I've never met anyone display a level of toxicity coming anywhere close to Donald Trump. But what scares me the most are the people who either totally play down those features or seem to even enjoy and welcome them. In a way, Trump as a phenomenon wiped out everything I was told about the lessons learned from the Nazi takeover growing up in Germany
"But what scares me the most are the people who either totally play down those features or seem to even enjoy and welcome them."--- This is exactly what she is talking about. Trump has psychologically damaged the mental health of this country, yet most people don't realize or understand this. This woman is telling the truth. Everyone needs to watch this.
@Donna_Nola Are you unaware that many traditional conservatives are voting for Democrats because they have recognized how dangerous Trump and his ilk are? It’s an odd situation to have people as conservative as the Cheneys and Kinzinger voting for Democrats, but these are unusual times when a major party is running a convicted felon facing multiple indictments for President. We have never had this kind of madness in our politics before. People of every political stripe will vote against Trump, even more than voted him out in 2020.
I have read your book when it first came out, I always wondered why you were silenced. Thank you for explaining, it’s amazing that people will listen to an influencer rather than The professionals! Would you trust a tree trimmer to do your open heart surgery? I am so glad you are able to tell the truth.
Dr. Lee is a profound voice for reason during deranged times. The maliciousness and mischief allowed because of mental health stigma may potentially end democracy and allow a takeover by the heartless super-wealthy. May Trump's delusional lies become undeniably obvious to the world at Tuesday's debate.
In any 'normal' & sane country that would of happened. You have to realize that with your religiosity, propagander fox channels ,anti- science stance amongst other insanity in the USA, you are no different from some of the most backwards, warped theocratic s-hole countries on earth. America is very very sick.
Agreed. There are some very big laws that need to be amended in the USA including those involving the NAA and mass shootings that Vance described recently as just a sad fact of life. Well Mr. Vance it's not in other countries. Sorry I went off topic there.
@Westcoastrocksduh They also have 10x tighter control of the sale and use of firearms. We are talking about control, regulation and fact checking of users. In Australia you can still own guns just not those capable of mass killing. Tight restrictions came into place after a mass killing in the small state of Tasmania where I lived about 20 minutes form this horror happening. This is what happened... The Port Arthur massacre was a mass shooting that occurred on 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur, a tourist town in the Australian state of Tasmania. The perpetrator, Martin Bryant, killed 35 people and wounded 23 others, the deadliest massacre in modern Australian history. I was teaching at the local school, and I have seen the agony and never-ending pain of those victims. Imagine being the man who had his wife, and three daughters murdered before your eyes. Especially if he was in conversation with another wanting to purchase a machine gun - which I know is allowed in many of your states! Since the laws were tightened and we have not had another mass killing since this massacre. Hope this answers your question and makes you reflect on what matters most in life - which is life particularly that of children. Farmers, hunters and clay shooters can still engage in their interest and needs of pest control. You simply do not need to own a weapon capable of mass killing. You just don't! Australians and the Swiss have shown common sense and common decency. We certainly do not let an organisation as massive as the NRA influence our political outcomes. On this occasion I am proud to be an Australian. If the USA is the land of God, then God help you as your nation is collapsing in on itself. I look forward to your reply.
I just saw this video and am so glad you have been able to get your message out. I’m so sorry you have been wrongfully silenced at such a critical time. Thank you for providing providing this necessary information to the public.
Is this partly due to Fox? Perhaps Americans can identify a better quality news source and then encourage its use by word of mouth. Each person can help several other people.
I saw your interview with Anthony Davis on Meidas Touch. I hope you can reach out to other independent media like Brian Tyler Coen, indeed he has a regular segment with lawyers to discuss Trump's legal cases, so could perhaps platform a regular segment with you!Thank you so much for what you've been doing and your sacrifices for our country and its health.
Dr. Lee's message is incredibly important, and everyone needs to hear it. I am dismayed by the black out that she and her colleagues are experiencing. I want to know why it's happening.
Hitler’s tactics to blind the public in order to achieve their goals at anyone’s expense! Propaganda and repetition! Same tactics the media uses to control the minds of the uninformed masses!
I’m sorry that you were given so much grief by the auspices over you. We already have too many people who don’t care about us, our world, etc. If we all survive him… there will be a reckoning
She is a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT!!! 👍🏼💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🌿🌿🌿🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️IF ONLY ALL CITIZENS WOULD LEARN OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES REGARDING MALIGNANT NARCISSISTS, SOCIOPATHS, and PSYCHOPATHS who MIMIC and operate within society! Trump has shown all the traits of his mental disorder for 8 years!!! His disrespect for the RULES OF LAW, lack of integrity, lack of morals, lack of empathy, refuses accountability, harms and destroys people and long standing appetite for violence! HIS EVIL IS PROVING CONTAGIOUS!!! YOU ARE SO CORRECT AND SHOULD BE ON EVERY NEWS CHANNEL, RADIO AND SOCIAL MEDIA. If the Germans were aware of Adolph’s mental illness, MILLIONS of people would not have been slaughtered for his egotistical psychopathic path of EVIL destruction that tore across the world!!
