Whenever I get my butt kicked, Asuka is broken. Whenever I sweep, Asuka is dog water. This is the correct opinion and no one can convince me otherwise.
I just love how unique all the zoners are. Axl, Jacko, Happy Chaos, Asuka, are all so weird compared to each other. In general it sorta feels like zoners in games get the most creativity put into them, maybe it's just because of their design space being pretty open.
What this character is missing to be super top tier is consistency. I find him hard to fight as Baiken, but if he doesn't start with the correct tools, I can just blow him up.
@@NemSumeragi Agreed, but consistency is one of the main things that a good character can bring to the table, which makes him fairly difficult to judge.
Very polarizing matchups. I find it extremely funny how I-no suffers against Happy Chaos but completeley obliterates this character with just chemical love
The way I see it: characters with short range normals and no projectiles = He DOMINATES. Characters with long range normals and projectiles = he struggles.
I think he's easily one of strongest characters in the game but I'll hold that thought and wait for Arc World Tour. I want to see how far Gobou will go with Asuka.
Asuka is my main. He is one of the most fun characters i have played, and I got to celestial for the first time with him. If they change him, I hope its for the better, that makes him both more fun to fight and play. and to not just nerf him because people cant handle TC3
Same. If anything make mana regen 10secs vs the 20 I think it gives & that’s literally it. Also I really think full bookmark should restore mana but that’s just me. Lastly give tc2 some love whatever that means
@@finallyanime Mana regen is faster the closer you are to the opponent. at least the regen mana move. Bookmark giving mana would absolutely break Asuka, Due to TC3 looping. As for TC2, I think TC2 Is fine the way it is, Though i wouldnt appose a buff to encourage its use. TC2 has a lot of great spells and mechanics IMO
As someone who's been playing Asuka since release, I find that he has this really weird blend of overwhelming positives and negatives, even outside of his defense modifier being based on mana. He doesn't really have any good button for the 9-10F range, 5K is pretty alright but against a character like Ky, they can just kinda run at you and press a really disjointed and active button. Cubes being hurtboxes is good and bad, good in that it beats Baiken Tatami and Nago Clone, bad in that you like, hella lose to Sin due to cube cancels. There's also the point that this character has a strong burst situation, but is pretty vulnerable to being bursted at the worst times himself, and he's not very mobile meaning that characters like Chipp just chew through Asuka's neutral for breakfast. But on the plus side the sheer versatility and adaptability this character allows for is lowkey degenerate. TC3 stuff is all mids, so any mix you have is pretty committal, but you better believe the reward is hella insane. More than anything, I just think his Matchups are weird. He falls vulnerable to a lot of characters on the lower or more esoteric end of things. Faust, I-no, Bridget, Chipp, Axl and Sin all have a field day with Asuka, but I think Asuka is pretty alright against Nago, has a weirdly even to possibly favorable MU against Happy Chaos, and just breaks a lot of the rules that all the top tiers kinda abide by. Its more a meta shift than anything Also this character is definitely easy to knowledge check people with. The fact that I can still put Delayed Howling Metrons in their face and they just hold it while I become +22 is kinda insane haha
Guilty Gear Strive is my first fighting game, and when I first played I chose Asuka because of how awesome he looked to me. Once I learned a bit of how he plays he has become the only character I find truly fun in this game to play.
The best way to practice Asuka without going online is the survival mode, that's how I first practiced initially. Just be conscious of what you are doing and not spamming you won't learn anything that way.
If I could change this character, I would make it so 1. You can get spells from any of the decks at the start of the round *and or* 2. Switch the manarecovery spells around so that the regenerating one is in tc2, the buff is now in tc3, and that tc1 now has the Spells-to-mana spell
One thing I've noticed about mana regen is that if you have it, you can eat a full combo and keep your mana shield. Part of Asuka's gimmick is obviously getting punished heavily if you slip up and let them in, but with mana regen, this is almost negated because you recover mana faster than you lose it
There is a lot of randomness involved with his kit, so his performance can vary situationally depending on matchup and the spells he gets. So he could be broken or weak depending. The clips people post are when his resources line up perfectly, which is hard to do consistently in a real match. It is like saying Faust is broken when they see a clip of him only pulling out meteors, bombs, etc. I do think he has a LOT of potential, it is just there is not enough tech that has been discovered and distributed to players. When we see someone destroying brackets with Asuka doing things nobody has seen, that is when I will considered if he is broken or not.
The thing about tier lists and top tiers is that the tier lists inherently makes the assumption that both players are good and completely skilled in said characters. For example. In Super Turbo Dhalsim is top tier but he’s much harder to use and not many people play as him. That doesn’t change the fact that in the hypothetical scenario he’s still a top tier. So it seems like in the scenario where two very skilled and knowledgeable players are competing that Asuka would in fact be considered a top tier.
Asuka is broken. His offense is suffocating to a crazy extent. His skill ceiling is high but if you play someone who can get there, the sky is the limit
@@Sorioku His offence is crazy, but he requires the right spells (mana regen and auto spell refill) and breathing room to get it going. If you don't let him breathe, he folds like paper. Just watch Daru I-No fight against Gobou, and you'll get what I mean.
Yeah, it's like if a top player makes season one Zamasu look god-like. It doesn't mean Zamasu is broken it just means the player is really good. That same character can make any character that's not top-tier look strong but in reality, the character is still either good but has some problems or dogshit
I think a lot of people get distracted by Gobou shooting a billion cubes that they don’t see how crazy Gobou’s defence is as Asuka. Asuka as a character with basically no defensive options often requires hard reads or IB/IBFD/backdashes to get out of bad situation. But Gobou can consistently make those hard-reads or doing IBs and stuff. I remember seeing Gobou consistently backdash multiple Behemoth Typhoons in corner, that was pure madness.
