Stanley Kubrick Video Saying Filmed Moon Landing Video - Debunking Apollo Moon Landings Conspiracy

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @Caspersight
    @Caspersight 2 місяці тому +19

    Nice mate! I stand corrected :) However , remember when I said there was a lot more cons than pros?. I asked chatgpt, "give me all reasons why we did not land on the moon", it gave me a few, so I asked for more, it gave me some more and I asked for more and it gave me more lol. Like I said Im back and forth on the moon landing but some of the explanations on theres questions, are questionable. I haven't put them in the list but maybe good for your community to look at. Like I say, when you have a few questions, yeah ok, but when you have this many! Something doesn't add up. Take a look :)
    Crosshairs on Photos
    No Stars in the Photos
    The Flag Appears to Wave
    Shadows and Lighting
    Identical Backgrounds
    No Impact Crater
    Radiation in the Van Allen Belts
    C Rock
    Slow-Motion Walking and Hidden Wires
    Lack of Technology
    Missing Tapes
    Noise Levels and Rocket Design ( I had to add to this) to debunk this, they said its because they were 363 feet away from blast that help with the 204 Decibels. LOL OKAY :)
    Structural Design and Insulation
    Communication Systems
    Vibration and Acoustics Testing
    The "Stage Lighting" Argument
    Unchanged Backdrops in Different Locations
    Astronaut Footprints Too Perfect
    Photos Taken with Perfect Exposure and Framing
    Van Allen Radiation Belts
    Rock Samples
    Film Evidence
    Rocket Exhaust Not Visible
    Inconsistencies in Film and Photography
    Technical Limitations of the 1960s
    Presence of Retroreflectors
    Visibility of the Lunar Module’s Descent
    Temperature Extremes
    Lack of Communication Delay
    Technical Challenges of Re-entry
    Inconsistencies in Astronaut Statements
    Absence of Technical Data
    Astronaut Health Post-Mission
    There maybe a few in here I added twice but you get the picture. This is why I go back and forth.
    I still think its more likely that we did but lost a lot of footage and tried to recreate it, and f'd up. :)

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  2 місяці тому +10

      haha brilliant. Didnt think to ask chatgpt about it. I'm going to go through this list with a fine tooth comb and see what's what. This will be a checklist video lol. Cheers man :)

    • @Caspersight
      @Caspersight 2 місяці тому +8

      @@WorldofMrGrey LOL Also didn't the president phone them on a land line while they were on the moon? with zero delay? LOL but sky sports has a 10 second delay when there in another country :) Just pulling your leg mate. Im sure there is a legitimate reason

    • @dansv1
      @dansv1 2 місяці тому +9

      I will provide a few from-the-horses-mouth answers / explanations.
      “The radiation belts of the Earth do, indeed, pose important constraints on the safety of human space flight.
      The very energetic (tens to hundreds of MeV) protons in the inner radiation belt are the most dangerous and most difficult to shield against. Specifically, prolonged flights (i.e., ones of many months’ duration) of humans or other animals in orbits about the Earth must be conducted at altitudes less than about 250 miles in order to avoid significant radiation exposure.
      A person in the cabin of a space shuttle in a circular equatorial orbit in the most intense region of the inner radiation belt, at an altitude of about 1000 miles, would be subjected to a fatal dosage of radiation in about one week.
      However, the outbound and inbound trajectories of the Apollo spacecraft cut through the outer portions of the inner belt and because of their high speed spent only about 15 minutes in traversing the region and less than 2 hours in traversing the much less penetrating radiation in the outer radiation belt. The resulting radiation exposure for the round trip was less than 1% of a fatal dosage - a very minor risk among the far greater other risks of such flights. I made such estimates in the early 1960s and so informed NASA engineers who were planning the Apollo flights. These estimates are still reliable.”
      - James Van Allen

    • @dansv1
      @dansv1 2 місяці тому +9

      Apollo 17 liftoff
      “So the engineers suggested moving the rover a certain distance from the lunar module and setting the camera to automatically tilt to show the lunar liftoff when commanded from Earth.
      That was the plan, at least. On Apollo 15, the tilt mechanism malfunctioned and the camera never moved upwards, allowing the lunar module to slip out of sight. And while the attempt on Apollo 16 gave a longer view of the lunar module rising up, the astronauts actually parked the rover too close to it, which threw off the calculations and timing of the tilt upwards so it left view just a few moments into the flight.
      Ed Fendall was the person doing the controlling. In an oral history for NASA done in 2000, he recalled how complex the procedure was.”
      “Now, the way that worked was this. Harley Weyer, who worked for me, sat down and figured what the trajectory would be and where the lunar rover would be each second as it moved out, and what your settings would go to. That picture you see was taken without looking at it [the liftoff] at all. There was no watching it and doing anything with that picture. As the crew counted down, that’s a [Apollo] 17 picture you see, as [Eugene] Cernan counted down and he knew he had to park [the rover] in the right place because I was going to kill him, he didn’t - and Gene and I are good friends, he’ll tell you that - I actually sent the first command at liftoff minus three seconds. And each command was scripted, and all I was doing was looking at a clock, sending commands. I was not looking at the television. I really didn’t see it until it was over with and played back. Those were just pre-set commands that were just punched out via time. That’s the way it was followed.”