I am happy to have been led to you and your wisdom and knowledge, Dr. Bandy Lee. Thank you for being here. I look forward to the mental well-being of all individuals with your help.
Yep see below and vote based entirely on if you care if a trans person competes somewhere while the sports agencies are just working out the details Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy-not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits-despotic in his ordinary demeanour-known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty-when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity-to join in the cry of danger to liberty-to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion-to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day-It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind. Alexander Hamilton
It’s always the cowards way of controlling others whom do not agree with everything they said! Telephone calls, emails, chance meetings with the bullies that use “fear or favor” to acquire results at everyone’s expense, even in supermarkets or glances in travel! Cowards that have tons of problems that can’t seem to achieve peace with themselves or others!
This is such an important issue and really needs to get the publicity it deserves. Finally. American voters need to know and be aware. Im am a Swiss, but I donated for the upcoming conferebce. I know what's at stake.
I’ve really been enjoying your interviews with Anthony Davis on Five Minute News. I hope the conference you are organizing is coming together nicely. Thank you for taking the lead in addressing the dangers of the Trump contagion.
Dr. Lee’s interviews with Anthony Davis on Five Minute News on Meidas Touch Network is definitely recommended… I watch every Sunday. Do yourself a favor and watch it…⭐️
Thank you again, and again for speaking up against such violent silence. My own background gives me insight into the nearness of predators and other dangers. I know his type, luckily I survived adolescence despite them and their constant onslaught. This guy will gladly destroy the earth for his ego's sake, why our own National Leadership is allowing him another run at the nuclear football is beyond my understanding. How can we get the "adults" to protect The People of the world? Thank you.
Having a mental inventory check list for our observations and understanding of people we vote for is vital! Thank you! It be much more than a list it would be asking questions that get to their true motives for seeking an office.
We may need the inauguration speech also reflect the promise to the American people that nothing must be broken from the swearing in ceremony, and once that happens, the next questions are, is the next candidate going to lie their way out of the accountability of their oath, regardless of in office or post office! This was a DJT moment nobody ever expected would be a reservation of thought hidden in DJT’s mindset from the get go!
I have seen now that it's become acceptable to ignore one's oath to the Constitution and ally with Putin politics and other enemies of Democracy. Wretched beyond words 😣
My psychologist told me that the simplest things can improve your well-being e.g. catching up with friends, doing something fun and/or creative, eating healthy, enjoyable food, cutting back on alcohol and avoiding illegal drugs and cigarettes, going for a walk, revisiting a favourite book or movie, noticing what is good in your life, looking at things that are beautiful, nature, gardening, getting enough sleep and exercise, ...
In Canada, we have our own horrific version of the danger Trump poses in Pierre Poilievre and people are falling for his dangerous, populist, angry rhetoric.
Dr. Lee. You will go down in history as a leading prognosticator in the rise and fall of DT. I have been with you from the beginning. I'm not a doctor but I'm no slouch, along with many others, in trying to figure out the DT conundrum.
Will we who follow her here visit her if she ends up in jail for her truth telling.... if tRump gets in be sure to know she & many others will face this. Will we stand with her then ?
@@7hilladelphia Surely Dr. Lee's fans and all others with a working brain and morals will support Dr. Lee's - and thousands of other qualified health professionals - expert and common sense opinions about Trump's malignant narcissism and criminal activities and behaviors. Trump's white nationalist, Christo-fascist bigotry and politics have hugely damaged the fabric of our democracy. Thankfully, President Biden won in 2020. On Nov 5, 2024 we need to ensure Harris & Walz defeat Trump. People, on Nov 5, VOTE BLUE up and down the ticket. Until then help as many others as possible both register and vote! God bless America. And thank you, Dr. Lee for your commitment to this most righteous cause. 💙
so many intelligent doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, historians, sociologists, teachers, lawyers, climatologists and other professional have spoken about the dangers and disaster of another Trump presidency, it would such a tragedy if there are sufficient number of citizens infected with Trump contagion to elect him. 💙💙💙✔✍🏽🇺🇸💙💙💙 vote Harris/Walz
Thank you! Thank you, Dr Bandy Lee for not allowing yourself to be silenced!! May your words go viral for the world to hear, especially our leaders. Trump has no business running for the POTUS. He needs to be locked up in a mental ward instead.
