Macedonian and Bulgarian have always meant the same thing!
Only in North Macedonia are these still two different things and mutually exclusive!
And all this is because of the policies and ideologies of Serbian Chauvinism, Anti-Bulgarian Macedonianism and Yugoslav Communism and Titoism, all of them very nasty policies and ideologies pursued for decades in then Yugoslavia.
There is no real Macedonian nation and language, and there never was!
Everything was created in the years after 1944 and within the borders of the then Yugoslavia, the greatest work of the Comintern after Belarus and Moldova!
God created them Bulgarians, Tito made them Macedonians!
Only the truth makes us FREE!
⚠️ The Anti-Bulgarian Macedonianism in North Macedonia kills people!
The idea of a Macedonian identity was artificially created in the second half of the 19th century and actively used throughout the 20th century to fulfill the territorial claims of some of the other neighboring countries and the Bulgarians to be divided and directed against each other!
This was a purposeful policy of the regime in Belgrade and Tito's and Miloshevich Yugoslavia!
Same people in two countries, regardless of the fact that one is poorer, brainwashed and outside the European Union, because of their mistakes made in Yugoslavia and lost ties with family and homeland, because of foreign interests involved in/between that beautiful nation!
In memory of Spaska Mitrova, a Bulgarian woman from North Macedonia, who was killed by the Macedonian agentura!
We will not forget, we will not forgive!
За тебе тие умреа, мајко, за правда и слобода!
I would like to point out that Bulgarian and Macedonian follow different dialect patterns, and are not as mutually intelligible as you might think (macedonian had serbian influences in its recent history, while bulgaria had USSR influences to its language). Not to mention the dialects in all the south slavic countries vary wildly. What I mean by this is, the dialects are similar in eastern Macedonia and western Bulgaria, but wildly different in western Macedonia compared to any part of Bulgaria (this includes spoken and written form). So, while they are close and based off the same alphabet, they are not the same (which probably goes for many other languages you mentioned in this video).
You are Monkeydonian for sure.
In short, they are different languages!
@@MultiGmoney1974 Since 1945.
"A language is a dialect with an army and a navy "
True I'm from the western part of Macedonia and I struggle to understand Bulgarian, I get serbocroatian way easier
we are so similar and so different at the same time. all the same, any Slav is closer than a German, a Frenchman or an Englishman
Nonsense, the unity of the Slavs is Russian propaganda to be able to kill other Slavs.
When it comes to the economy, Slovenia is the most developed Slavic nation. With GDP of more than 30k usd per capita it's not only more developed than other Slavic, but also one of the wealthiest countries in Europe.
Czechia has higher GDP per capita. But I'm always happy for all the slavic nations doing well, Slovenia is great!
@@slouberiee Czechia is doing well, but Slovenia had a higher gdp per capita last time when I checked.
Slovenia is natural diamant in every aspects. Look around...mountains, hillls, lakes, rivers, natural kras caves, Panonia, Adriatic sea, swamps, old woods everywhere, over 75% of Slovenia is covered by trees of all kinds! Wow what a diamant! Happy to live in paradise and drink pure crystal clear water! Very beautiful country in all world!
Lep pozdrav iz Ljubljane!
As a native speaker of Slovenian & Bosnian, I taught myself Cyrillic alphabet to learn the different variations of Bosnian, Serbian & Montenegro alphabets & words exclusive to these languages. It helped me out a lot to learn Macedonian because I found a great online Croatian - Macedonian language course. If god wills and If my health allows it I will also learn Bulgarian at some point as soon as I will feel confident in my Macedonian knowledge. And as you can see I'm also fluent in English because of school & media. In my opinion the most useful to learn are Croatian & Bulgarian. Croatian because it's easy to learn & four countries either speak or understand it. Bulgarian because you will understand more then half of Macedonian language & grammar wise it's the closest to east-Slavic languages making it useful for those who want to learn Belorussian, Ukrainian or Russian.
I taught myself ћирилица even though I'm Croatian I love all my Slavic Brothers and sisters
Greetings brothers! Proud to be Slavic!