    • @dansv1
      @dansv1 2 місяці тому +10

      You can also ask ChatGPT to bunk the debunks.
      The stars are not visible in the Apollo moon photos primarily due to the exposure settings of the cameras. The lunar surface is brightly lit by the sun, and the astronauts were taking pictures of well-lit objects such as the lunar landscape, spacecraft, and each other. To capture these bright objects properly, the camera exposure was set for the bright conditions, which resulted in a very short exposure time and a small aperture.
      Stars, on the other hand, are much dimmer than the sunlit lunar surface. The short exposure time and small aperture settings were not sufficient to capture the faint light from the stars, making them effectively invisible in the photos. This is similar to taking a photo of a brightly lit scene on Earth at night; the bright objects are well-exposed, but faint stars in the background are not captured.

  • @Paulzpc
    @Paulzpc 2 місяці тому +9

    Stanley Kubrick was a legendary director, the Shining was one of the best movies I have seen, however, he was a monster, what he did to Shelly Duvall was horrific, if you search what he did to her, it scarred her for life, I get it he wanted her to be afraid so she would act better, but he called her names called her fat and she was a shity actress, ugly, he got the crew to play mean and awful tricks on her, he messed with her mind, she had a nervous breakdown as a result I know it was only name calling but he did much more than that she'll never be the same and wasn't after that movie what he did to her was shameful.

  • @phucker
    @phucker 2 місяці тому +10

    Full time UA-camr engaged!!!! 🤘🤘

  • @AKbaby89
    @AKbaby89 2 місяці тому +2

    Awwh the guy who took the first photo on the moon (Bill Anders) actually just died in a plane crash where he nose dived into a lake in seattle, and it exploded on impact. It was really sad to watch, but also he went out doing one of his favorite activities, and he was 90 yrs old, so he did live a full life. ❤

  • @kevwalter5466
    @kevwalter5466 2 місяці тому +7

    The guy they got to direct the moon landings can't set up a camera angle for an interview? That would be my first question. People will believe any old bull. They went to the moon, it was mostly boring and they came home.

  • @markrowbotham222
    @markrowbotham222 2 місяці тому +6

    Van Allen belt doesnt really affect astronauts, a halmless dose for a short time, only really effects the gizmos and gadgets, which can be shielded

  • @booky1961
    @booky1961 2 місяці тому +4

    Good for you! I have tried to tell some people that THAT video is false but I've been told to open my mind more. 🙄
    I'd love to see you do more of these! 👌👍

  • @BlueSkyLissa
    @BlueSkyLissa 2 місяці тому +4

    I 100% believe the moon landing was real. Thank you Mr Grey for doing this video. Much love & respect sir 💜💜💜

    • @rarespiritwendy
      @rarespiritwendy 2 місяці тому +2

      I'm with you, Lissa. Tho I am surprised ppl jumped on this conspiracy band wagon.

  • @Jamesviolaofficial
    @Jamesviolaofficial 2 місяці тому +5

    This time off will be good for you. I’m excited for you buddy

  • @deadset8091
    @deadset8091 2 місяці тому +4

    It is from a mocumentary, it is on the Why Files also. The one you show by Patrick M is the one

  • @Athos42
    @Athos42 Місяць тому

    Excellent debunk, Dan! I always say: with the number of people that had to be part of the conspiracy and all of them having to keep their mouth shut, it's just more propable that we really went to the moon.

  • @sheilasheila9973
    @sheilasheila9973 2 місяці тому +6

    I have never believed they landed on the moon the First time. My Dad taught me from an early age that there is no way that the moon landing was real. He said it was filmed on a movie set. Dad said, "How can they land a man on the moon and technology staying the same as we knew it at that time?" My Dad had only a 5th grade education. He had to quit school to go to work because his Father died, and he had to help his Mom support his 12 brothers & sisters.
    You brought up some great points here, MrGrey.
    I had never seen this video, but you proved that an actor portrayed Stanley.
    So I am glad you did a deep dive and proven this video was an untruth. Great work, MrGrey!!
    You're in my thoughts & prayers. I hope you can try to have a good week despite the life changing events of Monday you experienced.
    The plus side is we get to see you a lot more on videos!❤👍🕊
    Blessings your way from USA 🙋‍♀️🫶

  • @peedy671
    @peedy671 2 місяці тому +3

    I named my daughter Dana after Scully in X Files 👽🛸

  • @markpjf85
    @markpjf85 2 місяці тому +3

    Yeah I heard film in multiple locations, specially the nada desert that was one location and then went to location in London filming shots of the moon landing

  • @gisellel12357
    @gisellel12357 2 місяці тому +4

    Real science is more mind blowing, more shocking sometimes than any of the weird ideas out there. We were on the moon. That’s amazing! Life evolved here on earth. Wow! Why is it more believable to some that it evolved on another planet and was brought here? It evolved somewhere. Cool! We figured out how to build pyramids millennia ago. Great! It’s a testament to human ingenuity. And more believable than spaceships moving stuff just to leave again. 😊love the deep dives into these conspiracies. Hope for more.

