Yea but how she said she doesn’t like when light skin women are around because they take all the attention is wrong. I had a mixed friend and we both would get men together
@@Valley__ Of course you both got the attention. No disrespect but you could pass for mixed, judging by your profile. You don't really have the issues her or I would. I was always the one watching ppls coats or purses because I'm the darkest one in the group. I get where shes coming from
This is where i differ as a dark skin women i dont get mad or intimidated by the light/ lighter skin girl maybe because i was raised by my light skin grams and i was the darkest me and my father her son but she neverrrrrr made us or my family feel less then or ugly or whatever because there is ugly light skin ppl but ironically MOST OF MY FRIENDS was always light skin and it is not the light skin person fault how they look or is perceived and they should feel like they is beautiful just like dark skin ppl CONFIDENCE is a mofo and if you dont have that it doesnt matter if YOU BLK / WHITE OR CANDY STRIPE FYI And i have got shade because of my dark skin of course but also have been complimented as well for my BEAUTIFUL SKIN.
I love how educated black people as a whole really are!! I love seeing them in comfortable settings expressing their vocabulary, intelligence and excellence!
@@yungflynturnt - calling it like I see it. Plain as day. Look it in the face. Make no excuses. That’s the exact temperament everyone speaks of - but varies by degrees. What- you think it’s an illusion? All stereotypes are based in fact; a kernel of truth - though perhaps exaggerated at times. Take a survey - draw your own conclusions. Psychological fact- can be a big difference in what we think we’re conveying versus what is actually received. It’s up to us to figure it out.
I am Asian so I don’t have a personal understanding, but it was really eye opening to see how colorism exists within the black community in addition to outside the black community, really appreciated this conversation
i definitely agree with the "vulnerability" part of it. my parents raised me to be so goal oriented that i never really had a chance to feel the feelings i had (if that made sense). it was as though success in school was more important than my own emotions. it honestly took for me to go into my late teens/early 20s to learn how to communicate and express my feelings bc they were very often invalidated. i'm still learning but it's hard.
Great convo, but it would have been nice to hear what a straight dark skin man would have to say because they are the main ones that pick light skin women over dark.
The guy who said “we don’t know you took 3 hours” is a part of the problem. It shouldn’t be about how much effort she put in to make her equally as beautiful. Let’s just keep it real, black men protect and honor lighter skinned women more and collectively always will over darkskin women.
You are so right I was thinking the same thing when he said that his response made no sense but that lets me know that he is one of those niggas who think light skin women are better
@@thehoneyeffect They might have light skinned moms. My dad was dark skinned and my mom light skinned. That’s most black families. When she mentioned the father not happy with her dark skin that hit hard.
The girl in the orange braids I love her raw honesty, I can totally relate. Good job sis 👏 The light skin guy with the green bracelet really gets it..respect brother
@@DebriaLove girl, thank you! I cant wait to see more! Everyone represented the Black community and their experiences so well. I’ve never seen a colorism convo so well-balanced.
This was a great convo. I loved the honesty of the lady with the orange hair and the light-skinned man to the right. Also loved the chill ness of the lady with the long braids, seems like she’s developed a level of unbothered and calmness about topics like this and just exists in her natural element. Great production!
Hey internet intellectuals welcome to the conversation! what are your thoughts on Black parenting? How has slavery impacted the way black parents parent.
I'm not even in the states where it also happens but i go to a mall or somewhere in public and even in another region I cant pass a group of black women without them making apparent effort to reject or disrespect me. I still don't let it make me not appreciate dark skin women because I've had great relationships with them.
Bruh...who knew that colour hair would look good like that on both people literally have every different shade of brown that exists in mother earth...I'm like whoa!!!
Okay, first things first, great conversation, great representation, great episode, thank you for having this Debria❤️. With that being said, my dark-skinned sister in the black tank-top said something I found very interesting. She mentioned that with the recent increase in dark-skinned black women being more in lead roles in film and on television, she feels that it's a fetish of dark-skinned black women that's the motivation... Welcome to what it feels like to be a light-skinned black woman. Fetishized, stereotypes and hyper-sexualized, meanwhile under scrutiny to be positive representation for black women, all the while being told you're not black enough / you're only picked because light skin privilege. This is precisely and exactly what it feels like to be a light-skinned black women. You feel like a lot of expectations are placed on your shoulders that you did not ask for, while be expected to fulfill an ideology of Black femininity. We definitely need to have more conversations like this, where different faces of the black community get to share a platform and speak our truth.
Amazing conversations! Definitely a new sub cause it’s nice to hear more younger people have a voice and are willing to work on solutions instead of just talking or being ignorant!! Keep em coming!!!
Please keep having these conversations cause in the black community we really need this. I love the whole vibe and how everyone could really talk and express themselves without anyone arguing or cursing each other out❤️❤️
It's generational PTSD. It's passed down generation from generation. I'd encourage everyone to get a book called: " it didn't start with you" by Mark Wolynn.
This is so true. I fall in the lighter brown skin tones. A true tan. And I see it for myself the difference skin tone makes in how you are treated, and how people perceive you. When I’m with my friends who are darker than me, to when I’m with people who are lighter. Because I’m in the middle I see both sides and it’s true. Little things like, if I’m the lightest one at the table, the coworker may approach me first, because I’m “ less intimidating” than the dark person. On the other hand when I’m with lighter than me tones, I often never addressed.
This is where i differ as a dark skin women i dont get mad or intimidated by the light/ lighter skin girl maybe because i was raised by my light skin grams and i was the darkest me and my father her son but she neverrrrrr made us or my family feel less then or ugly or whatever because there is ugly light skin ppl but ironically MOST OF MY FRIENDS was always light skin and it is not the light skin person fault how they look or is perceived and they should feel like they is beautiful just like dark skin ppl CONFIDENCE is a mofo and if you dont have that it doesnt matter if YOU BLK / WHITE OR CANDY STRIPE FYI And i have got shade because of my dark skin of course but also have been complimented as well for my BEAUTIFUL SKIN.
When ur on the lighter end of dark skinned you still get treated better. It’s a spectrum and context is everything. Many of my light skinned friends experience colorism because everyone else in their family is white passing kind of light. So it’s something that is very systemic and consistent yet simultaneously situational for sure.
@@leilanidru7506's really messed up...sad...I don't even blame this on's something black people have proudly up-held at this point...this is on us!!!