Thank you very much and greetings from Russia
Славяне навсегда
Славяне сила
Слава Славянам
💪🌲🐻🇷🇺🙏🇺🇦🇧🇾🇧🇦🇧🇬🇨🇿🇲🇰🇵🇱🇷🇸🇸🇮🇸🇰🇲🇪🇭🇷😎🤟Slavs forever
Slavs strength
Glory to the Slavs
Славяне навсегда
Славяне сила
Слава Славянам
Без России остальные славяне обычные шуты, и славянская слава известен по всему миру только благодаря России, на которого они все так ненавидят. А ведь даже по истории изгнание восточных славян это их рук дело, а теперь пусть познают унижение, мне не важно их судбьа истребят ли их или нет, просто пусть исчезнут одной головной болью будет меньше.
@@Uran_KH-98 з
what bear have whit slavic that is viking culture....
You're not slavic. And your language is not east slavic. It's lie.
@@andrewshepitko6354 Russia is slavic country, cry about it
East Slavs : Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ruthenian
West Slavs: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks,Sorbs
Kashubians,Silesians, Moravians, Bohemians, Masurians
South Slavs: Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Gorani, Pomak,Torbeshi,Mijaks, Slovenes
Russians are not east slavs! They are not even slavs.
Also Moravians are west slavs
Also Moravians are west slavs
Also Moravians are west slavs
Why you wrote silesians and masurians they not a nation
My best regards to the Slavic brothers and sisters present here, from south-east Poland 🇵🇱
@@MarcanMC nie
Rzeszów? Ropczyce? Przemyśl?
@@McGillicuddy-cjv nie, nie, nie
Proud to be Slavic 🇭🇷
The Slavs are a mighty force that has been divided by centuries-old enmity and the West.
Let's forget about all the bad things and leave it in history.
Never forget.
So stop committing genocide stop the war
Ty for the vid man ♥️. Everything's good, except Ukranian is really closer to Belarusian than Polish, not maybe
Greetings from Bulgaria slavic brothers and sisters!
I'm proud to be a Ukrainian slav
@@illiayushchuk7605 Are you safe?
Так само🇺🇦
A really good and informative video. I like it, but you forgot to add Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia. If you ignore this small but serious mistake, this is a very informative and fantastic video!
He is talking about this current time. Meaning 2020/21.
Kosovo gained independence in 2008.
So its not a mistake.
Make a step forward slav.
@@albinh.3149 No, the status is unclear because half of the UN members didn't recognised Kosovo as an independent country even the UNO didn't recognise Kosovo as an independent country.
@@sudokuislife its like saying Azerbaijan did good for taking back the karabah from Armenia cause they've took through war in recent years, yeah but Armenia was there since way back so historically speaking it belongs to Armenia , slavs immigranted to the Balkans, so idk what u trynna say, u can't claim something that has older roots that ain't connected to slavic nations
@@yougottarelax Why do you argue like that? It doesn't matter whether the Slavs immigrated to the Balkans or not. It doesn't change the fact that the status of Kosovo has not yet been clarified. This argument: "You aren't allowed to claim anything because you immigrated here." is so weak, is Hungary not allowed to claim Transylvania just because the Hungarians historically immigrated to Europe or is Slovenia not allowed to claim parts of Carinthia just because the Slavs immigrated? Are the peoples who immigrated somewhere worth less than the peoples who live longer in one area?
@@yougottarelax albanians were on mountains not even near to Kosovo when we came to Balkan
Thank you for this video! greetings from Slovakia :)
I am proud To Be From Podlaskie To Be From Białystok To Be From Poland To Be Slavic
Bialystok is the most Belarusian of Polish cities :)
dakujem za toto video, laska zo slovenska 🇸🇰
Thanks for this video, love from Slovakia
You are from Slovakia 🇸🇰? I from Ukraine 🇺🇦.
Let's be friends?
Tatars aren’t Slavic actually . Also about one half of Ukraine is Ukrainian Greek Catholic. My fathers family is that religion. Just saying
There also orthdox ukrinen ❤️✝️☦️
tatars are turkic or i forgot?
This is great! I'm learning about the Slavs and this was a great start. Fascinating info brotha!