As a Pot Player Asuka is just so painful He just gets to float around just far enough away from Kara Heat Knuckle range and high enough for Hammerfall to not hit, shuffling through spells, and all I can do is slowly inch my way as he slowly but surely puts together Exodia. The good thing is, if I DO catch him he just sorta dies? Potemkin drains his mana like hell and once he's out of it one good starter just IMMEDIATELY kills him lol But yeah I am completely and utterly biased on the "He's too strong" front... Maybe Heat Tackle will allow me to stop him from just flying about where I CAN'T reach him!!!!!
@@NarumiButterfly Pot's normals are very slow and Kai needs meter. It's a pretty rough matchup if Asukas know how to dodge slidehead and manage their mana in-between
@HellecticMojo He can snuff out half of the metron cube types with 5P, and 6P MS Howling, and the meter is worth using since Asuka without a gravity staff boosted jump struggles the hardest to get over it which Pot can keel him locked down with his air buttons and/or snatch him with heat knuckle This match up is not as bad as most people think
@@NarumiButterfly I think you are vastly overestimating the risk vs reward. If Pot of all people was having that easy time with the matchup because he could hit 5p, Asuka would be bottom worst character in the game period as every other character can out class him in normals maybe with exception of Goldlewis. 6p requires tighter timing than any mash and is realistically more likely to get you hit with the third cube or 2D. "Just 6P it" stopped being an advice after season 1 for a reason. Even post Kai launch approach is no longer free because his 2D is an incredible check against approaches. You won't get much of anything done if you are resorting to forcing air blocks with gigantor while the grounded approach is very easy to contest compared to most of the cast. Pot can win the matchup, but that's because Asuka is very hard to play and prone to RNG , resource and execution mistakes, not because he's actually good at dealing with Asuka.
I don't think its complicated, he is broken on offence and super weak on defence i.e. no good dp, mana chip a lot to do not much time to do it. (but people don't like a moderate answer it has to be broken or weak)
I don't understand the design concept. Asuka's goal is to get into a game state where the opponent is playing a stacked bullet hell game. I don't think Asuka is broken, but it's just odd to encourage this kind of gameplay imo
he's got burst, so make that 2 times. And if he gets green mana it doesn't matter cuz you'll be doing shit for damage and then you're back to neutral after wallbreak.
i think asuka can get to wining or almost checkmate situations very very often. he's not a free win but he can put you in the grinder pretty frequently (and for a long fucking time) despite the rng, basically.
He isn't broken people are either just to lazy to learn the MU or they don't want to buy him to learn how to beat him which is actually a fair reason I think that all dlc should be free in training mode.
the way asuka loses today is the same as the way he lost on day 1 and the ways he wins are largely the same as day 1 too. he seemed like a character that would need to develop a lot but i actually think a lot of questions about this character today could basically be answered then. he has a ridiculously powerful win condition that isn't that difficult to achieve and will also just kind of die at random in some rounds due to bad draws or an opponent putting a button through one of his cubes and deleting it fur a fat CH combo that drains his resource.
From playing asuka it takes a lot to be consistent with him, partially from the rng but mainly how he has a few particular matchups that just suck. Definitely one of those characters you should spend time learning the matchup. From experience sin has been particularly hard to stop as asuka If I were to change anything about asuka I would spread the exodia setup around other decks by swapping the mana and bookmark cards. That should hopefully make the setup harder but not too hard while fixing the problem of asuka rarely needing to use the other decks. It would also make asuka even more interesting to play as now high level players will start switching decks to fish for the best hand. I think it would silence the people worried about asuka while making the character more fun to play. Basically making the setup worse while also giving more power to some other setups. Probably wouldn't change much but I feel it would be more fun to play.
The one thing I'd change is the auto-reload of the Test Cases/decks; there's no reason to change out of TC3, and getting Exodia means you can literally spam cubes. I've won by just looking at what cards were popping up, I don't watch my opponent because it's likely they can't interact with the cubes anyway (Arpeggio/Bit Shift are effectively safe & unpunishable). Just make the cards in each deck only reload if every card in every deck has been used up. It completely changes how Asuka has to consider their card use and not just spam their shit. (also why the fuck does the Regen Mana card last 15 seconds, like holy shit that's way too long)
When Asuka's starter guide was released I literally thought that's how it worked cause that made sense to me but nope the test case just auto reloads once you use every card in it
Kinda feels like he hasn't really taken off in terms of popularity and results, but I guess since I don't actually look at results that much I'm probably just talking from a position of ignorance...
I feel like although it is situational for him to get into his test case 3 pressure string, those situations are a bit too easy to get into. idk what should they change to make him a little harder to get into situations in his favor though. One thing that definitely needs a noticeable nerf, in my opinion, is his cube super. It's way too safe for him to just spam that move at any range and force the opponent to block it while he tries to either recover his mana or switching spells.
I've been saying since launch of Asuka: change cards placements, so the player has to use the other decks more, cuz how he is now? (Nov 16, 2023) the only deck Asuka uses for his win condition is the 3rd and nothing else, there's way too powerful cards on the 3rd deck, cube wall, tp and the repel/absorb staves be changed from 3rd to 2nd deck
@@dragonic22 Not necessarily - it is feasible that each deck is situational enough that Asuka wants to choose one based on a specific game plan or situation. I don't think anyone is asking for perfect balance, but OPs not wrong... most Asuka just switch to deck 3 as soon as possible and say there.
@@dragonic22 they can split up the powerful cards into separate decks -- in particular, auto-bookmark and Continuous Restore Mana should be separated, ideally with Restore Mana in TC2. That way, asuka would need to switch between tc2 and tc3 in order to get the exodia combo, and it'd be impossible to do normal->cube->bookmark super->exodia
Splitting the spells up makes sense. What I don't agree with, what the commenter was suggesting, is just moving some of the best spells in tc3 into tc2 to make tc2 the new best deck
@@dragonic22 Fair enough, and I agree. There has been a trend of "there will always be a strong thing, so why bother balancing" which I thought you were speaking to. My fault.