That was so awesome! Profound! Thought provoking! Real! The dialogue and discussion was so factual, and straightforward. Yes! We need to hear more about the realism of color based “discrimination,” and the ramifications of its negative projectors on our community’s mindset and psyches. I am so impressed with the depth level of critical thinking displayed in this family of articulate, intelligent, and insightful young people of color. You are all so beautiful! 💜💜💪🏽💪🏽
Discover Nigeria my dark skin people! Colorism is not a problem there! Dark skin black people everywhere. Just blend in.,Dark skin women are loved there! Television full of dark skin men and woman. America has made us feel this way.
I’ve heard that I’m intimidating most of my life. No matter how nice you are. It’s your appearance nothing more.I’m from a racist city. And I was employed in the Healhcare field.I need to correct something one of the speakers said. I raised my children with the “what goes on in this house stays in this house”. The reason I told my kids that is because adults have a tendency to ask children questions that they shouldn’t because they know children will tell them what they want to know and they know they wouldn’t do that to the parent.
Thank you all for this very insightful discussion. I hope to prod my white and light-skinned colleagues to discuss colorism transparently. Lots of love to you.
I agree with Keniecee- I've witnessed my black relatives just drill the "your ancestors where slaves" into their kids minds. To the point where its all they talk about. If we talk about a building, they have to mention that "slaves built it" etc. Its so damn depressing. I can sense that they have almost like a low self esteem from how they teach themselves to address the world around them. Then one of my inlaws told me, "You have to teach your kids about slavery." I told him, "Why? So they can internalize it?" If I instruct my kids on those topics, its going to be a part of history and then we will move on to other hisorical topics. I'm not going to drill and drill and drill oppression into their very psyche. NO THANKS with that crap.
On Colourism.... honestly I've dealt with almost everything they were saying. For me I always thought that my dark skin / brown whatever, was ugly and it was something that I was told directly or indirectly by my family, peers and society at large. I come from a family were people bleach their skin to look brighter or lighter because it's perceived as beautiful and I always try to ask them if being black is now an insecurity...I think we as black people need to understand that all this came from our oppressors, they told us that our skin is ugly and that we are inferior to them....These are things that were passed on and now it's our turn to change the narrative and change the definitions of beauty. 🖤
I would like to add Iam seeing more of the colorism conversation which I love. However, would suggest having more light skin, and different shades of brown people on the panels. I've been told I am light skin but I feel I am on the fence more of a dark Carmel. I am too brown (dark Carmel) to be real light skin but to light to be dark skin. Dead in the middle I feel. Believe me My mother is light bright damn near white and she has let me know before. Im in my late 30's and I the mother of 2 handsome sons (1 light skin and 1 dark skin). I preach and teach my sons to love both their beautiful skin tones and they show black love to each other as well. I love the energy from the girl in the orange but in my opinion there needs to be more perspectives. Real solutions don't come if all issues aren't laid out and understood. The question needs to be how as a people did we come to this and how are we all effected by colorism. It is multifaceted best believe. Until we understand that the circle will continue to cycle. More dark skin men need to be on the panel as well. The are also part of the problem. I live in VA and I will tell all bw are being passed over for ww. My 19 yr marriage was ruined by one and honey let my tell you that is a real epidemic. I'm tired of the bs for real. We need to speak up about many issues in the black community and colorism is an important one to improve black equality and black self love. However, family let me send a colorism alert: light skin or light brown skin ain't white, and in VA over the years they have made sure I don't forget. The colorism programming in our BM and babyboomers and older is real. I stand hard for my dark skin brother's and sister's all day every day, but I feel like the panels need to be more diverse with more black shades cause different shades have different experiences as well. Everyone has some degree of accountability when truly analyzing the elevation of colorism in the black community. Just my almost 40 year old 2 cents.
Thank you so much sharing! Willie lych and the institution of slavery emphasized that divided and conquer mentality. And pit us against each other based on color, hair texture
If you are caramel just prepare to be reassigned and recategorized (in terms of skin tone) every 5 minutes. No one can make up their minds about them and agree on what complexion they are
I really loved this discussion. I hope the lovely lady at 7:13 gets to see herself at the beginning bc she looked str8 depressed. I would say I would not understand why people were saying she looks intimidating but from the beginning of the video I see why. All of this is to say there are things about ourselves we do not see. I hope she gets to see her video and perhaps get a 2nd or 3rd person view of herself. Some people have resting biotch face, she has resting sad face. My aim is not to needlessly be critical but instead point something out she may not have gotten to observe yet. There was so much glow, natural animation & vibrancy from her when she talked I was caught off guard due to the contrast in her demeanor.
I saw her face at the beginning too and since, I’m the same way, I was like “I bet she’s nice and sweet but just has that resting face naturally yet people would look at her and find her intimidating” and I was right! Stop judging, we can’t control our expressions especially when at rest like that.
And to be honest society has programmed me to roll my eyes when I hear a lighter melanated woman say they always wanted to be dark skin… it’s just aggravating to me! Because no you don’t sis…
My parents are African (Zambian) and I'm African (Zambian) our parents are also tough on us as a way to prepare us for the real world.. The know that we deserve the opportunities that the world has to give but we don't have them, so they start at a year age teaching us to be obedient, disciplined and training us to present ourselves in a certain way so that we the world doesn't perceive us as primitive or opinion .
A lot of people say I'm light skinned I think I'm lighter then darker tones but when I look at my little sister I see her as light skinned and I remember my mom telling me at 7 that girls are going to fight me beacuse my hair was curly and my skin color didn't understand until they did main thing I was told was u think your all that cuz you got good hair or you think your all that cuz your lightskinned not true and I was so shy I barely spoke then theres my little sister lighter green eyes sandy blonde hair me carmel skin brown eyes brown hair I remember my mom had a friend she would be nice to my sister but mean to me I didn't understand until I was older but I have not got privledge for bring light if I go off on a person to them I'm just a angry black girl not lightskinned angry girl I also think there privledge for women with big butts as well as skinny women also so let's talk about that next
I love the discussion 😊BUT I just didn't understand why when the dark skinned women talks about her plight does another group( dark skinned men , lighter skinned women, etc) have to try to equalise their plights ....we KNOW that dark skinned women bare the brunt of colourism ...we can adress each plight separately and stop with the oppresion-lypics.