    • @DarthAnurian
      @DarthAnurian 2 місяці тому +1

      the little plaque they left in the moon exists and there is a experiment to hit it with lasers (in fact, in the big bang theory they did that experiment for the show)

  • @apollocreed1703
    @apollocreed1703 2 місяці тому +2

    Interesting video, good to have that question answered, I personally believe that the moon landing is 100% real, but I can see why people could be misled and tricked by videos like that. Best of luck on your full time youtube career, I will do my part to support you with as many views, likes and comments as possible, I'd do more but im broke as balls lol.

  • @Golemofstone
    @Golemofstone 2 місяці тому +2

    Nice one, on the subject of the Stan "Fan" video i saw a debunk of this about a year ago which went into great detail, and there were still people in the comments section trying to defend it by saying "Oh well this was a "Reinactment" based off of audio recordings, letters, etc etc ... Also sorry to hear about the shitty work related stuff, i'll try and watch your video about it when i get time,as another aside, remember your true crime story?? Throw a few of those in the mix if you get the chance as i found it very interesting to hear about not so known true stories, if your stuck for content oc

    • @bg6364
      @bg6364 2 місяці тому

      Audio recordings and letters that mysteriously can never be produced and authenticated 🙄

  • @mrsgeek1
    @mrsgeek1 2 місяці тому +2

    All I will say is, if they put a man on the moon back then in clearly a tin can, why has no one else landed on there since with all the tech we have now.

    • @sasvideres2065
      @sasvideres2065 2 місяці тому,a%20malfunction%20aboard%20the%20spacecraft.

    • @mrsgeek1
      @mrsgeek1 2 місяці тому

      @@sasvideres2065 yeah, just the Apollo mission is what I thought, I may have missed something but since the Apollo missions, I hadn’t heard of any other humans on the moon. I know they’ve had unmanned landings though, the last person on the moon was 1972 as part of Apollo. Half the reason I’m doubtful about the whole thing is that tech back then was way less advanced than now, you’d think they’d have perfected it a bit haha. They can go around it. Just always wondered why haha

    • @bg6364
      @bg6364 2 місяці тому +1

      @@mrsgeek1public interest and political support really declined after several missions. But the time of Apollo 17, only half of Americans supported the program. They achieved most of the scientific objectives NASA had, it was enormously expensive and a monumental undertaking, so it stopped being a priority I think. That being said, I think there is another mission planned, but I haven’t really read up on it too much!

  • @elantrauma
    @elantrauma 2 місяці тому

    I'd like to point out that, at the time of filming the movie Eyes Wide Shut (the time period just before he passed away), Stanley's beard was not that long or white. He had a short black and white beard. Also I think the distortion in the footage is image stabilization.

  • @shadoudirges
    @shadoudirges Місяць тому

    This is why you have to think critically when presented with information on the internet and find sources on any claims touted as fact.

  • @GusingtonOne
    @GusingtonOne 2 місяці тому

    Sorry to hear about the work situation, we have all been there. But clearly you are a creative, talented guy and you did not appear to be too upset, so...congrats man!

  • @user-bk2lc4im3g
    @user-bk2lc4im3g 2 місяці тому

    I know people who think the moon missions were fake, yet believe aliens are here from light years away, amazing.

  • @bunnymad5049
    @bunnymad5049 2 місяці тому

    Legend! So pleased we'll see you more. Hope that's a good thing for you? I didn't catch the live. xxxx

  • @derekm3180
    @derekm3180 2 місяці тому +1

    Nice bit of research! Your full time channel's gonna be fiyah 🔥

  • @daturanights
    @daturanights 2 місяці тому

    Once again, a voice of reason! Thank you, Dan!

  • @PandCparanormal
    @PandCparanormal 2 місяці тому

    Brilliant video Mr Grey, we watch your podcast with parrple and Ben. Gotta say when that was said about the moon, I was like "what". Glad u put it straight and turned out to b wrong. Luv the X-files too, watched all of them. Find aliens fascinating too 😊. Thank you for your video Mr Grey 💙

  • @julilla1
    @julilla1 2 місяці тому +4

    I don't understand why people think we didn't land on the moon. The reasons they give seem more thought experiment than reality to me. My great uncle worked on the cameras they used in Gemini and Apollo, and though I was never able to speak to him about it, family have told me that he explained a little about their placement and optics. People who criticize the look of the film or the camera coverage of the moon walk don't seem to understand that they were doing the best they could with the type of equipment they had.