"Is he a broken unfair character?" 80% of the cast in a nutshell. I would even say more: what makes most of Guilty Gear Strive successful comes from the fact that almost all characters are broken.
Is he broken? No. Thats ridiculous. Hes good yes but he snowballs hardbin both directions. If asuka doesnt win the early game, he folds like paper. For most players who try to play asuka, theyll get stomped out by all the gorillas in the game, quit and go back to playing their favorite flavor of glue. Because the gorrillas can spin, beyblade, nightrade, stroke etc blah blah blah to almost completely ignore most of his kit. If he wins the early game, hes hard to contest, you can swing through his zoning but it requires as much situational awareness as the Asuka themself.
As a Goldlewis playeer this matchup is CBT unless I win within the first knockdown. Then again, that's more a problem that Goldlewis's MU spread is full of CBT matchups.
asuka isn’t broken like happy chaos where he becomes an auto-win character once you learn him. he’s good once you master him, but his gameplan actually takes quite a bit of skill. asuka has a lot of depth and quite frankly, the game needs more characters like him, and they need to be strong.
@@zenheretic i was going to come up with a real response, but “auto-win” is obviously hyperbole so i’m not going to bother with you. happy chaos is a carried character, asuka isn’t.
@@zenheretic HC is like Asuka if Asuka only had deck 3 and was also a massive threat up close. HC makes no sense, Asuka requires quite a bit more execution and has very obvious weaknesses tuned around the game mechanics.
I personally find I have a lot more fun in TC1 and even TC2 than TC3. The main thing is that Mana regen and auto import are broken, but good god is there a lot of other crap in that deck. When I'm playing the other decks, I feel a lot more like I'm playing around what I have, while in TC3 I feel like I'm JUST fishing for even a half of the exodia, since even when not assembled it's stupid strong.
asuka imo is either busted or absolutely trash depending on what spells he rolls/starts with. if his gameplay gets going, hes extremely oppressive, but also once you actually get in he explodes. beating him revolves around not letting him set up his stuff because once he starts its just about gg
You have to look at it with the fact in mind of there being a lot of basic rushdowns and shoto style characters in every fighting game. Zoners tend to be rare in comparison to these. In GG's case there are more zoners all of which are very unique and are more tolerable to others, I feel as if since there are more unique zoners or just zoners in general in this game that people tend to feel as if there are too many. Like stated previously, in comparison to others their casting is still lackluster. It is a more annoying playstyle to have to play against without a doubt, but that just makes the skill expression of rushdowns and other more traditional styles of play more impressive. The ability to play against more unique unconventional styles of play really begins to shine through with additions of characters like Asuka.
He is quite strong and really annoying to fight making him almost pre nerf Ram tier of this character is bullshit but I feel like a minor nerf wouldn't kill him. But of course he is good Gear generally makes these kinds of characters broken but hard enough most wouldn't play em take a look at Zato throughout Gear history
I’d love to see the guilty gear team get the jjk IP for a 2D fighting game 💯 his infinite mana glitch reminds me of a dude in the manga of jjk when he hits a jackpot in his domain
Asuka is simultaneously one of the BEST and WORST characters in the Game. Let me explain asuka's wind conditions in test history which isn't necessarily available to him immediately he has to either get lucky or get his ultimate and being a good situation to use that ultimate then he's got a filter to get the cards even if he pops both cards it's not a guaranteed win but I will say that the situation is like 95% in his favor. With manna Reagan and Auto bookmark. That being said he also has the worst situation in the game by far. When is manna gets broken and he gets steamrolled it's the worst steamrolling you'll see in Guilty Gear thanks to his extremely low defense without his barrier. Not only that he doesn't have access to a spells and you have to survive(huge emphasis) with his below average normals. To frame this understanding I'd like to present you with a questions. Who would you rather be? in the corner against gold Lewis. Asuka with no mana? Or anybody else? Who would you rather be in a mix-up against milia. Asuka with no mana or anybody else? In a long range fight against Axl? Asuka(even with mana) with no mana or anybody else🤣🤣🤣
@konakonizumi1869 wait how many asuka players were there in arc revo? Did gobou only use asuka or did he also play zato? How many Ram and sol players were there again?🤔 Just because Gobou(a freak of nature) won an arc revo(yes its a great flex) certainly doesn't mean Asuka is S tier. And just because it's a literal fact that asuka is simultaneously BOTH great and terrible. He has some of the best situations in the game....but also the WORST
I MOSTLY want his super projectile nerfed by a lot. And I mean a lot. He just autowins neutral if you happen to not HKD wallbreak. And pretty much in neutral is the same thing. Also he is one of the few REALLY priviliged characters that gets immense value from using blue burst to get the opponent off from him, he just auto wins neutral by blue bursting and spamming projectiles. Blue burst should give breathing room, not giving them a huge advantage at getting their win conditions. I shouldn't get this much punished because I happened to not be able to burst bait, specially when I may not have meter to RC and guard before burst hits me. GL uses drone after blue burst too, but I mean come on, he has to have something to have a chance at neutral. If they added half a second or a second of not being able to use spells after Asuka uses blue burst I would love it
There are only two things i think are overtuned for Asuka considering the type of character he is. 1)He is way too tanky with mana and if he were to stay that tanky hitting him doesn't actually drain enough mana (altought if it did drain more it would probably too much). 2) That GODDAM FUCKING overdrive wich isn't a revesersal but it's so fucking fast it might actually be.