I hope the present government is prepared for what may occur when he loses the upcoming election. We know what he and the media acquiesced to. Thank you Dr. Lee
I have been following Dr. Lee and have great respect HOWEVER, she reviewed the same info about the foolish (because of the danger) treatment of herself and her colleagues so many times! It would be good to find a capsule statement and move on! I am very very interested in the effects that members of society suffered & continue to suffer under Trump--both the shared psychosis (I'm not a doctor--there is probably a more correct term) of his followers AND also, those in society who were triggered because of their own past experiences with narcissistic parents or family members. At this point, instead of rehashing the treatment of the professionals (which exemplifies poor mental health in the Press/media professionals! Denial at the highest levels in the information sphere), it would be useful to talk about how we go forward so that as a society we can use the experience to make wiser choices in leaders.
Vetting was never really a priority in political discourse since it has so much potential for power exchanges that rock the Nation at its core as it has done to us! Reflected around the world and is a trigger point when unvetted!
I read Erich Fromms book in college im 1974. I read it again in 2016. The name of book is Escape from Freedom. I recognized the danger of Donald Trump and the maga cult from the beginning. Erich Fromm was a German writer and psychoanalyst. He wrote Escape from Freedom in 1940. He has other good books The Art of Loveing comes to mind. Humanist psychology very excellent reading.
That was a concerted effort by Nazi sympathizers that didn’t want the subject revealed or discussed, supposedly to maintain peace here, but you always have rogue personalities that demand attention!
Thank you thank you. You are clever and you have the courage to tell all of us what we need to hear and understand. I wrote a book ( We need to talk) in order to spread your words in a way I was hoping could help people to understand. But like the news stations have treated you they have refused to talk about my book. I hope millions of people will hear your words. ❤
@WestcoastrocksduhAlternatively, we could be learning from various sources of media where to find primary source material (such as Trump's legal history, statements by people who have worked with him, Trump's own words and actions, and other data) to form our own opinions. Many of us have also had direct personal experience with at least one person with narcissistic traits, which are on display almost 24/ 7 with Trump and obvious to observe. The Trump Organization Charity was shut down, and neither Donald, nor his 3 oldest children are legally permitted from setting up a charity in N.Y. due to stealing money from donations for their personal interests. They promised money to fund support for children with cancer, and kept the money for themselves. The Trump family lost their case, due to evidence beyond reasonable doubt, and were also fined. You can check out the legal documents for this yourself. I don't recall Jesus preaching to set up charities and rob from them. Trump was banned from conducting business in Australia due to the results of the standard investigation following Trump's application: Trump's poor business management (bankruptcies, including casinos), his lengthy legal history due to his business practices of violating the Fair Labor Standards Act by not paying employees their full due, and his involvement in corruption. He was deemed a threat to Australia, and his application rejected. This report was released to the Australian public 30 years later. Its the little things like these, that don't seem on board with Jesus' message. I am more Christian than Trump, and I am an atheist!
I appreciate your content and advocacy. For those who feel misled or manipulated by Trump, exploring legal action might be crucial. Historically, former cult members have successfully taken legal action against leaders for manipulation and fraud, such as in the cases of Scientology and other high-profile cults. These precedents highlight the potential for seeking justice when individuals have been harmed. Many argue that MAGA has characteristics of a cult, including charismatic leadership, intense loyalty, and manipulation tactics. Holding those responsible accountable could help address the significant personal losses many have faced. Thanks for shedding light on these important issues, MAGA vs Trump!
I read first book after Trump was elected. I have been so disappointed that no one in n our Government at the time seemed to care. History has had lessons to be learned and it was ignored. But during the Trump era there were the experts such as you and the many that commented in your first book. This time mental health professionals were ignored. It is just appalling to me. But I am glad that you have NEVER given up. I appreciate your tenacity!
Dr Bandy Lee, I’ve been following you since seeing you on TheWeekendNews with Anthony Davis. Thank you for coming forward & sharing so much. Will the conference you are planning for later this month be televised or streamed for the public to view? Thank you again
Thanks 🙏 I appreciate you sharing this information. I have known for years about trump’s terrible behavior in one instance working miss.universe as I was talking to some of the ladies in the pageant Donald walked by the stage where they could look down and see him walking by their faces clearly changed into discussed.they had nothing nice to say about him and they’re reaction said it all.✌️💙😃
Thank you very much! We do feel hopeful once again and it is helpful indeed to understand what we have been through these many years of Trump contagion by this severely mentally impaired person. He has had the full cooperation of those that are supposed to protect us from this very malignancy. Since he is constantly calling for mental health evaluations of the candidates, he should be the first to step forward and volunteer to a complete examination. Very interesting I am sure. This is our job: 🗳️ VOTE
@@deborahrivera6064Why? For silencing the medical community in warning us about the extreme danger Trump is because of his mental unfitness to serve as president and colluding to destroy our democracy.
Dr.Lee, I'm wondering if it will be possible for you to appear on public media, say"60 Minutes", for example. The public deserves to hear you and your colleagues.
This is such a tricky and important subject. I think we have to get away from calling mentally ill people (Trump) derogatory names (as is happening) and learn how to react. I thought Kamala did a wonderful job addressing Trump in the debate. I also think we need more psychogists speaking out. More personalities saying the same thing you are saying.