For example like dark skinned men never had a problem(or where not as vocal) when the media fetishes over them because it played into their masculinity and desirability For example lighter skinned men never had a problem when the media also plays into their desirability when they are "othered" because of their light eyes or curly hair UNTIL it affects their masculinity For example lighter skinned women also never complained about being put on a pedestal in the community and being also " othered" plays into their desirability I SAY THIS TO PROVE THAT THESE PEOPLE ONLY RAISE THEIR ISSUES WHEN DARK SKINNED WOMEN DO
Worrying about the attention other people get doesn’t get you that attention. Blacks people are all beautiful lets just be comfortable in our own skin and not envious of others. Cuz I promise you, no man can make me jealous😂 if he pullin all the baddies then congratulations 👍🏽lol. I can’t say I don’t like being around dark skin men because women like them more that’s they business Ima focus on what I got going.
Is not the girl in the orange hair manifesting the very vibes that define the hostility the dark ones are accused of? Is there not an aggressive tone to her manner - cussing and pounding hands, etc? Or am I imagining it.
It drives me crazy when people that don't write use words without knowing what they mean! This lack of understanding by our parents is what's got black women in trouble with every man, and they don't even have sense enough to see it: that old adjective called "feminine," which describes every menstruating woman with breasts, even after she ceases menstruation, that every fool man has made the be-all and end-all description of women instead of other adjectives. No one EVER hears a flat-chested girl spoken of as "feminine" that has yet to grow breasts and menstruate lifeblood for the conception, birthing and nursing of live babies. How does a man tell a dark-skinned menstruating woman with a 36-C bustline and the hips to match that a light-skinned menstruating woman with a 32-B bustline and snake hips is more feminine (woman) than her? How does a man tell a dark-skinned menstruating woman with a 36-C bustline, the hips to match and bulbous features that a light-skinned menstruating woman with a 32-B bustline, snake hips and the same bulbous features is more feminine (woman) than her? If, therefore, a menstruating woman with breasts looks like Boss Hogg from _The Dukes of Hazzard,_ she is still feminine (a woman) -- because she was not born with a penis and cannot ejaculate seed like a man, she certainly can NEVER be called masculine (a man). If a woman is built like Mean Joe Green, yet she has breasts and menstruates lifeblood, she's feminine (a woman) -- because she was not born with a penis and cannot ejaculate seed like a man, she certainly can NEVER be called masculine (a man). Understand my double meanings here: If a man is born with a penis and is ejaculating seed, he is also masculine (a man) -- because he was not born with breasts and menstruation and cannot birth a baby like a woman, he certainly can NEVER be called feminine (a woman). All human flesh is the same flesh, regardless of its color (1 Corinthians 15:39). That said, if the light-skinned woman and the dark-skinned woman have the same flesh, but the black man prefers a light-skinned woman over a dark-skinned woman, and again, when neither can be more feminine (a menstruating woman with breasts) than the other, then, the black man prefers the light-skinned woman because her FACIAL FEATURES are more . . . 1. SYMMETRICAL than his, 2. STRIKING than his, 3. REFINED than his, 4. CLEAN-CUT than his, 5. EXOTIC than his, 6. POLISHED than his, 7. DAINTY than his, and 8. DOLLISH than his, to ply several better-fitting adjectives. Then say these adjectives describing _her_ facial features to _my_ facial features, instead of the lie I'm not also a menstruating woman with breasts (feminine)! What, then, of the black man who tells a dark-skinned menstruating woman with a 36-C bustline, the hips to match and perfectly symmetrical facial features that her light-skinned menstruating friend with the same 36-C bustline, hips and perfectly symmetrical facial features is more feminine (woman) than her? In this case, he just wants light-skinned or white babies from a woman whose outer appearance is no guarantee that the hidden person of her heart will ever prove an adequate HELPER and COMPLEMENT of him! As for the light-skinned young man, women don't turn away from you and run to a dark-skinned man for protection because of your skin coloring, but because with your clean-cut baby face, you can only be so tough!
Ps everyone is looking good. I like all men, but I realize the other day O never dated light skin men. And I have alot in my family. Not opposed but I realize dark skin men is what approached me. I am not light skin by my account I am brown. Caramel color
6:24 - 6:42 The comment about Beyonce vs Kelly & Michelle is literally the colorism problem in itself, and the fake it came from a dark-skinned black woman is disappointing and extremely problematic. Mind you, the comment she was made about someone stating her confidence was that of a "light-skinned" woman, and her sentiment was no one expects her to walk in the room like Beyonce (light-skinned woman), not like Kelly (dark-skinned woman), Michelle (lighter brown skinned woman). 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️ Kelly Rowland is a beautiful dark-skinned black woman, and you don't know what walk of life she's come from. Her seemingly confidence struggles very well could be because she's a black woman in America, and a Black Woman in the entertainment industry. You also can't forget she wasn't raised by her own parents throughout childhood, she was mostly raised by Beyonce's parents. That affects self-esteem. Kelly still has always been confident, but over the last 7 years she has really shown and embarrassed her confidence. Michelle the same. Beautiful woman, very talented. Has had her own struggles, but has always been confident in the group. She's just not a great dancer. Leave it to some of our black people to try to drag us down in order to make a point.
Im glad chick with the orange expressed herself because i knew most dark skin women think like that 🙄. No i cannot relate but its interesting to know. When i first starting dating i attracted and dated mostly lightskin men. Now in my late 20s my long term boyfriend is dark skin 😍😍. But i dont descriminate but i do know most dark skin men are intimidated by me more than light skin men.
This is where i differ as a dark skin women i dont get mad or intimidated by the light/ lighter skin girl maybe because i was raised by my light skin grams and i was the darkest me and my father her son but she neverrrrrr made us or my family feel less then or ugly or whatever because there is ugly light skin ppl but ironically MOST OF MY FRIENDS was always light skin and it is not the light skin person fault how they look or is perceived and they should feel like they is beautiful just like dark skin ppl CONFIDENCE is a mofo and if you dont have that it doesnt matter if YOU BLK / WHITE OR CANDY STRIPE FYI And i have got shade because of my dark skin of course but also have been complimented as well for my BEAUTIFUL SKIN.
The light skin girl is pretty. She is the only pretty girl on that panel. The girl in the orange braids appear to be very disrespectful to her and seems to admit her jealousy towards the pretty light girls. We all knew this was the case. Newsflash. If the guys ran to the other girl that means she was the pretty one! And she said it herself that they ran to the light girl. This is why people do not respect the colorism convo because the dark one use it to disrespect light girls. The girl in the bright orange appear to admit it here.