I find it funny how they put characters that are brand new to the series and mesh them in with the overall tone of the game where movement is slow enough to hit a moving target enough times you'd think the target never moved in the first place
Nice video! This character is unfortunately more of the same and these characters that just send millions of projectiles ad nauseum with little interaction arent really fun to most people - but they are fun to some people, so i expect we'll keep seeing them. I just want more interaction options around cubes. Asuka in Test Case 3 is a blocking simulator for 90% of the time you fight him. I''m sure more counterplay will develop soon though
Character needs a rework. With deck 3 auto bookmark and mana regen he's completely broken, without it i don't think he can compete. If his only viable strategy is to literally spam spells non-stop, that's really unfortunate and boring, absolute waste of potential on this character.
probably being the most interactable zoner with telegraphed moves certainly help. you can dodge it, you can block it, you can hit it. Compared to Chaos's JUST BLOCK IT, STOP TRYING
Yeah I don't think anyone disagrees at this point that Asuka is, at a minimum, a very solid character. Most of the debate seems to be centered on whether he's simply good or too good.
I love every character in Strive, but I also don't play against strong players often, nor is anything in my life dependent on my performance in the game. They all just burst with unique character, style and game plan. And I guess that's all that matters to me.
From a casual standpoint i skip asuka players everytime. Every character is kinda straight forward even Happy Chaos. But with Asuka i feel like im playing a 1.5 players game. Standing in the corner waiting for that one moment to strike back and mostly getting bodied by the amount of crap hes throwing around.
I hate the player utilizing “X” character argument as to why a character is doing good. In reality the character has always been that good it just took a specific player to highlight these strengths
I really don’t think Asuka is top tier but like he could use some changes maybe, like a nerf to auto Mana Regen. Honestly nago deserves nerfs more tho than Asuka imo
I have the most fun fighting him which is nuts to say in a game where zoners and execution heavy set play characters are pretty annoying and stupid. I think Asuka is very well tuned, maybe the best designed character in the game, evident of they didn’t really change much in the big update. At the toppest of top levels though I can see an argument, but at that point every character making their way to final 16 or whatever are degenerate so it’s harder to pin on just Asuka.
I hate characters like this, and they keep adding them. Just mid range zoner with resource management. But with asuka, when someone is really good, you might as well just not be playing.
He's the only character who occupies every tier if all player are counted, but mid-S I guess if you only count the ceiling. Too many random variables to be the top dog.
If you count all players of a character, every single character in the game would occupy all tiers. What you said makes no sense. Just say he's high tier but difficult to use.
mmmm if ppl thought HC was broken....then Asuka is def broken. And i do think he is. A lot of your video show Asuka's playing from full screen with his projectiles, but when he pins you in the corner and uses his projectiles with NO recover or cool down.... it's freakin impossible. Especially if your char doesn't have a invincible reversal (potemkin) I mean from point blank range, po can't even 5p in between those spells/projectiles... I'm personally tired of the these crazy ass char's in Strive. I do not think Asuka is brain dead like Johnny or Elphelt...but def shouldn't be able to do what he does.
Im honestly surprised nobody has ever talked about Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future characters or moves. *Petshop* is possibly the most busted character ive ever seen, and *tandem super* is such a busted move/mechanic that there are tournament rules on how many reps you can do.
Whenever I get my butt kicked, Asuka is broken. Whenever I sweep, Asuka is dog water. This is the correct opinion and no one can convince me otherwise.
You're right sir. Have this cookie and have a great day! 🍪
@@SpawnamvsCan I get a muffin instead?
@@AviorGloria No, you can get 2 muffins! 🧁🧁
@@Spawnamvs I couldn't be happier.
Asuka is my secondary. He’s busted when someone else plays him and garbage tier when I play him.
I just love how unique all the zoners are. Axl, Jacko, Happy Chaos, Asuka, are all so weird compared to each other. In general it sorta feels like zoners in games get the most creativity put into them, maybe it's just because of their design space being pretty open.
@JuIianRockXD same, dude is yapping in every comment section about this game ever.
@konakonizumi1869 This remind me of OW players a few years back, screaming everytime their main isn't on top of the meta.
How could you forget Faust like that :(
He moans mostly about Millia though. At this point I just find him hilarious and get delighted whenever I see him pop up.
@@HazeEmry So he's like that ky main that's like, floor 8 or something but moans a lot about ky being bottom tier.
What this character is missing to be super top tier is consistency. I find him hard to fight as Baiken, but if he doesn't start with the correct tools, I can just blow him up.
I'd assume that's the point, given the whole rng card deck stuff
@@NemSumeragi Agreed, but consistency is one of the main things that a good character can bring to the table, which makes him fairly difficult to judge.
Very polarizing matchups. I find it extremely funny how I-no suffers against Happy Chaos but completeley obliterates this character with just chemical love
It not funny 😭
I’m gonna lab against this and see what I find then
The way I see it:
characters with short range normals and no projectiles = He DOMINATES.
Characters with long range normals and projectiles = he struggles.
and you’d be right, as long as characters have an easy way to destroy or ignore the projectiles the more asuka will struggle
auska is in grappler tier. basically op when he steamrolls, bad when he's loosing
Playing against a top rated Asuka makes you want to alt+f4 and take care of your responsibilities
I think he's easily one of strongest characters in the game but I'll hold that thought and wait for Arc World Tour.
I want to see how far Gobou will go with Asuka.
@@konakonizumi1869This isn’t really the video to make this argument seeing as Asuka is a dlc character introduced pretty late into the game
You mean the guy who had to drop Zato, because he kept getting shafted?
Asuka is my main.
He is one of the most fun characters i have played, and I got to celestial for the first time with him.
If they change him, I hope its for the better, that makes him both more fun to fight and play.
and to not just nerf him because people cant handle TC3
Same. If anything make mana regen 10secs vs the 20 I think it gives & that’s literally it. Also I really think full bookmark should restore mana but that’s just me. Lastly give tc2 some love whatever that means
@@finallyanime Mana regen is faster the closer you are to the opponent. at least the regen mana move.
Bookmark giving mana would absolutely break Asuka, Due to TC3 looping.
As for TC2, I think TC2 Is fine the way it is, Though i wouldnt appose a buff to encourage its use.