  • @julier1295
    @julier1295 2 місяці тому

    I never doubted that we landed on the moon. I always doubted Stanley admitted that he was the director behind a fake moon landing, ridiculous. I'm sorry for anyone who is so close-minded and doubts that we've been to space, landed on the moon, or believe the earth is flat.
    You work Mr Grey and we'll wishes. Cannot wait for more videos produced by you.

  • @MazSwanboroughSmith
    @MazSwanboroughSmith 2 місяці тому

    Wow, thank you Dan for finding that fake interview and debunking it. I had no idea it even existed! Me = numpty 🤭❤

  • @nisse6952
    @nisse6952 2 місяці тому

    Ooh I've missed a few episodes. Life has been crazy. Congratulations on going full time!! 🎉 I wish you all the best 💜 watching this now. While i feel like we've been on the moon, i do question if we actually went there in 1969 or if it was just a great movie to help us "win" the space race to keep global superiority. Back to watching :)

  • @waynedawson1366
    @waynedawson1366 2 місяці тому

    I have seen this before, but just like Ben I thought it was real, I wouldn't know what Stanley looks or sounds like. So great Debunk. Hope you let Ben know, wouldn't want him believe in false videos like the rest of us.

  • @stu-1982-chucky
    @stu-1982-chucky 2 місяці тому

    Awesome video. Hope you're doing okay. Are we doing PBB tomorrow

  • @surferdess494
    @surferdess494 2 місяці тому

    Master Grey )))) instead of debunking now you doing investigative work....outstanding )))))

  • @theoneandonlygus1
    @theoneandonlygus1 2 місяці тому

    Searched - Can astronauts pass through the Van Allen belt?
    1st result on page - Astronauts must fly though the Van Allen Belts to reach outer space,
    so it is important to fly through this region quickly to limit their exposure to radiation.
    Sensitive electronics on satellites and space craft traveling through the Van Allen Belts also need to be protected from the radiation.
    Apollo Astronauts going through the Van Allen Belts received a very low and harmless dose of radiation.

  • @SrSpookfest
    @SrSpookfest 2 місяці тому +2

    Happy unemployment Mr grey keep up the great videos 👏

    • @SrSpookfest
      @SrSpookfest 2 місяці тому

      At some point we put man on the moon if we did it back in 69 who knows could have been staged to win the space race then later we put men on the moon .we do have mirrors on the moon and we can shoot lasers at them an bounce them back .someone had to put them up there

  • @hellishbound
    @hellishbound 2 місяці тому

    i sense a new road for mr grey…debunking misinformation on the internet; i would love to see that 🙂

  • @steveng6788
    @steveng6788 Місяць тому

    Even if humans could pass the belt the negatives of the picture could never survive

  • @dansv1
    @dansv1 2 місяці тому

    You could also very easily debunk the Wikileaks moon landing filmed in Nevada desert video, and all the videos based on Fabrice Mathieu’s joke video Moon Shining.
    Also the Moontruth light rig falls video.

    • @dansv1
      @dansv1 2 місяці тому

      Another mockumentary that a lot of deniers believe is true is William Karel’s 2002 mockumentary Dark Side Of the Moon. It is seriously impressive. It is where the myth of Kubrick being given the NASA planar 50mm f /0.7 lens as reward for faking the moon landing originated.

  • @808cantwaiT
    @808cantwaiT 2 місяці тому

    Another great video Grey ❤❤❤ sending you nothing but positive vibes 🤙🏽

  • @pooh9359
    @pooh9359 2 місяці тому

    Hi MrGrey, I watched the first man on the moon.. I was 9 (Yeah, I am old LOL) Loved this video please do more.. Much Love...❤

  • @hippysophia
    @hippysophia 2 місяці тому +1

    The moon landing is a huge rabbit abyss, have you seen corridor crew's TY vid reacting ? thanks for this Dan

  • @Nannaheff
    @Nannaheff 2 місяці тому

    This has got me thinking but not doubting the moon landing.. ❤

  • @dethurge
    @dethurge 2 місяці тому +1

    Here for it!

    • @dethurge
      @dethurge 2 місяці тому

      Well done, I love that you find this stuff. Thank you for doing the right thing.

  • @lisaparrington6039
    @lisaparrington6039 2 місяці тому

    I never doubted the moon landing, but who knows.