Again thank you so very much for your courage and perseverance in warning the public about the dangerousness of Donald Trump and the Trump contagion. I am a 70 yo woman of modest means but feel very strongly that your warning, via September's upcoming mental health conference, is extremely important, so I have been incrementally making donations to gofundme. 💙Jenny
In college i studied Hitler and the Nazis, thank you for showing the harrowing similarities that led to the Holocaust and Ww2 slaughter of 100 million people,and incineration of Europe, and Asia😢😢😢😢🔥🔥🔥🔥😢😢😢
I've never met anyone display a level of toxicity coming anywhere close to Donald Trump. But what scares me the most are the people who either totally play down those features or seem to even enjoy and welcome them. In a way, Trump as a phenomenon wiped out everything I was told about the lessons learned from the Nazi takeover growing up in Germany
The religious right sites are truly scary, they are all in for Trump, even knowing how deeply flawed of a man he is.
My brothers consciences are seared as with a hot iron😢
Co ruption so deeply rooted now, can legal methods pre vail? Dr bandy Lee please also help us suffering a mental condition of trump fatigue.
fucking hell starts with "donald trump is le toxic" and then straight into "nazi germany".... get on your meds
"But what scares me the most are the people who either totally play down those features or seem to even enjoy and welcome them."--- This is exactly what she is talking about. Trump has psychologically damaged the mental health of this country, yet most people don't realize or understand this. This woman is telling the truth. Everyone needs to watch this.
And what makes it even worse is that the Supreme Court is backing and protecting this man along with entire political party.
PERVASSIVE throughout the judical system as well as legislative on Federal and State levels.
The Little Horn's Supreme Court of 2025 - 2032.
Yep they jumped on the coattails of the maniac that's for sure
well yeah of course they stole and bought most of the seats, while the only legally permitted opposition party cowered and did nothing about it
Dirty money con man buy outs galore.
Thank you, Dr. Lee. Thank you for educating people on how dangerous Trump is. We are fighting massive ignorance. (Share, everyone!)
And we could say the same about liberals.🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
@@Donna_Nola after you read her books then you can speak about this subject
Your comment solidifies her point.
@@sheryalderman1986 no thanks!
@Donna_Nola Are you unaware that many traditional conservatives are voting for Democrats because they have recognized how dangerous Trump and his ilk are? It’s an odd situation to have people as conservative as the Cheneys and Kinzinger voting for Democrats, but these are unusual times when a major party is running a convicted felon facing multiple indictments for President. We have never had this kind of madness in our politics before. People of every political stripe will vote against Trump, even more than voted him out in 2020.
I have read your book when it first came out, I always wondered why you were silenced. Thank you for explaining, it’s amazing that people will listen to an influencer rather than The professionals! Would you trust a tree trimmer to do your open heart surgery? I am so glad you are able to tell the truth.
Dr. Lee is a profound voice for reason during deranged times. The maliciousness and mischief allowed because of mental health stigma may potentially end democracy and allow a takeover by the heartless super-wealthy. May Trump's delusional lies become undeniably obvious to the world at Tuesday's debate.
Let Karma bring the hammer down on Tuesday.
You called it. It happened at last Tuesday's debate. For all the world to see.
It’s so depressing- that criminal should’ve been held behind bars January 7th to await trial where he would’ve been convicted for an insurrection
Exactly. Anyone else would have been incarcerated pending trial!!!
In any 'normal' & sane country that would of happened. You have to realize that with your religiosity, propagander fox channels ,anti- science stance amongst other insanity in the USA, you are no different from some of the most backwards, warped theocratic s-hole countries on earth.
America is very very sick.
Agreed. There are some very big laws that need to be amended in the USA including those involving the NAA and mass shootings that Vance described recently as just a sad fact of life. Well Mr. Vance it's not in other countries.
Sorry I went off topic there.
@Westcoastrocksduh They also have 10x tighter control of the sale and use of firearms. We are talking about control, regulation and fact checking of users. In Australia you can still own guns just not those capable of mass killing. Tight restrictions came into place after a mass killing in the small state of Tasmania where I lived about 20 minutes form this horror happening. This is what happened...
The Port Arthur massacre was a mass shooting that occurred on 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur, a tourist town in the Australian state of Tasmania. The perpetrator, Martin Bryant, killed 35 people and wounded 23 others, the deadliest massacre in modern Australian history.
I was teaching at the local school, and I have seen the agony and never-ending pain of those victims. Imagine being the man who had his wife, and three daughters murdered before your eyes. Especially if he was in conversation with another wanting to purchase a machine gun - which I know is allowed in many of your states!
Since the laws were tightened and we have not had another mass killing since this massacre.
Hope this answers your question and makes you reflect on what matters most in life - which is life particularly that of children. Farmers, hunters and clay shooters can still engage in their interest and needs of pest control. You simply do not need to own a weapon capable of mass killing. You just don't!
