I also had the same problem with me. Then I did a lot of research to understand why it was happening. Then I came up with the idea that the power from the battery to the board might not be getting supplied properly due to some carbon buildup or something. Because my phone was relatively new, I decided to open it myself. Then I used a toothbrush with some petrol to clean the area where the battery connector is. This resolved my issue. I was also quite worried about it. This usually happens when you use your phone extensively, and due to the heat, carbon buildup occurs in the phone's connector. This prevents the proper supply of power to the board. Allhamdullilah now its working fine.
Halo, nanya kalo misal nya salah pas memperbaiki nya apakah kemungkinan mati total nanti? Pixel 4XL saya isi tanda tanya juga batery nya, pas di cas bisa di pake, tapi pas di cabut, tunggu beberapa menit aja pasti mati, or pas di cas buka youtube or video juga mati dia
Berlangsung berapa lama? Punya ku juga habis ganti batre kyk gitu. Udah coba sampe habis cas sampe full ttep stuck 50% tp SOT masih bisa 5jam an@@langlang241
I also had the same problem with me. Then I did a lot of research to understand why it was happening. Then I came up with the idea that the power from the battery to the board might not be getting supplied properly due to some carbon buildup or something. Because my phone was relatively new, I decided to open it myself. Then I used a toothbrush with some petrol to clean the area where the battery connector is. This resolved my issue. I was also quite worried about it. This usually happens when you use your phone extensively, and due to the heat, carbon buildup occurs in the phone's connector. This prevents the proper supply of power to the board.
Allhamdullilah now its working fine.
Halo, nanya kalo misal nya salah pas memperbaiki nya apakah kemungkinan mati total nanti?
Pixel 4XL saya isi tanda tanya juga batery nya, pas di cas bisa di pake, tapi pas di cabut, tunggu beberapa menit aja pasti mati, or pas di cas buka youtube or video juga mati dia
Udah dapet solusinya belum? Gimana akhirnya mas?
@@muhammadumaraslam1572 belum berani saya service, takutnya mati total
@@ampmhuntersekarang gimana bang
tapi untuk dipakai masih aman ga sih?
Pakai cas wat besar bisa merusak betrai gak bang
Klo di cas tetap 2% itu knp yah min sy cas seharian tetap 2% tapi pas di pake bisa kuat sampai 6-7jam
Pakai cas yang support power delevery mas?
Info skrng gimana bg? Masalahnya sama kaya hp saya
Benar dengan sendirinya biarin aja sampai batre habis kemudian nyalakan sampai peringatan baterai habis baru cas dn normal kembali sy juga aneh
Berlangsung berapa lama? Punya ku juga habis ganti batre kyk gitu. Udah coba sampe habis cas sampe full ttep stuck 50% tp SOT masih bisa 5jam an@@langlang241
Berapa lama bener sendiri nya mas? Punyaku juga sama kasusnya
Kalo di cas tanda seru apa masuk ya??
makasih banyak kak sekarang hp saya udah membaik
Apakah ganti battery?
Gara jatuh cuy hp ku jadi gini 😂
Udah ganti baterai tetap tanda tanya bg.. Itu kenapa ya?
info gimana bang?
Has the battery problem ended and an exclamation mark?
Sekarang gimana bang udah bisa kah?
Dudukan tempat soket baterai yg di ganti,,emang penyakit pixel
Trima jasa servis kak
I replaced the battery and the exclamation mark disappeared, and for a very little period, I appeared why
and me too it was happen to me like you that
Mas Dimensi ukuran dari batre 4XL berapa ya
Gara gara jatuh
ada yg tau gak beli penutup konektor baterai nya dmn? soalnya ilang, jd konektor baterai nya gampang lepas