  • @cory5014
    @cory5014 2 місяці тому +2

    another case of casper getting fooled heh

  • @PhantomSister
    @PhantomSister 2 місяці тому

    I don’t know weather the moon landing was real or fake 🤔 I’m 50/50. Thought this might help me decide but it didn’t 😂 Would love to see you do more on this tho 😃

  • @DarthAnurian
    @DarthAnurian 2 місяці тому

    that stanley kubrick's video looks like IA, i don't know if at the moment they upload it IA was a thing, but the movement, the way his eye behaves and everything makes me think is a IA video

  • @KiffJRockka
    @KiffJRockka 2 місяці тому +1

    Hahaha that Kubrick AI motion is the worst AI I've seen 🤣

  • @AKbaby89
    @AKbaby89 2 місяці тому

    What is happening with his movements? It looks like his clip is on a flag and its waving in the wind. Like it looks so weird😂 idk i dont think this clip is real just from the odd movement in this clip.

  • @keithwalmsley1830
    @keithwalmsley1830 2 місяці тому

    Hahaha!!! Kubrick died in March 1999, and I look more like Kubrick than that guy in the video!!!! 🤣🤣

  • @veronicacomoe
    @veronicacomoe 2 місяці тому

    Boggles the mind, doesn't it? 🖤🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @bozvandam
    @bozvandam 2 місяці тому +1

    Of course Kubrick filmed the moon landing - though he was such a perfectionist that he insisted on it being shot in the actual location 😉😉😉😉

  • @masterrserch3971
    @masterrserch3971 2 місяці тому

    U know what's actually a good debunking of the "fake moon landing conspiracy?"
    If anyone remembers the show on TruTV called ADAM RUINS EVERYTHING, he did an episode i believe just on Conspiracy Theories, and the facts he dropped were really good and convincing.
    I was never full blown "it's fake bro," but years back i had a lot of interest in seeing if my doubts held water.
    This episode was the start of getting me fully back in team WE WENT TO THE MOON-- though if An of these so called crazy conspiracies were eventually revealed to be TRUE, it would not surprise me if the moon landing being faked was the truth....
    (Repeat--- i dont think it was faked, but my surprise would be very mild should that be proven false)

  • @ElaineBakerCreepyCaboodle
    @ElaineBakerCreepyCaboodle 2 місяці тому

    The"Kubrick" clip looks like he was moving around so much they had to fix his head position and over stabilise the shot; it's awful 🤣

  • @TrentonBennett
    @TrentonBennett 2 місяці тому

    Awesome video Mr Grey.
    Like others I hate click bait titles.
    I for one believe we went to the moon. Some of my brothers remembered they watched the moon landing onf tv.
    I don’t generally use the word hate but with this I do. I hate conspiracy theorists. They say “moon landing as well as 9/11 was fake!” Nevermind the millions of Americans who watched LIVE on air when 9/11 actually happened. I was one of those including my mom and two of my friends who were living with us at the time.
    For 9/11 when conspiracy theorists tout their horn about this they have no remorse or consideration for those who lost family and loved ones on that day.
    With the actor who looks like Kubrick I wish something like that in the description that they say it’s an actor and not actually Kubrick and whoever else.

  • @user-vu2so8of7o
    @user-vu2so8of7o 2 місяці тому +1

    This is what your ment to do!!!😊😊😊

  • @kimmypresley6621
    @kimmypresley6621 2 місяці тому +1

    The amount of money and the amount of people to fake and keep this a secret. Doubt would be possible, I reckon that maybe some shots where filmed in a studio

    • @donaldcummings8407
      @donaldcummings8407 2 місяці тому +1

      Watch the movie "Capricorn One" At the very least it's extremely probable...
      I have often said many times, where does hollywood get their ideas from..Since the movie came out in the 70's, and I know for FACT there wasn't ANY talk of the moon landing being fake( At least I never heard any), where did the idea come from??
      And to be prefectly honest, it wouldn't take that many people to be in the loop...The astronauts defintely..Simple fact that Buzz Aldrin loses his shit everytime he gets asked about it is pretty telling. A roll of the eyes and using a "jerk off" motion should be the proper response if he actually did, than trying to rip someones face off ..Thst his ONLY claim to fame, that he went to the moon. And he knows it..
      Imagine if it ever came out he didnt??

  • @joannemcrae8382
    @joannemcrae8382 2 місяці тому

    New to your Chanel thanks for clearing this up I for one believed it 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ so thanks for digging up the truth 👌👍 good luck with the Chanel

    • @dansv1
      @dansv1 2 місяці тому

      This is what the guy that made the fake Kubrick confession had to say about it:
      @SinghMurray • 10mo ago
      This is the Director ... and I TOTALLY AGREE! I am amazed how the mockumentary aspect was lost on people- calling me a fraud cause they found my self published outtakes! And Mrs Kubrick doing a press conference about me- I am sooo honored!!! Anyway I am finishing a new 2 hour cut (with a post script describing the War Of The Worlds type reactions) anyway I am so proud of what Tom and I did together- we did it before and won a Student Oscar/Academy Award!
      T Patrick Murray
      He is also the interviewer.