Australians and the Swiss have shown common sense and common decency. We certainly do not let an organisation as massive as the NRA influence our political outcomes. On this occasion I am proud to be an Australian. If the USA is the land of God, then God help you as your nation is collapsing in on itself. I look forward to your reply.
This country is very messed up. Half have been traumatized by the Trump regime and the other half has been beguiled by him. We need help for sure.
The traumatized half are very frustrated with our justice system. Maybe even demoralized.
The co-equal branch of government, justice, is.. Well Heather Cox Richardson calls this a " legal [system] coup "
you speak of this man like a god-- he is just a representation of America's id
Trumpers are sadistic & toxic to society in general.
I just saw this video and am so glad you have been able to get your message out. I’m so sorry you have been wrongfully silenced at such a critical time. Thank you for providing providing this necessary information to the public.
Thank you Dr. Lee! I appreciate you. I appreciate what you are doing.💕
Thank you Dr Li for your service to United States 🇺🇸. hope you get compensated for the consequences you faced speaking the truth!
You are definitely on the right side of history. Thank you for your courage and insight.
Dr Lee please continue to provide commentary on the mass delusion as well as the complicity of the folks who should know better.
Thank you Dr. Lee for your continued work and for your courage in speaking out.
A malignant normality is evident throughout society. We long for a reversal of this social/political malignancy
Learned helplessness.
Is this partly due to Fox? Perhaps Americans can identify a better quality news source and then encourage its use by word of mouth. Each person can help several other people.
Happy to be here listening and watching you Dr. Lee! Keep it up. The public needs to be educated.
You're a nation hero
I saw your interview with Anthony Davis on Meidas Touch. I hope you can reach out to other independent media like Brian Tyler Coen, indeed he has a regular segment with lawyers to discuss Trump's legal cases, so could perhaps platform a regular segment with you!Thank you so much for what you've been doing and your sacrifices for our country and its health.
Best wishes Dr. Bandy Lee!
Good health, happiness, strength!
Dr. Lee's message is incredibly important, and everyone needs to hear it. I am dismayed by the black out that she and her colleagues are experiencing. I want to know why it's happening.
Hitler’s tactics to blind the public in order to achieve their goals at anyone’s expense!
Propaganda and repetition!
Same tactics the media uses to control the minds of the uninformed masses!
It’s such a relief to be able to hope again. Thank you for all your hard work ❤
Thank you Dr. Lee for continuing to speak out.
I’m sorry that you were given so much grief by the auspices over you. We already have too many people who don’t care about us, our world, etc. If we all survive him… there will be a reckoning
Thank you for doing this work, Dr. Lee. It's so important.
She is a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT!!! 👍🏼💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🌿🌿🌿🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️IF ONLY ALL CITIZENS WOULD LEARN OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES REGARDING MALIGNANT NARCISSISTS, SOCIOPATHS, and PSYCHOPATHS who MIMIC and operate within society! Trump has shown all the traits of his mental disorder for 8 years!!! His disrespect for the RULES OF LAW, lack of integrity, lack of morals, lack of empathy, refuses accountability, harms and destroys people and long standing appetite for violence! HIS EVIL IS PROVING CONTAGIOUS!!! YOU ARE SO CORRECT AND SHOULD BE ON EVERY NEWS CHANNEL, RADIO AND SOCIAL MEDIA. If the Germans were aware of Adolph’s mental illness, MILLIONS of people would not have been slaughtered for his egotistical psychopathic path of EVIL destruction that tore across the world!!
I am happy to have been led to you and your wisdom and knowledge, Dr. Bandy Lee. Thank you for being here. I look forward to the mental well-being of all individuals with your help.
Mass psychosis is a fascinating subject. Perhaps all civilizations succumb before they fall. These are dangerous times.
Now because of Dr. Lee and other professionals we may be able to stop the damage coming to us from the contagious and dangerous Donald Trump
and the jews are there, everytime, orchestrating the whole thing
Yep see below and vote based entirely on if you care if a trans person competes somewhere while the sports agencies are just working out the details
Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy-not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits-despotic in his ordinary demeanour-known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty-when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity-to join in the cry of danger to liberty-to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion-to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day-It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.
Alexander Hamilton
@@pass-the-juice ???
Clear, persuasive, factual. Thank you Dr. LEE.
I can only imagine the personal attacks you have to deal with for your courageous stance. 🙏
It’s always the cowards way of controlling others whom do not agree with everything they said!
Telephone calls, emails, chance meetings with the bullies that use “fear or favor” to acquire results at everyone’s expense, even in supermarkets or glances in travel!
Cowards that have tons of problems that can’t seem to achieve peace with themselves or others!
Thank you profusely .Dr. Lee
You are my HERO
FINALLY mental health experts to the rescue 👏👏👏👏 Thank God.