Nice video and enjoyed that you used original flag of Belarus (white red white)
Belarus has never been a country in its history until now.
@@emptyhad yep...but now the country has the chance
@@danielvojtik6331 Hopefully Russia takes a bite of it.
2:28 Small mistake here, that should be "Język", not "Jazyk"...
@@omoikaneru Język means язык - ёжик is jeżyk :)
@@Cp-71 Аа. Окей тогда. А то я уж начал было беспокоиться.
There is at least two more versions of Croatian which are a bit different than official language, Kajkavski which is very close to Slovenia and is native language of wider Zagreb area and northwest and also Čakavski which is today language of Istria and the Islands, both are not same as what you call Serbo - Croatian, which is made from the dialect or language number 3 called Štokavski and which is almost same but with minor differences between east and west versions.
i m a person from zagreb and i gotta say WE DO NOT USE KAJKAVSKI
we use štokavski which is like the offical dialect
@Mafi43211ofc you do, Kajkavian is dying because the Croatian goverment want's to kill any Slovenian roots, this is a cultural genocide and since you are a Croat, i bet you are pretty good with that aren't you.
Great video, I learned quite a bit! You should do similar videos about other ethnic groups someday.
Great video, i also highly dissuade learning polish as it is really difficult. I'm saying this as a pole myself, as i struggle with it often even though it is my native language.
I may have to learn a little at least for travel, but do a lot of people know English in Poland?
In major cities like kraków or Warsaw quite a substantial amount of people can speak english to some degree at least to my knowledge. Polish is hard not only grammatically but also in pronunciation .
@@miloszbaczak3690 okay
@@MadMacGeopolitics in polish schools we are learning english so yea
Slovak is also difficult
Actually there are 16 mil Serbs on earth.
Thank you for making this video I love it. ❤🇨🇿❤🇸🇰❤🇵🇱❤
Witam bracie z Czech , jak pogoda w Kralovcu?
@@mariuszlech9173 Výborné. Krásné počasí a moře je nádherné :DDD
3:43 you forgot to mention that slovenia has the higest gdp per capita out of any slavic country is the most democratic and has the highest hdi score out of all of them
Montenegrin is not a ethnicity it’s a nationality almost everybody in Montenegro 🇲🇪 are Serbs
Of course that is your decision to make.....🙄
Im Slovak
From slavs
Hello Slavic brothers. Greatings from Bosnia and Hercegovina 🇧🇦
You are a Muslim?
@@Cornyexploited yes why? 😂 Religon is just religion, you can chose to be ateist, muslim, buddhist, devil worshiper but still your roots are slavic
@@arnel925 no problem! I’m not Islamophobic. We are all Slavs. With love from Russia my Bosnian brothers
@@Cornyexploited True brother we must always remember religion is something our ancestors have chosen. We are slavs by blood. Once in a time our ancestors were all pegan before Christianity and Islam and all religions. Love to my Russian brothers
@@arnel925 yes my brother. We are first of all Slavs! Religion should not divide us. God bless you and all the Bosnian people. 🇷🇺☦️❤️🇧🇦☪️
Amazing production. I especially thank you for projecting language regions and nation regions and countries back to back, so informative.
There are many Ukrainians in Canada, Russians in Central Asia, Poles in France, Brazil and Argentina, Serbs and Croats in Germany. All the major Slavic nations are represented in the US. especially Poles. Russians, Czechs and Ukrainians.
Странно, что автор считает Косово частью Сербии, но при этом не включил в состав России Крым на карте и для Беларуси использовал не государственный флаг. Как-то двулично
И какая уже разница.
кому не пох
Гос флаг в Беларуси признают 40% населения, а Крым скоро вернётся Украине, так что не плачь.
@@cheatcheatovPokrovsk will soon be returned to Russia.
@@cheatcheatovбелокраснобелый флаг не признают 99.9% населения Беларуси, а крым... уже вернулся в 2014.
U mix and ur misinformed... Тtherw are no three languages in South Slavs. There are no Servo/Croatian but Serbian and Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian amd Bulgarian... And please inform yourself and fact ✅✔️
Slovene here! Thanks for video!