TC2 has a lot of great spells and mechanics IMO
As someone who's been playing Asuka since release, I find that he has this really weird blend of overwhelming positives and negatives, even outside of his defense modifier being based on mana. He doesn't really have any good button for the 9-10F range, 5K is pretty alright but against a character like Ky, they can just kinda run at you and press a really disjointed and active button. Cubes being hurtboxes is good and bad, good in that it beats Baiken Tatami and Nago Clone, bad in that you like, hella lose to Sin due to cube cancels. There's also the point that this character has a strong burst situation, but is pretty vulnerable to being bursted at the worst times himself, and he's not very mobile meaning that characters like Chipp just chew through Asuka's neutral for breakfast.
But on the plus side the sheer versatility and adaptability this character allows for is lowkey degenerate. TC3 stuff is all mids, so any mix you have is pretty committal, but you better believe the reward is hella insane.
More than anything, I just think his Matchups are weird. He falls vulnerable to a lot of characters on the lower or more esoteric end of things. Faust, I-no, Bridget, Chipp, Axl and Sin all have a field day with Asuka, but I think Asuka is pretty alright against Nago, has a weirdly even to possibly favorable MU against Happy Chaos, and just breaks a lot of the rules that all the top tiers kinda abide by. Its more a meta shift than anything
Also this character is definitely easy to knowledge check people with. The fact that I can still put Delayed Howling Metrons in their face and they just hold it while I become +22 is kinda insane haha
Sin Needs it imo. In any case I just find it funny that a child has an advantage against the dude who turned the world into chaos
Im a big asuka main and i just love him. I love that theres endless things to learn with him and every match feels different.
Guilty Gear Strive is my first fighting game, and when I first played I chose Asuka because of how awesome he looked to me. Once I learned a bit of how he plays he has become the only character I find truly fun in this game to play.
The best way to practice Asuka without going online is the survival mode, that's how I first practiced initially. Just be conscious of what you are doing and not spamming you won't learn anything that way.
If I could change this character, I would make it so 1. You can get spells from any of the decks at the start of the round *and or* 2. Switch the manarecovery spells around so that the regenerating one is in tc2, the buff is now in tc3, and that tc1 now has the Spells-to-mana spell
Asuka is only broken in the right people's hands. Most people don't have the patience to really learn him
Gobou choose Asuka = bullet hell boss 😂
One thing I've noticed about mana regen is that if you have it, you can eat a full combo and keep your mana shield. Part of Asuka's gimmick is obviously getting punished heavily if you slip up and let them in, but with mana regen, this is almost negated because you recover mana faster than you lose it
There is a lot of randomness involved with his kit, so his performance can vary situationally depending on matchup and the spells he gets. So he could be broken or weak depending. The clips people post are when his resources line up perfectly, which is hard to do consistently in a real match. It is like saying Faust is broken when they see a clip of him only pulling out meteors, bombs, etc.
I do think he has a LOT of potential, it is just there is not enough tech that has been discovered and distributed to players.
When we see someone destroying brackets with Asuka doing things nobody has seen, that is when I will considered if he is broken or not.
you should watch any of gobou's sets.
This man ain't heard of gobou, lol
Many people liking Asuka due to how broken he can be.
Me simply liking him due to his flashy magic moves and a edge-lord mage cape.
The thing about tier lists and top tiers is that the tier lists inherently makes the assumption that both players are good and completely skilled in said characters. For example. In Super Turbo Dhalsim is top tier but he’s much harder to use and not many people play as him. That doesn’t change the fact that in the hypothetical scenario he’s still a top tier. So it seems like in the scenario where two very skilled and knowledgeable players are competing that Asuka would in fact be considered a top tier.
Lord knight got that eternal youth spell
I think people see Gobou's gameplay with the character and immediately think he's broken. He's not, Gobou's just crazy.
Asuka is broken. His offense is suffocating to a crazy extent. His skill ceiling is high but if you play someone who can get there, the sky is the limit
@@Sorioku His offence is crazy, but he requires the right spells (mana regen and auto spell refill) and breathing room to get it going. If you don't let him breathe, he folds like paper. Just watch Daru I-No fight against Gobou, and you'll get what I mean.
Yeah, it's like if a top player makes season one Zamasu look god-like. It doesn't mean Zamasu is broken it just means the player is really good. That same character can make any character that's not top-tier look strong but in reality, the character is still either good but has some problems or dogshit
Gobou playing Soligear by himself.
I think a lot of people get distracted by Gobou shooting a billion cubes that they don’t see how crazy Gobou’s defence is as Asuka. Asuka as a character with basically no defensive options often requires hard reads or IB/IBFD/backdashes to get out of bad situation. But Gobou can consistently make those hard-reads or doing IBs and stuff. I remember seeing Gobou consistently backdash multiple Behemoth Typhoons in corner, that was pure madness.
As a Pot Player Asuka is just so painful
He just gets to float around just far enough away from Kara Heat Knuckle range and high enough for Hammerfall to not hit, shuffling through spells, and all I can do is slowly inch my way as he slowly but surely puts together Exodia.
The good thing is, if I DO catch him he just sorta dies? Potemkin drains his mana like hell and once he's out of it one good starter just IMMEDIATELY kills him lol
But yeah I am completely and utterly biased on the "He's too strong" front...
Maybe Heat Tackle will allow me to stop him from just flying about where I CAN'T reach him!!!!!
it's probably why they did the demo video on him fighting asuka.