Thank you. As a domestic abuse survivor and sexual assault survivor with PTSD 2020 and 2024 have been been triggering. Thank you
This is such an important issue and really needs to get the publicity it deserves. Finally. American voters need to know and be aware. Im am a Swiss, but I donated for the upcoming conferebce. I know what's at stake.
Your show is so informative and you are so intelligent. I wish the whole world were listening to you. Thank you!💙👋🙂🐺🇺🇸💙
Thank you for giving your time for this. America needs some advise from intelligent professionals.
Wow! A Tour de force video Dr. Lee. Thank you, and Please Carry On. You are very much Appreciated!
Thanks for your love of humanity! 😊
I’ve really been enjoying your interviews with Anthony Davis on Five Minute News. I hope the conference you are organizing is coming together nicely. Thank you for taking the lead in addressing the dangers of the Trump contagion.
Dr. Lee’s interviews with Anthony Davis on Five Minute News on Meidas Touch Network is definitely recommended… I watch every Sunday. Do yourself a favor and watch it…⭐️
Thank you, Dr. Lee, you are amazing as a person and as a clinician! I love listening to you.
I am happy to find your channel ❤❤😊
Dr. Lee, a.k.a. Cassandra, I feel your pain of being ignored and silenced. I pray people listen this time.
Thank you again, and again for speaking up against such violent silence. My own background gives me insight into the nearness of predators and other dangers. I know his type, luckily I survived adolescence despite them and their constant onslaught. This guy will gladly destroy the earth for his ego's sake, why our own National Leadership is allowing him another run at the nuclear football is beyond my understanding. How can we get the "adults" to protect The People of the world? Thank you.
Mostly permission to express their opinion via a fixed object and provide plausible deniability and remain hidden from true inspection!
Having a mental inventory check list for our observations and understanding of people we vote for is vital! Thank you! It be much more than a list it would be asking questions that get to their true motives for seeking an office.
We may need the inauguration speech also reflect the promise to the American people that nothing must be broken from the swearing in ceremony, and once that happens, the next questions are, is the next candidate going to lie their way out of the accountability of their oath, regardless of in office or post office!
This was a DJT moment nobody ever expected would be a reservation of thought hidden in DJT’s mindset from the get go!
I have seen now that it's become acceptable to ignore one's oath to the Constitution and ally with Putin politics and other enemies of Democracy.
Wretched beyond words 😣
Good luck with your upcoming conference, Doctor.
Dr Bandy Lee please also help us suffering a mental condition of trump fatigue. And fear of Co ruption so deeply rooted now, like obnoxious weed.
My psychologist told me that the simplest things can improve your well-being e.g. catching up with friends, doing something fun and/or creative, eating healthy, enjoyable food, cutting back on alcohol and avoiding illegal drugs and cigarettes, going for a walk, revisiting a favourite book or movie, noticing what is good in your life, looking at things that are beautiful, nature, gardening, getting enough sleep and exercise, ...
Thanks so much Dr Lee for doing your fine work. Everyone should be required to listen to your instruction and warning.
I’m Canadian and still haven’t recovered 😪❤️🇨🇦🌎
In Canada, we have our own horrific version of the danger Trump poses in Pierre Poilievre and people are falling for his dangerous, populist, angry rhetoric.
So sorry, we wish you recovery. Hopefully Tuesday night's debate is decisive.
Dr. Lee. You will go down in history as a leading prognosticator in the rise and fall of DT. I have been with you from the beginning. I'm not a doctor but I'm no slouch, along with many others, in trying to figure out the DT conundrum.
I really hope that all this information will be read by the MAGAS
It's really interesting that Dr Lee also uncovered a corruption and mental disease within the psychiatric community who stifled her and others
Will we who follow her here visit her if she ends up in jail for her truth telling.... if tRump gets in be sure to know she & many others will face this. Will we stand with her then ?
@@7hilladelphia Surely Dr. Lee's fans and all others with a working brain and morals will support Dr. Lee's - and thousands of other qualified health professionals - expert and common sense opinions about Trump's malignant narcissism and criminal activities and behaviors. Trump's white nationalist, Christo-fascist bigotry and politics have hugely damaged the fabric of our democracy. Thankfully, President Biden won in 2020. On Nov 5, 2024 we need to ensure Harris & Walz defeat Trump. People, on Nov 5, VOTE BLUE up and down the ticket. Until then help as many others as possible both register and vote! God bless America. And thank you, Dr. Lee for your commitment to this most righteous cause. 💙
Thank you, Dr. Lee. I watch every time I see your lovely face on a thumbnail. I have subscribed to your channel. Keep up the good work!
Dr. King said it best-"To adjust to a maladjusted situation is maladj7sted." We must pray and vote for Harris. Prayers.