The woman with the Orange long extensions was overly aggressive to the lighter skin black woman with the afro in her approach shouting & swearing aggressive body language etc. unessacary in my opinion as she has never met her before has certainly never harmed her & doesn't even know her. I believe her anger was misdirected. she said when she is dressed up nice with a wig black men don't approach her romanticly & she experiences jealousy/ rejection & that pans out as anger/rage & therefore she is justified in misprojecting her rage/anger rejection etc. onto others.other black women not men even though men are guilty of driving this & who currently insist on perpertrating colourism in dating regardless of the consequences. This is not only malajusted behaviour on her part it is inappropriate as it does not confront the perpertrator. But as another dark skin woman on the show pointed out to her that don't make any sense this denial of the black males autonomous choice. therefore we conclude a misprojection onto others as it does not hold the perpertrator responsible & to accountability so the offender would be free to continue the offending bypassing the offender & not holding the offender responsible for his own actions looking at coloursm perpertrated by black males would therefore be a non sensical absolutly futile exercise. obviously there is no debate without the black male the issue of black male colourism flows out of the black male affects others.but he is our starting point. The other darker skin woman said If she was in that situation she would not blame other black women but rather blame black men as they are the perpertrators of the offence. they're doing the choosing they're doing the rejecting they re responsible for their own thought processes , intentions & any actions they go on to take & that they are responsible, accountable for their own decisions & any actions they take whilst seeking out black females for potential sexual relationships. When it comes to the point where other dark skin women on the show have to point this fact out to you it's time to stop any denial of black male autonomy free will & choice in black male colourism & direct any ongoing grievances, discussion debates, enquiries,emotional outbursts etc.communications damage all caused by black male free choice questions etc & the whole debate in the first instance to black men as they are committing the behaviour that is offensive towards you & only then when mirrored with their behaviour they would have the opportunity to be in possession of what you would like to pass to them in 2021 regarding this matter. ultimately only black men have the ability to change themselves the work needs to be embarked upon carried out with black men social intercourse platforms would need to win the confidence of black men & invite them into this conversation that's all about them social media interactions in the first instance. If that can be achieved it would be the first step in this process. to be in each others presence black men & women communicating debating live.all that damaged emotion & rage that's been leveled towards other black women needs to be firmly directed at our own black men they are not adequately confronted & never have been & are getting away with murder with this subject. They use the western divide & rule principal perfectly here on their women & their own black women allow them to. Black men need to be confronted on this matter the sooner the better.If male & female can be seen to unite equally on these media platforms on this matter it would give hope for future generations. it would be the first step.
You’re welcome girl I always knew you were different, this is next level material… Next time can you sit in the middle so we can see your facial expressions!?
12:23 THE DARK GIRL APPEARS TO UTTERLY DISRESPECT THE LIGHT GIRL! TO HER FACE! APPEARS TO ADMIT HER JEALOUSY OF THE LIGHT GIRL. I COMMEND THE KINDNESS THE LIGHT GIRL SHOWS ALTHOUGH SHE WAS BEING MALIGNED HERE. She is the pretty girl on the panel and the girl disrespecting her is not! She is not accepting this fact and that is why she's so loud and mean to her.
the only one being loud was the brown skin woman with the orange hair. the other darkskin women (one with the big eyes and the one with the short hair) were being just as quiet as the light skin woman. im not sure what you're insinuating.
Now THAT WAS A CONVERSATION!! shout out to the girl in orange!! Speaking fact and ain't holding anything back!#PowerToYou
yesss! glad you enjoyed
Sis in the orange braids nailed it. Everyone had great responses!! New subbie and that’s on period!
welcome to the family!!!
Yea but how she said she doesn’t like when light skin women are around because they take all the attention is wrong. I had a mixed friend and we both would get men together
@Mvitvi so true, also here in the Netherlands.
@Mvitvi I'm originally from NJ, thank goodness..I hear it all the time about Cali,just the west coast period...
It's so gross...
@@Valley__ Of course you both got the attention. No disrespect but you could pass for mixed, judging by your profile. You don't really have the issues her or I would. I was always the one watching ppls coats or purses because I'm the darkest one in the group. I get where shes coming from
The girl in orange braids is so honest and straight forward I love it
This is where i differ as a dark skin women i dont get mad or intimidated by the light/ lighter skin girl maybe because i was raised by my light skin grams and i was the darkest me and my father her son but she neverrrrrr made us or my family feel less then or ugly or whatever because there is ugly light skin ppl but ironically MOST OF MY FRIENDS was always light skin and it is not the light skin person fault how they look or is perceived and they should feel like they is beautiful just like dark skin ppl CONFIDENCE is a mofo and if you dont have that it doesnt matter if YOU BLK / WHITE OR CANDY STRIPE FYI And i have got shade because of my dark skin of course but also have been complimented as well for my BEAUTIFUL SKIN.
She's so ghetto 😭
@@Rocky-co3fv literally proves the point that darker skin black woman are perceived as aggressive or ghetto. You literally are the problem.
why 3 minutes in i started tearing up LMAO i just love seeing black people having educated and open conversations with each other. its so warm
I love how educated black people as a whole really are!! I love seeing them in comfortable settings expressing their vocabulary, intelligence and excellence!
Same here❤️
Because it’s rare for you to see it? You act like it’s not the norm.
@@slagwill5599 don't you have something better to do than make statements based off of assumptions and misinterpretations? if not, as you are .
@@yungflynturnt - calling it like I see it. Plain as day. Look it in the face. Make no excuses. That’s the exact temperament everyone speaks of - but varies by degrees. What- you think it’s an illusion? All stereotypes are based in fact; a kernel of truth - though perhaps exaggerated at times. Take a survey - draw your own conclusions. Psychological fact- can be a big difference in what we think we’re conveying versus what is actually received. It’s up to us to figure it out.
I am Asian so I don’t have a personal understanding, but it was really eye opening to see how colorism exists within the black community in addition to outside the black community, really appreciated this conversation
Colorism affects the Asian community too. Especially in India and parts of South East Asia unfortunately
@@LisaF777 Yes, it does. But, I meant that I don’t have a personal understanding of colorism in the black community (since I am not black).
@@LisaF777 All of Asia has a colourism problem.
Really Asians have colorim.. fair skin south Asian, North East Asian. Indian vs chineese
@@Stufwgbkuvsqfvuivdwg oops I see that
Everybody looks to be under 30, Im glad to see the youngsters having these types of conversations 👍
Yes we all are! Thank you I believe this generation is having a lot of these thought provoking conversations
not “the youngsters” loll 😭
i definitely agree with the "vulnerability" part of it. my parents raised me to be so goal oriented that i never really had a chance to feel the feelings i had (if that made sense). it was as though success in school was more important than my own emotions. it honestly took for me to go into my late teens/early 20s to learn how to communicate and express my feelings bc they were very often invalidated. i'm still learning but it's hard.