You can literally punch most of his cubes away and lock him down with giganter kai
@@NarumiButterfly Pot's normals are very slow and Kai needs meter. It's a pretty rough matchup if Asukas know how to dodge slidehead and manage their mana in-between
@HellecticMojo He can snuff out half of the metron cube types with 5P, and 6P MS Howling, and the meter is worth using since Asuka without a gravity staff boosted jump struggles the hardest to get over it which Pot can keel him locked down with his air buttons and/or snatch him with heat knuckle
This match up is not as bad as most people think
@@NarumiButterfly I think you are vastly overestimating the risk vs reward. If Pot of all people was having that easy time with the matchup because he could hit 5p, Asuka would be bottom worst character in the game period as every other character can out class him in normals maybe with exception of Goldlewis. 6p requires tighter timing than any mash and is realistically more likely to get you hit with the third cube or 2D. "Just 6P it" stopped being an advice after season 1 for a reason. Even post Kai launch approach is no longer free because his 2D is an incredible check against approaches. You won't get much of anything done if you are resorting to forcing air blocks with gigantor while the grounded approach is very easy to contest compared to most of the cast.
Pot can win the matchup, but that's because Asuka is very hard to play and prone to RNG , resource and execution mistakes, not because he's actually good at dealing with Asuka.
Is Asuka hard?
(Safesearch off edition)
I don't think its complicated, he is broken on offence and super weak on defence i.e. no good dp, mana chip a lot to do not much time to do it. (but people don't like a moderate answer it has to be broken or weak)
Which means he’s balanced, but people just don’t want to admit it
I don't understand the design concept. Asuka's goal is to get into a game state where the opponent is playing a stacked bullet hell game.
I don't think Asuka is broken, but it's just odd to encourage this kind of gameplay imo
I am glad they added parry and the rush attack so in the future they can't give him a fifth slot.
i think he can keep out the opponent away really well and dish out really good damage, but if the opponent gets in even 1 time hes pretty much dead
he's got burst, so make that 2 times. And if he gets green mana it doesn't matter cuz you'll be doing shit for damage and then you're back to neutral after wallbreak.
Once i realized i could just hit the cubes asuka went from "why the fuck did they put this in the game" to "I like this matchup as johnny"
I play in celestial as asuka and the amount of people who dont hit the cubes and clearly don't know that you can is ridiculous 😂
200 lvl main here: totally agree with you it’s just situational but I can usually contend against his “counters” pretty well. Ram match up is hard
i think asuka can get to wining or almost checkmate situations very very often. he's not a free win but he can put you in the grinder pretty frequently (and for a long fucking time) despite the rng, basically.
He isn't broken people are either just to lazy to learn the MU or they don't want to buy him to learn how to beat him which is actually a fair reason I think that all dlc should be free in training mode.
The ones I’ve played play a very safe zoning game. It becomes a game of just finding 1 or 2 openings.
the way asuka loses today is the same as the way he lost on day 1 and the ways he wins are largely the same as day 1 too. he seemed like a character that would need to develop a lot but i actually think a lot of questions about this character today could basically be answered then. he has a ridiculously powerful win condition that isn't that difficult to achieve and will also just kind of die at random in some rounds due to bad draws or an opponent putting a button through one of his cubes and deleting it fur a fat CH combo that drains his resource.
From playing asuka it takes a lot to be consistent with him, partially from the rng but mainly how he has a few particular matchups that just suck. Definitely one of those characters you should spend time learning the matchup. From experience sin has been particularly hard to stop as asuka
If I were to change anything about asuka I would spread the exodia setup around other decks by swapping the mana and bookmark cards. That should hopefully make the setup harder but not too hard while fixing the problem of asuka rarely needing to use the other decks. It would also make asuka even more interesting to play as now high level players will start switching decks to fish for the best hand. I think it would silence the people worried about asuka while making the character more fun to play. Basically making the setup worse while also giving more power to some other setups. Probably wouldn't change much but I feel it would be more fun to play.
The one thing I'd change is the auto-reload of the Test Cases/decks; there's no reason to change out of TC3, and getting Exodia means you can literally spam cubes. I've won by just looking at what cards were popping up, I don't watch my opponent because it's likely they can't interact with the cubes anyway (Arpeggio/Bit Shift are effectively safe & unpunishable).
Just make the cards in each deck only reload if every card in every deck has been used up. It completely changes how Asuka has to consider their card use and not just spam their shit.
(also why the fuck does the Regen Mana card last 15 seconds, like holy shit that's way too long)
I'm placing all my chips on them nerfing mana regen as a way to incentivize using decks 1 and 2 and calling it a day(and it might work, tbh)
Yeah agreed, once you finish your test case it should auto switch
When Asuka's starter guide was released I literally thought that's how it worked cause that made sense to me but nope the test case just auto reloads once you use every card in it
I like that idea for auto draw
I think nerfing exodia duration and not refilling the test case once you spend all the cards would definitely help balance him
Just got jumpscared by my video thumbnail holy shit
Kinda feels like he hasn't really taken off in terms of popularity and results, but I guess since I don't actually look at results that much I'm probably just talking from a position of ignorance...
0:05 Cube...
I'd never played against Asuka even against the computer until I faced him online and I felt like I was in a boss fight just cubes everywhere
I feel like although it is situational for him to get into his test case 3 pressure string, those situations are a bit too easy to get into. idk what should they change to make him a little harder to get into situations in his favor though. One thing that definitely needs a noticeable nerf, in my opinion, is his cube super. It's way too safe for him to just spam that move at any range and force the opponent to block it while he tries to either recover his mana or switching spells.
I've been saying since launch of Asuka: change cards placements, so the player has to use the other decks more, cuz how he is now? (Nov 16, 2023) the only deck Asuka uses for his win condition is the 3rd and nothing else, there's way too powerful cards on the 3rd deck, cube wall, tp and the repel/absorb staves be changed from 3rd to 2nd deck
Then the powerful spells will be in the 2nd deck and Asuka's will just use that deck instead. No?
@@dragonic22 Not necessarily - it is feasible that each deck is situational enough that Asuka wants to choose one based on a specific game plan or situation. I don't think anyone is asking for perfect balance, but OPs not wrong... most Asuka just switch to deck 3 as soon as possible and say there.