Amen to that I
@@MarthaJones-v5p Yes
@@MarthaJones-v5p or sending out positive thoughts to the universe
@@MarthaJones-v5p or, visualise, imagine, send hope.
so many intelligent doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, historians, sociologists, teachers, lawyers, climatologists and other professional have spoken about the dangers and disaster of another Trump presidency, it would such a tragedy if there are sufficient number of citizens infected with Trump contagion to elect him. 💙💙💙✔✍🏽🇺🇸💙💙💙 vote Harris/Walz
That why if you see something, then say something relevant to the subject matter!
A Nation awaits your opinions and wishes you Vote your conscience!
There’s gonna be a movie about this woman’s efforts to inform the public in a few years.
@@jessietinch9145 and Sandra Oh should be cast to play her.
@@karenabrams8986 MAKE IT HAPPEN !
Thank you, Dr Lee.
Thankyou Dr.Lee watch from Canada!
Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you, Dr Bandy Lee for not allowing yourself to be silenced!! May your words go viral for the world to hear, especially our leaders. Trump has no business running for the POTUS. He needs to be locked up in a mental ward instead.
He is crazy like a fox, as the terms imply, but he is cognizant of what he is trying to achieve fame and escape accountability!(Period)
I hope the present government is prepared for what may occur when he loses the upcoming election. We know what he and the media acquiesced to. Thank you Dr. Lee
I’ve been posting your book and contagion as well as mass psychosis and it’s contagious. Thank you so much Dr Lee
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Dr Lee for all of your good work... You and the work your organization is doing is so much needed and appreciated!
We need to vote blue 💙💙💙💙 all up and down the ballot.
How are our leaders preparing to help the public, now that all this damage has been allowed😢
❤ thankyou 🙏🇦🇺👏
Thank you, Dr. Lee. I am happy - and relieved - to contribute to this vitally important conference.
Thank you for your bravery
Thank you so much for all you do. It's hard to educate people.. It is a traumatising time for the public.
Observing disharmony is hard to empathize with, bc it’s painful to bring disharmony into our psyche!
Stay strong
This is the first REAL in depth talk I've heard about what's going on with Trump and his party
I have been following Dr. Lee and have great respect HOWEVER, she reviewed the same info about the foolish (because of the danger) treatment of herself and her colleagues so many times! It would be good to find a capsule statement and move on! I am very very interested in the effects that members of society suffered & continue to suffer under Trump--both the shared psychosis (I'm not a doctor--there is probably a more correct term) of his followers AND also, those in society who were triggered because of their own past experiences with narcissistic parents or family members. At this point, instead of rehashing the treatment of the professionals (which exemplifies poor mental health in the Press/media professionals! Denial at the highest levels in the information sphere), it would be useful to talk about how we go forward so that as a society we can use the experience to make wiser choices in leaders.
Vetting was never really a priority in political discourse since it has so much potential for power exchanges that rock the Nation at its core as it has done to us!
Reflected around the world and is a trigger point when unvetted!
Thank you. Perhaps this is the chance to avoid Hitler-esque rule within this country.
Glad to see this, again.
Thank you Doctor Lee❤😊❤😊❤😊
Thank you. May the Holy Spirit and Lord of Hosts bless you.
I read Erich Fromms book in college im 1974. I read it again in 2016. The name of book is Escape from Freedom. I recognized the danger of Donald Trump and the maga cult from the beginning. Erich Fromm was a German writer and psychoanalyst. He wrote Escape from Freedom in 1940. He has other good books The Art of Loveing comes to mind. Humanist psychology very excellent reading.
Thank you for sharing the book titles by Eric Fromm.
I wish I knew nothing about 1930s European history. Then all of this would come as a surprise to me.
That was a concerted effort by Nazi sympathizers that didn’t want the subject revealed or discussed, supposedly to maintain peace here, but you always have rogue personalities that demand attention!
Thank you thank you. You are clever and you have the courage to tell all of us what we need to hear and understand. I wrote a book ( We need to talk) in order to spread your words in a way I was hoping could help people to understand. But like the news stations have treated you they have refused to talk about my book. I hope millions of people will hear your words. ❤
Thanks Dr. Lee for your insight regularly. I just found this channel today so I now am subscribed
Trump fits all the biblical descriptions of the man Jesus warned us about.
He has the Antichrist Spirit. This is spiritual warfare for sure. Corruption on the inside.
@WestcoastrocksduhAlternatively, we could be learning from various sources of media where to find primary source material (such as Trump's legal history, statements by people who have worked with him, Trump's own words and actions, and other data) to form our own opinions.
Many of us have also had direct personal experience with at least one person with narcissistic traits, which are on display almost 24/ 7 with Trump and obvious to observe.
The Trump Organization Charity was shut down, and neither Donald, nor his 3 oldest children are legally permitted from setting up a charity in N.Y. due to stealing money from donations for their personal interests. They promised money to fund support for children with cancer, and kept the money for themselves. The Trump family lost their case, due to evidence beyond reasonable doubt, and were also fined. You can check out the legal documents for this yourself. I don't recall Jesus preaching to set up charities and rob from them.