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske 🇭🇷! Mozes li molim te nauciti Hrvatski nakon Ruskog?
(Translate: Greeting form Croatia 🇭🇷!
Can you please learn Croatian after Russian language?)
Pozdrav iz Србије
Misliš srpski ?
@FiReDrAgOnCro X jeste brate onoliko koliko sam ja iz Brazila
@FiReDrAgOnCro X na srpskom jeziku koji pričamo i ja i ti se sa mnom piše odvojeno
Pozdrow z polski, Greeting from poland.
Btw when i was in croatia and i was buying milk so on the milk's box was 'svježe mlijeko' so i understood waht does mean because in polish it does mean 'świeże mleko'
Thank you for this video. I'm from Russia and I'm have been learning English for 1 year. I very love my homeland but I want to peace between Ukraine and Russia.
1:25 part of ukraine being taken by russia didnt age well
interesting vid!
Greetings from Moldova 🇲🇩
Slava Slavenima, Bog i Slavija!
Ja jestem z Polski 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💖💖😄
O ja też
Też jestem Polakiem ale urodziłem się w Wielką Brytanię
the video is good, but Belarus seems to have a different flag, I don't remember exactly
I love all of you guys !
My mother was arab and slav. And slav on my dads side. See my name. Proud slav.
Am 100% slavic .
From Poland
🇺🇦🇭🇷 Ethnic White Croats ( Bili Horvati) still live in Western Ukraine today. There is also located settlement of STILSKO, capital city of pagan Croats ❤.
Croatia is named after White Croats who came from ancient pagan White Great Croatia once located in Ukraine, south-eastern Poland, north-eastern Slovakia-Czechia and Hungary.
When Hungarians conquered slavic Pannonia province in the 9th century, southern baptised Red Croatia separated from pagan White Croatia.
Ukraine and Croatia together for years celebrate common ethnic heritage of an ancient Croat people 🇺🇦🇭🇷❤
0:16. The video is about the Slavs, and for some reason Belarus has the flag of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars.
The term Slav is an invented term in 16th century.
Poles and Serbs are twin brothers. We were always together until history separated us. There are a few chronicles about Slavs from the old days. There are two main theories about the origins of our nations. The first is that some Serbs from the Dunav escaped from persecution to the North. Those who settled between the Oder and Vistula rivers became Poles. Those who followed the Oder were called the Lusatian Serbs but were eventually germanized. The second theory is that we lived side by side in today's Poland. White Serbs lived in Wielkopolska. Wielkopolska is the cradle of Polish statehood. For Poles, it is what Kosovo is to Serbia. To this day, there are towns of Sarbia and Sarbinów in Wielkopolska. When the Poles began to lay the foundations for the future state, some Serbs went west - the Lusatian Serbs. Some Serbs went south and settled in the Balkans, giving rise to the state of Serbia. Long live our two nations, long lost brothers. Our heart is the same, blood is the same. Don't let the west delete our history
Are you a typical Serbian and do you support the holocaust of the Slavic nations that is practiced by Russia? Russian imperialism assumes the Murder of every Ukrainian and Pole and in Serbia, 80% of the people support Russia in these actions.
Arent Croats closer to Poles since they come from White Croatia(southern Poland and western Ukraine) and genetically really close to them
@@-yanni_4955 Yes, but Serbs are really close to Polaks as well. Right next to White Croatia stood White Serbia where Serbs and Sorbs originated from. I can proudly say that Serbs, Croats and Polaks are really the same people, but they don't wanna admit it ;)
Hi I love all Slavs Im am 90,7 % eastern European and my Slavic roots contain countries like Poland,Russia,Chroatia,Bosnia and non Slavic -Hungary and Romania.
What are you yapping about 😂
Просто по одной карте можно понять что это видео делал либерал. ( Неправильный флаг Беларуси , Крым украинский , Косово не сербское .)