SAME. I always felt like I had to be superwoman, I couldn't feel tired or its always more to do . As I grew older I realize there is power in rest.
Same sis saaame❤😢
Yes exactly!
Great convo, but it would have been nice to hear what a straight dark skin man would have to say because they are the main ones that pick light skin women over dark.
Those dont exist
The guy who said “we don’t know you took 3 hours” is a part of the problem. It shouldn’t be about how much effort she put in to make her equally as beautiful. Let’s just keep it real, black men protect and honor lighter skinned women more and collectively always will over darkskin women.
You are so right I was thinking the same thing when he said that his response made no sense but that lets me know that he is one of those niggas who think light skin women are better
literally no clue what he thought saying that was gonna do 😭
HOW CAN THEY NOT KNOW?!?!?!? they have Black mothers if they are Black dont they?
@@thehoneyeffect They might have light skinned moms. My dad was dark skinned and my mom light skinned. That’s most black families. When she mentioned the father not happy with her dark skin that hit hard.
Haven’t even listened,, y’all look GOOOOOOD
They look tf good🗣💜✨ whew😍
Finally ! a conversation without hate and rage and anger i love this so much ❤️
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
The girl in the orange braids I love her raw honesty, I can totally relate. Good job sis 👏
The light skin guy with the green bracelet really gets it..respect brother
Yes! Now this is a great colorism conversation with excellent, diverse perspectives! So glad I found this channel.
Im glad you enjoyed it
@@DebriaLove girl, thank you! I cant wait to see more! Everyone represented the Black community and their experiences so well. I’ve never seen a colorism convo so well-balanced.
This was a great discussion!
This was a great convo. I loved the honesty of the lady with the orange hair and the light-skinned man to the right. Also loved the chill ness of the lady with the long braids, seems like she’s developed a level of unbothered and calmness about topics like this and just exists in her natural element. Great production!
Hey internet intellectuals welcome to the conversation! what are your thoughts on Black parenting? How has slavery impacted the way black parents parent.
that light skinned nikka is matured af
In what way?
This is so good!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I love the deep explanations and understanding from each and every person. Completely a fan! Great job
thank you sooo much!!!
The South Asian community needs discussions like this ❤️🙏🏽.
Great segment sweetie. I’m 47 and I too can learn from younger people. Bravo 👏🏾
yes! never too old or young to learn
The girl with Blk and white on with braid is so pretty her eyes 👀
Yesss I love her eyes. So big and beautiful
She’s cute
💯💯💯 Eyes I wish I had!! 😍
I'm not even in the states where it also happens but i go to a mall or somewhere in public and even in another region I cant pass a group of black women without them making apparent effort to reject or disrespect me. I still don't let it make me not appreciate dark skin women because I've had great relationships with them.
Sis in the Orange is getting it! 😭😭
Bruh...who knew that colour hair would look good like that on both people literally have every different shade of brown that exists in mother earth...I'm like whoa!!!
Okay, first things first, great conversation, great representation, great episode, thank you for having this Debria❤️.
With that being said, my dark-skinned sister in the black tank-top said something I found very interesting. She mentioned that with the recent increase in dark-skinned black women being more in lead roles in film and on television, she feels that it's a fetish of dark-skinned black women that's the motivation... Welcome to what it feels like to be a light-skinned black woman. Fetishized, stereotypes and hyper-sexualized, meanwhile under scrutiny to be positive representation for black women, all the while being told you're not black enough / you're only picked because light skin privilege. This is precisely and exactly what it feels like to be a light-skinned black women. You feel like a lot of expectations are placed on your shoulders that you did not ask for, while be expected to fulfill an ideology of Black femininity. We definitely need to have more conversations like this, where different faces of the black community get to share a platform and speak our truth.
Amazing conversations! Definitely a new sub cause it’s nice to hear more younger people have a voice and are willing to work on solutions instead of just talking or being ignorant!! Keep em coming!!!
Wonderful conversation. You are all so gorgeous!
Thank you Miss Kenice for speaking for some dark skin women. We want to be heard and be deemed angry and aggressive. Keep the conversation going 🧡🧡
The girl with orange braids out here speaking my mind
Most men do prefer mixed looking chicks over dark chicks. The goal is to find a husband and not whore around with a lot of guys.
That was a refreshing conversation. I’m glad to see the transparency and willingness to hold each other accountable 🤎
Great Video , Subscribed !
Please keep having these conversations cause in the black community we really need this. I love the whole vibe and how everyone could really talk and express themselves without anyone arguing or cursing each other out❤️❤️
This was really good and refreshing panelists!
Im so happy
Now this a real conversation! Everyone was transparent and honest you don’t find this anymore.
I couldn’t help but start at the brother to the far rights skin’s leg.😂 it’s just glistening
I definitely want more vids like this
I loved this conversation!!!! Please keep these coming
Great conversation 😍 the ladies hairs re beautiful 😍
It's generational PTSD. It's passed down generation from generation. I'd encourage everyone to get a book called: " it didn't start with you" by Mark Wolynn.
This is so true. I fall in the lighter brown skin tones. A true tan. And I see it for myself the difference skin tone makes in how you are treated, and how people perceive you. When I’m with my friends who are darker than me, to when I’m with people who are lighter. Because I’m in the middle I see both sides and it’s true. Little things like, if I’m the lightest one at the table, the coworker may approach me first, because I’m “ less intimidating” than the dark person. On the other hand when I’m with lighter than me tones, I often never addressed.
Loved this! Please make a part 2! 🥰
that was a good talkk
Loved this video… more real conversations like this please just imagine she was considered the light skinned sister when she is dark people need to stop this shit!!!!
This is where i differ as a dark skin women i dont get mad or intimidated by the light/ lighter skin girl maybe because i was raised by my light skin grams and i was the darkest me and my father her son but she neverrrrrr made us or my family feel less then or ugly or whatever because there is ugly light skin ppl but ironically MOST OF MY FRIENDS was always light skin and it is not the light skin person fault how they look or is perceived and they should feel like they is beautiful just like dark skin ppl CONFIDENCE is a mofo and if you dont have that it doesnt matter if YOU BLK / WHITE OR CANDY STRIPE FYI And i have got shade because of my dark skin of course but also have been complimented as well for my BEAUTIFUL SKIN.