  • @ricanhavoc9965
    @ricanhavoc9965 2 місяці тому

    The podcast was epic! Go watch it!!❤️

  • @RonHarrisMe
    @RonHarrisMe Місяць тому

    Ignorance is one of Human kind's great enemy. We are all ignorant of something, but some, somehow, just get by through the school system with never learning critical thought. THIS is the actual problem. You either believe everything you are taught, or, you discount everything you are taught. Instead, we should be taught to organize thoughts, be taught how to draw logical conclusions so we can make up our own mind what the “TRUTH” is.

  • @davena79
    @davena79 2 місяці тому

    Cool video, thanks for doing this. I was confused. This helped 😊

  • @malstanding
    @malstanding 2 місяці тому

    Most, if not all of the arguments for the 'didn't go to the Moon' brigade have been well and truly debunked. I saw more than on documentary blasting these hoaxes into oblivion. The cross hair (or lack of) was explained as was the no stars... If I remember correctly it was an exposure problem on the latter. I'm not sure if the Hasselblad they used had a fixed exposure set to get the majority of the shot, but obviously not all. I am an amateur photographer ( although I was an archeological photographer for real years ago) and have played with various cameras over the passed 32 years; both film and digital. the photographic guy in the documentary explained these issues brilliantly. There is also the claim of on set extra lighting as photo's from one camera have shadows going in two directions. This was explained and Scimandan had a good video blowing this this hoax theory apart. If the documentary I saw years ago is still out there It's worth a watch to get this 'we didn't go because...' theory put in the bin, where it belongs.

  • @TheStockwell
    @TheStockwell 2 місяці тому

    It's just Tom Mayk doing his inept Kubrick impression T. Patrick Murray's 2015 hoax video.
    It's conspiracy comedy gold! 🙄

  • @beardogetsscared
    @beardogetsscared 2 місяці тому +21

    I'm so.confused by the moon landing. I'm in the same camp as you. But the more I look the more I think it may have been staged. I wish I hadn't looked lol

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  2 місяці тому +16

      i think me you, parrple and possibly Ben if he's up for it need a podcast episode of just moon landing stuff. I think it could be good :)

    • @eldie3d
      @eldie3d 2 місяці тому

      @beardogetsscared There’s a lot of 'evidence' to prove that we didn't go, and very little proving that we did. What gets me the most is everything that NASA "lost" (telemetry tapes, etc). There have been NASA engineers who said, "We can't go back to the moon because we lost that technology, and it's painstaking trying to get all of that back."
      Going to the moon (if true) was probably man's greatest accomplishment - and you lost it??? Lesser things are locked away for safekeeping. And it's been over 55 (almost 56) years, and you still haven't figured it out again???
      You were able to successfully go to the moon and back through the Van Allen belts, back when we couldn't get TV reception without aluminum foil on the rabbit-ear antenna, but you can't figure it out alongside AI, robots, self-driving cars, and the rest of modern technology???
      Either we didn't go, or we did, and the aliens told us never to come back. One way or another, there's definitely a reason, and NASA is hiding something.

    • @waynedawson1366
      @waynedawson1366 2 місяці тому +1

      That would be great, there's loads of different conspiracies surrounding this. I have also watched the Mythbusters episode on this, so leaning towards it really happened. But there is some footage somewhere, that shows recordings on 2 different days in 2 different locations, but yet the Background was exactly the same.? So confusing.

    • @Harrythe1st
      @Harrythe1st 2 місяці тому +1

      If you looked what the late astronaut mr. Armstrong talked, they never went to moon and he was telling this and that depending who was the interviewer

    • @eldie3d
      @eldie3d 2 місяці тому +1

      @beardogetsscared There’s more evidence proving we didn't go to the moon than there is that we did.
      Landing on the moon (if true) would be man's greatest accomplishment. Everything should have been stored away for safekeeping. They lost all of the telemetry tapes and the technology??? Recently, NASA engineers stated, "We lost that technology and it's painstaking trying to get it all back." You were able to do it when we couldn't get good TV reception without aluminum foil on the rabbit-ear antenna, but 56 years later you still haven't figured it out again??? Why not ask ChatGBT or Elon Musk... if we can have cars that drive themselves, surely we can get back to the moon. Those same engineers said about the Orion project, "Once we figure out how to navigate through the Van Allen Belts, we'll be able to leave low-earth orbit, and go to the moon, Mars and beyond." What did they mean by, "When we figure it out"? Didn't they already do that 56 years ago? And why didn't they say, "...go BACK to the moon, Mars, and beyond"???

  • @sasvideres2065
    @sasvideres2065 2 місяці тому +2

    Ever since covid happened I hate conspiracy theories 😅 , if you look long enough on the Internet you'll always find some "evidence" to support any opinion undermining facts.

    • @Areniapixie
      @Areniapixie 2 місяці тому

      I blame the pandemic too, people had way too much time on their hands. There have always been conspiracy nuts around but it has become much, much worse since 2020. Most are just silly but some (Q anon) have to potential to become dangerous and that worries me

  • @shortie77
    @shortie77 2 місяці тому

    The truth IS out THERE...