По цьому комментарю можна зрозуміти, що його писала свинособака (прапор 90-их, так й повинно бути, теж само, що й з другим)
Флаг Беларуси такой какой должен быть, а Крым оккупирован, согласен с тобой разве что по поводу Косово, но там большинство не славян, так что наличие или отсутствие особого смысла не имеет
How did you conclude that he’s a liberal? It seems that there is nothing at all that can indicate this, because a liberal would have annexed Crimea to Russia because the Crimeans themselves decided that they wanna be part of Russia (it seems that this is just liberal). So the person who made this video is more likely to simply adhere to some of his opinions on all issues, but he isn’t a liberal.
And yes - why do you write as if there is something bad in liberalism? Liberals want human freedom - they want people to be able to decide for themselves what to do and how to behave - why is this bad from your point of view? Is it better to be under the state following orders like you're not a free person?
@@kvakvak5999 по поводу Крыма могу с тобой согласиться. Но флаг Беларуси официально другой. Это как использовать вместо современного флага России флаг Российской империи.
@@СергейПантелеевичМавроди-я2ф соглашусь. Так и должно быть . Но сейчас обычно приверженцы этих идей сильно прозападные и как раз их можно поймать на таких моментах.
woah, soo many usefull things to learn here! Greetings from montenegro and serbia
Oh kurwa mać! Finally someone made a video about slavs. Sláva vsem Slovanom z Polski 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Sláva 💪
Coldest weather but warmest people . Love from India ❤️🇮🇳
Depends what country
By the way Russian is one of the closest languages to ancient Sanskrit, Indians and Russians are very old friends❤
@@bogdanvoznyi1103You are right. Slavic languages belong to the Indoeuropian family. Slavs are beautiful.
Unfortunately not so cold, it's 35* Celsius
After Russian learn the Polish iazik. All the Slavic languages are very similar, their grammar also. Many words are the same like: most, ulitsa/ulitse, riba, rijeka, pivo and many other ones.
Yep, in Polish: most, ulica, ryba, rzeka, piwo.
@@jacike Polish also has the genitive case in "a", for example: Biblioteca Frederica Chopina in Warsaw.
Slavic-American here with Polish, Rusyn (Lemko), and Croatian ancestry. All 8 of my great grandparents were Catholic, though the Lemkos were Ukrainian Greek Catholics.
Bro let me explain. I don't know why people out side of Macedonia thinks that the language is the same as Bulgarian. I used to live in Macedonia and i have been also to Bulgaria. Yes, they can understand me but its hard to understand them. Its Slavic language after all, but its not the same. I can understand more serbs than bulgarians. And also, serbians and crotians can understand way more easier than bulgarians and Macedonia. Don't get me wrong I love Bulgaria's people, history and everything but our language is not the same and also we are not the same people
We were, but after 1944 Macedonia became a part of Yugoslavia where the language was made closer to Serbian and all people who identified as Bulgarians were killed or expelled.
@@FreshVito_bg For the Language that is true over all Macedonian is closer to Bulgarian, but for the people its not. There used to be more Bulgarians in that area but not now. My half side of my family moved to Canada after the 1st Balkan war and they are identifying as Macedonians. That was before Yugoslavia was a thing
@@Nick-qf9lv I will recomend you one book called ''Македонски Алманахъ'' created in 1940 by Macedonians. It explains everything about Macedonia and its history. You can read the book free online. Just search it. I dont know if you are going to be able to read it tho because it is written on the old Bulgarian dialect spoken in Macedonia. Its the language we spoke before we got separeted by communism...
im proud to be slavic but hate when people say that i only wear and speak russian when im🇵🇱
Slava rodu!proud to be slavic!
2:28 no actual way there are 10 milion poles that cant polish this is cap
Ah yes Канада my favourite Slavic country 0:29
yeah, I understand Қазақстан, Eesti, Lietuva, and Latvija... but Canada?
@@MercuryTheVexilliologyNerd A lot of Slavs living there, as opposed to not that much other ethnicities
Спасибо большое за видео!
Да благословит тебя Бог
St Louis, my hometown, has the world's largest Bosnian population outside of bosnia. Love from America to all Slavic countries ❤️❤️❤️
Bosanski Muslimani su potomci turskih kvinslinga i kulturno i civilizacijski su bliži Turskoj nego slavenskim evropskim narodima!