When ur on the lighter end of dark skinned you still get treated better. It’s a spectrum and context is everything. Many of my light skinned friends experience colorism because everyone else in their family is white passing kind of light. So it’s something that is very systemic and consistent yet simultaneously situational for sure.
@@leilanidru7506's really messed up...sad...I don't even blame this on's something black people have proudly up-held at this point...this is on us!!!
Orange Braids and and Black Braids had very good talking points. Would love to hear convos about classism.
Beautiful people 😍😍 greeting from a brother from marocco
hello brother
Thank you for this.
You must keep these conversations going
thank you granny
That was so awesome! Profound! Thought provoking! Real! The dialogue and discussion was so factual, and straightforward.
Yes! We need to hear more about the realism of color based “discrimination,” and the ramifications of its negative projectors on our community’s mindset and psyches. I am so impressed with the depth level of critical thinking displayed in this family of articulate, intelligent, and insightful young people of color. You are all so beautiful! 💜💜💪🏽💪🏽
Discover Nigeria my dark skin people! Colorism is not a problem there! Dark skin black people everywhere. Just blend in.,Dark skin women are loved there! Television full of dark skin men and woman. America has made us feel this way.
I love her she inspired me a lot thank u
I’ve heard that I’m intimidating most of my life. No matter how nice you are. It’s your appearance nothing more.I’m from a racist city. And I was employed in the Healhcare field.I need to correct something one of the speakers said. I raised my children with the “what goes on in this house stays in this house”. The reason I told my kids that is because adults have a tendency to ask children questions that they shouldn’t because they know children will tell them what they want to know and they know they wouldn’t do that to the parent.
Amen !!
Everyone’s face Flawless for ONE.
Two Love Yourselves Black Women, You are Gods❤️
It’s the SkinGoals for me😇
Girl when I heard your voice I subscribed lol I love you keep going !!!
This conversation is so necessary- thank you all for this!
Love the girl with the orange hair
Thank you all for this very insightful discussion. I hope to prod my white and light-skinned colleagues to discuss colorism transparently. Lots of love to you.
i'm glad you enjoyed the conversation. I encourage you to bring up the conversation to them. let me know how it goes
Subbed thank you all for the perspective!
I agree with Keniecee- I've witnessed my black relatives just drill the "your ancestors where slaves" into their kids minds. To the point where its all they talk about. If we talk about a building, they have to mention that "slaves built it" etc. Its so damn depressing. I can sense that they have almost like a low self esteem from how they teach themselves to address the world around them. Then one of my inlaws told me, "You have to teach your kids about slavery." I told him, "Why? So they can internalize it?" If I instruct my kids on those topics, its going to be a part of history and then we will move on to other hisorical topics. I'm not going to drill and drill and drill oppression into their very psyche. NO THANKS with that crap.
Exactly. I agree.
It's so sad when you said the parents not loving their child cuz they came out different
This is really cool. Ty!!! We are all beautiful
You can't hate and hurt light girls bc your jealous.
I really enjoyed this discussion, but please improve the sound - I lost an amount just in straining to discern words.
On Colourism.... honestly I've dealt with almost everything they were saying. For me I always thought that my dark skin / brown whatever, was ugly and it was something that I was told directly or indirectly by my family, peers and society at large. I come from a family were people bleach their skin to look brighter or lighter because it's perceived as beautiful and I always try to ask them if being black is now an insecurity...I think we as black people need to understand that all this came from our oppressors, they told us that our skin is ugly and that we are inferior to them....These are things that were passed on and now it's our turn to change the narrative and change the definitions of beauty. 🖤
I would like to add Iam seeing more of the colorism conversation which I love. However, would suggest having more light skin, and different shades of brown people on the panels. I've been told I am light skin but I feel I am on the fence more of a dark Carmel. I am too brown (dark Carmel) to be real light skin but to light to be dark skin. Dead in the middle I feel. Believe me My mother is light bright damn near white and she has let me know before. Im in my late 30's and I the mother of 2 handsome sons (1 light skin and 1 dark skin). I preach and teach my sons to love both their beautiful skin tones and they show black love to each other as well. I love the energy from the girl in the orange but in my opinion there needs to be more perspectives. Real solutions don't come if all issues aren't laid out and understood. The question needs to be how as a people did we come to this and how are we all effected by colorism. It is multifaceted best believe. Until we understand that the circle will continue to cycle. More dark skin men need to be on the panel as well. The are also part of the problem. I live in VA and I will tell all bw are being passed over for ww. My 19 yr marriage was ruined by one and honey let my tell you that is a real epidemic. I'm tired of the bs for real. We need to speak up about many issues in the black community and colorism is an important one to improve black equality and black self love. However, family let me send a colorism alert: light skin or light brown skin ain't white, and in VA over the years they have made sure I don't forget. The colorism programming in our BM and babyboomers and older is real. I stand hard for my dark skin brother's and sister's all day every day, but I feel like the panels need to be more diverse with more black shades cause different shades have different experiences as well. Everyone has some degree of accountability when truly analyzing the elevation of colorism in the black community. Just my almost 40 year old 2 cents.
Thank you so much sharing! Willie lych and the institution of slavery emphasized that divided and conquer mentality. And pit us against each other based on color, hair texture
@@DebriaLove So true sis! We must work together to stop the mission of division.
If you are caramel just prepare to be reassigned and recategorized (in terms of skin tone) every 5 minutes. No one can make up their minds about them and agree on what complexion they are
I really loved this discussion. I hope the lovely lady at 7:13 gets to see herself at the beginning bc she looked str8 depressed. I would say I would not understand why people were saying she looks intimidating but from the beginning of the video I see why. All of this is to say there are things about ourselves we do not see. I hope she gets to see her video and perhaps get a 2nd or 3rd person view of herself. Some people have resting biotch face, she has resting sad face. My aim is not to needlessly be critical but instead point something out she may not have gotten to observe yet. There was so much glow, natural animation & vibrancy from her when she talked I was caught off guard due to the contrast in her demeanor.
I saw her face at the beginning too and since, I’m the same way, I was like “I bet she’s nice and sweet but just has that resting face naturally yet people would look at her and find her intimidating” and I was right! Stop judging, we can’t control our expressions especially when at rest like that.