  • @righty-o3585
    @righty-o3585 2 місяці тому

    Is this the interview that isn't Stanley Kubrick ?

  • @x-istance-is-pain
    @x-istance-is-pain 2 місяці тому

    Absofuckinloutly loved this and enjoyed a much needed laugh!! Great work my dude, your killin it👏

  • @Majortruth.
    @Majortruth. 2 місяці тому

    GG My man good info yes,

  • @PopCultureFan_
    @PopCultureFan_ 2 місяці тому

    LOL im not suprised the mockumentary has an actor playing Kurbrick. I find that interesting... i just watched a mockumentary about elvis being still alive.. of course Elvis is dead but whoever was playing him, his identity was shadowed so nonone could even indentify the guy. I mean they might be able to, i assume it might be easy to find out. It was very intriging the whole thing and im sure his fans totally bought into that just like they do with this. It was called. : Elvis found Alive. I dont know if its on the internet anywhere, but i watched it on the app Tubi.

  • @readyok8230
    @readyok8230 2 місяці тому

    I can't believe even people in the comments think it was staged, smdh.

  • @AvStevieStevenJamesDrums
    @AvStevieStevenJamesDrums 2 місяці тому

    I believe it happened, because Tang still exists 😂😂😂I was only 2yo.

  • @DaveHoskinsCG
    @DaveHoskinsCG 2 місяці тому

    I definitely remember reading that Kubrick was hired to direct the world broadcast, and give it a Hollywood sheen. It was live, so they needed some direction in shots, like when and where, etc. I don’t remember any other details, it was in the 90s. You could just ask NASA of course, just bung ‘em an email.

  • @SamBorgman
    @SamBorgman 2 місяці тому +1

    Yep it was totally fake. This is why Casper is a problem. He is no different than the average gullible person.

  • @winterswind9182
    @winterswind9182 2 місяці тому

    You should check out THE WHY FILES. They do shows on conspiracies, on the weird stuff. He does a episode on the moon and the moon landing. I think you would really enjoy.

  • @lunamoonwitchshop
    @lunamoonwitchshop 2 місяці тому

    Superb video! 🖤🤘♠️

  • @righty-o3585
    @righty-o3585 2 місяці тому

    You never heard about it til recently because it didn't exist until recently .

  • @richardnicholls9569
    @richardnicholls9569 2 місяці тому

    We are really struggling TODAY to go to the moon. I just don't think they could do it back then, but they had to be seen to be beating ze Russians at something and so crafted a very believable story to get the job done. There are too many inconsistencies for it to be classed as true. But who knows, maybe they did, but all the footage wiped or something and they made a shoddy job of reacreating it in a studio for proof.

  • @welshcroco
    @welshcroco Місяць тому

    I thought we ran this theory into the ground with the joke "Stanley Kubrick did try to fake the moon landings, but he was so anal about stuff he made them film on location"

  • @alfietheelf
    @alfietheelf Місяць тому

    I'm going to think on it, but i saw this debunked by someone a while ago. It was here on youtube, but theyd actually found footage from that day, with the director, well, directing him. Telling him thats not how Kubrick sounds, or something like that (it's been a while). Its 100% fake though.

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  Місяць тому +1

      I know exactly what footage you're talking about, I sort mention it in this, but didnt show it. It was from a short film which spliced real footage of Kubrick into specially made updated footage. Was pretty cool

  • @Cobaltdragon
    @Cobaltdragon 2 місяці тому

    You’re going to have long poofy hair in 20 years? Time travel backwards 😎 Interesting video and nice to see that clarified.

  • @danbruka
    @danbruka 2 місяці тому


  • @jennyj0007
    @jennyj0007 2 місяці тому

    We can't even sort out electric cars, how on earth did man get on the moon?! There is also something with the cia where you can hear them talking to the astronauts. I need to find the video.

    • @bujin1977
      @bujin1977 2 місяці тому +1

      Can't sort out electric cars? I've been driving one for 6 years and it seems to work pretty well.

  • @KeefsCattys
    @KeefsCattys 2 місяці тому

    Mr Grey. I posted something a few minutes ago about the channel going down the woo woo route . I apologise as I instantly jumped to conclusions . I have deleted that comment, and want to say sorry . Best wishes mate and sorry again .

    • @KeefsCattys
      @KeefsCattys 2 місяці тому

      I'm an idiot and I've had four beers .

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  2 місяці тому +1

      hey thats no problem at all, the title is admittedly a bit misleading, so i understand lol

  • @Harrythe1st
    @Harrythe1st 2 місяці тому

    The almighty dandalf 👍 I remember that there was a lot of talking over 10 years ago that they went on the moon but Stanley made it entertaining to home viewers as a proper show, tbh I don't even know but what about other countries as for example Russia had their own show about it

  • @zandernpatch
    @zandernpatch 2 місяці тому +1

    Would it not be alot easier to go in todays times with the technology we have to exam the moon more because the thing about the moon is its very very weird I remember when they did experiment and they dropped some heavy metal from a good height thr moon vibrated like a bell for a long period of time.
    Imo I don't think buzz etc landed on the moon.