@@dragonic22 they can split up the powerful cards into separate decks -- in particular, auto-bookmark and Continuous Restore Mana should be separated, ideally with Restore Mana in TC2. That way, asuka would need to switch between tc2 and tc3 in order to get the exodia combo, and it'd be impossible to do normal->cube->bookmark super->exodia
Splitting the spells up makes sense. What I don't agree with, what the commenter was suggesting, is just moving some of the best spells in tc3 into tc2 to make tc2 the new best deck
@@dragonic22 Fair enough, and I agree. There has been a trend of "there will always be a strong thing, so why bother balancing" which I thought you were speaking to. My fault.
"Is he a broken unfair character?"
80% of the cast in a nutshell.
I would even say more: what makes most of Guilty Gear Strive successful comes from the fact that almost all characters are broken.
Is he broken? No. Thats ridiculous. Hes good yes but he snowballs hardbin both directions.
If asuka doesnt win the early game, he folds like paper.
For most players who try to play asuka, theyll get stomped out by all the gorillas in the game, quit and go back to playing their favorite flavor of glue.
Because the gorrillas can spin, beyblade, nightrade, stroke etc blah blah blah to almost completely ignore most of his kit.
If he wins the early game, hes hard to contest, you can swing through his zoning but it requires as much situational awareness as the Asuka themself.
As a Goldlewis playeer this matchup is CBT unless I win within the first knockdown.
Then again, that's more a problem that Goldlewis's MU spread is full of CBT matchups.
asuka isn’t broken like happy chaos where he becomes an auto-win character once you learn him. he’s good once you master him, but his gameplan actually takes quite a bit of skill.
asuka has a lot of depth and quite frankly, the game needs more characters like him, and they need to be strong.
explain how happy chaos is an auto win? HC does not win every single tournament, if he was an auto win, he would
@@zenheretic i was going to come up with a real response, but “auto-win” is obviously hyperbole so i’m not going to bother with you. happy chaos is a carried character, asuka isn’t.
@@zenheretic HC is like Asuka if Asuka only had deck 3 and was also a massive threat up close. HC makes no sense, Asuka requires quite a bit more execution and has very obvious weaknesses tuned around the game mechanics.
I personally find I have a lot more fun in TC1 and even TC2 than TC3. The main thing is that Mana regen and auto import are broken, but good god is there a lot of other crap in that deck. When I'm playing the other decks, I feel a lot more like I'm playing around what I have, while in TC3 I feel like I'm JUST fishing for even a half of the exodia, since even when not assembled it's stupid strong.
asuka imo is either busted or absolutely trash depending on what spells he rolls/starts with. if his gameplay gets going, hes extremely oppressive, but also once you actually get in he explodes. beating him revolves around not letting him set up his stuff because once he starts its just about gg
I think Asuka is a cool dude tyat either loses bad or wins really hard
You have to look at it with the fact in mind of there being a lot of basic rushdowns and shoto style characters in every fighting game. Zoners tend to be rare in comparison to these. In GG's case there are more zoners all of which are very unique and are more tolerable to others, I feel as if since there are more unique zoners or just zoners in general in this game that people tend to feel as if there are too many. Like stated previously, in comparison to others their casting is still lackluster. It is a more annoying playstyle to have to play against without a doubt, but that just makes the skill expression of rushdowns and other more traditional styles of play more impressive. The ability to play against more unique unconventional styles of play really begins to shine through with additions of characters like Asuka.
Strange how some people say he’s top tier when he has one of, if not, the worst disadvantage state in the game.
but then burst puts him in one of the strongest advantage states, so it balances out. Especially with how much damage he can take with mana.
He is quite strong and really annoying to fight making him almost pre nerf Ram tier of this character is bullshit but I feel like a minor nerf wouldn't kill him.
But of course he is good Gear generally makes these kinds of characters broken but hard enough most wouldn't play em take a look at Zato throughout Gear history
I’d love to see the guilty gear team get the jjk IP for a 2D fighting game 💯 his infinite mana glitch reminds me of a dude in the manga of jjk when he hits a jackpot in his domain
“There are people who like every character in Xrd”
I refuse to believe this statement
5:35 XD
I remember wanting to main asuka because I didn't know who to play. It didn't work
Asuka is simultaneously one of the BEST and WORST characters in the Game. Let me explain asuka's wind conditions in test history which isn't necessarily available to him immediately he has to either get lucky or get his ultimate and being a good situation to use that ultimate then he's got a filter to get the cards even if he pops both cards it's not a guaranteed win but I will say that the situation is like 95% in his favor. With manna Reagan and Auto bookmark. That being said he also has the worst situation in the game by far. When is manna gets broken and he gets steamrolled it's the worst steamrolling you'll see in Guilty Gear thanks to his extremely low defense without his barrier. Not only that he doesn't have access to a spells and you have to survive(huge emphasis) with his below average normals.
To frame this understanding I'd like to present you with a questions.
Who would you rather be? in the corner against gold Lewis. Asuka with no mana? Or anybody else? Who would you rather be in a mix-up against milia. Asuka with no mana or anybody else? In a long range fight against Axl? Asuka(even with mana) with no mana or anybody else🤣🤣🤣
@konakonizumi1869 wait how many asuka players were there in arc revo? Did gobou only use asuka or did he also play zato? How many Ram and sol players were there again?🤔
Just because Gobou(a freak of nature) won an arc revo(yes its a great flex) certainly doesn't mean Asuka is S tier. And just because it's a literal fact that asuka is simultaneously BOTH great and terrible. He has some of the best situations in the game....but also the WORST
I MOSTLY want his super projectile nerfed by a lot. And I mean a lot. He just autowins neutral if you happen to not HKD wallbreak. And pretty much in neutral is the same thing. Also he is one of the few REALLY priviliged characters that gets immense value from using blue burst to get the opponent off from him, he just auto wins neutral by blue bursting and spamming projectiles. Blue burst should give breathing room, not giving them a huge advantage at getting their win conditions. I shouldn't get this much punished because I happened to not be able to burst bait, specially when I may not have meter to RC and guard before burst hits me. GL uses drone after blue burst too, but I mean come on, he has to have something to have a chance at neutral. If they added half a second or a second of not being able to use spells after Asuka uses blue burst I would love it
Has someone modded Asuka to look like Kaiba from yugioh? Honestly it would fit how he plays better imo
Really cool character
Yo LordKnight, you got vitiligo too?