Trump was banned from conducting business in Australia due to the results of the standard investigation following Trump's application: Trump's poor business management (bankruptcies, including casinos), his lengthy legal history due to his business practices of violating the Fair Labor Standards Act by not paying employees their full due, and his involvement in corruption. He was deemed a threat to Australia, and his application rejected. This report was released to the Australian public 30 years later.
Its the little things like these, that don't seem on board with Jesus' message. I am more Christian than Trump, and I am an atheist!
Not just Jesus. Many wise people throughout history have warned us about people like TFFG.
Thank you, Dr. Lee, for your expertise.
Fantastic film great job ❤
I appreciate your content and advocacy. For those who feel misled or manipulated by Trump, exploring legal action might be crucial. Historically, former cult members have successfully taken legal action against leaders for manipulation and fraud, such as in the cases of Scientology and other high-profile cults. These precedents highlight the potential for seeking justice when individuals have been harmed. Many argue that MAGA has characteristics of a cult, including charismatic leadership, intense loyalty, and manipulation tactics. Holding those responsible accountable could help address the significant personal losses many have faced. Thanks for shedding light on these important issues, MAGA vs Trump!
i very much appreciate your very reasonable discussion.
I read first book after Trump was elected. I have been so disappointed that no one in n our Government at the time seemed to care. History has had lessons to be learned and it was ignored. But during the Trump era there were the experts such as you and the many that commented in your first book. This time mental health professionals were ignored. It is just appalling to me. But I am glad that you have NEVER given up. I appreciate your tenacity!
As a child the “Twilight Zone “ episodes always exposed these type, and is always in our generation’s minds!
Dr Bandy Lee, I’ve been following you since seeing you on TheWeekendNews with Anthony Davis. Thank you for coming forward & sharing so much. Will the conference you are planning for later this month be televised or streamed for the public to view? Thank you again
❤ Thank you. Sharing 😊
I saw what you saw! And my background isn’t your background, but it’s obvious! Our country has been held hostage!😢
Thank you for all that you are doing
A death sprial fits perfectly for the era of Trump. A portal to develop Self Care in Self Empowerment of Governing inside out Democracy of Ethics.
Also mental pathologies in Corporations.
So many psychopaths get into positions of power.
America has been foxxed by Trump, but Dr Lee is helping to restore the mental health of the nation with her sensible, caring ideas.
Thanks 🙏 I appreciate you sharing this information. I have known for years about trump’s terrible behavior in one instance working miss.universe as I was talking to some of the ladies in the pageant Donald walked by the stage where they could look down and see him walking by their faces clearly changed into discussed.they had nothing nice to say about him and they’re reaction said it all.✌️💙😃
Thank you very much! We do feel hopeful once again and it is helpful indeed to understand what we have been through these many years of Trump contagion by this severely mentally impaired person. He has had the full cooperation of those that are supposed to protect us from this very malignancy. Since he is constantly calling for mental health evaluations of the candidates, he should be the first to step forward and volunteer to a complete examination. Very interesting I am sure. This is our job: 🗳️ VOTE
Shame on the American Psychiatric Association.
@@deborahrivera6064Why? For silencing the medical community in warning us about the extreme danger Trump is because of his mental unfitness to serve as president and colluding to destroy our democracy.
@@deborahrivera6064 You didn't watch the video. 😂
Did you watch the video?
It all comes down to money doesn't it? You got silenced because the organization you worked for had their funding threatened.
APA is in bed with Big Pharma
The monetary system creates inequality. Inequality creates violence. Truth... Let it be received, please?
Dr.Lee, I'm wondering if it will be possible for you to appear on public media, say"60 Minutes", for example. The public deserves to hear you and your colleagues.
This is such a tricky and important subject. I think we have to get away from calling mentally ill people (Trump) derogatory names (as is happening) and learn how to react. I thought Kamala did a wonderful job addressing Trump in the debate.
I also think we need more psychogists speaking out. More personalities saying the same thing you are saying.
Again thank you so very much for your courage and perseverance in warning the public about the dangerousness of Donald Trump and the Trump contagion. I am a 70 yo woman of modest means but feel very strongly that your warning, via September's upcoming mental health conference, is extremely important, so I have been incrementally making donations to gofundme. 💙Jenny
I truly appreciate you and all you do.
I believe Goldwater himself said his thing was not meant how it ended up being used.
Those were the days of early manipulation to down play the role of the players of the Watergate Era!
Thank you great lady
The suppression of health professionals sure flies in the face of "see something, say something".
In college i studied Hitler and the Nazis, thank you for showing the harrowing similarities that led to the Holocaust and Ww2 slaughter of 100 million people,and incineration of Europe, and Asia😢😢😢😢🔥🔥🔥🔥😢😢😢