And to be honest society has programmed me to roll my eyes when I hear a lighter melanated woman say they always wanted to be dark skin… it’s just aggravating to me! Because no you don’t sis…
nice dialogue
Thank you guys
We definitely need solutions
Great show queen .. just Gotta work on u lighting
My parents are African (Zambian) and I'm African (Zambian) our parents are also tough on us as a way to prepare us for the real world.. The know that we deserve the opportunities that the world has to give but we don't have them, so they start at a year age teaching us to be obedient, disciplined and training us to present ourselves in a certain way so that we the world doesn't perceive us as primitive or opinion .
A lot of people say I'm light skinned I think I'm lighter then darker tones but when I look at my little sister I see her as light skinned and I remember my mom telling me at 7 that girls are going to fight me beacuse my hair was curly and my skin color didn't understand until they did main thing I was told was u think your all that cuz you got good hair or you think your all that cuz your lightskinned not true and I was so shy I barely spoke then theres my little sister lighter green eyes sandy blonde hair me carmel skin brown eyes brown hair I remember my mom had a friend she would be nice to my sister but mean to me I didn't understand until I was older but I have not got privledge for bring light if I go off on a person to them I'm just a angry black girl not lightskinned angry girl I also think there privledge for women with big butts as well as skinny women also so let's talk about that next
Poor u
I love the discussion 😊BUT I just didn't understand why when the dark skinned women talks about her plight does another group( dark skinned men , lighter skinned women, etc) have to try to equalise their plights ....we KNOW that dark skinned women bare the brunt of colourism ...we can adress each plight separately and stop with the oppresion-lypics.
For example like dark skinned men never had a problem(or where not as vocal) when the media fetishes over them because it played into their masculinity and desirability
For example lighter skinned men never had a problem when the media also plays into their desirability when they are "othered" because of their light eyes or curly hair UNTIL it affects their masculinity
For example lighter skinned women also never complained about being put on a pedestal in the community and being also " othered" plays into their desirability
Exactly. I appreciate how she called out the collective attitude change when the lsw was speaking 💯
Worrying about the attention other people get doesn’t get you that attention. Blacks people are all beautiful lets just be comfortable in our own skin and not envious of others. Cuz I promise you, no man can make me jealous😂 if he pullin all the baddies then congratulations 👍🏽lol. I can’t say I don’t like being around dark skin men because women like them more that’s they business Ima focus on what I got going.
Because you’re a man and beauty doesn’t define your worth. It’s a different experience King
Girl in the yellow top is fine. She my type
Get in where you fit in. It is what it is. Can't force someone to change their preferences.
Is not the girl in the orange hair manifesting the very vibes that define the hostility the dark ones are accused of? Is there not an aggressive tone to her manner - cussing and pounding hands, etc? Or am I imagining it.
Yes she is masculine… and tacky she’s pretty but undesirable, not because she’s dark skinned but because of her style and mannerisms
All this - Especially in LA.
I want everyone to look at the girl in black and white in the initial scenes before the conversation starts. I'll leave at that.
What? That she looks kind of like sad?
She’s hurting :( beautiful woman too!!!
It drives me crazy when people that don't write use words without knowing what they mean! This lack of understanding by our parents is what's got black women in trouble with every man, and they don't even have sense enough to see it: that old adjective called "feminine," which describes every menstruating woman with breasts, even after she ceases menstruation, that every fool man has made the be-all and end-all description of women instead of other adjectives.
No one EVER hears a flat-chested girl spoken of as "feminine" that has yet to grow breasts and menstruate lifeblood for the conception, birthing and nursing of live babies.
How does a man tell a dark-skinned menstruating woman with a 36-C bustline and the hips to match that a light-skinned menstruating woman with a 32-B bustline and snake hips is more feminine (woman) than her?
How does a man tell a dark-skinned menstruating woman with a 36-C bustline, the hips to match and bulbous features that a light-skinned menstruating woman with a 32-B bustline, snake hips and the same bulbous features is more feminine (woman) than her?
If, therefore, a menstruating woman with breasts looks like Boss Hogg from _The Dukes of Hazzard,_ she is still feminine (a woman) -- because she was not born with a penis and cannot ejaculate seed like a man, she certainly can NEVER be called masculine (a man). If a woman is built like Mean Joe Green, yet she has breasts and menstruates lifeblood, she's feminine (a woman) -- because she was not born with a penis and cannot ejaculate seed like a man, she certainly can NEVER be called masculine (a man). Understand my double meanings here: If a man is born with a penis and is ejaculating seed, he is also masculine (a man) -- because he was not born with breasts and menstruation and cannot birth a baby like a woman, he certainly can NEVER be called feminine (a woman).
All human flesh is the same flesh, regardless of its color (1 Corinthians 15:39).
That said, if the light-skinned woman and the dark-skinned woman have the same flesh, but the black man prefers a light-skinned woman over a dark-skinned woman, and again, when neither can be more feminine (a menstruating woman with breasts) than the other, then, the black man prefers the light-skinned woman because her FACIAL FEATURES are more . . .
1. SYMMETRICAL than his,
2. STRIKING than his,
3. REFINED than his,
4. CLEAN-CUT than his,
5. EXOTIC than his,
6. POLISHED than his,
7. DAINTY than his, and
8. DOLLISH than his, to ply several better-fitting adjectives.
Then say these adjectives describing _her_ facial features to _my_ facial features, instead of the lie I'm not also a menstruating woman with breasts (feminine)!
What, then, of the black man who tells a dark-skinned menstruating woman with a 36-C bustline, the hips to match and perfectly symmetrical facial features that her light-skinned menstruating friend with the same 36-C bustline, hips and perfectly symmetrical facial features is more feminine (woman) than her? In this case, he just wants light-skinned or white babies from a woman whose outer appearance is no guarantee that the hidden person of her heart will ever prove an adequate HELPER and COMPLEMENT of him!
As for the light-skinned young man, women don't turn away from you and run to a dark-skinned man for protection because of your skin coloring, but because with your clean-cut baby face, you can only be so tough!
Ps everyone is looking good.
I like all men, but I realize the other day O never dated light skin men. And I have alot in my family. Not opposed but I realize dark skin men is what approached me. I am not light skin by my account I am brown. Caramel color
Im dark skin and I notice that ONLY white and lightskin men approach me the most. Darker skin men usually try to rush sex quickly.
What would you do if a caramel man approached you? Reject him on sight?
6:24 - 6:42 The comment about Beyonce vs Kelly & Michelle is literally the colorism problem in itself, and the fake it came from a dark-skinned black woman is disappointing and extremely problematic.