There are only two things i think are overtuned for Asuka considering the type of character he is. 1)He is way too tanky with mana and if he were to stay that tanky hitting him doesn't actually drain enough mana (altought if it did drain more it would probably too much). 2) That GODDAM FUCKING overdrive wich isn't a revesersal but it's so fucking fast it might actually be.
I find it funny how they put characters that are brand new to the series and mesh them in with the overall tone of the game where movement is slow enough to hit a moving target enough times you'd think the target never moved in the first place
Nice video! This character is unfortunately more of the same and these characters that just send millions of projectiles ad nauseum with little interaction arent really fun to most people - but they are fun to some people, so i expect we'll keep seeing them. I just want more interaction options around cubes. Asuka in Test Case 3 is a blocking simulator for 90% of the time you fight him. I''m sure more counterplay will develop soon though
Character needs a rework. With deck 3 auto bookmark and mana regen he's completely broken, without it i don't think he can compete. If his only viable strategy is to literally spam spells non-stop, that's really unfortunate and boring, absolute waste of potential on this character.
Im not entirely sure why but asuka manages to feel like the most fair zoner arcsys has ever designed despite him technically being an rng zoner
probably being the most interactable zoner with telegraphed moves certainly help. you can dodge it, you can block it, you can hit it.
Compared to Chaos's JUST BLOCK IT, STOP TRYING
Hes obviously pretty good
Yeah I don't think anyone disagrees at this point that Asuka is, at a minimum, a very solid character. Most of the debate seems to be centered on whether he's simply good or too good.
nice combo drop stoopid
I love every character in Strive, but I also don't play against strong players often, nor is anything in my life dependent on my performance in the game. They all just burst with unique character, style and game plan. And I guess that's all that matters to me.
Literally one guy is good with that character 😂
Yo @LordKnight ur Andre’s cousin (from SHS) Yee?
Which Deck?
i don't care if asuka is broken a single round out of 20 matches.
This game need more characters like Asuka. This is what Guilty Gear IS.
Like bedman from xrd, God I wish that version was in strive
surely zappa will have asuka type complexity with his 4 stands
@@terry.1428 bro imma keep it real, they'll likely rework his ass, same with A.B.A.
I mean.. Don't hold your breath. Look what they did to Testament. @@terry.1428
Is this a /s or nah
From a casual standpoint i skip asuka players everytime. Every character is kinda straight forward even Happy Chaos. But with Asuka i feel like im playing a 1.5 players game. Standing in the corner waiting for that one moment to strike back and mostly getting bodied by the amount of crap hes throwing around.
I hate the player utilizing “X” character argument as to why a character is doing good. In reality the character has always been that good it just took a specific player to highlight these strengths
I really don’t think Asuka is top tier but like he could use some changes maybe, like a nerf to auto Mana Regen. Honestly nago deserves nerfs more tho than Asuka imo
I have the most fun fighting him which is nuts to say in a game where zoners and execution heavy set play characters are pretty annoying and stupid. I think Asuka is very well tuned, maybe the best designed character in the game, evident of they didn’t really change much in the big update.
At the toppest of top levels though I can see an argument, but at that point every character making their way to final 16 or whatever are degenerate so it’s harder to pin on just Asuka.
I hate characters like this, and they keep adding them. Just mid range zoner with resource management. But with asuka, when someone is really good, you might as well just not be playing.
Also if you wall break Asuka with 50 meter he can just super and setup shop for getting hit and you can’t do anything about it.
Ask her is kinda good
He's the only character who occupies every tier if all player are counted, but mid-S I guess if you only count the ceiling. Too many random variables to be the top dog.
If you count all players of a character, every single character in the game would occupy all tiers.
What you said makes no sense.
Just say he's high tier but difficult to use.
LK make a video on why fighting games actually take zero skill
lk make a video on deez nuts
mmmm if ppl thought HC was broken....then Asuka is def broken. And i do think he is. A lot of your video show Asuka's playing from full screen with his projectiles, but when he pins you in the corner and uses his projectiles with NO recover or cool down.... it's freakin impossible. Especially if your char doesn't have a invincible reversal (potemkin) I mean from point blank range, po can't even 5p in between those spells/projectiles... I'm personally tired of the these crazy ass char's in Strive. I do not think Asuka is brain dead like Johnny or Elphelt...but def shouldn't be able to do what he does.
Zato bros...
@@konakonizumi1869 blud literally cry about Millia everyday 💀🔥
If you can control the character this complicated you deserve the win especially in a game where lot of simple characters are powerful
No matter how good or bad you think Asuka is, Zando will always be there to downplay him.
Not watching this video because the P4AU Adachi theme gave me too much whiplash, too many dark memories... sorry
/j, nice video
Think his skill ceiling is too high.
Character plays the game alone
Im honestly surprised nobody has ever talked about Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future characters or moves. *Petshop* is possibly the most busted character ive ever seen, and *tandem super* is such a busted move/mechanic that there are tournament rules on how many reps you can do.
Any kakyoin with 2 brain cells negs pet shop
LK you know this character is busted asl 😂😂😂
I love Asuka from Senran Kagura games and I love Asuka from WWE.... But this Asuka not so much. And why does he have a woman's name?
It's a unisex name like Ashley
Because JAPAN
First character named Taki I saw was a man
This is a quarter stealing boss fighting game character in a era where quarters are used any more to play fighting games. I hate asuka ❤🎉