    • @justanothernobody7142
      @justanothernobody7142 2 місяці тому

      There's little reason to send people back to the moon now, or any other planet for that matter. It's more costly, complicated and dangerous than sending rovers. Now AI is becoming a thing there's going to be even less incentive to do so as robots and rovers are going to become even more advanced. There's little point sending humans into dangerous situations if a robot or machine can do the same task.

    • @zandernpatch
      @zandernpatch 2 місяці тому

      @@justanothernobody7142 Unfortunately we send humans into life or death situations everyday.
      We are far more advanced today if Elon musk as the money to colonise Mars then I'm sure nasa have the money and resource to fund another expedition to the moon and learn more than we did on 1 supposed trip over 50 years ago when things was alot more difficult and humans were less knowledgeable if things are dangerous now then it surprises me how easy then made it look in 69.

    • @justanothernobody7142
      @justanothernobody7142 2 місяці тому

      @@zandernpatch We use people in that way because it's cheaper and easier. It's cheaper and easier to put a rover on the moon than it is humans.
      Nasa had their funding cut massively, that's why private businesses like SpaceX are taking over. It's also because the US is corrupt and they choose to give money to private for profit companies instead of non profit organisations like NASA. Musk is a conman and should be in prison but people running the country behind the scenes make a lot of money trading with his hyped up companies.
      Musk and SpaceX is never going to get anyone to Mars. SpaceX has had around 15 billion in public money so far as well as their own money and can barely get their latest rocket into space.

  • @RysloFC
    @RysloFC 2 місяці тому

    Kubrick was dead in May 1999

  • @karlmcgowan9375
    @karlmcgowan9375 2 місяці тому

    Dan, you won't be wearing a shirt & tie anymore, will you be changing the picture of your channel and Paranormal Bingo Bollocks. Just saying lol.

  • @bdub0983
    @bdub0983 2 місяці тому

    Why couldn't Kubrick film the video with a camera that doesn't have the right date? Most cameras didn't connect to Internet or anything to update it. IDK if it's him or not, but you could do this for anyone. Find a video of Obama saying something and then find an actor and say "no, it was this guy pretending to be Obama, he's an actor". I mean, this isn't that thorough, it's more speculative than debunking

  • @theyummydonut
    @theyummydonut 2 місяці тому


  • @BigBoyHolmesDK
    @BigBoyHolmesDK 2 місяці тому

    Thx for spoiling a good conspiracy 😂😂😂😂

  • @jeanfrancoysdoyon2713
    @jeanfrancoysdoyon2713 2 місяці тому

    Hey Dan, you hated your job so much. See this as a liberation/emancipation, not as bad news

  • @robb-linklater
    @robb-linklater 2 місяці тому +15

    i dont believe they put a man on the moon

  • @nikkicat254
    @nikkicat254 2 місяці тому

    I wanted to watch your last podcast, but I'm sorry I just can't stand Caspersight, I don't trust him and don't like him, and frankly his comment here, STILL pushing the same BS about the moon landing being faked, just cements my dislike for him! So I'm just going to have to skip that video, I won't set and listen to him spewing such garbage!
    But thank you for doing some research and finding out the truth, even if some will still not believe it! I am going to share this around so others might realize the fake moon landing BS isn't the truth! I mean a lot of this comes from the Flat earthers anyway, and if you think the earth is flat, then there is no hope for you, your brain has already turned to dust!

  • @eldie3d
    @eldie3d 2 місяці тому +2

    I don't like clickbait. I was looking for "PROOF" as you titled it. Debunking a video that's already been debunked years ago isn't 'PROOF'. I'm unsubbing. When one of my favorite channels misleads me with clickbait titles, I lose respect. Thanks for the past entertainment.

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  2 місяці тому +5

      unbelievable lol. Its a hook title. Well thanks for hanging around when you did :)

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  2 місяці тому +7

      Btw the "PROOF" was meant to be for the video of him not being stanley kubrick. But the fact you can just at the drop of hat drop a channel you enjoy over one title is a bit weird to be honest. But hey, have a good day :)

    • @renaecambron9782
      @renaecambron9782 2 місяці тому +1

      Whats the difference of hook title and clickbait¿~seems to be the same~hook to get clicks yes¿~not being mean just dont understand all this play on words~​@@WorldofMrGrey

    • @zebfox011
      @zebfox011 2 місяці тому

      ​@@WorldofMrGrey first time i visited here and by the way you just spoke to this person over your clickbait title is reason for me to say see ya cause I'm not subbing either! Dude, you're an ass!

    • @WorldofMrGrey
      @WorldofMrGrey  2 місяці тому +3

      buhbye :) @zebfox011