Mind you, the comment she was made about someone stating her confidence was that of a "light-skinned" woman, and her sentiment was no one expects her to walk in the room like Beyonce (light-skinned woman), not like Kelly (dark-skinned woman), Michelle (lighter brown skinned woman). 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
Kelly Rowland is a beautiful dark-skinned black woman, and you don't know what walk of life she's come from. Her seemingly confidence struggles very well could be because she's a black woman in America, and a Black Woman in the entertainment industry. You also can't forget she wasn't raised by her own parents throughout childhood, she was mostly raised by Beyonce's parents. That affects self-esteem. Kelly still has always been confident, but over the last 7 years she has really shown and embarrassed her confidence.
Michelle the same. Beautiful woman, very talented. Has had her own struggles, but has always been confident in the group. She's just not a great dancer. Leave it to some of our black people to try to drag us down in order to make a point.
I can see how me using the Kelly vs beyonce analogy is harmful . Thank you for the such a positive correction!
I was just trying to see why can’t darker skin women have main character personalities without it coming as a shock to people.
Im glad chick with the orange expressed herself because i knew most dark skin women think like that 🙄. No i cannot relate but its interesting to know. When i first starting dating i attracted and dated mostly lightskin men. Now in my late 20s my long term boyfriend is dark skin 😍😍. But i dont descriminate but i do know most dark skin men are intimidated by me more than light skin men.
oh wow that's interesting that dark skin men are inimated by you...
This is where i differ as a dark skin women i dont get mad or intimidated by the light/ lighter skin girl maybe because i was raised by my light skin grams and i was the darkest me and my father her son but she neverrrrrr made us or my family feel less then or ugly or whatever because there is ugly light skin ppl but ironically MOST OF MY FRIENDS was always light skin and it is not the light skin person fault how they look or is perceived and they should feel like they is beautiful just like dark skin ppl CONFIDENCE is a mofo and if you dont have that it doesnt matter if YOU BLK / WHITE OR CANDY STRIPE FYI And i have got shade because of my dark skin of course but also have been complimented as well for my BEAUTIFUL SKIN.
The light skin girl is pretty. She is the only pretty girl on that panel. The girl in the orange braids appear to be very disrespectful to her and seems to admit her jealousy towards the pretty light girls. We all knew this was the case. Newsflash. If the guys ran to the other girl that means she was the pretty one! And she said it herself that they ran to the light girl. This is why people do not respect the colorism convo because the dark one use it to disrespect light girls. The girl in the bright orange appear to admit it here.
I talked about this from a dark skin perspective...
The woman with the Orange long extensions was overly aggressive to the lighter skin black woman with the afro in her approach shouting & swearing aggressive body language etc. unessacary in my opinion as she has never met her before has certainly never harmed her & doesn't even know her. I believe her anger was misdirected. she said when she is dressed up nice with a wig black men don't approach her romanticly & she experiences jealousy/ rejection & that pans out as anger/rage & therefore she is justified in misprojecting her rage/anger rejection etc. onto others.other black women not men even though men are guilty of driving this & who currently insist on perpertrating colourism in dating regardless of the consequences. This is not only malajusted behaviour on her part it is inappropriate as it does not confront the perpertrator. But as another dark skin woman on the show pointed out to her that don't make any sense this denial of the black males autonomous choice. therefore we conclude a misprojection onto others as it does not hold the perpertrator responsible & to accountability so the offender would be free to continue the offending bypassing the offender & not holding the offender responsible for his own actions looking at coloursm perpertrated by black males would therefore be a non sensical absolutly futile exercise. obviously there is no debate without the black male the issue of black male colourism flows out of the black male affects others.but he is our starting point. The other darker skin woman said If she was in that situation she would not blame other black women but rather blame black men as they are the perpertrators of the offence. they're doing the choosing they're doing the rejecting they re responsible for their own thought processes , intentions & any actions they go on to take & that they are responsible, accountable for their own decisions & any actions they take whilst seeking out black females for potential sexual relationships. When it comes to the point where other dark skin women on the show have to point this fact out to you it's time to stop any denial of black male autonomy free will & choice in black male colourism & direct any ongoing grievances, discussion debates, enquiries,emotional outbursts etc.communications damage all caused by black male free choice questions etc & the whole debate in the first instance to black men as they are committing the behaviour that is offensive towards you & only then when mirrored with their behaviour they would have the opportunity to be in possession of what you would like to pass to them in 2021 regarding this matter. ultimately only black men have the ability to change themselves the work needs to be embarked upon carried out with black men social intercourse platforms would need to win the confidence of black men & invite them into this conversation that's all about them social media interactions in the first instance. If that can be achieved it would be the first step in this process. to be in each others presence black men & women communicating debating live.all that damaged emotion & rage that's been leveled towards other black women needs to be firmly directed at our own black men they are not adequately confronted & never have been & are getting away with murder with this subject. They use the western divide & rule principal perfectly here on their women & their own black women allow them to. Black men need to be confronted on this matter the sooner the better.If male & female can be seen to unite equally on these media platforms on this matter it would give hope for future generations. it would be the first step. colorist video and thank you for the support
I love this Bria!!!!
Thank you so much
You’re welcome girl I always knew you were different, this is next level material… Next time can you sit in the middle so we can see your facial expressions!?
the one with orange hair is brown skinned
Yea she said her daddy is light-skinned.However I feel like brown-skins and dark-skins are treated relatively the same because we aren’t light.
If she’s brown skin then why do people call caramel people brown skin? Those are 2 different types of brown
Chile….Ms. Orange braids got it
Girl in the orange telling the truth
Where is light skin girls in this video
I prefer light skin girls and brown skin girls
Something happen to video quilty.📷🎥
12:23 THE DARK GIRL APPEARS TO UTTERLY DISRESPECT THE LIGHT GIRL! TO HER FACE! APPEARS TO ADMIT HER JEALOUSY OF THE LIGHT GIRL. I COMMEND THE KINDNESS THE LIGHT GIRL SHOWS ALTHOUGH SHE WAS BEING MALIGNED HERE. She is the pretty girl on the panel and the girl disrespecting her is not! She is not accepting this fact and that is why she's so loud and mean to her.
Dang Bra.
14:30 that’s funny I prefer light skinned guys but maybe it’s because I’m from Minnesota and that’s the preference here
Look at how the darker skinned women are sitting and engaging in the conversation compared to the light skinned.
Might be her personality. Maybe she feels outnumbered
the only one being loud was the brown skin woman with the orange hair. the other darkskin women (one with the big eyes and the one with the short hair) were being just as quiet as the light skin woman. im not sure what you're insinuating.